Handball canvas 2800 0006. Hackstone

- This is the main cutting element of manual hacksaw or equipping a hacksaw cutting machine is a thin and narrow plate with 2 two holes and teeth on one or two ribs. The material is carried out due to the reciprocal movement of the tool with simultaneous pressure.

Types and design of hacksaws

Depending on the purpose, there are two main types of hacksaws - manual and machine, designed accordingly for manual cut or work on the cutting machine. They differ primarily with the size of the canvas:

  • Handswear Hands have a length of 250 and 300 mm, 12.5 and 25 mm width, from 0.63 to 1.25 mm thick.
  • The canvas hacking machine can be longer - up to 400 mm, has a greater width and thickness due to increased loads - from 25 to 55 mm width and from 1.25 to 2 mm thickness.

The length of the canvas is determined by the distance between the centers of the mounting holes and is from 150 to 400 mm. For manual hacks, they can be with one-sided (type A) or double-sided (type b) tooth location.

The main materials of the canvas are stamps P9, X6VF and U10A. Mandatory is HRC 61-64 hardness. To obtain this characteristics, the teeth are thermal processing. An important parameter is the tooth step, constituting from 0.8 to 1.5 mm.

The greatest use was obtained by canvas with frequent and sharp teeth having a groove in the form of an equilibrium triangle with an angle at the base of 60 °. Also widely used canvas with a large step and a large groove, which provides a good chips. The grooves are made here are rectilinear, which guarantees a good heat removal.

Selecting a hacksaw blade

Choosing a canvas hacking characteristics that need to pay special attention to the size of the part and the material. The size of the part determines the possibility of using the canvas of a certain length and width.

The hardness and viscosity of the material affect the choice of the pitch of the web and the value of the tooth. The following recommendations exist:

  • Tin, roofing iron, etc. similar to the thickness of the materials - step 0.8 mm.
  • Thin-walled pipes, thin steel profile - about 1 mm.
  • Tolstown pipes and other similar materials - at least 1.25 mm.
  • Cast iron, plastic - 1.2 - 1.5 mm.

Proper use of the canvas ensures its longer exploitation. First of all, it concerns the correct stretch of the machine. Be sure to learn the instructions how to install a hacksaw blade, how to correctly carry out the tension. It must be strong enough for work and, at the same time, give an opportunity for a small bend. The sound of a properly stretched canvas is a pleasant ringing, with insufficient - the sound below, in the response state - noticeably higher.

  • The canvas is inserted into the frame of the teeth forward.
  • When working with fragile and solid materials, the canvas should be mixed with water or lubricate with solidol.
  • For cutting fine materials it is necessary that at least 3 teeth participated in the cut.
  • Soft and viscous materials are desirable to cut the web with a lubricated soap solution.
  • Avoid transverse bends and sharp jerks.
  • For the rational use of the teeth of the machine canvas, install the workpiece at the right end with the extreme position of the crank.
  • Use additional load with a small thickness of the workpiece.

Existing GOSTs

For a manual framework, the technical conditions of the GOST 17270-71 knife can be determined. The parameters of the metal hacksaw adjusts GOST 6645-86

Metal hacksaws for today there is a huge amount. All of them are distinguished by their appearance, characteristics, etc. Also these tools are divided into professional and homely. The most significant difference between the two types will be a web for metal.


Currently, a standard length for the canvase is considered 300 mm. There are also hacksaws, in which this indicator is 150 mm. Shorter options are used only in cases where the big hacksaw is not suitable precisely because of its sizes or the master is required to perform very thin work.

If we talk about the teeth with the metal canvas, then they are very small. Such a choice is due to the fact that it is the small teeth that it is best to cope with the task of the sawing of metal products. Wizards work with this tool draw attention to the fact that the canvas is the most important element, but it is worth paying due attention to the instrument handle. Some types it has been done very unsuccessfully, and it will be inconvenient to work with such a device, even if the metal canvas will correspond to all qualities.

Differences tools

As mentioned earlier, the saws are conventionally divided into professional and homely. The main advantage of the professional instrument is that its design is more rigid, and also makes it possible to carry out work at an angle of 90 and 55 degrees. Home adaptations most often more slipping, and during their work constantly "storms". In this case, even a high-class web for metal does not guarantee high-quality cutting. However, here it is necessary to repel from the frequency of use of this tool. The domestic saws are much cheaper, and it is worth purchasing them only if the knife is rarely used. If you use this tool quite often, it is not worth saving.

It is worth saying about a separate - knife handle. The main difference of this tool from the usual hacksaw is that it is intended for working with a broken hacksaw blade for metal.

Production of product

Constructive execution of this tool is almost the same in all models. The saw is a C-shaped arc, between the lower edges of which is fixed or tensioning the canvas. The working and main part of this tool performs all the same hacksaw blade for metal, having many small teeth.

The handle is one of the three main details of the device, plays a significant role in terms of convenience of using the tool with long work. The most successful in terms of execution and comfort of application is considered two-component composite handles with rubber inserts.

The frame of this tool is an element that is designed for mounting the canvas for the metal. During the production of the frame, different materials can be used, but they depend on them, for which type of work it will be used. For example, if it is necessary to cut high strength metals, it is best that the frame is made of composite materials also high strength.

It is important to note that the frame design is largely determined and working conditions. If it is necessary to resolve in hard-to-reach places, it is best to use a frame with adjusting the angle of the cloth or simply to purchase a shorter option to the device.


The metal canvas for the metal is a thin ribbon made of solid steel. Despite the fact that this is the only metal part in the design of the saw, it is also the most vulnerable to breakage, as the thickness of the product is very small. For this reason, when working with this tool, it is very important to follow your actions. Inactive and careless circulation will lead to a rapid breakdown of a fragile design element.


In itself, the steel sheet of metal, the photo of which is presented below, cannot splash other metal parts.

The implementation of this process becomes possible due to the application to the edge of the canvas of small teeth having a wedge-shaped form. It is very important to pay attention to hardening these teeth when choosing a tool. The correct selection will lead to the fact that the service life will significantly increase, as well as the effectiveness of the cutting parts. Currently, it is customary to use canvas with small teeth for cutting rigid metal products, and large teeth are designed to work with soft details. The canvases themselves can be made from different types of steel, but it is best to stop your choice on bimetallic. If such a thing failed, you can pay attention to the Kanenic web. These elements of saws are made of nickel-plated stainless steel with teeth. It is worth noting that the canvas should be attached so that the teeth go to the opposite direction from the handle.

Choosing a web

The quality of the canvas is determined by its teeth. The first selection criterion is a form of cutting elements that can vary depending on the tilt of the edge part.

The second criterion for choosing a canvase is a teeth. According to this parameter, it can be determined for cutting what the hardness of the material it is suitable, as well as select the maximum possible thickness of the product that can be cut. This indicator is measured by the number of teeth by one inch of the canvas. It is also important to note that the thickness of the metal canvas plays an important role here. For example, on professional three hundred-mellimeter hacksaws, the thickness will be 0.63 - 1.25 mm. The thickness of the canvas for electric saw with a length of 150 mm is from 1.25 to 2.5 mm.

It is also worth saying that the number of teeth on one inch of the canvas depends on the thickness and material of the workpiece that will be cut. For example, when cutting aluminum blanks with a thickness of more than 5 mm, it is necessary that the number of teeth for one inch was 18. If the thickness is from 2 to 5 mm, the amount of teeth can vary from 18 to 24. With a thickness of the workpiece less than 2 mm, the number of teeth should Be away from 24 to 32.


GOST 6645-86 is a state standard that establishes the requirements for the type, sizes, quality of metal cloths, etc.

This document establishes the rules for the technical production of this product. In particular, in this GUT, the steel brands are prescribed, of which it is necessary to make the types of canvas. For example, type 1 should be made from steel tape, which meets all the requirements of GOST 23522-79. Type 2 of the hacksaw blade must be made of high-speed steel, which is determined according to GOST 19265-73. Also in the document is written that the canvas must be subjected to thermal processing. An acceptable canvas is considered when there are no cracks, capture, scale or corrosion on the surface.

Machine canvas is a metal-cutting device installed on the cutting machines of a hacksaw type. For their manufacture, instrumental steel grades R6M5, P9 and others are used. The largest distribution in production was obtained by a web, having a length of 400-500 millimeters and a width of 32 and 40 millimeters.

With the help of the machine canvase, it is possible to cut steel, cast-iron or metal products with a round or profile cross section and hardness not exceeding 45-55 HRC.

What is the machine hacksaw blade

The hacksaw blade is a thin plate of steel with teeth, located on one edge, and two holes.

Machine canvas may differ in size, as well as to be single and two-way. The stability of the metal cutting work depends on the steel brand, so it is very important to choose a web in a clear accordance with the requirements of the regulatory regulatory document - GOST 6645-86.

How to choose the cloth

The selection of the machine canvase will depend on the material being processed. At the same time, it is necessary to navigate, first of all, on the number of teeth hacksaw (for 1 inch section):

  • for cutting fine metal in the form of a pipe, profile, tubes The number of teeth should be 14 pieces / 25 millimeters;
  • for cutting material with a small or medium thickness - 10Zubyev / 25 millimeters;
  • for cutting metal with a large thickness - 6 teeth / 25 millimeters;
  • for cutting of soft metal with a large thickness - 4 tooth / 25 millimeters.

If the cloth the number of teeth is less, then it is intended for cutting metals with a large thickness; If the number of teeth is greater, the canvas is used to cut a loose material.

Machine Frame Operation Rules

When using the machine hacktone, you need to comply with some rules to ensure high quality of work and extend the operation of the tool:

  1. Machine type saw should be contained in the right conditions and meet the regulatory specifications.
  2. The care of the canvas needs to be given so much attention as other machine equipment.
  3. It is necessary to clearly control the condition and the course of the lifting machine mechanism, the operation of the pump and the purity of the oil flowing.
  4. It is necessarily checked by the correctness of the fastening and tension of the machine canvase.
  5. It is necessary to fix the cutting material in the vice, it is necessary that the greatest gearing of the teeth - at least 4 tooth is a maximum of 30 teeth.
  6. If more than one part is subjected to cutting, each of them needs to be secured securely.
  7. If there are cutting of ingots, it is necessary to pre-make a thorough sweep of the slice of the slice of the steel brush.
  8. It is not allowed too weak and too strong pressure.
  9. When performing metal-cutting works, nook is mandatory.
  10. After processing 2-3 products, it is necessary to check the level of tension of the web.
  11. When cutting for a long time, the canvas requires periodic replacement.
  12. One cutting should be made by one machine canvase.

Interstate standard

Booth knuckles

For metal

Technical conditions

Official edition

IPK Publishing House Standards Moscow

Interstate standard

Metal hacksaw blades

Technical conditions

Saw Blades for Metal Cutting.

ISS 25.100.40 OKP 39 2540

Date of introduction 01.07.87

This standard applies to the manual and machine-hacking canvas for metal (hereinafter - the canvas).

Requirements of this standard in part of section. 1, 2, 4, 5, and clause 3.2 are mandatory, other requirements are recommended.

1. Types and main sizes

1.1. The canvases should be made of types:

1 - manual; 2 - machine; performances:

A - with the location of the teeth on one side of the canvas;

B - with the location of the teeth on both sides of the canvas.

Type 2 canvases are made only by execution A.

Official edition

1.2. Dimensions of the canvas must match the specified. 1, 2 and in table. 12.

Reprint is prohibited

© Standards Publishing House, 1986 © IPC Publishing Standards, 2004

Editor L.V, Koretikova Technical editor O.N. Vlasova Corrector V. S. Black Computer Layout S. V. Ryabova

Ed. Persons. № 02354 of 07/14/2000. Rent in the set of 30.09.2004. Signed in print on October 25, 2004. Usl Pr.L. 1.40. Uch.-izd.l. 0.85.

Circulation 95 copies. With 4338. Zack. 858.

IPC Publishing standards, 107076 Moscow, well per., 14. http://www.standards.ru E-mail: [Email Protected]

Published in the publishing house on PEVM Printed in the Branch of IPC Publishing Standards - Type. "Moscow Printeer", 105062 Moscow, Lyalin Per., 6.

PLR № 080102.

Table 1



Continuation of table. one



* The size of the canvas correspond to ISO 2336-80 (see Appendix 2).

Note. It is allowed in coordination with the consumer of the canvas with a length of 1 \\ 350 and 400 mm to manufacture with the diameter of the mounting holes D \u003d 10.2 mm.

An example of the conditional designation of the velocity of the version A, sizes / [\u003d 400 mm, S \u003d 1.60 mm, p \u003d 4.00 mm, B \u003d 32 mm:

* It is allowed to manufacture a canvas with a seeding holes with a diameter of 6 mm and a width of 25 mm.

table 2



Example of conditional p \u003d 1.00 mm:

the designations of the web sizes s \u003d 0.63 mm,

(Modified edition, change. No. 1, 2, 3).

1.3. The geometric parameters of the canvas are listed in Appendix 1.

2. Technical requirements

2.1. The canvases should be manufactured in accordance with the requirements of this standard for working drawings approved in the prescribed manner.

2.2. The canvases should be made:

type 1 - from steel tape according to GOST 23522, from high-speed steel according to GOST 19265, made of steel brand X6VF according to GOST 5950. It is allowed in coordination with the consumer, the manufacture of brand B2F according to GOST 5950;

type 2 - from high-speed steel according to GOST 19265. It is allowed to manufacture from other brands of high-speed steel, providing perseverance of the canvases not lower than that of steel according to GOST 19265.

Option 2.

2.3. The canvas should be thermally processed in accordance with the indications of the devil. 3 and in table. 3.

Table 3.

Heat treatment zone

Type of web


steel grade

1 - elevated





2 - reduced hardness




2.4. On the surfaces of the canvas should not be cracks, captivity, scale and corrosion. Defects are allowed, the depth or height of which does not exceed the norms installed for the tape according to GOST 23522 or sheet for specifications.

2.5. Hackstone must have one of the following coatings: Enamel NC-25 according to GOST 5406, NTS-132 according to GOST 6631, HIM. PRRM. and other coatings that ensure the safety and appearance of the surface.

2.6. The canvases must have a divorce of teeth:

for type 1:

on the canvas (damn 4);

on two adjacent teeth through one undiluted (damn 5); For type 2:

for each teuba or through the tooth;

on two adjacent through one undiluted (damn 5).

2.7. The wiring of the web must be on the entire length of the canvas or end at a distance (35 + 5) mm for the type 2 and 30 mm tools for Type 1 of the end.

The magnitude of the separation of the teeth should be 1.25-1.8 thickness of the canvas for cloth wiring; The wiring step must be 8p, but not more than 8 mm.

For cloths with a wiring for the tooth, the magnitude of the divorce of the teeth to the side should not be more than 0.15-0.25 thickness of the canvas.

length 1 \\ ...........

hole diameter d. Widths for type:

1 at b: 12.5 mm. .

2 at 1 \\\\ to 400 mm

sv. 400 mm Teeth Steps for type:

2.8. Limit deviations of the size of the canvas, mm:

± 0.45r by 10 mm length

2.9. The admission of the symmetry of the axes of the holes relative to the axis of the symmetry of the web width for the canvases of type 1-1 mm, for the type 2-1,4 mm-type cloths.

2.10. The admission of straightness of the side of the side of the web in the free state in the longitudinal direction by 100 mm of 0.5 mm long for type 1 and 0.3 mm for type 2.

2.11. The admission of straightness of the lateral sides in the transverse direction across the entire width of the undisturbed part of the type 1 canvas should not exceed for a canvas layout - half of the difference in the size of the wiring and thickness of the canvas measured on the undisturbed part for the toffee wiring - the tooth wiring .

The tolerance of rectinity in the transverse direction across the entire width of the undisturbed parts of the type 2, should not exceed 0.8 tooth wiring values \u200b\u200bto the side.

2.12. The difference in the height of the vertices of the adjacent teeth of the web should not exceed: 0.1 mm for cloths with teeth increments up to 1.4 mm; 0.15 mm for cloths with a step of teeth sv. 1.4 mm.

It is allowed in agreement with the consumer for the Type 1 cloths in the teeth, over 1 mm, the difference in the height of adjacent teeth is 0.15 mm.

2.4-2.12. (Modified edition, change No. 1).

2.13. Tolerance of straightness of the line of the peaks of the blade, mm:

for type 1 type 1 versions of 1.4;

for other cloths:

at 1 \\ to 350 mm - 1.0;

at 1 \\ sv. 350 to 600 mm - 1.5;

at 1 \\ sv. 600 mm - 2.5.

(Modified edition, change No. 2).

2.14. The limit deviations of the thickness of the hacksaw blade must: correspond to the limit deviation of the starting material - on the upper deflection; by lower deflection - not exceed the limit deviation of the source material for

type 1 - by 0.05 mm type, for type 2 of type 2 - by 0.1 mm.

(Modified edition, change No. 1).

2.15. The average and 95 percent period of resistance under the conditions of the tests specified in the section. 4, should be at least min:

for type 1 crafts:

98 and 42 - from high-speed steel;

60 and 24 - from instrumental alloy steel;

123 and 64 - for type 2 crafts.

P romething. For a tool made of high-speed steel grades with the content of alloying elements in less than in the steel of the R6M5 brand, the correction ratio to the average and the established period of resistance is 0.8.

2.16. The criterion for blurred is clouds is the loss of performance, expressed by time cutting the workpiece in the sections specified in Table. 4, which should not exceed min:

for Type 1 Types of Freshing Steel:

with the inclination of the teeth 0.8 - 1.4 mm ................................. 1.4

with a step of teeth 1.6 mm ..................................... 4.0

with the teeth increments of 0.8 - 1.4 mm ................................. 1.6

with the income of the teeth 1.6 mm ..................................... 5.0

for cloths type 2 ....................................... 5,25

2.17. Each canvas should be clearly applied: the trademark of the manufacturer;

width of the canvas; tooth pitch of the canvas;

steel brand (steel brand 11RAMEF2 is not labeled).

(Modified edition, change No. 1, 2).

2.18. (Excluded, change No. 2).

2.19. Requirements for packaging, labeling of transport and consumer containers - according to GOST 18088.

3. Acceptance

(Modified edition, change No. 2).

3.2. Tests of cavities for the average resistance period should be carried out once every three years at least 5 canvases, for 95% resistance period - at least 5 canvases once a year.

Tests of the canvas should be carried out on one size of each type of canvases.

(Modified edition, change No. 1, 2).

4. Monitoring methods

4.1. The control of the appearance is carried out visually.

4.2. When monitoring the parameters of the canvas, methods and controls should be applied, the error of which should not be more than:

4.5. Type 1 canvas before testing for resistance are checked for teeth and elasticity:

the severity of the teeth of the canvas should provide adhesion with the control plate with a hardness of 56 HRC 3.

The elasticity of the canvases are bent off the cloths in both sides around the cylinder with a diameter of 250 mm. After the test, the web should not have cracks and residual deformations overlooking the values \u200b\u200bof the limit deviations specified in clause 2.10.

4.1-4.5. (Modified edition, change No. 1).

4.6. Tests for health care The average and 95% resistance periods should be carried out on hacksaw machines corresponding to accuracy and rigidity established for them, on samples of steel grade 45 according to GOST 1050, hardness 180.. . 190 HV.

4.7. Tests of the canvas should be carried out in the modes indicated in Table. four.

Table 4.

Top teeth pm mm

The number of double strokes at a stroke length of 150 mm

The force of the canvas on the cut sample, N (kgf)

Sample cross section, mm

* Static force at the location of the sample cut in the middle of the length of the test web and the crank finger at the top of the disk.

** When the connecting rod and the hydraulic drive is turned off.

*** It is allowed to carry out tests on the samples section of 12x12 mm. In this case, tests for performance are carried out at seven cuts. The seventh cut time is equal to the product of the correction coefficient of 1.65 for the time of the tenth render when testing the sample with a cross section of 10 x 10 mm.

The correction coefficient on the blunt criterion is 1.65.

P romething. At the opposite course, the force on the canvas is not removed.

4.6-4.7. (Modified edition, change No. 1, 2).

4.8. When testing type 2, 5% (by weight) solution of emulsol in water with consumption of 6-8 l / min should be used as a lubricating fluid.

4.9. Tests for working capacity should be carried out at ten cuts, while the last cut time should not exceed min:

for type 1 crafts

from high-speed steel:

0.7 - with a teeth increments of 0.8-1.4 mm;

2.0 - with 1,6 mm teeth;

from instrumental alloy steel:

0.8 - with teeth increments of 0.8-1.4 mm;

2.5 - with a step of teeth 1.6 mm;

3.5 - for type 2 crafts.

P romething. For beverages made of high-speed steel with the content of alloying elements in less than in steel P6M5, the correction coefficient for the tenth recent rate is 1.15.

4.8, 4.9. (Modified edition, change No. 1).

4.10. After testing, it should not be crashes for performance; They must be suitable for further work.

(Introduced additionally, meas. No. 1).

4.11. Acceptance values \u200b\u200bof the average and 95% resistance periods should be at least

for type 1 crafts

115 and 50 - from high-speed steel;

70 and 28 - from instrumental alloy steel;

145 and 75 - for type 2.

Note. With an increase in the width of the wiring to 1.8s, the correction factor at a time of 10 cuts and a blunt criterion is 1.15; On the middle and installed periods of resistance - 1.1.

(Modified edition, change No. 1, 2).

5. Transportation and storage

5.1. Transportation and storage of cloths - according to GOST 18088.

Section 5. (Modified Edition, Code No. 1).

Geometric Title Parameters Cloths

Additionally, the requirements for the material, heat treatment, coating of canvases, to the accuracy parameters of the canvas, to the wiring of the teeth, to the reliability of the canvas, to the rules of acceptance, methods of control of the canvas, to marking, packaging, transportation and storage. Gosset 5406-84

Interstate standard

Booth knuckles

For metal

Technical conditions

Official edition

IPK Publishing House Standards Moscow

Interstate standard

Metal hacksaw blades

Technical conditions

Saw Blades for Metal Cutting.

ISS 25.100.40 OKP 39 2540

Date of introduction 01.07.87

This standard applies to the manual and machine-hacking canvas for metal (hereinafter - the canvas).

Requirements of this standard in part of section. 1, 2, 4, 5, and clause 3.2 are mandatory, other requirements are recommended.

1. Types and main sizes

1.1. The canvases should be made of types:

1 - manual; 2 - machine; performances:

A - with the location of the teeth on one side of the canvas;

B - with the location of the teeth on both sides of the canvas.

Type 2 canvases are made only by execution A.

1.2. Dimensions of the canvas must match the specified. 1, 2 and in table. 12.

Execution of A.

Official edition

Reprint is prohibited

© Standards Publishing House, 1986 © IPC Publishing Standards, 2004

Table 1



Continuation of table. one



* The size of the canvas correspond to ISO 2336-80 (see Appendix 2).

Note. It is allowed in coordination with the consumer of the canvas with a length of 1 \\ 350 and 400 mm to manufacture with the diameter of the mounting holes D \u003d 10.2 mm.

An example of the conditional designation of the velocity of the version A, sizes / [\u003d 400 mm, S \u003d 1.60 mm, p \u003d 4.00 mm, B \u003d 32 mm:

Blizzard Hoven 2800-0044 GOST 6645-86

Execution B.

* It is allowed to manufacture a canvas with a seeding holes with a diameter of 6 mm and a width of 25 mm.

table 2



An example of the conditional designation of the web with dimensions s \u003d 0.63 mm, p \u003d 1.00 mm:

Woven hacksaw 2800-0079 GOST 6645-86

(Modified edition, change. No. 1, 2, 3).

1.3. The geometric parameters of the canvas are listed in Appendix 1.

2. Technical requirements

2.1. The canvases should be manufactured in accordance with the requirements of this standard for working drawings approved in the prescribed manner.

2.2. The canvases should be made:

type 1 - from steel tape according to GOST 23522, from high-speed steel according to GOST 19265, from steel brands H6VF according to GOST 5950. It is allowed to coordinate with the consumer the manufacture of brand B2F according to GOST 5950;

type 2 - from high-speed steel according to GOST 19265. Making from other brands of high-speed steel, providing perseverance of the canvases is not lower than those of the steel according to GOST 19265.

2.3. The canvas should be thermally processed in accordance with the indications of the devil. 3 and in table. 3.

Option 1

Option 2.

* It is allowed 60 mm for cloths with a wiring along the entire length of the canvas. ** / z \u003d 0.5 (1 2 - / 1) + 0.5d.

Table 3.

2.4. On the surfaces of the canvas should not be cracks, captivity, scale and corrosion. Defects are allowed, the depth or height of which does not exceed the norms installed for the tape according to GOST 23522 or sheet for specifications.

2.5. Hackstone must have one of the following coatings: Enamel NC-25 according to GOST 5406, NTS-132 according to GOST 6631, HIM. PRRM. and other coatings that ensure the safety and appearance of the surface.

2.6. The canvases must have a divorce of teeth:

for type 1:

on the canvas (damn 4);

on two adjacent teeth through one undiluted (damn 5); For type 2:

for each teuba or through the tooth;

on two adjacent through one undiluted (damn 5).

2.7. The wiring of the web must be on the entire length of the canvas or end at a distance (35 + 5) mm for the type 2 and 30 mm tools for Type 1 of the end.

The magnitude of the separation of the teeth should be 1.25-1.8 thickness of the canvas for cloth wiring; The wiring step must be 8p, but not more than 8 mm.

For cloths with a wiring for the tooth, the magnitude of the divorce of the teeth to the side should not be more than 0.15-0.25 thickness of the canvas.

2.8. Limit deviations of the size of the canvas, mm:

length 1 \\ ...........

hole diameter d. Widths for type:

1 at b: 12.5 mm. .

2 at 1 \\\\ to 400 mm

sv. 400 mm Teeth Steps for type:

± 0.45r by 10 mm length

2.9. The admission of the symmetry of the axes of the holes relative to the axis of the symmetry of the web width for the canvases of type 1-1 mm, for the type 2-1,4 mm-type cloths.

2.10. The admission of straightness of the side of the side of the web in the free state in the longitudinal direction by 100 mm of 0.5 mm long for type 1 and 0.3 mm for type 2.

2.11. The admission of straightness of the lateral sides in the transverse direction across the entire width of the undisturbed part of the type 1 canvas should not exceed for a canvas layout - half of the difference in the size of the wiring and thickness of the canvas measured on the undisturbed part for the toffee wiring - the tooth wiring .

The tolerance of rectinity in the transverse direction across the entire width of the undisturbed parts of the type 2, should not exceed 0.8 tooth wiring values \u200b\u200bto the side.

2.12. The difference in the height of the vertices of the adjacent teeth of the web should not exceed: 0.1 mm for cloths with teeth increments up to 1.4 mm; 0.15 mm for cloths with a step of teeth sv. 1.4 mm.

It is allowed in agreement with the consumer for the Type 1 cloths in the teeth, over 1 mm, the difference in the height of adjacent teeth is 0.15 mm.

2.4-2.12. (Modified edition, change No. 1).

2.13. Tolerance of straightness of the line of the peaks of the blade, mm:

for type 1 type 1 versions of 1.4;

for other cloths:

at 1 \\ to 350 mm - 1.0;

at 1 \\ sv. 350 to 600 mm - 1.5;

at 1 \\ sv. 600 mm - 2.5.

(Modified edition, change No. 2).

2.14. The limit deviations of the thickness of the hacksaw blade must: correspond to the limit deviation of the starting material - on the upper deflection; by lower deflection - not exceed the limit deviation of the source material for

type 1 - by 0.05 mm type, for type 2 of type 2 - by 0.1 mm.

(Modified edition, change No. 1).

2.15. The average and 95 percent period of resistance under the conditions of the tests specified in the section. 4, should be at least min:

for type 1 crafts:

98 and 42 - from high-speed steel;

60 and 24 - from instrumental alloy steel;

123 and 64 - for type 2 crafts.

P romething. For a tool made of high-speed steel grades with the content of alloying elements in less than in the steel of the R6M5 brand, the correction ratio to the average and the established period of resistance is 0.8.

2.16. The criterion for blurred is clouds is the loss of performance, expressed by time cutting the workpiece in the sections specified in Table. 4, which should not exceed min:

for Type 1 Types of Freshing Steel:

with the inclination of the teeth 0.8 - 1.4 mm ................................. 1.4

with a step of teeth 1.6 mm ..................................... 4.0

with the teeth increments of 0.8 - 1.4 mm ................................. 1.6

with the income of the teeth 1.6 mm ..................................... 5.0

for cloths type 2 ....................................... 5,25

2.17. Each canvas should be clearly applied: the trademark of the manufacturer;

width of the canvas; tooth pitch of the canvas;

steel brand (steel brand 11RAMEF2 is not labeled).

(Modified edition, change No. 1, 2).

2.18. (Excluded, change No. 2).

2.19. Requirements for packaging, labeling of transport and consumer containers - according to GOST 18088.

3. Acceptance

3.1. Acceptance - according to GOST 23726.

(Modified edition, change No. 2).

3.2. Tests of cavities for the average resistance period should be carried out once every three years at least 5 canvases, for 95% resistance period - at least 5 canvases once a year.

Tests of the canvas should be carried out on one size of each type of canvases.

(Modified edition, change No. 1, 2).

4. Monitoring methods

4.1. The control of the appearance is carried out visually.

4.2. When monitoring the parameters of the canvas, methods and controls should be applied, the error of which should not be more than:

the values \u200b\u200bspecified in GOST 8.051 - when measuring linear dimensions;

35% of the tolerance value to the verified angle - when measuring the angles;

25% of the value of admission to the verified parameter - when monitoring the shape and location of the surfaces.

4.3. The size of the canvases and the difference in the height of the vertices of two adjacent teeth of the web is measured before the separation of the teeth.

4.4. The hardness of the canvas is measured according to GOST 9013.

4.5. Type 1 canvas before testing for resistance are checked for teeth and elasticity:

the severity of the teeth of the canvas should provide adhesion with the control plate with a hardness of 56 HRC 3.

The elasticity of the canvases are bent off the cloths in both sides around the cylinder with a diameter of 250 mm. After the test, the web should not have cracks and residual deformations overlooking the values \u200b\u200bof the limit deviations specified in clause 2.10.

4.1-4.5. (Modified edition, change No. 1).

4.6. Tests for health care The average and 95% resistance periods should be carried out on hacksaw machines corresponding to accuracy and rigidity established for them, on samples of steel grade 45 according to GOST 1050, hardness 180.. . 190 HV.

4.7. Tests of the canvas should be carried out in the modes indicated in Table. four.

Table 4.

* Static force at the location of the sample cut in the middle of the length of the test web and the crank finger at the top of the disk.

** When the connecting rod and the hydraulic drive is turned off.

*** It is allowed to carry out tests on the samples section of 12x12 mm. In this case, tests for performance are carried out at seven cuts. The seventh cut time is equal to the product of the correction coefficient of 1.65 for the time of the tenth render when testing the sample with a cross section of 10 x 10 mm.

The correction coefficient on the blunt criterion is 1.65.

P romething. At the opposite course, the force on the canvas is not removed.

4.6-4.7. (Modified edition, change No. 1, 2).

4.8. When testing type 2, 5% (by weight) solution of emulsol in water with consumption of 6-8 l / min should be used as a lubricating fluid.

4.9. Tests for working capacity should be carried out at ten cuts, while the last cut time should not exceed min:

for type 1 crafts

from high-speed steel:

0.7 - with a teeth increments of 0.8-1.4 mm;

2.0 - with 1,6 mm teeth;

from instrumental alloy steel:

0.8 - with teeth increments of 0.8-1.4 mm;

2.5 - with a step of teeth 1.6 mm;

3.5 - for type 2 crafts.

P romething. For beverages made of high-speed steel with the content of alloying elements in less than in steel P6M5, the correction coefficient for the tenth recent rate is 1.15.

4.8, 4.9. (Modified edition, change No. 1).

4.10. After testing, it should not be crashes for performance; They must be suitable for further work.

(Introduced additionally, meas. No. 1).

4.11. Acceptance values \u200b\u200bof the average and 95% resistance periods should be at least

for type 1 crafts

115 and 50 - from high-speed steel;

70 and 28 - from instrumental alloy steel;

145 and 75 - for type 2.

Note. With an increase in the width of the wiring to 1.8s, the correction factor at a time of 10 cuts and a blunt criterion is 1.15; On the middle and installed periods of resistance - 1.1.

(Modified edition, change No. 1, 2).

5. Transportation and storage

5.1. Transportation and storage of cloths - according to GOST 18088.

Section 5. (Modified Edition, Code No. 1).

Geometric Title Parameters Cloths

The front angle y \u003d 0 °.

Appendix 1. (Modified edition, change No. 1).

Appendix 2 reference

Compliance of this standard ISO Standard 2336-80

The dimensions of manual and machine hacksaws with the location of the teeth on one side of the web and their limit deviations installed in this standard are fully covered by the nomenclature of the sizes of hacksaws according to ISO 2336-80. The dimensions of the hollow tubes according to the ISO 2336-80 standard are marked in Table. 1 of this standard is familiar *.

This standard expanded the nomenclature of the sizes of manual and machine hacksaws with the location of the teeth on the one hand, in addition, the standard canvases are included in the standard with the location of the teeth on both sides.

Additionally, the requirements for the material, heat treatment, coating of the canvas, to the accuracy parameters of the canvas, to the separation of teeth, to the reliability of the canvas, to the rules of acceptance, methods of controlling the canvas, to labeling, packaging, transportation and storage are also included.

Appendix 2 (introduced additionally, meas. No. 2).

Information details

1. Developed and made by the Ministry of Stank-Tool and Instrument Industry of the USSR


3. Standard fully corresponds to ISO 2336-80

4. Standard fully corresponds to ST SEV 6977-90

5. In return GOST 6645-68

6. Reference regulatory documents

Point number

GOST 8.051-81

GOST 1050-88

GOST 5406-84

GOST 5950-2000

GOST 6631-74

GOST 9013-59

GOST 18088-83

GOST 19265-73

GOST 23522-79

GOST 23726-79

7. Restriction of the duration of the action of the USSR State Standard by Decree of the USSR 09.04.91 No. 463

8. Edition (September 2004) with amendments No. 1, 2, 3, approved in April 1989, April 1991, April 1992 (IUS 7-89, 7-91, 7-92)

Editor L.V, Koretikova Technical editor O.N. Vlasova Corrector V. S. Black Computer Layout S. V. Ryabova

Ed. Persons. № 02354 of 07/14/2000. Rent in the set of 30.09.2004. Signed in print on October 25, 2004. Usl Pr.L. 1.40. Uch.-izd.l. 0.85.

Circulation 95 copies. With 4338. Zack. 858.

IPK Publisher standards, 107076 Moscow, Well per., 14. E-mail:

Recruited in publishing on PEVM

Printed in the Branch of IPC Publishing Standards - Type. "Moscow Printeer", 105062 Moscow, Lyalin Per., 6.