What does the name Alexei mean? The origin of the name Alexey. The mystery and history of the name

The name Alexey can be described as gentle and courageous at the same time. Its meaning and origin will be interesting to know for young parents who cannot decide on the choice of a name. It fits almost all patronymics and surnames, has many different forms, and is simply loved by the Russian people.

What does the name Alexei mean? To begin with, in this case, you need to figure out where this name came from. Fortunately, the origin, meaning and history of the name Aleksey have been known for a long time. The name Alexey is purely Russian by nationality, and comes from the canonical form of the name Alexy. Other sources say that this is a form of the ancient Greek name Αλεξανδρος (Alexandros), which means "protector", from Greek αλεξω (alexo) is translated as "protection, help". According to historical data, the name Alexei became known in Russia after the baptism of the second tsar from the Romanov dynasty - Alexei Mikhailovich. it positive name, it is fraught with many remarkable outlines of origin.

As soon as people began to recognize its characteristics, influence on the future and interpretation, many immediately wanted to name the child that way.

This name was used by the kings of Scotland, Poland and Yugoslavia, the emperors of Russia and eight popes.

  1. Lucky Stone: Alexandrite, Amethyst, Emerald, Moonstone, Ruby.
  2. Lucky number: 14, 56, 8, 35, 17, 89.
  3. Happy years of life: 13, 17, 21, 35, 48, 56, 69.
  4. Color: greenish, emerald, bright red.
  5. Most suitable signs zodiac by horoscope: Libra, Virgo, Aries, Aquarius, Pisces.
  6. Lucky flower: Rose.

As noted, the name Aleksey has various forms. In Russia it is Lesha, in England - Alex or Alexis, in Germany - Alexius, in Spain - Alejo, and in Portugal - Aleikhu. In our country, diminutive forms for this name are Lyosha, Alyosha, Lyoshenka, Alyoshka.

Patron saints and name days

The meaning of the name Lyosha is male name of Greek origin, meaning "protector", in the past it was worn by many generals, kings, and nobles. The name Aleksey means stamina and endurance. It has not lost its popularity today, parents still massively call their children Lesha.

Patron saints Alexei:

  • Saint Alexy, Metropolitan of Moscow and All Russia;
  • Saint Venerable Alexy, a man of God;
  • Alexy Bortsurmansky, priest;
  • Alexy Zosimovsky (Soloviev), church minister;
  • Alexy of Constantinople, martyr;
  • Alexy Nevsky is a recluse.

Therefore, Alexei is protected by many saints, and you can turn to anyone by ordering an icon.

People named Alexei tend to need balance in their lives like no other name, which is why the Libra zodiac sign suits them the most. A man must maintain a balance between work and rest, and also have an equal balance in their emotional and spiritual / physical life. Because of this need, Alexei appear depressed when asked to make a decision, as it takes them a long time to weigh all the options. But when they do make this decision, it will be a victory both for him personally and for those around him, since the hallmarks of this name are responsiveness, generosity and compassion. Lyosha does not like to see the people around him unhappy.

The secret of the name Alexei lies in happiness due to harmony and peace in the family. Lyosha is often a charming person to whom people are drawn and willingly communicate with him. But he cannot stand injustice, so in adolescence it may become more difficult for him, because there is practically no justice, and he will begin to realize it himself.

Positive traits: Alexey is always honest with himself and with others, they also tend to talk for a long time about things of interest to them. Most people benefit from their solutions. Lesha is often selfless for the good of the team or family.

Negative traits: Lesha is slow, as acceptance important decision it causes a stupor, and many may mistake it for laziness or absent-mindedness. These people don't like to take on a lot of responsibility, but they like to talk and listen.

Lesha has a tendency to develop in meditations, since these actions allow them to find that inner balance that will allow the outside to manifest. Most people with this name find themselves in yoga or running at various distances, since in these sports not only physical traits are manifested, but also mental ones.

Lesha's parents will often hear from their child: “This is unfair!”, And in these cases they are absolutely right. Since childhood, Alyosha is an inborn seeker of balance and harmony in life, this has a special meaning and meaning for him. This makes them peacemakers in the future, and wonderful companions, always ready to help and find a compromise.

What is the secret of little Lyosha? Alyosha is governed by his active mind, which needs constant input. It's never too early to start reading with these kids. Even reading before bedtime will save a lot in the memory and mind of a little one. There are even cases when they recall the stories they read before they learn to speak and theoretically understand the language. Do not be surprised if little Alexei shows the skills of an excellent speaker or writer from the moment he learns the main one. At school, he is excellent at writing essays, and since childhood he likes to leaf through etymological dictionary, and often likes to surprise others with etymology.

From childhood he knows what “good” is and how to do it. He just needs to feel support and love, but if this is not there, he will close in himself, and it will be quite difficult to get out of the original state. This is a very sweet child, a favorite of everyone around him, but despite this, he will not become selfish, as it might seem. He will always help the elders, try to make the housework easier for his mother, and also easily find a common language with any person - this is his sociability.

Since childhood, Alexey loves to play with small pets, shows love for nature. Also loves art, which is amazing among children. He is often fond of music.

Lyosha's positive qualities in childhood:

  • honesty;
  • responsiveness;
  • solicitude;
  • devotion;
  • activity.

Negative qualities of Lyosha in childhood:

  • naivety;
  • overly sensitive;
  • reliability.

In the school team, Alyosha will be very active, he will know about everyone and everything, even if the desire to study does not appear immediately, but he will try to reduce the time of rest. Will always defend the little ones.

If you know the nature of the bearer of the name, it will not be difficult to predict his fate. The boy must be able to deal with that light and power. Lyosha is distinguished by special wisdom, which appeared due to the experience of millions of other name carriers. This wisdom is combined with dependence on the opinions of others and becomes a breeding ground for terrible character traits, for example, pride, slyness, bragging. But with proper upbringing, his sensitivity will grow into responsibility, thanks to which he will become a loyal and serious, wonderful husband, father and good friend. From childhood, Alyosha must direct his energy in the right direction, since he loves to completely devote himself to work.

Surprisingly, in adolescence, Alyosha will be a calm, gentle and caring person. He will not be overtaken by the problems of the transition period, and he will not bring trouble to loved ones. He will try in every possible way to avoid family quarrels, and for this he will be able to sacrifice his interests.

In adolescence, a guy is prone to illness, but after years he becomes a real man with good health and an athletic body. Particularly vulnerable places in his body are the stomach and head. You need to take care of your health in order to prevent serious problems.

From positive qualities one can note extraordinary willpower, kindness, openness to the world, compassion, dedication to one's work, prudence, justice, responsibility, loyalty and the ability to follow to the end.

The name Lesha itself, in addition to its main meaning, represents individuality, independence, self-confidence, initiative and a propensity for physical activity. After the boy entered into friendly relations, he is very loyal and unshakable, does not tolerate gossip or criticism. The circle of friends is limited to those who are similar to Lyosha himself. The guy is not inclined to combine his opinions and points of view with others, to compromise or work in a subordinate position against his will. He has a well-developed intuition, so often completing tasks is easy for him.

Lyosha's character is secret and ambiguous. He can simultaneously combine honesty and cunning, affection and insane anger, strength and helplessness. Lyosha in adolescence does not stop on the way to his goals. He is characterized by a wide range of professions, interests, views. Among the bearers of the name, there are people of completely different temperaments, but everyone is distinguished by openness to others, love for family, and a riot of emotions.

Political sphere practically does not interest Lyosha, but he still does not stand aside, tries to keep abreast of the latest news. The guy can be called a very caring person: he will always help and listen. Alexey is quite vulnerable, but tries not to show it to others.

Distinctive feature Alyosha in adolescence is the desire to act with his mind. He considers himself completely independent, and tries not to listen to others. This often brings him life lessons, but he purposefully moves on, regardless of loved ones, and, not suspecting that the problem lies in his persistent character. He also does not want to be dependent on his parents, so he starts early work, difficult, as a loader or assistant, which brings small, but his own money. He feels confident when he can earn money himself, and if this manifests itself already in adolescence, then in the future he will have a good profession and stable earnings.

V mature age developed feeling justice in Alexei is manifested in his work. If he leads people, he will never do anything contrary to human dignity. He will not humiliate, but at the same time he will be demanding of each employee. In adulthood, Alexei is reasonable and balanced, and at a new place of work he will rush to the front rows with a desire to show all his talents, of which he has a lot. They stand out for their diligence, strive for excellence in their work, often staying up late, but at the same time enjoy the fulfillment of the tasks assigned. In whatever area Alexey starts a business, he will bring it to the end and will understand it better than anyone else, they also love formality. Almost all of his dreams will come true.

It is believed that the bearers of this masculine name are very reliably protected by God. This explains the fact that Lyosha rarely encounter negative violent shocks, in their life everything flows smoothly and moderately. Men with this name do not complain about their fate.

In a relationship for Alexei, appearance is not the main thing. He is looking for a real mistress as a life partner. Women with the following names are best suited for him: Ella, Margarita, Olga, Svetlana, Julia, Elizabeth.

Their ruling planet is Venus and they are extremely romantic people. Whatever they do in life, they are driven by love feelings.

They have a very pleasant manner of speaking, and they also choose good topics of conversation, which makes the people around them feel comfortable in their company. Alyosha has a developed sense of justice. They can skillfully find a way out, but they never resort to cunning methods to get what they want. They are distinguished by their diplomatic prowess and are able to listen to different points of view with great patience.

His desires come true, the man gets what he wants, enough long time think about it and act. Lyosha is very talented and courageous in relation to work, he is not afraid of any kind of work.

Positive traits of Alexei in adulthood:

  • confidence;
  • hardness;
  • persistence;
  • Justice.

It should be noted the excessive disgust of the man. It is not so much manifested in childhood as an adult.

Most often, the fate of a person is associated not only with a certain name, but also with the time of year in which the person was born:

A list of the most famous people with the name Aleksey or his form of both Slavic regions and Latin, historical figures and just celebrities:

Alexey is a very strong name in terms of energy. The main direction of this name is protection and amulet from troubles, but it also has other strong features.

The meaning and origin of the name

The name Alexey is of Greek origin. The meaning of the name is simple and excludes any misinterpretation, because in translation it means "protector". Since ancient times, this name has been popular in Russia, and now some forms are common in European and Spanish-speaking countries.

This is primordially Christian Orthodox name, which originated at the dawn of the development and formation of the Russian state.

The fate and character of Alexei

The fate of Alexei directly depends on how much he trusts the call of his heart. His sixth sense is so developed that any lady can envy him. Not only does he have this significant advantage, but he is also sane and loves to include logic in the process of solving problems. This is a strong-willed and judicious person who always feels where the truth is hidden.

His calm and peaceful nature allows him to have a happy marriage. Alexey is a wonderful father who prefers not to punish his children, but to teach them to always do the right thing. A woman who has tied fate with Alexei usually does not regret her choice.

In his work, Alexei is extremely scrupulous about what he does himself, so sometimes he has a hard time. He is creatively developed, but he is either afraid or does not know how to implement his ideas, therefore he needs help.

Alexei usually does not strive to become the ruler of the world or to prove to everyone that he is the best. This man is very calm and prefers a measured lifestyle. Serious problems dangerous for him, as they can unsettle Alexei. The main thing for the owner of this name is to have incentive and emotional support. In this case, Alexey is able to achieve tremendous success in any job, business or even sports. In general, this man is universal in terms of choosing a profession, because he can be both a creative person and fall in love with exact sciences from childhood.

There are also vulnerabilities in Alexei's character. He does not take criticism well, and when he is overtaken by failures, then more often he looks for an excuse to justify, and not a way to solve. If something does not work out for him, he abandons his plan. His oddities and weaknesses, however, often look attractive to the opposite sex, which is why they adore Alexei and his shortcomings. Despite his success with women, Alexei prefers not to cheat on his chosen one.

The meaning of the name Alexey for a child: choosing a name for children

As a child, Alexei rarely fights, misbehaves or does anything evil, but sometimes he can still "give a thrashing" to his parents. Little Lesha dreams of being the best in absolutely everything, but this is manifested only when his desires are fed by his parents. If he has an opportunity to be lazy, then he will never miss it.

The main plus of this child is stability and relative accuracy. Choosing the name Alexey for a child, parents, most likely, will not find a problematic and extremely emotional son. Lesha will delight them with a calm disposition and prudence.

Characteristics of the name Alexey

Energy named: energetically Alexey is strong, but the power of this name is manifested only in critical situations. He will stop at nothing to protect his loved ones from harm. He fiercely protects everything that belongs to him. Instability is justified by these bright outbursts.

Alexey's birthday: August 22 - Memorial Day of Alexei of Constantinople. October 11 - Memorial Day of Alexei Pechersky.

What patronymic is the name Alexei: Ilyich, Vladimirovich, Nikolaevich, Mikhailovich, Vladislavovich.

Patron animal: crab, the shell of which protects Alexei from problems.

Name element: Alexei belongs to the element of water, because he is always looking for an easy way to victory.

Zodiac sign: energetically, Pisces and Virgo are suitable for Alexei. Pisces values ​​art just as much, and Virgos have good intuition.

Stone amulet: jasper that protects Alexei from failures and any bad influence.

Metal: copper, protecting Alexei from the troubles and bad thoughts of his enemies.

Colour: blue and dark shades red. Blue is needed in order to stimulate intellectual activity, which allows Alexei to bypass any difficulties. Dark red is the color of true love and romance.

Planet: the heavenly patron of Alexei is Neptune.

Auspicious day of the week: Saturday.

Plant: poplar and lilac. These are symbols of kindness and compassion.

Lucky number: 5.

Notable representatives: Alexey Zharkov (USSR actor), Alexey Tolstoy (writer), Alexey Stakhanov (labor hero), Alexey Smertin (football player).

The desire to overcome oneself is what Alexei needs. He needs to find himself as early as possible in this life, and this will save him from the need to constantly fight with circumstances and temptations. Each of us dreams of doing what he likes, and Alexei truly needs to know his calling. Very often wisdom and intuition help him find good luck.

Numerology male name Alexey

Five is the number under which the name Alexei passes. Five is not only a privilege, but also a commitment. Intelligence, hard work, perseverance, responsibility, pedantry, punctuality, accuracy. In addition to these advantages, it is distinguished by high moral qualities than few can boast of. At the same time, Alexey is not conceited and can soberly assess his merits ... A more detailed numerological analysis of the name is possible.

All names alphabetically:

On March 21, impressive events await us all: the Full Moon in Libra, the beginning of a new astrological year and ...

Are associated with memorial days important rules and prohibitions, breaking which you can incur disaster. ...

Like most modern names, the name Aleksey came to the Russian language from ancient greece, and it comes from the word "Alex", which means "to protect" or "to protect". In Russia, the name became popular after the baptism of Alexei Mikhailovich, the second Russian tsar from the Romanov dynasty. The canonical church form of the name is Alexy.

V Soviet times the name was incredibly popular - the peak of popularity came in the 70s of the last century, now boys are called that less and less. Meanwhile, history knows many outstanding personalities who bear this legendary name. Among them are Soviet cosmonaut Alexei Leonov, Hero of the Soviet Union, pilot Alexei Maresyev, actors Alexei Batalov and Alexei Zharkov, writer Alexei Tolstoy, poet Alexei Snezhin and many other outstanding people.

Name days and patron saints

The Orthodox Church canonized many saints named Alexei, the most famous is Alexy of Constantinople, who suffered for the icons. Coming from a noble family, Alexy, as an educated person, did not approve of the religious and political persecution of icon painting that arose in ancient Byzantium. In 730, the iconoclast patriarch Anastasia, with the support of the emperor, banned the veneration of icons by Christians.

Alexy of Constantinople witnessed how the miraculous icon of the Savior was plucked from the Copper Gate. The soldier who tore down the icon had to use a long staircase. Alexy, together with other believers, pushed aside the ladder and the warrior crashed. The emperor was angry and ordered to put the guilty in prison and subject them to terrible torture.

Eight months after the capture, Alexy of Constantinople was martyred, and 139 years later his relics were found incorruptible.

Alexei can consider as his patron that Saint Alexei, who is mentioned in the calendar on his birthday or on the day closest to this date: February 17, 20, 25 and 28; 8, 22, 28 and 30 March; April 5 and 18; May 4 and 7; June 2, 5, 20, 22 and 23; July 4, 6, 14 and 17; August 2, 4, 11, 20, 22, 25, 26, 27 and 30; September 4, 12, 16, 18, 22, 25 and 29; October 1, 2, 4, 11, 13, 14, 18 and 29; November 3, 6, 11, 13, 20, 22, 23 and 27; December 3, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 17, 23 and 26.

Name characteristic

Fortitude, sensuality, compassion, good nature and compliance are the main character traits of a man named Alexey. Compliance helps him to be happy both in his personal life and in the team. We can say that this unusually gentle and reliable person is simply created for Everyday life, but not for great feats and achievements.

Aleksey is a little lazy, absent-minded, and such feelings as passion, heightened emotionality, sharp turns of fate and unexpected decisions are not at all peculiar to him. If a man lacks ambition, then laziness can become a big problem for him, preventing him from achieving his goals. If ambition is overdeveloped, then Alexei can be stubborn, he seeks to attract attention at any cost.

By nature, Alexei is a real peacemaker, he sincerely strives for justice, is able to bring peace and harmony to his environment. He hates any enmity and violence, but if necessary, for the sake of the triumph of justice, he will immediately enter the fight. Despite his gentleness, Alexei firmly rejects all attempts to subjugate him to someone else's will.

From childhood, a man is very attached to his parents and family traditions, and he will keep this attachment for the rest of his life. For mothers, and afterwards for other women in his life, Alexey becomes a real support and protection.

In the character of Alexei there is such a trait as a rejection of reality - in case of failure, he will always find an excuse for himself in his soul, inventing explanations for his actions. He is deep in himself, fantasizes a lot, and can hardly bear criticism. Activity is also not his strong point. Sometimes you may even get the impression that while working, a man only dreams of returning home as soon as possible and going about his business or ... doing nothing at all.

In general, we can say that all of Alexei's character traits are not clearly expressed, they seem to be rounded. He has a feminine type of mind, is very attentive to little things, has a good memory, and is curious. Thanks to his benevolence and sociability, he easily enters into trust and arouses sympathy.


Little Alyosha is very attached to his mother, he literally does not let her out of sight and is very worried when his mother is not visible. But this does not mean that Alyosha will grow up as a "mama's son", on the contrary, he will grow up as a real mother's protector and helper.

Since childhood, the boy is laconic and a little reserved, never flaunts his feelings and ambitions. At the same time, he is very sensitive, for which he is respected by teachers and classmates. At school, Alyosha studies at half strength, and natural laziness is to blame for everything. A boy rarely becomes a leader in a team, but he will never be an outcast.

Alyosha's adolescence can be hard, often get into various troubles. But the boy will quickly grow up and correct his behavior, especially if his parents, whose opinion he values, help him in this.

Alexei's parents and teachers should know that it is difficult to achieve obedience from a boy if you speak to him in an imperative tone. Such communication greatly injures the boy and repels him from the interlocutor.


On the whole, Alexey is in good health, but fatigued quickly. A man needs to observe the daily regimen and diet, since in adulthood he may have problems with digestion.

By a strange coincidence, nature decreed that Alexei often suffers from some kind of pronounced external or internal defect - stuttering, swaying, lisping, or even mental retardation.

Alexey most often believes in magic and occult sciences, so he often prefers to heal with the help of "magic", which rarely leads to good luck.


In a woman, Alexey appreciates, first of all, appearance - he will never be attracted by a sloppy and unkempt woman, since a man is very squeamish. No less important for him are such qualities as sincerity and loyalty, since it is very important for Alexei to feel the care and devotion of his beloved woman.

By nature, Alexey is monogamous, he will not change partners like gloves. He is not too sophisticated in flirting, but thanks to his natural charm and pleasant character, he easily defeats the weaker sex.

For sex and life together a man prefers women a little older than himself, sophisticated and experienced, but affectionate and delicate. There is something childish in his sensuality - with a subconscious craving for maternal warmth. But at the same time, Alexey is curious and seeks to learn all forms of sexual relations, gain experience. He is a very sensual lover, gentle and attentive to his partner. A man seeks, first of all, to please his partner, and then himself.

Marriage and family compatibility

Alexei is very careful about women, so he gets married closer to thirty years old. His chosen one should be a clean, economic and motherly kind woman, and a man will take on the role of a protector and a real father of the family. Alexey will never forgive the betrayal of his wife, but he will not allow himself to look towards other women. An honest, trusting relationship is the secret of a happy marriage with a man named Alexey.

Compliance is a unique trait that Alexei possesses, will help him live in happy marriage all life. Alyosha's family will be a safe haven, where there is no place for squabbles, scandals and betrayals. A man will give in to his wife in small things, but in serious matters the decision will be made by himself.

Alexey will touchingly take care of his children, even when they become completely adults. Until old age, a man will retain filial affection for his parents. He will gladly take on some of the household chores, as well as financial support for the family.

A successful marriage is possible with women named Anastasia, Angelica, Anna, Varvara, Galina, Klavdia, Larisa, Lyubov, Nadezhda and Svetlana. Relationships with Vera, Oksana, Tamara, Julia, Alina and Tatiana should be avoided.

Business and career

Success in Alexei's career awaits only if he does right choice and the business will truly captivate him, otherwise natural laziness can win. Alexey can become a good leader or a public figure, as he knows how to get along with people, find compromises and does not give in to other people's influence. Self-confidence and other positive character traits help him to influence the team.

All of Alexei are people with pronounced creative abilities, so they make great artists, actors, designers and writers.

Alexey loves to study the exact sciences, so he will be successful in such professions as engineer, physicist, surgeon or forensic scientist.

A man does not like painstaking monotonous work, but if necessary, he will diligently perform it. He is pedantic and scrupulous, therefore he will not allow work "slipshod", in whatever field he worked. Any employer will be glad to see such an employee in his team.

Talismans for Alexey

  • The patron planet is Neptune.
  • The patronizing sign of the zodiac is Aquarius. It is recommended to call the boys born under this sign Alexei, then they will always be lucky in everything.
  • The favorable time of the year is winter, the auspicious day of the week is Saturday.
  • The lucky color is green, red and blue.
  • Totem animal - elk and crab. Elk is a symbol of calmness, poise and greatness. It promotes problem-solving and hope. The crab symbolizes an indecisive, sometimes cowardly person who prefers to get away from the situation, and not look for a way out of it.
  • Totem plant - mistletoe and lilac. Mistletoe is a unique plant that is neither a tree nor a shrub. Therefore, it is not surprising that it personifies everything that does not have a clear definition - for example, the character of Alexei, whose character traits are not clearly expressed. Lilac symbolizes sensitivity, benevolence and responsiveness. Excessive love for lilacs and their scent can lead to loneliness and disappointment in love.
  • The talisman stone is lapis lazuli and alexandrite. Lapis lazuli is a symbol of sincerity, friendliness and love. He will bring harmony, joy and peace to Alexei's life, will contribute to the fulfillment of desires and plans. Alexandrite is a rare stone that symbolizes sadness and loneliness. He will notify Alexey about the upcoming troubles by changing the color.


Aries- courageous Alexey, energetic and active. The character has assertiveness and ambition, but also dreaminess and sentimentality. He will be faithful to his wife as long as she needs to be conquered, otherwise she can easily go for treason. Alexey-Aries loves to be admired and praised - this helps him to feel confident. But, unfortunately, he cannot distinguish flattery from sincere admiration, since he is poorly versed in people, does not see all the facets of a person's nature. As a life companion, Alexei-Aries needs a woman who will be a skillful and diligent hostess during the day and turn into a luxurious priestess of love at night. A lady born under the sign of Libra can become such a dream woman - this couple will not be able to take offense at each other for a long time, since both know how to apologize and forgive.

Taurus is a passionate and gentle nature, distinguished by love of freedom and independence. He knows how to take responsibility for himself, he is used to achieving everything in life on his own. Alexey-Taurus is a stubborn materialist who knows how to make long-term efforts to achieve his goal. Another trait of his character is conservatism; he is distinguished by constancy in his habits, views and beliefs. He changes with difficulty, in an unfamiliar situation and in an unfamiliar environment may feel uncomfortable. In love, Alexey-Taurus is honest and open, knows how to beautifully look after a woman. In sex, he is insatiable and unusually sensual, knows how to please his partner. The family has for him great value, and the Capricorn woman can become the best partner for this worthy man - this will be a fruitful union of two loving people in every sense.

Twins- freedom-loving, dreamy Alexey, living in his own fantasy world. He is divorced from modern realities, has a gentle character, but he cannot be called a soft-bodied and weak-willed man. Fickleness, frivolity - this is his lifestyle, he avoids any obligations, including to women. His plans and life goals can change several times a day, no one can ever know his true thoughts. Alexey-Gemini has friendly relations with everyone, he easily acquires the necessary connections and easily finds a common language with people from different classes. The versatility of the personality and fussiness prevent Alexei from choosing persistent beliefs and adhering to his principles. A beloved woman should know that Alexey-Gemini does not tolerate boredom and routine, and family life with such a man will not be easy. But he has a big plus - he will be a great father to his children. The most suitable pair for him will be a Leo woman - they both value personal freedom equally.

Cancer- a multifaceted personality who prefers to obey rather than command. Alexey-Rak masterfully hides under his shell, he strives to ensure that those around him know as little as possible about him. But at the same time, he is kind and sympathetic, especially in relation to close people. Loyalty and devotion to parents and family is an integral part of the character of Alexei-Rak. He does not like to leave his house for a long time, and with age he becomes an inveterate couch potato. Among the shortcomings, one can also note laziness, fatalism, self-doubt and a good memory of grievances. A man needs love like no other. He takes marriage very seriously, and having married, he will live only in the interests of his family. He needs a homebody woman, kind and not scandalous. The ideal pair for Alexei-Cancer can be a Taurus woman - they have the same views on family life.

a lion- selfish, narcissistic Alexei, all efforts of which are aimed at satisfying his “I”. At the same time, he is magnanimous and noble, he can take care of the weaker and take under the protection of those whom he sympathizes with. The generosity of a man will be manifested the stronger, the more they will admire and admire him. He takes praises in his address for granted, and therefore cannot distinguish sincerity from banal flattery. Alexey-Lev is honest and open, he will never lie and play for his own benefit. Can be a loyal friend and an equally dangerous enemy. In marriage, he feels happy only if the woman's world revolves exclusively around his person. Alexey-Lev will not tolerate any rivalry. In addition, the wife should always look great - the Leo man wants to be proud of his woman, otherwise he will get bored. A Gemini woman can become an ideal couple for Alexei-Leo - both partners perfectly understand all the benefits that this union gives them, and easily find a common language.

Virgo- purposeful, persistent Alexey, a fighter in life. Work is very important for him, but a man will never refuse to help a suffering person. Common sense and discernment help him decide the most challenging tasks, but heightened criticism, both in relation to oneself and to others, can spoil the overall impression of the ideal man. He demands order in everything, including the little things. Alexey-Virgo most often does not have a very strong will, he is timid and fearful, does not like to be the center of attention, and the spirit of competition is not known to him. Thanks to his subtle sense of humor, he has many friends, and thanks to his hard work, he has a stable financial position. Romanticism is also not his strong point, but a man will be able to surround his chosen one with attention and care. He is not a brawler, and will do everything so that no one raises their voices in his house. His style is practicality in everything and a minimum of romance. The Scorpio woman will be able to understand and accept Alexei-Virgo - they have 100% compatibility of horoscopes.

scales- a restrained, non-conflict, intelligent and well-mannered man who is respected by his family and colleagues. He skillfully hides his emotions, so it is not easy for those around him - it is not easy to understand the true goals and thoughts of Alexei-Libra. Around himself, he wants to see only peace and quiet, and for this he is ready to make any compromise. He can give in to a stronger character, because of indecision it can be difficult for him to defend his rights. Alexey-Libra is a guided man, he needs support and support in life. His greatest desire is peace of mind. He expects warmth and care from a woman, as well as responsibility for decisions taken, since he is not able to cope with pressing problems alone. In no case should his wife limit Alexei's personal freedom, since if he is faced with a choice - family or friends, he will most likely choose friends. Perfect couple for Alexei-Libra, a Cancer woman can become - they have every chance to live a long and happy life together.

Scorpion- a real "dark horse" from which you do not know what to expect. He is an egoist, strong and domineering person who is guided only by by their own desires and emotions. At the same time, he is inclined to self-criticism and self-destruction, often acts to his own detriment, but because of his stubbornness he does not want to retreat or admit his righteousness. Alexei-Scorpio has excellent intuition, he is an excellent psychologist, he feels people on a subconscious level, it is almost impossible to deceive him. In achieving his goal, a man can show violence and cruelty, he has an irresistible desire to subdue. He is secretive and reserved, never pours out his soul, even to the closest people. The main attraction of Alexei-Scorpio lies in his enormous natural charm - a man knows how to excite the hearts and souls of those around him. In love, he is the owner and jealous - living together with him will not be easy, but he will not be bored either. Family for Alexei-Scorpio is the most valuable thing he has. A long and lasting marriage is possible with an Aries woman - she will become his reliable friend and quivering lover.

Sagittarius- a real romantic, constantly in search of ideal love. He is an optimist, believes in the best and tries not to dwell on his failures. It is aimed at luck, for tomorrow. But his fantasies can remain at the level of plans, and a man can pass off his most reed ideas as the ultimate truth. At the same time, Alexey-Strelets knows how to admit his mistakes and ask for a petition. In relationships with friends, he is kind and honest, cruelty is absolutely alien to him. Developed intuition and a sixth sense help him avoid many problems. From the outside, it may seem that Alexey-Strelets walks through life easily and naturally, but he cannot be called a strong personality - he is rescued by kindness, optimism and the ability to quickly get out of a state of stress. In a marriage with Alexei-Sagittarius, a woman will have to learn to build a relationship for two, since he lives in his cozy little world, into which no one can enter. This can happen with an Aquarius woman - they will perfectly complement each other.

Capricorn- serious, ambitious and hardworking Alexey, who has a very poorly developed sense of humor. For the sake of advancement in his career, he is ready to work tirelessly. He rarely has failures, since a man does not like to take risks, but on the contrary, he loves to calculate, plan and systematize everything. Alexey-Capricorn perceives life in gray colors, he is characterized by pessimism and melancholy. To those around him, he seems cold and unattainable, but his external equanimity and restraint is only an appearance. In fact, in the soul of Alexei-Capricorn there are many fears that he is trying to hide with all his might. He is afraid to open his soul to even the closest people and does not need pity at all. He considers showing pity to be humiliation. His chosen one will have to fall in love not only with Alexei himself, but also with all his relatives, since the man is very attached to the family. A woman should not be afraid of outbursts of jealousy or feigned coldness - this is just a manifestation of self-doubt. A Cancer woman will be able to become an ideal life companion for Alexei-Capricorn - their life together will be based on mutual understanding and the desire for stability.

Aquarius- a freedom-loving personality, friendly and, at first glance, open. But in fact, Alexey-Aquarius lives in his own world, he is self-sufficient and does not need feedback for self-affirmation. It doesn't matter to him what others think of him. He does not tolerate boredom and routine - in order to feel happy, he needs variety and new experiences. He is an innovator, inventor and discoverer in one person - without such people, progress would be impossible. Changes in his life can be abrupt and unexpected, so it is difficult for others to understand him. A man will not tolerate intrusion into his personal space, and even more so into his soul. In friendship, he is reliable and loyal, always ready to help. Being a freedom-loving person, in love he is a great possessive and jealous person. His chosen one will have to share the views and interests of her husband, otherwise the marriage is doomed. A worthy party to Alexei-Aquarius can be made by a Libra woman - two freedom-loving people can always find a common language.

Fishes- a dreamer and a dreamer, constantly in search of the meaning of life. He is trusting, as if he never takes off his rose-colored glasses, his desire to help borders on sacrifice. A developed imagination makes him often lie and embellish his stories, but the man himself often becomes a victim of deception. Melancholy and loneliness are the faithful companions of the life of Alexei-Pisces. He is insecure, pessimistic, arrogant and unstable. It is very difficult for him to decide to marry, but having married, he becomes an exemplary family man. He will share with his chosen one both joy and sorrow, will be a sensitive and faithful husband. But his chosen one will have to take on the financial support of the family, since there will be little sense from the dreamer husband. She needs to know that if her husband falls into a depressive state, it will not be easy to get him out of there. A Capricorn woman can become an ideal life companion for Alexei-Pisces - their relationship will be productive and multifaceted.

The euphonious male name Aleksey, like most modern Russian names, is of ancient Greek origin. It comes from the word "Alex", which in turn translates as "Protect" or "Protect". The name gained popularity in Russia after the second tsar in the Romanov dynasty, Alexei Mikhailovich, became its owner. Alexy is the canonical church form of the name.

It was especially widespread during the Soviet era. In the 70s, many boys left maternity hospitals under the name Aleksey. On this moment the name is losing its former popularity. Among the bearers of this name there are many historical personalities - astronauts, poets and writers, and other outstanding and revered personalities.

The name Alexey has various abbreviated and colloquial forms. There are also a number of synonym names for him.

Short forms: Leka, Alekseyka, Alyokha, Lyosha, Lex, Leka, Alek, Alyosha, Lyokha, Ali, Lyonya, Alyona, Aleka, Alya, Lyolya, Lyunya, Alyunya.

Synonymous names: Alessio, Alexas, Alexi, Alexis, Alexius, Alejo, Alexios, Alessio.

In other countries: In English this name is translated as Alexis, similarly - in French, Alexio - in Esperanto, Alejo - in Spanish and Alessio - in Italian. The Ukrainian version of the name is Oleksiy, the Belarusian version is Alyaksey.

Alexey's character

Among different features character defining a man named Alexei, there are several main positive qualities: the ability to sympathize, fortitude, complaisance and sensuality. Due to the fact that Lyosha is docile and knows how to make concessions, he feels comfortable both in a team and in a marriage and family life, and the people around him will be comfortable with him.

From this, we can also conclude that a man named Alexei is ideal for an everyday calm and measured life, but dangerous adventures, adventures, great achievements and deeds are not for him.

Alyosha also possesses such traits as absent-mindedness and laziness. He is not characterized by excessive emotionality, impulsive actions and decisions, passion and unexpected turns of fate. If Alexei has not developed sufficient ambition in himself, his own laziness can ruin him, preventing him from achieving results in his plans. With an extremely developed ambition, Lyosha is stubborn and constantly pulls the blanket over himself.

Alexei can be called a real peacemaker, an adherent of justice and honesty. One of its main functions is to bring harmony and peace into its own environment. He does not accept violence and enmity, but he will immediately go into conflict if it is a question of restoring justice. Despite the outward softness, it firmly resists attempts to subdue it.

Other character traits of Alexei

Since childhood, Lyosha has been strongly attached to his parents, and especially to his mother. And he will keep this affection until the end of his days. He also honors and observes family traditions... Having matured, Alexey becomes a real protector and reliable support for his mother and his future chosen ones.

There is also such a trait in Lyosha's character as the inability to soberly look at the surrounding reality and objectively assess the prevailing circumstances. By failing or doing the wrong thing the best way Alexey instantly builds a wall of self-justification in his mind. He is inclined to withdraw into himself, to soar in the clouds, to dream and fantasize.

Poorly tolerates criticism, is inactive. Sometimes you get the impression that while doing some work, a man only thinks about how to return home as soon as possible and do his favorite things (among which there may be simple idleness).

All of Lyosha's character traits are not clearly expressed, they seem to be rounded. His mindset is more feminine than masculine, he is also distinguished by attention to detail and good memorization, broad outlook and curiosity. He gains confidence easily and quickly, evokes sincere sympathy among the people around him.

What fate awaits Lyosha

Fate awaits Alexei successful person... However, he should be as careful as possible and in no case rush to choose his future wife. The fact is that he, being vulnerable and touchy, and also not too skillful in the ability to build relationships, can easily make a mistake. And he will remain loyal to his wife to the grave. Lyosha will idolize children, spend his free time with them, captivate and teach them.

In order for his family to be fully provided for and have no need, he is able to move mountains. According to this principle, he chooses his profession. His final choice will fall on a fun and interesting business. He is not attracted by influence, power and leadership positions, the main thing for him is the material component, with the help of which he can provide for himself and those close to him.

Over the years, Alyosha gains more and more wisdom and a deep understanding of the events taking place, thanks to which he becomes an excellent adviser for relatives and friends on any issue.

His nature is creative, he will make a great actor, musician or writer. His calmness, thoughtfulness and persistence will be useful in business and medicine. Thanks to his intellect, he comes to a high income.

Esoteric characteristics of the name

For a complete understanding of the picture, it is worth familiarizing yourself with other characteristics of this name:

  • Zodiac sign - scorpio;
  • Planet - Saturn;
  • Stone talisman -,;
  • Name color - green, red;
  • Mascot animal; elk, crab;
  • Talisman tree - fir;
  • Mascot plant - mistletoe;
  • The favorable time of the year is winter;
  • Happy day - Thursday;

Lyosha's birthday

Aleksey's birthday is celebrated several times a year. Angel Day is celebrated on those name days that coincide with the birthday or are closest to this date.

Name days: February 17, March 8, April 5, May 4, June 2, July 6, August 2, September 4, October 1, November 6, December 26.

Compatibility with other names

In choosing the chosen one, Monjo be guided by the principles of compatibility:

  • Not the most favorable union awaits Alexei and Olga. It is difficult for the soft and vulnerable Lesha to resist Olya, who has an imperious and firm character.
  • Favorable relations await Lyosha with Anya, since diplomatic Alexei secretly transfers the reins of government, which she skillfully uses for the benefit of their union.
  • A union in which Alexey fully realizes his potential as a defender - a pair of Lyosha and Lena. , being impulsive and touchy, will constantly give reasons for the manifestation of care, guardianship and love.
  • Alexey and are a great couple where partners can enjoy each other. But there is a risk that both will want to fulfill their potential to the fullest and begin to compete. This union requires wisdom.
  • Alexey and - a favorable union, which will often be incomprehensible to the people around him, since both partners tend to go into their own world, only they understand.
  • Lyosha goes well with Masha, who shares his inclinations, interests and hobbies. They both gravitate towards self-development, travel.
  • An unfavorable union awaits Alexei and Victoria, since these people differ from each other in temperaments and habits. Alexey is rational, and Vika can be too wasteful and frivolous.

Notable personalities

There are many famous personalities who bear the name of this name. Among them are the hero of fairy tales - Alyosha Popovich, and the famous physicist - Aleksey Abrikosov, as well as Aleksey Ermolov - the famous military leader. It is worth mentioning the famous writer - Alexei Tolstoy, as well as Alexei Mikhailovich - the famous tsar, who became the author of the saying "Business is time, fun is an hour."

Aleksey is a male name of Greek origin. Ancient greek name Alexios, Alexis literally translates as "defender" and comes from the word "alexo" - "to protect", "to reflect". In Russia, until 1708, the form of the name Alexy was used. In Christianity, Alexy is deeply revered, a man of God - the heir to a noble Roman family, who abandoned wealth and fled from home to live in begging. In Orthodoxy, Alexy, the saint of Moscow, the heavenly patron of Samara, is venerated. Folk forms of the name in Russian: Lexey, Lyaksey, Oleksey, Oleksa, Alex, Ales, Oles, Les. In Russian, there is also a rarely used female derivative of Aleksin, borrowed from French... The name Alexei gained particular popularity in Russia after the baptism in 1969 of Tsarevich Alexei Mikhailovich Romanov, the son of Mikhail Fedorovich, the first tsar of the Romanovs. If we consider the abbreviated form of Alyosha, we can trace the Iranian roots of the name. The transcription of Ali Shah is one of the three most popular, along with the Greek Ali Ksai (Aleksey) and the Turkic Ali Khan (Alekha). The name “Ali” in most languages ​​of the Iranian subgroup means “exalted” or literally means “high”, and “Shah” means “the best of people”. The literal translation of the name Ali Shah sounds like "great as a man." The Turkic version of Ali Khan has two meanings: "the lion of God" and "great (divine) ruler". At the same time, the Turkic word Ali also means “exalted”.

The meaning and characteristics of the name Alexey

Returning to the Greek meaning of the name "protector", "helper", "guardian" - the name is calm, cheerful. Sound Analysis allows highlighting the following quality characteristics by name by sound: good, strong, beautiful, light, light, safe. The name disposes to itself, evokes trust, sympathy, a sense of security and comfort. In addition, the name is Alexey, and also in to a greater extent- Alexy, carries a certain instability, lack of balance, and as a result - movement, which is provoked by external attraction. Not an active step, but a passive glide. Hence such different characteristics name. Alexey is also righteous, attentive, serious, focused, purposeful and tenacious. And at the same time - meek, respectful, and sometimes obedient, meek, altruist.

If we analyze the alphabetic composition of the name, then the first three letters, which are repeated both in the full and in the abbreviated name, have the greatest influence. The letter A is a symbol of any undertaking, motivation, striving and start, as such. Striving to achieve internal and external harmony, comfort. If the name begins with this letter, its bearer is hardworking, initiative, avoids routine both in the profession and in love. In a field of activity that gives the wearer pleasure, makes him happy, is able to amaze with hard work and results, can be a leader, take responsibility for himself. The letter L adds refinement, sophistication to the bearer of the name, the ability to see beauty and create it yourself, Creative skills, empathy, the ability to give and receive love. At the same time, the letter L confirms the changeability of the bearer of the name, craving for comfortable conditions life, sociability, penchant for epicureanism. The letter E to the above adds insight, the ability to negotiate, intuition, sociability with a tendency to talkativeness, ingenuousness, a desire for leadership, perseverance, a tendency to short-term solitude, independence, a desire to express oneself.

It is not surprising that this name is common among kings, patriarchs, generals, nobles, writers, directors, actors, and artists.

Character traits of the name Alexey

Alexei are introverts, deep in themselves and their subconscious, where they often run away from reality. They have a vivid imagination, tend to fantasize. They tend to seek justification for themselves and their actions in advance, because they are afraid of condemnation or failure. Alexey is strong-willed, but mobility and inconsistency of character leads to some indecision. Their persistence is akin to worry, anxiety. For Alexei, friendship is very important - they are loyal and selfless friends, but demanding - they expect no less return from a friend. They are independent loners who do not tolerate coercion, restrictions, pressure. Alexei are artistic, have a developed intuition and a synthetic type of thinking - they tend to create. Diligence, perfectionism, ambition lead Alexei to success, but if he succumbs to laziness, he sinks to the very bottom.

They are inquisitive beyond measure, have a wonderful memory. Sometimes it is difficult to understand them, Alexei are capable of dubious, even unreasonable actions. Activity - weak side men with this name - they are proactive and active only if they are engaged in a truly beloved and interesting business for them, sometimes it is idleness. Alexei are lucky in life, a lucky chance largely determines their life.

The negative traits of the character of the name can be considered excessive softness on the verge of weak-willedness, some absent-mindedness. In Aleksei, you need to cultivate an ambition that will allow him to be realized. But if ambition is beyond measure, stubbornness, egocentrism is manifested, To attract attention, he can exaggerate his shortcomings, play the fool.

Family and love relationships of Alexei

Alexey is amorous, strives for love. But his natural disgust, caution and independence, vulnerability and resentment prevents him from having many novels and protects him from early marriages. They would rather dream about love relationship than to tie them. Mental drama is going through hard. He does not like to talk about feelings. Nevertheless, Alexei are popular with women, they easily win the woman they like. Often, passion develops into a strong friendship, which a woman may not like. Alekseev's sexuality has a somewhat childish character - a craving for the mother's body, they are looking for a stronger partner with a motherly attitude towards him. Often these are women older than him, affectionate, delicate, sensitive. At the same time, curiosity, craving for new knowledge allows these men to be gentle and skillful lovers, they take care of their partner, adjust to her, so they do not like to change their mistresses.

In family life, Alexey is docile, loyal, caring. He loves children very much, taking care of whom to his own detriment, sometimes too protective. But he does not like to read morals and impose his opinion. In his wife he values ​​neatness, cleanliness, if her untidy appearance annoys him, he will not be silent. He loves comfort, a friendly atmosphere in the house, to maintain which he often makes concessions. But if he shows stubbornness, it is impossible to convince him. He always takes the side of his wife in any conflicts, defending his fortress. Alexey is not jealous, in some cases he is able to forgive treason.

Alexey has successful marriages with Anastasia, Angela, Anna, Galina, Larisa, Lyubov, Nadezhda, Svetlana, Daria, Evgenia, Irina, Margarita, Natalia, Sophia. Difficult relationships with Vera, Alina, Oksana, Julia, Tamara, Nadezhda.

Choice of profession, business, career for Alexey

Alexei are creative, creative personalities with good intuition. Therefore, their choice is often associated with creativity. These are artists, filmmakers, writers, actors, entertainers, TV people. There are travelers, seafarers, and even hermits - downshifters. They are rarely attracted to science, but there are good engineers, physicists, surgeons, criminologists and lawyers among them, which is facilitated by a pronounced sense of justice. Aleksei born in winter are more inclined towards exact sciences. They love the process of acquiring knowledge, but do not tolerate coercion, the pedagogical process oppresses them. Criticism and failure are hard to bear. Not to be afraid of hard work are constantly improving themselves. He is always the best in his business in a team. He is a good production mentor, patient coach in sports, levelheaded and patient. Alexey is able to build a business and develop it with success. Possesses business qualities, ambition. He is collected, disciplined, quickly mobilized, obligatory. Strives for partnership. Able to achieve a high position in society, will be able to provide material wealth. Often he is considered richer than he really is, it is difficult for him to refuse, he is often generous, even to his own detriment.

Alexey should not engage in speculation, risky adventures, it is important to avoid unscrupulous partners.

Alexey's health

Alexey is easily overworked. It does not differ in good health, although it strives for physical perfection. Has a weak digestive system, especially the liver and pancreas. Alexei needs to monitor nutrition throughout his life, adhere to a diet. Suffers in childhood respiratory diseases that pass with age. Winter-born bearers of the name better health than the rest.

Alexei has a high risk of developing diseases of the nervous system, which is associated with his mobile temperament, sensitivity, even vulnerability, which is easily aggravated by heredity.

Alexei's stubbornness negatively affects his health - he does not complain, does not like to talk about his illnesses, he turns to the doctor only in critical cases, if the pain becomes unbearable or can no longer tolerate discomfort.

Name Alexey for a child

Usually a calm, balanced woman chooses this name for her child. Alexey has been attached to his mother since childhood, often adopts her habits, and remains attached to both parents throughout his life. Often addicted to them psychologically. Since childhood, Alyosha considers himself to be a protector of his mother, guardian and friend. With age, it takes other persons of the opposite sex under protection. He does not strive for leadership, but is always in the center of attention of friends. It is hard to bear injustice, both in relation to oneself and to others, will defend the righteousness and intercede for the unjustly offended to the last. Therefore, he is often a participant in showdowns among peers, can be reputed to be the instigator of fights. This is especially true of the Alekseevs, born in winter and autumn.

Alyosha, born in summer and spring, have a softer character, need support from family and friends, encouragement, and praise. They are more diplomatic, able to defend their innocence with words, tactful. They are fond of science fiction and adventure, dreamers.