Linguistic terms used in the etymological dictionary. A Brief Dictionary of Linguistic Terms

Linguistic terminology is a collection of words and phrases used in linguistics to express special concepts and to name typical objects of a given scientific field. As an integral part of the metalanguage of linguistics, linguistic terminology is the object of attention of a number of researchers (O.S. Akhmanova, N.V. Vasilieva, B.N. Golovin, R.Yu. Kobrin, S.D.Shelov, S.E. Nikitina, I.S.Kulikova and D.V. Salmina, Kh.F. Iskhakova and others).

Linguistic terminology can be described from different positions and classified on different grounds, which are in a complementarity relationship. We propose a classification of Crimean Tatar linguistic terms, which is based on the provisions put forward by N.V. Vasilyeva:

1) according to the designation of general or specific phenomena of linguistics, universal terms are distinguished, denoting general categories typical for many languages ​​( benzeshme'assimilation', tamyr'root', jumle'Offer', etc.), and unique, i.e. designations of phenomena specific to a language or a group of related languages ​​( mulkiet yalgamasy'Affiliation affix', haberlik yalgamasy'Predicate affix', etc.);

2) according to their internal form, linguistic terms are divided into motivated ones, in which there is a semantic and structural correlation of their constituent morphemes with morphemes of a given language (terms dudakly (ses)'labial sound)' ← dudak + ly; manadash'Synonym' ← mana + dash and others), and unmotivated, which are represented mainly by borrowed vocabulary ( zarf< араб. ’наречие’, fiil> Arabic 'verb', etc.);

3) according to the genetic trait, the original terms are distinguished ( sayy'numeral', aiyrydzhy'definition', soz card`` Part of speech '', etc.), borrowed ( name> Arab. 'spelling', sonor> lat.'Sonorous', graphics> Greek'graphics' , phrase> Greek.'Phrase', etc.) and terms based on Greek-Latin elements ( phonetic'phonetic' ← phonet + hic, omoshekil'Homoform' ← omo + shekil and etc.);

4) the terms monolexemic differ in composition, i.e. one-word, including composites ( isim'noun', yalgama'affix', syfatfil'Participle', etc.), and polylexemic, i.e. terms consisting of two or more words ( bash jumle’Main sentence’, og cheese ceci'Front row sound', kechken zaman fiili'Past tense verb', etc.);

5) by the method of education, the following are distinguished: a) terms created by the lexico-semantic method - by terminology of the common word ( tamyr'root', al’Circumstance’, etc.); b) affixations ( ben + zesh + me'assimilation', ses + dash'Homophone', etc.); c) addition of bases and reduplication ( ohshav-kuchyultuv (affixi)'Diminutive (affix)', dudak-dudak sesi’Labio-labial sound’); d) lexico-syntactic way - by forming terms according to models of various types phrases ( vastasiz kechken zaman fiili’Obvious past tense of the verb’, Ayyrydzhy Tabili Murekkep Jumledifficult sentence with a relative clause ', etc.).

Linguistic terminology develops "throughout the history of linguistics and reflects not only the change in views on the language, not only the difference in linguistic word use in different schools and directions of linguistics, but also different national linguistic traditions." The study of the linguistic terminology of the Crimean Tatar language of different historical periods shows that, moving away from the Arab linguistic traditions, it began to be formed taking into account the achievements of European and Russian linguistics, which manifested itself in a change in the genetic, derivational and other characteristics of the Crimean Tatar term.

According to some researchers (O.S. Akhmanov, N.V. Vasiliev, and others), in linguistics there is a problem of ordering linguistic terminology, since it is constantly changing open system, replenished with new elements. However, it cannot be standardized. It can only be systematized and unified. Dictionaries of linguistic terms of various types should serve these purposes. Analysis of terminographic material shows that currently there are only two dictionaries of linguistic terms of the Crimean Tatar language. One of them, "Til ve til bilgisi terminleri" ("Russian-Tatar terminological dictionary for language and linguistics"), was published in the pre-war period (1941) and is a translated Russian-Crimean Tatar dictionary. Another, “Kyrymtatar tili tilshynaslyk terminlerinin lugaty” (“Dictionary of linguistic terms of the Crimean Tatar language”), was published in 2001 and is a reference dictionary of linguistic terms. Since the linguistic terminology of the described language is not an impeccable system, one of the tasks of the Crimean Tatar linguistics is a more complete selection and description of linguistic terms in dictionaries. E.R. Tenishev, analyzing scientific and educational literature. published after 1925 in the Crimean Tatar language, notes that “there is a need for more than one type of dictionary: academic, normative-literary, translation, explanatory dictionaries of the language as a whole or of the literary language, or dialects, or terminologies, or narrowly specialized ".

A special subsystem should be distinguished from linguistic terminology - nomenclature. The need to distinguish between the actual term and the nomen, terminology and nomenclature following G.O. Many terminologists (A.A. Reformatsky, O.S. Akhmanova, N.V. Vasilyeva, B.N.Golovin, R.Yu. Kobrin, T.R. Kiyak, V.M. Leichik, A.V. Superanskaya, A.V. Lemov and others). However, the views of researchers on understanding the essence of the nomenclature are different. Some scholars call the nomen an “abstract and conventional symbol” (VG Vinokur), others consider them as a special type of terms correlated with single concepts and actualizing subject connections (BN Golovin, R.Yu. Kobrin). According to V.M. Leichik, the nomenclature "is an intermediate link in a series of nomenclature units - between terms and proper names." As noted by A.V. Lemov, summarizing opinions on this issue, the following can be identified: “The term has a predominantly significative meaning, nomen - denotative, since it is associated with a more specific concept. The term fulfills both the nominative and the definitive function, the nomen - only the nominative one ”.

We tend to adhere to the views of O.S. Akhmanova and N.V. Vasilieva on this issue, and we accept the definition according to which the nomenclature is "a system of specific names that are used to designate specific linguistic objects." So, N.V. Vasilieva distinguishes between the concepts of "linguistic term" and " linguistic nomenclature" thus: suffix - this is a term, diminutive suffix- species term, diminutive suffix of the Russian language -shk- Is nomen. Consequently, nomenclature designations are the names of more specific objects. With regard to the Crimean Tatar language, this ratio of linguistic concepts will look as follows: yalgama'Affix' is a term sez yapidzhy yalgama'Derivational affix' is a species term, isim yapidzhy - dash / - desh yalgamasy’Affix-dash / -desh, forming a noun ’– nomen. A large number of linguistic nomens of the Crimean Tatar language are described in the work of Usein Kurkchi "Kyrymtatar tili imlyasyn dair teklifler" ("Proposals for the Crimean Tatar spelling").

The distinction between term and nomen is due to their semantics. Nomenclature names are not characterized by the definitive function characteristic of the terms, their meaning is "denotative, objective, while the semantics of the term behind which there is an abstract concept is significative."

Researchers also note the shifting boundaries between nomenclature units and terms (O.S. Akhmanova, N.V. Vasilieva, etc.). “Any nomenclature mark, no matter how limited in its use, can acquire a more general character if similar phenomena are found in other languages ​​or a more general universal content is found in the initially narrow names,” O.S. Akhmanov.

Thus, we will distinguish linguistic terms- words and phrases used in linguistics to express special concepts, and linguistic nomenclature as a specific name to denote specific elements in a language system.

Due to the fact that the number of nomenclature designations is limitless, the object of our attention will be linguistic terms.

Lecture number 3

Theme: Linguistic terminology and its specificity.


  1. Linguistic terminology and nomenclature.
  2. The main groups of linguistic terms.
  3. Genetic characteristics linguistic terms of the Crimean Tatar language.
  4. The derivational aspect of linguistic terminology.
  5. Semantic processes in the scientific terminology of the Crimean Tatar language.


1. Ganieva E.S. From the history of the linguistic terminology of the Crimean Tatar language // Culture of the peoples of the Black Sea region. - Simferopol, 2004. - No. 47. - S. 9-12.

2. Ganieva E.S. The system of linguistic terms in the Arabic grammar of the early XX century "Sarf-and Turkic" // Culture of the peoples of the Black Sea region. - Simferopol, 2005. - No. 68. - S. 45-48.

34. Ganieva E.S. Types of systemic relations in the Crimean Tatar linguistic terminology (synonymy and antonymy) // Culture of the peoples of the Black Sea region. - Simferopol, 2006. - No. 86. - S. 91-94.

5. 6. 7. Ganieva E.S. Structural and grammatical design of linguistic terms in the Crimean Tatar language // Culture of the peoples of the Black Sea region. - Simferopol, 2007. - No. 120 - S. 71-74.

Accommodation- combinatorial change of article-ii - (adjustment) change of articulation of the consonant when changing the vowel and vice versa. PY vowels often accommodate consonants (gender - row, current - tek).

Analyticism- simplification of morphs of forms and an increase in the role of syntax order in the construction of a phrase.

Analytical structure of language- p-p I, in which the main means of expressing grammatical meanings are word order and function words, showing the relationship between words or groups of words.

Areal linguistics- deals with the study of changes in languages ​​during their interaction (affinity for the self, linguistic union).

Assimilation- combinatorial change of article-ii - adjusting the sound to the neighboring one, vowels affect vowels and consonants affect the acc.

Letter Is a member of an alphabetical or graphic sign system.

Phoneme variantweak position phonemes - a phoneme changes its sound depending on the position.

Internal and external linguistics- Internal linguistics is a branch of linguistics that studies the systemic relations of linguistic units without referring to external linguistic factors. External linguistics, extralinguistics, a branch of linguistics that studies the totality of ethnic, social, historical, geographical factors inextricably linked with the development of a language.

Excerpt- phase 2 of articulation - pronunciation of sound.

Genealogical classification I- a classification based on the genetic principle, that is, grouping related languages ​​into language families.

Grammatology- science, studying letters signs.

Grammema- refers the word form to some morphological class, computer gram category.

Graphics- all the signs of the cat are used in the ODP writing system (letters, prep-i signs, blow-i, etc.)

Denotat- the relation of a word to an object (subject relatedness). Denotates: elements of the language (hide, incline), false (mermaid, goblin); objects, events, facts.

Diacritics- a combination of signs, f-ia cat - specify the value of # Щ.

Dynamic stress- the stressed syllable is pronounced louder.

Dissimilation- the reverse process of assimilation. Assigning sounds. Vowels and consonants are matched. (The bomb is the bonba, the doctor is the doctor.)

Differential sign of a phoneme- a sign that distinguishes one phoneme from another. (deafness, sonorousness) - volume - house, bite - beak (according to the degree of rise of the tongue).

Sign- a tangible carrier of intangible information.

Index sign- there is no direct resemblance to m / y form and sod-em. Communication is based on contiguity. # smoke is a sign of fire. In I - interjections.

Sign-symbol- the connection between the SP and the PS is conditional (there are many such signs.)

Ideogram- the same as Ideography

Ideography- (recording ideas) pictography, selection> abstract of a concept - image of the eye -> look, see, eye, cry ...

Hieroglyph- more schematic pictograms.

Insulation -

Iconic sign- (pictogram) the signs of the cat PV are similar to PS # Roman numerals, onomatopoeia.

Incorporation- unification into one morphological whole of two or more semanthemes, which are mobile components with separate lexical meanings; the number and order of these components each time is determined by the content of the utterance, and the relations between them correspond to syntactic relations.

Iterfixes- affixes that have no meaning, serve to connect the roots in complex words.

Intonation is a set of sound means of a language, which, superimposed on a number of pronounced and audible syllables and words: a) phonetically organize speech, dismembering it according to meaning into phrases and significant segments - syntagmas; b) establish semantic relations between the parts of the phrase; c) give the phrase, and sometimes significant segments of the narrative, interrogative, imperative, and other meanings; d) express various emotions. Phonetic means of I. (intonation means): the distribution of the force of dynamic (otherwise - expiratory) stress between words (accent system), melodic speech, pauses, tempo of speech and its individual segments, rhythmic and melodic means, loudness of speech and its individual segments, emotional shades of voice timbre.

Infix- the affix, the cat is inserted into the root, breaks the ago.

Cognitive function I- (mental) I am a means of forming thought.

Quantitative stress- stressed syllable lasts longer.

Communicative function I- I am - in the exchange of thoughts, information.

Connotative component of meaning- additional meaning, awareness (when emoj is okr)

Consonant letter- consonants are indicated on the letter, and vowels are indicated by diacritical signs (dots, dashes ...)

The concept of linguistic relativity- p-p I defines the p-p of thinking.

Lexicography- the section of linguistics dealing with the practice and theory of compilation dictionaries.

Lexicology- a section of linguistics, which examines the vocabulary of the language, its vocabulary.

Lexical meaning- this is an indication of the known content, properties of t this word in excl. from other words.

Logical stress- a means of semantic highlighting of any significant unit of the utterance.

Metaphor- this is the transfer of the name of an object (or phenomenon) to another object (phenomenon) on the basis of similarity in form, function, etc.

Metonymy- this is the transfer of the name of an object or phenomenon to another object or phenomenon, based on real connections between the object or phenomenon.

Morpheme- a half-character, a morpheme always appears as part of a word.

Homonymy- Homonyms - words do not have common semantics, but have the same sound or spelling form. (The same spelling / pronounced, different meanings).

Opposition- the opposite of phonemes to the Ya system.

Excursion- phase 1 of articulation - a speech apparatus in position for pronunciation of a sound.

Spelling- a set of forms and rules for graphic writing.

Perceptual function of phonemes- morpheme - an object of perception.

Pictography- writing with drawings, the cat is represented by specific objects. Is used to this day (signs, symbols).

Expression plan and content plan- PV (mater side zn) - signifying (exponent), PS (id stor) - signified.

Postfix- place in the word - after the root.

Pragmatics- the ratio of m / y by the sign and by the user.

Regulatory function of language- the language allows direct air on the new addressee.

Reduplication- doubling of the basis both with and without a change in the phonetic structure.

Recursion- phase 3 of articulation - (indent) return of the speech apparatus to the ref.

Speech activity- pr-with gov-ia and rez-you of this pr-sa.

Speech situation- canonical and non-canonical - canonical - the time and place of the speaker and the perceiver coincide, the addressee is a specific person, non-canonical - the place of the addressee and the addressee does not coincide (phone / letter / publ speech).

Semantics- value, relative m / y sign and signified.

Significative function of the phoneme- the ability to distinguish with sound matter significant elements of language (sound and meaning).

Syllabic writing- syllabic writing.

Syllabema- the element of a syllabic letter is a syllable.

Synecdoche- a kind of metonymy - transferring a name from part to whole or from whole to part.

Synonymy- Synonyms - words belonged to one part of speech coincided in denotative knowledge and diffused in connotative knowledge.

Syntactics- rel-e m / y with a sign and other signs (compatibility).

Synthetism- the word, being taken out of the sentence, retained its gram h-ku.

Synthetic system I- system I defined by prefixes and suffixes.

Synchrony and diachrony- sync - state-e I am on this moment, diachr - I am in its development.

Wordform- a term denoting a specific word in a specific grammatical form. A paradigm is a system of word forms.

Comparative Historical Linguistics- studies the I in their ist development (origin I, establish kinship on the basis of comparison).

Suppletivism- the grammatical form of the word arr from different roots, while the lex does not change.

Typological linguistics- deals with the selection of patterns, languages ​​are grouped into types.

Tonal accent- on the stressed syllable, the tone is either raised or lowered.

Transcription- more accurately displays the pronunciation of a word.

Transliteration- mezhdunar sist - writing a word from one self by means of another I.

Actual function I- (kontaktoustanavl) language can serve as a means of creating and subtracting a contact when noun info is not yet given. (talking about nothing is important for self-affirmation).

Phoneme- a stable idea of ​​sound, a generalized image of sound in our minds. / abstraction, cannot be pronounced.

Phonetic ud-e -

Phonography- expresses PV and not PS (countries of the Middle East. Words are monosyllabic)

A phrase is the basic unit of speech. Complies with proposal as a unit language; syntactic-phonetic whole, which has a syntactic structure, semantic completeness and intonation form.

Language- a means of general, accumulation and exchange of information with the help of sounds / def class of knowledge systems / some real noun system of isp in defining society / many dialects.

Language type - groups I arr by similarity.

1. The place of linguistics in the system of sciences.

Linguistics- the science of languages ​​of the past, present and future. Tasks of linguistics as a science 1) it is necessary to study I in I 2) to study I by foreigners. The connection between linguistics and other sciences... 1) if language is a communicative system of signs, then language has close ties with the science of the general theory of signs ( semiotics)- study of any sign system as a means of designating and transmitting meaning (types of codes, animal alarm fonts, signs of maps of drawings, finger technique of the deaf and dumb). 2) mk I am social phenomenon, then the science of language is associated with sociology ( the structure of society, the use of language by various social associations 3) if I am associated with thinking, then linguistics is associated with logic 4) mk Linguistics has speech as its subject, and this is a psychophysical process. Connection of linguistics with psychology and physiology. Psychology studies thinking. The speech act is studied by physiology (articulation, perception of speech by the organs of hearing) 5) Violation of speech, pathology - medicine. 6) Sound phenomena are studied by the physics section - acoustics 7) Ethnography ( ethnology) - folklore (songs, fairy tales, epics), the study of the life of the speakers of a particular language or dialect (dwelling, clothing, beliefs, superstitions) 8) Study of extinct ancient languages ​​and determination of their carriers, their area, i.e. areas of their distribution, their migration (resettlement) connects linguistics with archeology. 9) study of the origin of speech in primitive people, how are the signs of language and race connected or not connected - anthropology- the science of the biological nature of man, his structure. C / z anthropology linguistics mb connected with biology ( animal behavior) 10) Historical sciences ( history of language) 11) Geography(geographical facts through history can become linguistic factors) 12) Philology- "love of words", the study of everything that is connected with the word, with the written word, ie study of written monuments. 13) Maths- skills of prediction in linguistics. fourteen) Information theory(code is an arbitrary system of preset characters, alphabet is a set of code characters, text is a sequence of characters of a given message, channel is a medium through which code characters are transmitted, taking into account interference and noise, bit is a unit of information measurement, redundancy is the difference m / with the theoretically possible transmitting ability of any code and the average amount of transmitted information, entropy is a measure of missing information and uncertainty) - Algorithm - a set of exact rules for describing, coding or re-coding any information system. 15) Cybernetics- the machine translates texts from one language to another.

2. The structure of the science of me.

Linguistics - Linguistics - Linguistics. 1) theoretical(engaged in general problem I), a) general- engaging in sv-mi is inherent in any I (typological I) b) private- is studying the specific I (comparative-historical linguistics, lexicology) 2) applied(development of methods for solving practical problems - studying I, the composition of dictionaries, lexicography, translations ...) Dr principle of affairs-i 1) internal lingua(spelling, grammar, phonetics, lexicology, morphology) 2) external linguistics(sociolinguistic - interaction between I and the community, psycholinguistic - study of the generation and acceptance of speech), areal linguistics. Neuro-linguistic programmer does not belong to any of the above categories.

Among most of the humanities Special attention worth giving to linguistics. This science has a great influence on the life of each of us, and its individual sections are studied not only in universities, but also in schools.

Let's talk about what linguistics is and what are its main sections.

Definition of linguistics

Linguistics is a science that studies language, its development, phenomena that make up a particular language, elements and units. The term comes from the Latin lingua - "language". The native Russian term linguistics is considered synonymous with linguistics.

Most of the linguistic disciplines are studied at universities in philological faculties, and we get acquainted with the basics of linguistics in primary school at the lessons of Russian and foreign languages.

Classical sections of linguistics

So, we have figured out what linguistics is, and now we can talk about its main sections. The main or classical sections of linguistics, with which each of us gets acquainted throughout the entire study at school, are phonetics, graphics, morphology, syntax, lexicology and phraseology, as well as stylistics.

Learning any language starts with phonetics and graphics.

Phonetics is a branch of linguistics that studies the sound structure of a language, sounds and syllables. Graphics, on the other hand, deals with the study of letters and their relationship with sounds.

The next section of linguistics, which is introduced in school, is grammar. This is the science that studies the structure of the language. Consists of two sections: morphology and syntax. Morphology studies the parts of speech of a language and their word formation and inflection. Syntax studies phrases and sentences. Note that punctuation is closely related to syntax, which studies the rules for using punctuation marks.

Periodically, in the course of studying the language, schoolchildren study other sections of linguistics: lexicology and phraseology, stylistics.

Lexicology is a science that studies the vocabulary of a language, establishing the meaning of words, the norms of their use. In lexicology, synonyms and antonyms, paronyms, the lexical composition of the language by origin, social use are considered.

Phraseology is a section that studies phraseological units, that is, stable expressions of a particular language.

Stylistics is the science of speech styles and means of linguistic expressiveness. At school, students constantly get acquainted with the artistic and journalistic, scientific, epistolary styles of the language. They learn not only to recognize them, but also independently create texts in one style or another.

Special sections

Upon entering the university at the Faculty of Philology, students continue their acquaintance with linguistics, learn what linguistics is and how many sections and sciences it actually contains.

So, linguistics is divided into theoretical, which deals with the problems of linguistic models, and applied, aimed at finding solutions to practical problems related to the study of the language and its use in other areas of knowledge. In addition, they highlight practical linguistics, which deals with the problems of transmission and knowledge of the language.

Theoretical linguistics includes the previously mentioned sections of linguistics, such as morphology and syntax, lexicology, stylistics and others.

Applied sections of linguistics

Applied sections of linguistics include cognitive linguistics, dialectology and history of language, sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, ethnolinguistics, lexicography, linguodidactics, terminology, translation, computational linguistics.

Each of these sections deals with the study of a particular area of ​​the language, its application.

So, ethnolinguistics deals with the study of language in its connection with the culture of the people.

Psycholinguistics is a science at the intersection of psychology and linguistics. She studies the relationship between language, thinking and consciousness.

Cognitive linguistics deals with the establishment of connections between language and human mental activity, his attention and memory, language perception.

Computational linguistics deals with the problems of machine translation, automatic text recognition, information retrieval, and even linguistic expertise.

Lexicography is also quite interesting - the science involved in compiling dictionaries.

The history of language deals with the study of the development of language, and in this it is significantly helped by another linguistic discipline - dialectology.

As you can see, this is not a complete list of sections and disciplines that modern linguistics studies. Every year more and more linguistic disciplines appear, more and more new language problems associated with the development and improvement of the language are being studied.


Linguistics is a science that deals with the study of languages ​​and their structure. It has many language sections, and every year there are more and more of them. We get acquainted with some linguistic disciplines while still at school, but most of them are studied at philological faculties.

Now you know what linguistics is and what main sections it consists of.

A kanye in Russian dialects and literary language - non-discrimination of unstressed sounds in place of letters O and a, their coincidence in one sound. The phenomenon is named Akanem because in some dialects and in the literary language in the 1st pre-stressed syllable this coincidence occurs in the sound [a]: water[wada] and grass[grass ]. There are dialects in which the coincidence occurs in other sounds, for example [b]: [v'da] and [tr'va]. Cm. about kanye.
Area l(from lat. area"Area, space") - the area of ​​distribution of certain linguistic phenomena: phonetic, lexical, grammatical.
Articulation(from lat. articulatio, here - "articulate, clear pronunciation") - the work of the organs of speech (lips, tongue, soft palate, vocal cords), necessary to pronounce the sound of speech.
Archaism(from the Greek. archа ios"Ancient") - a word or turn of speech, obsolete, obsolete: this"this", stomach"life", actor"actor", energetic"vigorous".
Assimilation(lat. assimilatio"Assimilation") - assimilation of one sound to another, for example wedding from matchmaker-ba, cf. matchmaker, matchmaker. In this case T became like b on the basis of voicedness.
Affrika ta(lat. affricata"Lapped") - difficult consonant which is a combination explosive sound with fricative the same place of education. In the Russian literary language, there are two affricates - hard [c] and soft [h "]. The affricate [c] is a fused pronunciation [t] and [s], an affricate [ch"] is a fused pronunciation [t "] and [sh" ].
Explosive consonants- consonants, when pronounced, the organs of speech form a complete bow, and the pressure of air breaks it. For example, [t], [d], [k], [g], [n], [b] and their soft pairs [t "], [n"], etc. fricative consonants, noisy consonants, sonorant consonants, affricates.
Vocals zm(lat. vocalis"Vowel") - system vowel sounds of the given language. Cm. consonantism.
East Slavic languages- East Slavic languages language group: Belarusian, Russian, Ukrainian. Cm. Slavic languages, Old Russian language.
Hypercorrection(Greek. hyper"Over, over" and lat. correctio"Correction") is a phenomenon in a language when speakers mistakenly correct a word or form that does not need correction. For example, in many Russian dialects there was a transition day v nn (He is at"one", holonic"Cold"), thus differing in the literary language day and nn coincided in one sound - debt [n:]. The desire to speak culturally leads to a false "restoration" of irregular forms such as greedy(instead of desired).
Go thief(same as diale kt) - the minimum territorial variety of the language used as a means of communication by residents of one or more neighboring settlements.
Binary... Modern Russian dialects and the literary language distinguish between two numbers - singular and plural. In the Proto-Slavic and Old Russian languages ​​there was another number - a dual. It was used to denote two creatures or objects: Old Russian. leg "(one) leg» – nos"Two legs" - legs"Legs (three or more)"; village"(One) village" - selb"Two villages" - villages"Villages (three or more)". Dual forms were formed from nouns, adjectives, pronouns, numerals, and verbs. In modern Russian, forms have survived that go back to the forms of the dual: shoulders, knees, ears, horns, sleeves, eyes; the forms m. r. also ascend to them. on = a, used with numerals two, three, four: two home, four horses. Now they are perceived by us as R. p.
Diale ct(Greek. diа lektos"Conversation, dialect, adverb") - the same as dialect (see).
Dialectic gm- a word or expression belonging to a dialect used in a text spoken or written in a literary language.
Dialectological atlas of the Russian language(GIFT) is a linguo-geographical work created by dialectologists of the Institute of the Russian Language of the USSR Academy of Sciences (now - the Russian Academy of Sciences). DARYA consists of three issues: I. Phonetics. - M., 1986; Issue II. Morphology. M., 1989; Issue II I. Syntax. Vocabulary (in press). Each issue contains about 100 maps and comments to them. The compilation of the atlas was preceded by numerous expeditions of linguists from universities and pedagogical universities across the territory of Russia where the Russian nationality was formed and the literary language was formed. This territory was included in DARYA (and, consequently, in the School Dialectological Atlas). During the 40-60s, about 5 thousand settlements were surveyed according to a special "Program of collecting information for the compilation of the Dialectological Atlas of the Russian language."
Dialectology(from dialect and Greek. lo gos"word; concept, teaching ") - a section of linguistics that studies dialects (dialects). The study of Russian dialects began in the 18th century. MV Lomonosov in his "Russian grammar" for the first time identified "the main Russian dialects." In the second half of the XIX century. there was an intensive work on collecting, describing and researching the material of various Russian dialects. A significant milestone in Russian dialectology was the "Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language" by V. I. Dal. At the beginning of the XX century. at the Department of Russian Language and Literature of the Academy of Sciences with the direct participation of Acad. A. A. Shakhmatova, the Moscow Dialectological Commission (MDC) was created. Under her guidance, a special program was used to systematically collect dialectal materials, for which dialectological expeditions were organized. In 1914, The Experience of the Dialectological Map of the Russian Language by NN Durnovo, NN Sokolov and DN Ushakov was published. In 1957, the Atlas of Russian folk dialects of the central regions to the east of Moscow was published, and in the 80s - Dialectological atlas of the Russian language(cm.). Cm. linguo-geography.
Old English language- the generalized name of the East Slavic dialects of the times of tribal and feudal fragmentation (approximately from the 9th to the 13th centuries); Old Russian (Old East Slavic) dialects formed the basis of three East Slavic national languages- Belarusian, Russian and Ukrainian. In the Old Russian language (in its various dialects - Kiev, Novgorod, Rostov-Suzdal, Smolensk-Polotsk, etc.), contracts, deeds of sale, chronicles, letters and some other secular (non-church) monuments are written. Many features of Old Russian dialects have been preserved in modern East Slavic dialects. see also Old Church Slavonic, East Slavic languages.
E kanye(or e kanye) - non-distinction in the 1st pre-stressed syllable of sounds corresponding to stressed [e], [o] and [a] after soft consonants, their coincidence in [e] or sounds similar to it ([e and], [and e]) , but different from [and] (see. and kanye): for example, [l "esa], [l" e and sa], [l "and e sa] - forests(plural), cf. Forest; [n "esu], [n" e and su], [n "and e su] - (I carry, Wed carried; [n "eta k], [n" e and such k], [n "and e such k] - penny, but [with "Izhu] - (I am sitting;[l "uca] - Fox... Ekane (ekane) is typical for many Central Russian and some North Russian dialects. It, along with hiccuping, is the orthoepic norm of the Russian literary language. Yakanye is a type of yakanye.
Isoglo ssa(Greek. ísos"Equal" and glо ssa"Language, speech") - a line on a geographic map that limits the distribution area of ​​certain linguistic phenomena. Cm. area.
And kanye- nondiscrimination in the 1st pre-stressed syllable of sounds corresponding to stressed [and], [e], [o], [a], after soft consonants and their coincidence in the sound [and]: [l "isa] - forests(plural) and Fox ,[n "isu] - carry, [n "ita k] - penny... And kanye is found in dialects with akani. Along with e kanye, ikane is a valid pronunciation in the literary language. Cm. yakan, yakan.
Indo-European languages- a family of related languages, which, in turn, includes some language families and individual languages ​​- (living and dead): Indo-Iranian family (Indian languages: Sanskrit, Hindi, Urdu, Bengali, Gypsy, etc.; Iranian languages: Ossetian, Persian, Tajik, Afghan-Pashto, etc.); Armenian language; Greek language; slavic family(cm.); Baltic family (Lithuanian, Latvian, Prussian); Albanian; Germanic family (German, Dutch, English, Gothic, Swedish, etc.); Celtic family (Irish, Breton, Welsh, Gaulish, etc.); the Italian family (Osk, Umbrian, Faliscus, Latin, etc.; Latin is the ancestor of the Romance languages ​​- Spanish, Portuguese, French, Provencal, Romanian, etc.); Anatolian family (Hittite, Luwian, Lycian, Lydian, etc.); Tocharian family (Tocharian A and Tocharian B). The Indo-European proto-language, the ancestor of all Indo-European languages, was spoken around the 5th millennium BC.
Linguistic card (dialectological)... There are two types of linguistic maps. Some reflect the spread of dialectal phenomena (phonetic, morphological, lexical, syntactic). Others - the spread of dialects of one or more neighboring languages ​​(for example, a map of German dialects, a map of Russian dialects). Linguistic information is applied to geographic map in the form of a system of conventional signs (fills, shadings, single icons, isogloss) and is accompanied by legend(cm.).
Consonanti zm(lat. consona ns"Consonant") - a system of consonants of a given language. vocals gm.
Lege nda(lat. legenda"What should be read") - a set of conventional signs and explanations for the map, revealing its content.
Le xica(Greek. lexiko s"Verbal") - the vocabulary of a language (or dialect), that is, all the words of a given language (dialect).
Lexicalization... In dialectology, there is the concept of "lexicalization of a phonetic or morphological phenomenon." This means that a certain phonetic or morphological feature in the dialect does not have the character of a pattern, but is limited to only a few words (a limited range of vocabulary). For example, the old Moscow norm prescribed to pronounce in place of the letter a in the 1st pre-stressed syllable after NS and f sound [s e]: [shy e g "and] - Steps, [zhy e ra] - heat, [shy el lu n] - mischievous and so on. According to modern orthoepy, here one should pronounce [a]: [step "and], [heat], [shalu n]. And only in words horse th, sorry, jaquet t, jasmie n the pronunciation of [s e] was preserved, that is, the lexicalization of this phonetic phenomenon took place. Lexicalized phenomena are often remnants of bygone phonetic and morphological changes and are important for the study of the history of the language. For example, the old Moscow pronunciation [shy e], [zhy e] reflects such an ancient trait as the soft pronunciation of sibilants.
Lexicogra phia- section of lexicology (see), dealing with the compilation of dictionaries.
Lexicology Guia- the section of linguistics dealing with the study of the vocabulary of the language, its vocabulary(cm.).
Linguistic stick(French. linguistique from lat. lingua"Language") - the science of language; the same as linguistics.
Linguogeography(from lat. lingua"Language" and Greek. geographíā"Geography") is a science whose task is to clarify the territorial boundaries of the spread of certain linguistic phenomena.
Literary language(or standard mouth language) - the language of science, education, journalism, writing and everyday communication, official business documents and fiction. This is the language used by the entire people, it is national, in contrast to the dialect, which is territorially limited, and the jargon intended for a narrow circle of people. Literary language is a normalized language. This means that he obeys a specially developed norm - a set of rules for pronunciation, stress setting, the use of certain forms, words. For example, the norm of the Russian literary language prescribes the pronunciation of [g] -explosive, stress: doc nt, call t, turn on t(not doc ment, ringing, turn on cheat), forms bend over, lay down(but not bend over, live).
Morphe ma(Greek. morphē"Form") - the minimum significant part of the word: root, suffix, prefix (prefix), ending (inflection).
Morphology(Greek. Morphē"the form", lo gos"word; doctrine, science ") - a section of grammar that studies the structure of a word and the expression of grammatical meanings in a word.
Species of the Russian language... Russian dialects of the territory of the old settlement are divided into two dialects: North Russian and South Russian. Between them is a wide strip of transitional Central Russian dialects (see the section "On the dialectal division of the Russian language"). The North Russian dialect is opposed to the South Russian one with a whole complex of features at all levels of the language:

North Russian dialect

South Russian dialect

explosive [g]

fricative [γ]

solid -t in the 3rd person of verbs

soft -t "in the 3rd person of verbs

coincidence of the endings T. and D.
n. pl. h. (s)

various endings of T.
(s) and D. (s) n. pl. h.

"Grip": grip

"Deja": kvashnya

Cradle: shaky

"Barks": barks

bad weather

weather "good weather"

About Kanye- distinction after solid consonants in an unstressed position of sounds corresponding to stressed [o] and [a]. Usually, when okanin in the 1st pre-stressed syllable, the sounds [o] (or [o y]) and [a] are distinguished: [water] - [grass]. Less often in place [o] appears [b]: [entrance] - [grass]. With full okanie [o] and [a] differ in all unstressed syllables, with incomplete - only in the 1st pre-stressed syllable (see the commentary to card 12). Okane opposed akanya(cm.).
Spelling(Greek. orthо s"Correct" and grа phō"I write") - spelling, a system of rules for spelling words of a given language.
Orfoe pia(Greek. orthо s"Correct" and e pos"Speech") - section phonetics(see), engaged in the study of the norms of literary pronunciation; compliance with the rules of literary pronunciation.
Perfe kt(lat. perfectum"Perfect") is a temporal verb form denoting an action performed in the past, up to the moment of speech, and the result of this action is preserved in the present. For example, in English perfect I have written a letter"I wrote a letter (and it, for example, lies in front of me)" is contrasted in meaning to the simple past tense I wrote a letter"I wrote a letter (and, for example, have already sent it)." In Russian dialects, perfect forms of the type he arrived simple past tense forms he arrived.
Proto-Slavic language- the ancestor language of all modern and ancient Slavic languages. The Proto-Slavic language was spoken by the Slavs presumably in the 1st-7th centuries. n. NS. The Proto-Slavic language in the late era of its existence was divided into dialects, the complex development and interaction of which led to the formation of separate Slavic languages(cm.).
Prafo rma- the original, most ancient form of the word. Proto-forms are called forms of proto-languages ​​(for example, the forms of the Proto-Slavic language serve as pro-forms for Russian words). Proto-forms are very rarely attested (for example, the pro-forms are the forms of the Latin language for Romance languages), they are usually reconstructed (restored by special methods) on the basis of a comparison of the forms of individual languages ​​that go back to this preform. Comparative-historical linguistics deals with the reconstruction of proto-languages.
Product clear suffix(or prefix) - actively used in the language to form words. For example, the suffix -ik is productive because it is widely used to form diminutive nouns from new words: jeans from jeans.
Derivative word- a word formed, derived from another word. This new word contains the basis or part of the basis of the word from which it was formed, and is associated with it in meaning. For example, lunch - dinner, table - table, sun - sunflower, run - run.
Vowel reduction(lat. reductio"Reduction, decrease") - a change in vowel sounds, consisting in their less distinct articulation, shorter duration of sound.
Reduced- the conventional name of the Proto-Slavic sounds, depicted in the Old Slavonic and Old Russian languages ​​by the letters ъ (er) and ь (er). They were pronounced very briefly compared to other vowels. The sound ъ, apparently, was similar to English [u] in words to look, book, sound ь - in English [i] in words bit, to sit... In Russian, ъ and b either developed into vowels of complete education [o] and [e] / ["o], respectively, or dropped out (for example, they always disappeared at the end of words): мъхъ - moss, R. p. Moha - moss; ps - dog, R. p. Play - dog... The so-called fluent vowels e and O in Russian come from the reduced ones.
Letters b and b in Russian dialectological transcription, they are used for special vowel sounds similar to those indicated by these letters in Old Church Slavonic and Old Russian: m[b] loco, [n "b] rest... See the comments for Maps 12 and 13 for more details.
Semantic(Greek. semantiko s"Designating") - the meaning of a word, turn of speech, grammatical form or morphemes(cm.).
C syntax(Greek. syntaxis"Composition, combination") - 1) a section of linguistics, the subject of study of which are phrases and sentences; 2) the system, the structure of phrases and sentences in the language - their types, meaning, etc.
Slavz nsk languages... Family of closely related Indo-European(see) languages. Modern Slavic languages ​​are divided into three groups - South Slavic (Slovenian, Serbo-Croatian, Macedonian and Bulgarian), West Slavic (Polish, Kashubian, Czech, Slovak, Upper and Lower Sorbian) and East Slavic (Belarusian, Ukrainian, Russian). Slavic languages ​​go back to a single Proto-Slavic language(cm.). Of the Indo-European languages, the Baltic languages ​​are the closest to Slavic languages ​​(Lithuanian, Latvian, dead Prussian languages).
Word formation- the formation of new words by connecting the root (stem) with prefixes and suffixes, as well as connecting stems to each other by certain models, including the rules for the alternation of sounds in a given language.
Sonorous consonants(lat. sonorus"Sonorous"), or sonants, - consonants, in the formation of which the voice (musical tone) prevails over noise, for example [m], [n], [l], [p], [y].
Spira nty(lat. spirans"Blowing, exhaling") - the same as fricative or slotted consonants.
Old Slavonic language(another name - Old Church Slavic) - the conventional name of the language of the oldest Slavic translations of liturgical books from the Greek language, which were made in the middle of the 9th century. The first translations from Greek into Slavic were made by the great educators, creators of the Slavic writing and literary language, Cyril (Constantine) and Methodius. The language of their translation was based on the Slavic dialect of the Macedonian city of Thessaloniki (Soluni), which is close to the modern Bulgarian and Macedonian dialects. Therefore, the Bulgarian scholars call the Old Slavonic language Old Bulgarian. Used as a literary book language by the Slavs in the Middle Ages, the Old Church Slavonic language acquired local characteristics in various areas of the Slavic world - this is how the varieties of the Church Slavonic language were formed, which are usually called tricks - Russian (Old Russian) revision, Bulgarian, Serbian, etc. Russian Church Slavonic revision up to the 18th century. was used in Russia as a literary (book-written) language, it was replaced by the actual Russian literary language, which we use to this day. Currently, the Russian Church Slavonic language is used only in Orthodox worship.

When studying Russian at school, linguistic terms are often encountered that are not always clear to schoolchildren. We have tried to compile a short list of the most used concepts with an explanation. In the future, schoolchildren can use it when studying the Russian language.


Linguistic terms used in the study of phonetics:

  • Phonetics is a branch of linguistics that deals with the study of sound structure.
  • Sound is the smallest particle of speech. Allocate sounds.
  • A syllable is one or often several sounds pronounced on one exhalation.
  • Stress - emphasizing a vowel in speech.
  • Orthoepy is a section of phonetics that studies the pronunciation norms of the Russian language.


When learning spelling, it is necessary to operate with the following terms:

  • Spelling is a section that studies spelling norms.
  • Spelling - spelling a word according to the application of spelling rules.

Lexicology and phraseology

  • Lexeme is a dictionary unit, a word.
  • Lexicology is a section of the Russian language that studies lexemes, their origin and functioning.
  • Synonyms are words that have similar meanings when written differently.
  • Antonyms are words that have the opposite meaning.
  • Paronyms are words that have a similar spelling, but different meanings.
  • Homonyms are words that have the same spelling, but at the same time they have different meanings.

  • Phraseology is a section of linguistics that studies phraseological units, their features and principles of functioning in a language.
  • Etymology is the science of the origin of words.
  • Lexicography is a section of linguistics that studies the rules for compiling dictionaries and studying them.


A few words about what Russian linguistic terms are used in the study of the morphology section.

  • Morphology is the science of language that studies the parts of speech.
  • The noun is a nominal independent It designates the subject being discussed and answers the questions: "who?", "What?".
  • Adjective - denotes a sign or state of an object and answers the questions: "what?", "What?", "What?". Refers to independent nominal parts.

  • A verb is a part of speech that denotes an action and answers the questions: "what is he doing?", "What is he going to do?"
  • Numeral - denotes the number or order of objects and at the same time answering the questions: "how much?", "Which?". Refers to independent parts of speech.
  • Pronoun - indicates an object or person, its sign, without naming it.
  • An adverb is a part of speech that denotes a sign of action. Answers the questions: "how?", "When?", "Why?", "Where?".
  • A preposition is a service part of speech that connects words.
  • Union is a part of speech that connects syntactic units.
  • Particles are words that give emotional or semantic coloring to words and sentences.

Additional terms

In addition to the terms we indicated earlier, there are a number of concepts that it is desirable for a student to know. Let's highlight the main linguistic terms that are also worth remembering.

  • Syntax is a section of linguistics that studies sentences: features of their structure and functioning.
  • Language is a sign system that is constantly evolving. Serves for communication between people.
  • Idiolect - features of the speech of a particular person.
  • Dialects are varieties of one language that are opposed to its literary version. Depending on the territory, each dialect has its own characteristics. For example, a gag or a gag.
  • Abbreviation - the formation of nouns by abbreviating words or phrases.
  • Latinism is a word that came to us from Latin.
  • Inversion is a deviation from the generally accepted word order, which makes the rearranged element of the sentence stylistically marked.


The following linguistic terms, examples and definitions of which you will see, are often encountered when considering

  • Antithesis is a stylistic device based on opposition.
  • Gradation is a technique based on the forcing or weakening of homogeneous means of expression.
  • Diminutive is a word formed with the help of a diminutive-affectionate suffix.
  • Oxymoron is a technique in which combinations of words with seemingly incompatible lexical meanings are formed. For example, a "living corpse".
  • Euphemism is the replacement of a word related to obscene language with a neutral one.
  • The epithet is a stylistic trope, often an adjective with an expressive coloring.

This is far from full list necessary words. We have given only the most essential linguistic terms.


Studying Russian, schoolchildren now and then come across words whose meanings they do not know. To avoid learning problems, it is advisable to create your own personal dictionary of school terms in the Russian language and literature. Above, we have given the main linguistic word-terms that will have to be encountered more than once when studying at school and university.