The name Ilya in the Orthodox calendar (Saints). Saints named ilya

The meaning of the name Ilya, translated from Hebrew, means "Yahweh is my god" or "My god is Lord" where the Lord means the creator of everything. The Jews were the first monotheists in the region, which made them very different from the pagan peoples around them. According to pagan cults, their gods were only one of the generations of gods and had no direct relation to the creation of the world. The worship of the Creator was one of the features that distinguished the religion of the Jews from the rest. Eliyahu - this is how this name was pronounced earlier, and it was written in this way - אֵלִיָּהוּ.

The name Ilya is very revered in all Abrahamic religions. The Arabic (Islamic) version of the name sounds like Ilyas in Russian. It is this form of the name that is used in Muslim families, and the name itself is one of the most revered Islamic names.

The meaning of the name Ilya for a child

Little Ilya has been very responsible since childhood, especially in material terms. The sense of ownership is strongly developed. Ilya appreciates toys very much and watches them closely so that no one touches them. Shares them reluctantly. The boy is frank and straightforward, does not like to hide his feelings, which sometimes looks like impudence or aggression. But if you need to know the feelings of a child, then Ilya is a gift. You don't have to pry and ask what and how.

In teaching, Ilya is persistent, but only in what he himself likes. If you could not arouse interest in any subject or in general to study, then blame yourself. He easily learns languages, exact sciences, but we repeat once again that the main interest is. Ilya can grow up to good level in any activity, if he likes it.

Ilya's health is good and it is complemented by a penchant for physical culture and active rest. You don't have to ask the boy twice to go for a walk. Rather, on the contrary, picking Ilya off the street or pulling him out of the sea is a big problem.

Abbreviated name Ilya

Unfortunately, due to the brevity of the name, more short forms no.

Diminutive names

Ilyuha, Ilyusha, Ilyuha, Ilyusha, Ilyas, Ilyusya, Lyusya, Ilyunya.

Patronymic of children

Ilyich and Ilyinichna. Ilyinichna is usually pronounced as Ilyinichna.

Name Ilya in English

Ilya on English language- Ilya. Similar names in English: Elijah (pronounced as Eliu, Elijah), Elias (pronounced as Elaes, Ilaes), Elihu (pronounced as Eliu, Elihu).

Name Ilya for international passport taking into account the latest rules of machine transliteration adopted in Russia, it is written like this - Ilia.

Translation of the name Ilya into other languages

in Arabic - إيليا reads Ilya or إلياس, which reads Ilyas
in Azerbaijani - Ilyas
in Armenian - Եղիա (Еʁia, Elia)
in Belarusian - Ilya, Ilya, Ilya
in Bulgarian - Iliya
in Hungarian - Illés
in Greek - Ηλίας (Ilias)
in Georgian - ილია (Ilia)
in Hebrew - אליהו (Eliyahu), איליה (Ilya)
in Spanish - Elías
in Italian - Elia
in Chinese - 伊利亚 or 伊利亞
in German - Elias, read like Elias
in Norwegian - Elias
in Polish - Eliasz
in Portuguese - Elias
in Serbian - Ilia, Ilija (Iliya)
in Tatar - Ilyas
in Turkish - İlyas, and reads like Ilyas
in Ukrainian - Illia
in French - Élie
in Czech - Eliáš
in Swedish - Elias
in Japanese - イ リ ヤ (Iriya) or エ リ ヤ (Eriya)

Ilya's name in church(in the Orthodox faith) remains unchanged. This is one of the most revered names in Orthodoxy.

Characteristics of the name Ilya

Ilya has such a characteristic as benevolence. She helps him to make acquaintances easily and finds mutual language with the most by different people... However, another characteristic can nullify everything. Ilya can be quick-tempered and unrestrained. If he does not learn to deal with such attacks of irritation, then in life he will have a hard time. Easily acquired friends will quickly turn away from him. He, of course, is not a stupid person and he reproaches himself for such moments, but this does not make it easier for others.

Ilya is a purposeful man and at the same time has excellent intuition. This combination perfectly helps him in life, but unfortunately it does not apply to the choice of environment. Friends and acquaintances of Ilya can be his weak point. Ilya should listen to those closest in this matter, since his own intuition turns out to be blind here. In business, Ilya knows how to correctly and objectively look at the state of affairs and, as a rule, makes the right decisions. True, it happens that he does not have enough patience and he can quit a business a couple of steps before success.

Ilya is not inclined to manifest creativity and subtle experiences. However, this does not apply to amorous affairs. If Ilya fell in love, then you can expect the most unexpected behavior from him. Here he will show himself in all its glory and may even be surprised by the talents that have appeared. The truth is not to be hopeful. It won't last long. As soon as the task of conquering the chosen one is completed, all these talents will evaporate without a trace.

The family in Ilya's life is, one might say, the most important component. Ilya is looking for a person similar to him in relation to life and temperament. He does not make unannounced decisions on creating a family, and if his next partner sees the rapid development of relations, then let him know that this is not serious. Ilya is very kind to his family, surrounding his loved ones with care and attention. He loves children and usually wants a lot of children. Given the importance of family relations for Ilya, we are quite vulnerable in this area. Be careful and don't hurt him here. He will not forgive you for them.

The mystery of the name Ilya

One of Ilya's secrets is his penchant for tandem work. He, as an ambitious person, can, having worked in a pair all his life, never admit it. If he finds a reliable partner and friend in life in time, he will be able to move forward quickly and successfully, overcoming any obstacles. True, he does not need much, so do not pin too high hopes on him.

Few know that Ilya is an unrivaled negotiator. If suddenly a conflict arose in a team or somewhere else, then Ilya will easily cope with it. He does not like to do this, but if you can still attract him to the problem, he will solve it in the best way.

Planet- Mars and the Sun.

Zodiac sign- Capricorn.

Totem animal- Nightingale.

Name color- Bright red, or rather even scarlet.

Tree- Elm.

Plant- Knapweed.

A rock- Diamond.

Guardian angel named Ilya and his patron you can find out if you know the date of birth of a person. Read the article "Patron of the name Ilya" on our website.

Celebrated 24 times a year. In the Orthodox calendar, the form of the name is Elijah.

  • 01.01 - Iliya Muromets, Pechersky; martyr Elijah the Egyptian;
  • 01.21 - the hermit Elijah of Egypt;
  • 01.25 - Elijah the Wonderworker;
  • 27.01 - the Monk Martyr Elijah of Sinai;
  • 03.02 - Hieromartyr Priest Ilia Berezovsky;
  • 13.02 - the Monk Martyr Elijah Ardunis;
  • 01.03 - Martyr Elijah the Egyptian, Caesarea;
  • 05.04 - Reverend Martyr Hieromonk Elijah Vyatlin;
  • 10.04 - martyr Elijah the Persian;
  • 02.08 - the prophet Elijah the Thesbite;
  • 08.25 - Hieromonk of the Belogorsk St. Nicholas Monastery, Hieromartyr Elijah;
  • 30.08 - Venerable Elijah of Calabria;
  • 09.16 - Hieromartyr Archpriest Ilia Bazhanov;
  • September 26 - Martyr Elijah Tomsky (Kyustendzhiyskiy);
  • September 30 - Martyr Elijah of Tire;
  • 16.11 - Venerable Elijah;
  • 17.11 - Ilia Gruzinsky;
  • 22.11 - Hieromartyr Archpriest Elijah Rylko;
  • 05.12 - Hieromartyr Archpriest Elijah Gromoglasov;
  • 09.12 - Hieromartyr Priest Elijah of the Conception;
  • 18.12 - Hieromartyr Archpriest Elijah Chetvertukhin;
  • December 29 - Hieromartyr Priest Elijah Cheredeev;
  • 31.12 - Hieromartyr Priest Elijah Beneman.

Ilya's characteristic features

The name has a very interesting story... It is rooted in the Bible and has Hebrew roots. Biblical name Eliyahu means "God is my Lord." With the advent of Christianity in Russia, the name was pronounced Elijah. This option remained in the Orthodox calendar. For the convenience of pronunciation, the name began to be pronounced and written as Ilya. Due to its simplicity of sound, meaning and characteristics, the name has always been popular and does not lose its relevance today.

Ilya is a very rational and resourceful person. His sociability and diplomacy can be envied. By the type of personality, Ilya is an extrovert, by the type of temperament - sanguine or choleric. He is characterized by sociability, openness and straightforwardness. He is always ready for any adventures, easy-going. He does not like conflicts and is ready to solve everything peacefully, to find a compromise. Ilya is a quick-tempered and emotional person. But after an outbreak of emotions, she can quickly calm down and she will not hide the insult in herself. However, with his own fault, he can torment himself with pangs of conscience.

Ilya is always focused on the future, for the future. He makes plans and lives by their embodiment, forgetting about today that can be bright and unforgettable. On the one hand, this character trait is practical for life. But on the other hand, Ilya can be constantly dissatisfied with his present and wait all his life better days and changes for the better. He does not like to be alone, loves travel and educational hobbies. Despite his independence, Ilya can fall under bad influence and choose the wrong friends. Fortunately, he will be able to quickly figure this out and correct the situation. In dealing with others, he behaves carefully.

Ilya is developed from childhood and has a good upbringing. He is independent and economic. He always helps his mother, to whom he is very attached. He has a heightened sense of responsibility and a sense of ownership. Ilya approaches the choice of a wife scrupulously and carefully, so he gets married late. Also, late marriage can be explained by the fact that he is trying to become financially secure. In family life, he tries to provide for the family with all his might. He values ​​and respects his wife. He loves children and pampers them often. In any profession he will be able to succeed. Will be a good doctor, investigator, locksmith.

Ilya is a kind, generous and reliable man with warmth. He is always ready to help a person in need. If not by deed, then at least by word and advice. However, in his inner world he is not ready to let anyone in.

The most revered patrons of the name

Often the parents choose Elijah the Prophet as the patron saint for the boy. He was born in 900 BC. From an early age he gave his life to the service of the Lord. He lived for a long time in the wilderness, observed the strictest fast and prayed a lot. He was persecuted by King Ahab and Queen Jezebel. The Lord appeared to him and called him to become a prophet, comforting him that he was not the only one suffering in the name of the Most High. For his unshakable faith and life, the prophet was taken into the kingdom of God alive, thereby avoiding the torment of bodily death. His disciple and follower witnessed how he ascends to heaven in a chariot of fire. When Elijah the Prophet was the forerunner of the Second Coming of Christ, he received a bodily death.

Another revered patron of the name among the Orthodox is Ilya Muromets (Pechersky). He was born into a peasant family in the middle of the 12th century near Murom. It is he who is the prototype of the fabulous hero Ilya Muromets. Elijah was paralyzed until the age of 30. Healed after meeting the three elders, he was successful in military service until he was wounded. After being wounded, he was tonsured at the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra.

Archpriest Ilia Chetvertukhin is singled out from among the Russian new martyrs. He was born in 1886 in the city of Moscow. While studying at the university, he read the works of Theophan the Recluse and decided to devote his life to serving the Lord. At first he served at an almshouse, then in the church on Tolmachi and in the church of Gregory of Neokessarii. For his faith and religiosity, he was sentenced and several times was exiled to the camp.

All your friends love you
Don't hesitate
And always like this, Ilya,
Stay cool.

May luck be unrelenting
Steps on his heels.
Let all your ideas
There are enough forces and means.

In personal life, let it be
Everything is always in openwork.
May the spirit be healthy
In the heart and figure.

Congratulations today
Mine to you, Ilya,
I wish you happy
Life was yours.

Holy name to you
Given from birth
Divine power
It carries in itself.

I wish you were strong
Always in body and soul
The victory ended
So that any business.

Walk with you through life
May true friends
Success and recognition
I wish you.

Dear Ilyushenka, I congratulate you on your day. May your life be joyful and beautiful, may success await you in your affairs, may your health grow stronger, and your strength renews every day, be happy, contented and loved for everyone!

Today is your holiday, Ilya,
So be always at the helm
Like a wise, experienced driver.
After all, you are a winner in life!

Let the bodyguard save
And this is your guardian angel!
Nice guy, congratulations
We can't imagine life without you!

On this day, we congratulate you.
After all, today is your holiday, Ilya.
We wish you all the best
May fate be kind to you.

In life, let yours be all right:
And work, and home, and family.
May love be long, happy
Everything will be fine with you.

May everything that you have planned come true
Let the whole world smile at te6e.
We wish you to meet the bird of happiness,
In reality I met so that, not in a dream.

Ilya, Ilya, Ilyushenka!
I wish you, darling,
More happiness and warmth,
It's not for nothing that your mother gave birth to you that day.
So that you are cheerful and funny
And you were not like a gherkin.
Stay healthy too
Always love and smile.
Be an example for all of us
Today, tomorrow and now.

Happy holiday, Ilyusha,
Listen to us, your friends,
We issue you a decree
Do it now!
Have fun from the heart
Sing all over your chest, breathe
Let go of bitterness, troubles,
Accept triumph, victories
Don't notice trifles
Celebrate your birthday.

I will praise you today
I am not concealing talents.
Congratulations, cool guy
You are the best, Ilya.

I wish you only happiness
Let the troubles pass the house.
The laughter of friends and the talk of loved ones
Let them always sound only in it.

In personal life - deep feelings
And great victories in labor.
Let your path be wide
May you be lucky in everything.

Ilya is a divine name,
Let it keep you.
On your birthday honey
Let the Angel soar in the sky.

We were in a hurry to congratulate you
And wish the sea happiness.
So that life, as if in a hurry,
I could give you everything.

We wish you good friends
And so that the enemies are weak
So that everything is fine in the family,
To collect flowers of fate.

With all my heart to you, Ilya,
I wish you happiness and prosperity!
May friends be faithful
Let your career go smoothly!

I wish you great health
And strength in a young body!
Fill your life with love
Success, joy, goodness!

I'll tell you boldly today
Without hiding secrets behind the heart,
About your bright talents,
Our incomparable Ilya.

You are smart, charismatic
Don't change, be that way.
Be in demand at work
And we love beauties.

May happiness smile
You are only wide
Let it walk through life difficult
It will be fun, easy.

Ilya - man's name which comes from the Hebrew language. Translation can be next option: “My God is the Lord”, “the fortress of the Lord”, “the believer”.

The secret of the name.

Ilya can be a cheerful, open and friendly person. Establishing contact is truly easy thanks to sociability, ease of movement. It should be noted that in many situations Ilya is able to become a real ringleader in the company. In addition, conflict situations with acquaintances and friends turn out to be truly rare. Despite this, most likely, the preference will be given to the wrong profession, which is related to organizational talent.

Most often, relatives or even signs of fate help in choosing a profession. With this choice, Ilya is ready to become a highly qualified specialist, although there will be no desire for career advancement. The best results are only seen when working with someone, as the partner will complement the work.

A man can have golden hands. He will be able to help in household at home or in the country. In addition, there is the possibility of a successful self repair vehicle.

Ilya, no doubt, will show a special craving for travel, which allows him to learn about the world.

Character traits.

The main feature is benevolence, which allows people to gather around Ilya. He is ready to help and give valuable hints and advice. With such goodwill, there is a special selectivity in relation to friends, with whom harmony in character and contact in outlook on life should be felt.

The main character traits in most cases come from the mother, but at the same time self-improvement and the subtleties of upbringing leave a certain mark.

Among negative traits character can be noted hot temper, irritability, the ability to spontaneous decision-making and impulsive actions. Despite this spontaneity, it takes a minimum of time to move away from the influence of the situation. Very often, remorse is manifested, due to a certain incontinence. Ilya can blame himself for conflicts even if he is not guilty.

Developed Intuition Improves Chances of Acceptance correct decisions, regardless of the complexity and characteristics of the situation. A man may refuse such an option and not trust his intuition, but she will definitely make herself known.

Purposefulness is also inherent in his character. This approach allows you to correctly navigate in life and follow exactly the chosen direction. In order to delve into the peculiarities of the circumstances and think carefully about everything, it takes a minimum of time.

Unfortunately, Ilya is sometimes able to leave the task at the completion stage. However, the obstacles may be insignificant. At the same time, Ilya has a good mindset, the ability to objectively look at many things and show a rational approach.

Ilya does not show any desire to engage in creativity, but in a state of love there is an opportunity to commit extraordinary and romantic acts. The girl will definitely feel special care for herself, a romantic touch in a relationship. For this, there must be real feelings ... Ilya can be careful and at the beginning of a relationship is able to avoid unnecessary emotions. Only over time, when there will be no unnecessary fears, Ilya will be able to reveal himself to his chosen one and even propose to enter into an official relationship. Ilya must understand what family life will be like and where they will be able to live, because otherwise doubts will lead to rashness, unusual strong man... In adolescence, certain mistakes can be made, but as you grow up and accumulate life experience, the risk of wrong actions decreases. In his youth, Ilya shows easygoingness, thanks to which he is ready to withstand even the most serious blows of fate.

Family is a very important treasure in Ilya's life. A companion should have a similar temperament and understand the nuances of character. Only common features character, views of the world, hobbies and values ​​will allow a woman to feel how important she has become for Ilya. A man will definitely love his spouse and children immensely, but at the same time there is initially a risk of certain difficulties in family relationships... It takes a minimum of time to change the character of Ilya, so over time, any mistakes remain in the past. The only obstacle to happiness can be the lack of love on the part of the spouse, after which a divorce inevitably follows.

How should you communicate with Ilya?

Sometimes in communication it is extremely difficult to understand the true attitude towards oneself. It can be a little coldish and detached, but a special demeanor leads to this. If there are serious problems in the relationship, Ilya will definitely say this directly or make it possible to understand the nuances of the current situation. Wanting to win Ilya, remember that he does not like compliments and flattery, prefers restrained praise.


The energy of the name immediately adjusts to the stubbornness of character, the desire for success, restraint. Ilya can contribute to a successful search for a way out in any conflict situation, but at the same time he is ready to show a very careful and restrained approach to others, seeks to hide own feelings... Failure to build a clear plan and follow a specific strategy reduces the chances of achieving the desired success.


Ilya can play pranks and pamper himself, but at the same time, even with his peers in childhood, he seeks to show his own authority, to occupy a certain position in the company. If there is no support for this, self-esteem can be shattered.

Parents should remember not to praise their son too actively, otherwise real harm will be done. Parents should take care of developing objective views, the ability to navigate the current situation, increasing tolerance for certain situations and understanding other people.


Adult Ilya gains self-confidence and is ready to become a worthy winner. From the very beginning independent life an active desire for success is manifested: successful completion of studies at a prestigious university, career advancement. Best destinations are engineering, programming and architecture. It is here that there is an opportunity to manifest a logical mindset.

The risk of not achieving the set goals is present, which is caused by problems with the organization, inconsistency and the desire to trust other people.

Close person in the form of a wonderful life companion will definitely help to achieve the desired success, despite the existing problems.


Ilya is particularly amorous. Even in his youth, the guy actively changes women, showing special selfishness in relationships. A woman should show respect for Ilya, but at the same time she should endure a certain rudeness, strive for selflessness.

It is extremely difficult to create an approximate family, because the craving for the opposite sex will certainly manifest itself. However, selectivity to female sex which manifests itself from the very beginning, increases the chances of a long and happy marriage... Even if infidelity does happen, Ilya will make every effort so that his wife does not manage to suspect him of infidelity.


Ilya has a good memory and is able to assess circumstances with a certain adequacy, thanks to which everything happens in the best possible way.


Ilya can find it especially difficult to deal with any setbacks. He needs comfort in order to feel his happiness, but there are certain problems with relaxation. A certain voltage leads to serious problems connected with public affairs. For this reason, it is extremely important to find a way and an opportunity to maintain a good mental state.


> Ilya is ready for self-improvement and elimination of any shortcomings. It can also be good friend and a life partner, a father to his children. The character contains not only positive features but also negative ones. Despite this, you can get along with Ilya if you are patient with him.

When, according to the church calendar, Ilya's name day:

October 11, January 1 - Iliya Muromets, Pechersky, in the Near (Antoniev) caves; January 27 - Elijah of Sinai, martyr; August 2 - Elijah the Thesbite, prophet.

In addition to August 2, Ilyas celebrate their name days, for example, October 11, January 1, 21 and 27, August 30.

The meaning of the name Ilya

The name comes from the Hebrew Eliyahu. It translates as "my God is Yahweh." Another meaning of the name Ilya is “the fortress of the Lord” or simply “believer”. Initially comes from the names Il, Ilu, Ilum, Ilim, Elim - strong, mighty, God.

It should be noted that the first mention of the name in written sources occurs in Old Testament, in the story of Elijah the prophet.

Positive features of people named Ilya:

economic, helps parents from childhood;

has a sharp mind;

quickly "grasps" any information;

ready to help in a difficult situation;

loves children.

Negative traits:

not particularly picky in choosing friends;

easily gives in to bad influence;

hot-tempered in an argument.

To people named Ilya advise to choose a profession a doctor, teacher, investigator or locksmith. It is believed that Ilya men very often occupy the highest positions.

The name will suit Aries, Gemini, Virgo, Scorpio and Pisces.

The meaning of the name Ilya depends on the time of birth: those born in the spring are too emotional, in the fall - they are panicky afraid to make a mistake in the chosen one.

Compatibility with female names

Ilya will have a successful marriage with Vera, Anna, Sofia and Natalia.

It is advised not to strike up a relationship with Angelina, Tatiana, Margarita, Christina, Valeria, Veronica and Zhanna.

Happy Angel Day

Happy this holiday, Ilya

I want to congratulate you!

Wish you good luck

And fun all year round

Happiness so much!

To make life richer

So that there are no worries!

And sorrow and adversity

To win you could

Happy birthday to you, Ilya!

Let the Earth help you in everything!

And I wish you life only in happiness to live,

To prevent faith and hope from breaking the thread!

Ilya, today, on the name day,

I want to wish you

To be a real man

He knew how to live and fight.

You always get what you want

And do not give in to anyone

Warm yourself in the rays of beautiful love

And never be discouraged

Ilya is successful to everyone's envy,

Always support and comfort

And on the name day with congratulations

I hurry to you with inspiration.

May there be a lot of happiness in life

Warmth, care and sympathy,

In abundance, fabulous love

And live pleasure!

Prayer to Saint Elijah for every day

Pray to God for me, holy servant of God Elijah, as I zealously run to you, a quick helper and prayer book for my soul.

What not to do on Elijah's Day:

  • work in the field and around the house;
  • shouting and singing loudly - lightning can strike;
  • swearing and admitting bad thoughts;
  • release pets into the street;
  • on this day you cannot stand under a tree - it can be struck by lightning;
  • you cannot stand at the crossroads, as evil spirits gather there;
  • bathe.