What a rune helps in love. Runes to attract love and happy marriage

how find a loved one man and find happiness in family life? How to meet the narrowed and pleased him? These questions are worried about the minds of many women, it seems from the beginning of time.

Many are resorted to conquer her beloved to spells and informants, but all this can have negative consequences. Proven way to gain love - Runes. Runes are an ancient symbols containing sacred meaning.

They were used by people to protect, achieve goals, imparting certain qualities. They were applied to amulets and talismans, cut out on the doors, painted on themselves. Runes are powerful and hide in themselves great power And it is possible to get it on finding love.

Acquaintance with Runa

Each Rune is not only the letter ancient alphabetShe corresponds to her sound and hidden meaning. With the help of the runes, you can change many energies, you can attract the desired events and build fate of our own understanding.

But in order to properly use the runes so that they bring only good, you need to be familiar with some aspects of working with them. Firstly, rune action Enharged if there are several of them, the magical formulas are compiled for love, good luck, wealth, and so on.

But it is not necessary to combine runes yourself if you are not familiar with them, because each of them can change meaning, depending on the neighboring. You can contact the specialists so that they make an individual formula for you, and you can find ready on the Internet.

Runes It is possible to some natural materials, such as wood or a piece of leather. Then it will be an amulet that needs to be correctly charged and wear with you until it fulfills its purpose.

You can draw runes on your own body or on the body Another person can apply their image in the photo, and you can eat or water.

Some prefer to draw signs on creams and soap, on jars with cosmetics and even on a foam covering water in the bathroom. You can also draw the runes on paper, the main thing is that it is not a rated - line can distort the outlines occult sign.

Some believe that drawing runes is better than natural materials - henna, bass, clay, but you can do it with a pencil or handle, marker or felt-tip pen, paints. They can be embroider on clothing, cut on the tree, scatter on the stone. In general, methods are set.

Talisman on love

If you want to meet love or get married, you can choose a suitable rune or a combination of runes and make an amulet. For this choose Materialwhich you like most, tree, natural skinAnd maybe a semi-precious stone.

In love affairs, such stones like nephritis or amber, or others who can attract romance in your life will help. Now take paints or what you will apply the runes and proceed to business. For a love talisman, a red color is necessary.

Remember that the ritual should only be done in a good mood if you are upset or suppressed, postpone the action until the next time. In the room in which you work on the amulet should not be anyone, nothing should distract you. Relax, throw extra thoughts from my head, concentrate on the desired.

Any application of runes to anything should occur by the following scheme:

  • Print. names Rune;
  • Applying a sign;
  • Pronouncement of the stirring (say what the talisman should serve);
  • Status say (for what time amulet will act);
  • Activation of runes (you can with the help of four elements);
  • Using the names of the runes.

Read more about To say about star and about activation. The correspondent should look like this: "I will meet a person with whom we will have a mutual love that will lead to marriage.

Runes will help me attract love in your life without harm to other areas of life. " You can come up with any other words, the main thing is that they point to the goal, the lack of harm and sounded sincerely.

Now about activation. You can spend it in this way - take the amulet, bow all four sides of the world and alternately contact the four elements for blessing.

Pour it with water and say "bless you with water", carry over the candle and say the same about the fire, sprinkle with salt for blessing the earth and fure incense to give it the air strength. After that, in the end, call all the runes that drawn on the talisman, by name, and thank the highest forces for help.

Wear this talisman until it fulfills the purpose, and then jump it into the ground, not forgetting thank.

To myself

You can apply the runes on the body, for this there are certain rules. Do it only in the morning, on an empty stomach.

Runes for loveapply a red marker or henna. Do it on the same scheme as in the case of amulet - name each name, make a negotiation, which you want to achieve and dates, call again, thank.

Remember that there should be no one in the room, nothing should distract you, and your thoughts should be clean. Every morning, we will drive the runes again throughout the period that stated. You will feel like them fill you Energy and affect even the quality of character.

Some prefer to apply the runes for themselves as a tattoo. Opinions of specialists regarding this are ambiguous. It's quite dangerous, because today you need a certain energy, and tomorrow is different, and the tattoo will be the same always.

Tattoo is worth only if you are sure that the runes are suitable for youthat you are ready to live with their image all your life. And yet before applying it is better to make a temporary tattoo from these runes and see how you will feel with her.

Runes of love

Runic Futarh includes twenty-four symbols (classic), and among them there are runes that can help attract love and marry. Here they are:

  • Ingus ᛝ - This rune symbolizes power, fertility. It will help in case you dream to meet a person with whom you will have offspring. It helps to restore the reproductive system, communicates with the elements of the Earth. But she is also responsible for the spiritual aspect and passion. Increases sexuality. In the formulas, as a rule, this rune is placed at the end, symbolizing a prosperous outcome. This is basic love RunaShe attaches confidence and expands consciousness.
  • Yera ᛃ - Rune of hope and prosperous outcome. It helps to conceive and leads to the realization of dreams. It acts without a rush, but steadily gives the result. She helps to enjoy life and have patience, helps to gain harmony with nature.
  • Gebo ᚷ - Rune helps bring in relationship harmonyBut it only acts in the event that there is mutual love between you. She teaches understanding and care. This rune helps and attract a partner, with her support you will find with whom mutual feelings will flash. If you want to marry love, she is what you need. She helps set communication With subconscious and receive, giving.
  • Ansus ᚨ- The symbol that will give you joy and good luck in love, he will help to make a loved one. Rune gives attractiveness, sensitivity helps to gain relationships built on mutual understanding. Can develop the poetic gift, get rid of constraint, will help to start life again.
  • Soulu ᛇrune Victory. Helps change life, gain confidence, rejuvenated. Gives attractiveness, fills solar energy. With it, you can make happy TogoWho is next to you, or attract a new person to life.

And happiness

In order to achieve the result as soon as possible, it is worth using the Runic Formulas.

In proposed runes, the power of each sign is enhanced, they have a more directed action. They can be applied both on amulets and their body. Many formulas help achieve happiness In family life, to become joyful and harmonious.

Formula Ansus - Legal - Gebo will help to attract the love of which novels are fit. This combination is suitable for the creation of the Union and marriage: Gebo - Berkana - Ofala.

It will help to attract a sexual man to the formula Tayivaz - Uruz - Gebo, if you need only sex from a partner, use these runes: Kenaz - Perth - alent. If you need a union built on spiritual understanding, you will help you the formula Ansus - Gebo - Ofala, but it can be used when you have a partner. He must have a second copy.

Runes Gebo - Kenaz - Woney The passion will go away, and the seal from Rune Berkana - Ingvaz will call the Scandinavian goddess of Love Frey, which will help you to establish things on a love front. Stable and long relationship will help to gain the formula Berkano - Evaz - Ingus.

To attract happiness and good luck fit formula Ansus - Uruz - YerFor success in all endeavors, take advantage of the combination of the fee - Soul - Otalo - Tableo, the forces for victory will be given the combination of Teivaz - Soul - Uruz.

Concrete person

If all your thoughts occupy the only person, without which you do not make life, you can attract it to yourself with the help of runes. For example, if you want to marry your beloved, take a common photo on which you are both happy, and draw on it the runes of Inguz and Berkana - Frey's seal.

After that, apply a red marker Rune formula Nauthais - Kenaz - Gebo - Otala - Vuno - Yera, it should be located in the area of \u200b\u200byour hearts. If not afraid, circle the runes with blood from unnamed finger Left hand - this will strengthen the effect.

This rune becoming making a man to win on love for you and deploats him to marriage. But be careful - this is still a spell, if you do not want to resort to them, it is better to use the runes to strengthen relationships or to establish mutual understanding.

But if we decided, after applying the runes necessarily read the saying or hang - verse that you must compose, which would describe the action of each symbol, and then - desired result. If you wish, it is possible before the start of the ritual and after it to read the seventeenth song of Odin, but in this case he will need to bring the victim - pour into the fire of dark beers.

If you do not have a sharing photo, a single image of a man is suitable, in the extreme case, take a sheet of white paper and write the inlenty initials.

During the rite Keep the image of a man in thoughts. It is better to do this on a growing moon. Be sure to charge the photo with the energy of the fire - burn red candles (and better so that they burn throughout the entire action) and imagine how energy from them is sent to the center of photography.

Quote: from the author:
At this end, I was inspired by one novel and I began to think like
make a conceived, namely to force young man See O.
my own erotic dreams yes so that waking up he thought only about sex with
heroine sleep. And then I came across the job Lov_ushka called "Call
thank you. Thank you so much for her generous!

Stipulated something like this:
- Naties - Tosca (name) for me, the strongest need for me;
- Assuz - thoughts (name) about me, the memories of our happy days (if a
of course they are), dreams of me, planning our joint
- Laguz + Kano - the premonition of the fact that I escape from his
hands depressing the premonition of a possible future loss; Fortry, passionate
erotic dreams with my (or name of the subject) participation to wake up he
felt traces from my kisses, hands where I touched him in
dream so that he burns from excitement only to me, constant thoughts about
i do not leaving erotic images in reality, longing is ratty;
- Yera makes thoughts obsessive;
- mirror mirror - insaneness, longing about me, on my touch, bad mood, dissatisfaction;
- Tourisas of the second plan - impetus to action, the desire to be close to me; - coercion to action.

Working works. Tested successfully twice. Girlfriend is in a quarrel with his
guy, well, we decided to try it on it. First a long silence from
he was, and by that time he began to meet someone. So here
this girl calls my girlfriend and prescribes a meeting, says that
this guy, at each meeting, only talks about my friend and
only nasty. Girlfriend angry with such news calls him and
he says that he drove into disassembly. He comes to the wings
love and tells the girlfriend that there was no such thing, loves her insanely, only
she is one for him, and the girl in the face mats began to cover, then
pulled out of the car and left the girlfriend. Poor girl stayed standing with
tears in the eyes in the middle of Street looking at the removing car. And then O.
girlfriend told that he often saw her in erotic sleep and even
i woke up several times.

The second pair, he just returned home.

The third
located in work. Although the reverse itself experienced an action. On the
i have protection against the return. I met here one long-old acquaintance.
I really liked me very much. Well, I decided on it
experiment. Put on him cleaning with the saying without
my work and freely allow me to produce absolutely
any impact on it. I also took the blood of the blood. So then me
dream how I am on someone (faces did not see who was with whom) all night
having fun. Then the whole day the image in front of his eyes stood his hands on my
waist. The next night, nothing else has already dreamed. So here I am
came to the conclusion that it was necessary to wait when the cleaning would end, and
then to do on dreams. But although I now know by myself that he will be
to dream of what was intended initially.

One of the strongest feelings that a person is able to experience is love. So it was at all times, so it is not surprising that many old rituals are connected with it. After all, the in love person is ready for everything to make his feeling mutual. Each at the subconscious level feels the need for love. And those who have already experienced it, hardly refuse to experience, regardless of how good or bad was the end of the relationship. This feeling finds its echo and in there are whole formulas aimed at love relationships.

Magic rune of the vehicle

Wanyo is the rune of love, its all-componity, capable of bringing a man joy and well-being. She identifies the power of personal, capable of bringing delight and encourage a person to fight for perfection. With its help, you can experience the cleanest emotions of joy, as it is the personification of the harmony of being.

Translated from the Staronorvezhsky Run of Love means perfection, the culmination of unconditional, impeccable love, which is able to give everything, without the desire to receive anything in return for it. She personifies the ideal to which a person should strive, because everything in the world is worthy of love. To use its strength, you need to be confident, and such feelings, like pride and complacency, will not bring fruit.

Due to the fact that the power of implementation is the power of the implementation, the rune shamans call it a performer of desires. She awakens joy in man's heart. In addition, it helps to see inner kinship between people and find suitable person To build harmonious relationships. With it, it is possible to gain real happiness, it will have a positive effect on self-esteem. It is used to eliminate cracks in relationships, as well as in the struggle for perfection.

Magic Rune Gebo

Gebo - Rune of Love, attracting love. She is the personification of the life, divine gift. It contains the unity of opposites, the relationship between partners. Using it, it should be carefully related to the unity and struggle of opposites, that is, to combine in itself the incompatible, for example, partnership and freedom. After all, for the sincere and fruitful union, it is necessary that both of his member are free. Therefore, the bonds built on equality are always more reliable than based on tyranny. But the dragging of the rope will not allow to create freedom.

Gebo in love

The main purpose of this rune is to help learn to share your time and forces. She is able to show who will be a good partner, open eyes per person, instruct the meeting on the path. Using it, you can maintain the relationship, find mutual understanding with your native person. Rune of love Gebo is the identification of time, and it is our life. Therefore, devoting it to someone, we invest our soul particle in this person. Rune teaches to make the right energy exchange, because receiving, we must also give.

Working with this rune, a person tells the universe about the desire to the update, telling her about the need for intervention over, in order to save him from stagnation, give strength to fight for the best, active life. Gebo allows you to find a real, honest and selfless love. She destroys gray and gives a chance to enjoy sincere emotions.

Rune Love Yera

Many love rituals are used which is able to assist in the implementation of events, give hope for success at the end of the case. Using it, a person will help the events be perfect for a meeting with his second half. If adding it to any Runic Love for love or marriage, then the formula will become a working and successful. In addition, the rune of love and love affairs can help in conceiving a child if there are problems with it.

But it should be borne in mind that events can develop more slowly than a person awaits it. The main thing is patience, the success of using this rune is guaranteed. It affects gently, without sharp turns and jerks. With the help of Yera, you can achieve the implementation of all plans, become more persistent and patient, have fun and find harmony with its natural start.

Magic rune Ansuz

The main purpose of this rune is the direction of a person on his spiritual path, improve its connection with the highest forces. A worldly importance is to obtain inspiration, experience, the establishment of links and the transfer of important messages. With its help, you can overcome a lie and trick, it will help and get an uncontrolled energy of poetry to create durable ties. This rune allows you to establish a connection with the subconscious, get information from parallel worlds. That is why it is also called Ruju Love, because it is able to help in her search. A person conveys the information of the Universe that he is looking for, and through energy flows in his life there may be the one who will become the second half of the seeker. Ansus is able to help establish the necessary connections and contacts, because of which it becomes indispensable in love affairs. Using her opportunity to unite the subconscious and consciousness, it is easier to understand what a person really wants and who he needs.

Ansus as a sign of love

Many use this ancient symbol in creating religious amulets for love affairs. The person who bears such a person will appear forces and courage to confess their feelings. But it is very important to use it only when it comes a complete understanding of his forces and opportunities, because the runes are a very capricious tool and require special attention and approach.

In addition, Ansuz can bring joy and happiness in love, help establish communication and communication with a loved one after tapping. Rune of happiness and love affects the increase in potential vital energy, making a person more attractive and opening new positive features character. With its help, a person can strive for the ideal, because she eliminates all obstacles on this path. Ansus is aimed at partnerships, it affects the interests of several people, and not one, so it will help to understand the soul mate, awakens attentiveness towards the partner. Even the old relationship she is able to resurrect, add paints and emotions to them. Using Ansus, you can get rid of shyness, strengthen the relationship, normalize the process of streaming energy in the body, find inspiration and even put the beginning of a new life.

Rune Soulu

This rune can also be attributed to love, because she personifies victory, without which in love affairs. In addition, it is a symbol of change, so it will be able to change the life of a person so much so that he gets the desired and even the most immentive dream. Even the most modest and shy person will be able to acquire confidence in their own power. In this, the Rune of Love, the photo of which is located below. In addition, the rune rejuvenates the body, gives the tone and, accordingly, improves appearanceWhat makes a person even more attractive and desirable for his second half. If the person is in the search, then this rune will help to make it noticeable, so fate just will not be able to pass by. The rune of love and marriage will affect not only its owner, but also others, next to a person everyone will feel happier and happy with life. With the help of cola, it is possible not only to carry out the impracticable, but also rejuvenate the body, to become more attractive, to increase the energy potential. But this is not all, she also opens his eyes to the truth and allows you to see things and intentions as they are.

Slavic Rune Love Lelia

In the row there is also a rune, the value of which is love. It contains all those emotions and a spiritual relationship, which is so important in relationships between partners. In the fortune telling, it means the attraction, connection, unity and reciprocity of feelings. The energy of the runes is light and soft. It personifies the flow of change, but all these events are one among themselves and lead to a specific completion. It is believed that Lelia retains bright youthful feelings, brings happiness, but it does not lead to constant. After all, in any culture, it is equal to the stagnation. Therefore, it does not just retain young feelings, but strengthens them, translates to a new, more powerful and more serious level. Rune of mutual love is able to teach a person to receive knowledge from the outside, choose the right way and take right solutions. She awakens the desire, desire for development and improvement in man.

Runes in love relationships

In the runic rows, regardless of the culture and people, the knowledge of which is preserved to the present day, there are runes of love. Each of them carries certain skills, knowledge, actions and influence on a person. And if you combine them into formulas, you can achieve even greater results. Love is one for all peoples, therefore it is not surprising that the runes carry it in themselves. If a person wants to find his soul mate or gain mutual understanding with a partner, Runes will be able to help him. In addition, with their help you can resurrect former emotions, add bright impressions into an old relationship. Ruju love and love affairs can not be called only one of them, because many carry this concept. And in order to gain his happiness, conclude a harmonious, happy marriage, you will need to combine several runes with each other. Changing the world of magical instruments, a person will be able to achieve its goals in harmony with the laws of the Universe.

Runes to attract love are a very affordable tool that is capable of changing your life for the better. Runic stoves And formulas for love will help you find partners of your dreams and become for him exactly the person he is looking for. The ancient Scandinavian symbols and the formulas in which they are used will be able to ignite the fire of love and passion in almost any person.

In the article:

Runes to attract love - how to use them

Runes are really universal toolwhich allows you to achieve almost any goals. And love affairs are no exception in this matter. There are both strong runic love spells and whole line There are much softer and non-breaking lives of ways to arrange your personal life with the help of runes. At the same time to achieve with them proper use You can really any goals. Their number includes the search for a suitable partner, and the appeal of the attention of the opposite sex, and the formulas that excite passion, and those that are designed to preserve and improve the already dealt with the relationship.

And if you want to take advantage of these opportunities - then there will be no obstacles for you. First, the runes do not require any victims and are not part of a religious tradition, so you can belong to any confession - it does not prevent your work with the runes. Secondly - to know the runes given to each and no ceiling on the possibilities of their use simply does not exist. Therefore, you will never come across a shortage of personal power and the inability to develop further.

Of course, there are runes and danger. When using non-special rune formulas for love, but directly rune love spells, it will be possible to encounter serious problems. The consequences of using the runes to change the will of another person in one way or another, but will affect your karma and lead to the rupture - or in this life, or after it. In addition, numerous Scandinavian sagas are warned about the danger of improper use of runes.

What are the runes of love, passion and happiness?

Before you begin using complex runery and formulas for love, you need to get acquainted with the value of all the Scandinavian characters and understand the strength and possibility of each of them. It should also be noted that even the correct and appropriate use of one rune can help in many situations. Some of these signs themselves can qualify as the runes of happiness, love and passion.

Rune Gebo

And the most famous scandinavian symbolresponsible for love is. This symbol is translated as a "gift" and personifies precisely equal partnerships in which everyone gives its own near man All you need. In more detail about all magic properties This rune can be found in a separate article of our site. But in a love aspect, it should be remembered that this symbol does not help in attracting another person to him and in creating short-term connections and passion. He personifies the love of her deep manifestations of mutual assistance and unity of two people.

Rune Odal

Another symbol, also helps in love affairs, can act. But it should be used only if there are problems directly in the already held family. This sign indicates the house and everything connected with housing and family life. So, by itself, this rune can make help to make a relationship more harmonious and fruitful.

Also, the Runic signs denoting the female or male start - Laguz and Ingus, respectively. By themselves they will help to reveal your positive traits And attract the attention of the opposite sex. But for the harmonization of any relationship, they will not fit, as the immediate forces related to relationships do not have.

It is possible to use these runes as a faith, simply taking the appropriate runic dial. And wearing her with me as a talisman. And you can apply the runes on your body or on clothes and decorations.

Rune Love

As a rune for passion and love, bright runes can be used - coolant or cano. These characters can really make a new spark in your feelings and relationships, or to ignore the fire of passion from scratch. But in the same way for long-term relationships and direct partnership and love in itself, they do not affect if they are used separately, and not in the composition of the rune formulas.

Runic formulas for love

About general rules Creation and formulas on our site there is also a separate article. But the basic rules of work with these magical instruments are not so complex. The main thing is what you need to remember is that the work with the runes is always a process requiring the involvement in the first place of intellectual thinking and knowledge of these symbols. Therefore, before you begin to use the rune formulas for love, you should thoroughly examine the power of these northern characters and their features. Without knowledge of the runes, it is possible to use an extremely limited number of stakes and scripts. And best to develop your own formulas specifically for each specific situation.

Runic formulas for love

Nevertheless, we will offer you a number of highly affordable rune formulas for love, which can be used without deep knowledge of this magical tradition. So, very simple and affordable Runic formula on the search for the second half is a combination Kano Gebo-Laguz - It is intended exclusively for women. However, men can use Ingus Laguz instead of the rune, symbolizing their male start.

If you want to ignite the fire of passion in the relationship devoid of it - then in this case it will definitely help the combination with the use of Runes of Soul and Kano. For example, there may be a program Kano-Laguz or Ingus-Soulova. Also, a good option can be an option using the rune touris. For example, if you need to really urgently find a partner - Tourisaz Gebo-Woney For long-term communication. Or Tourisaz-Laguz-Soul - For rapid and passionate love with the possibility of continuing. But be prepared that the events will twist you in the rapid swirl.

For cases when you already want to please any person, you can use Rune Ansus. This is a sign that is responsible for wisdom and conviction. In combination with GEBO, it can lead to the creation of truly long-term relationships. They will develop not only on cardiac, but also on intellectual love. So, combination Ansus Gebo-Yera will allow you to accurately present yourself in best of sight. Thus, you can reveal yourself as a person with whom will really be interested in your potential partner.

Used runes: EVAZ (as a kick itself) Ansus (like communication) Kano (as a light of sympathy, movement) Gebo (as actually communication two, partnership)


Love is a thing that you can not buy for any money. How much does this word of happiness bring, when the feelings are mutual, and how much pain is when they are unrequited. With problems in personal life, at least once, each of us came across, but few people know that if something in love is not so, the Runic Formulas on the restoration of love relationships can come to the rescue.

Runes helping in love

In Runic Magic, there are a number of characters that are used for rituals associated with love and relationships. Most often, such runes act in themselves, but as part of formulas and bets, interacting with other symbols, complementing them. Let's deal with what the runes are.

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Laguz is associated with female attractiveness, so it is often part of the formulas aimed at getting rid of loneliness and acceleration of the meeting with its real second half.


In Talisman magic, Evaz is often used. Look at this rune more closely - it resembles two, reflecting each other Laguz, is not it? The properties of Euvaz are most pronounced when a person wants to achieve complete understanding and harmony with his partner. Also, this rune helps to reconcile the harvested spouses.


In the runic formulas for love is often found otala. If the symbol value itself is associated with the rootation of the territory, it is not difficult to guess that in love affairs this rune helps a person to find his home, family, to build a strong, serious relationship.


Ingus, protruding the symbol of completion, can be used when the situation requires your partner specific actions: when you are tired of uncertainty, you want to "disperse" a loved one, help him overcome shyness and make him show internal desires.


Gebo - Rune of an equal partnership - becomes indispensable when you do not just want to achieve reciprocity, but also are ready to invest in relation. But the symbol will work only if the partner really has feelings, but in the Runic formulas for the love of a man who does not pay attention to you, this rune is useless.


Soulu symbolizes the victory in everything, including in love affairs, because adds self-confidence and attracts a sympathy of others.


In the Runic Formulas, it will also help to return the relationship - it eliminates the existing barriers and establishes mutual understanding between partners.


And the power of the rune Yera will come in handy when the woman wants to give birth to a child from a beloved man, but for some reason it does not work.

In what situations will the Runic Formulas for Love help?

There are no such circumstances that could not be wrap in their favor with the help of the power of runes. The main thing is to know which characters and in what combination with each other you can use in particular your situation.

Runes can

  • Strengthen your personal attractiveness for the opposite sex
  • Save you from loneliness
  • Promote harmonization of available relationships
  • "Culting" with the solution of too modest or shy man, sympathizing you
  • Reconcile a couple that quarreled
  • Return a man who has gone, but provided that he has a feeling for you

In theory, with the help of the runes, you can even draw love without an answer to mutual, i.e. Perform a spell, but thinking about it, you must not forget that such an impact will always have their negative consequences. Therefore, it is better to use the Runic Formulas on the love of men and marriage only when it is not necessary to destroy someone's life for the realization of the conceived.

Runic formulas to attract love

Runic formulas to attract love to their lives are usually drawn either directly on the skin of a person (in this case, on the one who suffers from solitude), or in its own photo, or on a piece of paper, natural stone or any other talisman. In the latter case, it is important to wear a "conspired" charm in any situation, because if you leave it at home - on this day he will not work. There are two strong and proven steel with whom we suggest you familiarize yourself.

Runic Formula "Rose Red"

The working title of this Runic Stava or formula "charming, charming, most beautiful." It is not difficult to guess that the ritual is used to strengthen personal magnetism. He makes a girl or a woman sexually attractive in the eyes of men. Looks like a formula as a rune gebo, surrounded by all four Sides Kenazami.

When applying the formula, it is important to "intelligible" it correctly, i.e. Invested during the drawing symbols of the message about what you want to seem to the people around you. During the title, you must clearly speak the necessary words, among which there may be the definitions of "interesting", "sexy", "beautiful", "charming", etc.

It is also important to speak when becoming finished its work - after erasing the inscriptions, combaging a photo or just at the moment when you stop wearing a charm with a runaway. Activated becoming anything traditional way: breathing, fire, elements.

Runic formula for love men and marriage "Find the narrowed"

This complex ruunic combination will help lonely women as quickly as possible to find their soul mate. It includes runes: Raido, Soulu, Odale, Gebez, Eyvaz, Laguz, Three Tayivaz and.

  • Ridid in a pair with Soulu symbolizes the coverage of the path that will lead you to your future beloved
  • Odale will do that the new partner will like all your relatives and will not cause their hostility
  • Gebo will establish equal partnerships in a pair, in which both people will and give, and receive
  • Eyvaz, together with Laguz, activate the subconscious thrust of loved over to each other, combine their invisible fine emotional threads
  • Three Takes and make joint life Path Long and smooth. At the same time, Teivazy will put a man's head of the family (which, in principle, most women wishes)

This steel has its own feature: it is necessary to look for it for nine times every nine days - the last reserve is held on 81 days. Activate the formula is better than fiery elements - candles.

Runic formulas for restoring relationships

Rituals with the boxes below can be used when the relationships have already been to you, but for some reason they were interrupted, for example, if you quarreled with your loved one or decided to temporarily disperse.

Simple formula for reconciling in love

Runic formulas for restoring relations can consist of only two runes. The easiest example is the bundle of Runes Gebo - Vuno. This combination applied to the joint photo of lovers and activated by any way will allow a quarrel to end very quickly and lead a couple to reconciliation. I bet any suitable words, preferably without particles "not". For example, the phrase "so that we do not quarrel" better replace on "so that we make it up."

Runic formula "on a truce"

It is best to apply this combination of runes to your own body or a photo where the lovers are captured before quarrel. The formula is drawn in two lines: the first must be a bunch of Gebo - Tourisas - Callow, symbolizing the successful resolution of problems available in relationships, and on the second - Gebo - the Creator, who helps partners find mutual language and understand the needs of each other. During the title and intent, it is necessary to pronounce the names of both lovers, and also to say that the misunderstanding wall will be destroyed by the Wall of misunderstanding. Activation can be selected any.

Runic bet "Reconciliation"

This formula for restoring relationships is better to use "hot pixels", i.e. Immediately after a quarrel. Its composition:

  • Gebo - a symbol of reconciliation and partnership
  • Two twisted runes - they help in love faster to forget mutual resentment
  • Two vessels - fill a couple of happiness and joy from reunification
  • Soulu - ignites the spark of passion, "throws fires" in the fire of love, fading due to quarrel

It is believed that the best formula written in the joint photography is best. Activation - any.

Runic Stavs for harmonization of relationships

To this category, the formulas should be treated when you have a relationship, but for some reason you do not suit you: the passion disappeared, they began to move away from each other, crisis came, etc. All formulas are applied, negotiated and activated in the same way as the majority of the above.

Becoming the "joy of communication"

It includes three runes:, Gebo and Veuno. The first helps to return the relationship to the moment of their heyday. The second - makes communication between partners mutually beneficial - such that is satisfied with both. Veuno paints joint Life Bright colors, gives joy from mutual love and understanding.

Formula "Harmonization of Relations"

This runic formula for love works very gently and delicately. Despite the fact that it is made up of only three runes, the effect is very powerful and necessary, especially in pairs worried about the crisis of family life.

  • Tayivaz strengthens truly male qualities in a man
  • makes a woman more feminine
  • GEBO, connecting these two runes, allows spouses to better understand each other and realize their roles in the family

Runic bet "Love Flower"

This complex formula includes the following runes:

  • Two Gebo, responsible for reciprocal
  • Tayivaz, strengthening union
  • Soul, symbolizing the mutual heat between in love
  • Four Kenaz, causing crazy love and passion like in the "candy-bouquet" period
  • Two Dagaz, personifying changes in a favorable side
  • Four Evas, forcing spouses to move towards each other and go to mutual concessions
  • Two tourisas destroying all available problems and disagreements
  • Four as a sign of patronage Higher Forcesfacing the family from any negative

What time is the formula should work?

Runic formulas for restoring relationships and love usually start their action at the moment of activation, but often before the realization of the desired events should pass for a while - in most cases from a week to month. Some hundreds work faster, others are slower, because it all depends on what exactly you wanted to achieve.

So, for example, to reconcile those who quarreled because of the non-vulnerable nonbounds in a couple of days, but on the organization of a person meeting with his second half, with which he is not yet familiar, it may be necessary to be required.

The main thing is to believe in the magic of the runes and do not sit back, but try to bring the desired one on your own.
