Common dishwasher failures. Bosch dishwasher does not wash dishes - causes Dishwasher stopped working

The dishwasher (PMM) is a wonderful assistant for the hostess in the kitchen. It is able to work flawlessly for years and delight its owners with the impeccable quality of washing utensils and its functionality. Sometimes during operation, you begin to notice that the dishwasher does not wash dishes well.

Some of the housewives are dismissive of various factors that affect the quality of washing, explaining this attitude by the fact that the device is doing its job so well. But if you began to notice white stains, food debris or plaque on the plates, then the cause of the trouble may be:

  • untimely preventive cleaning PMM details;
  • improper operation of the machine by the user;
  • wrong dosage or replacement special means for third-party washing;

A dishwasher, like any household appliance, requires careful care and timely cleaning. individual parts and nodes. The following elements are subject to regular cleaning in the unit:

Flushing with PMM using special means should be carried out once every six months. And this does not depend on the frequency of use of the unit.

After each end of the washing program, the appliance should be checked for leftover food, which may be in the tank of the machine or under the door, especially if it is a dishwasher Bosch machine.


The reasons why the dishwasher does not wash dishes well can be in common mistakes use of the unit by the hostess:

  • the user loads a very large amount of dishes and cutlery;
  • utensils in baskets fit incorrectly;
  • Wrong washing program selected.

The instructions describe in detail about correct placement crockery in baskets. PMM manufacturers (Electrolux, Siemens, Bosch) pay great attention to this issue. Therefore, it is recommended that you read these tips carefully before using the machine.

One of the most important rules The arrangement of utensils in the basket is the arrangement of it in such a way that there are gaps between it, and the water can flow down without remaining in the plates.

You should also pay attention to the fact that the dishes in the lower basket do not block the flow of water to the upper basket. The stacked utensils should not interfere with the opening of the compartment with the tablet, as well as the rotation of the rocker arms. The more content is loaded, the denser it is. Such tight placement interferes with the good circulation of water and soap solution, and it may remain unwashed.

Another reason why the dishwasher does not work well is the choice wrong program e.g. for washing heavily soiled utensils. This starts a quick wash (in this mode, the water is heated to a temperature of 45-50 ° C). In this case, with heavily soiled contents with dried food residues, you should not expect high-quality washing (it would be more correct to choose a washing program with soaking). This is also described in the instructions for the unit, which few people read.

In order to make the filter of the machine less dirty, before loading the utensils into the machine, thoroughly clean it from food residues.

Detergent replacement or incorrect dosage

The following possible reasons that the Electrolux dishwasher and the like - Bosch, Hansa and others - do not work properly can be directly related to the use of detergents. More often this problem occurs due to the change detergent on the low quality or fake. This trouble is easily eliminated if you return to the previously used tool. Also, you can try to choose a detergent until you find the most high-quality and effective option. If you did not change the detergent, and the dishwasher sometimes began to wash dishes poorly, the problem may be wrong dosage facilities.

If the user refuses to use a special salt that restores the ability of the ion exchanger to soften water, then over time (if the hardness of the water in the line is high), it becomes clogged and fails. The use of complex tablets “3 in 1”, with very hard water, is not able to replace salt and it still needs to be added to the unit.

When to call the wizard

Reasons discussed above bad washing dishwasher, which are obvious and can be eliminated without contacting a service center. But there are times when you can’t do without calling the wizard.

These faults should only be repaired by a qualified technician with knowledge and experience in this type of equipment. Only the master is able to diagnose and repair the device. If you try to do this on your own, you can get a disastrous result, and even a specialist will not be able to correct the consequences of your actions.

The apparatus that helps housewives in household chores is very difficult. Despite this, some maintenance activities (filter cleaning, additional setting) can be done by yourself. Some of the recommendations described in this article will help you repair dishwasher with your own hands.

Let's take a look at how these devices work. You can break the entire washing cycle into several stages:

  • prewash;
  • main;
  • rinsing;
  • drying.

These devices have both normal operating modes and several non-standard ones. The dishwasher is powered by a water supply, and water is drawn through a special salt softener. The pressurized water in the system enters the machine through inlet valve. The float and pressure switch is designed to regulate required amount water. If enough water has accumulated, the water shuts off and starts to heat up.

It heats up to the temperature required for a certain step in the washing process. For example, the rinse cycle assumes a high temperature in order to dry as quickly as possible.

After the water is heated, it is pumped into the washing area by means of a pump, where it is sprayed around by means of sprinkler nozzles. The jets are directed in such a way that rotation of the impeller is created.

Water that has already been used is used for washing again, this is made possible by several stages of filtration. During washing, a certain amount of detergent, specified by the program, is supplied to the working area. Filtration occurs throughout the entire washing process, and only at the end the water is discharged into the sewer.

After this cycle ends, it is time to dry. There are several types of this process:

  • Turbo dryer. In this case, heated wet air blown out with a fan.
  • condensation drying. Here, drying is carried out using the temperature that was obtained as a result of rinsing. In this case, steam collects on the walls and flows down.

Before washing, all dishes are loaded into the machine on special shelves that securely hold them during the entire process. Thanks to the rotation of the sprayer blades, water reaches all parts of the dishes.

Let's find out what malfunctions are most often manifested and methods for their elimination.

The device does not respond to key presses. No indication

If there is no indication, the first step is to check the voltage in the network using a tester or multimeter. If the device shows that there is voltage, then opening the device is indispensable. For cases where there is an indication, but pressing the buttons does not lead to anything, you can check whether the door is tightly closed. If this does not help, it will be necessary to analyze and find out why the dishwasher does not function. Do-it-yourself repair in this case involves the following steps.

Most machines have a terminal block near the main panel. The voltage comes to it and is distributed further with the help of control contacts. The first step is to open and check the quality of the broach of the contacts. Because they can oxidize electrical connections may be violated. In this case, it is necessary to clean the contacts, and maybe then you will not need further repair of the dishwasher with your own hands. Ariston recommends contacting original service centers for help.

If the above actions did not lead to anything, you will have to “ring” the power circuit in order to find out if there is damage. First you need to drain the water and disconnect the machine from the network. Using a multimeter, we check the resistance of the wires, after disconnecting them from the terminal block. If the wire is intact, then the device should show; if not, it means that a malfunction has been found, and the cable should be replaced. You can replace it yourself. Well, if this does not help and the dishwasher does not work, the most correct solution would not be to repair the dishwasher with your own hands (including Bosch). However, the manufacturers themselves recommend contacting official service centers.

If you have a deep knowledge of electrical engineering, you can try to find a malfunction and repair the dishwasher yourself. The circuit diagram of your machine will help with this. Again, using a multimeter, you need to check all the elements of the circuit, and in this way you can find a burnt or damaged element.

For those who are poorly versed in electrical engineering, below is a small reminder for reading circuit diagrams:

  • For the convenience of finding a faulty section of the circuit with the help of abbreviations, the colors of the wires are indicated on such diagrams. Black - VK, TR - tan, W-VK - black and white, BR-O - brown-orange.
  • Terminal blocks are indicated in the diagram in the form of circles. These places are subject to rupture when checking with a multimeter.
  • The dotted border indicates that the contacts enclosed in it are located in some block (keyboard, relay housing). In order to determine what kind of block it is, you need to read its designation - it is located somewhere near the borders of the dotted line.

A small digression. An electrical circuit always has both a beginning and an end. The principle is as follows: for the operation of any element of the circuit, it is necessary that both plus and minus approach it. When checking the circuit, each element that the dishwasher has is considered in this way. Do-it-yourself repair in this case will require patience and perseverance.

No water supply

If the malfunction is that when the water supply is open, water is not drawn into the machine, then most likely the water supply valve has failed or the filter mesh is clogged. These items can be found near the water inlet, at the bottom of your dishwasher. Do-it-yourself repair involves turning off the water, removing the panel and visually inspecting these parts. Clogged mesh must be cleaned with water pressure. Checking the valve is a little more difficult. Again, you will need a multimeter, with which you need to measure the resistance at the terminals of the valve coil. Knowing the resistance, we can draw some conclusions:

  • A short circuit means that there is a short circuit of the turns of the winding.
  • Resistance is zero - winding breakage.
  • If resistance is present, it means that the problem is not in the winding, but in the valve itself.

Be that as it may, you will have to remove the valve and purchase a new one that matches the characteristics of the broken one.

Water is drawn, but washing does not start

The first step is to listen: is the engine running - the main element that your dishwasher has? Do-it-yourself repairs will be needed both in case of work and in the opposite case. If it works, then it means that it could or the pump. In addition, the motor windings could be damaged. Whether this is so can be checked with a multimeter, similar to checking a valve. That is, in the case of a short circuit, we have, and if the resistance is zero, the winding is broken. There are few options for solving this problem - either replacing the electric motor or repairing it in a service.

If the engine does not make any sounds, then you will have to look for a malfunction in the control circuit, resorting to the help of a circuit diagram.

Water does not drain

The most common causes of this malfunction are a plug in the drain or dirty filters. It could also be a faulty pump. To check this, you need to remove the pump and check the windings with a multimeter. If you cannot repair your dishwasher yourself, Beko and other manufacturers will offer their professional assistance.

Dishwasher leak

This trouble can occur due to wear on the seal on the door. Wear can be detected visually, and if it occurs, it is necessary to purchase a new one and replace it. If a puddle has formed under the car, you should find the place where it leaked from. Most often, water leaks from the pump seal, supply hose, or drain system. Do-it-yourself dishwasher repair - Bosch and other manufacturers - involves the replacement of these parts.

Strange sounds

If instead of the usual noise you hear sounds that are completely uncharacteristic for a car, you should check the camera for the presence of glass fragments and metal objects. It is also possible that the bearings are worn out.

In the event that, in addition to a strange sound, you notice a poor quality of washing, then wear of the impellers is possible. After checking the chamber for foreign objects, you should disassemble the motor and pump to check for bearing wear and repair the dishwasher with your own hands. Electrolux advises to purchase original spare parts, otherwise you can lose the warranty.

Water does not heat up

The lack of water heating may be due to a malfunction of the heating elements, temperature sensor or timer. The condition of the heating elements can be checked with your own hands, having a multimeter at hand. If the device shows zero resistance, then you have a direct road to the store for a new device.

It is very problematic to check the quality of the operation of the temperature sensor and the timer on your own, because for this you need to know the algorithm of the electronics that is responsible for heating. Do-it-yourself dishwasher repair - Bosch or other brands - in this case requires special vigilance.

Dishes not drying

Dishwashers that have the option of turbo-drying dishes in their functionality, with this malfunction, have damage to the power circuit and fan windings. The process of checking the windings is described above, for its execution it is necessary to get to the fan, or rather, its terminals. If the fan windings are intact, then you should check its power circuit with a multimeter.

When you touch the body of the machine, it shocks

Do-it-yourself dishwasher repair (including Electrolux) tends to replace one part. Most likely, the problem is that the heating element “punched through”. It is necessary to turn off the machine and remove the heating element. Visual inspection should reveal its defect. In order to make sure that the heating element is broken, you can conduct a small check.

You should lower the element itself into a container of salt water and use a multimeter to measure the resistance between it and the saline solution. If it is, it is an insulation breakdown. However, such a check is not a panacea, some faulty heating elements do not show up on this test. Breakdown occurs through fault and poor care. Therefore, in order not to have to repair the dishwasher with your own hands (Siemens, for example, however, like other famous brands), you must use your machine with care.

Overheating water in the dishwasher

It happens that, after water enters the apparatus, steam begins to pour out of it, and the washing of dishes does not start. This is mainly due to a breakdown of the temperature sensor or the heating control system. Most often, the thermostat fails. It is necessary to purchase a sensor with the same characteristics and replace it.

White streaks and streaks form on the dishes

This moment indicates that the wrong amount of rinse aid has been selected for the correct washing process.

If universal detergents are used, this effect sometimes appears. These tools are designed to simplify the process of washing dishes as much as possible. They contain a rinse aid, however, to achieve a better result, it should still be added separately. To be precise, cloudiness on the dishes is a sign of an excess of rinse aid. If, as a result of washing, the dishes are streaked, the amount of rinse aid added should be reduced. In this case, do-it-yourself dishwasher repair is not required. Indesit and other manufacturers advise using professional detergents, and then they guarantee that the dishes will be clean.

So, one day you found that the dishwasher does not turn on, does not drain water or leaks. Do not rush to immediately call the master, because sometimes the cause of a breakdown can be easily eliminated with your own hands without special skills and tools. Next, we will consider possible malfunctions of dishwashers and instructions for their self-repair at home.

What can cause failure?

If the equipment has served you for more than 5 years, and its warranty period has long expired, then possible cause malfunctions can be banal wear of spare parts.

In the event that you have recently made a purchase and the dishwasher has already failed, then the reasons for the breakdown may be as follows:

  • Poor build quality and parts. It is found in cheap Chinese models from poorly known manufacturers.
  • Before loading dishes into the chamber, you do not wash off food residues that clog the filter. Very dirty dishes, most dishwashers do not rinse completely, as a result of which you have to additionally rinse by hand.
  • Socket failure. A banal situation but still sometimes arises.
  • Incorrect (for example, the length of the drain hose is greater than the permissible value, or a hose with cold water badly attached).
  • Poor detergent that does not clean dishes very well or does not wash dishes at all.
  • Perhaps you just did not close the door tightly (the mechanism is designed so that the equipment will not turn on until the latches work). It should also be noted here that for some models the door is not fixed in the lower position. If the door does not hold, this is not a dishwasher failure, but a manufacturer's defect.
  • Another fairly popular cause of a malfunction is improper loading of dishes, as a result of which the equipment does not wash the lower section or the upper shelf well. Even the instructions discuss the correct loading - the top must be filled with plates and mugs, the bottom - with overall kitchen utensils (for example, pots). Another important requirement is that glasses and cups must be stacked upside down.

If none of these reasons is the culprit of the failure, then the matter is in the spare parts, which we will discuss later.

Troubleshooting basic types of problems

The dishwashing process does not start

Such a situation: you have turned on a certain mode, all the indicators light up, the sound of water filling is heard from the chamber, it has warmed up, but the washing process itself does not occur. In this case, the likely causes of a dishwasher failure may be:

Determine failure circulation pump possible by the characteristic sound of his work. If there is no noise after filling the water, most likely the cause of the malfunction is in it! As you can see, the replacement is not difficult.

Dishwasher Pump Repair Workshop

It should also be noted that possible malfunction dishwasher, there may be damage to the electric motor, or rather its winding. To make sure the engine is working, check it with a multimeter for an interturn circuit and an open circuit.

Water overflows

Most likely, the water level sensor is broken. It is located at the very bottom of the equipment, so to access it will be necessary to turn the dishwasher over, and then replace the sensor with a new one.

Please note that if the power is turned off and water is poured into the chamber, then the problem is not in the sensor, but in solenoid valve, which should shut off the fluid supply. Replacing the valve is not difficult.

Overheating / underheating of water

It also happens that the dishwasher overheats or, on the contrary, does not heat the water. In the first case, the temperature sensor breaks, which leads to overheating of the water, the formation of a large volume of steam and the shutdown of the equipment.

As for underheating, there may be several reasons for the malfunction:

No drain occurs

If, after washing, the water does not drain into the sewer, then the pump may be broken or the drain system is clogged, which is why the dishwasher does not drain the water.

As for the first case, here you need to check the drain pump for debris and winding resistance. Most likely, the water is in the dishwasher due to the fact that the pump is simply clogged, although sometimes the start may not even occur due to pressure. If the pump is in order, check the entire drain system, including the siphon. Most likely, the hose is clogged, which just needs to be cleaned, or the filter inside the chamber.

There is another common case when the dishwasher does not completely drain the water. You're probably pushing too hard here. drain hose and after draining (when the pump turns off), part of the water returns back to the chamber.

Video instruction for cleaning the filter

The body is shocked

If the dishwasher is energized, then with a probability of 99% it can be argued that the heating element is broken - the heating element. All you need to do is open access to the heating element and visually inspect it for cracks and other kinds of defects. If the heating element is indeed damaged, replace it with a new one.

The reason why the heating element fails is poor water quality (too hard). Also, another malfunction may be the failure of the relay for turning on the heating element. The instructions for replacing the part were clearly demonstrated in the video:

Change the relay on the control module

Doesn't pick up detergent

If you notice that the dishwasher does not pick up the powder or tablet, the most likely cause of the breakdown is the contamination of the nozzles or the weak pressure of water, as a result of which it does not enter the dispenser. Also, a probable cause may be a breakdown in the valve opening mechanism, from which the detergent is washed out. If the valve does not open the water intake (or does not close well), the tablet may not dissolve completely, as a result of which the equipment does not rinse the dishes well.

Lack of power

If you notice that the time indicator does not even light up or the appliance does not respond to pressing the button, then the causes of the dishwasher malfunction may be as follows:

  • broken socket;
  • the door latch did not work, or the locking device burned out;
  • network button does not work;
  • does not work network filter.

In all cases, you need to check all the elements of the electrical circuit with a multimeter and find out by elimination why the dishwasher does not turn on. If in your case the dishwasher does not finish the cycle or you cannot switch the program, check the programmer and control unit, most likely the modes do not work due to its malfunction.

extraneous noise

Extraneous noise indicates that the bearings of the pump or the electric motor (supercharger) have been damaged. Bearings break due to the fact that water enters them, which in turn seeps through a damaged seal. Bottom line - the dishwasher is buzzing during operation. In this case, you will need to not only replace the bearing, but also the oil seal itself, otherwise the same problem will occur again after a while. By the way, another reason for extraneous noise may be associated with the pump - debris got into the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe sprinkler or impeller. Everything is simple here, remove debris and check the impeller for defects (perhaps the blades are already damaged, which causes noise).

Dishes are not drying

Some modern models equipped with the function of drying washed dishes. This process occurs when the fan installed inside the camera is running. If you find that the dishwasher does not dry the dishes (or does not finish drying), but otherwise functions normally, the fan is most likely broken. All you need is to check its winding, as well as the supply contacts with a multimeter, and if necessary, replace the spare part with a new one. About that, we talked about in the corresponding article.

Water leaks on the floor

And finally, one of the most popular dishwasher failures is the flow of water onto the floor under the body.

There are four main causes of leakage:

  • The door seals are in poor condition, causing the door to close loosely. They need to either be changed, or, if possible, cleaned of plaque.
  • The seal of the pump that pumps water is damaged. It is best to replace with a new one.
  • Clamps on the drain and water supply hoses are loose, resulting in leakage. Also, seals may not be installed at the junctions of the branch pipes.
  • Damaged water tank located on the side of the equipment. Most often, the tank cannot be repaired, so it is changed to a whole one.

To correctly determine the place of water seepage, it is recommended to remove the casing of the equipment and place sheets of newspaper on the floor. Where the newspaper gets wet and there will be a breakdown.

Video tutorial on fixing leaks

That's all the main malfunctions of dishwashers. We hope that now you will be able to repair the equipment yourself if it stops working, starts to make noise or does not drain water after washing dishes.


German quality household appliances no doubt, but sometimes quality units break for one reason or another. Self repair Bosch dishwashers are successfully made by many home craftsmen, the main thing is to correctly determine the cause of the failure and eliminate all its consequences.

Some users who are absolutely ignorant of complexities household appliances, for every trifle they call service centers. But many problems can be solved independently:

  • water does not enter the unit;
  • water does not drain;
  • The product freezes when turned on.

In the above cases, you can try to revive the technique yourself. First, check if the water supply tap is open, then check the tightness of the door closing, inspect the outlet, maybe the reason is its malfunction. Water may not go away for a reason clogging filters or pipe connections in the drain system. If everything is in order there, you need a master to diagnose all nodes.

Aquastop worked

Error code E15 appears on the display? This code signals that a leak has occurred somewhere, so the water intake has stopped - a typical "disease" of dishwashers of this brand. The problem is solved quite simply: disconnect from the network, then gently tilt the body of the unit to drain the water from the pan, while sensor float will return to its original position.

If error code E15 occurs, gently move the machine in different sides- this is enough for the stuck float to return to its original state, and the code will disappear from the display.

The second common sore is gaskets at the junction of the inlet hose with the machine and water supply system. If they are installed incorrectly, water will leak out, so when connecting the machine, you must carefully read the instructions.

The machine does not turn on

Suspicion immediately falls on the mechanism of the power button: although it is designed for 1 million activations, there are different cases due to weak contacts. If home master knows how to handle a multimeter, then this is not a problem: ring contact groups to make sure they are correct.

It is worth checking the serviceability of the power cable, sockets - sometimes do-it-yourself Bosch machine repair begins with these events. If everything is fine, then you need to test control module. This cannot be done at home - you need a professional master from a service center who dismantles the desired part and tests it in the laboratory.

Start button on the control panel

Doesn't start after startup

Modern models report themselves fault code, the user just needs to check the table in the attached instruction manual to find out the reason. Such a system is quite convenient - all that remains is to repair the dishwasher, focusing on the verdict issued by the machine. The planned start may be prevented by malfunctions of thermostats, sensors, circulation pump and control system.

Water does not enter or drain

We have analyzed one reason in detail - this concerns the Aquastop system, the second may be due to filter clogging. It can be quite easily cleaned without any special knowledge of technology - we unscrew the inlet hose, carefully pull out the strainer and rinse it under running water.

filling valve, located immediately after the filter, may also be faulty, but it is not repaired, but simply replaced with a new device. Details of the repair can be viewed on the video, which are many on the Internet.

Sometimes this happens: water enters the unit, but the machine freezes in the rinse mode, in this case there are only three reasons:

  1. The drain filter is clogged - easily solved on your own.
  2. The water drain hose is kinked.
  3. The pump needs to be repaired or replaced.

In the first case, everything is simple: at the bottom of the working chamber (tank) there is strainer coarse cleaning, a fine filter element is located nearby. It will take you no more than 10 minutes to remove and clean.

Find out the status hose you can look behind the car and visually determine its condition, if everything is normal, then the problem is not in it. To get to the pump, you will have to disassemble almost the entire car, since it is at the very bottom, in addition, the car is turned upside down. Typical pump malfunction- clogging with foreign objects, and the plastic impeller very often breaks or turns on the axis due to blockage by a foreign object.

Important! Replacing a pump is a rather complicated dishwasher repair, so realistically evaluate your capabilities before proceeding with disassembling the equipment.

Before replacing the drain pump, it is better to ring the voltage supply wires to make sure they are intact. If you find a defect or break, then replace, but observe the size of the section.

Drain pump

No dishwashing quality

Quite often, users complain about poor-quality dishwashing. The reason often lies in the fact that the operating mode was set incorrectly, but sometimes there is also a machine’s fault due to clogged nozzles or other annoying malfunctions.

The entire calculation of wash quality is based on rocker injectors. The flow speed sometimes exceeds 150 km / h, due to the strong pressure, these main elements working area rotate and knock down all the dirt and food residues from the dishes with elastic jets.

Main reasons weak pressure the following:

  • clogging of the holes on the rocker arms;
  • the coarse or fine filter is clogged - because of this, it does not return to the tank right amount water to ensure normal pressure;
  • temporary wear of the impeller of the circulation pump, so it cannot produce normal pressure;
  • low engine speed due to bearing wear and their beats.

It is not difficult for any user to clean the nozzles on the rocker arms, physical strength is not required here, on the contrary, it is better not to apply it when removing a fragile product. Flush holes running water if foreign inclusions remain, carefully remove with a toothpick.

Note to the owner! The more food leftovers you remove from the plates before placing them in the baskets, the less often the filters and nozzle holes will become clogged, without requiring urgent repairs.

extraneous noise

Sometimes users complain about the appearance of extraneous noise during the operation of household appliances. As soon as you encounter such a problem, turn off the machine and start troubleshooting so that the repair of the dishwasher does not make a significant gap in the family budget.

In this case, the search algorithm looks like this:

  • the reason may be in circulation pump bearings- water has leaked through the seals, with all the ensuing consequences, sometimes the pump needs to be replaced;
  • drain pump may also make extraneous sounds when the impeller is overloaded or broken;
  • rockers and their fastening system, although such a malfunction is very rare.

There are no other sources of extraneous sound in the dishwashing machine.

Circulation pump

Water does not heat up

Bosch dishwasher repair specialists often encounter such problems, but the user may not be able to cope with this on his own if there is no certain knowledge and skills. First of all, you need to be able to work with multimeter on different modes, in particular an ohmmeter.

It is necessary to check the serviceability of the heating element - its resistance should not exceed several tens of ohms, if it is much more, then we can accurately state the presence of a break, you need to change the heating element. Thermostat also subject to testing, as well as all wiring that supplies current to the heater. The absence of current indicates that it is necessary to ring the corresponding outputs from the control unit - not there either, which means there is a problem in the module. The call of a specialist is inevitable, your master is powerless here.

TEN dishwasher

Doesn't dry dishes

If the machine is equipped condenser dryer- check the presence of rinse aid, because it greatly affects the quality of drying dishes, causing excess water to drain to the bottom of the tank. Drying occurs naturally- there is simply nothing to break here.

In some modes, it does not function, so before you resent, re-read the instructions again. Turbo dryer is more complicated - it consists of a heater through which the fan blows into the working compartment hot air, so you need to check both elements.

Before this, it is worth checking the wiring for integrity and the electronic module for issuing a signal. It is not difficult to repair both elements: one must be immediately replaced, since the heating elements are not repaired, and the second, as surgeons say, “an autopsy will show.”

There is current leakage

When the machine is shocked, it is extremely dangerous for all the inhabitants of the apartment and the first signal is that somewhere inside there is broken wiring insulation or there is a malfunction of the heating device. Therefore, a short to the case occurs - a thorough check of the entire electrical system. We already wrote how to ring the element, at the same time it is necessary to check all the wiring and other electrical components in the same way.

Do-it-yourself repair of Bosch dishwashers will cost users much less than calling a service center specialist, which costs from 500 to 1.5 thousand rubles.

Statistics show that Bosch machines are firmly in the lead in terms of repair costs, and spare parts are astronomically priced. By doing all the work yourself, you can save a decent amount and spend it on something more pleasant in every way. And this video will help you get it right.

The dishwasher is a very important part of everyone's life. big family. Mountains of dirty dishes are a situation familiar to every hostess, which often spoils the mood, especially after a gala dinner. In such a situation, a dishwasher is a real salvation that saves energy, time, nerves, and keeps a good mood and cleanliness in the house. However, like any appliance, dishwashers can break down. In this case, it is necessary to urgent repair breakdowns of dishwashers to maintain harmony in the house.

Causes of breakdowns

If your device is more than five years old, then, most likely, some part simply failed. Diagnosing and replacing the damaged part will help you quickly fix the problem. If you have recently updated your appliances, then the reasons for the breakdown of the dishwasher may be hidden in the following:

  1. Cheap assembly or poor quality parts. As a rule, this occurs in models with a suspiciously low cost. If you are the owner of a Bosch, Indesin, Electrolux or Ariston car, then most likely this is not the cause of the breakdown.
  2. Presence of food debris. Only dishes with very small particles of food are allowed to be loaded into the machine. If this is not observed, the filters will become clogged, which will cause a possible breakdown.
  3. There is no food. common cause non-working equipment is a failed socket.
  4. Poor quality detergents. As a rule, brands such as Bosch, Indesit and Ariston recommend certain detergents that do not harm the car. If you purchase more than cheap option, then you will have to spend money on repairing equipment.
  5. Incorrect operation. This may include general issues- loose door closing, improper positioning of dishes, loading items that are prohibited for washing in a dishwasher, etc.

These are all reasons, but what do the main breakdowns of dishwashers look like?

Dishwasher won't start

The machine runs, even completes the cycle, and the dishes remain dirty. There are several possible reasons:

  1. Filters are clogged with food residue;
  2. The nozzles are clogged and, as a result, the water has stopped circulating;
  3. The circulation pump went out of standing.

Owners of Bosch, Indesit and Electrolux dishwashers often have the first two problems. This is due, as mentioned above, to improper operation. Diagnosing and eliminating such problems is quite simple - just pull out and rinse the filters, and clean the nozzles with a needle or toothpick. If the problem is not solved, then it is best to contact the service center.

Water overflow occurs

The water level sensor is responsible for the amount of water in the machine. If overflow occurs, then most likely the sensor has become unusable.

In this case, the repair is inexpensive and quite simple - you can replace the sensor with your own hands by turning the dishwasher over (the sensor is located below).

Wrong temperature setting

Many dishwasher manufacturers, such as Bosch and Indesit, install a choice of temperature regime- from 30 to 90 degrees. If you set a certain temperature, and get a clearly inappropriate result, then there may be problems with the temperature sensor:

  1. The sensor is out of standing;
  2. Water is supplied to the system under insufficient pressure (during the repair work on the water supply line);
  3. The heater has failed.

Repair of such a breakdown is best entrusted to an experienced master in service center.

No water drain

One of the frequent breakdowns of dishwashers is the lack of water drain.

Water is drained as follows: water passes through the pump into the hose and the internal filter. Improper use may result in contamination of any of these parts. For some reason, this is the most common Bosch dishwasher failure. Perhaps this is due to the fact that in the dishwasher market, Bosch is the undisputed leader. It was this manufacturer that won the trust of customers, so dishwashers of this particular brand are in most homes.

Fixing a dirty pump problem will be more difficult than a nozzle problem, but the essence is the same - you need to remove the pump, hose and internal filter and rinse them thoroughly.

Another reason for poor water drainage is that the drain hose is too high.

Dishwasher electric shock

This problem is less common than others, but it is one of the main ones. The reason for this behavior of your dishwasher is as follows - the electric heating element has not failed, but it has a breakdown.

Such a problem may arise due to factory defects, due to long-term operation, and also due to increased water hardness.

Diagnostics and repair in this case are carried out at the service center. This is especially important if your device has not yet been removed from warranty service.

Other common faults

One of the most common faults with Bosch dishwashers is the lack of detergent. There are two options: the nozzles are dirty or the valve for opening the detergent tank is broken. In the first case, the problem is eliminated by simple cleaning, and in the second - by replacing the corresponding valve.

If, when opening the dishwasher, there is a complete lack of power, then in most cases the main problem is outside the device - the socket or surge protector is broken. You can check their performance with any other device. Other causes of the problem may be a damaged power button or a malfunction in the door latch mechanism.

One way or another, a dishwasher is a device that, like many others, can break down. The main causes of breakdowns are usually misuse or a fairly long service life. If you cannot diagnose and fix the problem yourself, then it is best to entrust this matter to professionals, otherwise you can damage the device even more.