How to connect the drain hose. How to connect the drain hose to the washing machine? Prices for the work of a specialist

If you figure out all the details with how to properly connect the washing machine, this operation will not be difficult to do with your own hands. In the article we will describe the process of connecting the drain hose of the washing machine to the sewer.

The issue of connecting the washing machine to the sewerage and water supply system should be approached as responsibly as possible. Only in this case the unit will work without errors and problems. objectively simple. All home craftsmen can cope with this task without any difficulty. But many craftsmen organize the discharge of the unit into the sewer system incorrectly. The result is unpleasant odors in the room where the machine is installed, as well as clogging it with water from other plumbing fixtures.

Drain connection

The drain hose from the washer to the sewer is connected in three ways:
  1. By installing a special siphon.
  2. Installing the hose directly into the sewer pipe.
  3. By throwing the hose over the edge of the washbasin or bath.

The third technique is very simple. To implement it, you do not need to fiddle with pipes, purchase and install a siphon. All the work takes a few minutes - you throw the hose into the sink (bathtub), fix it with a plastic hook (it comes with all washing units) and watch the dirty water after washing goes into the sewer system. It would seem - how much easier it is? But this simplicity is fraught with many problems. Firstly, the water from the machine will constantly contaminate the sink or bathtub. After two or three washes, you will be horrified by the appearance of the sanitary ware. Unattractive streaks will appear on their acrylic or enameled snow-white surface.

Just imagine how you will wash over such a sink or take a bath, at the bottom of which there are traces of dirty water. Secondly, the retaining hook does not guarantee a 100% high-quality fastening of the hose. The latter can fly off the edge of the sink or bathtub at any time. This is fraught with flooding your bathroom, as well as the premises of neighbors who live on the floor below you. The drain hose, believe me, gets confused very often. It flies when you turn on the drain pump in the washing machine, while spinning the laundry (due to vibrations that occur). Basically, you will have to sit next to the unit for the entire wash cycle and make sure that the hose does not get knocked out. What, then, is the essence of an automatic machine if you need to be near it all the time?

For these reasons, experts recommend (and strongly) equip the drain with a siphon. Then you do not have to worry about flooding your neighbors, as well as about the penetration of foreign odors from the sewer system into the room where the automatic machine is located.

The siphon is an elementary device. It is inexpensive, sold in any store that offers plumbing products. A siphon is usually mounted under the washbasin in the bathroom or under the sink for washing dishes, if the washer is installed in the kitchen. The siphon must be mounted as high as possible. Setting it too low increases the risk of water backflow.

Connecting a washing machine

Drainage through a siphon is equipped independently according to the following scheme:
  1. Install the siphon. The device is installed strictly vertically. It is forbidden to place it horizontally due to the increased risk of leaks.
  2. Lead a drain hose to the installed siphon. The hose must first be raised by 0.6–0.8 m, fixed on the back of the washing unit (almost all machines have a special hook for this purpose) and only then lower it to the sewer drain.
  3. Connect the hose to the siphon pipe. It is optimal to carry out this operation through a special cuff. It ensures complete tightness of the connection. If there is no cuff, you will first have to connect the adapter, pull it off with a metal clamp, and then connect a hose to this intermediate device.

Check all connections for leaks. The work is done, the drain is done! Recently, special siphons have become widespread. They can be installed in a wall surface. Such new devices are brought out on one side, and on the other they are connected to the sewage system. A water outlet (cold) is mounted next to the siphon. This is done so that the process of connecting the washing machine is carried out as quickly and conveniently as possible. In the presence of such a plumbing "infrastructure", a new washing unit is connected to the sewerage system and to it literally in 5 minutes.

There is also an easier way to connect the drain hose to the water drainage system. You can also do it yourself. This technique involves putting a hose directly into the sewer pipe, into which a special tee is pre-installed.

Connected and ready-to-use washing machine

In this case, the drain is arranged like this:
  1. Place the tee in the sewer system.
  2. Bend the hose in the form of the Latin letter S (thereby you cut off the unit from the sewer when the washing machine pump is off).
  3. Insert the hose into the tee and carefully seal the resulting connection.

Everything. The work has been completed. Your washing machine is connected to a sewer system.

The hose for the washing machine plays a very important role in the operation of the device. In order for it to properly and effectively serve its owners, water must enter the drum on time and drain after use. Both the drain and the inlet hose for the washing machine, at the slightest malfunction, can cause stops, malfunctions, which will gradually lead to unit breakdown.


When buying a washing machine in most stores, delivery will be provided to you, but with the installation everything does not always go smoothly. Sometimes you have to invite a wizard to install it separately or carry out it yourself.

In order for the unit to work correctly, the connection must be made according to the following algorithm:

  • connect electricity;
  • provide water supply;
  • provide an opportunity for its withdrawal.

Connecting a washing machine

Preparation for installation is carried out as follows: the plugs fixing the washing drum are removed from the rear wall, the holes from them are closed with special plugs. The machine is placed in the designated place and the height of the legs is adjusted so that it is level.

The first step is to ensure the flow of hot and cold water - this operation must be performed depending on the characteristics of a particular device. Sometimes the washing machine inlet hose is too short for your environment. In this case, you will need to purchase an extension liner.

If it turns out that the diameters of the water supply and the water supply hose do not match, you will need to use adapters for the connection.


The drain hose has a simple task - it ensures the discharge of the waste dirty water into the sewer pipe during the washing process. The drain hose of the washing machine can be of different lengths, the cost varies depending on the type. The varieties are as follows:

1. The simplest type of this assembly unit has a fixed length, ranging from 1-5 meters. This size is considered standard, and if necessary, it can be extended without problems by connecting the two hoses using clamps.

2. The telescopic drain hose of the washing machine is more versatile - it is realized in a compressed state and can extend from an insignificant 60 centimeters to 2 meters. But it also has disadvantages: it becomes more clogged, vibrates when the water is drained. It is necessary to stretch such a product as carefully as possible, since with sudden movements the material can be damaged.

3. The hose, sold in the form of a coil, is quite convenient - you can independently measure and separate the desired length from it (within the existing one). There are serifs on the surface of the product, which can be guided by when measuring the desired length. Usually it is about 0.5 meters. Do not use excessively long hoses to drain the waste water - this increases the risk of blockages, which can create stagnation and even cause a blockage in the hose. Sooner or later, this leads to stoppages in the operation of the machine, and in some cases to breakdowns. If the hose is too long, it will deform more easily and may be damaged.

Washing machine hose

As a rule, the washing machine is equipped with a gray polypropylene drain hose. At its ends there are rubber elastic fittings with a diameter of 19 mm, 22 mm. One end is connected to the sewer pipe, the other is attached to the unit itself. Sometimes, if the sewer pipe is located in a hard-to-reach place, one end of the drain hose is directed into the bathtub or sink.


The drain hoses are attached differently in different washing machine models. But there are certain rules that must be followed before replacing or installing them, regardless of the brand of the unit.

To begin with, the device must be disconnected from the electrical network. In doing so, make sure that the machine is not in working order. If so, wait until the wash cycle is complete. Fix the wire so that it does not get in the way during operation.

Then the device must be disconnected from the water supply. When the flexible tube is unscrewed, it is necessary to remove the gasket in time and arrange it in a place where it will definitely not be lost. Where the drain hose of the washing machine was attached, install a plug, and put the hose up with a branch pipe on the back of the device.

Disconnecting the device from the water supply

After the preparation for the replacement of the part is completed, you can proceed to the installation. To change the hose, access to the inside of the unit must be ensured. Most often, the hose is attached inside the housing next to the drain pump. The top panel must be removed - it is more convenient to work this way. The hose usually protrudes from the back of the washing machine, at the top or bottom of it. To replace it, the hose is carefully disconnected from the housing and pump and pulled out as carefully as possible.

A complete disconnection from the sewer is made, after which the remaining water is drained from the hose. Only now can you start assembling a new one. This process may differ depending on the design, model of the unit. Therefore, in order to do the job correctly, you need to refer to the manufacturer's recommendations.


The more carefully all stages of work are performed, the longer the drain hose of the washing machine will be able to serve, which will ensure its uninterrupted operation.

When organizing the drainage method, you should choose the one that is more convenient for installation.

For example, you can simply drain the used water into a bathtub or sink. All required operations will be extremely easy to perform. The drain hose can be simply inserted into a special holder (supplied) and then hung on the bathtub or fixed over its edge. This method can be used as a temporary one, as well as in cases where connection to the sewer is not possible. It also has its drawbacks:

1. When draining, all dirty water is in plain sight - it not only annoys clean housewives, but also is not particularly convenient. After the completion of the operation, it is necessary to wash the sink, and with a strong spray pressure - not only it, but also the walls.

2. The plumbing fixture where the drain is carried out cannot be used while the washing machine is running - waste water flows there from time to time;

3. If the bathtub or sink is made of acrylic or cast iron, deposits will form on them all the time due to the flowing dirty water. This surface is difficult to clean.

Advice: if the sewer system in the apartment is in good condition, and the machine will be used regularly and often, it is better to install the drain directly into the sewer pipe.

Installation of drains into the sewer pipe

To do this, you can choose one of the following methods:

A. Dirty water can be drained off with success through a special drain on the siphon. They are usually installed under sinks in kitchens or bathrooms, and it will be easy to connect a washing machine hose to them, wherever it is. The drain end fitting should be secured as reliably as possible on the siphon outlet - this will prevent leaks from occurring in the place where they join. Use clamps to add extra strength to the mount.

B. Alternatively, the drain hose is connected to the sewer pipe using a sealing collar. In this case, the hose must be fixed in the cuff as reliably as possible, and the length must be chosen so that it has a small margin. The hose should not be too taut or easily pulled out of the cuff. When draining the liquid from the machine, strong vibration occurs, the connection is broken with poor installation, water will flow to the floor.

The second option is more convenient in cases where the owners want to equip the drain point next to the installed device. Most often, this procedure is carried out during repairs - when building modern houses, a site specially equipped for installing a washing machine is not planned.

It is possible to organize the drainage of water using a separate sewage siphon equipped with a check valve. He has a fairly simple principle of operation. There is a weighted ball inside the siphon. When water passes through the siphon, the ball floats, and after it drains, it sinks into place and plugs the sewer drain. This not only blocks the way for unpleasant odors, but also prevents the waste liquid from going back into the hose. Ideally, when it is possible to pre-select a place suitable for the location of the washing machine, and then install all the necessary communications there.

Using a sealing collar, if desired, you can independently mount a siphon equipped with a check valve, and get rid of many problems associated with operation.

Important: the place where the drain is attached to the unit must be located higher than the connection to the sewer. Otherwise, all the water will flow back into the machine. To ensure reliable and trouble-free operation of the washing machine, make sure that it is installed in accordance with all the rules.

In the process of installing and connecting the washing machine, the task arises of how to organize the drainage of the waste water correctly. The most correct way is to connect the drain hose directly to the sewer branch, but it is also the most time consuming. We will describe how to organize the drain in detail and start with the preparatory work.

We prepare tools and accessories

Any serious work requires careful preparation, connecting the washing machine to the sewer is no exception. If you have to install an old car after moving, organizing water drainage, then some tools and accessories may be required, and when installing a new machine, some of the accessories are already included in the attachment with the machine.

But you need to start preparing by determining the installation site. There can be three options:

  1. In the bathroom, which is very convenient, since any outlet, including the drain, is almost at hand.
  2. In the kitchen next to the sink.
  3. In the hall.

After determining the location, prepare the tools so that you do not need to search for them by organizing a bend. You may need:

  • various screwdrivers;
  • keys;
  • the pipe cutter, if necessary, cut into the drain pipe;
  • welding for metal-plastic pipes;
  • conventional siphon or with a check valve;
  • plastic tee;
  • silicone sealant;
  • sealing gum;
  • drainage corrugated hose of the correct length if the factory one is too short.

Note! It is not recommended to dock the hoses, as additional connections pose additional risks of water leaks. The optimal hose length is considered to be no more than 3 meters, because the longer the hose, the greater the load on the pump, the drain should be closer.

Another step in preparing the washing machine for connection is this. When the machine is fully prepared for connection to communications, you can proceed to the main work.

Methods for connecting to the sewer

Before organizing the drain and connecting the washing machine to the siphon, it is necessary to install the siphon itself on the sink. If the siphon does not have a separate outlet for household appliances, then a plastic tee will also need to be connected to it. With this connection, an unpleasant odor from the sewer can enter the drum, where the laundry lies after the wash cycle.

Therefore, it is necessary to organize an "air barrier" in the siphon. For this, the siphon has a special branch to which a corrugated pipe is connected. It is curved in such a way that water stagnates in its bend, creating a reliable plug that does not let odor from the sewer into the tank of the machine. At the same time, such a plug does not hinder the drainage of waste water from the washing machine into the drain and is renewed with each descent of water into the sewer.

Instead of a simple siphon, you can use a siphon with a check valve, which prevents not only smell, but also waste water from entering the machine, in this case, it is possible to organize the drain much more efficiently. If the siphon is clogged, a situation may arise when waste water fills it and flows back into the machine by gravity. To prevent this from happening, a valve is built into the siphon.

After installing the siphon, you need to connect the hose to the branch from the siphon. This is easy to do, just fasten the clamp.

In some cases, the drain hose of the washing machine is not connected through a siphon, but into a branch of the sewer pipe. In this case, an O-ring adapter is required. This adapter will allow you to insert the hose into the wide opening of the pipe. This method is more labor intensive than the previous one. However, it is reasonable to use it when the washing machine is placed at a distance of more than 2 m from the sink siphon.

The photo shows a direct connection without using an adapter siphon tube (left) and using it (right). Such an adapter allows you to create an air congestion, which prevents odors from entering the machine from the sewer.

When organizing the drainage of waste water from the machine through a siphon or directly, the distance from the floor to the drain point must be taken into account. The point at which the end of the hose will be located must be at least 50 cm above the floor. The maximum height from the floor that the drain hose can be lifted is no more than 100 cm. These figures depend on the capacity of the drain pump.

Connecting the drain hose of the washing machine through a siphon or directly to the sewer is considered the most reliable way to organize the drain. The risk of water leakage is minimized if the hose is accidentally touched. In addition, from an aesthetic point of view, this is also the best option, since the hose is usually hidden behind the machine itself or the kitchen set.

Other ways to drain waste water

The simplest options for organizing the drainage of water from the washing machine is to throw the drain hose through the sink, bathroom or toilet. To do this, you need a plastic hook-type nozzle that will hold the hose on the sink or bathtub.

This way of organizing the drain is the most unreliable. And it has a number of disadvantages:

Important! If you nevertheless decide to use this method of draining water from the machine, then remember that the length of the drain hose should not exceed 4 meters, since a larger volume of waste water can remain in the hose itself and stagnate in it, emitting an unpleasant odor.

Thus, you can connect the washing machine to the sewer yourself, if you have the desire, tools and time. And do not save on components, because a reliable and competent connection is the key to a trouble-free and uninterrupted operation of the washing machine.

A rare person nowadays can do without a washing machine. High-quality and carefully selected equipment will serve for a very long time without failures and utility breakdowns.

One of the components of such reliability is the correct connection of the washing machine drain to the sewer. In contrast to the provision of equipment with electricity and tap water, the drain device requires more attention.

Is it possible to connect the washing machine to the sewer on your own? Such work is quite accessible to any home craftsman who has already dealt with plumbing. If there is no experience, then you need to show increased attention.
Before starting work and before purchasing all materials, it is necessary to study the ways to drain dirty water and choose the most suitable one. What influences the choice:

  • distance from the washing machine to a convenient drain point;
  • material of existing pipes in the apartment / house;
  • length, diameter of the supplied and optional hoses.

It is best to first sketch out the simplest diagram of connecting the machine to all networks - this way it will be easier to imagine the big picture, to make calculations of the amount of work and the amount of materials.

Draining device methods

There are only three of them, from the simplest and cheapest to the most complex and costly.

Drainage of water into plumbing

Included with any washing machine is a "hook" - a plastic element in the shape of an inverted letter "U". The drain hose is fixed in it, after which the "letter" can be pushed onto the edge of the sanitary container. Typically, a bathtub becomes the drainage point, as an option - a sink or toilet.

In practice, this draining method is almost always inconvenient. If you still decide to use it, then you need to consider:

  • the drain hose holder must be well attached to the edge of the sanitary container;
  • at the time of washing, you do not have to use the plumbing into which the drain stream is directed;
  • wash off the sediment contained in the waste water of the washing machine, preferably after each wash: the smallest particles of lint and various grains of sand are often not visible, it is easy to forget about them until the accumulations become truly noticeable and difficult to clean.

If this method of disposing of waste water is not suitable, the owners have no choice but to connect the drain of the washing machine to the sewer.

Introducing the drain hose into the siphon

A very popular method if the washing machine is close to the sink. There are several options for draining the washing machine into the sewer through the sink siphon.

One of the simplest is to assemble a system under the sink from a conventional siphon and a tube with a branch. This scheme is simple and reliable: the drain hose of the washing machine goes to the siphon, rises just above the inlet and enters there from top to bottom.

Due to this height difference, water from the sink drain will not be able to penetrate into the drain hose when it is empty. One problem still remains. Sewer odors can penetrate into the cavities of the washing machine and even be absorbed into the laundry.

But this can be solved if the scheme is a little more complicated. It is possible to assemble a system with a water seal under the sink. At the glance, it looks like a recumbent letter "S". A small amount of water always accumulates in one bend, which does not allow sewage odors to pass out or into the drain hose of the washing machine.

Another option with the same effect is to buy a special anti-siphon valve for the washing machine with a branch for attaching the drain hose.

Draining into the sewerage system

What if the previous ways to get rid of dirty water are not suitable? The last option remains: arrange the drain of the washing machine into the sewer directly. This method is usually the most time consuming and costly. But it is ideal if the washing machine is installed far enough from the sink.

The material of the existing sewage system is important here. Tapping into old cast iron pipes can be quite troublesome. Rarely is it possible to limit ourselves to just connecting the washing machine. Sometimes it is necessary to replace a section of a pipeline made of cast iron pipes. You have to act according to the situation.

In other cases, the job is usually easier. The owners of new cottages find themselves in the most advantageous situations: in this case, a sewer outlet for the drain device can be foreseen in advance.

Connecting the drain of the washing machine to the drain under the bathroom is one of the popular ideas. The advantage of such a drain system is that the hose can be hidden with a special screen, the design of the bathroom will only benefit from this. It is only important not to make the mistake that inexperienced craftsmen often make.

We are talking about the horizontal introduction of the drain hose into the drain. This is a completely wrong decision. The drain hose for the washing machine will inevitably be filled with the contents of the drain of the bath and sink, if any. Unpleasant odors have already been discussed. To avoid such an error, the drain hose must be inserted from the top down into the drain.

Materials, tools, tricks

What a home master will need:

  1. Drain hose. Under good circumstances, you can use the one that comes with the washing machine. In other cases, purchased separately. We must not forget that the length of the hose is calculated with all the ups, downs and bends.
  2. Means for sealing holes, joints, joints, gaskets for sealing, silicone sealant. In any plumbing work, special attention must be paid to preventing leaks.
  3. Sewerage fittings (tees, adapters), pipes, siphon, drain check valve for the washing machine - depending on the chosen connection method. Diameter, length and type are calculated according to the situation.
  4. Pipe cutter, if you plan to make a tie-in directly into the sewer.
  5. Allen wrench or wrench set.

Regardless of the chosen method of connecting the drain hose to the sewer, it is necessary to carry out tests immediately after completion of all work and arrange a dry wash. Then possible imperfections will immediately become visible. If done correctly, the drain system will last as long as the washing machine itself.

Before buying a washing machine, many are wondering how to properly connect it to communications. There are two options for the development of events: call a professional master or do all the work with your own hands. Self-installation is a responsible business, you will need to observe all the subtleties, correctly connect the inlet hose to the water supply, and drain the drain into the sewer. It is important to choose a place for installation and to correctly conduct the power supply for the device. Instructions and useful tips will help you not to get confused in all stages of installation.

Choosing a location for installation

In a standard apartment there are several places where a washing machine can be located - bath, toilet or kitchen. In the toilet, narrow appliances with horizontal loading of linen are usually placed. In exceptional cases, the machine is installed in the corridor or storeroom, if opportunities permit.

The washing machine must be installed strictly at the floor level.

The main condition for choosing a place for a washing machine is a perfectly flat floor surface.

Advice. It is best to locate the machine on a concrete floor. Thus, vibrations during operation can be reduced. And the twisting legs will help to ensure the correct position of the device.

Unpacking the car

Manufacturers take care of the transportation of their goods very carefully. The washing machine is packed neatly. This is done in order to exclude damage during transportation.

Attention! Before installing, read the instructions and take all the necessary steps.

The machine must be freed from its original packaging and the shipping bolts that secure the tank of the device must be removed. They can be easily unscrewed, and plugs are attached instead.

Attention! The washing machine must not be operated with the transport bolts, as this may result in damage. This problem is not covered under warranty.

Required tools

Connecting a washing machine will require you not only to study the instructions or your own knowledge, but also to have some tools. So, prepare:

  • adjustable and gas wrench;
  • ball valve;
  • fitting, tee or ferrule (depending on the type of pipe);
  • threaded adapter;
  • branch - as required;
  • flexible hose.

Washing machine installation tools

Connecting the appliance to the water supply system

There are several ways to connect the machine to the water supply:

  1. Connection without water supply. This option is more suitable for use in the country. After all, suburban life should also be comfortable. And the lack of running water should not be the reason for the rejection of the benefits of civilization. So, you need a large tank, which must be installed at a height of at least 3 m. Connect the hose from the machine to it. Thus, the necessary pressure will be created. If you do not want to carry out high-altitude work with a tank, then you can purchase a pumping station, but this method will be very expensive.

    Connecting the washing machine through the tank

  2. Connection by means of a tee. An easy way to connect. For this, a flexible hose is used. It is connected to a water tap or a toilet cistern supply. The hose to be connected must be long enough and a tee must be used to connect it. The tap hose must be unscrewed before each wash. This is not entirely convenient and this method can be used as a temporary option. Connecting the washing machine to the water supply to the toilet bowl is not a bad idea, but only if they are located next to each other.

    T-piece connection

  3. Connection through metal-plastic pipes through a fitting. A great way for owners. A part is cut out in the cold pipe, and a fitting (connecting tee) is cut into the opening, to which the ball valve is fixed. The connecting sections must be sealed with rubber grommets.

    Connection through metal-plastic pipes

  4. Connection by means of a compression sleeve. For this method, you will need a ¾ dm flexible hose. It needs to be connected to a typewriter and a special tap that cuts into the water supply through a crimp sleeve. This is only done if the pipe is metal. The coupling includes several halves that are put on the pipe and tightened with bolts. And also it includes a threaded outlet, on which a valve is put on (preferably a ball valve). For the flow of water in the pipe, a hole is made through the sleeve.

    Crimp connection

Features of mounting the machine to the sewage system

When the work on connecting the washing machine to the water supply is completed, it's time to think about where the dirty waste water will go. The device must be connected to the sewerage system. This can be done in several ways.

  • Draining water into a bathtub or sink. A very simple option, but perhaps not the most reliable one. Some manufacturers take into account in the complete set of the washing machine a "hook" hose, which is fixed on the wall of the bath or sink. Its advantage is that you do not need to bother installing the machine to the sewer. But there are many more disadvantages. Dirty water will stain your bath enamel, especially acrylic. And a small blockage in the sink while draining the machine can cause flooding of neighbors. Quite often, vibrations during the drainage of the water "hook" to the floor, which can also cause a serious flood.

Draining water into a bathtub or sink

  • Siphon connection. In order for the drain from the machine to be stationary, you will need to purchase. It has a drain for washing machines, which must be located above the knee of the siphon. Otherwise dirty water will be sucked into the washing appliance. As a result, an unwanted foreign smell may appear in the device.
  • Connection to the sewer pipe. This is a way of connecting the washing machine directly to a sewer pipe. It should be 4 or 5 cm thick. To do this, use a seal and an S-shaped drain hose. The hose is introduced into the pipe so that it does not come into contact with waste water. The top of the hose is positioned 55 cm from the floor.

Sewer pipe connection

Washing machine power supply

The work on connecting the machine seems to have been completed, but one important detail remains - the power supply.

Advice. Operate preferably a three-wire outlet. Secure yourself and ground the distribution board.

If you need an extension cord, use only one that has a ground connection.

Washing machine connection diagram

A good option would be to connect the device with a separate wire from the electricity meter. It has automatic protection installed. If such a wire has not been laid, then a portable RCD can be used.

Connecting a washing machine to communications is a simple matter, but it requires attention. Of course, it is better to provide it to professionals who will take care of all the moments in order to secure the operation of the device in the future. Self-installation comes with many risks, but if you are ready for them, then get to work.

Installation and connection of the washing machine: video

How to connect a washing machine: photo