Cornflower blue plant description. Unpretentious cornflower for beginner gardeners

Perfect order in an apartment is always a guarantee of a good mood among the household, because no one will look for things and will not be ashamed to bring guests to the apartment. Plus, keeping things organized in your home helps you focus by keeping things organized in your head. Also, you should put things in order even if you move out of the rented apartment, you do not want to be thought of somehow incorrectly (as if you are slovens and idlers).

Today, in our article, we will help you put the perfect order in your apartment or house by doing everything quickly and correctly.

11 secrets on how to clean up your apartment

  1. Focus on dust. It is impossible to avoid it, since it penetrates us from all places - windows, doors and even vents. We bring it on the soles of our shoes and, of course, outerwear... You can get rid of such dust with a vacuum cleaner, but put it on wet cleaning so that it does not carry dust throughout the space. By removing the dust, you can perform the movement of those things that are required. It is unnecessary to do the opposite otherwise, for example, you can move the bag to another place where dust will already accumulate, so it will remain there for a long time, and you should not breathe such air better. The place where dust is most visible (especially to guests) is the surface of tables, chairs, TVs and window sills (there is especially a lot of it here, as it carries from the window). Dust can also form on the wallpaper (rarely, but if it does, it means that you have been cleaning the rooms for a very long time), air vents (it is better to remove them and thoroughly clean them of cobwebs, dirt, etc.). The upper ones deserve special attention. ceiling corners, where cobwebs can usually be found.

  2. The first thing our guests pay attention to is the floor. Therefore, you will start by cleaning the floor. Thoroughly clean carpets (if any), sweep and mop the floor itself (parquet, linoleum, tiles, etc.). It is better to focus on those places that are most polluted - the hallway and living room, but this does not mean that you can forget about hard-to-reach places, such as areas under the bed or sofa.

  3. If your apartment is small, then try to take out the trash more often. You do not need to install separate buckets for this in the bedroom, living room, etc. The fact is that the trash bin will be easy enough to notice, however, the garbage left on the table or bedside table will also haunt you. Therefore, immediately accustom yourself to one bucket (in the kitchen) and the daily removal of garbage bags, although the more often the better, because it does not emit the most pleasant smell in the house, which spreads very quickly.

  4. Get rid of things you don't need. Now that the living room and corridor are in order, take care of the objects that surround you. Order is first and foremost rational use space in the house. When the house is a mess, there are a lot of things in it that we don't need. Throwing them out, of course, you are unlikely to succeed, so we propose to proceed in this way: purchase a large box in which to put all the necessary things. Moreover, it is quite simple to determine a thing by necessity: put in a box all those items that you have not used for a month, two or more: lamps, pens, magazines, accessories, small equipment(old cell phone, for example) etc. You can also put some decorative elements in the box (vases, mugs, figurines, glasses that you don't like much). After hammering the box to failure - seal it, write today's date on top. Take the box to the garage, basement, or at least closed balcony... And believe me, most likely, you will not look into this box for at least a year (because of necessity), and, therefore, all the collected things are really nothing more than rubbish for you. After one year, you can safely sell these items.

  5. After removing everything you need, surround yourself with the things that you constantly use. You have never noticed that you take out all the necessary items from cabinets, shelves and even other rooms when there are things that you do not need at all. If so, then you should urgently review the entire set of objects around you. He's wrong. Try to surround yourself, putting in a prominent and convenient place for you only those things that you use, and not those that should be in accordance with generally accepted canons. By completing this step, you can easily avoid meeting a mess in the apartment, because there will be no unnecessary things, and the necessary things will not create problems for you.

  6. A clean apartment, in which everything is close at hand, is not a perfect order yet. Since now it is time for us to get down to hiding unnecessary objects from the eyes of outsiders. Face up to the idea that there will be guests in your home from time to time, that is, in fact, strangers. These may include: people from the service for the repair of something, neighbors, controllers (gas and electricity), friends, colleagues, acquaintances (friends of your children, parents or spouses), etc. All of them may have different understandings of order and cleanliness, however, in general, there is such a rule - to hide personal life from strangers, so try to distribute things in the house in such a way that even if strangers come to you at night, you do not feel awkward ... So how do you do this ?! Pretty simple! Get into the habit of always hiding your personal belongings! It doesn't matter if it's money or bedding. Documents should never be in plain sight. Trifle, such as glasses, watches, mobile phones, bracelets and other things should also have their place, preferably in bedside table... When changing clothes, put all things in the closet, and dirty linen or clothes in a special basket. The wash should not stretch over the whole day. It is also better not to leave the dishes dirty, but to wash them immediately or put them in the dishwasher.

  7. Keep the kitchen clean. The order in the house can often be determined by the kitchen, if it is clean and well-groomed, then most likely the rest of the rooms in the house will not be dirty. There are often the most guests here, who drink tea with you or drop in for a short conversation. Therefore, several rules follow from this, which the owner should not forget about, if he strives, to put things in order in the whole apartment. First, as we said before, wash the dishes immediately after dinner, and don't even think about leaving dirty dishes somewhere in the house. Secondly, clean the refrigerator, both inside and out. outside... It attracts most attention to itself because of its size and frequency of reference to it. It is unnecessary to store spoiled foods in it that are already overdue or that are not suitable for cooking by themselves (they smell bad and look awful). Third, wipe thoroughly all cabinet handles and kitchen appliances(for example, a microwave oven) so that the guest does not get dirty by accidentally grabbing something. Fourthly, ventilate the room more often so that not only order and cleanliness in the kitchen is visible, but also the smell does not bother us.

  8. If you have already begun to tidy up the rooms of your house, then you should not bypass the bathroom (lavatory). It will be very strange if everything in the house radiates cleanliness and order, and the bathroom somehow stands out from the general background. There should also be a pleasant smell, a clean floor, fresh towels, soap and bottles on the mirror should have a clean look, and the sink should be good drain so as not to create discomfort for the guest and yourself.

  9. Now is the time to think about the order and cleanliness of "In the Holy of Holies" - the bedroom... You can feel order not only by arranging all the items in their places, but also by changing bed linen, removing small debris from the dressing or coffee table, aligning books or magazines on the bedside table, and also airing the room itself. Naturally, here we no longer mention cleaning the room itself. Pay attention to the mirrors. If you are a pedantic person who loves order and cleanliness, you will not feel comfortable enough seeing dirty stains on the mirrors (from touch or cosmetics).

  10. If it is difficult for you to constantly remember what and how should be ideally folded, then we advise you to put the perfect order once (which you would like) and capture it on. Such a picture will help you every time to perform all the actions that will tell you what you have not done to keep your house in order.

  11. While tidying up the house, check at the same time the technical component of all devices. Here we are talking about various techniques, for example, TVs and computers. Check their connections to the outlet and other plugs. Is everything inserted correctly, is there some kind of backlash or problems (especially with the electrical part, so that there is no short circuit later).

  • Divide the entire apartment into several zones (living room, bathroom, corridor, etc.) and put things in order gradually in each zone, do not try to clean everywhere and at once, as you will surely forget something.

  • Train yourself to put things in order in the house, at least 15-20 minutes a day, then you will not have to spend whole days on this once a week or two.

  • If the volume of work is large, then it is better to extend the process over several days.

  • Scientists have calculated that every month from 20 to 100 unnecessary things appear in the house of an average family. Therefore, we suggest that you take a box with you once a month and forcibly put 20 to 30 items in it that are not particularly dear to you. Take the box to the garage. Thus, the apartment will not turn into a "trash storage".

  • Before you put things in order, make a list of things that you need to do that day, and gradually start doing it.

  • If you want the perfect frequency and comfort in the room, try to do everything horizontal surfaces as clean as possible, and also to have a minimum of items on them.

  • Never leave an item in plain sight unless it can be hidden in a locker or dressing room.

  • It's better to put things in order with fast and favorite music (you can even dance to it), so the process will go faster and more interesting. In no case, do not turn on the TV and, especially, on an interesting program or film / series, as you will definitely watch it and forget what you wanted to do at all. After watching, you are unlikely to want to wedge yourself into the process again.

  • Our editors of the online magazine site, recommend to find for each subject separate place, since in this case it will be easiest to find it, and also put it in place. That will accordingly save time and nerves.

  • Use space efficiently! Do not forget about the small shelves that are in your closet or even coffee table... For example, we always forget about the bedside table on which there is a TV, but in fact it often has a lot of shelves on which you can put the remotes from household appliances, magazine with the program, favorite discs with films, etc.

  • If you are overtaken by laziness in putting things in order, then you can come up with some kind of motivator, for example, invite dear guests tonight or tomorrow, in front of whom it would be very embarrassing to show the apartment in such a state. Then laziness will leave you, and the desire to put things in order in the house will quickly appear!

  • Eliminate this "Sovdepov" habit in yourself - to hang clothes on doors, chairs and other pieces of furniture. Accustom yourself to order, then you will have to direct it less.

  • Place aroma candles or special air fresheners in the rooms, which will create not only an externally pleasant atmosphere, but also rid the apartment of unpleasant odors.

Cornflower blue refers to a herbaceous annual or perennial species the plant that grows in the meadow belongs to the Asteraceae family. Differs in a rough stem, lanceolate leaves, taproot, flowers can be collected in baskets, which are single and large up to five pieces. The flowers turn blue or purple. The fruit is an achene that has a crest at the top. It blooms throughout the summer, bears fruit in August. The blue cornflower belongs to the weed, but most often it is planted in the country and with the help of it they decorate the flower beds. The plant spreads throughout Europe, it can often be found in the Transcaucasia, Ukraine, Russia.

Description of blue cornflower

The plant loves moist soil, it is found in potato, wheat, rye fields. Aristotle in his works says that plants have healing properties... In Ancient Russia, the plant was endowed with magic, it was often used to remove spoilage, arable farming, so that it was productive.

The blue cornflower is a good honey plant, the honey from the plant has a pleasant almond aroma and a bitter aftertaste. Sometimes flowers are used to make blue and blue dyes, with which wool is dyed.

Cooking uses flowers to make cornflower vinegar, which can be added to food in small amounts. In winemaking given view plants are used to tint champagne, vermouth, while drinks have pink color... For medicinal purposes, flowers from blue cornflower are also often used.

Useful properties of blue cornflower

This plant is slightly poisonous because it contains a cyanogen component. The marginal flowers contain anthocyanin, tannin, centaurin glycoside, quinic and caffeic acid. The flowers are rich in calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium. Fruits contain few alkaloids. Blue cornflower seeds contain a fatty oil.

With the help of this type of plant, you can increase urine output, reduce the concentration of substances such as calcium, phosphorus in the blood, which play an important role in the formation of kidney stones, in this way they are quickly excreted in the urine. Blue cornflower has a bactericidal and antitumor effect, it also has a choleretic and antispasmodic effect.

Official medicine puts flowers of blue cornflower in factory packaging, they are also included in fees for appetite and diuretics. In pharmacies and at home, they prepare infusions based on blue cornflower, with the help of them, you can get rid of cardiac and renal edema. These infusions are one of the best anti-inflammatory and choleretic agents that help cure hepatitis, biliary dyskinesia, cholecystitis.

Outwardly, lotions from the plant are used, with their help conjunctivitis, hemeralopia can be cured and also relieve stress from the eyes.

Application of cornflower blue

Traditional medicine advises taking medicines based on cornflower for hypertension, colds, urolithiasis, ascites, etc. The blue cornflower is one with better means for appetite, they have a laxative effect.

Not only blue cornflower flowers are used, but also the essence of the stems, it is used in the form of dressings for various wounds and fractures, warts can be cauterized with the help of plant seeds, they must be thoroughly crushed beforehand.

Contraindications blue cornflower

Do not use preparations based on this type of plant for pregnant women, with diseases female organs in which uterine bleeding occurs. It is imperative not to forget about the dosage, because the plant is toxic, due to the fact that it contains cyanogen.

With the help of flowers, you can relieve spasms, heal eczema and furunculosis.

Healing recipes based on blue cornflower

1. To prepare an infusion that has a diuretic, antimicrobial and choleretic effect, you need to take dried flowers, pour 250 ml of boiling water, leave for up to two hours.

2. In order to get rid of redness and fatigue from the eyes, you need to brew three tablespoons of cornflower flowers in a glass of boiling water. Insist, wait until it cools down, then take a cotton pad and apply them to your eyes.

3. To cure skin diseases, rashes, you need to take a tablespoon of blue cornflower, pour a glass of boiling water, leave for up to 30 minutes. Wipe your skin 3 times a day.

4. In order to increase your appetite, you need to cook this medicine, it will require a teaspoon of the plant, 250 ml of boiling water, drink and only after 30 minutes you can eat.

5. Wounds can be healed faster with the help of cornflower seed powder, they need to be applied to the problem area.

6. This recipe will help cure urethritis, prostatitis, remove, for this you need to take two teaspoons of blue cornflower flowers, 250 ml of boiling water, leave for one hour.

7. For dermatoses, allergic diathesis, furunculosis, neurodermatitis, an infusion based on blue cornflower is used externally.

8. To cure seborrhea and baldness, you need to brew a tablespoon in a glass of boiling water, wait until the broth cools down, then wipe problem areas gauze.

9. To get rid of abscesses, boil you need to take marigold flowers, nettle, horsetail, leaves walnut, blue cornflower, string grass, pansies. Brew in one liter of water, leave everything overnight.

10. If you have a problem with urination, you need to use such a collection -, hernia grass, elderberry root, bearberry, birch buds, field horsetail, blue cornflower.

11. In case of heart diseases, use a decoction based on beans, birch buds, corn silk and horsetail, pour one liter of water.

12. To overcome hypertension, you need to take the fruits, hawthorn, blue cornflower flowers, yarrow, valerian root, white mistletoe, everything needs to be brewed in a glass of boiling water. Drink 70 ml after meals.

Thus, the blue cornflower is not only a beautiful plant but also useful.

Knapweed, medicinal properties and the contraindications of which we will consider in the article are annual plant, the Mediterranean is considered the representative of the Motherland. It grows in Europe, Russia, Kazakhstan. The plant is often found on forest edges and roadsides.


Many legends are associated with the origin of the cornflower. According to one of them, the centaur healed the wound inflicted by Hercules with the juice of a plant. According to Roman beliefs, a certain young man named Cyanus wore dark blue clothes. The goddess Flora did not like this, and she turned him into a flower. And in Ukraine they say that once a peasant named Vasily mowed rye. He liked the mermaid, who decided to enchant him. Vasily followed her, spellbound. And she, not wanting to let go, turned him into a cornflower (photo of flowers in front of you), which resembles water in color.


This plant is credited with magical properties... They say that flowers are able to protect people from evil spirits. For example, on the day of Ivan Kupala, girls wash themselves with an infusion of this flower so that evil spells cannot overcome them. And on the wedding day, the bride and groom were baptized with a bunch of cornflowers. It is customary to sanctify them on August 14, on the day of Makovei or the First Savior. And they also make wreaths of them and keep them at home for a whole year. Cornflower is also mentioned in folk songs. Medicinal properties and contraindications have long been known in folk medicine... Even Hippocrates knew about this flower. It is still used today in the treatment of many ailments.

Science has about 700 species are not only blue, but also white, black, yellow and purple. However, the classic cornflower is exactly blue.

Collection, preparation of raw materials and storage

Flowers are harvested all summer long while they bloom. The best of them are those that are completely blossomed. The raw material is blue flowers, which are separated from the tubular bases in order to achieve best quality drug.

The plucked flowers are ventilated, laid out in a dark cool place... If the raw material is prepared correctly, then it will become of blue color, will be odorless, and if tasted, the cornflower will be bitter. Flowers are stored in glass containers or paper bags for two years.

If, during drying, the rays of the sun fall in, then the cornflower flowers will lose their medicinal properties and become useless for traditional medicine. This, by the way, can be seen from the color - it will turn white.


The fact that cornflower has medicinal properties and contraindications is explained by its composition. It includes the following trace elements and substances:

  • potassium;
  • magnesium;
  • calcium;
  • copper;
  • iron;
  • vanadium;
  • chromium;
  • cobalt;
  • luteilin;
  • selenium;
  • pelargonin chloride.

There are many in the plant:

  • vitamin C, which normalizes the work of the central nervous system, activates the activity of the endocrine glands and normalizes hematopoiesis;
  • carotene, an immunostimulating agent, as well as an excellent antioxidant;
  • resins that have antibacterial, disinfectant and immunomodulatory effects;
  • coumarins, which reduce blood clotting, as well as astringent, antiseptic and diuretic properties.

Useful properties of blue cornflower

In folk medicine, the healing properties of the plant have long been used. On its basis, antipyretic and diuretics are prepared. Even an ancient Roman physician named Galen treated the kidneys with a plant in patients. Until now, cornflower is used for problems in the genitourinary system, for example, with neuritis or cystitis.

Other medicinal properties of cornflower include choleretic and cleansing. Thanks to the first, the plant is used to treat liver diseases. Cornflower protects the body from viruses and infections. And the cleansing property is actively used in diets. Removing unnecessary water, cornflower contributes to the speedy burning of fats. Decoctions from it normalize digestion and help remove toxins and toxins, eliminating harmful substances.

The positive effect of a flower on vision is known. So, with blepharitis cotton pads dipped in an infusion of cornflowers are applied to the eyelids. The same tool will relieve fatigue after a long work at the computer.


First of all, you should not remove individual intolerance from the accounts. Several trace elements make the plant toxic. It is about cyanic potentially dangerous components that cornflower contains. Medicinal properties and contraindications are very different in percentage terms, nevertheless, it must be borne in mind that the plant is slightly poisonous. Therefore, its use is prohibited for pregnant women, as well as for women during lactation and children. It is also known that folk remedies with uterine bleeding, they do not do it. Moreover, in the presence of such a problem, it cannot be used in any form. Coumarins included in cornflower are very strong anticoagulants, they inhibit blood clotting.


For those who want to normalize the digestive process, improve appetite or recover from a cold, it is useful to drink tea brewed with cornflower. Flowers are added to black or green tea, the drink is drunk twenty minutes before meals. It actively removes toxins. They also prepare a healing mixture from various components. To do this, take a teaspoon of bearberry and pour 500 milliliters of boiling water and leave on fire for 3-4 minutes, after which they add the same amount of cornflower, cool the solution and leave for several hours. They take the medicine three times a day according to Art. spoon.


The following tincture will have an excellent effect as a diuretic for edema and to increase appetite. Take one part of the flowers and fill it with ten parts of vodka. The medicine is insisted for two weeks, after which it is filtered. Take twenty drops before meals, which are diluted in a tablespoon of water at room temperature.

Decoction is good for making eye lotions for inflammation and fatigue. Take a teaspoon of flowers, add boiling water to a glass and keep it on fire for several minutes. Then they insist for an hour, filter, moisten cotton pads in a cool broth and apply to the eyelids. It is also taken orally for two tbsp. tablespoons three times a day one hour before meals for angina, bronchitis and laryngitis.

They also prepare an infusion for colds. The same recipes are folk remedies for diarrhea in children and adults, stomach pains and kidney disease. The recipe is as follows. Three teaspoons of cornflowers are poured with 400 milliliters of boiling water, insisted for a couple of hours, and then filtered. Take the remedy 4 times a day 15 minutes before meals.

Cornflower for beauty

Look at the cornflower! A photo of flowers shows how beautiful these plants are. Unsurprisingly, they are widely used in the beauty industry. The flower has a beneficial effect on the skin of the face, eyelids and hair.

The plant extract is found in many store-bought cleansing lotions. But they cook it on their own. For this, two Art. spoons are poured with two glasses of boiling water and insisted for an hour. It is useful to wash your face in the morning or wipe your face. It is also frozen and wiped with an ice cube. It perfectly tones the skin and tightens pores. Cornflower is especially suitable for oily to combination skin, as it reduces oil production and the appearance of acne. If used constantly, the face will acquire a matte shade and freshness.

With a long work at the computer, cornflower infusion becomes an indispensable tool. Compresses are made with him forever. They also wash the skin around the eyes after removing makeup and before applying cosmetics to the face.

The infusion will help breathe strength into weakened and lifeless hair. It is rubbed into the roots after shampooing. It's also good to just rinse your curls. Cornflower will help stop hair loss and get rid of dandruff.

Phytotherapists recommend doing flower baths... They relieve fatigue. This is facilitated by essential oils that make up the plant. Making a bath is easy. A glass of flowers is poured with boiling water, infused for an hour and poured into the bath. The duration of the procedure is 20 minutes.

Cooking use

Cornflower seeds are used as a condiment. They are added to gravies, sauces, salads, hot dishes. The leaves are used for salting and added to pates and sausages. All dishes with cornflower acquire a special refined taste.


These are the medicinal properties and contraindications. Of course, the plant is worth trying to heal. But before you start taking it orally, you need to make sure that there are no contraindications, and also consult a doctor.

Cornflower (Centaurea) is a herbaceous annual or perennial plant from the Asteraceae family.


Cornflower is widespread in the temperate zone of Eurasia, North Africa and the Americas. The genus of cornflower includes about 500 species of plants; more than 150 species of cornflower grow in our country. V agriculture meadow cornflowers are considered malicious weeds that litter fields with wheat. Gardeners are happy to grow unpretentious and bright flowers in flower beds.


The plant forms herbaceous branchy bushes, from 30 cm to one meter high. The cornflower begins to bloom at the end of May and lasts until autumn. The color of the flowers can be blue, bright blue, white, pink, lilac.

Types and varieties

You can appreciate the variety of types of cornflower by the presented photos of the flower.

  1. Blue cornflower... Popular names for this cornflower, most common in our gardens: boby, commotion, bell ringer. An annual plant, reaches a height of 60 cm, leaves are elongated, grayish-green. Flowers can be simple or double-shaped, blue, pink, light blue or white. Varieties:
    Alba is a variety with double snow-white flowers;
    Jubilee stone - cornflower, 20 cm high, with bright blue flowers;
    Azuria - double flowers have a bright blue tint;
    Carmina - cornflower with bright red or dark pink double flowers;
    Blaur Bush is a low-growing flower variety with blue inflorescences.

  2. Cornflower mountain... Annual, 80 cm high. Single flower baskets, 7 - 8 cm in size, white, blue or pink.

  3. Cornflower meadow... The species is widespread in meadows and fields in the middle zone of our country. The height of the plant is 80 cm, the foliage is elongated, blue in color. Flowers, 4 cm in size, purple, white or light blue.

  4. Russian cornflower... Perennial, with a powerful stem rhizome and weakly branched stem, up to 130 cm high. Cornflower inflorescences are yellow, reaching a diameter of 6 - 7 cm.

  5. Cornflower large-headed... The plant is a perennial, with bright yellow flowers, 5 cm in size. Flowering lasts from early summer to autumn.

  6. Phrygian cornflower... The height of the stems of this species reaches a height of 70 - 80 cm. The flowers are pink or purple.

  7. Preparing the soil and choosing a place for a cornflower

    The sunniest parts of the flower garden are chosen for the cornflower. In a small shade, the plant can also exist, but flowering will be poor, and growth will be slow.

    The cornflower is unpretentious to soils, although it loves loose fertile soils with a neutral reaction. Acidic soils be sure to lime, or bring dolomite flour, wood ash... It is useful to scatter ashes around perennial plants every year, followed by shallow soil loosening.

    Excessively heavy soil is improved by adding sand, up to 10 kg per 1 sq. meter. Well-rotted manure or compost is applied to all types of soils, in a dose of 8 - 10 kg per square of area. Organics can be replaced full complex mineral fertilizer for flowers, making it according to the instructions.


    You can get cornflowers on your site: sowing them with seeds, planting a root cut or propagating by cuttings.

    Annual varieties of cornflowers are propagated by seeds. In the southern regions, flowers reproduce well by self-sowing. V middle lane, the seeds are sown directly into the ground in the month of April. At first, the crops are covered with a film or lutrasil. Caring for the seedlings is simple: moderate watering (it is important not to allow excessive moisture), loosening the soil and protecting against frost, by throwing covering material over the planting.

    If the spring is cold and prolonged, the cornflower is sown at home in the soil, consisting of a mixture of garden soil and sand. It is important to provide the cornflower seedlings with a cool temperature, not higher than +15, then the plants will be strong and healthy.

    Place seedlings in open ground at a distance, depending on the height of the adult plant. Low-growing cornflowers are planted at intervals of 15 - 20 cm, tall ones - up to half a meter.

    Perennial varieties of cornflower can be sown with seeds before winter (in October), or in spring, after mandatory stratification.

    Perennial cornflowers are easiest to propagate by dividing the bush. In early spring(April) or in August, after flowering. The bush is dug up, the aerial part is cut off (if the division takes place at the end of summer), and divided into parts with a pruner or a sharp knife. Delenki are immediately planted in a new place, watered abundantly. Perennial cornflowers are recommended to be replanted every 3-4 years.

    Cornflower cuttings are cut from plants in early summer, and rooted in a bed with loose soil, with a predominance of sand or perlite. A greenhouse is installed above the plantings. Cuttings are regularly watered and ventilated. On the permanent place rooted seedlings are placed next spring.


    Cornflower is an unpretentious plant, and an inexperienced gardener can take care of it. Immediately after planting, young plants need watering and loosening. Adult plants are watered only in extreme heat.
    Annual forms of cornflower do not require feeding. For perennials, two dressings are carried out a year: in the early spring, the soil in the flower garden is mulched with humus, at the beginning of flowering, the plants are watered with a solution of full mineral fertilizer for flowers.

    It is better to cut off the faded cornflower buds so as not to spoil the appearance of the flower, and not to weaken the plant by ripening the seeds. Tall varieties of cornflower require a garter to the supports. Cornflower can suffer from some fungal infections, such as fusarium wilting.

    Disease prevention consists in maintaining the distance between plants, observing the watering regime and regular loosening. Affected plants are removed from the flower garden and burned. For the winter, cornflowers - perennials do not cover, the plant winters well under the snow cover.

    Cornflower in a flower garden

    Tall cornflowers are planted in the background of mixborders, they go well with delphiniums, sage, aconites. Meadow and other medium-sized cornflowers look harmoniously in natural-style flower beds, and are combined with chamomile, cinquefoil, cereals, poppies.

    Watch also the video

The healing properties of blue cornflower were described in Ancient Greece... The followers of Hippocrates believed: since the flower is so attractive, beautiful view, it must certainly have useful properties. "Centaurea" is Latin for "centaur". The ancient Greeks associated the name of the flower with the centaur Chiron, which was famous for the gift of healing. From ancient Greek medical books, the description of the blue cornflower and its actions migrated to medieval herbalists. The petals and seeds of this plant have been used to treat the most different diseases: pestilence, to stop bleeding, as an antidote for the bite of poisonous spiders, eye inflammation, bruises, suppuration of wounds, skin diseases.

Plant features

Growing area

Homeland of this beautiful flower- Mediterranean pool. Blue cornflower (field, sowing) is a well-known and beloved flower by many, distributed throughout Russia. It can also be seen in the Far East and Siberia, in the Central Asian and Caucasian regions. Can grow in forest areas and forest-steppe. Abundant in grain fields, especially wheat and rye. Also often found near roads, in forest belts, roadside plantings. In dry meadows, it can be seen next to chamomile and poppy seeds. The blue cornflower is considered a weed. For many years, the plant was exterminated, which led to a significant decrease in the number of cornflower. Therefore, today this species is under protection.

Botanical description, chemical composition and procurement of raw materials

What are the contraindications to the use of blue cornflower? The flower belongs to slightly toxic plants. In case of an overdose and a long course, cyanine poisoning may occur. Also, with great care, under the supervision of a doctor, the drug is prescribed to pregnant and lactating women, children under 3 years of age. Many Internet sources indicate that uterine bleeding is a contraindication. The issue remains controversial, since in the old herbalists, on the contrary, the flower is recommended for uterine bleeding.

The healing effect of blue cornflower

What are beneficial features cornflower? For what diseases is it used?

  • For urinary tract infections... The plant is part of a diuretic tea. Helps with disorders of the kidneys, bladder, relieves puffiness well, removes excess fluid from the body.
  • With diseases of the digestive tract... Acts as a mild choleretic agent for hepatitis and cholecystitis. It is used for acute and chronic inflammation of the gallbladder, biliary tract and liver. The flowers are part of the gastric mixture, which improves appetite and digestion.
  • With ARVI, flu. The cornflower flower is used for fever as a diaphoretic, which leads to a decrease in temperature.
  • For cardiac disorders... It has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular and nervous system.
  • External use... The flower is famous for its bactericidal properties. Therefore, it is used as an external agent for suppuration, boils, eczema, ulcers, warts, inflammation of the eyes of various nature - barley, blepharitis, conjunctivitis. Also, the infusion of the plant is used to treat night blindness.
  • Anesthetic effect. Alcohol tincture flower is used for toothache.

The flower is actively used in homeopathy. They are primarily treated for eye diseases. Also, herbal preparations are effective for headaches, hepatitis, cough, kidney disease, bladder, blood.

Use and preparation at home

In folk medicine, decoctions and tinctures for oral administration are made from a flower. They can also be used externally - in the form of lotions, compresses, washes.

  • Cornflower water tincture... For its preparation you will need: 1 teaspoon of flowers and 1 glass of boiling water. You need to insist for 2 hours, then strain, take ¼ glass before meals. This tincture can be taken as a prophylaxis, it cleanses the blood and the body from toxins well.
  • Alcohol tincture... It can be purchased at pharmacies. Also for external use, when caring for oily skin, it is recommended to add alcohol or vodka to the water tincture (for 1 glass of broth, 1 tbsp. A spoonful of alcohol).
  • Hair tincture... Vinegar is added to the decoction of cornflower flowers (for half a liter of decoction, 2 tablespoons of vinegar). It is used as a mask for rubbing in, as well as for rinsing after shampooing.
  • Diuretic tea recipe... To prepare tea, a mixture of such herbs is taken: 1 teaspoon of cornflower flowers, 1 teaspoon of licorice and 3 teaspoons of bearberry. The collection of herbs is poured with 1 glass of boiling water, infused for 1 hour. Take a tablespoon before meals.

Features and medicinal properties of other species

There are about 500 varieties of cornflower. The most common of them are blue, white, meadow, whitewashed, mountainous, pink, yellow, large-headed, oriental, spreading, Phrygian, rough and others. Also bred garden varieties of cornflowers. Besides Europe, the flower is found in America and Asia. On the territory of Russia, two more species of wild cornflower are widespread - meadow and Russian.

Cornflower meadow

Russian cornflower

  • Where does it grow? Russian cornflower is found in the Caucasus, the Urals and Altai, in Central Asia, as well as in southeastern regions Europe. Loves steppes, dry meadows, shrub zones, rocky slopes, limestone, chalk rocks. In a number of Russian regions this flower is under protection and is listed in the Red Book.
  • What does Russian cornflower look like? It's perennial herbaceous plant... The stem is covered with down, from 50 to 150 cm high. The leaves are wide, divided into narrow lobes. Flower yellow color in the form of a single basket. Flowering period: July to August.
  • How is it used in traditional medicine? Russian cornflower is not used as widely in folk medicine as meadow cornflower and blue cornflower. His medicinal properties little studied, there is no information about side effects when using this type of plant. Its bactericidal property is known, the broth is used for digestive disorders. The seeds contain edible oils and are used for technical purposes. Not only flowers are harvested, but also leaves and stems.

The use of blue cornflower has a wide range, since the plant has a diuretic, diaphoretic, choleretic, analgesic, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory effect. But still, experienced herbalists classify it as an auxiliary supplement for diseases of the digestive system. In folk medicine, blue cornflower is most often used as an external remedy for eye ailments.