Itching of female sex organs treatment. Itching of the genitals in a woman

Genital itching is often a sign of a large number of gynecological and systemic diseases. The symptom causes an irresistible desire to scratch the skin in the genital area. This, in turn, leads to a high risk of scratching infections.

If a pathological symptom occurs, you should consult a gynecologist.

Important! During a standard examination, you can find characteristic scratching on the skin, dryness, redness of the labia. For an accurate diagnosis, a number of laboratory and instrumental studies are assigned.

Laboratory diagnostics includes:

  • smear for the determination of vaginal microflora according to Gram;
  • bacteriological culture with detection of sensitivity to drugs from the group of antibiotics;
  • revealing the titer of antibodies to,;
  • PCR analysis for latent genital infections;
  • analysis on, and;
  • (performed on an empty stomach);
  • hormonal blood test;
  • examination of feces on the egg, worm and dysbacteriosis, coprogram;
  • if necessary, after consulting an allergist.

Patients are also assigned to consult a dermatovenerologist and mycologist. According to the indications, an immunologist is consulted to determine the immune status, a neurologist and a psychiatrist (if there is a suspicion that genital itching is of a psychogenic nature).

Additional diagnostics may include:

  • colposcopy - to detect signs of vulvar atrophy, papillomas, leukoplakia and other pathological conditions;
  • ultrasound examination of the small pelvis;
  • examination and palpation of the lymph nodes.

Research standards

The attending physician deals with the interpretation of the results of laboratory and instrumental studies. Normally, when testing for infections and markers of hepatitis, syphilis and HIV, the result should be negative. In the results of other analyzes, there should also be no deviations from the generally accepted norm. When carrying out ultrasound diagnostics and colposcopy, pathological signs are not detected.

As a rule, the above studies are sufficient to make a reliable diagnosis and prescribe appropriate therapy.

Chumachenko Olga, medical columnist

The appearance of itching in the genital area always alarms women and is accompanied by unpleasant sensations. It happens that there is something to be done here.

By the way, this problem, unfortunately, is not so rare. This can be due to a variety of reasons. Why this happens, how to get rid of it with the help of folk remedies and will be discussed in this article.

What causes genital itching?

Burning and itching can be caused by a variety of factors. Sometimes this condition can occur as a result of the influence of a whole complex of reasons.

  1. One of the reasons for the occurrence of situations in which the appearance of a subjective burning sensation is possible may become.It is basically fungal in nature of its origin. The leading role in its occurrence is played by yeast-like fungi. With her, a woman feels not only a burning sensation. There are other symptoms as well. By the way, with her, she has a diverse character. Specific discharge is observed, which in appearance resembles sour milk or curd mass. Immediately, a woman pays attention to a characteristic smell, in which sour shades are sharply expressed. The smell is characterized by its inconsistency. It can either increase or become less intense, depending on the situation. For example, after sex, it intensifies. In addition, the genitals may become edematous. Other signs characteristic of inflammation can join the general picture. A woman experiences a burning sensation during sex and during urination.
  2. Usually manifestations become apparent during pregnancy. This can be explained by a decrease in the general defenses of the body and changes in the hormonal balance.
  3. A woman can experience a similar feeling with vulvitis. The area of ​​spread of the inflammatory process in this case is the vulva and the area of ​​the labia. Errors in hygienic measures can contribute to the occurrence of such a condition. There is a discharge from the vagina. They then have an irritating effect. This can be triggered by wearing tight underwear, using hygiene products that are clearly not suitable for a woman, and, moreover, can cause allergic reactions.
  4. A burning sensation can also be observed with vaginitis. It is an inflammatory process, the localization of which is the vaginal mucosa. Mechanical damage to the vagina, congenital anatomical defects, criminal abortions and other factors can lead to this condition. This situation is due to the fact that the infection, once in the vagina, begins to develop rapidly, causing the development of the inflammatory process. The disease is accompanied by discharge, itching, burning sensation. They may even have pain in the lower abdomen, bloody discharge. In general, the woman feels obvious discomfort.
  5. Very often, the genital herpes virus is able to form bubbles filled with fluid. When the bubble bursts, the contents flow out of it and causes a burning sensation. In some cases, this infection may be asymptomatic. It is undoubtedly possible to suppress the infection caused by the action of the virus. But to completely cure it, no. If a virus has entered the body and settled in the body, then it will remain there for life. However, if immunity is at the proper level, it will not allow the virus to raise its head. Therefore, the fundamental measure in terms of preventing herpes infection is to increase the body's immune forces and maintain immunity at the proper level.

Treatment of genital itching

It is only a manifestation of a disease. It is a consequence and not a cause of a certain pathology. Therefore, all efforts should be directed to what caused the occurrence of such a condition.

Sometimes measures aimed at the mental state of the patient are an effective method. The goal here is to bring his psyche into balance. Hypnosis or conventional psychotherapeutic sessions can be effective. It all depends on the characteristics and condition of the patient himself. Sometimes, only the appointment of sleeping pills to normalize sleep is sufficient.

Do not forget about hygienic measures. They can be very powerful. It is necessary to regularly wash. They should be done 2 or even 3 times a day. Chamomile broth is good for these purposes.

Modern medicine has many methods to eliminate itching. One of these is ultrasound therapy.

If the itching is very intense, they even resort to injecting the genitals with anesthetics. This will bring relief to the patient at least for a while.

In extremely severe and advanced cases, even surgical intervention may be indicated. With it, individual parts of the trunks of the genital nerves are excised.

What folk remedies to use?

Do not discount those used by traditional medicine. She has long and reliably established herself. Sometimes, traditional medicine can be more effective than those used by official medicine.

  1. The procedures associated with douching with soda solution can be very effective. Preparing it is not difficult at all. For this, a teaspoon of soda is diluted in a liter of boiled water. Such procedures should be carried out regularly in the morning and in the evening. The method is very simple, but it can be very effective. As they say, all ingenious is simple.
  2. Before going to bed, you can lay tampons with aloe pulp. Aloe itself is a unique plant, coupled with many medicinal properties. Douching should be done before laying the tampon.
  3. It is possible to carry out the procedures associated with douching with a solution that contains iodine, salt and soda. For a liter of water, you need to take just a few drops of iodine and add a spoonful of salt and soda. A similar event should be carried out 2 times a day. This method is used for a kind of disinfection. At the same time, it is also simply washed out.
  4. It is helpful to use sitz baths with sea salt, chamomile and calendula.

Products for internal use

  1. It is allowed to use a decoction of basil for oral administration. A bunch of this herb should be boiled for 20 minutes. This broth is used orally in half a glass 3 times a day.
  2. Can be used by everyone well. Its use is based on a pronounced antibacterial effect. He is able to reduce suffering. And he manages to do this very quickly. There is nothing complicated in carrying out the procedure. Two cloves of garlic are ground in a blender, tied in gauze and inserted into the vagina.
  3. Yogurt. It turns out that probiotics are able to suppress bacterial flora. This fact is far from new. Drink a glass of yogurt daily. Local application in the form of tampons with yogurt is also allowed. He must be there for several hours.
  4. Rosemary. It can be used as a decoction to cleanse. The broth is used warm.
  5. Antibacterial talcum powder. It can be herbal. The remedy can be called effective, but it takes more time to heal than when using other means.


  • All preventive measures are generally known and familiar to every woman. The challenge is to do them and not from time to time, but constantly.
  • Always keep the vagina dry.
  • Clothes should be loose, not restrict movement. Air circulation must be sufficient. It is very important.
  • Scented soaps and scented gels should be excluded from personal hygiene items. All of them are proven provocateurs for the occurrence of allergic reactions.
  • For the purpose of washing, use a simple soap. Washing is done once a day. Frequent procedures of this kind contribute to vaginal dryness. Read about the benefits of laundry soap in cosmetology here:
  • If there is a problem associated with itching, then during this period it is better to refuse sex.
  • It is better to sleep without underwear, in one nightgown.
  • A large amount of sweets should be excluded from the diet. It is better to drink more clean water.

When the first signs of discomfort in the genital area appear, you should consult a gynecologist and take smears. Only timely treatment will help you quickly get rid of the disease. Be healthy!

You need to know that itching in the intimate area is a specific skin reaction that causes a great desire to scratch the itchy area. In most cases, however, in some cases, it can be observed and.

Less often, children of different age groups also suffer from itching in intimate places. Any itch in the groin can be caused by many reasons, and each case requires a different treatment.

Causes of itching in intimate places

In most cases, itching in intimate places indicates that there is some kind of pathology in the body. As a rule, the causes of itching in intimate places lie in:

  • fungal infections of the groin area (epidermophytosis inguinal);
  • inflammation of skin structures with bacterial etiology;
  • contact dermatitis;
  • wet or dry eczema;
  • pubic lice or scabies;
  • infectious diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • hormonal disorders and diabetes mellitus;
  • diseases of the liver and biliary tract.

In addition, there are other causes of genital itching:

  • stressful situations;
  • the onset or non-standard course of menopause (for women), which is why itching in an intimate place can be noticed literally immediately;
  • (for men);
  • allergic reactions to personal hygiene products, to sanitary napkins, to the fabric from which the underwear is sewn, also form the causes of itching in the groin;
  • treatment with antibacterial or other drugs;
  • inadequate adherence to the rules of personal hygiene or excessively frequent washing with the use of scented products.

Itching of the external genital organs

Basically, itching of the external genital organs is caused by biologically active substances produced by the body's defense cells, which dilate blood vessels and irritate nerve receptors.

The "culprit" of the appearance of severe itching of the external genital organs in this case is histamine, and the intensity of such a manifestation depends on the cause that caused it, the degree of neglect of the process and the individual characteristics of the organism.

Treatment of itching of the external genital organs is carried out by taking antihistamines, but it can only bring temporary relief. Itching of the external genital organs should be eliminated in combination with the disease that caused it.

How to relieve itching

The question of how to relieve itching of the genitals worries everyone who encounters it. However, there is no definite answer to it due to the fact that such itching can be caused by various diseases. Before starting treatment prescribed by a specialist, it will help to remove such manifestations:

  • washing the genitals with a decoction of St. John's wort;
  • taking sitz baths with a decoction of sage or chamomile;
  • rinsing the genitals with mint broth;
  • washing the genitals before going to bed with a decoction of leather skumpia.

It should be remembered that the aforementioned remedies bring only a temporary effect, and only a doctor can give the final answer to the question of how to treat genital itching.

Itching and burning in the anus

Quite often, itching and burning in the anus can be either a completely independent ailment or one of the manifestations of a disease.

In most cases, these symptoms are associated with the presence of:

  • worm infestation with pinworms;
  • cracks in the anus, hemorrhoids, anogenital warts and;
  • scabies, head lice, seborrheic eczema, lichen planus, psoriasis, fungal infections, eczema and allergic dermatitis;
  • amebiasis, teniidosis, opisthorchiasis, giardiasis;
  • gastritis, polyposis, colitis, dysbiosis, dyskinesia;
  • contact dermatitis due to allergic reactions to ointments, soaps, deodorants and washing powders;
  • gonorrheal-Trichomonas infection;
  • cancer, intoxication, diabetes mellitus.

In addition, itching and burning in the anus can be associated with:

  • frequent shaving around the anus;
  • using rough toilet paper;
  • wearing stale underwear, underwear made of synthetic fabrics or g-strings with coarse seams;
  • the use of antibiotics (especially drugs of the tetracycline series and erythromycin);
  • excessive alcohol consumption;
  • drug use;
  • the presence of mental disorders;
  • eating certain foods, such as spicy foods;
  • being overweight or sweating.

Itching in diabetes mellitus

Diabetes mellitus is a severe systemic pathology characterized by insufficient production of the hormone insulin by the pancreas and disruption of all metabolic processes in the body. Basically, itching in intimate places with diabetes is caused by damage to large and small blood vessels.

As a result of the disease, the circulatory system loses the ability to fully provide organs and tissues with oxygen, glucose and the required nutrients, which, of course, is accompanied by certain disorders in the body:

  • decreased immunity, manifested in the inability to resist fungal, bacterial and viral infections, as well as dysbiosis. They also cause itching in an intimate place with diabetes;
  • structural changes in the mucous membranes and skin, leading to dryness, damage and microcracks, as well as causing itching of the genitals in diabetes.

Itching after antibiotics

As a rule, itching of the genitals after antibiotics refers to one of the manifestations of dysbiosis. This is due to the fact that antibiotics, designed to combat pathogens, simultaneously destroy representatives of healthy microflora.

All this leads to a serious imbalance of the natural microflora and active reproduction of pathogenic fungi and bacteria that penetrate the body.

The predisposing factors for the indicated condition are:

  • decrease in general and local immunity as a result of acute and chronic diseases;
  • increased allergenic background of the patient;
  • hormone therapy;
  • pregnancy;
  • inadequate adherence to hygiene rules;
  • alcohol intake;
  • acclimatization.

There are 2 main types of itching:

  • allergic itching in an intimate place - can be caused by certain foods, medications, personal hygiene products, latex and condom lubrication, lubricants, as well as local contraceptives - suppositories, vaginal pills and creams;
  • itching in the groin and armpits is quite common, both among men and women. Itching in the armpits and groin often turns out to be erythrasma, requiring medical treatment, which should be prescribed by a doctor.

Genital itching in children

In most cases, genital itching in children is associated with:

  • allergic reactions to washing powder, personal hygiene products;
  • wearing too tight or synthetic underwear that can cause itching of the genitals in a child;
  • helminthic invasion;
  • the ingress of pathogenic bacteria from the anus, with this localization also provoking itching in the groin in children;
  • inadequate adherence to the rules of personal hygiene;
  • fungal diseases;
  • inflammatory processes.

Itching in girls

Basically, itching of the genitals in girls can be associated with the ingress of bacteria from the microflora of the rectum into the vagina. This is due to unsatisfactory adherence to the rules of personal hygiene and the immaturity of the mucous membranes, which is why such a phenomenon as itching of the labia in a child is widespread.

Itching of the genitals in girls is distinguished by its localization:

itching of the labia in girls. He can talk about developing vulvovaginitis, provoked by pathogenic microflora. Also, itching of the labia in a girl may be due to a decrease in immunity, taking antibiotics; itching in the vagina in a girl. Most often, itching in the vagina in a child, accompanied by discharge of any color with an unpleasant odor, signals vulvovaginitis. This disease is an inflammatory process that occurs in the vulva and vagina. One way or another, if you have these symptoms, you should see a doctor.

Itching in boys

Quite often, itching of the genitals in boys is accompanied by a disease such as balanoposthitis. It is an inflammatory process that captures the glans penis and the inner layer of the foreskin. In addition to itching, the disease is accompanied by a burning sensation in the head area, swelling and redness of the foreskin, difficulty urinating and purulent discharge from the preputial sac.

The main cause of balanoposthitis is improper care of the genitals, leading to the accumulation of smegma under the foreskin, which is an excellent breeding ground for pathogenic microorganisms. It is this process that causes itching in the boy's groin.

In addition, balanoposthitis can be associated with:

  • the presence of physiological phimosis;
  • the presence of Escherichia coli, yeast fungi, staphylococci, streptococci, proteus, herpes virus;
  • excessively diligent hygiene of the genitals and frequent washing of the glans penis with soap or other irritating agents;
  • allergic reactions to creams and washing powders;
  • trauma to the foreskin;
  • endocrine and urological diseases;
  • hypothermia.

Cure for itchy groin

As mentioned a little above, itching in the groin can be caused by many diseases. Therefore, the cure for itching in the groin should be selected based on the cause that caused it. Thus, when itching occurs, you should consult a doctor who will write down a detailed treatment regimen for the disease.

It is worth noting that the treatment of itching in the groin is based on:

  • elimination of the cause of itching;
  • local treatment;
  • complex treatment.

Before going to the doctor, you should not try to eliminate the causes of itching yourself, using the available medications: this will not only not bring relief, but also significantly complicate the diagnosis.


To date, ointments for itching in the groin can be divided into 2 categories:

  • ointments that have a distracting effect and do not directly affect the cause of the disease;
  • complex ointments that relieve symptoms and eliminate the cause that caused itching.

The main drugs of this action are the following ointments for itching of the genitals:

  • boromenthol;
  • nezulin;
  • histane;
  • fenistin;
  • hormonal ointments;
  • antimicrobial ointments.

In addition, pharmaceutical companies now offer anti-itch creams as well. However, choosing an intimate cream for itching is much more difficult, and their effectiveness is not as high as that of ointments. One way or another, here you will need a doctor's consultation.

Treatment with folk remedies

In most cases, treatment of itching in the groin with folk remedies is aimed at relieving symptoms, and not at eliminating the cause of the disease. The decoctions used in this case have anti-inflammatory, antipruritic, bactericidal, fungicidal, accelerating healing and immunostimulating effects.

The group of anti-inflammatory and antipruritic agents includes decoctions and infusions of chamomile, calendula, celandine, St. John's wort, string, oak bark, yarrow. Garlic and celandine have a bactericidal and fungicidal effect. Calendula, yarrow, St. John's wort and chamomile help speed up the healing of damaged mucous membranes.

Cranberries, lingonberries, rose hips, and black chokeberries have a tonic effect.

Associated symptoms

In most cases, the symptoms of itching in the groin indicate the presence of a particular disease. Which one exactly? Let's try to figure it out below.


Peeling and itching in the groin can be caused by fungal diseases of the groin area, in addition to the indicated manifestations, accompanied by redness, burning, rash and even pain when walking. Itching and flaking of the skin in the groin is treated with topical antifungal agents with strict adherence to personal hygiene rules.

In addition, peeling and itching in the groin can be associated with:

  • allergic reactions of the body;
  • the presence of infectious diseases;
  • the presence of an itch mite;
  • with the presence of the herpes virus.

Red spots

Quite often, itching in the groin and red spots can be triggered by allergic reactions - for example, to synthetic underwear and intimate hygiene products.

In addition, spots and itching in the groin are characteristic of epidermophytosis groin - a contagious fungal disease, the main manifestations of which are ring-shaped spots. This disease requires medical treatment.


In most cases, rash and itching in the groin are associated with the following reasons:

  • wearing tight underwear;
  • using unsuitable hygiene products;
  • with inadequate adherence to the rules of personal hygiene;
  • with candidiasis of the skin folds, causing a rash in the groin and itching;
  • with pemphigus;
  • with erythrasma;
  • with psoriasis.


The reasons for itching and pain in the groin are different. These can be sexually transmitted diseases, viral infections and fungal diseases. Moreover, in this case, only a doctor should be engaged in determining the belonging of a particular symptomatology to any disease.

Cheesy discharge

It should be noted that itching, burning, with a sour odor is one of the symptoms (thrush) caused by a conditionally pathogenic fungus of the genus Candida, which in low quantities is part of the normal microflora of the intestinal mucosa and vagina.

If there is itching, burning, no discharge, then this may mean that the disease is in its initial stage. Be that as it may, itching, burning and discharge together cannot be observed in an absolutely healthy person, therefore, consultation and examination of a doctor - gynecologist, andrologist, dermatologist or urologist is necessary.

Many women experience genital itching at some point in their lives. Every woman who has experienced such a condition at least once knows that itching and burning of the vulva can drive you crazy. This can be especially problematic when you are at work or school. While you are looking for the cause and getting tested, home remedies can help relieve the itching and burning sensation for a while. The following folk remedies can help you feel better.

Itching of the vulva. Causes

When a woman is faced with vaginal itching, this does not mean at all that she does not pay attention to her hygiene. Genital itching can be caused by a variety of reasons.

Itching or irritation can be anywhere on the body and cause discomfort. But when it happens in a very sensitive area such as the vagina and vulva (clitoris, labia), it can be particularly uncomfortable and uncomfortable. In most cases, genital itching and irritation is not a serious problem.

The most common cause of vulvar itching can be a yeast infection or irritation of the genitals from detergent residues, pads that a woman uses during her period.

Wearing tight clothing can be another cause of vaginal itching.

Failure to observe personal hygiene after intercourse is also often the cause of itching and burning of the genitals.

Other causes of vulvar itching can be:

Bacterial vaginosis. In addition to the appearance of itching and irritation of the genitals, it is always accompanied by other symptoms: inflammation of the genitals, burning, discharge and an unpleasant odor.

Sexually transmitted diseases. Such diseases include genital herpes, genital warts, gonorrhea, chlamydia, trichomoniasis. In addition to itching and burning, these diseases are accompanied by a number of other symptoms.

Menopause. The decrease in estrogen production that occurs in a woman at the end of her reproductive period can thin the vaginal walls, which can lead to itching and irritation. Thinning of the walls of the vagina can also occur in women who are breastfeeding.

Lichen sclerosis. It is a very rare condition that is characterized by small white patches around the vulva.

In addition to the listed reasons, itching and irritation of the vulva can cause diseases that are not at all related to the genitals, for example, diabetes mellitus.

In any case, if there is itching and irritation in the genital area, a woman should seek advice from a gynecologist and, possibly, other specialists.

Itching of the vulva. Folk remedies

While you determine the cause, folk remedies will help relieve the itching and irritation of the genitals. Folk remedies can be as effective as medicines. Here are some home remedies you can try to relieve the discomfort caused by irritation and itching of the vulva.

Apple vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has good antibacterial and antifungal properties. If genital itching is not caused by a medical condition, it can help relieve itching and irritation completely.

Using apple cider vinegar for fungal or bacterial infections can also help relieve the condition. Add two tablespoons of natural apple cider vinegar to a glass of warm water. Rinse with this water twice a day for two to three days. Apple cider vinegar makes your vaginal flora acidic, which prevents bacteria and fungi from growing.

Cold compress

Vaginal itching can be especially problematic at night, disrupting sleep, causing lethargy and fatigue in the morning. Use ice cubes or a cold compress to prevent itching at night.

Bath salt

Salt can also be a good remedy for itching and irritation of the genitals. Use a concentrated saline solution to cleanse. This gives a good and quick result, prevents the growth of bacteria. You can do sitz baths with salt water.


Garlic also has strong antibacterial properties that can relieve itching symptoms very quickly. Whatever the cause of genital itching, garlic can be used to relieve it.

Grind in a blender or grate two or three cloves of garlic. Tie the grated garlic in gauze or bandage and insert into the vagina. The smell may be ... not very pleasant, but the effect is worth it.

Natural yoghurt

Probiotics inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria in the body, and their use to combat such bacteria is nothing new.

Natural yogurt contains bacteria that can inhibit the growth of bad bacteria and stimulate the growth of bacteria that are good for the body.

For vaginal itching, drink a glass of natural yogurt daily.

Yogurt can be used directly in the vaginal area. For this purpose, you can use tampons soaked in natural yogurt. The tampon is inserted into the vagina for several hours.


Basil leaves have antimicrobial, antibacterial, and antifungal properties. Pour a glass of boiling water over the basil leaves and let it brew for 20 minutes. Drink this tea to remove bacteria and relieve itching.

Antibacterial talc

Talcum powder with antibacterial herbs or homeopathic talcum powder is very mild, but takes longer to heal.

Apply talcum powder to your labia to kill and prevent bacterial growth. In addition, talcum powder can be applied to areas that sweat the most.


Rosemary infusion can be used to cleanse. Boil the rosemary and let sit for 15 minutes. Cool to a comfortable temperature and use to wash.

Preventing vulvar itching

As mentioned above, itching of the vulva is not always caused by infections and diseases. Therefore, it is always better to prevent genital itching than to treat it.

Keep the vaginal area always dry. This area of ​​the body sweats in the summer or in a hot room just like other areas of our body. Apply antibacterial talcum powder, wear cotton instead of synthetic, change your pads more often. This will be a good prevention against sweat and bacterial growth in this intimate area.

Wear loose-fitting clothing. Tight tight clothing prevents air from circulating in the vaginal area, which prevents breathing in that part of the body and can lead to bacterial growth and irritation.

Avoid using scented soaps, gels, and other personal care products. Scented toilet paper and feminine pads can also cause itching and irritation of the genitals.

Use plain soap and water to cleanse. Do not wash yourself more than once a day, do not use douching for this. All of these can cause dryness of the labia and vagina.

Always wipe the vaginal area from front to back after showering. This also applies to the use of toilet paper after bowel movement.

Avoid intercourse at a time when there is a problem with itching and irritation of the vagina and labia.

Sleep without your underwear in your nightgown, not your pajamas. Also, avoid synthetic materials that lack good moisture and breathability.

Drink plenty of clean water.

Avoid high amounts of sugar and sugary foods, sodas, and other foods high in sugar. Sugar promotes the growth and reproduction of bacteria.

For girls, change diapers more often, avoid overheating and sweating in the genital area.

All of these simple folk and home remedies can help relieve itching. Burning and irritation of the vulva.

For the causes of itching of the genitals, see this video.

And from this video, learn how to wash properly.