Growing onions for greens from seeds. How to grow green onions at home Plant green onions

Greenery grown on your site is always good. Therefore, summer residents try to sow dill, parsley, arugula, spinach on their “possessions” early, plant perennial sorrel and other “greens” so that soups and salads can be prepared throughout the warm season.

As for onions, whole beds are often set aside for it and large bulbs are grown for stocks for the winter. But also about green onions do not forget: these vitamin feathers can delight you all summer long! Growing green onions in the garden is quite easy and, most importantly, quickly. Even in depleted sandy soil, which we'll talk about today.

When is the best time to plant onions?

This question has different variants answer, because it all depends on what kind of onion you want to grow - green or onion. Onions for greens are obtained from seedlings - onions small size(up to 2 cm in diameter) in a golden peel. Usually, a seedling (or “onion sets”) is sold at the exits from cities - where summer residents go to their haciendas. This seed is inexpensive, and the results are good: almost all bulbs germinate successfully.

It is best to plant a seedling in April-May, when the frosts come down, but the soil is still quite wet. In principle, it is possible to replenish the bed with new seedlings throughout the summer, but then it is necessary to regularly water the ground to prevent the onions from drying out. So, this option is suitable only for those who live in their dacha "without getting out."

In turn, turnip can be obtained in two ways: from seeds and from onion sets. To harvest onions in September, seedlings should be planted in the ground late autumn before the frosts themselves. Then, in the spring, wait for the seedlings to emerge, generously water the bed throughout the summer, and dig up the crop in the fall. In parallel, of course, you can pull green onion feathers for salads and okroshka.

But from seeds, onions are grown even longer. In this case, in April or May, you need to sow onion seeds in the furrows and in the fall get small onion seedlings from them. After that, plant the onion sets in the garden in late autumn and wait for the harvest in a year.
In the photo - onion from seeds, the first year.

How to choose seedlings for growing green onions?

There are two types of onion seedlings on sale:
- slightly germinated - with a green tip on top;
- holistic - without a green tip.
If you need a quick result, take sprouted onions: in this case, you can get green feathers within a week after sowing. Well, seedlings completely covered with husks will give a "harvest" a little later - in about two weeks.
You can slightly speed up the appearance of green feathers - cut the bulbs on top with scissors.

How to grow onions for greens in the garden?

1. High-quality fertile soil on the site is already half the work. But in the case of depleted land, you will have to try, even to grow such a simple product as onions.
If at your dacha sandy soil, be sure to feed it with wood ash before sowing onion seedlings. This method is also good for areas with ground water containing a large amount of iron: in contrast to iron, ash alkalizes the soil, improving its properties.
Having prepared a bed for sowing onions, make parallel furrows with a chopper at a distance of 15-20 cm from each other and sprinkle with fine ash.

2. Pour the furrows with ash water: let the earth get wet well. You need to plant seeds or seedlings only in moist soil, you can refuse watering only if you plant immediately after the snow has melted (while the ground is still saturated with water from melted snow). When the water is absorbed into the soil, stick the bulbs into the furrows at a distance of 5-7 cm from each other. It is not worth pushing the seedlings too deeply into the ground: their “forelocks” should be flush with the ground.

3. Fill the furrows with dry earth from above, but do not get carried away: a large layer of soil on top will prevent the green onion feathers from germinating.

That's all: green onions are planted in the garden, it remains only to wait for the shoots! For growing greens, additional dressings can not be done: the main thing here is what land the seedlings will initially fall into.

To prevent the tips of green feathers from drying out, water the bed in time in the morning or evening.

In winter and early spring, the body lacks vitamins. Restock useful substances at this time, growing onions on a feather helps. You can get healthy greens from the garden, greenhouse or pot on the windowsill. But for culture to bring good harvest, it is important to know about the rules for planting and caring for onions on greens in the open field, greenhouse or at home.

How to grow green onions

It is not difficult to get bunches of juicy, healthy greens from sevka at home; you can grow green onions on the windowsill in winter and summer. First of all, prepare planting material, for this, turnips are sorted for greens, rotten or damaged are removed. The tops of the bulbs are cut off to improve the access of air to the kidneys. Planting material is soaked for a day in warm water.

Landing in water and land

If it is planned to grow green onions in water, the turnips are placed on pallets and filled with liquid a quarter of the size. With this method, the culture produces leaves suitable for food in two weeks. It is important to remember: how much greenery grows, so much you need to monitor the water level.

For planting in the ground choose loose, fertile soil. Before planting, the substrate is treated with a solution of potassium permanganate or calcined in the oven.

It is desirable to plant the bulbs in a container using a bridge method: planting material is planted with roots down into the substrate at a distance of 1-2 cm from each other.

Turnips are slightly sunk, but do not fall asleep, otherwise the plants will rot. The soil is watered with warm water.

Greenery care at home

After planting, the containers are transferred to a room with an air temperature of 25-30°C. When the leaves grow up to 2 cm in length, the plants are placed in a room or on a balcony. Planting is watered 1-2 times a week, for this they use warm, settled water. The leaves are cut when they reach a length of 25–30 cm. The feathers growing along the edges are chosen, since the growth of the green mass comes from the center of the bulb.

Variety selection

You can grow onion feathers for greens from any variety of culture. But in order to get a good harvest, it is important to choose bulbs with many leaf primordia, then the turnips give a thick green mass. The best varieties of onions for a feather are the Black Prince, Rostov, Amber, Arzamas, Bessonovsky. In addition, the following varieties of crops bring a rich harvest:

  • Bow-batun. Valued for high yield. Up to 3.5 kg of feather is collected from 1 m². It is allowed to cut green mass 2-3 times per season.
  • Slime onion. It features delicate broad leaves, the aroma of which resembles garlic. The variety is frost-resistant, experiencing sub-zero temperatures. But the best crop gives in a greenhouse where it can bear fruit all year round.
  • Chives. The species is prized for its long, narrow leaves and strong fragrance. Feathers remain tender and juicy for a long time. 3 kg of juicy greens are harvested from 1 m² per season.
  • Multi-stalked shallot. The variety is valued for its unpretentious nature, besides, it gives a larger yield than the popular varieties of onions. 2.5-4.5 kg of crop is harvested from 1 m².
  • Leek. A plant with broad leaves that look like garlic feathers. From 1 m² of planting, 2 kg of crop is harvested.

The multi-tiered bow deserves special attention. This unpretentious culture endures very coldy, and surpasses the onion in terms of yield.

How to plant onions on greens

Turnips are planted in open ground in autumn, two to three weeks before the onset of cold weather. The sevok manages to take root before frost, and in the spring it starts to grow and quickly increases its green mass. Planting onions on greens is carried out in the sun open areas with fertile soil. If the soil lacks nutrients, when digging, they introduce into it mineral fertilizers.

Before planting the bulbs in open ground, the planting material is processed. For this, seedlings with a diameter of 2.5 to 4 cm without signs of rot are soaked in warm water with the addition of potassium permanganate. In order for the culture to quickly increase the mass of leaves, the tops of the turnips are cut off.

How to plant onions in the garden:

  1. The turnips are set with the bottom on the soil and slightly sunk.
  2. Between plants maintain a distance of 1-2 cm.
  3. Sprinkle with a 2-3 cm layer of soil.

Planted onions are mulched with a layer of humus or manure of 3-5 cm, then the plants will calmly survive the frost. In the spring, the mulch is removed, and a film frame is pulled over the bed. Thanks to this technique, the crop ripens earlier.

Features of care

An inexperienced gardener can also grow green onions on a feather. The plant is unpretentious, but in order to get a harvest of juicy greenery, it is important to provide plants comfortable conditions. The irrigation regime for a crop depends on the climatic conditions of the region.

The soil should not be allowed to dry out, because onions for greens growing in the garden do not tolerate drought. But it is not recommended to allow stagnant moisture at the roots, otherwise the turnips will rot.

In normal weather, the soil is moistened 2 times a week. In heat and drought, irrigation is increased.

You need to take care of green onions constantly. After watering or rainfall, the soil between the rows must be loosened, otherwise a crust will form on the soil, blocking the access of air to the roots. Together with loosening, weeding is carried out, which protects the bed from weeds. Feed the crop after cutting the greens. For these purposes, nitroammophosphate or urea solution is used. Fertilizers help plants restore green mass.

How to cut green onions to grow further

The harvest of juicy greens is collected, as a rule, after digging up the bulb. In the future, the turnip is thrown away or eaten, and new crops are planted in its place. But if you grow green onions in optimal conditions, you can get several crops from one turnip. The main thing is to properly trim the onion feathers. For this procedure, sharp scissors or secateurs are used. For cutting, green feathers with a length of 30 cm or more are selected. The leaves are cut off above the growth point of the shoots.

At proper care the grown bulb recovers over time and produces new shoots. True, after pruning, the crop yield decreases, in addition, the bunches lose their presentation, so growing onions for greens for sale does not involve cutting feathers.

Feather forcing

You can grow green onions in a heated greenhouse from autumn to spring. For distillation, processed one-year or two-year-old onion samples are used. They are planted in containers filled with peat, humus or compost. It is allowed to grow greens on sawdust.

The temperature in the greenhouse is kept at 18–20°C. Care consists of watering and airing the room. For the normal development of feathers, plants are illuminated with photo lamps 12 hours a day. After 15 days, after the appearance of greenery, the crops are fed with potash and nitrogen fertilizers. Forcing onions on a feather takes 3-4 weeks.

To grow onions on a feather, choose one of the following varieties: Arzamas, Bessonovsky or Rostov. A large-sized set or onion samples are landing. Best Harvest obtained when using a sample, the diameter of the bulb should be 3-4 centimeters.

Onions are planted early, you can do this (in winter). In this case, it is important to root the bulbs well before the onset of frost. Plant the bulbs in rows, 10-15 centimeters apart, with a distance of 6-8 centimeters between rows. For one square meter about 5-8 kilograms of onions are planted. On highly fertile soil, you can onion in another way - bridge. In this case, the bulbs are planted close to each other, and planting material will take much more.

The site must first be fertilized with mineral organic matter or manure. Do not bury the bulbs deep in the soil, their neck should remain outside. Immediately after planting, water the onion with lukewarm water.

Use top dressing in the form of ammonium nitrate (dilute 20 grams of nitrate per 8 liters of water), (15 grams per 7-8 liters of water), superphosphate (15 grams per 8 liters of water). The first is needed already a week after planting the onion. The second - 8-10 days after the first feeding. How long does it take to grow green onions? spring period- about a month. After the onion feathers have reached a length of 30-40 centimeters, it is harvested by hand.

In the spring, onions left in storage begin to sprout. In order not to throw it away, you can green onions in. Fill a box or pot (depending on the amount of planting material) with peat soil and plant the bulbs in it, close to each other. Water well and after 10 days put in a well-lit place (windowsill). It is necessary to water the onions 1-2 times a week. If the bulbs are not germinated, then they should first be soaked in warm water for a day, then cut off the neck and planted in the ground.

Chives are a perennial herbaceous plant from the onion family. Leaves semi-cylindrical, hollow. It blooms in May, throwing out spherical umbrellas of pinkish-lilac color on low peduncles.

Grow it for fresh greens. This onion is frost-resistant, almost never freezes and is great for growing in cold regions. It sprouts one of the very first plants on, which is valuable for spring beriberi. Chives are not picky about the soil, and can grow well in damp, cold areas. It grows rapidly, forming dense bush thickets. This one also propagates by dividing the bush. Sowing can be done both in spring and autumn. The seeds of this plant are very good germination. In the spring, one can observe abundant shoots of seeds crumbled in autumn. When planting by dividing the bush, the plant develops faster. In one place, the onion grows for 3-4 years, and then it is required. In autumn, you can transplant the bushes into pots and grow them in the house for fresh greens in winter period.

chives on their own useful properties surpasses onion. It contains more carotene, vitamins and mineral salts. Its greens are used for the prevention of atherosclerosis and as an anthelmintic agent. Young juicy leaves-feathers are used for food, mainly in early spring and early summer. In late summer they become rougher. Greens are used for salads, side dishes, cold and hot soups, pie fillings.

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In early spring, when nothing can be planted in the gardens yet, and you really want fresh greenery, you can try to equip a small vegetable garden on the windowsill. You can grow a lot of things on a balcony or windowsill, but not everything is worth taking on if you have little experience in this.

When choosing a crop for planting on a windowsill, one should first of all focus on factors such as ease of care, tolerance to the conditions of detention. Since the possibilities of gardeners when creating plantings on the window are rather limited, it is better not to complicate your task.

Those who have already tried their hand at the simplest - forcing onions into feathers, dill and parsley - can be recommended to plant chives on the windowsill. For him, you will need to prepare in advance - planting material is harvested in the fall. You can grow chives from seed, but it takes a lot more time and effort. If you have a ready-planted onion, it is better not to complicate your work. Onion jackets are dug out of the ground, the feathers are cut off, then they are dropped into earth-filled boxes or simply pots. They should be kept in cool place, well suited balcony or basement.

In winter, containers with earth are brought into heat and placed closer to the light source. If the window sill is not getting enough sunlight, you will probably need to create additional lighting. Otherwise, the care is the same as for the usual sevka or turnip. Chives quickly grow juicy green feathers. It can be cut from the bush at once in a bunch or in several feathers. It tastes softer and more tender than a simple green onion.

From one bulb, when grown on a windowsill, it is possible to get greens twice. Then the plant exhausts its strength, and careful care, even with high-quality top dressing, will not help much. It is recommended to prepare several pots of dug material in the fall, which will allow you to grow greens throughout the winter. The chives are one of the first to sprout in early spring.

  • high crop yield;
  • the possibility of using racks;
  • the ability to grow onions and harvest throughout the year;
  • Possibility to grow onions all year round for sale.

Onions contain many vitamins and minerals. Regular consumption of this culture in food allows to prevent colds. It is added as fresh salads, and in soups, pies, main dishes.

Types of onions suitable for greenhouse cultivation:

  • slime onion;
  • onion;
  • bow-batun.

Preferred for year-round cultivation in greenhouses traditionally considered a slime onion, as this species allows you to enjoy fresh greenery all year round.

Batun onions are also able to bring a good harvest in cold weather, but it is customary to plant them for the winter no earlier than the beginning of December: this species prefers to rest for a little over a month in a year.

Onions are also suitable for winter or autumn planting, it has excellent taste and high yield.

How long does green onion grow in a greenhouse? Already three weeks after planting, the culture, regardless of the type, must reach technical maturity. In this case, the length of the greens will be about 30 cm. The yield of green onions from 1 sq. M in a greenhouse is up to 5 kg. From one planting, greens are removed at least 5 times. How to grow green onions in a greenhouse in winter, consider below.

Thanks to the ability to grow a crop in such a short time, we can rightly assume that growing feather onions in a greenhouse has become the most cost-effective and optimal in our capricious weather. Use of shelving in a greenhouse due to practicality and obvious savings in space, energy and soil while maintaining maximum yield.

What should be the greenhouse?

How to grow green onions in a greenhouse? First of all, it is necessary to arrange a greenhouse in such a way that the seedlings are reliably protected from cold and other adverse weather conditions. Due to the fact that daylight hours last much less in winter, than in spring-summer period, it is necessary to install fluorescent lamps or phytolamps.

If the temperature in the greenhouse during the day is below 19ºC, and at night it does not reach 12ºC, then you need to install additional heating. How to organize, read on our website.

Useful video!

Selection and preparation of seeds

In the event that onions are planted with seeds immediately into the soil, for starters you need to choose the appropriate type and varieties of onions. If you decide to grow onions, for example, then Maysky-7 and Gribovsky-21 varieties are suitable; if there is a desire to grow onions, then you can take the seeds of Strigunovsky local or Bessonovsky fruitful. After that seeds are washed and soaked overnight in lukewarm water.

The soil can be pre-fertilized and moistened. Planting onions in a greenhouse is as follows:

The seeds are placed in the ground no deeper than 2 cm, while it is desirable to keep the distance between them at least 1 cm. sprinkle with a little peat or humus, in this case, ordinary earth is also suitable.

One of the conditions for obtaining a decent harvest in the future is top dressing. It can be produced twice during the entire period: immediately after planting or immediately before placing the seeds in the soil and 10 days later. As a fertilizer suitable for ordinary manure, ammonium nitrate.

Both components are diluted with water in a ratio of 1:30. Some gardeners also like to add to the ground wood ash, but it is recommended to use it to enrich the soil before the crop is planted.

Onions love moisture, but an excess of water can harm them. Watering the soil is carried out with water at room temperature (approximately 25ºC) once a a few days as the soil dries up.

Growing green onions

How to grow onions on a feather in a greenhouse in winter? To grow onions in a greenhouse in winter, you first need to decide on the materials from which the greenhouse will be made. Good material for the basis of the design are considered metal base and frame, made from .

The wood base has less strength and wear resistance, but there is a way out: the frame can be coated with a primer, so it can last longer.

As a covering material, it is permissible to use plain, glass and polycarbonate. The film will have to be changed every year, the glass will last for several years, but it is also subject to destruction and deformation due to possible strong gusts of wind, hail, snowfall. Polycarbonate today is one of the most practical and durable covering materials.

It can be carried out using electric heaters or gas. Sometimes it is possible to keep warm with a conventional wood-burning stove.

Suitable for lighting daylight lamps. It is desirable that daylight hours end up at least 12 hours a day.

Watering is carried out as the earth dries out with moderately warm water. Top dressing is carried out at least 2 times for the entire period. In order to optimize the costs spent on growing onions for feathers in a greenhouse in winter, it is considered very effective use of high altitude greenhouses, allowing you to install additional racks inside for growing onions on a feather.

In general, growing onions for greens in a greenhouse, throughout the year - the task is simple. In order to regularly harvest and get onion forcing, it is enough to install a well-equipped greenhouse, select seeds suitable species and onion varieties and prepare the soil well for planting. By fulfilling these three conditions, you will be able to collect onion greens in abundance both in winter and in summer.

The technology of growing green onions in a greenhouse in the video below:

There is never too much onion - a favorite proverb of cooks. Indeed, if it is in third place in terms of nutrition, then healing properties far outstripped others vegetable crops. Onions are especially needed in northern regions where people are constantly deficient in fresh natural vitamins. According to biological properties (quick distillation, early biosynthesis), onions are an indispensable vegetable for residents of the northern regions with a short cold summer. Therefore, the practice of growing onions for greens in a greenhouse is common.

Green onions in a greenhouse

What types of onions can be grown on greens

The homeland of onions are regions with a very short optimal period for growth. Genetically in the bulbs, the property was fixed in the shortest possible time to give offspring and get away from the all-burning heat to rest. Therefore, green onions are so early ripening, they manage to expel the necessary biomass for laying organs in 27-30 days. seed propagation. On this property, the cultivation of onions for greens is based. Onion varieties are divided into single- and multi-germ. The latter form a lot of greenery and are suitable for domestic and industrial distillation.

For greenhouse cultivation, it is advisable to use onions with a short dormant period. These include several types, including onion, batun onion, slime onion, multi-tiered onion, shallot. On an industrial scale, for the purpose of business development, the best option is the distillation of onion from vegetative material (onion sets). During the winter months, sowing onions with a conveyor, you can get 4 crops of onion green mass. For home consumption, distillation can also be carried out from seeds (nigella).

Varieties and hybrids of onions for forcing in greenhouse conditions

It is best to drive out multi-bearing varieties and onion hybrids (early and early ripening), with a short growing season and dormant period. The most common for distillation is onion, of which there are more than 70 varieties in the regions of the Russian Federation.

The best varieties and hybrids for forcing on a feather are considered Strigunovsky local, Spassky local improved, Danilovsky 301, Karatalsky, Bessonovsky local, Mstersky local, etc. Old early varieties with well-established indicators are multi-bearing varieties: Rostovsky onion, Bessonovsky local, Ryazansky, Skopinsky. Of the new varieties most suitable for distillation, one can single out Globus, Stuttgarter Riesen, Centurion F1, Supra, Universo F1.

For a family, in addition to onions, other types of onions can be grown on greens: leeks (synonymous with pearl), shallots, chives (chives), slime, multi-tiered (Egyptian), batun (Tatar, sandy). All of them are distinguished by a delicious taste, light garlic aroma, high content of trace elements and vitamins. Long green feather (leaves) long time remains tender, perennials can eat up to three cuts of greenery. Leek is called pearl for a whitish very tasty stalk.

If there are no local released varieties (they are included integral part in the name of the variety), it is possible to offer for distillation in industrial quantities, the varieties Arzamassky, Black Prince, Yantarny, Bessonovsky, Troitsky. The best varieties for industrial forcing are Emerald Island and Parade. The Parade variety stands out in particular. When forcing on greens, it forms a juicy and sweet feather, is not damaged by pests, tolerates drought and frost well. It does not need additional nutrition with good refueling with fertilizers for planting sevka or sowing with nigella.

The range of varieties with attractive properties and product quality indicators is updated annually in the catalogs of onion seeds with brief characteristics economic purpose. You can choose a variety or hybrid that you like the most according to the description.

Growing green onions in a greenhouse

Onion forcing can be carried out in unheated and heated indoor areas (greenhouses and greenhouses). In unheated rooms, forcing can be done for a limited period in autumn and spring, and in winter greenhouses, you can always create a microclimate that best meets the requirements of the culture for environment.

Parade - bow on a feather

Regardless of the room, onion forcing begins with preparatory work. Soil preparation consists in digging the soil and filling it with fertilizers before planting the seed. If forcing is carried out in small quantities, but is necessary all year round, then it is enough to prepare several wooden or plastic boxes 40x60 cm in size, which are pre-packed with specially prepared soil mixture and placed in a tiered or shelving way in the greenhouse.

For stuffing containers, they make up a soil mixture, where the basis is garden soil from places, without the use of herbicides and other pesticides, peat, sand or humus. You can add compost. The soil should be light, airy. Before filling the container, the soil is disinfected using one of the methods used. The easiest way is to treat the soil with a 1-2% solution of potassium permanganate and cover with an opaque film. After a week, remove the film, add 20 and 15 g of superphosphate and potassium chloride per 1 sq. m area of ​​stacked boxes. Moisten the soil. You can immediately make Kemira, Crystallon or fill the soil with them before planting planting material.

Soil preparation for ground cultivation in greenhouses and/or greenhouses

In autumn, after harvesting previous crops and garbage, the soil is dug up, having previously applied 30 and 20 g per square meter. m, respectively, superphosphate and potassium chloride, as well as humus and / or compost. Carefully level, disinfect, moisturize.

Planting material preparation

Regardless of the type and variety of onions, they prepare for planting planting material, which consists in the following:

  • sorting into groups, if planting is planned with vegetative material - onions (onion sets), optimum diameter which are 1.5-2.0 cm. To get a high-quality standard feather (15-20-25 cm), each group is planted in a separate box or bed;
  • disinfection and stimulation to accelerate germination. Disinfection can be carried out with potassium permanganate, biological preparations according to the recommendations (planriz, gamair, alirin), and other methods.

The material selected for distillation is stimulated in different ways:

  • bulbs are heated for 20-24 hours at + 35 .. + 40 ° С. After warming up, the tails are cut to the “shoulders”;
  • soaked in warm (+30 ° C) water, keeping up to 10-12 hours. Dry at room temperature and cut the necks. If it is necessary to prepare planting material in industrial quantities, the selected bulbs are poured into heaps in a warm room (a warm floor is required), watered with water heated to +30 ° C and covered with burlap for 3-4 days. Dry and plant.

Agrotechnics for planting planting material

The sample is planted in boxes or prepared racks of heated greenhouses in October-November, repeating multiple plantings with a gap of 2 weeks.

Boxes with planted bulbs are stacked in a utility room, covered with opaque material and transferred directly to the greenhouse for permanent place In 2 weeks. During this time, the bow forms root system and small feathers (leaves) of white, light yellow, sometimes greenish colors. When transferred to light, the feather starts to grow, acquires a green color.

Planting bulbs in protected ground is carried out only by bridge method. When planting, the bulbs are tightly laid over the entire area. The dense planting saves space and creates a microclimate conducive to the production of standard juicy greens. For 1 sq. m of area consumes from 10 to 12 kg of standard planting material. Other planting schemes are for everybody, as is sowing with seeds (chernushka).

Onion care

Onion care in heated and unheated indoor areas (film greenhouses and greenhouses) is the same. The number of distillations depends on the room temperature. In heated greenhouses, forcing can be carried out all year round, in greenhouses and cold greenhouses only when a suitable external air temperature sets in on prepared warm substrates (using manure, humus, peat, compost and other materials). While creating optimal conditions(temperature, humidity, lighting) plantings turn green after 4-5 days, increasing biomass up to 3-4 cm per day. Thus, the forcing period takes, depending on the variety or hybrid, from 15 to 24 days.


Onion lighting in the initial phases of development allows for temporary breaks, but starting from the age of 12-15 days, the culture needs round-the-clock lighting. Otherwise, the pen becomes stiffer and turns yellow.


Temperature in indoors before the start of growth in the daytime, it is maintained within +22 °С, then it can decrease to +18..+20 °С. In order for the forcing crop to develop normally, the soil temperature in the first week of forcing should be +12..+15 °С, and in the rest of the period until the end of forcing, about +20 °С. In non-industrial production, night temperatures can be reduced to +12..+13 °С to stop plant growth. A further decrease in night temperatures has a negative impact on the culture and quality of green feathers.


Watering is carried out every 7-9 days. At first, the water is heated to +25 °C, and then it can be reduced to +20 °C. An abundance of moisture and a lack of heat causes root rot disease.

top dressing

For home use top dressing when forcing onions is better not to carry out, but if feathers appear that are pale, thinned, you can foliar top dressing solutions of urea, crystallon or kemira. 10-15 g of fertilizer is diluted per 10 liters of water, the plants are sprayed. Finish top dressing with watering clean water, for flushing fertilizer from the green mass of plants.

In industrial distillation, where necessary in short terms to get a large number of products, carry out 2-3 top dressings in 7-10 days, and the last one 10 days before cutting the crop. First 1% solution nitrogen fertilizer in a mixture with potassium chloride, the subsequent ones are better with biofertilizers "Humisol", "Baikal EM-1", "Vermistim" and others.

Protection against diseases and pests

Onions on a feather cannot be treated with pesticides, therefore, the requirements of the culture for cultivation and care must be carefully observed. If pests appeared, root fungal diseases must be dried upper layer soil, mulch with sand. It is possible to treat plants and soil with biofungicides and bioinsecticides, which have the shortest waiting time and after 1-3 days the products can be used for food.

When grown commercially, look for the Parade variety, which does not need to be protected from diseases and pests, and is very unpretentious when forcing in large volumes.

Video about growing green onions in a greenhouse in winter, as a small business

Growing onions on a feather in heated greenhouses on an industrial scale, (as a business), products are obtained for 24-25 days with proper agricultural technology. In winter, you can harvest 4 green crops by organizing a profitable business. The planting of onion sets is repeated every 10-15 days, creating a production growing conveyor for constant supply to the market.