Interesting about onions. All about onions when growing

Composer Yan Frenkel Editing Olga Vasilenko Cameraman Mikhail Druyan Scriptwriter Galina Lebedeva Art directors V. Gilyarova , Lev Milchin

  • The cartoon was created by director Lev Milchin in 1977.
  • The text is read by Vasily Livanov.
  • Galina Lebedeva, who created the script for the cartoon, also wrote a book of the same name.


Beware, the text may contain spoilers!

Masha can’t fall asleep in any way: either the pillow interferes with her, then the blanket, then the bed. The annoyed girl goes out for a little walk in the garden. Here she meets her dog. Upon learning of her misfortune, Tyavka invites the little one to take a nap in her kennel, but she absolutely does not like it here. Then Masha looked into the chicken coop and told the chickens about her problem. They offered to sleep on their perch, but the girl, who had dozed off, suddenly fell out of there and again went to travel through the night garden. Going beyond the fence, on the pond, she met a Heron, who showed how you can doze off, standing on one leg in the water. Masha did not dare to climb there. She went on and met Bat who invited her to her attic. Here she demonstrated to the girl that it is best to sleep upside down on the wall, without a blanket or pillow. Masha did not like visiting a new friend. She returned back to her bed and realized that her bed was the most the best place for sleep. The girl lay down in it and immediately fell asleep.

Tale of the little star who didn't want to sleep

Once upon a time in the kingdom of the stars, the Golden Month. As soon as it got dark around, he went to the night watch, to check if all the stars were sleeping, but they had sweet dreams. One day he left the house, he was walking along milky way, looking around. He will straighten the pillow for one star, tuck in the blanket for another, and quietly begin to sing a lullaby to the third. The stars sleep sweetly. Satisfied with the Golden Month, that everything is calm in his kingdom. Suddenly I heard some noise. He went in the direction from which cheerful laughter is heard. Sees - Asterisk is amused, plays, sings songs. Surprised Month:

Why are you not sleeping, - he asks the Laughter Star.

It's boring! I’ll sleep during the day, and it’s so fun to play at night, ”Star answers in a clear voice.

It's a mess not to sleep when everyone else is sleeping. I'll come tomorrow and check. If you don't sleep, I'll have to punish you!

Asterisk missed the words of the Golden Month past her ears, she ran on to play.

The next night came. Another month went on patrol. What? Again noise, din, laughter is heard.

Are you awake again? - more than ever, the Month was angry with the Asterisk.

I slept during the day, - as if nothing had happened, she answers.

I am warning you for the last time, - the Golden Month threatened.

The third night has come. Again the Month comes to inspect its possessions. Again laughter bursts forth. The asterisk jumps from foot to foot, rejoices.

All! Enough from me, - the Month was seriously angry. - All stars should sleep at night, children should illuminate their dreams with their magical flicker. I deprive you of your daytime sleep for this, you won’t be able to rest when you get tired of the games. - He said this, turned around and went home.

Since then, Asterisk has ceased to sleep during the day, but in the evening it appears before anyone else in the sky, and in the morning it burns longer than the rest - it sleeps off, restores strength. Everyone should sleep at night, both children and stars. After all, even the Golden Month, ending his night watch, returns to his home and falls asleep in a warm, cozy bed.

Before bedtime

The night comes to us again

On the cheek of a sweet son

I kiss before bed

Our noisy house has been sleeping for a long time.

Behind the curtain on the window

Sleeping, curled up, cat.

Sleeping toys in closets

Sleeping machines here and there.

The moon sleeps sweetly in the sky,

The wind no longer makes noise.

Sleeping trees in a dark park

Animals sleep in the zoo.

Swings are sleeping on the playground,

Sleeping colored carousels.

Dogs sleep in the yard

Insects sleep in the grass.

Deftly, hiding behind a hill,

The sun sleeps in its closet.

Everyone around is sleeping so sweetly

Dreams are magical.

Our son falls asleep

Pulled up and yawns.

On a fluffy pillow

He puts his head down.

I cover with a blanket

I close the door softly.

Sleep, sygulechka, dear

Tomorrow will be another day...

Tale of a curious car

If you come up to the window on a dark late evening, you will see many, many cars that drive along the road. All of them are in a hurry to go home, as they bring magical dreams to the children so that they can sleep peacefully all night, until the morning.

Today I will tell you a story about a Curious Car that was late home and almost left good boy without sleep.

One evening a Curious Machine was driving, in a hurry. An interesting, eventful day was left behind, and soon it was necessary to go to bed. The car illuminated its way with the warm light of yellow headlights and suddenly saw a path that went straight into the depths of the forest. She wondered what was behind the green trees. She turned off the road and drove down the path.

The path twisted and twisted until it finally led the Machine to a wonderful lake. Sleeping stars were reflected on the mirror-like surface of the reservoir, in the reeds the mother frog croaked a lullaby to her frogs, the trees, tired during the day, quietly rustled. The Curious Machine admired the surrounding beauty, listened to the sounds around. And I even forgot about the magical dream that I was carrying little boy. It is not known how long the Machine would have stood like that, but it began to make her sleepy, the headlights began to close.

The Curious Machine started up here, remembered that she falls asleep only after the boy gives a magical dream. She turned around and hurried home. Rides, worries, how is the boy going to sleep without her. And it’s true, she didn’t worry in vain - as soon as she began to drive up to the house, she heard crying. He looks at the boy's red eyes, rubs them with small fists, cries, but without a magical dream he cannot fall asleep.

The boy saw the Typewriter, smiled, put his head on the pillow and immediately began to watch the dream that she brought him. The Curious Machine sighed softly and went to sleep in her warm garage, promising that now he will be curious only during the day.

Hello! Today we have a new Arishkina fairy tale. This is a fairy tale about a girl who did not want to sleep.

Sweet dreams

This is Marino's work. On a given topic 🙂

Arishka was very fond of sweets.

That's why I didn't want to go to bed at night. She thought like this:

“I’ll fall asleep, and I’ll be without candy all night.” It is not interesting. I'd rather not sleep!

And didn't sleep. Which made my mother very upset. And yes, it was hard for her. It's not easy, actually - not to sleep at night!

- And very in vain! - once said to the girl her teddy bear Misha. In fact, his mother did not allow him to talk to the girls. But here is a special case! - You can sleep and eat sweets in your sleep! Moreover, - not one, or two a day, as your mother allows you. How much do you want! And what do you want!

- Like this? What do you want? Arishka asked.

- Well, for example, it can be very large sweets! Misha suggested.

- Very nice? Arisha said.

— Aha! - Misha agreed, - like a house! and yawned sweetly.

“What if,” Arishka pricked up her ears, “I’m not dreaming of a candy, but a terrible Byabyaka?”

“So, you didn’t have time to ask the Fairy of Dreams for your dream…” Misha closed one eye and looked at Arishka with only one, “sleepy-sleepy.”

Dream Fairy?! Arisha asked. She did not know such a Fairy. - Tell me, Misha, about the Fairy! - Arishka gently stroked Misha's soft ears.

The Fairy of Dreams distributes dreams to children. Those who go to bed early get such dreams that they ask from the Fairy. And those kids who are naughty for a long time and fall asleep late, those dreams that no one wanted to take remain. Misha finished his story, closed his other eye and sniffed softly.

- Ouch! Arishka thought. - He is already dreaming of a big candy! I wonder if the Fairy of Dreams has one more dream about a very big candy?!

Arishka quickly closed her eyes and fell fast asleep.

She never freaked out before bed again. Why waste time. We must hurry! And then so all sweet dreams will be sorted out!

It was Arishka's fairy tale about a girl who didn't want to sleep "Sweet Dreams".

Thanks for reading!