Analysis of the "Yo-portfolio" of a teacher, student, teacher, student. e-portfolio module for SharePoint My achievements - work portfolio

The problem of informatization of Russian education can be solved not only by extensive methods of developing the information educational environment, but also by intensive technologies of pedagogical design, support and evaluation of the effectiveness of the educational process.

Teaching has always been seen as a complex set of approaches and techniques. The interaction between a teacher and a student in the educational process consists of skill and art, so it is quite important to determine the methods for attesting teacher work.

One of the latest achievements of professional certification of teachers abroad is the so-called electronic portfolio (electronic portfolio, e-portfolio, EP). Such a portfolio offers two distinct advantages over standardized testing. First, EP is a creative, rather than a bureaucratic control model that allows the teacher to manage the process of evaluating their work. Second, although teachers find the portfolio preparation process time-consuming, they recognize that the time spent preparing the EP can provide invaluable professional development experience.

The main components of the EP are the documentation of teaching activities and the analysis of one's professional work. The teacher's portfolio contains methodological developments of lessons and extracurricular activities, visual and handouts, tests, reports and abstracts reflecting the knowledge, skills and experience of the teacher. Each document is accompanied by explanations of the teacher. In the process of reflective thinking, the teacher points out the strengths and objective weaknesses of his work, transforming ideas into clear concepts. The main task of creating an EP is to involve in understanding the results of teaching and determining the goals of further professional development. This is in line with the principle of nurturing a thoughtful practitioner.

A teacher can start collecting ES at different stages of his professional biography - from the student period to the qualified level. The portfolio is usually organized around the central components of teaching, including planning, learning strategies, supervision, classroom organization, parenting, and professional development.

So, ES is a collection of samples of professional work organized in a specific way. Characteristic features of this collection:

has a specific purpose;

designed for a specific audience;

includes samples of professional work that form the main content of the portfolio;

contains analysis and reflections on his professional work.

EP can perform the functions of a starting assessment of the level of achievements, intermediate and final control. In accordance with one of the accepted foreign classifications, several types of a teacher's professional portfolio can be distinguished:

development portfolio (developmental) - is collected in the course of employment to assess progress in work and the accumulation of experience over a certain period of time;

reporting portfolio (product) - indicates the achievement of a certain result upon completion of work on the project;

demonstration portfolio (showcase) - a collection of the best work of the teacher. Used to prepare a resume when applying for a job or to participate in a professional competition.

All three types of ES represent a purposeful collection of documents with self-assessment of their work. The difference lies in the purpose and the way these collections are organized. For example, the purpose of a development portfolio is to show progress in developing teacher skills. The reporting portfolio demonstrates the use of a specific pedagogical strategy. A demonstration portfolio focuses on presenting the experience and professional achievements of the teacher.

There are different options for creating an EP. You can use special computer programs that provide ready-made templates (The Teacher's Portfolio, Scholastic Electronic Portfolio, The Portfolio Builder for PowerPoint). More advanced personal computer users create their own ES model using multimedia web design programs such as Microsoft FrontPage, Macromedia Dreamweaver.

ES has advantages over the traditional paper-based version: a large amount of material, interactivity, and provision of online access, including remote access. Creating a portfolio in electronic form allows you to store, edit and demonstrate samples of professional activity in a visual form through the use of texts, graphics, audio and video inserts. Unlike printed portfolios, which have a linear structure, EP uses a system of hyperlinks that allows you to connect the individual links of the pedagogical process, presented in electronic form, into a single whole. So, in a scanned lesson plan, at a separate stage, you can insert a video with comments on the effectiveness of this type of activity. Another hyperlink can link a lesson step to samples of student work.

Creating an EP is always quite difficult due to the number and variety of materials, and therefore it requires technical skills. However, the quality of an electronic portfolio depends on careful solutions to content problems and the results of content analysis. Reflection is the main component in the creation of a professional EP, that cementing connection that allows certifiers to see the conclusions drawn in the process of evaluating information. Thus, the portfolio becomes a viable tool for assessing the professional training of future teachers and attesting current teachers.

The ES technology was taken as the basis of one of the modules in the course "Information technologies for teaching English" at school No. 14 in Pyatigorsk. The relevance of the work on the creation of a professional electronic portfolio in the preparation of a teacher is to implement the tasks of forming the information competence of teachers and the practical focus on the use of innovative technologies in the educational process. The methodology for the experimental application of EP in the report on the practice at the school of future English teachers is at the stage of approbation.

This control model is fundamentally different from standardized tests, where the indicator of professional knowledge is the number of points scored. In accordance with the fundamental principle of the authenticity of control, professionals should demonstrate their practical knowledge in a natural context, and not answer questions. The use of professional EP in education coincides with the transition from quantitative indicators of control to qualitative criteria.

Portfolio technology has become increasingly popular in recent years. Employers are interested in the candidate's collection of achievements when applying for a job. It is possible that in the near future any employee, including a teacher and director, will need to present a portfolio when applying for a job. Therefore, even in the last academic year, an attempt was made at our school to collect full-fledged ES of all teachers. The results are very interesting. The teachers worked productively, creatively and with great imagination. Each work is recorded on his personal CD.

Since 2004, as a teacher (tutor) of distance learning, I have been conducting professional development classes for teachers in Pyatigorsk, Zheleznovodsk and the Predgorny district of the Stavropol Territory. Our first course was not designed for students with basic computer skills or no skills at all (beginners). In this course, we have taught the most common application programs Microsoft Word and Microsoft Power Point. And since many of our teachers are just starting to master information technology, training is built according to the traditional “do as I do” methodology. Each lesson includes theory, practical exercises and answers to test questions. In total, in the first part of the course, when studying Microsoft Word, students perform 40 exercises. And this is certainly a lot. But only in the second part of the course (Microsoft Power Point) I suggest that students make several presentations to their liking, that is, only there they create individual creative works. There are four such presentations in total. Based on the results of the course, as a test, each teacher creates another creative work, which is submitted to the commission.

The final educational product for each teacher will be a set of creative works, from which the formation of their ES will begin.

And most importantly, all the works created in the courses have practical application in the educational activities and methodological work of the teacher.

Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution


Institute of Pedagogy, Psychology and Sociology


"Yo-portfolio" of a teacher, student, lecturer, student

Completed: undergraduate gr. PP11-57M

Checked: cand. ped. Sciences,

Krasnoyarsk 2011

Y-portfolio of a teacher

A teacher's portfolio is a way of fixing, accumulating materials that demonstrate the level of a teacher's professionalism and the ability to solve the problems of his professional activity.

The teacher's portfolio shows the level of preparedness of the teacher and the level of activity in educational and extracurricular activities.

The teacher's portfolio is a "dossier of success" in educational, educational, creative, methodological, research, and scientific activities.

Goals of Yo-portfolio teacher:

submit a report on the process of pedagogical activity;

see the "picture" of significant educational results in general;

· to ensure the tracking of the effectiveness of teaching students on the subject of classroom and extracurricular activities ;

Demonstrate the formation of a holistic personality of a professional.

Tasks of Yo-portfolio of the teacher:

· The basis for certification of a pedagogical worker. Portfolio - the subject of examination during the certification of a teacher;

· The basis for attributing a pedagogical worker to one or another pedagogical qualification category;

· The basis for the appointment of incentive payments;

Types of Yo-portfolio of a teacher:

· Portfolio of achievements - in this case, the greatest emphasis should be placed on documents confirming the success of your activities.

· Portfolio presentation - is necessary when applying for a new job, especially in cases where wages are assigned based on the results of the interview.

· Portfolio thematic - in this option, the emphasis is placed on thematically separate creative works in different fields of activity.

· Complex portfolio - combining the above types of portfolio and suitable for the presentation of the school teacher's portfolio.

Technology teacher, methodologist of the RMK of the Municipal educational institution "Kostinsky secondary school" of the Petushinsky district, Vladimir region.

http://www. *****/node/85504

E-portfolio evaluation of a teacher

Criteria for evaluation


Portfolio design

General information about the teacher

This section allows you to judge the process of individual development of the teacher.

Results of pedagogical activity

The materials of this section should give an idea of ​​the dynamics of the results of the teacher's pedagogical activity for a certain period.

Scientific and methodological activity

· Generalization and dissemination of their own pedagogical experience at the municipal and (or) regional level (master classes, seminars, conferences, round tables, etc.);

· Participation in municipal, regional and all-Russian professional competitions;

· Advanced training and professional retraining.

Extracurricular activities in the subject

· a list of creative works, essays, educational and research works, projects completed by students in the subject;

· list of winners of olympiads, competitions, competitions, intellectual marathons, etc.;

Scenarios of extra-curricular activities, photographs and video cassettes with a record of the events held (exhibitions, subject excursions, KVNs, brain rings, etc.);

programs of circles and electives.

Educational and material base

· the use of modern educational technologies, including information and communication, in the process of teaching the subject and in educational work;

audio and video aids;

the presence of didactic material, collections of tasks, exercises, examples of essays and essays, etc.


115 points

Highest level (creative)(120-100 points) - the portfolio is characterized by a variety of presented materials on various types of activities, reflecting the potential, level of professionalism, personal qualities of the teacher. The content and design of the portfolio clearly show originality and creativity.

- the portfolio contains mandatory materials, which, in general, can be used to judge the level of professionalism of the teacher. There may be no information about the educational and material base of the taught discipline and creativity in the design.

- a portfolio, which is difficult to form an idea of ​​the process of work and achievements of the teacher. The portfolio contains fragmentary information on various types of activities, individual unfinished works, etc. It is almost impossible to determine the professional level and personal qualities of a teacher from such a portfolio.

The result of the assessment was 115 points - the portfolio is represented by a variety of materials on various types of activities, reflecting the potential, level of professionalism, personal qualities of the teacher, all achievements are accompanied by active links and scanned documents confirming their presence. Originality is clearly shown in the content and design of the portfolio. The only drawback is the lack of an interactive presentation, which would make it possible to focus on creativity and visually present a huge number of achievements of the teacher and his students.

Yo-portfolio of a student

Yo-portfolio of a student- this is a set of documents representing a set of certified or non-certified individual educational achievements that play the role of an individual, cumulative assessment, which, along with the results of exams, is a component of the educational rating of a school graduate. "Portfolio" is designed to: maintain high learning motivation of schoolchildren, encourage their activity and independence, expand learning and self-learning opportunities, lay additional prerequisites and opportunities for successful socialization.

The purpose of the Yo-portfolio of the student:

Evaluation of the student's individual progress achieved in the learning process, increasing his competitiveness.

The tasks of the Y-portfolio of the student:

systematization of control over various types of students' activities, including educational, extracurricular, scientific, creative, sports;

Creation of conditions for individual assessment of the activities of each student;

organization of comparison of the results of students' activities using the developed portfolio score scale;

development of skills of reflective and evaluative (self-evaluative) activities of students;

· Creation of additional prerequisites and opportunities for successful socialization.

The ePortfolio will be judged according to the criteria below. Bezdelina Ekaterina Vitalievna, a student of grade 9b, MOU secondary school No. 8 with an in-depth study of individual subjects named after. Hero of the SS Chekhov municipal district of the Moscow region.


Student Y-portfolio evaluation

Criteria for evaluation


Portfolio design

Structurization of the material, accuracy and aesthetics of design, visibility and validity.

General information about the student

This section allows you to judge the process of individual development of the student.

Portfolio of documents

Certified (documented) individual educational achievements of the student - copies of documents on participation in olympiads, competitions, social projects, other events (copies of extracts, diplomas, certificates, certificates, etc.)

Portfolio of works

A collection of creative, research and design works of a student, information about elective courses, a description of the main forms and directions of his educational and creative activity, a “Portfolio of Works” is drawn up in the form of a diary of achievements with applications of the works themselves: texts, paper or electronic documents, photographs, etc. d

Review Portfolio

Characteristics of the student's attitude to various types of activities, presented by teachers, parents, teachers of additional education, classmates, members of the public (texts of conclusions, reviews, reviews, letters, etc.)

Analysis by the student of his educational and extracurricular (sports, creativity) activities and reasoning about the future: prospects, career.


Evaluation on a 20-point scale

- the portfolio is characterized by a variety of materials presented for various activities, reflecting the potential, abilities and personal qualities of the student. The content and design of the portfolio clearly show originality and creativity.

High level (99-80 points)- the portfolio fully presents the materials of various types of activities. Originality and creativity in the content of submitted works may not be sufficiently expressed.

Intermediate level (79-60 points)- the portfolio contains mandatory materials, which, in general, can be used to judge the various activities of the student. There may be no analysis of the student of his educational and extracurricular (sports, creativity) activities and reasoning about future prospects, career and creativity in design.

Low level (59 and below points)- a portfolio, according to which it is difficult to form an idea of ​​the level of education and interests of the student. The portfolio contains fragmentary information on various types of activities, individual unfinished works at the heart of such a portfolio are general information about the student.

The result of the assessment was 60 points - the lower limit of the average level. The portfolio contains mandatory materials, which, in general, can be used to judge the various types of student activities, there are also scanned documents confirming the listed awards. Significant shortcomings: information has not been updated since 2009; in the presentation of materials there is no zest and manifestations of creativity, boring text format; there is no portfolio of reviews and analysis of their educational and extracurricular (sports, creativity) activities; reasoning about the future comes down to one phrase: “I haven’t decided on a profession.”

Y-portfolio of a university teacher

Yo-portfolio of a teacher is one of the examples of the introduction of new information technologies in the quality management system and support for the certification system of teachers.

The use of an electronic portfolio will improve the quality of assessing the compliance of a teacher with a position.

The purpose of creating a portfolio directly depends on its type and allows the teacher to analyze, summarize and systematize the results of his work, objectively assessing his capabilities and plan actions to overcome difficulties and achieve better results, that is, to carry out reflection.

An important purpose of a teacher's portfolio is a form of assessing the professionalism and performance of a teacher during an examination for compliance with the declared qualification category or assignment of a higher one.

According to the criteria presented below, the electronic portfolio of Tkachenko Oksana Vladimirovna, Head of the Department of Educational Programs of the VMBSH GBOU VPO KrasGMU named after I.I. prof. -Yasenetsky Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation, teacher of the distance course "Economics" for students of the specialty 060109 - nursing (taking the opportunity, I decided to evaluate my portfolio).

http://*****/page_user. php? id=12263

Evaluation of the Y-portfolio of a university teacher

Criteria for evaluation


Making a portfolio and providing general information about the teacher. Maximum - 5 points

Structurization of the material, accuracy and aesthetics of design, visibility and validity.

General subject knowledge in the chosen direction, confirmed by the grades obtained when studying at universities. Points are summed up to a maximum of 20 points:

· the presence of a university or university diploma with a specialization in education, management in the field of education or management, as well as a specialty (for medical universities) - 10 points;

diploma with honors - 5 points;

Diploma of candidate of sciences in the relevant specialization - 5 points

Documents on additional education, advanced training in the specialty (pedagogy, education, management) for the last 10 years. Points are summed up to a maximum of 20 points:

the presence of one or more diplomas of vocational training and retraining (program volume of more than 500 academic hours) - 10 points,

availability of other certificates, licenses and certificates - 5 points,

Postgraduate study - 5 points (if the PhD diploma was not taken into account).

· publications in peer-reviewed Russian or foreign journals: 10 points;

· publications in collections of conference proceedings or other edited, but not peer-reviewed sources: 5 points;

· publications of a methodical nature and/or collective publications with a large number of authors: 5 points.

Diplomas for success in competitions of scientific and design works, in other events. Points are summed up to a maximum of 20 points:

the presence of one or more diplomas for success - 5 points,

professional awards - 10 points,

Experience in the field of education, confirmed by a copy of the work book. Maximum - 10 points:

up to 5 years - 5 points,

More than 5 years - 10 points.

Work in social activities. Maximum - 10 points

Member of the academic council, trade union organization, curator of the course, responsible for the QMS, responsible for maintaining electronic document management (health, safety, electronic journals, etc.) gradation 2 points.

Motivation letter (maximum - 15 points, points are summed up):

Compliance of the candidate's work experience with the chosen training program (education management) - from 0 to 5 points (grade 1 point),

connection of the current position and work of the candidate with the management in the field of education - from 0 to 5 points (grade 1 point),

Demonstration of motivation for learning and further use of acquired knowledge: from 0 to 5 points (grade 1 point)


80 points

The distribution of points is indicated in the table.

The highest level (creative) (120-100 points)- the portfolio is characterized by a variety of presented materials on various types of activities, reflecting the potential, abilities and personal qualities of the teacher. The content and design of the portfolio clearly show originality and creativity.

High level (99-80 points)- the portfolio fully presents the materials of various types of activities. Originality and creativity in the content of submitted works may not be sufficiently expressed.

Intermediate level (79-60 points)- the portfolio contains mandatory materials, which, in general, can be used to judge the various types of activities of the teacher. There may be no motivation letter and creativity in the design.

Low level (59 and below points)- a portfolio, which is difficult to form an idea of ​​the interests of the teacher, there are no criteria representing professionalism. The portfolio contains fragmentary information on various types of activities, some unfinished works are based on general information about the teacher.

The result of the assessment was 80 points this is the lower bound of the high level of portfolio design. The portfolio fully presents the materials of various types of activities, an active civic position is noted, and the role in the activities of public organizations of the university, there are applications of scanned documents confirming the success. There are significant shortcomings in the portfolio: there is no originality and no creativity in design (this shortcoming is difficult to fix, since the portfolio was developed taking into account the corporate policy and design of the university); there is no motivation letter - it will allow you to evaluate plans for future professional activities, prospects and opportunities, there is no information about the availability of pedagogical education.

Y-portfolio of a university student

Yo - a student's portfolio is a tool for achieving success, one of the evaluative standards of the competencies of a competitive specialist in the labor market.

A student e-portfolio is a process flow report showing how a person thinks, questions, analyzes, synthesizes, produces, creates, and how he interacts on an intellectual, emotional and social level with other people.

The purpose of the Yo-portfolio of the student:

· to ensure effective interaction of students with supervisors, teachers and curators at the university during the period of study, as well as with potential employers before and after graduation from a higher educational institution.

Tasks Yo-portfolio student:

· connect the internal resources of the subject, motivate him to create, cultivate and use them in order to develop his professional uniqueness and competitiveness;

· analyze intermediate achievements and prepare a rationale for the goals of future work.

The ePortfolio will be judged according to the criteria below. , student of the Faculty of Medicine GBOU VPO KrasGMU them. prof. -Yasenetsky Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation.

http://*****/page_user. php? id=11353

638 " style="width:478.5pt;margin-left:14.4pt;border-collapse:collapse;border:none">

Criteria for evaluation


Portfolio design

Structurization of the material, accuracy and aesthetics of design, visibility and validity.

Introduction - general information about the student

Brief biographical information about yourself, about the goals of the portfolio, its structure and features.

My achievements - portfolio of works

Materials that testify to the achievements recognized by others and realized by students, life, educational, pre-professional and, perhaps, professional and scientific experience

I am in the world of people - portfolios of interests

Materials that testify to the accumulated experience of social life, interpersonal contacts, connections, hobbies, interests, idols, etc.

"A Look at Yourself and the Future"

Materials containing a student's self-assessment of his values ​​and ideals, ideas about himself, his strengths and weaknesses, individual mission, trends in the development of the world, opportunities that open up, emerging dangers, plans, personal and professional, as well as about the ways, means and time of their implementation.

Analysis, student reasoning

Summarizing everything that has been said and shown above and focusing the attention of the person to whom the document is presented on the most important personality traits, competencies, existing life and professional experience, life and professional plans.


70 points

Evaluation on a 20-point scale

The highest level (creative) (120-100 points)- the portfolio is characterized by a variety of presented materials on various types of activities, reflecting the potential, abilities and personal qualities of the student. The content and design of the portfolio clearly show originality and creativity.

High level (99-80 points)- the portfolio fully presents the materials of various types of activities. Originality and creativity in the content of submitted works may not be sufficiently expressed.

Intermediate level (79-60 points)- the portfolio contains mandatory materials, which, in general, can be used to judge the various types of student activities. There may be no analysis of the student's portfolio of interests, conclusion and creativity in design.

Low level (59 and below points)- portfolio, which is difficult to form an idea of ​​the level of education and interests of the student. The portfolio contains fragmentary information on various types of activities, some unfinished works at the heart of such a portfolio are general information about the student.

The result of the assessment was 70 points This is an average level of portfolio design. The portfolio presents the achievements and interests of the student, extracurricular activities and active citizenship are brightly degenerate (the student is the chairman of the NGO "Youth Union" of the KrasSMU, which indicates significant leadership qualities and close cooperation with public organizations and future employers). There are significant shortcomings in the portfolio: there is no originality and no creativity in design (this shortcoming is difficult to fix, since the portfolio was developed taking into account the corporate policy and design of the university); there are no discussions about their future.

  • A high degree of individualization of the portfolio makes it easy to talk about your skills and achievements;
  • Easy to use: users do not need to have any programming skills. All they have to do is fill in the information blocks and upload files;
  • Multilingual interface: the user can choose the interface language;
  • Goal oriented: Users can set, view, and change goals for their education, course, career, work, and volunteering;
  • Career Oriented: Portfolio offers a variety of ways to store and share information about education, volunteering, work, services, etc.;
  • Customizable: the ability to create multiple views of the component sections;
  • The e-Portfolio component allows you to place files in any electronic format (audio, video, text, graphics, etc.);
  • Ability to import / export information in the IMS standard;
  • Possibility to export a portfolio to a zip file for later use on another platform;
  • An organization using an e-Portfolio component can apply its own branding to it. Portfolios can include web parts and links to organization sites;
  • Ability to create a faculty portfolio: a portfolio can be created for an entire faculty and subsequently used for professional development, description of achievements or storage of materials;
  • Use of the component by HR employees as a filing cabinet or database of employees.

Who is the e-Portfolio for SharePoint designed for?

  • For educational institutions, their employees and students to improve communication and improve the quality of the learning process based on the portal of the educational institution;
  • For organizations and their employees to simplify the processes of recruitment and management of employees based on the corporate portal;
  • For professionals who want to have a blog with an extended set of tools: calendar, forum, etc.
  • For students, students and graduates who want to tell teachers, parents, potential employers, etc. about themselves.
  • For artists, sculptors, bands, web designers, etc.

Integration with distance learning system

e-Portfolio for SharePoint integrates with SharePointLMS RU to avoid double authorization. In addition, students can add files and grades to the e-Portfolio from SharePointLMS RU.


The e-Portfolio for SharePoint component is password protected. All important data is taken from Microsoft Active Directory. User information or any other information contained in a portfolio is not available to internal or external search engines.


The high quality of personnel training has always been the most important task of every educational organization.

The current socio-cultural situation poses the most important task for an educational institution related to the competitiveness and demand for a graduate in the labor market. However, as practice shows, many graduates do not fully meet the requirements of employers.

The formation of a modern specialist as a holistic competent and independent personality competitive in the labor market requires a significant revision of approaches to educational and methodological, scientific and methodological work, to methods of planning and preparing the educational process.

The implementation of federal state educational standards of the new generation involves the use of progressive pedagogical technologies in the learning process. From the whole variety of innovative directions in the development of modern didactics, educational organizations are testing module-rating, credit technologies, game and project methods, multi-level training, learning through cases (case-studies), etc.

Portfolio technology is one of the modern technologies for preparing a student for future professional activity, which allows him to effectively plan and evaluate the process and results of his education.

The term "portfolio" refers to a way of recording, accumulating and evaluating individual achievements. Translated from Italian, "portfolio" means "folder with documents", "specialist's folder".

Portfolio is a modern innovative educational technology based on the method of authentic evaluation of the results of educational scientific and professional activities.

Portfolio can be in paper or electronic form. The electronic version can be presented as a presentation on the site (web portfolio).

Under the electronic portfolio (e-portfolio) S.V. Panyukova and N.E. Yesenin, understand the set of documents organized by the student with the help of ICT, including the results of qualifying works and their examples, confirmation of certificates and diplomas in the system of academic education.

The role of the portfolio in the educational process was studied by many foreign and domestic scientists (E.S. Polat, D.N. Isoyan, E.N. Balykina, O.G. Smolyaninova Barrett H., Barton J., Collins A., etc.) . D.N. Isoyan considers the portfolio as a condition for the activation of cognitive activity, V.A. Devisilov - N.I. Podgrebnaya, L.A. Khalilov; A.S. Tazutdinova defines a portfolio as a technology in the system of preparing a student for future pedagogical activity, D.V. Shestakova considers a portfolio as a means of forming the competitiveness of a future specialist-manager.

All of the above determines the relevance of our study on the development of conditions, the use of a portfolio in the system of training a future specialist.

Object of study: the process of preparing a future specialist.

Subject of study: student's portfolio as a condition for his professional development.

The purpose of the study: to theoretically and practically substantiate the effectiveness of using an electronic portfolio in the system of training a future specialist.

Research objectives:

1. Expand portfolio features.

2. To develop the structure of the “Portfolio of a student of the Alatyr Technological College of the Ministry of Education of Chuvashia”.

3. To develop a model of the electronic portfolio of students of the Alatyr Technological College of the Ministry of Education of Chuvashia.

4. Determine the conditions conducive to the effective use of the portfolio in educational activities.

In the context of the competency-based approach, the portfolio acts as a way to demonstrate, develop and evaluate the student's competencies, a mechanism for monitoring his progress. This is a kind of report on various types of student activities: educational, research, creative, practical, social, etc.

Using a portfolio allows you to track the individual trajectory of a student's development, to demonstrate his ability to practically apply the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities.

At the same time, the portfolio is one of the conditions for increasing the student's motivation, the formation of reflection skills. According to E.S. Polat, a portfolio is a tool for self-assessment of a student's own cognitive, creative work, reflection of his own activities.

Thus, the student's portfolio performs the following main functions:

·Mechanism for monitoring student achievements;

Development of reflection, assessment (self-assessment) of the student;

Support for high motivation for learning;

· Self-presentation at employment of the graduate;

Developing the ability to learn.

To date, three main types of portfolios are common: “Portfolio of documents”, “Portfolio of works”, “Portfolio of reviews”. Each type has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Portfolio of documents - a portfolio of certified (documented individual educational achievements of the student.

Portfolio of works - a collection of research, creative, student works, as well as a description of the main forms and directions of his educational and creative activity: participation in scientific conferences, competitions, etc.

Testimonial Portfolio - This includes the student's assessment of their achievements, resumes, as well as testimonials submitted by teachers, parents, practice leaders, etc.

Analysis of the normative documents of the Alatyr Technological College of the Ministry of Education of Chuvashia, as well as the competence model of a graduate of the direction of training 09.02.03 Programming in computer systems allowed us to determine the following structure of the "Portfolio of a student of the Alatyr Technological College of the Ministry of Education of Chuvashia":

Full name of the student (photo)


Student introduction (greeting)


My attitude towards the profession


Portfolio of works

1. Achievements in educational and professional activities

· syllabus

term papers

· practice


· thesis project


· training

2. Achievements in research activities


conference reports

presentations at seminars



publications, etc.

3. Achievements in social and creative activities

public assignments

additional education

· hobbies

sports events


· volunteer work

4. Portfolio of documents

certificates, diplomas, thanks, articles, etc.

5. Resume reviews, testimonials, introspection, etc.

Portfolio sections, reflecting the formation of general and professional competencies, represent the achievements and results of the student's mastery of professional knowledge, skills and abilities; ability to design your professional growth. The content of the sections reflects achievements in educational, professional and research activities: the results of the development of educational programs, the availability of scholarships, the passage of educational and industrial practices; participation in educational or scientific seminars and forums, publications, receiving awards and grants for research; advanced training, etc.

The proposed portfolio structure allows focusing on it as a productive means of forming the necessary competencies and professionally significant personality traits of a future specialist. A complete and purposefully built portfolio serves as the basis for compiling a graduate resume when looking for a job, continuing education and determines its competitiveness in the labor market.

The portfolio of students acts as a way of accumulating, fixing and evaluating individual achievements and a mechanism for monitoring its progress, reflecting the level of its competence and competitiveness.

The electronic version of the portfolio has a number of undeniable advantages over the paper version, because:

The volume of information in it is presented wider and more diverse;

Navigation through sections is easier, clearer and faster;

Serves as a means of interactive multimedia presentation of achievements and information exchange.

There are some difficulties that prevent the widespread use of electronic portfolios of students. This is due to the fact that the use of electronic portfolios of educational achievements requires the teacher and students to have certain knowledge and skills in the field of information technology: downloading the program, exiting the program, using data in different formats, saving data on the server, editing electronic materials. The lack of such knowledge makes it impossible to use electronic portfolios.

The portfolio, created by the tools of various computer programs, allows you to collect electronic developments, clearly reflect the dynamics of the student's professional development. Creating and replenishing an electronic portfolio requires the student to be able to model, construct and structure information, take into account the requirements of ergonomics and design.

An electronic portfolio can be created in various applications of the Windows operating system: PowerPoint, Word, Excel, or organized as a Web page. If an educational institution has its own website on the Internet, then the electronic portfolio of students' educational achievements can become part of such a website, or it can act as an independent information resource.

Modern software used to create an electronic portfolio makes it possible to build various visualizations: charts, graphs, cluster clusters, pivot tables, presentations, etc. Hypertext technology for building a product allows you to implement links between the components of the portfolio model through cross-references. Electronic portfolio materials are easy to edit and improve.

The structural construction of an electronic portfolio involves the creation of a navigation menu for moving through the sections in which the accumulation and storage of collections of materials is carried out. The structure of the electronic portfolio of educational achievements of students should be determined by the teacher in the process of joint work with a specialist in the field of computer software.

An electronic portfolio can be developed on the basis of a licensed computer program Adobe Flash CS4 Professional, which has the necessary tools. You can also use the Content Management System to create student electronic portfolios. CMS is computer software designed to simplify and organize the collaborative creation of documents and content. Most often, a CMS is a web application used to manage websites and their content. SoftwareCMSJoomla is a content management system written in PHP and using a MySQL database as a content repository. Joomla is free software, available to everyone under the GNU/GPL license, easy to install and manage, and reliable.

One of the main features of Joomla is the relative ease of management with almost limitless possibilities and flexibility in the manufacture of sites. This content management system provides features that are important when creating an electronic portfolio:

- full management of database and site components;

- all sections are fully accessible for management and editing;

- section topics can be added with the cooperation of the authors;

- dynamic modules of forums, polls, voting with showing results.

Joomla does not require the user or system administrator to have knowledge of the HTML hypertext markup language to manage and work with it, which is so important for users with a low level of computer literacy.

The creation of a bank of electronic portfolios of educational achievements of students contributes to:

- improving the quality of the educational process and its variability;

- expanding opportunities for learning and self-learning;

- increasing the motivation and social activity of students;

- filling the personal portfolio of students with electronic products;

- development of media competence and information culture .

In the future, an electronic portfolio can become a technology for planning the future professional career of students and an effective means of development. This can be explained by the fact that it contains more information for understanding than a standard resume, and allows you to see the level of preparation and the whole range of the formation of professional and general competencies of students.

An electronic portfolio is not a form of education, but a network educational technology that expands the social and cognitive activities of adolescents outside the school infrastructure and implements the relationship between the interests, vital needs of a growing person and those areas of the social environment in which they can be satisfied. An electronic portfolio is a space for real action by a teenager, and not just a place for presenting a report on the work done.

We highlight the following features of the Student Electronic Portfolio.

1. The structuring of the Electronic Portfolio is based on goal-setting, which serves as a guide in determining all its sections and forming a system of tasks that meet the requirements of individualization of the cognitive process, the formation of a teenager's activity as personally significant. The structure of the Electronic Portfolio is designed to ensure the expansion of the student's social and cognitive activities outside the educational environment.

2. Most of the content of the Electronic Portfolio consists of students' own materials created by them in the course of independent work. The content of the Electronic Portfolio is intended to capture and visualize self-created creative materials. Since the Electronic Portfolio is a multimedia computer program, it can include materials of different formats: texts, graphics, audio recordings, videos, animations.

3. The materials of the Electronic Portfolio are collected by the student not once, but during the entire time of work on the project. In the Electronic Portfolio, the student gives a self-assessment of the results of his creative activity, and the teacher also evaluates the course and dynamics of the development of knowledge and methods of activity in the chosen subject area.


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Recently, more and more people are interested in the question " how to make portfolio. Portfolio used by people of various professions: actors, photographers, web designers, fashion models, artists, musicians, copywriters, students, teachers, educators. Recently, even schoolchildren and parents for children in kindergartens have made up a portfolio.

What is a portfolio?

Portfolio is a properly designed collection of photographs, projects, orders made by a specialist, artist, student. Portfolio- a kind of analogue of a resume, with visual examples of work and experience, revealing a person.

The most important thing when preparing a portfolio is to compose it correctly, thereby demonstrating your exclusivity and unique experience for potential clients. In the portfolio of a specialist, it is important to show responsibility and efficiency, the ability to fulfill client orders accurately and on time, which would not be superfluous to write in a cover letter or resume. Do not be shy about talking about business and professional benefits.

If you offer multiple services and perform multiple types of work, your portfolio should include winning examples of those activities. However, you should not include only super-successful projects in the selection - let there be several average works in the selection so that customers do not expect permanent masterpieces from you.

Popular portfolio options

Portfolio for actors

Actor's portfolio should contain as much information as possible about the actor's appearance from all angles, full-length photographs and, preferably, without makeup. The director should be able to fully appreciate both the external data of the actor and the role, the ability to get used to the role, to show the various emotions of the characters with their facial expressions.

By the way, how to make an acting portfolio so that it “clings” the director, see the following video:

Portfolio for photo models

Model portfolio should contain photos from different angles, but show the model in the most advantageous poses. The task of the photographer is to make an incredible beauty out of an ordinary girl, to show how much she knows how to work for the camera, take the right poses, change her facial expression.

Model portfolio should be fundamentally different from similar ones, have 1-2 unusual photographs. Also, do not forget to put in such a portfolio photos of magazine covers, commercials in which you starred.

This video will show you how to create a photo model portfolio:

Portfolio for a web designer

Web designer portfolio contains samples of the most successful sites created by the designer, as well as logos, advertising banners, presentations. If you have been working for a long time and have hundreds of completed projects, increase the number of works of your portfolio.

If you are a beginner, then it is best to post 2-3 of the highest quality and most successful projects.

When placing a portfolio on the Internet, do not forget about freelance sites. These sites can attract up to 80% of your customers. A detailed example of creating a portfolio for a web designer is presented below:

Teacher portfolio, class teacher portfolio, first grader portfolio, class portfolio

teacher's portfolio contains a description of the teaching experience and experience of an educator, data on additional education, on advanced training courses in which the teacher studied. Indicate what teaching methods you own, tell us about your experience in writing articles and the material base. And if you also received thank you letters, be sure to include them in your portfolio. Also, the quality of a teacher's work is characterized by the success of his students, so the teacher's portfolio should include information about the participation and victory of his students in various competitions and olympiads.

Pupils in their portfolio need to indicate their qualities of character and achievements, and in class portfolio you can talk about each student and describe the overall achievements and cultural life. You can learn more about how to create a student portfolio and what to do for this in this video:

Also, a student's portfolio can be created on a special resource How to do this is described in this video:

Portfolio- this is, in a way, about a professional, so indicate in the portfolio only your advantages and achievements. Composing portfolio, you will be able to evaluate your professionalism, learn how to profitably present your skills, experience and personal qualities.