Pink delphinium. garden care

What flowers just do not grow in the gardens of the vast. Unusual candles, consisting of many buds, are so pleasantly pleasing to the eye. They are called Delphinium, Spurnik, Larkspur in different regions. The ability to survive and delight in flowering in the cold season has made them especially popular.

Description and features of the delphinium

Delphinium in some areas called spur. The first name he received for the structure of the ear, which so resembles the head of a dolphin. The second name is due to the eye or spur in the sepals.

They survive well in regions with cold winters, and are revealed in all their glory in cool summers. That is why they are so popular in central Russia.

Here you can find up to 100 species of this. Life expectancy is dictated by climatic conditions. The same view in different regions can live from 4 to 8 years.

A simple bud basically has 5 petals, with a spur in the center. What makes it a peduncle and suitable for pollination of small hummingbirds or bumblebees.

The color of the flowers is varied, but in most cases, depending on the species, these are buds with a blue and purple tint. Delphiniums white color with a pronounced odor.

The flowers are collected in a standing panicle of various sizes from 30 to 100 cm without a peduncle. The leaves are similar to, as they are dissected into slices to the base. Each part is strongly pointed at the end.

Planting and breeding delphinium

Growing delphinium doomed to success if you fulfill some requirements when choosing a seat. likes to wake up in the sun and stay on it no less than before dinner.

The second condition is that the site must be without drafts. The last condition is the occurrence ground water, it shouldn't be too close. Because it does not like stagnant water.

In the photo, the delphinium is white

Having fulfilled all the requirements, the question will not arise about whether how to grow a delphinium right in your garden. Reproduces vegetatively and by seeds.

The division of the rhizomes:

    Three-year-old plants are suitable for reproduction. Great time for planting delphinium spring, when young shoots appear.

    The whole bush is dug up, looked around root system. If there are rotted areas, be sure to remove them.

    Rinse under running water, divided into divisions with roots, shoots.

    In order for rooting to be successful, many gardeners advise planting the divided parts of the root system in pots. After 3 weeks, rooting will come.

    Cuttings ready for planting open ground.

    After planting, mulch the soil with humus or peat.

    Delphiniums can immediately throw out flower stalks. They should not be spared, but torn off. This will make it possible to build up the underground part of the bush.

In the photo, the terry hybrid delphinium

You can separate the cuttings in another way. For this, the bush is not completely injured, but only carefully dug up and the cuttings with roots and young shoots are separated. They should be planted in boxes for rooting in wet sand. If you decide to plant the cuttings immediately in open ground, then you definitely need to shade.


    planting seeds delphinium at home conditions at the end of winter. To do this, it is important to remember that the planting material must be in a cold place, heat negatively affects their germination.

    Soak the seeds for a few minutes in a pink solution of potassium permanganate.

    Then, rinse under water and dip in any stimulant overnight.

    Remove from the last solution, dry.

    Prepare the soil for growing delphinium from seeds: humus, garden soil, with the addition of sand. Sterilize the mixture in the oven or on a steam bath. To increase looseness, add vermiculite.

    Compact the soil a little and sprinkle the seeds over the surface. Top with the same soil to a small thickness. If the varieties are different, put a sticker with the names.

    Spray the soil with a spray bottle so that the seeds do not float.

    The container is covered with glass, covered with dark material on top.

    Maintain the temperature from 10 to 15 degrees C for 3 days.

    Then lower the temperature. You can refrigerate or take out to the balcony for 14 days.

    Periodically spray, ventilate the soil.

    During this time, shoots may appear, take the container to the windowsill with a temperature of 20 degrees C, remove the black material.

    The signal for picking will be the appearance of 2 true leaves.

    delphinium seedling needs hardening, at the time of the appearance of 4 leaves.

    seedlings delphinium, spring planted in open ground after stable weather is established without frost

    Before planting, feed the seedlings 2 times with mineral water with a gap of 15 days.

Delphinium Care

    The delphinium loves loamy soil, black earth, but always nutritious.

    Since flower bushes can grow up to 6 years in one place, care should be taken to saturate the soil with compost, humus, and ash. During the growing season, flowers require top dressing in 3 mineral approaches.

    After 4 years, it is useful to separate delphiniums by rhizomes. It is during this period that the plant qualitatively gives the number of shoots, which, in most cases, without voids, take root well. A safe transplant is carried out in a certain shoot growth up to 20 cm. Tall specimens are very fragile, there is a high probability of breaking them.

    Loosen the soil regularly after watering.

    In rainy summer, sprinkle ashes near the bushes. This will prevent fungal infection.

    Remove flower stalks after each flowering to the base of the soil by 15 cm.

    At caring for a delphinium do not forget that fragile shoots with peduncles can stretch up to 2 meters. Therefore, you need to tie up the stems.

Types and varieties of delphinium

Delphinium belongs to the buttercup family. The genus contains perennials and annuals. Delphiniums annuals include about 40 species.

The most common annual species:

In the photo, a field delphinium

Decorative, fluffy bushes stretch up to 2 meters along with flower stalks. A distinctive feature is their repeated flowering throughout the season.

In some cases, they may bloom three times. Shrubs suitable for cutting. A candle with buds, not counting the peduncle, stretches up to 30 cm. Plants in bouquets look original due to the different range of petals: pale blue, pinkish, purple hues. Depending on the variety.

Delphinium garden or Ajax is a hybrid, its derivatives are oriental and dubious species. The spread in height is from 20 cm to 1 meter. delphinium flowers in a volume of 5 cm, collected in a standing panicle.

Pictured is the New Zealand delphinium

Perennial delphiniums have many different hybrid varieties. In order not to get confused in them, they are divided into certain groups:

    Elatum. The group of varieties is united by the color of the buds: purple, blue, blue.

    Mafia group. Tall hybrids up to 2 meters. Petals are semi-double.

    new zealand delphiniums. hallmark groups are large buds (7 cm), which can be double or semi-double. Flowers are collected in a powerful brush with unusual coloring, it can have up to 21 petals in a bud. Stretch up to 2.5 m in length.

    Pacific group of hybrids. Bushes spreading, up to 2 meters in height. An ear without a peduncle reaches up to 100 cm. The buds are terry, semi-double.

    Delphinium Belladonna. It doesn't look at all like its counterparts. Instead of a panicle in the form of a candle, they fall down.

Among the variety of species and varieties, you can choose your favorite and grow them in a flowerpot.

Hybrid crops are grown in the garden. For the beauty of the buds, their density, frost resistance. Buy delphinium possible in flower shop or order through the online store.

Pictured is the delphinium Belladonna

They come here from nurseries. Seedlings can be delivered directly to the house by courier. New Zealand hybrids are especially popular among gardeners today.

Diseases and pests of the delphinium

Powdery mildew. A favorable environment for a fungal disease is rainy, cool weather. Symptoms of the disease: stem, leaves are covered with a grayish-white coating.

Over time, the plaque turns brown, which ultimately leads to destruction. In wet weather, sprinkle the soil with ash, carry out preventive spraying.

Do not plant bushes too thickly, remove faded and extra shoots in time. In case of damage, use the Topaz preparation and treat the bushes. Heavily damaged bushes are pulled out and burned.

Leaf ramuliosis. Symptoms: brown spots appear on the leaves on both sides. This leads to drying and premature fall off. Fight: treat the bush with fungicides, and collect and burn the fallen and diseased leaves.

Black bacterial spot. The leaves of the bush are covered with black spots. Moreover, the shape and size are very different. The infection passes from the bottom and rises up.

Pictured is the delphinium of Ajax

The plant can be saved at the first stage if treated with tetracycline. To do this, dissolve one tablet of the drug in 1 liter of water and spray. All infected parts are collected to prevent the infection from remaining on the site.

Ring spot. Symptoms: stems and leaves are affected. Spots are visible on the surface, clearly marked by a ring. , unfortunately, with such infection does not survive.

Therefore, it is necessary to select all the bushes that have managed to become infected, tear out and burn. The carriers are aphids. It is with her that we must fight and do preventive spraying.

Fly delphinium. The insect attacks the buds, where it lays eggs, followed by the development of larvae. Those, in turn, feed on the petals. As a result, pistils and stamens are destroyed. The buds fall off without giving seeds. Timely sprayed with insecticides.

Slugs. Seedlings are the most damaged by pests. The fight against them begins far before landing:

    They dig in areas where substances are falling asleep that impede the movement of pests: eggshells, gravel, etc.

    Sprinkle mineral fertilizers on them in 2 sets with an interval of 10 minutes.

    Treat sites with insecticides.

    Use traps.

Repellents are used. As them, banks with bleach are installed on the site with.

Delphinium is one of the most beloved and desired garden plants. Slender, with bright emerald leaves, impressive flowering columns and pleasing to the eye. Differs in height, harmony and magnificence. Known to people since ancient times.

According to one of the legends, the gods turned a gifted young sculptor into a dolphin just because he revived the sculpture of a deceased girl with whom he was in love. Every evening the dolphin swam to the shore with a bouquet in his mouth, and in memory of his love he threw this flower at the girl's feet.

The second myth tells about the battle under the walls of Troy. An arrow that hit Achilles' heel wounded him. Fallen drops of blood gave life to these magnificent flowers. According to Russian belief, they have medicinal properties and help the rapid fusion of bones in fractures, injuries. Most peoples called the delphinium a spur because the upper petal of its bud looks like a spur.

And now, many admire the bewitching spectacle of blooming delphiniums, from a distance resembling multi-colored steles, soaring up. The genus delphinium, spur, or Larkspur combines about 400 species of herbaceous annuals and perennials, forming massive terminal cluster or paniculate inflorescences, which are valued for their long flowering.

Description of the delphinium

Wild delphinium lives in all corners of the world, belongs to the buttercup family. Elegant, branched, hollow inside the stems reach a height of 2 m. The leaves are rounded, hand-finger-dissected. The color of the buds is ultramarine, blue, purple, pink, lilac, white. Simple flowers consist of five petals, and in double ones their number is increased due to modified stamens. An unopened delphinium bud looks like the head or body of a dolphin - hence its name.

Dissolves in June and again, with proper care, in August. All delphinium varieties and hybrids are used as a high-quality cut crop - they stand in a vase for a long time. This luxurious flower will decorate any flower garden.

Growing delphinium in open ground

Delphinium prefers open areas, but in the bright sun the petals can fade. A light midday shadow is only good for him. The location near the walls of buildings and fences will protect it from lodging from the wind, cover it from scorching rays.

These plants require fertilized, rich organic matter, permeable earth, painstaking care. In damp places, expanded clay drainage is arranged or grooves are made to drain excess moisture. Prefers loamy, loose soils with a neutral reaction. It has been grown in one place for several years.

Plant in full sun or light shade. When preparing the soil for planting, organic and mineral fertilizers (phosphorus-potassium) are applied. During the entire period, water abundantly, periodically feed. The soil is constantly loosened and mulched with peat or compost, which helps to retain moisture and serves as additional nutrition.

In the spring, the weakest shoots are cut off, which are used for grafting. They stimulate the formation of new flowers by regularly removing fading inflorescences. Tall plants require reliable support, because the stems break easily even with a slight wind. In autumn, perennial species are cut at the root, spud so that water does not get inside the hollow stems, since this can lead to the death of the plant. If pruning is done in the spring, then simply break the stems to close the cavity inside.

Reproduction of the delphinium by dividing the bush

The most reliable and productive way is. This is done during a planned transplant in the spring before the start of the growing season. The dug out root is cut into parts, each of which has a growth point and a root. The slices are dried, sprinkled with ash. They are placed at a distance of at least 40 cm from each other in pre-prepared holes.

It is possible to divide the plant without digging after sprouts appear or after flowering. To do this, the shovel is thrust into the place of the desired incision until it stops. The part that they want to deposit is dug around the circumference, carefully pulled out and transferred to desired area. In the vacant place pour fresh nutrient soil. All carefully watered, shaded until they take root.

Growing delphinium from seeds for seedlings and sowing in the ground

Annuals and biennials are propagated by sowing seeds in autumn and spring. Seeds quickly lose their germination capacity - when buying, you should pay attention to the timing - the closer to the last date, the less likely you are to get seedlings. To stimulate germination, you can treat the seeds with a solution of hydrogen peroxide (1 teaspoon per 100 ml of water) for 30 minutes.

Sowing for seedlings

When to sow the delphinium? In late March - early April, seedling boxes, containers or individual cups are prepared. The seeds are large enough to plant one at a time without any problems.

  • Prepare a nutritious loose soil, perfect soil mixture for flowering.
  • Containers or cups must have drainage holes.
  • Seeding depth 0.5-1 cm.
  • The distance between seeds is at least 2-3 cm when sowing in a common container.
  • Moisturize moderately, you can use a spray bottle so that there is no excess moisture.
  • Cover with a film and ventilate daily, removing condensate.
  • When shoots appear, it is better to remove the film.
  • When 2-3 true leaves appear, plants dive in separate cups.
  • Seedlings need to be hardened a couple of weeks before planting in the ground. Take it out into the fresh air, let it get used to the sun and wind. When she can spend the night, the plants are ready for planting.

It is necessary to transplant to a flower bed already at a steady positive temperature in November, in order to avoid freezing by night frosts. The distance between the bushes is left 30-40 cm, so that the plants develop well.

Sowing in the ground

They are sown in late March - early April in a greenhouse to obtain flowering specimens already in the year of sowing or in May in open ground. You can sow them before winter or in winter in boxes that are buried under the snow to get friendly shoots in the spring. Seedlings dive in the phase of 2-4 leaves, regularly watered and fed.

Plants of most varieties (if they are hybrids) grown from seeds may not convey the decorative qualities of the parent individuals, so the seed method is rarely used. But with this method, you can get several colors of different qualities at once. Most of the hybrids are propagated by cuttings taken from the lower part of the flowering stem in early spring.

Propagation of the delphinium by cuttings

Young shoots about 10 cm long. The lower sections are treated with a root formation stimulator. For this purpose, you can use the usual agave. From an adult plant is torn off bottom sheet and put it in the refrigerator for 5 days. After that, a few drops of juice are squeezed out of it and the lower parts of the cuttings are moistened with it, which are then placed in containers with well-moistened sand or vermiculite. Rootin and similar preparations can be used.

The containers are covered with transparent lids or placed in a plastic bag to maintain sufficient humidity. The appearance of young leaves indicates successful rooting. The grown seedlings are transferred to permanent place at the end of summer to give them the opportunity to finally take root before the onset of cold weather. Usually delphiniums tolerate winters well. middle lane, only young seedlings require shelter from dry peat, moss or sawdust.

Pests and diseases of the delphinium

Delphinium - Pretty tender plant susceptible to attack by leaf-eating insects. Some diseases cause yellowing, deformation of the leaves. Among the diseases, powdery mildew and some rot are dangerous; to limit the spread of diseases, they resort to disinfecting the soil with a solution of potassium permanganate.

Fusarium and bacterial diseases that cause cancer and rot lead to wilting of plants. When they appear, treat the plants with special fungicides. Aphids sucking plant sap contribute to the spread of viral diseases. Thrips provoke the formation of silver spots on leaves and flowers.

Damage is also caused by Coleoptera scoops, which are disposed of with the help of special insecticides. As a preventive measure against insects and diseases, ammonia is used (2 tablespoons per 10 liters of water) or tar water (1 tablespoon of pharmacy birch tar is mixed into 5 liters of water, a little is added to this mixture laundry soap), the solutions of which are watered by the plants themselves and the ground around.

These products repel many insects, and ammonia is also an excellent additional foliar top dressing. Due to its toxicity, the delphinium was almost never used as a medicine in ancient times, only in the Middle Ages, doctors used its tincture to heal wounds. In magic, it was used to protect against a love spell or as a talisman.

The dried blue flower of the delphinium was worn in a small bag or amulet around the neck, protecting it from prying eyes. It was believed that such a charm served as protection against nightmares and insomnia. All varieties of delphinium are ideal for cutting. This is a very showy plant used for planting in groups, in flowerbeds, borders, mixborders and in single plantings against a lawn or buildings. And as a solitary plant, it is excellent.

Types of delphinium with photos and descriptions

Numerous hybrids are divided into three large groups ‘Belladonna’, ‘Pacific’, ‘Upright’. The latter includes most of the perennials grown in our gardens. They have delightful compact inflorescences of single, semi-double or double flowers.

Delphinium belladonna Delphinium belladonna

Delphinium belladonna reaches a height of 0.9-1.2 m. An upright perennial has beautiful spike-shaped flowers. It has loose, branching inflorescences, grows quickly and blooms for a long time.

Delphinium high Delphinium elatum

Perennial resistant specimen 70 cm high, with deeply dissected leaves, azure buds.

Delphinium field Delphinium consolida

An annual plant up to 2 m high.

Delphinium grandiflora Delphinium grandiflorum

Herbaceous plant with a shortened rhizome up to 100 cm tall.

Delphinium hybrid Delphinium hybrids

Giant Delphinium Pacific Giants Delphinium Pacific Giants photo of flowers in the garden

The hybrids of the ‘Pacific’ (Pacific) group include numerous annuals and biennials. As flower culture the most common delphinium hybrid, obtained by crossing different species with each other. Modern varieties differ in shape, size of leaves and flowers, as well as the height of the bushes. Pacific hybrids are less adapted to cold winters and require more careful care. Even in much warmer Europe, they are grown as biennials.

New Zealand hybrids are characterized by excellent frost resistance, unpretentious care and long flowering - this is an excellent option for decorating a suburban area.

Marfin hybrids are very popular with flower growers, because they are perfectly adapted to the realities of our weather. In terms of quality, decorative indicators, they are not inferior to foreign varieties. They form neat bushes that produce large panicles of columnar-shaped inflorescences with semi-double flowers of various colors, attract attention from afar with their magnificence.

Delphinium - poisonous plant

All parts of the plant, because they contain an alkaloid widely used in medicine. If ingested, they can cause serious gastrointestinal upset. And contact with the leaves, especially in individuals with particularly sensitive skin, causes skin irritation and allergic dermatitis. Therefore, when working with a delphinium, it is necessary to protect hands and bare parts of the body from getting juice.

One of the brightest representatives of tall perennials is the spectacularly blooming delphinium. It attracts attention with its unusual shape and rare shades of flowers: pink, blue, pale white. Growing from seeds will require experience and knowledge. In general, the care requirements for the delphinium are the same as for other subtropical flowers. It can be sown outdoors in autumn, but most gardeners recommend planting seedlings at the end of winter, at home, to insure flowers from unstable snow cover and a long spring.

Short description

Delphinium from the buttercup family is otherwise called spur. There are both annual and perennial varieties. Flower growers love the plant for very beautiful flowering and increased endurance. Delphinium grows well even in dark places, painlessly tolerates mild frosts. However, the cultivation of this crop is laborious, so it is rarely possible to meet it in gardens, in flower beds.

Important! Delphinium is herbaceous plant, in which all parts are poisonous. Once in the human body, the toxin depresses the central nervous system, breaks the work of cardio-vascular system and gastrointestinal tract. All actions to take care of it exotic flower it is recommended to use special protective gloves!

Where is the best place to buy seeds?

Only experienced gardeners and breeders know how to properly store the seeds of exotic plants. You should know that it is impossible to keep them at room temperature, as they lose their viability. It is best to place the planting material in a refrigerator or special chambers in which the temperature does not exceed zero degrees.

Delphinium seeds, sold in stores or markets, in most cases (60-80%) do not germinate. And the fault here is not the gardener, who planted them in the wrong substrate or applied the wrong fertilizer - the point is in the seeds themselves. In non-specialized outlets sellers do not adhere to the technology of storing exotic flowers. Having packaged the seeds in paper bags, they simply place them in a warm place. As a result, there are no seedlings, the money spent is wasted.

A good option would be if delphinium seeds are purchased from people who breed them. It is necessary to cut brown boxes from healthy and sufficiently developed bushes. A pronounced dark brown color indicates the maturity of the planting material. You can pluck boxes that have just begun to show brown spots, but then they need to be put in a cool room and kept until the color changes completely.

From the ripe boxes, the seeds must be carefully poured onto a sheet of paper, dried and placed in a glass container. The jar needs to be put in the refrigerator or freezer, or taken out to the veranda / balcony. Thus, the seeds can be stored for 15 years. Then you need to "wake up" the delphinium, i.e. carry out stratification.

When to plant seedlings

You can sow these exotic flowers:

  • in autumn, as soon as flower seeds are collected;
  • before winter - in open areas (after freezing of the soil);
  • if the delphinium is grown from seeds for seedlings at home, then it is better to plant it in the second half of February.

Preparation of materials

In order to grow seedlings, seeds and soil of a certain composition will be required. Also, growth stimulants will not interfere, which will make the stratification process more successful.


In order for the plants to grow well-developed, luxurious flowers, it is recommended to properly prepare the seeds. For this:

  1. Prepare a disinfectant solution from potassium permanganate or fungicide ("Fitosporin", "Maxima"), diluted with water according to the instructions in the instructions.
  2. Place the seeds in a cloth bag and immerse it in the working solution for 20 minutes.
  3. Remove, rinse off the remaining disinfectant under running water.
  4. Put on a small plate and soak in settled water. There should not be too much liquid, it is necessary to add 2-3 drops of a growth stimulator ("Zircon", "Epin") to it.
  5. After one day, drain the liquid, and lay the seed on a damp cloth with a thin layer.
  6. Roll the fabric into a roll and place in a plastic container.
  7. Put the container in the refrigerator and periodically add 10-20 ml of water to it. It should only cover the bottom of the fabric roll. With too much liquid, the seeds will rot.
  8. An alternative to water is wet moss, which is used to transfer fabric rolls with seeds, after which the material is placed in the refrigerator.
  9. Stratification lasts a week, and when the embryos hatch, move the workpiece to the windowsill and hold it under the phytolamps for a couple of days.
  10. Plant the germinated delphinium in open areas or in containers filled with fertile soil.

The described method is suitable for planting seedlings in February and is designed for growing at home.

Another way to prepare seeds:

  1. Soak seed in early spring and wrap in gauze.
  2. Place in a plastic bag.
  3. Bury in the ground.
  4. After 1-2 weeks, remove and plant in the ground.

The best time for this method is April, when the snow began to melt. The temperature can vary from -5-10 to +3-6°C.


Planting a perennial delphinium requires preliminary soil preparation. You need to take garden soil and mix with peat and humus in equal proportions. It is recommended to add a small amount of perlite to the mixture (0.5 cups per 5 liters of earth) to make the soil structure looser. It will also help retain moisture in the soil.

Preliminary preparation of the soil includes not only the creation of a fertile substrate, but also its steaming for the purpose of disinfection. The procedure is carried out using a steam bath for one hour. Such soil will be completely safe for seed.


Spread the delphinium seeds evenly over the prepared soil. Sown flowers should be sprinkled on top with fertile soil, the layer height should not exceed 3 mm. After that, lightly compact the soil so that when watering the seeds do not rise with water. In conclusion, it is necessary to evenly spray the delphinium warm water from a spray bottle.

Advice! In the case of planting granular seeds, use tweezers for convenience. And in order not to forget in the future where which variety was sown, it is recommended to stick labels with the names of flowers on the containers.

Considering that the exotic giant grows better in the dark, it is advisable to cover the crops with a special covering material, black film or a regular plastic bag. It is also possible to simply place the containers in the dark until the first shoots appear.

In order for the seeds to germinate well, it is not necessary to maintain a high temperature in the room, +10 ° C is enough for them. You should not raise the temperature to +20: it is likely to destroy future shoots. Flowers are recommended to be hardened to increase their level of endurance to negative factors. environment. The procedure involves alternating temperature regime- cold / warm.

Seedlings should be expected after planting in 7-10 days. As soon as they appear, it will be necessary to remove the covering material. After the appearance of real leaves, the delphinium must be dived.

Features of delphinium picking from seeds

For the resettlement of sprouts, you can use the same substrate as when planting, but it is advisable to add 1 tablespoon of complex mineral fertilizer to it.

Picking process:

  1. Mixing fertile soil with fertilizer, spread it in small containers, pots.
  2. Moisten the soil and make a depression in the center.
  3. Carefully separate the seedlings from the seedling container with a small spatula.
  4. Transplant them into prepared containers.
  5. Sprinkle the roots of the plants with fertile soil up to the root neck.
  6. Water carefully so that young roots do not become exposed. If necessary, sprinkle them with earth.

After the plants get a little stronger, they need to be hardened in the fresh air. After two weeks of such events, the flowers are ready for transplanting to an open area.

Popular delphinium varieties

Among lovers of floriculture, the most popular delphinium varieties are:

  • Marfin hybrids from Russian breeders who stand out a high degree winter hardiness and pronounced decorative effect. The height of the stem is within 180 cm, the inflorescences occupy 100 cm. The plants attract attention with their semi-double large flowers of various colors.
  • Hybrids Belladonna, bred as a result of crossing tall and large-flowered varieties. This is a variety of Dutch selection, characterized by tallness, their height can reach 2 m. The inflorescences are short, branched (paniculate), consisting of 5-20 large flowers. Mostly, these are flowers with blue, blue or white eyes. The flowering period is long.
  • Elatum hybrids are tall plants, their height is 150-180 cm. The flowers are quite large, semi-double. The inflorescences are moderately dense, with a blue-blue color.
  • Pacific hybrids. Delphinium bred in the USA, has a tall stem, large inflorescences and flowers. Bushes surprise with their luxury, can grow up to 6 years. Care is standard, support is required.
  • - the most popular hybrid with high decorative effect. The plant has very large dense inflorescences, the purest color of various tones. The New Zealand delphinium is not afraid of low temperatures, is durable, does not lose its original qualities during reproduction.

Delphinium is a real exotic decoration of any garden. Tall plants with large bright flowers immediately attract attention. To grow them from seeds at home, it is enough to adhere to the basic rules of agricultural technology.

Delphinium is a herbaceous plant with lush inflorescences. It belongs to the Ranunculaceae family and has a fairly wide habitat: Africa, China, Southeast Asia, Europe, North America. The perennial delphinium is called a spur or larkspur, and the one-year one is called a juicer. This flower is associated with a romantic story that the young man who brought the statue to life was turned into a dolphin by the gods. To console his beloved, the dolphin brought the girl beautiful flowers in shades of the sea. All species plants bloom in blue, purple and blue. Shades of pink, yellow or white appeared in hybrids as a result of selection.

plant description

Delphinium is an annual or perennial herbaceous plant with a height of 10 cm to 3 m. Its rhizome is taproot, with many thin lateral processes. The stem in the form of a hollow tube with fleshy edges grows vertically. It is usually slightly branched, but pinching gives a good branching effect.

Petiolate leaves on the shoot grow alternately. They have an arcuate structure and are deeply dissected into oval segments with a pointed edge and uneven teeth on the sides. There may be 3-7 of them.

The flowering period begins at the end of June and lasts 20-25 days. Flowers adorn the top of the stem and are collected in paniculate (3-15 flowers) or pyramidal (50-80 flowers) inflorescences. Their length can reach 1 m. Some species exude a pleasant sweetish aroma.

Small flowers have an irregular structure, but all of them are characterized by the presence of a spur - a narrow hollow outgrowth in which there are 2 nectaries. It is for this sweet liquid that insects or hummingbirds fly, pollinating plants along the way. In the center of the corolla, an eye of a lighter yellow or cream color is formed.

After pollination, leaflets ripen. They contain oblong seeds with a wrinkled dark brown surface. They retain the ability to germinate up to 4 years. In 1 g of planting material there are 600-700 units.

Like most representatives of the Ranunculaceae family, the delphinium is poisonous! Wash your hands thoroughly after handling it. It is also not allowed to eat any parts of the plant by animals and children.

Types and varieties of delphinium

All varieties of delphinium, and there are about 370 of them, can be divided into annual (40 species) and perennial (300-330 species) plants. More than 100 of them grow on the territory of Russia.

Annual herbs with shoots 180-200 cm high in the middle of summer bloom pyramidal inflorescences with simple or double flowers of pink, white, lilac, blue hues. Flowering continues until the end of summer.

An annual plant with a height of no more than 50-80 cm has a branched vertical stem with slight pubescence. Trifoliate leaves with linear lobes grow on it. The flowers are not too large, they are grouped in dense brushes and bloom in July-August. Petals have a rich blue or blue color.

Plants live in Central Asia and reach a height of 1-3 m. The stems and leaves are covered with a sparse pile. The palmate foliage is bright green. In June, bright dense brushes of 10-60 blue buds bloom for 3 weeks.

In culture, hybrid delphiniums are most often found. They are based on the last two types. There are a lot of sorts. Some of them are grouped together. The brightest of them:

  • Delphinium New Zealand. Plants about 2 m high bloom semi-double and double flowers with a diameter of 7-9 cm. Varieties are resistant to cold and disease (Giant, Roksolana).
  • Belladonna (delphinium blue). One of the first received groups of plants. Often blooms twice a year. Pyramidal inflorescences have a rich purple or blue color and consist of simple flowers up to 5 cm in diameter (Piccolo, Balaton, Lord Battler).
  • Delphinium Pacific. The varietal group was obtained at the beginning of the 20th century by breeding seedlings, therefore, when seed propagation retains maternal traits. Plants are distinguished by large, variously colored flowers with a contrasting eye. They are quite vulnerable to disease and short-lived (Lancelot, Summer skies, Black night).
  • Delphinium Scottish. Varieties are super terry beautiful flowers. Coloring is pink, purple, blue (Flamenco, Moonlight, Crystal Shine).
  • blueberry pie. A very unusual variety with spectacular super double inflorescences. On the outer edge are blue petals, above them are several rows of corrugated purple, and the core is represented by a pistachio crown.

Reproduction methods

Delphinium reproduces equally well by seeds, dividing the bush and cuttings. The seed method allows you to immediately get a large number of plants, however, it is recommended to buy planting material in stores, since many varietal plants and hybrids do not transmit decorative features to offspring. Long-term germination remains only when seeds are stored in cool place, for example, in the refrigerator.

A prerequisite for germination is stratification, planting is carried out in February, in pots with a mixture of equal parts of compost, sand, garden soil and peat. The soil mixture should be disinfected. Before planting, the seeds are disinfected in a strong solution of potassium permanganate and slightly dried. They are located at a depth of up to 3 mm and sprayed with clean cool water. Seeds need darkness to germinate, so the container is covered with an opaque material and kept at a temperature of +10…+15°C. After 2-4 days, it is transferred for a day to the refrigerator or to an unheated balcony (it is allowed to cool down to -5 ° C).

After 10-15 days shoots appear. From this moment, immediately remove the film and regularly moisten the soil. Healthy rich green sprouts with 2-3 leaves dive in separate pots. Seedlings should be kept at temperatures up to +20°C. The soil is moistened with great care and loosened upper layer, since the seedlings are susceptible to black leg infection. On warm days, it is exposed to fresh air. In April-May, before transplanting into open ground, plants have time to feed 1-2 times with a solution of universal mineral fertilizer.

In spring or already in September, after flowering, the delphinium can be divided. This procedure is recommended for plants older than 8-10 years. The bush is completely dug up and with great care the rhizome is freed from the soil. Then the shoots are cut into several parts, trying not to even touch the growth points. Sections are treated with charcoal. Delenki are immediately planted in a new place and sprinkled with soil mixed with compost, humus and ash. Delphinium is quite difficult to tolerate a transplant, so at first it will hurt and wither, which means it will need more thorough care.

Reproduction by green cuttings is considered the most time-consuming, therefore it is used only in rare cases. As cuttings, shoots 5-8 cm long, cut from young plants, are used. The cut is made as close to the soil as possible. It is important that dirt does not get into the internal cavity. The stalk is treated with a growth stimulator and planted in loose fertile soil. Pot contain in warm room. When planting in open ground, the plant is covered with jars and protected from direct sun. After 2 weeks, a solution of mineral fertilizers is applied. With spring cuttings, by the beginning of autumn, full-fledged young plants will be ready that can endure wintering on the street.

Landing and care

Delphinium planting in open ground is planned for the end of spring, when stable warm weather is established. It is advisable to choose areas in partial shade, well lit in the morning. For each plant, a hole is prepared with a depth and width of 40 cm. The distance, depending on the height of the plant, is 50-70 cm. Half a bucket of sand, compost, ash and mineral fertilizer are poured into the bottom of each hole. Then lay out the usual garden soil so that the top dressing does not come into contact with the root. Landing is carried out to the depth of the root system. The soil is compacted and watered abundantly. Within 5-7 days, seedlings are best kept under plastic or glass jars.

Watering the delphinium should only be in the absence of precipitation. For him, a slight drought is preferable than stagnation of moisture at the roots. The soil surface is regularly loosened and weeds are removed. In the spring it is better to mulch the surface.

For long and abundant flowering regular feeding is very important. On fertile soil, they are applied three times a year: for the first time, when the shoots of the plant reach a height of 15-20 cm, again during the budding period and the last time, when the flowers begin to fade. You can use mineral complexes (superphosphate, saltpeter) or organic matter (mullein, compost).

Delphinium shoots must be cut periodically, then they will branch better and form a denser bush. Once the vegetation reaches a height of 30 cm, it is shortened by 10 cm. Wilted inflorescences are also removed in a timely manner. In this case, the onset of repeated flowering is likely. Sufficiently thin stems with high growth can break and lie down, so pegs are driven in near the bush and tied up.

In autumn, when the leaves fade and the flowers and shoots dry up, the shoots are cut to a height of 30-40 cm. The cuts must be smeared with clay so that water does not get into the cavity and the fungus does not develop. Garden delphiniums are resistant even to severe frosts(up to -35…-45°C). In especially harsh and snowless winters, it is recommended to cover the soil with straw and fallen leaves. More damage can be caused not by cold, but by excess moisture when snow melts, so in the spring you should dig grooves along the flower bed to drain water.

Delphinium in culture is used for placement bright accents, a high grades in group linear plantings can serve for zoning the territory. Use it in the background of a flower garden, mixborder or rabatka. Lush dense inflorescences ornamental varieties can be combined, making up a variety of compositions.

In terms of flowering time, delphiniums go immediately after irises and peonies, which must be taken into account when compiling a flower bed with continuous flowering. Roses, lilies, phloxes, daisies and carnations can make up a flower garden company. Large inflorescences are suitable for cutting and arranging bouquet compositions.

Choosing plants for designer planting on flower beds summer cottages and parks, gardeners often stop at the delphinium.

It is distinguished by unpretentiousness in care and external beauty, which will allow you to grow a delphinium in a variety of conditions.

A bit of history

Delphinium (Delphinium) is also called spur and larkspur. The latter is often found in colloquial speech. There are several versions of the appearance of such a name.

Some scientists talk about the similarity of an unblown flower with a dolphin, others note that in Ancient Greece a huge number of delphinium was found in the city of Delphi, where the temple of Delphic Apollo was located and the Delphic oracle lived. In Russia, the word "spur" comes from the similarity of the outgrowth appendage with a cavalry spur.

The name larkspur is a reference to the meaning of the plant in traditional medicine: tincture of the flower was used to heal wounds.

Interesting: in Russia, the name "delphinium" is usually used in fiction.

In total, about 450 species are known, of which 100 species grow in Russia, among them the most popular are high perennial larkspur and annual field larkspur. The flower is common in northern countries and the African tropics, many species grow in Asia, mainly in China.

It is worth noting that the indicated number of species is not accurate: due to the huge number of varieties and the difficulty in isolating common features some authors identify up to 1.2 thousand flower varieties. Other species are so few that they are in danger of extinction.

general information

Delphinium belongs to the Buttercup family. Its dimensions are very diverse: some dwarf varieties do not grow more than 10 cm, other giant species reach 2.5-3 meters.

The stem is hollow inside, the leaves are large, dark green, sharp at the ends. Flowers consist of 5 petals, one of which has the spike indicated above. Petals can grow in one or more rows, they are simple and terry.

The inflorescence itself consists of several dozen flowers: in primitive species, the number does not exceed 15 pieces, in more developed ones it reaches 80 pieces. In this case, the length of the inflorescence can reach a meter in length. Thanks to heavy brushes, in which small flowers are collected, the spur looks very beautiful and noble.

The color diversity of the delphinium is especially worth noting: despite the fact that blue and blue shades are most often found in nature, purple, lilac, white and even pink, red or black flowers can be seen in gardens. You can see the variety of species and choose the most suitable option in the photo.

In the wild, the delphinium mainly grows in the mountains and easily tolerates low, up to -20 degrees, temperatures. Other varieties, on the contrary, are heat-resistant and not demanding on dryness. cultivars have all the advantages of wild "brothers".


Basically, the spur is used in ornamental horticulture: the Royal Horticultural Society has been breeding it since the 17th century. Also, some varieties were used as dyes.

Some species have also proven themselves in medicine as painkillers and antimicrobials. They are also used as relaxants to increase muscle tone in nervous diseases: Parkinson's disease, traumatic paralysis, multiple sclerosis.

It's important to know: It must be remembered that the spur is poisonous plant which should never be used on its own.

V folk recipes the flower is used for female, genitourinary or venereal diseases, digestive diseases, liver enlargement, jaundice, inflammation or pus of the eye.

Popular types

Delphinium Leroy

There are annual and perennial varieties, but most gardeners prefer the latter, as they do not require an annual "update". Among the most popular, it is worth noting spurs with unusual flower colors:

  1. Delphinium "Leroy". Heat-loving plant, characterized by a sweet smell and a greenish tint.
  2. Delphinium "Astolat". It has large double and semi-double pink flowers.
  3. Terry delphinium. Blooms from late spring to late summer. Through selection, you can find black, red and yellow shades.
  4. Kashmir delphinium. It has purple flowers with a black center.
  5. Delphinium "King Arthur". The owner of dark blue flowers with a white center.
  6. labial delphinium. A plant of an unusual color: its petals have blue-green and gray shades.
  7. Delphinium "Bruno". It has blue-violet petals, but does not tolerate frost well.
  8. Holostem delphinium. Low, no more than a meter in height, a variety with red-orange flowers. It is extremely thermophilic, it is best to grow it in pots and clean it for the winter in a warm place.

It is also worth noting the varieties "Waltz", "Ocean" and "Butterfly", the hybrid "Belladonna", the giant "Summer Sky", "Blue Lace", snow-white "Galahad", light pink "Caroline". Their descriptions are easy to find on garden center websites.

No less popular undersized varieties:

  1. "Naples". Plant height up to 1.2 meters with large purple flowers;
  2. blue delphinium. Low, up to a meter, a plant that is best grown in pots. The flowers are deep blue with a black center. Extremely thermophilic, for the winter it is necessary to clean it;
  3. rare delphinium. It grows up to 75 cm, blooms in the second half of summer, the flowers are quite rare;
  4. Short-spured delphinium. This is a frost-resistant plant up to 30 cm high. Distributed in Alaska, the Arctic and northern Russia.

It is worth noting the pyramidal delphinium - due to its unpretentiousness, the variety is extremely popular and widespread. It endures up to 20 degrees of frost, and its roots are able to take root even on poor stony soils. Flowering occurs from July to September. Delphinium "Sweethearts" is no less in demand, as well as all New Zealand varieties with excellent health and unpretentiousness.


Despite the unpretentiousness, it is best to plant a flower in neutral, fertile soil. Acidic lands will not work: if the selected area is such, it is worth adding a little lime or dolomite flour in the fall to remove excess acid. It will also be useful to make manure or.

Spurs love warmth and sunlight, but the wind can be a problem: because of the thin leaves, the plant can break down with strong gusts. You will need to tie the stems or plant them next to the shelter.

Note: trees and bushes will not work as shelter - they will pull everything nutrients, which will negatively affect the growth of the delphinium.

In autumn, it is necessary to dig up the soil and fertilize it. mineral fertilizers. Planting sprouts must be done in April-May, when the frosts have passed. If the choice fell on frost-resistant varieties, you can plant them earlier. Usually, sprouts with several leaves are planted in open ground.

Consider the procedure for planting a delphinium in open ground:

  1. It is necessary to dig a hole in the ground with a depth and diameter of about 40-50 cm, the distance between the holes should be about 60-70 cm;
  2. You need to mix half a bucket of compost, 2 tablespoons of complex fertilizer and a glass of ash with the ground and fill the hole completely;
  3. In the resulting land, you need to make a small depression, plant a seedling in it and tamp the ground, then water it.

If the seedlings are small and weak, it is necessary to cover them with cut tops. plastic bottles with covers removed. This will help create a greenhouse effect. After 2-3 weeks, when the delphinium takes root and begins to grow, the bottles are removed.

Basic care

Despite the fact that the spur is not particularly whimsical, it requires certain conditions to be met that will allow you to get an excellent result:

  1. Delphinium requires regular but moderate watering 1-2 times a week, 2-3 buckets of water per adult plant. If the summer is rainy, watering can be completely excluded.
  2. Delphinium will require 3 feedings over the summer. At the end of April, for example, mortar buckets are needed cow dung in 10 buckets of water - this will help enhance growth and development. In early summer, when buds begin to appear, potash and phosphate fertilizers with a small amount of nitrogen. The last time top dressing is necessary after the fall of the flowers. It is necessary to use potash and phosphorus mixtures without nitrogen content - this will help to achieve seed maturation.
  3. It is necessary to thin out the delphinium when the plant reaches 20-30 cm. 3-5 stems are left on one bush, removing the rest. This will form a beautiful large-flowered hat. The excess is cut off near the ground itself.

Gardener's advice: timely thinning will not only improve appearance bush, but will also help remove infected or weak areas.

  1. In order for the delphinium not to break, it is necessary to put a support for it: it is installed when the flower reaches half a meter in height. It is tied up after reaching a height of one meter. The height of the support should exceed the flower itself and be no shorter than 1.8-2 meters.
  2. If seeds are not needed, after the end of flowering, it is worth cutting the stems at a height of about 30 cm, without waiting for the seeds to form. After pruning, so that water does not get into the hollow stems, the cut is smeared with clay. You can also leave the delphinium without pruning and just collect the seeds.


The spur is a frost-resistant plant and easily survives mild winters without much tricks.

Before the start of the autumn rains, the cut should be smeared with clay so that the water that gets in does not cause rot.

For the winter, the beds should be covered with spruce branches or straw. It is much more dangerous for a plant to change temperatures and melt snow, as rhizomes may suffer.

To avoid this, it is worth adding sand or broken stone before planting in the pit: this will help to remove excess moisture.

Low plants planted in pots, it is enough to bring them into a cool, snow-protected room.


You can grow it in different ways:

  1. With the help of seeds. After harvest, the seeds retain excellent germination properties for 4 years, but after that they are practically useless. Before planting, it is necessary to place the seeds in the cold for several weeks, for example, in the vegetable section of the refrigerator - this will help to harden the seeds. Then I plant them in a container using standard peat soil. Delphinium seeds do not need much deepening, it is enough to lightly sprinkle them with earth and pour them from a spray bottle. Glass must be placed on the container to create the effect of a greenhouse.

After a few days, when the seeds germinate and sprouts appear, they can be thinned out. In early May, they can be planted in open ground.

  1. With the help of division. Carried out after the second flowering. In autumn, after pruning, the bush is carefully dug up and divided into 2 parts, the places of cuts are sprinkled with ash or coal and buried again at a distance from each other.
  2. With the help of cuttings. The procedure has its own subtleties and is mainly carried out in the middle of spring or autumn, when the delphinium does not bloom. To do this, cut off a part of the cutting (about 15 cm) with a piece of root (about 2-3 cm) with a sharp tool. It is transplanted into a separate hole or tub and watered abundantly until the spur takes root.

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Good to know: after division, the flower can weaken and get sick, and bacteria can penetrate through the cut - for this, it is recommended to sprinkle the cut with crushed coal.

The latter option is preferred for several reasons:

  1. Being part of a bush, the cutting is used to the terrain and adapts to it more easily;
  2. The main bush practically does not suffer from division, if it is protected from infection;
  3. In this way, you can easily grow a delphinium in one place, constantly updating the bushes.

In order for reproduction to go smoothly, you should watch a video on how this is done in advance.

Diseases and pests

Any problems are easier to prevent than to treat. The delphinium has few enemies, timely care and prevention will help get rid of them. Among the enemies of the plant stand out:

  1. Fungal diseases: powdery mildew and leaf ramularia. To prevent, it is necessary to monitor the absence of excess water and carry out spraying.
  1. Bacteriological diseases: black and ring spot. If affected leaves and branches are found, they must be immediately removed and the leaves sprayed.
  2. Pests: among insects, aphids, the delphinium fly and various caterpillars that devour leaves and seeds are especially harmful. To combat them, insecticides must be used.

Despite some difficulties in care, the delphinium remains quite popular and in demand in gardening. Due to its large and bright colors, the spur is often found in the landscape of parks and summer cottages. Before buying seeds, you should look at the pictures in advance to choose the option you like best.

What varieties are best for planting in your garden, see the following video: