Folk remedies to combat spider mites: soap, ammonia, onion and garlic. The most effective folk remedies for spider mites Celandine from spider mites

Spider mites (class Arachnids) are tiny pests that suck sap from plants. They attack the undersides of the leaves and suck the sap from the plants; a large infestation of these mites can even kill the plant. As soon as you find an infestation with these pests, get rid of them immediately! This can be done with both chemicals and natural remedies.


Spider mite detection

    Look at the surface of the leaves. If the plant is indeed infested with spider mites, the leaves will be spotted with yellow. When the light falls on the leaves, you will see a silvery color or even streaks of bronze or silver.

    • Although mites usually live on the underside of leaves, they sometimes become greedy and also eat the top side of leaves and flowers. Over time, they will make through holes in the leaves, presenting the clearest evidence of infection.
    • Even if you can't find holes in the leaves, the plant may still be infested with spider mites, so watch for other signs of infestation.
    • Other signs of mite damage include irregular shape, warping, wilting, mottling, streaks, or discolouration of the leaf surface. If a spider mite is particularly harmful, the leaves may begin to fall off.
  1. Check the plant for white webs. This is a hallmark of some spider mites. The web usually accumulates around food sites. Please note that not all types of spider mites will spin webs.

    Confirm the presence of spider mites. Spider mites are so small that they are very difficult to see. However, one method can be used to confirm their presence. Take a sheet of white paper, place it under the plant if you suspect it is infested, and lightly shake the stem of one of the leaves.

    • Several spider mites will fall onto the paper. You can see them with a magnifying glass.
    • Spider mites come in a variety of colors, including red, green, yellow, and brown. They have eight legs and tend to move rather slowly.
    • Pay particular attention to ticks with spots on their backs. This is a two-spotted spider mite that is especially difficult to get rid of.
  2. Be especially vigilant with certain types of plants. There are certain plants that spider mites favor more than others.

    • In particular, look for possible infestations of miniature roses, fruit trees, bananas, potted begonias, beans, mint, broadleaf shrubs, strawberries, jasmine, and houseplants.
    • Keep in mind that the two-spotted spider mite infects over 100 different plant species.
  3. Be especially careful in dry and dusty weather. Under these conditions, spider mites can cause the most damage, as they are thirsty and look for moisture in plant leaves. This also means that they are very attracted to everything grown behind glass, including plants that are inside on windowsills.

    natural remedies

    1. Remove heavily infested parts of the plant immediately. Remove dead leaves and remove severely damaged leaves from the plant itself. This will prevent the mites from attacking other plants nearby. Put the leaves in a plastic bag, seal tightly, and throw it in the trash or burn it.

      • If the entire plant is infected, consider throwing it away. This will give other plants a better chance of survival.
      • Water infected plants only from above and remove affected areas as soon as you notice them.
    2. Wash and wipe houseplants regularly. This won't be too much of a hassle, but it can be the most effective and non-toxic way to rid your plants of spider mites.

      • Use plain water or a solution of tepid (cool) water and very mild dishwashing detergent or soap. You can use any type of soap, but Castile soap is especially effective. You can also take a special insecticidal soap.
      • Use a sponge dipped in water to scrub individual leaves of the plant, or pour water into a spray bottle and spray on the underside of the leaves.
      • After six days, if the infestation continues, apply the soap solution again. Be careful, as some plant species are especially sensitive to soap, so test the soap solution on a small part of the plant before spraying everything.
    3. Use vegetable acaricides. There are many commercially available acaricides (anti-mites) that use natural ingredients that kill the spider mite but leave the plant and other insects unharmed. Here are the most popular ones:

      Wash outdoor plants with a hose. Attach a spray nozzle to a hose and use it to water infested outdoor plants. Spray the water under high pressure and try to target the underside of the leaves. This will help flush out the spider mites.

    4. Use homemade herbal tea. If you want to make your own acaricide at home, you can make an herbal tea by mixing a tablespoon of ground cinnamon, a tablespoon of ground cloves, and two tablespoons of Italian seasoning (consisting of a mixture of ground basil, oregano, rosemary, thyme, and possibly other herbs) on litere of water.

      • Bring water to a boil, then remove from heat. Once it has cooled slightly, add 2 tablespoons of minced fresh garlic. Leave to infuse until the water has cooled completely, then strain through a cloth or coffee filter.
      • Add some liquid dish soap to the tea, then pour into a spray bottle. Spray the undersides of infected leaves with this tea every three days for two weeks. This should effectively kill the mites.
    5. Use organic salts. Fatty acids or potassium salts can be abrasive against tick organisms. For maximum effect on mites, apply in the evening to keep plants hydrated for as long as possible.

      • Spray the plants with water in the evenings to keep the environment cooler and wetter. This works well against the two-spotted spider mite, which prefers a warm and dry environment.
    6. Control weeds around plants. Don't give the mites extra hiding places and launching pads to attack the plants you're growing.

      • Be especially careful to remove all broadleaf weeds.
      • Remove any debris left after harvest. This includes cleaning up plant debris, leaf litter and other plant matter.
    7. Increase the number of ladybugs and other insects that prey on spider mites. Predatory insects such as lacewing larvae, predatory thrips and ladybugs can decimate a spider mite population if present in the garden. However, one of the main reasons for the increase in the spider mite population is the use of pesticides that kill their natural enemies. Thus, you should avoid using pesticides such as carbaryl, malathion, and imidacloprid.

      • These insects can be purchased online, at garden centers, or through ads in horticultural magazines. In addition, herbs such as amaranth and borage can naturally attract ladybugs to the garden.
      • Ask the seller for details on how to get the most benefit from predatory insects, noting that you will have less success if you use them in mixed crop areas.
      • Predatory mites can also be used against spider mites. Look for Phytoseiulus persimilis or other predatory mites at the garden center, then follow the directions for use.
      • Under favorable conditions, predatory mites can destroy the spider mite population. Interestingly, ladybugs do not touch predatory mites, focusing only on the spider mite!
    • Some spider mites can be seen with the naked eye. Others are microscopic in size, so they cannot be seen alone, although the cluster can be seen. Use a magnifying glass if you want to get a better look at the ticks!
    • Spider mites can be not only red. Gardeners often group them all together, regardless of color, by the amount of damage done.
    • There are different families of spider mites. Relatives of the eight-legged arachnids may weave a silk thread around the location of food, both for ease of movement and for protection. The family Tetranychidae is probably the most dangerous for plants. They pierce individual plant cells and extract the liquid contents from the cells, leaving the plant cells to fill with air. The two-spotted mite is the most common spider mite attacking gardens, greenhouses and homes.


    • Getting rid of spider mites can be a challenge. Be persistent and try not to accidentally create conditions that ticks like (warmth, plus shelter, plus some moisture for most; excessive dryness for some other species).
    • Keep in mind that the use of pesticides also affects predatory insects, which may also be able to control infestations and return everything back to natural balance. Use them with care and take precautions.
    • It is better to control mites naturally than with pesticides. Ticks tend to develop resistance to pesticides very quickly.
    • Some viruses are transmitted to plants by ticks. This is another good reason to try and get rid of them.

Caring for plants in the house, working on a personal plot for lovers of the green world is not easy work, but not without pleasure. Especially when you see the results of your work. It's a shame when the plant suddenly begins to turn yellow, covered with nasty dots, or even completely fades. A thin web appears at the top or along the entire height. We sympathize - you got a spider mite. Look for an effective remedy for spider mites, and immediately, otherwise the crop will be lost! In room conditions, mites are very active and quickly move from leaf to leaf, from one plant to another. Delay in action threatens to infect everyone

Meet the spider mite

It is almost impossible to see a small insect, ranging in size from 0.3 to 0.5 mm, with the naked eye, and even more so its eggs. Rather, the damage caused by it is immediately visible. The spider mite, despite the name, is not related to the category of mites. It's not an insect, it's an arachnid. This information is important in order to determine the effective remedy for spider mites.

The color of the insects varies from green to brown-brown or red in winter. The body is rounded and covered with bristles. Spider mites hide on the underside of plants, and it is difficult to notice them because of their tiny size. They begin to look for a remedy for spider mites when the leaves are already covered with brown or white dots. It is very difficult to practically destroy this pest completely and forever. Ticks have greater vitality and, when adverse conditions occur, they cease to spoil the plant, but do not die. They can endure a long period of starvation by hibernating in anticipation of better times.

Optimal living conditions

The unique adaptability to the habitat and weather conditions allows the spider mite to live throughout the globe, except for Antarctica. Optimal conditions: temperature 20 - 30 degrees Celsius, air humidity - 35-55%. The active stage of activity and reproduction of the pest begins in the open air from June. In early August, ticks begin to hibernate. It is the active period that is favorable for spraying plants. It is worth using folk remedies for spider mites. Very high summer temperatures, high humidity, the onset of cold weather stop the active phase of activity, the insects hibernate, hide in the soil, in the crevices of buildings, under the remains of plants.

They crawl under the baseboards, on the ceiling, in the cracks in the window sills. It is difficult to use a remedy for spider mites during this period, since the spiders themselves are not visible, and their places of activity are also - they sleep and do not eat. Visually it seems that everything is in order, but the tick is just waiting for a favorable period.

Tick ​​larvae and adults are carried by humans, animals, on the web. Yes, they crawl fast. In good conditions, egg clutches remain viable for up to 5 years.

Severity of damage

The tiny size is offset by the numbers. Spider mites live in colonies, they can give from 12 to 20 generations per year. And everyone, starting with the larvae, eats much larger than their size. Larvae and adults feed on plant sap, which is obtained by piercing a leaf. Numerous bites are those very small white dots. The affected leaf loses chlorophyll, the process of photosynthesis is disrupted. In addition, due to the destruction of the shell, the cell loses moisture, the sheet begins to dry. Dead cells merge into one yellow spot, then the stem, flowers, top are damaged - and the plant dies.

In parallel with the main harm, spider mites are carriers of various harmful bacteria and pathogens. It is more effective to use a spider mite remedy at the beginning of an infection. A plant that is already covered with cobwebs is too late and difficult to save. In addition to the main harm, ticks are carriers of various viruses and harmful bacteria, which also cause side diseases.

Whether in the garden, in the garden ...

Methods of dealing with this scourge are not limited to the use of chemicals. Folk remedies for spider mites, physical destruction and biological intervention are also used. The spider mite in our strip has many varieties, but some of them are especially dangerous for the garden. You need to know this in order to determine the best spider mite remedy for a particular group of plants, and apply it at the most appropriate time.

The problem with some indoor species is that spraying is not suitable for them. And how to deal with spider mites - folk remedies or insecticides in this case? There is a way out: tampons soaked in a prepared remedy from onion or garlic, a decoction of herbs are placed in pots with affected plants. The plant is covered with a plastic bag for several days to increase the concentration of fumes.

If this misfortune started up in the apartment, disinfect the entire window sill, preventive treatment of healthy plants. In some cases, it may be necessary to sacrifice one, the most diseased flower, in order to save the rest. Ticks spread very quickly and hide well when adverse conditions occur.

The fight is physical

This concept means, first of all, the creation of favorable conditions for the development of plants: watering, destruction of weeds. For indoor plants, the temperature of the content is of great importance.

The first single affected plants must be removed immediately. Destroy torn out damaged sheets or shoots, do not just leave them on the ground - this is a breeding ground for the next generations of the pest.

Biological impact

To combat the tick, biological preparations have been created: Akarin, Bitoxibacillin, Fitoverm. How to apply them correctly?

  • "Akarin" is diluted in a proportion of 2 ml of the drug per liter of water.
  • "Bitoxibacillin" - 80-100 g per 10 liters of water. The disadvantage of this drug is that it can cause allergies when in contact with treated plants.

Both solutions are used throughout the growing season every 15-17 days.

  • "Fitoverm" is diluted in the amount of 10 ml per 10 liters of water. Processing is carried out every 7-10 or 14-20 days. The treatment period depends on the age and size of the plant.

Another common drawback of biological agents is that they act exclusively on adults. Eggs and larvae are not affected. The processing period depends on this: for each generation - a new portion.

The pesticides clofentezin and flufenzin belong to the group of hormonal pesticides. They do not destroy all individuals at once, but sterilize the uterus. The effect of their use is long-term, but becomes noticeable after a few days. Some individuals die out, while others do not appear. If you need to destroy the tick urgently, you can mix this drug with any of the biological products.

Advantages and disadvantages of "chemistry"

What you need to know about the use of chemical industry preparations in the fight against spider mites?

Fighting spider mites with folk remedies

Methods, proven by folk experience, have an effect no worse than industrial preparations. In any case, they will not bring harm to either man or animal. Ingredients for solutions - the simplest and most affordable. Not only houseplants, but also the inhabitants of the beds, especially cucumbers, are subject to processing with folk remedies.

  • At the first sign of illness, take a cold shower daily for the plant. This is suitable for those species that do not mind such a procedure.
  • You can use either dishwashing detergent - wash the leaves, stems, pot, window sill well.
  • Grind approximately 150 g of peeled garlic in any way, pour 1 liter of water and leave for 5-7 hours. Dilute the resulting concentrate in the proportion of 5 ml / 1 l of water, use for plant treatment.
  • Like garlic, onion infusion is prepared, only it is used without dilution. Garlic cloves, onion slices can be put in a pot if the houseplant does not like spraying. Cover the pot with a plastic bag.
  • An infusion is prepared from the roots of dandelion officinalis: 20 g of roots per 1 liter of water. Take warm water. You can apply after a couple of hours.
  • It is possible to treat infected places of hard-leaved plants with a swab dipped in medical alcohol. This must be done carefully and quickly so as not to burn the leaves.

  • Cyclamen. Boil several tubers of this plant for 40 minutes. A day later, the broth is ready for use.
  • yarrow. Pour a kilogram of dried grass with a bucket of boiling water. After 3-4 days, add 3 tbsp. spoons of grated laundry soap.
  • Tar soap. Proportion: 10 g per liter of water.
  • Turpentine. A jar of turpentine is placed near the affected houseplant and covered with a plastic bag together for several hours.


On the beds:

  • Timely destruction of weeds in the beds and around greenhouses, greenhouses.
  • Ensure adequate watering.
  • It is good to fertilize plants - they have greater viability against diseases and infection.
  • Clean the garden in the fall, dig deep into the ground.


  • Plants should be kept in optimal conditions: excessive dryness, as well as excessive moisture, is a favorable environment for spider mites.
  • On broad-leaved plants, dust regularly with a damp, clean cloth, periodically pamper the indoor garden with shower rain (except for those who are harmful).
  • Withered flowers, dried leaves, remove in time. This is not only the prevention of diseases, but also a way to extend the flowering period.

  • There is a good remedy for preventing the appearance of spider mites - a few drops of neem tree oil added to the water for spraying.
  • All medicinal folk methods aimed at destroying the pest can be used in smaller doses for preventive treatment. If you don’t want to lose your favorite home plants or your cucumber crop, treat them occasionally with an infusion that is harmless to people.

Indoor plants that decorate the room and help purify the air can be affected by various diseases, and pests often settle on them. The spider mite is just one of such rather dangerous harmful insects. If he settled on a plant, then a web appears on it.

The spider mite has a very small size, in connection with this it will be extremely difficult to see it with the naked eye. The largest adult individual has a body length of no more than 5 mm. Depending on the species, the insect may have a different color. Most often you can meet green ticks, but they can also be orange or red.

These pests can hide in the soil, in flower pots or in the leaf axils of the plant. If there are a lot of ticks, then it will not be very difficult to notice them.

If this pest has settled on your indoor plant, then spots of a light and pale yellow color form on the entire surface of its leaf plates. If there are a lot of pests, then after examining the wrong surface of the leaves, you can see a thin cobweb on it. If the flower is completely covered with cobwebs, then it will dry out quickly.

There are several types of spider mites:

  1. Ordinary. This species is most common, and it is a great danger to plants. As a rule, such a pest takes refuge on young shoots or on the wrong side of the leaf plate. Over time, when the number of ticks increases, they will begin to settle on new plants located near the affected one. Such insects have a light color. Cobwebs appear on the leaves of the affected specimen, as well as yellow spots.
  2. Red. A very small pest has a rich red color. This type of tick is the most dangerous of all, but it can be met not as often as an ordinary one. He prefers to settle on orchids, roses and lemon plants.
  3. Atlantic. This pest prefers to settle where there is an increased level of humidity. As a rule, he chooses exotic plants, such as palm trees or citrus fruits.
  4. False. This insect is very, very small, so it is almost impossible to notice. Most often, its presence on a flower is known only when the plant is covered with a thin cobweb and begins to fade very quickly.
  5. Cyclamen. Such a soil mite can hide both on the tubers and on the leaf plates of the flower. Because of this, getting rid of this pest is somewhat more difficult than getting rid of its counterparts. This species is able to form large colonies, which are often mistaken for simple dust by the grower. In this regard, it is often too late to understand that a plant is affected by such a tick. This pest prefers high humidity.

Spider mite control methods

It is quite difficult to deal with a spider mite that has settled on an indoor flower. To destroy it, flower growers often resort to the use of folk or special chemicals. It should be noted that chemical preparations are more effective.

But if you are afraid of harming the plant, then in this case it is better to opt for time-tested folk methods. However, in this case, it should be noted that often these funds have low efficiency. And, in the end, the grower still has to use chemicals.

A fairly large number of chemicals have been developed that can cope with spider mites. Such agents are called acaricides. With the help of them, you can destroy various types of mites that can settle on flowers grown indoors. For example:

  1. Actellik. It is used to fight ticks, while this tool is distinguished by a contact effect on the pest. It disrupts the process of feeding spiders, making it impossible. Processing should be carried out 2 times a month. At the same time, the flower grower must wear a special protective suit, and spraying the flower must be done either in non-residential premises or on the street, since this drug is very poisonous.
  2. Fitoverm. This biological drug is much less harmful than Actellik. The composition of this tool includes aversectins, which are distinguished by a neurotoxic effect, and it has a detrimental effect on ticks. When processing, you should also take care of protective equipment, because Fitoverm is also a poisonous agent.
  3. Neoron. This tool is the most effective. During processing, both adult mites and eggs, as well as larvae, die.
  4. flumite. This drug has a detrimental effect on the eggs of spider mites, so that new individuals are not born. Adults also die from this remedy; therefore, you will be able to completely destroy the pest in a relatively short time. You can spray the plant only once every 4 weeks, since Flumite is highly toxic.
  5. Skelta. This tool appeared not so long ago, but has already become popular among flower growers. It destroys both adult insects and larvae. However, it should be remembered that after treatment, adult mites will die only after 7 days, and larvae after 5 days. Despite this, Skelta is highly effective, and just one spray is enough to completely destroy the tick.

It happens that the grower does not want, for various reasons, to resort to the use of chemicals to get rid of spider mites. What to do in this case? There are many folk remedies, in the preparation and use of which there is nothing complicated.

Before you start fighting the spider mite using folk methods, you need to prepare the plant, for this you need to thoroughly clean it. To do this, you need to wash the flower with plain clean water, while using detergents is not recommended, as they contribute to clogging the pores on the leaf blades. Then you need to wash the window sill, window and pot very thoroughly to remove any pests that may be there. Only then should the plant be treated with your chosen folk remedy. For example:

  1. Garlic infusion. To prepare it, you need to finely chop a couple of heads of garlic and mix the resulting mass with 1 liter of boiled water. The container must be tightly closed with a screw cap and put in a cool dark place for 5 days to infuse. Before use, the infusion is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:1. Then they process the plant.
  2. Onion infusion. 5 liters of clean water must be combined with one hundred grams of onion peel. This mixture should be allowed to brew for 5 days. The finished infusion must be filtered, and then it can be used to process flowers.
  3. Alcohol. This folk method showed a relatively high efficiency. But it should be noted that only those flowers that have dense leaf plates can be processed with it. Take a cotton swab and moisten it with ammonia. Then they need to carefully wipe the surface of the sheet plates. The effectiveness of this method can be reduced if the ticks hide in hard-to-reach places.
  4. soap solution. To prepare such a solution, you can take any soap, for example: laundry, green or tar. Both the affected flower and the container in which it grows should be treated. Foam for 2-4 hours must be left on the surface of the flower. When it is washed off, the flower must be covered with a plastic bag, which is removed only after a day. This will maintain the required high level of humidity.

Infection prevention

To prevent damage to the plant by a spider mite, preventive measures should be taken:

  • systematically inspect all indoor plants;
  • this pest prefers dry air, so it is important to maintain the optimal level of humidity;
  • it is necessary to systematically spray the leaf plates from the sprayer with clean water;
  • Once a month, the flower needs to arrange a warm shower;
  • recently purchased flowers should be quarantined;
  • be sure to steam the substrate, as it may contain individuals that hibernate in the ground.

Pests are a considerable threat to all gardens, kitchen gardens, and just indoor plants. This is especially true of such a tireless and difficult to remove their representative as a spider mite, the symptoms of damage from which are not always definable even for experienced summer residents. The tick is a real scourge for plants, after the invasion of which, they die irrevocably. In order to successfully fight and counteract a tick, one should timely determine its appearance, know its nature and behavior, as well as effective folk methods of dealing with it.

Spider mite - what it looks like and how it spoils plants

Tetranychus urticae is an insect so small that you can’t just see it, the size is only 0.5 mm. To see the pest, you need a magnifying glass, through which you can see an oval body covered with sparse bristles, as well as several pairs of legs, with which he deftly runs through the plants and moves from them to the neighboring ones.

The color of the spider mite can be different - green, yellow, red, orange, it largely depends on the environment in which it lives and on which plants. But most often it has a green color.

The plant chosen by the tick becomes his home, and he begins to braid it with his thin cobweb. It is one of the signs (symptoms) of the presence of a spider mite on the culture. Food for the pest is the juice of the plant, so it bites into the leaf, and can bite into the petals of the flowers. As a result, the inside of the leaves after the attack of the spider mite is covered with small white dots, and this is the second sign of the presence of an insect on the plant.

After the leaf is damaged, the plant fails in the work of such a process as photosynthesis. The culture does not receive all the nutrients that it should accumulate, as a result of which it weakens, starts to get sick, and then may die.

As for the flowers, the mite inexorably spoils the entire flower, destroying it from the inside, naturally, there is no longer any aesthetic appearance and cannot be. It is worth noting that the tick, leaving the already “gutted” plant, and moving to another, also transfers various diseases.

The difficulty of identifying a pest by symptoms is further complicated by the fact that when the piebald surfaces of the leaves begin to gradually turn yellow and the foliage falls off, inexperienced growers think that this is a manifestation of fungal diseases, and spend precious time on fungicide treatments. But we emphasize once again: on lemons, roses, sweet potatoes and cucumbers, spots first appear where the tick has stuck.

Here is a wonderful video where we managed to show the symptoms of a spider mite damage in close-up (to speed up the view, click on the gear and set the view speed to 1.5):

Reproduction of the pest occurs almost instantly - in one, maximum two weeks, an adult appears from the egg. Only low temperatures and sufficient humidity can restrain this process - in these cases, reproduction occurs rather slowly. But in return, a little later, when a favorable atmosphere is established, you can get an abnormal outbreak of tick fertility, and then it will simply be everywhere. It is noteworthy that under room conditions, the pest occupies the territory more quickly, and if one plant gets sick, then the entire flower corner can get sick very soon.

Features of the behavior of the spider mite

Fighting a tick is quite difficult, for this you need to know the features of its behavior. For example, in a strong heat, the pest leaves the garden, heading to dark places, and freezes there, or, in other words, falls into short-term hibernation (diapause). Most of these places are rooms. After the downturn of abnormal heat, the spider mite returns to its activities.

Similar behavior in the insect can be observed in the autumn period. With the onset of cold weather, the female also falls asleep, and not all individuals seek refuge for themselves, some remain to winter right on the flowers.

During these periods - when the pest "leaves" - it is useless to treat the plants with some preparations, because the tick will return safe and sound.

Folk and preventive measures against spider mites for indoor plants

As you know, it is easier to prevent a disease than to cure, and in this case, this saying is 100% valid. When growing indoor plants, preventive measures should be taken so that the flowers do not experience the invasion of the spider mite:

Folk remedies how to get rid of a spider mite if it has already appeared

If the tick has already begun to "nibble" indoor flowers, then it is necessary to apply emergency measures, and in a complex, so as not to lose the entire flower corner.

  • First you need to wash the plant (its aerial part). Wash each leaf thoroughly with warm water, with the obligatory addition of laundry soap to it. Washing should also be subjected to - a pot, saucers, surfaces on which the flower lives. These measures, of course, will not get rid of the spider mite, but they will greatly reduce its number.
  • As you know, the tick is afraid of high humidity, so you need to arrange just such an atmosphere for it. To do this, the plants are watered abundantly, sprayed, and then covered with a plastic bag on top, creating a greenhouse effect to destroy the pest. Only here you should be careful - do not expose the plant in this form in the sun, otherwise there is a threat to burn the leaves. It is enough to leave such a greenhouse for 3 days.
  • Medical alcohol. They process pots, coasters for pots, surfaces on which flowers stand. For example, if the plant is on the windowsill, then it is necessary to process the top, side, and bottom of the structure. The soil is also sprayed with alcohol.
  • Folk methods of dealing with spider mites:
    • A decoction of cyclamen tubers is detrimental to ticks. The tubers are cut and boiled for 30-40 minutes. The resulting broth is cooled, and then the plants are treated with it. Carry out such treatments once a week;
    • Squeeze 250 g of garlic into 10 liters of water, leave for a day, strain and spray each leaf from the underside, spray with another tincture every other day - pour 1 kg of celandine tops with 3 liters of boiling water, and after a day dilute to 10 liters, strain and spray and alternate such processing every other day, it is enough to carry out three sprays of each tincture;
    • The processing of onion peel tincture gives an excellent result - winter stocks of onion shells are stuffed into a liter jar, poured with boiling water and allowed to stand for a day. Add 200-300 ml of the resulting solution to a 10-liter sprayer. Processing is carried out every 3 days in the evening, abundantly wetting the reverse side of the sheet.

Low-toxic purchased remedies for spider mites

  • Treatment with insect-acaricides of biological origin. These are substances such as "Fitoverma", "Aktofit" and "Vermitek". They are safe for humans and animals, but for spider mites they are detrimental. But, unfortunately, as for the whitefly, such spraying has absolutely no effect on dormant individuals, eggs and larvae, so treatments must be carried out regularly. If the room temperature fluctuates around 20 degrees, then you need to process it once every 10 days, and if it is much higher, then the treatment takes place twice a week. But for these drugs there is one caveat - if the room is colder than 18 degrees, they are useless, they have no effect on the pest.
  • Hormonal preparation "Apollo" of contact action. It has minimal toxicity, but it destroys oviposition and prevents adult mites from multiplying. Use according to instructions.

Here is another fairly detailed video with an overview of drugs to protect against spider mites:

Biological methods of protection against spider mites

Of the biological means of control in greenhouses and winter gardens, predatory insect-entomophagous insects are mainly used - lacewings, phytoseiulus, western metaseiulus and ambliseius (Mackenzie and Californian). It is more convenient to use phytoseiulus, as they multiply rapidly and are happy to destroy another sap-sucking pest - the whitefly.

Other types of tick

Do you want to be surprised? There are mites that do not weave a web, and the presence of a pest is even more difficult to determine. In addition to the usual spider mite, the following species are also found:

In conclusion, I would like to note that although it is difficult to identify the presence of a tick in a timely manner by symptoms - the cobwebs are poorly visible, and the tick itself is too small - but it is much easier to deal with it than with the whitefly. So the use of any of the above measures to combat the spider mite will definitely give a result, and quite quickly - just pay due attention to this, since a single treatment due to the presence of oviposition is not enough.