How to plant flowers in a tire. Crafts from tires: flower beds, flower beds, figures, garden furniture

Currently, it is possible to buy a country flower pot in special garden stores. However, such an element of decor for giving can be made independently.

As a rule, flowerpots for plants are clay, wooden, plastic and plaster. They are of high quality, various shapes and colors, and also have a long service life. The cost of such devices for the garden depends on the type of material, size and manufacturer. Alternative solution savings is a flowerpot that looks just as good on personal plot. Such unusual craft can be made from a car tire.

To work you need to have:

  • a tire from a car;
  • cement with sand and primer;
  • paint and soap solution;
  • mesh for plaster or wire;
  • crushed stone or pebbles of small size.

You should also have the following tools in your arsenal:

  • knife, hard brush;
  • electric jigsaw;
  • brush and trowel;
  • sanding machine;
  • concrete mortar bucket.

Master class flowerpot from tires

First, we cut off the side of the tire, giving the contour a figure for originality, and leave the second part intact. Before starting work, draw a border, you will need to cut off the tire along it, then dip the knife in a soapy solution so that it cuts better. For a more complex shape of the edge of the flowerpot, use a jigsaw.

Now you can start making the legs of the flowerpot. For this, a disk from a wheel is suitable. We mount two parts of the tire (sidewall and the remaining piece) on the disk. The base of the flowerpot is ready.

Let's start decorating the base. To begin with, the rubber and the disk must be coated with a primer, then painted with the desired tone. It is worth noting that light-colored paint does not fade so much under the sun.

In the first case, an ordinary flowerpot from a tire is already ready for use, but for a more attractive look, we advise you to decorate the disk with a mortar of concrete and pebbles.

First, winding the disk with a wire or plaster mark is required so that the solution is securely fixed to the rubber. It is necessary to knead a solution of water, cement and sand - 0.5 / 1/3. Make a solution of a thick consistency, then it will better attach to the disc. Using a trowel, apply the solution, as if throwing it. During the priming of the disc, the flowerpot should be removed to the side so as not to stain it. Immediately after applying the cement, you can decorate the leg of the flowerpot with pebbles.

To do this, you need a pebble or broken glass various colors. After bonding the mortar, the pebbles must be washed and excess cement removed with a stiff brush.

So that the concrete leg does not crack, you need to moisten it with water for 3 days. Now fill the flowerpot with black soil and plant the seeds of beautiful plants!

Also see a photo selection of how to color flowerpots from tires

Rubber needs to be replaced every 50-60 thousand kilometers. Worn tires can be taken to a collection point for a penny. And you can use it as a basis for creative experiments. The donut shape is perfect for creating a flower bed. If you connect your imagination, you can create stunning multi-level designs.

Where to get enough tires

For old tires, go to your neighbors in the garage cooperative or to the nearest tire shop. Unfortunately, suitable material can also be found in natural dumps in nature. Under natural conditions, rubber decomposes for more than 100 years! Take used tires back to work - this way you will make a feasible contribution to caring for the environment!

What tires are best for crafts

  • When choosing between domestic and imported rubber, give preference to the second. Foreign-made products are softer and easier to cut. Famous foreign brands: Michelin, Yokohama, Hankook.
  • Rubber designed for use in winter conditions, most often more pliable than summer. It is easy to cut and process.
  • The longer a tire has been used and the more worn it is, the thinner and softer it is. So, it will be easier to work with her. Sometimes you will have to not only cut, but also turn the rubber.

The tread pattern is almost worn out - it is not safe to ride on such tires, but they are ideal for creativity

What else do you need to work

  1. Reliable, sharp knife.
  2. Electric drill for drilling holes in rubber for the entry of a knife.
  3. Sander or file.
  4. Electric jigsaw.
  5. Metal brush to remove dirt.
  6. Chalk or marker for marking.
  7. Primer, PVA, degreaser, machine oil for lubrication.
  8. Rigid wire with a diameter of 5-6 mm, plastic clamps.
  9. Roulette.

It is convenient to carry out work in gloves. Regular cotton items from the hardware store will do. Gloves will protect the skin of the hands from dirt, scratches, small cuts.

How to paint a tire

The choice of paint for rubber is an important and responsible decision. Depending on the hiding power, brightness, durability of the coating appearance and service life of the finished object. Basically, everything fits. car paints and compositions for street finishing works.

Best Options:

  • Aerosols are highly penetrating. With their help, you can evenly paint over even the most hard-to-reach places. In order for the paint to be evenly distributed, the can must be kept at a distance of 30–40 cm from the surface to be painted. The drawing dries on average per day.
  • Universal rubber paints (For example, "Rezal +") are easy to mix. Polymerized in an hour (at room temperature), completely freeze and acquire maximum strength a day later. Subsequently, they are not afraid of exposure to moisture, sudden temperature changes.

It is convenient to apply liquid paints with a large brush, sponge. Permanent markers are useful for drawing thin lines.

  • The first step to creating a craft is preparing the material. Thoroughly clean the surface of dirt, and immediately before priming and painting - degrease.
  • An excellent knife for rubber - sharp, with a thin butt. How to check sharpening? Swipe the notebook paper over the blade. A well-sharpened knife will cut paper like a razor.
  • While cutting the tire, lubricate the knife blade with machine oil - the work will go easier and faster.
  • Before cutting out curly elements, do not be lazy to apply markup. Focusing on the eye or the tread pattern, you can bevel the line and ruin the part.
  • Before painting the tire, prime the surface. A primer with a small amount of PVA will increase the strength of the coating and reduce paint consumption. Quick-drying compounds harden in 6-7 hours, conventional solutions require 10-12 hours.

Do you want an unusual flower bed? decorative trim for tires can be found literally underfoot. For example, the surface can be pasted over with beautiful pebbles or smooth pebbles, cones, pieces of colored tiles or covers from plastic bottles. Small fragments are well glued to a primed surface, to Moment glue.

Tiered compositions

Imagine that tires are the details of the designer. And now come up with compositions from them: pyramids, turrets and other figures. To prevent the earth from waking up, geotextile inserts are laid at the bottom of the tires located on the upper tiers. Don't forget to make holes for draining water.

Photo gallery: multi-tiered flowerbeds from tires

For a flowerbed of tires, choose tenacious and unpretentious flowers: marigolds, phloxes, marigolds. Old textured rubber also has decorative properties. Head ladybug can be made from an old bucket or canister, antennae - from knitting needles Use tires of large and small sizes, with different tread patterns
Of three tires of the same diameter, a pair of boards and a piece roofing material you can make a well Your favorite cartoon can be a source of inspiration

If the appearance of the tires is not to your liking, they can be trimmed with stones.

Stones are fixed on the concrete mix

Smooth sea pebbles are also well suited for decoration.

The handle can be made from a separate piece of tire

Tires can be cut into different parts. Then the “assembly of the constructor” becomes even more exciting.

Photo gallery: prefabricated flowerbeds from tires

The flower bed is made in the form of an oval. To create a flower bed, it is enough to cut three tires in half. Details can be fixed with building brackets

Tire flower bed

Chamomile from a tire is and independent model, and the base part of many designs. Flower beds can be arranged in a row, decorate the approach to the house or a recreation area.

1. Mark the rubber.

The lines go from thick to thick

2. Before cutting the tire, you need to make sure that there are no metal cords inside. They are not found in ordinary passenger car tires, but may be present in truck tires.

Petals can be triangular, semicircular, square

3. Cut off the side from the opposite side.

We make transverse cuts before the beginning of the tread, every 20 - 25 cm

4. We turn the part inside out.

Inside the product, you can make the bottom of the geotextile

5. It remains to paint the flower bed!

A flower bed can be placed on a "pedestal"

Photo gallery: compositions based on the basic "flower bed" scheme

The flower is assembled from two tires, the lower petals are fixed with the help of building brackets Two tires were used for the construction, one was cut along a zigzag line The turtle's head is molded from a plaster mixture on a wire frame

Flowerbed-bowl from a tire with a disk

1. We mark a zigzag cut line along the entire frontal circumference of the tire.

Thanks to the triangular petals, the flowerpot will look like a big flower.

2. We begin to cut the part along the contour.

Don't forget to sharpen your knife well before use!

3. Check if there are any uncut sections left. And we “turn out” the workpiece slowly, in parts.

Work is more convenient to do together with an assistant

4. If there is a chamber in the wheel, it must be carefully cut out.

We remove everything superfluous, we definitely won’t need a tire for a flower bed

5. The bowl is ready!

Very often, gardeners accumulate things on suburban area which it is a pity to throw away, but what to do with them so that they serve a second life is not clear. However, it is worth a little imagination, and the garden plot will be decorated beautiful flower beds from tires and other improvised material. And old tires that have already served their time can help in the design of flower beds.

How to make beautiful flower beds from old car rubber tires, how to paint them, and will be discussed below.

We select and prepare tires for making flower beds with our own hands

Old car tires will be softer after a long period of use and easier to mold into the desired shape. Tires can be asked from neighbors - motorists who do not need them. You can also pick up used car tires at service stations, because otherwise they will simply be thrown into a landfill. And if there is an opportunity to choose between domestic and imported tires, then it is better to make flower beds from imported tires. because tires of foreign manufacturers are much softer, so it is easier to give them various forms, turn inside out, etc.

Dirty tires should first be cleaned as much as possible from dirt and sand. Indeed, it is more pleasant to work with clean material, and the blades of knives will become dull faster when working with tires soiled with mud and sand.

Before making a flowerpot or flowerpot from an old tire, you should carefully consider its appearance: in the form of a bowl, which will have smooth edges, a flower bed, in which the edges will be cut off by waves, or a flower-shaped vase with petals and fringe.

You can come up with any shape for tires, but it usually always comes in the form of a “pot - lid”: the bottom of such a flower bed will be deep, and the top must be cut off. The contours of the cut can be easily applied with ordinary chalk.

If from old tire the owners decided to make a flower bed in the form of a flower, then along the edge of the product, draw the contours of the petals with chalk, and then cut along the contour with a sharp knife. Each of the petals should not be more than 12 cm. If the petals are made larger, then the tire cannot be turned out, and the shape of the flower bed will be uneven.

When the tire is cut along the contour, then along the grooves it is necessary to cut the tires in the longitudinal direction (the distance between such cuts is up to 10 cm).

In order to create a flowerpot from a tire on a leg, the tire is first turned inside out. Many gardeners do not get this the first time. In fact, it is not easy to turn the tire in this way.

The metal cord is usually cut with a grinder in several places. Rubber is cut smoothly with this saw. The cuts are made over the entire surface of the tire at an equal distance from each other (about 15 cm). And only then you can start turning the tire. It should be remembered that it is difficult to turn out only the first piece of the tire, then it will be much easier to turn the product out.

How to make a flower bed out of tires with your own hands (video)

How to cut a tire for a flower bed: options and technology

Any tool used to cut car tires must be well sharpened. Old tires can be cut with a shoe knife. To facilitate the cutting process, the blade of such a knife is lubricated with liquid soap.

It is great if it is possible to use a jigsaw to cut coatings. With this tool, you can cut out various shapes and crafts from the wheels.

For sawing metal discs, you need to use a saw - a grinder.

You can cut tires in different ways, depending on the shape of the future flower bed. You can cut the tires in half, or cut off just the top.

However, it is not enough to give old tire unusual shape. After all, black or dirty - gray flowerpots look ugly against the general background. garden plot. Therefore, it is necessary to paint the outer part of the flowerpots, which were made from wheeled slopes.

To paint these rubber products, use any type of paint:

If the outer part of the tires is clean, then the paint will lie on it evenly, and it will last more than one season on the tires. You can use car paint to decorate flowerpots.

Craftsmen use for painting work aerosol cans with paint. In this case, paint all prepared flower beds from car tires possible in a short period of time. It is better to use light shades of paint when painting tires - in this case, the soil inside the tires heats up less.

Most often, gardeners paint only the outer part of the tires. However, it is much more aesthetically pleasing to paint the tire and inside(at least its upper part).

There can be a great variety of design options for flower beds from car tires - it all depends on the imagination of the owners and the availability of various colors of paint.

You can combine different colors and shades. And it is possible lower part paint the flower beds with darker paint, and the top with lighter. You can apply an ornament of a different shade to the main color. However, do not try too hard when painting tires - when the flowers grow, they can completely cover the outer part of the flower bed.

Some craftsmen do not stop only at painting such flower beds - they can stick glass pebbles on the tire petals, creating a dew effect.

The right combination of colors when painting flower beds from car tires, which is "consonant" color scheme plants planted in such flower beds will give the garden plot a unique flavor.

Original ideas for decorating a flower garden from car tires

When decorating flower beds with car tires, you should not hold back your imagination. After all, from old tires you can build not only flower beds, flowerpots and bowls for flowers. Tires can be used in the manufacture garden swing, armchairs and ottomans, various decorations for the garden plot, hedges and much more.

  • Tires can be cut in half and dug around the flower garden or along the path, separating the flower planting area from the garden path. These tires can be painted in various colors, as well as painted on them, for example, with flowers or ladybugs.
  • You can install the main tire with petals cut out at the top on a pedestal of several tires stacked on top of each other and painted in different colors.
  • Flowerpots made of tires mounted on legs, like stools, look original. It is possible to install a smaller tire on the lower tire filled with earth, and plant flowers around the circumference in the lower tire, and place flowers in the upper one throughout the space of the flower bed.
  • Craftsmen carve various birds or animals from tires, planting flowering plants in the inner part of such flower beds.
  • Tires look interesting - flower beds suspended or screwed to the wall of a house or utility room.

If the garden plot is small, then it is more appropriate to place flower beds made of car tires carved in the form of a frog, a beautiful swan, a carriage from a fairy tale, a bright firebird or an exotic parrot. But on a large lawn, flower beds made in several tiers, or structures made vertically will look better.

Slides from used tires look original. The height of such slides depends only on the imagination of the site owners. Look beautiful small slides from multiple tires staggered on top of each other. Moreover, in each of these tires you can plant various varieties colors.

The size of such slides, both in width and length, and in height, depends only on the imagination of flower growers and the size of the area allocated for such flower beds.

You can paint tires in such a flower garden both in the same way and by combining shades.

What flowers to choose for planting in a flower garden from tires

Planted in flower beds from car tires better flowers that will delight with their flowering all season. Flowers planted in a flower garden from tires are usually unpretentious.

Moreover, you can plant flowering plants of various heights and shades of flowers. Curly flowers can be used.

It can be such plants:

Free space between flowering plants can be supplemented with fir cones - this decoration looks interesting, but next year such cones have to be replaced with fresh ones.

Combining different kinds and varieties of flowers, you can create compositions of extraordinary beauty in flower beds from old car tires. It all depends on what colors the grower wants to see on his site.

Old car tires can be perfectly used to improve the overall interior of the garden. Most often they are used specifically for the design of flower beds or flower beds. And here it all depends only on the imagination of the owners - and there are a great many options for flowerbeds from old tires.

This site provides material on the manufacture of a car wheel. It turns out an original and beautiful product, but that's bad luck, the number of wheels at my disposal is limited. But there are much more waste tires in automotive history. It's time to dispose of them. Since there are a lot of tires, I decided to try to speed up the process of converting them into flower beds, cutting a dozen tires with a knife is still a laborious task. Then than to cut car tire? For cutting, a manual jigsaw was used. I want to say right away that working with two different units, the best result was shown by a jigsaw with a power of 800 watts, the more powerful, the better. So below is the answer to the question of how to make a flower bed out of a tire quickly.

The procedure for making flower beds from tires

1. Choosing a tire Of course, if there is a choice. The recommendations are simple. We choose the lightest and with maximum tread wear - this will greatly facilitate subsequent eversion.

2. We prepare the tire. If the tire is heavily polluted with sand and earth, we clean it. Files on dirty tires dull faster.

3. Marking up felt-tip pen cut places, such as petals. Here it is convenient to use ready-made sector markings on some domestic tires. Petals should not be more than 12-15 centimeters, otherwise the flower bed will not turn out to be round, in these places the rubber will not bend.

4. We cut through in the place of cutting with a knife, a tire for inserting a jigsaw file.

5. We fix the file in the jigsaw As mentioned above, the jigsaw for cutting must be taken to the maximum available power. Used when cutting various files. All work pretty much the same. It is convenient to cut with a figured sawing file, but they often break when sawing errors. We clamp the file, insert it into the cut and start sawing.

6.sawing, in places of thickening of the rubber, the feed is very difficult, to speed up the work, you can round off the petal in the thin part of the side surface of the tire. Approaching the base of the petal, it is necessary to cut until it bends, and preferably before reaching the tread plane - this will facilitate eversion. After sawing one petal, you can rearrange the jigsaw for sawing in the opposite direction, or if you have a figured file, you can also make a rounding at the base of the petal. So sequentially according to the markup, we cut out all the petals.

7. We cut out back side, you can also cut out the petals or cut off part of the side wall and make radial cuts on the remaining part of the side surface, reducing your work. Important, cuts to the protector from the side of the petals, should correspond to the cuts with reverse side, if this is not observed, then when turning out in these places there will be an unevenness. Experience has shown that even a very hard tire can be turned out if you completely cut off the side wall of the tire opposite the petals.

If a person wants to decorate the yard at his dacha, then the most unexpected improvised materials will be used. Car tires have long been adapted for this purpose, but in the last few years they have received very wide use tire beds. The fantasy of the master and the desire to make the yard look better than others allow you to make very beautiful and perfect unusual flower beds from tires with their own hands.

Finding a few old car tires is not difficult, even if the household does not have its own car. It was the availability and durability of this material that became the main reason for the popularity of such a direction of country applied art as flowerbeds from tires. It is easy to work with them, and the older and worn rubber comes across, the easier it is to cut and turn it inside out.

Tires are calm about temperature changes, they are not afraid of either winter frosts or summer heat. In summer, under the scorching rays of the sun, the ground inside the black rubber base can overheat, the plants are unlikely to like it, so it would be better to paint the tires in bright hues. Painting will protect the flower bed from overheating, make it more attractive. Tires become protection for trees and bushes grown inside them, when the lawn mower is working in the country or in the garden. For the same purpose, they are often used in urban courtyards, where it is difficult to grow a young tree or bush.

Video "A selection of various ideas and options for summer cottages"

Video compilation of various interesting ideas for dachas.

Types of flower beds from old tires

All flower beds that are made using old tires can be divided into two types: whole and cut. In the first case, they just need to be cleaned of sand and dirt, washed, painted, installed in the right place, filled with soil, planted flowers. It is very important not to forget to make a drainage layer of gravel, expanded clay or something similar, otherwise excess moisture will remain, the plants will not be able to grow due to root rot.

Whole tires are installed separately, in groups, in one plane or in several tiers. They make low (single) or high (from several tires stacked on top of each other) flower beds, vary in diameter or height. They are installed on the ground or on special stands, even hung on walls, trees. And you can cut certain shapes out of tires, turn them inside out, make unusual flower beds in the form of famous animals or fantastic creatures. Old wheel with a knife and strong hands turn into a luxurious flower vase on a stand. Fancy figures are made from old tires to decorate the yard or garden.

Pyramid flowerbed

If you get a chance to get tires different diameter, then from them you can make a wonderful flower bed in the form of a pyramid. This is a great vertical flower bed solution if there is very little space in the country. Tires need to be stacked on top of each other, starting with the largest, painted with paints in bright joyful colors. Of course, you will get a flower bed only if the difference between the diameters is at least 20 cm. It is this difference that is planted with plants, and from the second tier you can use ampelous plants that hang down beautifully.

If there are only tires of the same diameter, you will need only 6 pieces. In this case, the pyramid is made by folding the tires in three levels: 3 for the first row, 2 for the second and 1 at the very top. Such a flower bed takes up very little space, is clearly visible from all sides, it is filled with the most different colors and ornamental plants.

When there is a place in the country house or in the garden to lay out a flower of 5 tires, you can make an even more voluminous and beautiful pyramid flower bed. The base is 5 tires of the lower row, 3 are laid on top of them and another one is on top. Such a flower bed can be seen from afar from all sides, it can be made delicate chamber or bright spectacular - it all depends on the choice of plants and tire coloring.

Hanging flower garden

If the country house has a blank wall or a strong fence, the flower garden can be placed on them by hanging tires. The space inside is filled with soil, ampelous plants are planted, which will completely transform this place. You just need to think about drainage: put small pebbles and sand down, drill rubber so that there is somewhere to drain excess water.

You can hang the tire on a tree or a special support with a chain, cover the bottom with rubber or plywood with drilled holes, fill in the ground, plant flowers. But such a design will be very heavy, water will drip from the bottom - this is not acceptable everywhere, although it can look very impressive. It will be easier to use the tire as a stand or planter by placing flowerpots with pallets in it - it's not so hard, the pallets will retain excess moisture. This option is placed on the verandas or walls of gazebos.

Other interesting ideas

Tires can be folded and painted so that a funny frog made of 3 tires (some more plastic for the legs and eyes), a serious turtle made of 1 whole and 1 cut tire will settle in the garden or in the country house. You can make a composition of cups and a teapot. For her, in addition to the main material, you will also need a pipe for the spout of the kettle, a metal tape for the handles. Appropriate paint and thoughtful selection of plants complete the wonderful decoration of the cottage. Paint and some plastic (bottle) will be needed to curl up in a nook big snake, between the rings of which ornamental grasses will break through.

If there is a sharp knife, fantasy, determination to cut rubber, then even more amazing flower beds can be made. A pattern is drawn on the tire with chalk, then the rubber needs to be cut, turned inside out - the result will be a wonderful flowerpot or even an elegant figure of a swan, a parrot or a very fantastic bird of paradise. Cutting a tire is not difficult, the main thing is to have a sharp knife. For twisting you will need physical strength. The creativity of the masters is embodied in fairy-tale characters, so bright snowmen, funny robots, Baba Yaga in a mortar or dragons harnessed to carts appear in the yards.

Step by step manufacturing

Figurines of swans decorating yards or playgrounds are very popular, but in the country you want to arrange as many flower beds as possible, so today it makes sense to talk about how to make a swan flower bed. Such a swan can be made in 1 hour, with effort and caution: rubber is elastic, cutting, and even more so turning it out, is not an easy task. Step-by-step instruction will help to cope with this quickly and at the lowest cost. In addition to the main material, you will need such things: a jigsaw, a grinder, wire (for neck stability), paint of two colors (white or black for the swan itself, red for the beak).

First you need to choose a tire, preferably an old, bald one - it is easier to cut it, without a metal cord. Then you need to draw a diagram, put it on the tire itself. After that, you need to make cuts along the lines for the head, neck, tail and wings. It takes longer to cut with a jigsaw, but the grinder will melt the rubber and add bad smell. Now you need to turn the tire inside out - you will have to do this very carefully so as not to damage the rubber. The beak is made of plastic, rubber, plywood - whatever is at hand is painted red.

The two halves of the head are folded together, bending the cord for this, the beak is inserted, fixed with screws, they are also inserted in place of the eyes. The head must be raised to give it the desired position, you will have to slightly press it into the wheel. You will get a kind of fold, which is fixed with self-tapping screws. Now it remains only to paint the swan with paint, make a flower garden in place of its back, and set it afloat across the expanses of the lawn. Several of these flower beds organically look near a decorative reservoir. You can make a composition white swan with white flowers on the back, a black swan with dark herbs (or dark pansies) and a blue tire planted with blue plants. If you want to make a swan figurine, and not a flower bed, you will have to cut more, and then carefully cut the cord along the edge.