Evergreen honeysuckle (Lonicera sempervirens). Honeysuckle evergreen

Every gardener wants to see his site beautiful, so many plant climbing honeysuckle, which gives the garden real beauty and unique charm. It grows rather quickly and decorates a wall, fence or arch. The plant creates coziness, fills the area with colors and a magical aroma.

general description

Honeysuckle refers to ornamental shrubs family of Honeysuckle. The culture owes its name to the world famous botanist Karl Linnaeus, and the first is the most Full description plants appeared in the works of the Russian researcher of the 18th century Stepan Krasheninnikov.

In the natural environment of Central Russia, wild culture is ubiquitous in groves and forest edges. These plants are well known as wolfberry, it has yellowish inflorescences and bright red berries, and the leaves are pubescent underneath. In the southern territories, it is exclusively a horticultural crop and does not grow wild.

The most familiar garden culture to us is erect, as well as climbing or creeping bushes, which look great in planting groups, alleys and gazebos.

The flowers of all varieties of honeysuckle are large, but their colors can be varied - pink, red, yellow, orange or white. A tubular corolla emerges from the calyx, divided into 5 equal parts. The pistil is rather long, each flower has several stamens. Fruits can be yellow, blue, black or red and are arranged in pairs on a branch.

Honeysuckle is cultivated in almost all countries of the northern hemisphere, and there are about 200 plant species. Only on the territory of our country you can find at least 50 varieties, and only 10-15 of them are edible.

All types and varieties can be divided into three categories depending on their appearance:

  • varieties that resemble small trees;
  • bush honeysuckle;
  • climbing vines (they are also called climbing or weaving).

It is the latter category that is most often found in gardens and personal plots - it attracts attention with its luxurious inflorescences of all colors of the rainbow. Even the most inconspicuous area is transformed before our eyes and acquires a special romance and piquancy if you decorate it with honeysuckle plantings.

Gardeners often combine several varieties of this plant, due to which, at the time of flowering, the site is filled with the brightest colors - from light pink to deep purple. Ripe honeysuckle fruits are no less exotic, which, depending on the variety, can appear both in summer and in the first weeks of autumn.

Honeysuckle exudes a rich aroma, which is why it is used to decorate family recreation areas. The plant is often used by landscape designers - chic pergolas, gazebos and stylish slopes are formed from it.

The varietal variety allows the plant to be used to decorate interesting compositions and even alpine slides.

Types and varieties

In nature, there are about 200 species of honeysuckle. Consumers around the world cultivate Himalayan, Primorskaya and others.

"Caprifol"- this is the most widespread variety of honeysuckle in our country, it is a perennial deciduous vine, which, when proper care often grows up to 6 m in length. Since mid-May, the plant is literally strewn with flowers. Flowering lasts 16-20 days. However, even after its completion, the plant does not lose its exoticism, since green berries appear on it, which, as they ripen, gradually turn red and by the end of summer, before our eyes, they are replaced by bright beads.

The climbing liana grows quite quickly - in one season it can give an increase of a couple of meters and twine around a pergola or climb the wall of a summer house.

"Caprifol" is a fairly frost-resistant plant. With strong and prolonged cold weather, only the young tips of the shoots are exposed to freezing.

It may seem strange, but a warm, long winter does much more harm to this variety than cold weather, since regular thaws lead to swelling of the buds, which die when frost returns. However, even in these unfavorable conditions"Caprifol" revives from root buds, which give new shoots with the onset of spring.

A very interesting variety of "Caprifoli" is considered to be "German Caprifoli" - it is similar to the main plant, but it is characterized by more long flowering, which sometimes lasts until the onset of autumn.

Honeysuckle "Kaprifol" does not leave anyone indifferent - it is no coincidence that the fascination with this plant began with it among the owners of their own plots in Russia and Europe.

Honeysuckle "Brown" Is another interesting variety that blooms twice a season: the first time in late June - early July, and the second time in August. The buds have a characteristic carrot color.

Honeysuckle "Brown" prefers open, lit areas, reacts negatively to drafts. The culture does not tolerate severe prolonged winters, and therefore it should be planted in the southern and central territories of Russia.

Honeysuckle "Henry" Is a semi-evergreen variety that does not completely shed its leaves for the winter and they remain partially on the bush. In height, this plant is significantly inferior to its "brothers" - its length does not exceed 2.5 meters. Flowering usually begins in mid-July, flowers of its scarlet color with an amazing rich aroma. Fruiting begins in September. The matte black berries have a very interesting shade.

In addition, the following varieties are widespread on the territory of our country:

  • "Tatarskaya"- one of the hardiest varieties of honeysuckle with pink and white buds;
  • honeysuckle "Korolkov" is distinguished by abundant flowering, inflorescences are lilac or pale pink;
  • "Gerald"- a plant with large yellow flowers, does not throw off leaves for the winter, while it tolerates frost well;
  • "Hekrota" differs in flowers of a pinkish-yellow hue, blooms for a long time, grows in length by 4-5 meters;
  • "Maaka"- liana with large white inflorescences that exude a piquant aroma, reaches 3-3.5 meters, rather resistant to frost;
  • honeysuckle "Serotina" - one of the most attractive, which pleases with flowering throughout the summer with small flowers of a burgundy-brown hue, their aroma is similar to the smell of linden flowers;
  • "Japanese" differs in the decorative color of the leaf plates - they are distinguished by a light green shade with pronounced yellow veins, but this plant does not tolerate frost well, therefore it can be grown only in the southern regions.
  • "Georgian" honeysuckle is widespread in the Caucasus, has large purple flowers, which are replaced by red and black fruits by the end of summer;
  • "Evergreen"- this is the most resistant to cold winters variety, its vines bloom at the end of May with unusual flowers: crimson on the outside and bright yellow on the inside.




Separately, it is worth dwelling on the edible types of honeysuckle.

"Bakchar giant"- a vigorous plant up to 2 m long, the crown is spreading, and the leaves are dark and very beautiful. The berries are very large - 4-5 cm, each weighing up to 2.5 grams. From one bush with good care up to 4.5 kg of crop can be harvested.

Also, the varieties differ in good taste. Cinderella, Blue Bird, Morena, Amphora and Long-fruited... These berries are distinguished by exceptional flavoring properties and can be used both for raw consumption and for preservation for the winter.

"Bakchar giant"




Honeysuckle can be planted with seeds, but this process is very complicated and time-consuming, so not every gardener decides to breed a crop using this method. Most often, the plant is planted with seedlings, but it is important to choose the right planting material.

A seedling should be purchased strictly in specialized plant nurseries or from trusted private owners who breed the necessary plant on their site, otherwise you risk getting a very different variety that you expect, since even the most experienced gardeners sometimes get confused in all varietal features and characteristics.

When choosing a bush, it is advisable to give preference to seedlings at the age of 2-3 years, since in this case you will not have to wait very long for flowering.

Carefully inspect the roots and shoots - no damage should be visible on them, they should be plastic, bend well, and not have dry parts. However, peeling of the bark is allowed - this is a standard condition for all varieties of honeysuckle.

Root system healthy plant should be strong and powerful, buds should be located on the shoots. You should not buy a bush if it seemed stunted to you. Even if the seller assures that he will rise after replanting and watering, it is better to purchase another plant.

For simultaneous cultivation, it is recommended to take at least three varieties in order to subsequently be able to multiply them independently. Keep in mind that honeysuckle belongs to cross-pollinated crops and not all varieties pollinate each other well, so when buying, you should give preference to paired varieties.

Finding the right place to plant your honeysuckle is very important.

Probably none exist garden plant that would smell as impressive and rich as honeysuckle. It is he who is considered the main factor that influences the choice of a place for growing. Most often, the plant is planted in the place where household members spend the most time and gather with friends and relatives. For abundant flowering, the plant is best placed in a sunny place, although shady areas are more suitable for forest varieties - they will grow best under the crown of spreading trees.

If you prefer curly varieties, then you should first take care of the construction of an arch or a special support.

Desirably, the acid-base reaction is in the range of 5.5 to 6.5. If the soil is acidified, a little lime should be added to it and dug up. Then the land should be completely free of weeds and organic and mineral fertilizers applied.

Purchase a seedling in plastic containers with a fertilized earthen clod - in this case, when replanting, the risk of damage to the root system will be minimized. However, if you are planting honeysuckle in early spring after the snow melts or in autumn, it is optimal for the root to be bare.

The time suitable for planting honeysuckle is the end of April - the first decade of May. It is during these periods that nature awakens and the plant has good chances to settle in a new place. However, you can plant bushes before winter - in this case planting work should be carried out in the second half of September.

In order to increase the survival rate of seedlings, the distance between the bushes should be observed: for tall varieties it should be 2.5 meters, and for undersized varieties - 1 m.

The landing sequence is standard:

  • 3-4 days before planting, you should prepare the holes and lay out their bottom with crushed stone, expanded clay or any other drainage.
  • Put on top of it fertile land... You can make the mixture yourself, for this, two buckets of compost are mixed with 1 kg of wood ash and 50 g of superphosphate are added there. If the area is sandy, then it makes sense to add a little clay to the prepared substrate.
  • A few hours before planting, the hole is watered abundantly.
  • The planting material is placed in the center of the hole and covered with prepared soil so as not to deepen the root collar. The earth is watered several times, and then, as it shrinks, a new one is poured and watered again.
  • It is advisable to cover the area near the young bush with mulch. Needles, sawdust or peat show a good result. This will maintain the required moisture level and protect the plant from frost if planted before winter.

If necessary, all types of honeysuckle can be transplanted to a new place, but this can be done only during the period when the plant is not blooming - optimal late autumn or immediately after the snow melts. The transplant should be carried out with an earthen lump.

How to care?

Ornamental garden honeysuckle at all stages of its growth and development lets out a lot of shoots, while some of them begin to creep and, accordingly, take root. In this regard, one should constantly monitor the growth of the seedling and get rid of unnecessary shoots in a timely manner.

Some varieties, for example, "Kaprifol", tolerate winter cold quite well. However, most of the other varieties retain their viability in the cold season, and even if some parts of the plant die, they recover rather quickly with the onset of warmth.

It is very important to maintain a competent moisturizing regime. Usually, the plant is watered twice a week in hot weather, and if the heat has not yet come, then one irrigation in 7 days will be enough. Do not allow the earth to dry out - in this case, the fruits will be small, dried, and, moreover, taste bitter. At the same time, an excess of moisture cannot be allowed - stagnation of water causes the development of varietal diseases, and also leads to decay of the roots, therefore it is advisable to equip effective drainage.

Like any other horticultural crop, honeysuckle requires fertilization. The plant needs minerals. They need a particularly large amount of dressing shortly before flowering, since a large number of large inflorescences require a lot of effort from the plant in order to delight the owners of the site as long as possible.

Plants respond well to ready-made complex preparations, which are sold in any store for summer residents, in addition, before winter, you can pour crushed under each bush wood ash... Adult plants love humus, and in summer experienced summer residents make infusion of mullein or mineral fertilizing. It is optimal to do this before mid-July.

You can fight pests using insecticides, but with fungal and viral diseases, as a rule, treatment is not possible - the plant dies, so it should be dug up and burned.

As a preventive measure, to prevent the emergence of larvae and adults of aphids, it is recommended to sprinkle around the trunk granular superphosphate or lime, and for the winter, the branches are advised to be treated with a 5% urea solution. In addition, spraying with Lepocid or Bitoxibacillin preparations can be carried out.

Since honeysuckle refers to ornamental plants, it needs to be cut regularly to give the bush an aesthetic shape. Usually, for this, they simply cut off the top. This stimulates the growth of young branches on the sides, which increase the bushiness of the vines in general. By the way, Caprifoli has one characteristic feature - it is tightly attached to the support and literally braids it counterclockwise, so pruning allows you not only to shape, but also significantly rejuvenate the bush. However, if you are growing edible honeysuckle, molding can significantly slow down the ripening time of the berries.

Honeysuckle is a covering crop, so it should be tied with agrofibre for the winter.


Most often, honeysuckle is propagated in one of two ways: by layering or by cuttings.

If you chose the first method, that is, the propagation of the culture by layering, you should at the very beginning of spring, immediately after the snow melts and the soil warms up, select a strong branch and bend it to the ground. The layering is pinned special bracket or you can press it simple stone... Per spring-summer period a branch in places of contact with the ground will give roots, after which the formed seedling can be separated and transplanted to permanent place... As a rule, this is done in the fall or next spring.

Reproduction by cuttings is carried out in July. In this case, cuttings with a couple of good internodes are cut from the main plant so that a couple of leaves remain on top. After that, the prepared shanks are placed in a greenhouse or an ordinary cuttings. You can do it yourself from improvised means. To do this, take the usual plastic bottle, cut off the bottom of it and cover the young stalk with this structure. When doing this, keep the lid open so that air can flow in.

About the variety of decorative honeysuckle "Caprifol", see the video below.

Synonyms: evergreen honeysuckle, lonicera evergreen, Lonicera sempervirens L. var. hirsutula Rehder, Lonicera sempervirens L. var. Sempervirens, Phenianthus sempervirens (L.) Raf., Lonicera sempervirens L. var. minor Aiton

Honeysuckle evergreen(Lonícera sempervirens) is a popular species of the genus (Lonicera) of the Honeysuckle family (Caprifoliaceae). Originally from North America. Introduced into culture in 1686.

It is a tall climbing shrub with bare shoots, reaching a length of 3 m. The shoots are glabrous. Leaves are elliptical or oval, to oblong, leathery, 3-8 cm long and 1.5-5 cm wide. The upper side is smooth, dark green, the lower side is bluish-gray, often with soft pubescence, evergreen. 1 or 2 pairs of leaves often grow together into an oblong or round disc on which the inflorescences are located.

Flowers large, sessile, grow in groups of three on long peduncles in apical spike-shaped inflorescences, red or orange-red, less often yellow color, without smell. The corolla reaches 4-5 cm in length. The column and stamens protrude slightly beyond the limb. Blooms from May to September.

Berries small, pea-sized, scarlet red.

Forms: f. superba Re gel (higher - with brighter red flowers and large leaves), f. sulphurea J a q. (var.flava R e g e 1) (sulfurous - with yellow flowers).

Varieties:"Magnifica" (flowers are red outside and yellow inside), "Sulfurea" (flowers are yellow), "Superba" (flowers are bright scarlet).

Frost resistance zone: 3-9. In winter, the shoots may freeze slightly, which then quickly recover.

Location: not demanding on the soil, unpretentious. Grows well on moist, loose and fertile soils under the cover of tall trees, but not in the shade. The optimum soil acidity is pH 7.5 - 8.5. Grows poorly on poor sandy and heavy damp soils. Can grow in full sun and partial shade, in a well-ventilated place.

Cropping: it is recommended to be carried out in autumn (after flying around the leaves) or in early spring (March). Every 2-3 years, it is necessary to carry out anti-aging pruning and thinning of the crown. To do this, it is necessary to remove old and small branches, while leaving no more than 5 powerful trunks, while new shoots are actively formed. After 6-7 years, only sanitary pruning is needed

Landing: She tolerates the transplant well. Planting is recommended in late autumn. Closed-root plants can be planted from spring to late fall. The recommended distance between plants is 1.5-2 m. Soil mixture: turf, humus, peat or sand in a ratio of 3: 1: 1. Root collar at ground level. The depth of the planting pit is 25-30 cm, the diameter is 25 cm for 2-3 summer bushes, for 5-7 year olds - the depth and diameter of the hole reaches 50 cm.To set fruits, at least 3-5 bushes must be planted different varieties... When planting, you can add 5 - 7 kg of manure, 50 - 80 g of superphosphate and 40 - 50 g of potassium salt per bush. Drainage layer of broken brick or gravel with a layer of 5-7 cm.

Care: in early spring, fertilizing with mineral fertilizers (20 - 30 g / sq. m) can be carried out. Before flowering, you can add liquid kemira-wagon (20 g per 10 liters of water). With weak growth of young plants, it is recommended to carry out foliar feeding(0.1% urea, 1% superphosphate, 0.5% potassium chloride). Responds well to summer crown sprinkling. In autumn, wood ash can be brought in for digging (100 - 200 g / sq. M). Watering is moderate, 2-3 times a season, in hot weather, 8-10 liters per plant. Without watering, the appearance of bitterness in the fruits is possible. It is recommended to remove weeds by loosening the soil to the depth of a shovel bayonet (20-25 cm). Mulch with peat near the plants in a layer of 3-5 cm.

Diseases and pests: practically not affected by diseases or pests.

Reproduction: seeds are 100% viable. Summer cuttings take root completely.

Usage: is used for vertical gardening trellises, walls of buildings, balconies and other objects.

June 1, 2015

Ornamental honeysuckles are extraordinarily beautiful during flowering and fruiting, so they should take their rightful place in amateur gardens. This honeysuckle is called the plant of love. At first, two buds are born on one peduncle, they also become flowers in pairs, simultaneously turn into berries and together "die". The legend of Tristan and Isolde tells that honeysuckle grew on their grave and in death the lovers became inseparable, like the buds, flowers and berries of this plant.

The most beautiful types of honeysuckle

In the conditions of central Russia, about 10 species of honeysuckle vines can be grown without much difficulty.

In nature, it is distributed in Europe, North Africa and Asia Minor. A climbing shrub up to 5 m in height is distinguished by a large variability in the color of leaves, dark green above and bluish below. Unlike other honeysuckles, its upper leaves on the shoots do not grow together into discs. Flowers in dense capitate inflorescences are yellowish, very fragrant. Blooms in June-July for two weeks. Berries are dark red, 0.8 cm in diameter, inedible.

In culture since 1814. Has several decorative forms: ‘Aurea’, which has golden leaves when blooming, ‘Belgica’ with thicker leaves and matte purple flowers. But special attention deserves a grade ‘Serotina’- liana up to 3 m long. Annual shoots are glabrous or slightly pubescent, red or yellowish at the top. The leaves are dark green above, below - gray, ovate. The flowers are two-lipped, at first they are dark red outside, later turn pale, inside are yellow. Corolla tube 4-5 cm long, stamens and pistil effectively protrude from the flower. It blooms for a long time and profusely from late June to early August. The berries are red. Very loved by gardeners. V middle lane Russia is recommended to remove the shoots from the supports in late autumn (like clematis) and cover them with dry leaves and spruce branches from above. Very interesting variegated variety ‘Harlequin’, but it is not very hardy.

In natural conditions, it grows in the Caucasus, Central and Southern Europe. A beautifully flowering climbing shrub, the shoots of which rise to a height of 6 m, in the conditions of central Russia on a support reaches 4-5 m.

Young shoots are glabrous, light green, reddish on the sunny side. The leaves are elliptical, sometimes quite wide, dark green above, bluish-gray below; 2-3 pairs of upper leaves grow together with bases in an elliptical disc. In autumn, the leaves sometimes turn yellow. Flowers are sessile, collected in 1-2 whorls, located in the axils of the uppermost fused leaves, very fragrant, up to 5 cm in length, white inside, outside with purple-red stripes.

Honeysuckle honeysuckle is a good honey plant. Bees visit this plant willingly. Blooms in June, starting at 4 years of age. Duration of flowering 15-20 days. Grows best in the sun, although it can withstand partial shade. Orange-red fruits on short stalks seem to be glued to the leaf, ripen in August.

Honeysuckle honeysuckle lives up to 50 years. It grows quickly, light-requiring, demanding on soil fertility and moisture. Propagated by seeds and summer cuttings that take root 100%.

Cultivated for a long time, has decorative forms: 'Alba' with white flowers that bloom two weeks earlier than other species, and few-flowered 'Pauciflora' with pink-red flowers.

Homeland - North America. It grows in the mountains, in the undergrowth, often in rocky places. Weakly climbing deciduous shrub up to 2 m high. Interesting are its leaves 5-9 cm long: bright green above, gray-gray below, with a narrow, cartilaginous, transparent, often wavy edge. The flowers are greenish-yellow or golden, open in May-June. Fruits are large, up to 1 cm in diameter, red, ripen in August-September. The first flowering and fruiting from 4 years old.

Grows in Europe and North America, rarely found in Russia. Hardy, drought-resistant, shade-tolerant.

Brown's honeysuckle

A hybrid of evergreen honeysuckle and rough honeysuckle. Deciduous liana 2-3 m high. Leaves are elliptical, 6-7 cm long, dark green above, glaucous below. In the bright sun, young shoots turn red. Very decorative due to the bright color of the flowers and their original shape - with a long (up to 4.5 cm) narrow corolla tube. The flowers are fragrant. Abundant flowering, inflorescences appear at the end of June. This vine rises low on the support, looks beautiful laid on the ground, like a ground cover plant. Propagated by cuttings. Needs shelter for the winter. Known varieties: 'Fuchsioides'- crimson flowers; ‘Dropmore’- scarlet flowers.

A complex hybrid with honeysuckle honeysuckle and evergreen honeysuckle. Liana rises to a height of 2-3 m and is very beautiful in bloom: the inflorescences are located at the ends of the shoots and consist of a large number large flowers, each up to 5 cm long, purple flowers outside, orange-yellow inside. Flowering lasts from June to August, rarely until October. To keep this honeysuckle from freezing, you need to plant it on the south side of the house. But still, in other years, damage to the shoots and weak flowering are possible, as, indeed, in all hybrid honeysuckles.

There are varieties in Russia: ‘Goldflame’- creamy pink flowers, ‘American Beauty’- flowers are yellow-orange.

A hybrid between honeysuckle and evergreen honeysuckle. Valued for profuse flowering and dense foliage. Liana 2-3 m long. Leaves are oblong, obtuse, up to 10 cm in length, bright green above, glaucous below. The upper pair of leaves under the inflorescence is fused. Flowers are tubular, golden-yellow or light orange-yellow in capitate inflorescences, large - up to 5 cm long. Blooms very effectively and profusely in May-June. The fruits are yellow-orange.

Requires rich organic matter and moist soils. Photophilous, but can bloom profusely in partial shade. In severe winters, it is severely damaged by frost. To avoid this, the vines should be removed from the supports and covered with lutrasil and spruce branches. It is widely used for vertical gardening in Western Europe and southern regions of Russia.

American honeysuckle

A hybrid between honeysuckle honeysuckle and evergreen honeysuckle Tuscan native to the Mediterranean. It is a semi-evergreen liana, which rises high on a support in areas with a warm climate. Here it can be grown in a place protected from cold winds, and covered with dry leaves or spruce branches for the winter. This honeysuckle is interesting for its fragrant bright, yellow inside and purple outside flowers.

A popular variety in Canada ‘Blanche Sandman’- flowers are yellow or orange.


The above plants are light-requiring. A well-lit and wind-protected place is chosen for landing. However, Brown's honeysuckle, curling, Hecrotta in sunny places suffer from heating and drying of the soil. They need shading of the root collar.

Landing. Lianas prefer organic-rich and well-moistened soils, do not tolerate close standing groundwater and prolonged flooding. It is recommended to pre-lime acidic soils. The distance between plants is 1.5-2 m. The roots are carefully straightened and covered with earth. Then water and mulch abundantly. The root collar should be at ground level.

The soil mixture consists of sod land, humus, sand (3: 1: 1). The acidity of the soil should be in the range of 7.5-8.5. On heavy clayey and poor boggy soils, honeysuckle grows poorly. Drainage from broken brick or gravel is required with a layer of 5-7 cm.

Fertilization and watering. In early spring, full mineral fertilizer is applied at the rate of 20-30 g per 1 sq. M. Before flowering, give a liquid top dressing "Kemiroi-Universal" (20 g per 10 liters of water). In autumn, wood ash is introduced for digging (100-200 g per 1 sq.m.).

Water it moderately 2-3 times per season in hot and dry weather, 10 liters per plant. Vines respond well to sprinkling. When it is compacted, the soil is loosened with a shovel bayonet. Trunk circles after planting, mulch with peat with a layer of 3-5 cm.

Trimming and shaping. They are made as needed for one third of the length of the shoots. Sick and thickened branches are always removed. If you notice a decrease in growth, then rejuvenation of the bush is recommended. Liana is recovering well.

Diseases and pests. Decorative views honeysuckle is rarely damaged by diseases and pests.

Preparing for winter. Winter hardiness is medium or high in honeysuckle, honeysuckle and curly honeysuckle. But in harsh winters they freeze a little too. Heat-loving decorative forms for the winter are removed from the supports and covered with spruce branches.

Reproduction of honeysuckle

Honeysuckle can be easily propagated by seed. It is better to sow them in the fall. At spring sowing need stratification within 4 months at a temperature of 2-5 ° C. Climbing and varietal honeysuckle is propagated vegetatively: by green and lignified cuttings, layering, overgrowth from the stump. The rooting rate of cuttings is high - up to 95%.

Cut into green cuttings at the end of June, 15-18 cm long, so that the upper cut is 0.5-1 cm higher, and the lower one is 1-1.5 cm below the kidney. They are planted in April on loose, previously watered ridges at a distance of 12-15 cm. Cuttings are regularly watered, loosened the soil. After the start of rooting, watering is reduced, and shading is left for a while. The next year, the rooted seedlings are dug up and planted for 1-2 years for growing in greenhouses.

Honeysuckle is propagated by layering by digging in a lignified shoot to a depth of 10 cm. mother plant it can be done next year.

Use in design

Honeysuckle can be used for vertical landscaping or as a ground cover. Vines are planted near terraces, railings, fences. In most climbing honeysuckles, the lower part of the vine is exposed with age, so you should consider planting other plants in the foreground near it: climbing roses, conifers and low-growing deciduous shrubs.

Project www.site thanks magazine "Gardens of Russia" for the provided article.


Evergreen honeysuckle (Lonicera sempervirens) is a beautiful liana that blooms profusely in warm, sheltered places throughout the summer with bright red and orange flowers.

This climbing evergreen or semi-evergreen shrub reaches a height of up to 3 m. The shoots are glabrous.

Elliptical or ovoid leaves, 3-8 cm long and 1.5-5 cm wide, sit on short petioles. The upper side of the leaves is smooth, dark green, the lower is bluish-gray, sometimes with soft pubescence. Often 1 or 2 pairs of leaves under the inflorescences grow together to form a round or slightly oblong disc.

Evergreen honeysuckle flowers are odorless. Their color changes from yellow to orange-red. The corolla is 4-5 cm long. The stamens and the column protrude slightly beyond the limb. The color of the berries is scarlet red.

Evergreen honeysuckle is widespread in North America. Introduced in 1686 Introduced in our country in 1816

In the European part of the USSR, young shoots of this species of honeysuckle suffer from frost. It is quite justified for Central Asia, the Caucasus, Ukraine.

A more stable hybrid of evergreen and rough honeysuckles is Brown's honeysuckle, which has forms with flowers of red, orange-red, dark orange-red shades.

Brown's honeysuckle blooms annually in Moscow, secondary flowering is often observed early autumn but the fruit is often not set.

Has won its place in gardens thanks to its amazing aroma and unusual graceful flowers... True, not all species have aroma, but about 180 of them are known, and in a warm climate it is possible to ensure the flowering of honeysuckle forms during almost the entire growing season. Honeysuckle flowers are tubular or bell-shaped, up to 5 cm long, with a five-membered corolla. In many plants, the four upper lobes merge, and the lower one folds back, revealing the stamens. Leaves are usually 3-10 cm long and can be oval, elongated, lanceolate or rounded. Fleshy berries are spherical or ovoid, only in rare cases are they edible. Honeysuckle attracts birds, hedgehogs and other wild animals, and its flowers - good source nectar for bees and butterflies.

These deciduous, evergreen and semi-evergreen plants grow wild in the Northern Hemisphere. They prefer moist but well-drained clay soil, but can grow on almost any soil. Some of them love the sun, others - the shade, but plants in hot and dry conditions are often attacked by aphids.

Pests and diseases

Honeysuckle is represented by either shrubs or woody vines. These two life forms will be discussed separately.

  • Shrubs

These honeysuckles are ideal for mixborders or bush curbs. These include the extremely fragrant, early spring blooming Lonicera fragraiuissirna (Aromatic honeysuckle) and L. purpusii (J. Purpuza). Low species, such as L. pileata (G. nodding), can be good ground cover plants, and Nitida (G. shining) is suitable for traditional hedges. Hardy shrubs such as L. maackii (J. Maack) endure particularly harsh conditions.

All shrub species of honeysuckle bloom well in the sun. Flowers 1.5-4 cm long are arranged in pairs, leaves are opposite and, as a rule, sessile.

Chaetocarpa (J. bristly)

This straight, deciduous shrub blooms from late spring to early summer drooping light yellow flowers with a faint aroma. Flowers with bracts. In the middle of summer, bright red berries ripen. Leaves are bristly. The height and diameter of the plant is 1.2x1.2 m (5 years). Maximum height-2.4 m.

L. fragrantissima (J. fragrant)

In early spring, and sometimes in late spring, the air in the garden is filled with the strongest aroma of the creamy yellow flowers of this plant. Dull red berries ripen in late spring. Leathery leaves are semi-evergreen in open areas and evergreen in plants sheltered from cold winds. In Russia, it grows only in the southern regions. The height and diameter of the plant is 1.5 x 1.5 m (5 years). The maximum height is 2.7 m.

L. involucrata

Small yellow or red-tinged flowers, surrounded by cordate bracts, appear on this hardy deciduous plant in spring. The fruits are shiny black berries. Leaves are narrow, 12.5 cm long, slightly pubescent. The height and diameter of the plant is 1.2x1.2 m (5 years). The maximum height is 2.4 m.

Var. ledebourti

The variety is characterized by darker orange-yellow flowers and heart-shaped bracts with a purple tint.

Korolkowii (J. Korolkova)

This graceful deciduous shrub blooms late spring and early summer with pale pink flowers; his berries are red. Young, hollow branches and pubescent leaves. The height and diameter of the plant is 1.5 x 1.5 m (5 years). The maximum height is 3 m.

Read also:

Snowberry plant: photo, types, cultivation, planting and care in open ground

L. maackii (J. Maack)

The fragrant white flowers of this powerful deciduous plant turn yellow before wilting. Blooms from late spring to mid-summer, the berries are dark red or black. The leaf petioles are purple, intensely pubescent. Although very hardy, this species prefers rich soil and a sunny location. The height and diameter of the plant is 3x3 m (5 cm). Maximum height -4.5 m.

L. nitida (J. brilliant)

This fast growing, dense evergreen shrub with small, dark green glossy leaves and rounded outlines is ideal for hedges. If not trimmed, creamy white fragrant flowers appear on it in the spring, followed by shiny transparent bluish purple berries. A softer look than many other honeysuckle. The height and diameter of the plant is 1.5 x 1.8 m (5 years). The maximum height is 2.4 m.

"Baggesen's Gold"

The variety is famous for its drooping branches, densely covered with small golden leaves, which change their color to sulfur-yellow in winter.

L. pileata (J. nodular)

This evergreen or semi-evergreen shrub is ideal as a groundcover, for low-tier plantings and for rocky gardens. They are neat, low, spreading plants that tolerate partial shade. Yellowish white flowers bloom in late spring; berries are transparent, amethyst color. Young shoots are purple, covered with soft hairs; leaves are dark, shiny, with prominent median veins. Winter hardiness in Russia may be insufficient. Plant height and diameter - 1x1.5 m (5 years). The maximum height is 3 m.

"Moss Green"

L. purpusii (J. Purpuza)

Creamy flowers with a strong aroma appear on the plant from early to mid-spring, before the leaves open. This honeysuckle has dense branches, bristly leaves and red berries. The height and diameter of the plant is 1.5 x 1.5 m (5 years). The maximum height is 3 m.

"Winter Beauty"

An extremely strong aromatic plant that blooms in early spring with creamy white flowers.

L. rupicola var. syringantha (J. rocky)

This graceful deciduous shrub blooms in spring and early summer with lilac-pink flowers with a sweetish aroma. Its leaves are gray-green, small. Plant height and diameter - 1x1 m (5 years). The maximum height is 1.8 m.

L. standishii (J. Standish)

Fragrant creamy white flowers, sometimes with a pale pink tinge. It blooms in early spring. The berries are red, heart-shaped. This deciduous or semi-evergreen shrub is relatively hardy. Plant height and diameter -1.8x1.8 m (5 years). The maximum height is 2.4 m.

L. tatarica (J. Tatar)

This deciduous plant requires no maintenance and grows well when it is feral. The hardy and drought-resistant species has white or pinkish flowers in late spring and early summer; berries are dark red or orange. Winter hardiness is high. Plant height and diameter - 2x2 m (5 years). The maximum height is 3 m.

Arnold's Red

A powerful plant with very dark red fragrant flowers and leaves with a bluish tint.

"Hack's Red"

Xylosteum (J. ordinary)

This deciduous plant found in the forests of Russia, Europe and the Caucasus has yellowish-white flowers, often with a reddish tint. Blooming in summer. The berries are red, sometimes yellow. Winter hardiness is high. Height and diameter of the crown 1.5x1.5 m (5 years); maximum height 3 m.

  • Vines

These plants grow upward, twisting around the supports. They can be directed towards arches or given the opportunity to climb trees, curl among bushes, or climb unsightly structures and walls. Evergreen species such as L. henryi (J. Henry) can create great screens when supported by trellises. Flowers 4-5 cm long are arranged either in pairs, or in whorls of six, or in inflorescences. In some plants on flowering stems, opposite leaves merge in pairs with their bases, forming a kind of collar around the stem (pierced leaves). Most vines prefer the roots to be in the shade and the shoots in the sun.

Unfortunately, many of the lianas are not hardy enough in central Russia. In severe winters, even in relatively resistant species, the aboveground part freezes, so they do not always bloom successfully.

Americana (J. American)

It blooms with fragrant pink and cream flowers from mid-summer to mid-autumn. Leaves are oblong-elliptical, pierced. This evergreen plant requires a sheltered spot in the shade or sun. Winter hardiness has not been studied enough. The height and diameter of the plant is 1.2x1.2 m (5 years). The maximum height is 3 m.

Read also:

Dierville plant: photos, types, cultivation, planting and care

Brownii "Dropmore Scarlet" (J. Brown)

Inflorescences of very beautiful orange-scarlet flowers rise above the round pierced leaves from early summer to early autumn. The berries are orange-red. Elliptical lower leaves slightly pubescent. This extremely hardy deciduous hybrid requires partial shade for protection from aphids. The height and diameter of the plant is 1.5 x 1.5 m (5 years). The maximum height is 3.5 m.

L. caprifolium (J. goat, Caprifolium)

Cup-shaped grayish-green leaves support the creamy pink flowers of this powerful deciduous plant. Whorls of fragrant flowers open from mid to late spring; flowering is followed by the appearance of bright orange-red berries. One of the most reliable lianas honeysuckle that can be grown in central Russia. The height and diameter of the plant is 1.8 x 1.8 m (5 years). The maximum height is 4 m.

"Anna Fletcher"

Etrusca (J. Etruscan)

This powerful, deciduous or semi-evergreen liana has creamy yellow, fragrant flowers, often tinged with red. Flowering from early summer to early autumn. The berries are red. The upper leaves are pierced. Winter hardiness may not be sufficient. The height and diameter of the plant is 1.5 x 1 m (5 years). The maximum height is 2.4 m.

Donald Waterer

The cultivar with bright red and creamy aromatic flowers blooms in mid-summer; in the fall, many red berries appear on it. This red-stemmed, upright deciduous plant prefers a sunny spot.

Michael Rosse

Gray-green foliage is combined with narrow creamy flowers that open in the middle of summer.

Michael Rosse


Blooming at the same time, the variety is distinguished by the presence of large inflorescences of fragrant yellow flowers with a pink honeycomb, emerging from collars formed by gray-green upper pierced leaves. Red berries appear in autumn. This powerful semi-evergreen plant, which prefers bright sun, reaches a height of about 3.5 m.

Giraldii (J. Giralda)

Striking yellow stamens adorn the red flowers of this evergreen with pubescent leaves and stems. The flowers blooming in early summer give way to small bluish-black berries. This hardy plant needs wind protection and a not too humid place. Plant height and diameter - 1.2)