How should the gas pipe run in the apartment. Moving a gas pipe in an apartment

To move a gas pipe in an apartment / house, you need to invite specialists - this process requires specific knowledge. But if a person is familiar with the construction business, represents the principle of gas flow into a dwelling and knows how to work with his hands, then the transfer gas pipe can be done on your own. True, for this you will need to familiarize yourself with the rules for performing the work in question.

How to move a gas pipe, following the rules?

The reasons why the transfer of a gas pipe is required can be very different - rearranging the stove and furniture in the kitchen, technical malfunctions of the gas pipeline, inconvenient location pipes and so on. Regardless of what specifically prompted the process in question, you need to read the instructions for its implementation and strictly adhere to the recommendations of specialists.

Step-by-step instructions for transferring a gas pipe:

  1. Turn off the tap that supplies gas to the apartment / house.
  2. Blow out the pipe to remove any remaining gas from it.
  3. The part of the pipe that is not needed is cut off. The resulting hole is carefully welded.
  4. In the place where the new pipe is supposed to be placed, a hole is made with a drill.
  5. A pipe of the required length is welded to the resulting hole.
  6. The crane is mounted using a special tape or ordinary tow and paint - this will provide the necessary seal.
  7. A tap is installed to the stove and other household appliances, but with the help of threaded connectionswelding work are over.
  8. The gas pipe (both the old section and the newly welded one) must be securely fastened to the wall.

having let gas into the already transferred pipe, it is necessary to make sure that there is no leakage. This is done with an ordinary soap solution - it is applied with a brush to all connections on the gas pipe, and if a bubble appears in at least one place, then you must immediately stop the flow of gas into the pipe and do all the work again according to the above step-by-step instructions.

If a specialist is invited for the type of work in question, then do not forget to check if he has a special permit for carrying out the transfer of a gas pipe.

Many people try to carry out the transfer of a gas pipe with a flexible bellows hose - this is prohibited. This type of hose can only be used to connect gas appliances and its length should not exceed 2 meters.

How to draw up and agree on the transfer of a gas pipe

This work is associated with a risk to life and therefore the transfer of the gas pipe must be documented. What needs to be done for this:

  1. Find a gas service organization at your place of residence - you need to apply for the transfer of a gas pipe. According to this application, a master comes to the house, who inspects the place, determines the possibility of transferring, makes calculations and makes an estimate.
  2. After the work is paid, a day is appointed for the transfer of the gas pipe. Do not forget to check in advance for the availability of certificates / permits from the organization to carry out such work.
  3. The specialists who arrived on the appointed day must present their documents, and the customer must check the dates of their last recertification.
  4. After completion of work, all changes must be made to the gas passport.

How should the gas system be located correctly

The gas pipeline in the apartment / house should be located so that it has free access - the system must be periodically inspected and repaired. Around the gas pipeline in the apartment / house there should not be sewer or water communications. In addition, the distances that are permissible between the gas pipeline and telecommunication lines must be fully respected.

Brackets, hooks, hangers and clamps can be used to fasten gas pipes to the wall. And according to the standards, all gas pipes are painted, for which only waterproof paints are used.

Any work related to the gas pipeline, including the transfer of the pipe, should be carried out only as a last resort, when it is really necessary - you should not “disturb” the gas pipeline system once again. But even if such a need arose, it is advisable to invite a specialist with a permit to carry out the work - the risk of accidents during work and during subsequent operation will decrease to zero.

Gas pipes are a means of transferring gas from a supplier to a consumer. In some cases, it may be necessary to move the gas pipe located in the apartment. The reasons for this may be repair work indoors, redevelopment, emergencies, etc. This article is for informational purposes only, as all work with gas equipment and communications must be carried out exclusively by authorized specialists.

Pipe movement rules

Moving a gas pipe is associated with a number of requirements:

  • It is impossible to install a gas pipeline in a living room.
  • Laying in ventilation shafts is prohibited.
  • It is unacceptable to lay a gas pipeline for decorative trim, except when we are talking about collapsible elements.
  • It is not allowed to pass the pipeline through the openings of windows and doors, along the floor, over skirting boards, under plumbing equipment.
  • If there is a need to lay electrical cable next to the gas pipe, then it should be no closer than 25 centimeters. The distance to the electrical switchboard must be at least half a meter.
  • Connections should not be loose, but rigid.
  • The gas pipeline must be located so that if there is any nearby technological equipment, convenient access was maintained for its inspection or technical work.
  • Gas pipelines are being installed open form at the height of gas appliances. The gas pipeline must be at least 2 meters 20 centimeters from the floor. If there is insulation on the gas pipe, the distance is calculated from the bottom of the insulated pipe.
  • The pipeline is fastened with brackets, clamps, hangers and hooks. Pipes through which liquefied gas is transferred are installed at an angle of 3 degrees from the system. If the room has gas meter, the slope comes from this device.
  • The vertical of the pipeline, where it intersects with any structures, must be dressed in a special box. There should be approximately a 10 mm gap between the pipe and the box. The gap must be filled with pieces of rubber, tow or other material that is elastic to the touch.

Note! When working with gas equipment, there is a risk of unforeseen situations that can lead to accidents. Based on this, you need to think carefully whether there is really a need to transfer the gas pipe in the apartment or you can get by with another solution. If, nevertheless, a transfer is necessary, during installation, all people not related to the installation work must be removed from the premises.

Permits for pipe transfer

To carry out installation work with gas communications, a number of approvals will be required:

  • In the gas service company at the place of residence, you need to write an application for the transfer of the pipe.
  • Next, a specialist from Gorgaz should appear, who will inspect the site of the proposed work. The specialist will decide on site whether it is permissible to transfer the gas pipes to specific situation and will also necessary calculations and will make an estimate of the project and a technical plan of the premises.
  • After the work is paid, the date of its implementation is agreed.
  • On the appointed day, specialists will arrive at the place of the order. They need to check the presence of certificates and permits to perform the corresponding type of work. Pay attention to the date of the last certification - it must be updated annually. If everything is in order, the workers can proceed with the installation.
  • Upon completion of the installation, an act is drawn up for the work done, and a corresponding note is made in the technical passport. The passport must reflect all changes made in the gas supply system of the apartment.

Installation progress

The transfer or replacement of the gas pipeline is carried out according to a certain algorithm:

  • Before moving the gas pipe in the kitchen (or in another room), the main valve is closed to supply gas to the room.
  • The pipe is purged for the final removal of gas residues accumulated in the pipeline.
  • cut out desired area gas pipeline, into the hole that has appeared, it is qualitatively welded.
  • Further, a hole is drilled in the main pipe with a drill where it is planned to place the gas pipe.
  • A piece of pipe is welded to the hole made.
  • On the other side of the welded segment, a shut-off faucet is mounted. To ensure the tightness of the connections between the faucet and the gas pipeline, a tow winding or a special sealing tape is used.
  • At the end of the installation of the faucet, a tap is made to the gas stove, as well as to all places where others are located. gas appliances. The gas stove and column are connected with a flexible two-meter hose.
  • The gas pipeline is attached to the wall with brackets or clamps. The distance between the fasteners is not arbitrary, but is established by the norms of SNiP.
  • Next, you can open the main valve and check the operation of the system.

Note! Checking before connecting the gas is mandatory.

The purpose of the test is to find out:

  • connection reliability;
  • absence of gas leaks in all places of the system.

Testing is carried out using a hot soapy solution, which is applied with a brush to the tested gas pipeline units. Leaks are indicated by the appearance soap bubbles. In this case, you will need to refine what has been done.

Properly installed gas pipe - the most important factor the safety of the occupants. Trust the work only to specialists!

Often a situation arises when it becomes necessary to move the gas appliance to another place. As a result, it is required to transfer the gas pipe in the apartment. Such work should be approached responsibly and should be carried out by professionals with the appropriate skills and knowledge.

Such a service of specialists is not cheap, but the wrong actions can lead to very sad consequences.

It should be noted right away that the transfer of gas pipes in an apartment consists of two large and important stages:

  • coordinating the movement of gas equipment in special services;
  • performance of work on the movement of the gas supply line.

Instructions on the transfer of the gas pipeline

For professionals, the transfer of gas equipment is not an extremely difficult task, it is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. Using the gas cock, shut off the gas supply to the room.
  2. The gas pipeline is then purged to remove residual gases from it.
  3. In the place where there is a connection with the gas pipeline, an unnecessary piece of pipe is cut off and the resulting hole is welded (read: "").
  4. A hole is drilled in a certain place and a branch is welded to the gas pipeline, which is a metal tube and a tap.
  5. Then they mount the outlet to the gas appliance by applying threaded connections.
  6. Before using the equipment, the installed gas valve and the pipe with welded joints must be checked for leaks.

To connect household gas units, a flexible bellows hose with a length of no more than two meters is used. Before moving the gas pipe in the apartment, it is advisable to think about the fact that perhaps such a length of the hose will be enough and this movement will not be required.

To work with gas pipelines, specialists must have a permit, they are re-certified at least once a year in order to confirm their qualifications.

Preparing to transfer pipes

Before proceeding with the transfer of the gas pipe, the owner of the property should contact the gas supply organization at the place of his residence with a statement regarding the desire to make changes to the gas supply system of the apartment. A technician will come to the specified address to inspect for the availability of conditions for moving gas equipment.

If possible, a representative of the organization will make the necessary calculations and draw up an estimate of costs. It is possible that there will be a need to draw up a new technical plan for the room where the gas pipe passes, in which the transfer will be taken into account. After making an advance payment for the services, the gas workers will appoint a day for the work to be carried out.

The owner of the premises needs to make sure that the gas company has certification - to demand from its employees the appropriate documentation, which should be provided to customers upon their request.

When specialists arrive to move the gas pipe, you should check if they have certificates that confirm their qualifications. Only then can the masters be allowed into the apartment. After the transfer process is completed, gas workers must draw up an act on the work done and make an appropriate entry in the gas passport.

Provisions of SNiP on the arrangement of gas pipelines in an apartment

According to the provisions prescribed in SNiP, the distance between the gas pipeline laid openly in the room or in the floor, and engineering communications for other purposes (sewer, heating, water supply systems) should allow inspection and repair of gas equipment and related fittings.

At the same time, gas pipelines should not be allowed to cross ventilation grates, window and door openings.

Between the gas pipe laid in the wall and the means wired connection and broadcasting, the minimum gap is determined taking into account safety precautions, which are provided for by the rules regarding work with cable lines.

Minimum distance and permissibility of crossing between the gas pipeline and electrical wiring, located indoors, is determined on the basis of the PUE.

The gas pipeline is laid in residential buildings at a height of at least 2.2 meters from the level floor covering to the bottom of the pipe, and if there is insulation on it - to the bottom of the insulating material.

When laying a gas pipeline through which moist gas is supplied, a slope of at least 3% is observed. When installing the counter, the slope is performed in the direction away from it.

A vertically located section of the gas pipeline at the intersection with building structures must be placed in a case. The distance between it and the pipe is filled with elastic materials, such as rubber bushings or tarred tow.

Gas pipelines laid inside rooms or channels must be painted using waterproof paint and varnish products.

Gas units and gas burners, as a rule, are connected to the gas pipeline by a rigid connection method.

The choice of technology for welding gas pipes in an apartment directly depends on the material of their manufacture. In any case, when working with gas pipelines, there is a risk of an accident, so the transfer must be carried out in the presence of a minimum number of residents.

Blue flame can bring comfort and coziness to every home. Not a single hostess preparing food can do without it. However, the use of gas is often associated with a risk and how well the installation is done. gas system in a house, the safety of all its inhabitants depends. That is why the transfer of gas pipes and all the rest installation work gas supply systems are best left to professionals.

Moving gas pipes in a house is a very responsible matter, which is directly related to safety. Therefore, it is important to remember that certain skills and special training cannot be dispensed with here. Certainly work hired specialists in a house or apartment can lead to some financial costs, but if we consider the work from the security side, then its payment will not be so big.

As a rule, the transfer of gas pipes is carried out during the implementation overhaul in an apartment or house. But the need to move the pipes may also arise in cases of technical malfunctions. According to the rules and regulations, the entire gas supply system must be reconstructed every 20 years of operation. And in each individual case, whether this is an installation, whether it is necessary to move, cut a pipe or carry out other work related to the gas supply system, it is necessary to clearly follow all safety rules.

Instructions for transferring the gas pipe

A professional who carries out the transfer of gas pipes always adheres to certain rules and algorithms:

  1. The apartment always has a special gas access valve, which should be shut off before starting work;
  2. The gas pipeline must be carefully purged to remove the remaining gases from it;
  3. At the junction with the gas pipeline, it is necessary to cut the pipe that interferes, and weld the resulting hole by welding;
  4. A special hole is made in the wall and a gas pipe is mounted.

It is important to remember that the gas distribution must contain specially designed holes for a flexible bellows hose through which household appliances are connected. The length of such a hose should not exceed two meters.

Basic requirements for specialists when transferring pipes of a gas system

In the apartment, the gas pipe is mainly located in the kitchen. Every person daily uses the gas pipeline and connected to it household appliances. But sometimes it happens that the gas supply pipe interferes. In such cases, the transfer of gas pipes is carried out.

Before cutting the pipe in the kitchen, you must:

  • Write an application to the gas service and indicate the need to transfer the pipe;
  • A technical specialist will have to leave for the place where it is planned to move the pipe carrying the gas;
  • After that, the conditions for the upcoming work are assessed;
  • The specialist must make his decision about the possibility of transferring or cutting the pipe and, if necessary, make the necessary calculations, as well as draw up an approximate estimate.

Sometimes, when the layout of the gas supply system in the kitchen does not suit the owner of the house or apartment, you need to resort to drawing up a new technical plan for the room, taking into account how the new wiring should look like, whether it will be attached to the wall where the box for the gas pipe will be located, and so Further.

When entrusting the transfer of a gas pipe in the kitchen or any other room to specialists, you should make sure of their qualifications. To do this, it is worth checking the availability of certificates, dates of recertification and confirmation of professionalism.

After the wiring of the gas supply system in the kitchen is changed, the gas service employees are required to provide an act of work performed and make an appropriate note about the system changes in the gas passport of the room.

Sanitary norms and rules for the location of the gas supply system

Regardless of whether the gas pipeline is fixed on the wall, in the floor or openly in the room, in any case, the distance from it to building structures, technological equipment or other pipelines in an apartment or house should be taken into account, taking into account the possibility of inspection, control and installation . At the same time, the gas pipeline system in the kitchen or in any other place should not cross ventilation grilles, as well as openings for doors or windows.

Between the gas pipe passing through the wall and the means of wire broadcasting and communication, the distance must be determined in accordance with all existing rules safety technology.

AT residential buildings the height of the gas pipeline and its wiring must be at least 2.2 meters from the floor level to the bottom of the pipe through which the gas flows. If the pipe is equipped with a heater, then in such cases the distance to the bottom of the heater is taken.

You can fix the gas pipeline, which is laid openly, to the wall using:

  • brackets;
  • hooks;
  • clamps;
  • pendants and so on.

The same means are used in cases where it is necessary to fix the pipe on ceilings or columns.

All requirements that govern the distance between gas pipeline fasteners are set out in Sanitary standards and the rules of SNiP No. 2.04.12-86.

Safety First

Basically, the layout of the gas pipeline system in an apartment, kitchen, house or other room is provided for in the planning documents of this room. Often, gas pipes are mounted on the wall. But if, nevertheless, you decide to make some changes, move or cut the gas pipe, then in any case it is worth remembering the safety rules. And this is understandable - during work, when the wiring of the gas supply system in the room is affected, there is always a risk of an accident. Therefore, if you decide to move the pipe or change its position on the wall only to improve the attractiveness of the room, it is better to refuse such an idea.

If the decision to make changes in the gas supply system is finally made, then make sure that at this moment there are as few people as possible in the room.

It is important to remember that when organizing the transfer of gas pipes and entrusting the implementation of work to special organizations, the organization must have the appropriate certificate to carry out work of such a plan.

All work related to cutting, transferring or fastening pipes must be accompanied by acts of work performed. And only in such cases you can be sure that nothing threatens your life and the lives of your loved ones.

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Gas pipes in the kitchen: is it possible to redo the piping to the stove

This article is an attempt to clearly explain that a resident apartment building can do it with his own hands with an internal gas pipeline in his apartment. I will pay attention to the restrictions set out in normative documentation, and I will tell you about my own practical experience regarding how and with what you can move the gas pipe in the kitchen. So, let's go.

Hands off!

Let's talk about prohibitions first. Yes, yes, dear reader, I have no doubt that you are full of enthusiasm and eager to carry out the transfer of the gas pipe in the kitchen yourself. However, take the restrictions I have listed as seriously as possible:

  • You can not move the gas riser in the kitchen. All you can do is change where the branch is attached to it or the length of this branch;

  • Do not use indoors polyethylene and in general plastic pipes . SNiP 2.04.08-87 in clause 4.85 expressly states that polyethylene is prohibited for laying in residential buildings, and in clause 6.2 it indicates what materials should be used;

Extract from SNiP: gas pipelines from steel pipes should be installed inside buildings and structures. To connect gas appliances, it is permissible to use rubber or rubber-fabric sleeves (read - reinforced gas hoses). However, it is still recommended to use hard eyeliners.

  • It is impossible to block common plug, ball valves and gate valves at the inlets and risers of gas supply. If at the time when you turn off the gas, someone cooks food, the fire will go out, and after starting it will continue to flow into the kitchen. The result of such a development of events is usually described in TV reports by bystanders: there is no one among the residents to tell about it;

Captain Evidence suggests: for any work related to disconnecting the riser and carried out by gas service specialists, it is necessary that the residents of all apartments be at home. At launch, all tenants are notified about it personally.

  • Finally, the main thing: PB (safety rules) 12-368-00 prohibit any gas-hazardous work carried out by persons who have not passed instructions and exams on safe methods conducting work.

Simply put: only a representative of Gorgaz or a licensed gas equipment maintenance company should connect any gas appliances.

What will happen

If you are fabulously lucky and you, without the necessary knowledge and practical experience, do not allow a gas leak, your amateur performance will be revealed at the very first scheduled inspection of gas equipment by representatives of the gas service.

The consequences are unpredictable: they can either turn a blind eye to the work you have done or draw up a protocol on an administrative offense that endangered the life and health of people.

Worst scenario... Comrades, I won't spoil your mood. What is a gas explosion in a residential building - everyone represents.

fly in the ointment

There are two reasons:

  1. Timing. Drafting and approval may take three to four months;
  2. Price. The project, together with the work, will cost from 10 to 40 - 50 thousand rubles.

Only shhh

So, what to do if you are still very impatient to move the gas stove or shorten the gas pipe outlet?


No, no, mon ami, do not rush to pick up the keys and the hacksaw. In the beginning - a little tedious, but necessary for familiarization with regulatory requirements.

The norms for a gas pipe in the kitchen are set out in the document I have already mentioned - SNiP 2.04.08-87.

  • Gas distribution in a residential building must be performed predominantly at the weld. Threaded and other collapsible connections are allowed only on connections to shut-off valves, gas meters and consumer devices;

With practical side for us, this means that the internal gas pipeline in the apartment cannot be assembled from pieces. Climbing to the gas pipeline with welding, not being able to completely turn it off, really, is not worth it.
One more nuance: this paragraph of SNiP does not prohibit the use collapsible connections completely, but only recommends to refrain from them.

  • All detachable connections must be made in places accessible for inspection and repair. In non-separable kitchen furniture they should not be hidden;
  • The gas pipe must be laid, as a rule, openly;
  • If there are several gas consumers, shut-off valves must be installed in front of each of them;
  • In places of passage of people (for example, above or in the hallway), the gas pipe must run at a height of at least 220 centimeters. What is the instruction connected with - I think you can not explain;
  • Steel internal gas pipelines are recommended to be painted for corrosion protection. At the same time, the decor of the gas pipe in the kitchen or in the hallway must be waterproof.


After tap

First and foremost: in the vast majority of cases, you don’t need to cut or cut anything. To transfer the slab, it is enough to lengthen the connection between it and the shut-off valve. To hide the untidy steel eyeliner, you can simply build a cabinet around it (of course, collapsible or with wide-opening doors).

How can you connect a stove or other gas appliance without violating the requirements of SNiP?

Corrugated stainless steel pipe. In this case, the key requirements will be met:

  • The connection to the device will be rigid (corrugated stainless pipe obviously has nothing to do with hoses);
  • Wiring will be done steel pipe. Who's to say that stainless steel is not steel?

When corrugated stainless pipe had not yet appeared on the Russian market, I successfully endured gas stoves oxygen or acetylene hose on steel or brass fittings.
To fix the hose on the fitting, an aluminum clamp was used for a screwdriver.

Stainless steel connections are mounted on compression fittings: the pipe is inserted into the fitting with a loose union nut, after which it is tightened and compresses the pipe with a silicone seal.

The threads on the connections of the fittings with the plate branch pipe and the tap are wound up with FUM tape.

At start-up, all detachable connections must be checked for gas leaks: soap suds are applied to each of them with a brush. If it bubbles, the connection needs to be sorted out.

Do not test connections with a lit match. It's not a matter of safety: for a gas to explode, you need its mixture with air in sufficient concentration.
The fact is that in small concentrations, with minor leaks, it simply does not catch fire.

Faucet replacement

Soviet-style gas plug valves are not very convenient to use and need regular maintenance. In particular, the cork must be liberally lubricated. The lubricant fills the grooves to prevent gas leaks and reduces the force required to turn the plug.

Can I change the faucet myself?

If so, the rate of gas outflow from the pipe will be minimal, and the pressure will not prevent the installation of a new valve instead of the old one.

The replacement algorithm looks like this:

All work is carried out only with the machines turned off in electrical panel and with the windows wide open.
Violation of this simple and understandable rule can lead to a gas explosion.

What to change the gas valve? On a modern cork. Its purpose for gas is indicated by the yellow marking of the handle.

Thread cutting

How to cut a gas pipe in the kitchen and cut a thread on it?

With due observance of safety rules, this work is no more dangerous than the previous one:

  1. We are preparing a tool - a hacksaw for metal, a rough file and a die according to the diameter of the pipe (as a rule, the connection to the stove has a size of DN 15). In addition to the tool, you will need a FUM tape and any lubricant - up to motor mining or a solarium;
  2. We make a wooden or rubber chopstick according to the size of the pipe. Its dimensions should not prevent you from cutting threads on the outer surface of the cut eyeliner;
  3. We de-energize the whole apartment. Namely, automatic machines, and not switches and cords pulled out of the socket. Any accidental spark can be fatal;
  4. We open wide all the windows in the apartment;
  5. We disassemble the squeegee, remove the crane and insert a chopik in its place;
  6. With a file, we remove the outer chamfer on the pipe at an angle of 15 - 20 degrees to its longitudinal axis. This will be the entry for the die;
  7. We lubricate the entry and the first few centimeters of the eyeliner;
  8. We put the die with a guide frame on the eyeliner;

  1. Pressing it against the pipe, we make a call and cut five threads of thread;
  2. We wind the thread with FUM tape;
  3. We take out the chopstick and immediately screw the tap onto the thread.


Comrades, I remind you once again: working with gas equipment is an area where amateur performance is truly dangerous. Just don't forget about it. As always, the video in this article will bring to your attention Additional materials. Feel free to share your own experience in the comments. Good luck!

July 26, 2016

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