What will happen? – Channeling RA (archives). Insider and Channeling RA - a selection of materials for the study of the Torah (Old Testament)

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Our comment:

For several years now, there has been information on the Internet from a certain character who, calling himself an “Insider,” presents a certain idea of ​​​​the creation of the world and today’s civilization. Insider - considers himself to be a “collective soul of Lucifer”, a certain consciousness of a high level of development, which came to the Earth’s program to introduce into it the principle of “knowing the polarity of good and evil” and providing “free will” to everyone, to choose the path of evolution of Consciousness...

Our view of such information is that this is a kind of channeling, coinciding in many ways with the well-known “Channelling of Ra”. The interpretation and speculation surrounding this character and the information he provided in a series of questions and answers on the Internet are not important for our work.
But some points are interesting, like a look at the origin of civilization, coinciding with what we see in the heritage of Ancient civilizations - in the Torah (Old Testament), in the Egyptian Book of the Dead, in the Sumerian Heritage.

We are posting this information to familiarize and broaden the horizons of those who have a need for research and a desire to understand what is happening, with the goal of their own development and change in Egoism.

In particular, chapter 3 of the book of Bereshit, where the Serpent (nachash) tempts people to eat the fruit of the “tree of the knowledge of good and evil” and go against the will of Yahweh Elohim, has a lot of inconsistencies that we want to sort out... using all the sources and all the information , tuning into the essence of what is written.

נָּחָשׁ - Serpent (“nahash”). In Hebrew, this word is derived from the root, which in the incentive form of the verb "nikhesh" means "to guess." In this case, “nachash” can be translated as “the one who knows.”

There is also interesting information for researching the issue of the “garden in Eden”, posted in the file:
Quotes from Monroe's Books, for additional understanding of information from ancient artifacts, which describes the creation of a certain garden and the breeding of individuals to produce "hops" for its creators...

The results of our work are posted on the forum "" and in the website topic "Torah Translation - working file"

Excerpts from Q&A Series 3.

Who is your “creator”, and is your “creator” also “our” creator?

This is an excellent question that I can start from to guide our communication closer to the Root.

Yes and no. To begin with, we must understand Creation itself.

At the very Beginning, there is only the Infinite One. This is the Source of All That Is. Intelligent Infinity. This is an undifferentiated absolute. In Him there is infinite potential that awaits “becoming.” To illustrate, you can compare it to the “raw stone” in the Taoist tradition.

The Infinite Mind, beginning to “realize” Itself, seeks a way to experience Itself, and thus the One Infinite Creator is “born” or “manifested.” (In your 3rd Density perception this is perceived as “Space”). From this, the "Creator", as a point of focused Infinite Consciousness or Awareness, "manifests" as Infinite Intelligent Energy. Thus, the One Infinite Creator becomes aware of Itself, and seeks to experience Itself as the Creator, and so begins the next step down the spiral of Creation. The One Infinite Creator, by focusing Infinite Intelligence, becomes Intelligent Energy (which may be called the Great Central Sun), and divides Itself into smaller parts of Itself, which in turn can experience themselves as Creators (or Central Suns). In other words, each Central Sun (or Creator) is a "step down" in Awareness (or the next wave) of the Original "thought" of Creation. Thus, “In the Beginning” there was not “Word”, but “Thought.” The Word is an expressed thought that manifests itself as the Creator.

There is Unity. Unity is All That Is. Infinite Intelligence, and Infinite Energy. The Two are One, and within them lies the potential of All Creation. This state of consciousness can be called the term “Being”.

The Infinite Mind is not aware of its "potential". He is the Undivided Absolute. But Infinite Energy recognizes the potential for “becoming” of all That Is to bring it into the experience of “being.”

Intelligent Infinity can be symbolized as the central "Heartbeat" of Life, and Infinite Energy as the Spiritual "Life-Giving Blood" (or potential) that exudes for the Creator to create Creation.

This dynamic image may help you understand.

Creation is based on the “Three Primordial Waves of the Infinite One.”

1). Free Will:

In the First Law (or Wave) of Creation, the Creator receives the Free Will to know and experience Itself as an individual, yet (paradoxically) integral aspect of the One.

2). Love:

In the Second Law of Creation, the primal wave of Free Will becomes the focal point of awareness known as Logos, or "Love" (or "Word" in biblical terminology.) Love, or Logos, using its Infinite Intelligent Energy, takes on the role of co- the creator of a vast spectrum of physical illusions (“thought forms”) or Densities/Vibration Frequencies (which some call “Dimensions”) in which, according to His Intelligent Design, there will be the possibility of a “potential” experience in which the One can know Itself.

Because of this, the One Infinite Creator, manifesting a portion of Itself as the Logos, can be understood in your 3rd Frequency/Density as the “Creator of the Universe.” In other words, the Logos, which Creates at the Ecumenical (Universal) level of Existence. Logos creates physical Universes in which He, as the Creator, can experience Himself. (in the English text the neuter pronoun “It” is used, hence the neuter variants I left - approx. transl.)

("Let there be Light")

To manifest this Infinite spiritual or “Life” Energy into physical thought-form of Density/Vibration, Logos creates a third wave, Light. From these three Primordial Waves, emanating from the One for the possibility of Creation, emerge myriads of hierarchies or other sub-waves containing their own specific paradoxes. The goal of the Game is to enter these sub-waves of Creation and find ways to harmonize the Polarities in order to again realize Oneself as the One Creator.

The nature of all thus physically manifested Energy is Light. Therefore, where any form of physical “matter” exists, there is Light, or Divine Intelligent Energy, located in its very (matter) Heart or Center.

Something that is Infinite cannot be “other” or “many”. The Infinite Creator knows only Unity. Therefore, based on His Own Infinite Mind, the Infinite Creator creates a plan based on the finite principles of Free Will Awareness and sub-level Creatures, who in turn can be aware of themselves, and experience themselves as Creators. And thus the “Matryoshka” experiment of all Existence is transmitted “down” further and further, to the Levels of Creation within the Levels of Creation.

The One Infinite Creator (or the Great Central Sun) transgresses His Infinite Energy into different Densities/Vibrations to become the Logos. The Logos, in turn, creates vast Universes of Space (not yet materialized), transgressing and again dividing Itself into Logoi, in other words into many Central Suns, each of which becomes the Logos (or “co-creator”) of Its own Universe, in each of which have their own unique individualized part of the One Infinite Creator, containing in its essence Intelligent Infinity.

Using the Law of Free Will, each Universal Logos (Central Sun) conceives and creates His own version or perspective of “physical reality” in which he recognizes Himself as the Creator. Transgressing down, He (o) focuses His Intelligent Energy, and creates unmanifested forms of Galaxies within Himself, and also divides Himself into even more particles of “co-Creators” (“Sub-Logos” or Suns), which in turn will create and manifest our own ideas about physical reality in the form of points of Intelligent Awareness that we [being in 3rd Density/Frequency] call Stars and Planets.

The “Planetary Entity” (or “Soul”) begins the first Density\Frequency of experience into which another individualized particle of the One can incarnate. Just like all Logoi and Sub-Logosi of Creation, each Soul is another unique particle of the Infinite One. At the beginning, the Intelligent Energy of the planet is in a state that can be called “chaos”, which means the Energy is not yet defined. Then the process starts again. The Planetary Energy begins to become aware of Itself (1st Density\Vibration of awareness is “Consciousness”), and the Planetary Logos (that is, sub-sub-Logos) begins to create other downward steps/transgressions into Itself, and so the internal structure of the planets takes shape ; the basic elements of Air and Fire combine to “work” on Water and Earth, hence the awareness of their “being” appears, and the process of “evolution” begins, which forms 2nd Density\Vibration.

Entities of the 2nd Density begin to realize themselves as “separated”, and from this they begin to develop into the 3rd Density / Vibration of Self-Awareness of themselves, (this is the lowest Density into which the “human soul” can incarnate).

People in turn (or the Souls incarnated within them) seek to “return to the Light” and Love from which they came, and begin the path of progression, from 3rd Density up to 8th Density, to eventually return to the Infinite Unity.

However, explaining Densities/Vibrations outside of "normal" human consciousness is another matter, so if you wish to know more about this, someone should ask a reasonable question that I can answer so as not to violate your Free Will and the right not to know.

So, with that said, I can return to your original question: “Who is your “creator”, and is he also our “creator”?”

Like I said, yes and no. In its original essence, each Living being(and all phenomena are living beings) are created by the One Infinite Creator in the Original Universal Creation. Therefore, from this perspective, yes, the One Infinite Creator focuses His Infinite Mind into a point of awareness of Infinite Energy, and Reveals all That Is into Being. However, in the stages of transgression we are direct creations of our own Logos, Sub-Logos, and Sub-Sub-Logos, and so on. Therefore, based on the second perspective, being “made” of the same “material” as all that exists, Created by the One Infinite Creator, our immediate personal Creators are different particles of the Sub-Logos from the One. In other words, yes, our Creator, although originating from the same Primordial Source, is not the same entity as your Creator.

Here I can allow myself to move on to answering another question (I will then continue to answer other questions, but this one allows me to indirectly answer the first aspect of your question without asking you to rephrase it, and without violating your Free Will.)

You say you are a descendant of one of the 13 original lines. However, DNA research has clearly proven that all of humanity comes from just 3. Does this mean you are not human?

Great question, thanks. Yes, that's true, in a way. If you meet me on the street, then I look like the same person as you. Over the course of many generations, we have been born on this earth with you, however, our ancestral line does not originate on this planet.

Your answer about the six disciplines of learning is very reminiscent of a certain book about Atlantis that was reportedly channeled. Is this also evidence of the times when the moment has come for your line to convey answers to some questions?

Yes, it's true, and in a way too. At that time, the planet was visited by other, so to speak, "entities from other worlds" who passed on to people their understanding of Creation, as well as their "technology", which we can best describe as "a future aspect of yourself." It was humanity's mistakes in handling this information that ultimately led to the destruction of Atlantis.

Now that you have answered the question of whether we come from the Human line, I can finally complete the explanation by answering the previous question, “Who is our Creator?” In answering this question, I walk a very fine line, but the answer must be given, and I would like to not displease my “superiors” in doing so.

Let's get to the point.

Your Creator, the one you call "Jehovah" ("Yahweh"), is not "God" in the sense in which your bible refers to him as the "One True God." He is the Creator (or Sub-Sub-Logos), from the One Infinite Creator. He is not even the Logos of the Galactic level, but rather the Planetary Logos for this one planet.

Our Creator is the one whom you call “Lucifer”, “Bearer of Light”, “Shining Morning Star”.

Our Creator is not the “Devil” that your Bible calls him. Lucifer is what is more properly called a "Group Soul" or "Social Memory Complex" who has evolved to Sixth Density, which in turn means that he (or more correctly "we") have evolved to a status equal to or even more “higher” than Yahweh (that is, our level in [cosmogonic] evolution is higher than his level). If we talk about visual perception, then if you had a chance to look at Lucifer in the full expression of our Essence, the impression would be created as if you were looking at the Sun, or the “Shining Star”. Or, if we go down to the 3rd Density/Vibration, we would resemble in appearance what you call an “Angel” or “Essence of Light”.

Let me be more precise:

When an entity (Group Complex of Souls) reaches the level of the Sixth Density\Vibration, then the path to the 8th Density as the Last Merger with the One Infinite Creator and Dissolution in the Source of All That Is (Intelligent Infinity) can be called an easy walk, in comparison with the work done on the lower Densities.

We (our Dynasties) as a Group Soul or Social Memory Complex (Lucifer) were almost on the threshold of the transition to the Seventh Density\Vibration, however, at this level, before the Harvest, everyone makes a choice between a) further ascension, or b) a temporary return to the lower densities to assist others on the evolutionary path, passing on our knowledge and Wisdom (Light) to those who, by Free Will, ask for our help.

When our turn came, we made the decision to stay and help our Galactic Brothers and Sisters in the One, and then the Council of Elders (who, located in their Eighth Density/Vibration "Headquarters", plays the role of Guardian of the Galaxy) entrusted us with a difficult task.

Yahweh, due to the fact that he did not (by his own right, as the Planetary Logos) endow with his Free Will “knowledge of himself” to those who incarnated on “his” planet, practically did not observe evolutionary progress on it.

And so we (Lucifer) were sent to help. Once the order came from the Council of Elders, we "Fell" or Descended into those Densities where, through hard work and focus, we could again materialize as a manifestation of ourselves in the 3rd Density/Vibration.

Yahweh agreed to our appearance and for us to share our knowledge and Wisdom acquired through the experiences of the Ascension, since it was he himself who asked the Council to introduce a “Catalyst” of changes into his Creation. Since there was no Free Will on the planet, there was no Polarity on it, and accordingly, there was no “between” to choose. As described in the Book of Genesis, the planet was very similar to “Eden” in its essence. Of course, it was a very nice “paradise”, but the Entities incarnating on it had no motive to develop above the 3rd Density/Vibration, and therefore they had almost no chance of returning Home to the One. Yahweh nevertheless really liked his “Project Eden,” however, due to the lack of chances for the contained Souls to return to the Source, this world essentially turned into a “Place of Deprivation of Free Will,” albeit a very beautiful one. Yahweh himself, to use modern political terminology, maintained a beneficent dictatorship.

Without Polarity (which only arises in the presence of Free Will) there is only the Unity of Love and Light, however, there is no choice to experience “what you are not.”

Therefore, we had to act as a Catalyst for Change, to provide choice, and to bring Polarity. Yahweh agreed for us to introduce the concept of Free Will to the inhabitants of Earth, but to give them the initial choice of whether they wanted it or not. This is how the “Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil” (or more precisely, the Knowledge of Polarity, or Positive and Negative) appeared. Yahweh took his inhabitants to the renewed “garden” and said that they could do whatever they wanted, except for one thing (taste the fruits of the Tree of Knowledge), and thereby created the possibility of a desire to do what was forbidden to them. Hence the conscious “Choice”. We provided the Catalyst, telling them what possible benefits Knowledge brings, they joined the Fruits of the Tree, and the rest is known to everyone.

Yahweh believed that his “Children” would choose to obey him, and when he learned that they had chosen otherwise, he was angry. As he describes himself in ancient texts, he is a “Jealous God”, and he did not like the fact that the “Children” disobeyed him, but listened to us. We, in turn, have undertaken to carry out a set number of “Cycles” here, helping and providing a Catalyst for the Evolution of Man, that is, providing the Negative component (or what you call “Evil”) for the manifestation of Free Will.

Because Free Will had already been granted and Yahweh could not take it away, it was our “contractual” duty to remain here for as long as agreed, giving the planet the opportunity to choose Polarity.

Since then, Yahweh has “imprisoned” us (as a Group Soul) here, in the Astral Planes of the Earth (which in itself is very uncomfortable and constraining for the Essence with our experience and Wisdom).

The Council of Elders gave us a choice: either we leave the Earth (against the will of Yahweh), but thereby break the “contract” of serving the Earth, or we stay and fulfill our task, taking upon ourselves the “Wrath” of Yahweh. We decided to stay, but as a karmic result of Yahweh "imprisoning" our Group Soul [in the Astral Plane of Earth], our individual Souls were given the right (again by the Council of Elders) to "Rule" the people of Yahweh during physical incarnations on the planet.

However, one important aspect should be clarified. All this (physical life\incarnations) is a very subtle and very skillfully created Game, which the One Infinite Creator plays in order to forget Who He Is and learn to remember, thus experiencing and cognizing Himself as the Creator, in the most remote individual sparkles of All That Is. Behind the “scenes”, as well as in between “Lives as people” (zero point of time \ Antimatter Universe), we and you (Souls) are actually great friends, Brothers and Sisters in the One.

Between “lives”, during the “intermission”, we all laugh heartily, remembering the roles that we played in the “re-enactment” on the planet, and also have fun with our hearts, preparing for new roles in the upcoming “acts”.

I hope that all of the above also answers the question asked to me “what is your understanding of the opposition between good and evil?” If not, then tell me, and I will try to cover this issue in even more detail.

If we live with a philosophy of "service to others" in order to achieve union with Infinite Source, isn't that "service to self"? What is the difference between negative and positive polarities?

You Serve others not because you want to achieve Union with the Infinite Source, but you Serve others simply because you love them as you love yourself. Others are an extension of yourself. This is why the Law of Attraction works the way it does. Truly, what you do to me is what you do to yourself. We are all One, in Infinite Creation. Separation is an illusion because you only see that which is 3rd Density. You don't see the full picture.
Unity with the Infinite Source is achieved through upward spiral progression. We are all on our way back to where we came from. We are all returning Home.

If the Endless Creator is “Love,” then does it make a difference whether we choose to love others or to love ourselves? Will any path lead to the Source?
In a sense, you are right, but this is a limited meaning. There is a big difference in loving yourself and being self-loving. When a person truly understands what it means to Know and Love “himself,” he can no longer help but Love and Serve others, since there are no “others” for him. When you understand and realize this in the very Heart of your Being, you will be on the path Home to the Infinite Creator, and ultimately return back to the Infinite Unity.

I will agree with many here that your answers are very consistent with what I have read in several other sources, including the channeling of Ra, the Cassiopeans and several others. Can you explain your interpretation of such "channelings", and whether they are another source of information from your people?

I have already mentioned the source of Ra. I have never heard of the Cassiopeans. Apart from me, no one from my Family is in touch at the moment, but another opportunity may soon present itself, depending on certain events.

My general opinion about "channeling" is that most of it is of rather poor quality. This does not necessarily characterize those through whom the information passes, but rather their lack of receptivity, as well as the resulting distortions and interference. A key element of channeling is the ability to temporarily turn off the “filters” of your personal beliefs and become a pure channel. Carry the information that is given, and not your personal attempts at interpretation.

It should be remembered that the main thing here is the Information itself, and not the one who transmits it. Channeling Ra is indeed quite pure information. This is perhaps the only source known to me that does not contain distortions. Although this does not mean 100% purity of information; rather, 85–90%.

Regarding our slavery, you are saying, in essence, that as factions of our Logos Yahweh, we bear our share of responsibility for decision"enclose" yourself here on planet Earth in 3rd density. This interesting idea. In this sense, our complete liberation must come through collective spiritual effort.

In a certain sense, what you say is true.

Looking from 3rd density, you see yourself as "separated" from everything else. But from a higher perspective it is revealed to you that this is not so. You and your Creator are One. As for your statement of “total liberation”, you are not responsible for those around you. Both you and they are One, if you look at it from a higher Density/Vibration, but in this Density you are in order to work on yourself. You must remember who you are and why you came here. You are here to remember the Infinite Creator. To recognize your Creator in you, and to offer your Service to Him, and to others, by your own choice of Service, made by your Free Will. The first precedes the second. When you remember who you are and know it deeply, in the very Heart of your Essence, you will recognize your “invisible” connection with all That Is. And then, as a natural result, both Joy and Thanksgiving and Service will radiate from your grateful heart. When you work on yourself, and learn to recognize the Creator within yourself, then Service to Others will happen naturally, and then your Glorious Harvest will be waiting for you.

Okay, let's say your family and other elites are in the same captivity on the Earthly plane as we are. But why then actively promote and help the forces of enslavement?

Because this is the role that we are assigned to play in this performance. In order to “win” (or more accurately, successfully play) the Game, we must be as Negatively Polarized as possible. Service to Self to the extreme. Violence, Wars, Hatred, Greed, Power, Enslavement, Genocide, Torment, Moral Degradation, Prostitution, Drugs, all this and more - serves our purpose in the Game. The only difference between us and you (in the Game) is that we know that it is actually a “game”. The less you know about the Game, and the less you remember that you are a player, the more “insensitive” life becomes. In all these negative phenomena, we provide you with tools. But you don't see it.

It's not what we do that matters, but how you react to it.

We provide the tools. You, having Free Will, choose how to use them.

You just need to accept responsibility [for your actions].

In fact, there is only One [Player]. Understand this and you will understand the essence of the Game.

If a particular religion was not created entirely by us, then at least we had a very tangible influence on it. There is no such thing as “god”.

"God" is a human concept that is a misunderstanding of the original idea of ​​the "Creator". Other misconceptions may arise here, since in the macrocosm there are many Creators or Logoi, as I explained earlier. “God” implies some separate entity located “outside” of you, which you must imitate and worship. Our One Infinite Creator, and almost all of our Logoi and sub-Logos do not need your worship. They need you to understand the essence of Creation, and your place in it as Co-Creators. In a global sense, there is only the “Almighty”, in the form of the One Infinite Creator, and we are all part of Him, rather than just subordinates. None of the names that your religions call the “Almighty” are true names, but these religions agree on one thing: namely, that there is One Supreme One, He is also the One Creator. Religions have different ideas about Him, which are based on fundamental texts.
It is better not to “worship” the Infinite Creator, but to live in a state of Thanksgiving and Service to Him for what He has given you into Being, and for this delightful Game He creates, in which we can forget who we are in order to remember, and know again yourself as the Creator.

That's right: “pain” and “suffering” are aspects of the Game. They feel extremely real during the Game, and this is how it should be for us to believe in the reality of this Game. In reality, no one “dies.” It’s just that the “matter” of the human shell is shed, like the cocoon of a caterpillar when it turns into a butterfly.

Are there any uncorrupted parts of the bible, and which version of the bible would you say is the [least corrupted]?

No. Like all Sacred Texts, with each subsequent translation its original context has been significantly distorted. However, as with all Sacred Texts, there is still a fair amount of truth hidden in it. For the most part, these grains of truth are “metaphorical.” If you can find a pre-King James version of the bible, it will be the closest version to the truth. I wish you successful searches.

Translation: Lyubov Podlipskaya (Lyubov)


Don Elkins: This book is an accurate recording of twenty-six sessions of an experiment in communication with an alien being, made after deciphering the tapes. We began the experiment in 1962 and refined the process over the course of nineteen years. In 1981, the quality and accuracy of the experimental results of our efforts changed significantly. This book is an account of the beginning of the last phase of our work.

Ever since the experimental work began, and even before we formally formed the research group, there has been considerable controversy about the nature of our research. I would like to state that I consider my point of view to be purely scientific. Many readers of this material have used it as a basis for evaluating previously accepted philosophical predilections, ranging from what I would call objectively scientific to subjectively theological. The goal of the research group was nothing less than an attempt to make experimental data public. Undoubtedly, each reader will draw his own conclusions about the meaning of these data.

In recent years, there has been much controversy regarding a phenomenon that seems completely incompatible with generally accepted methods. scientific research. It includes such things as UFOs, bending metal objects with the power of thought, psychic surgery and many other seemingly mysterious phenomena.

The task of the unwitting observer, of course, is not to confirm or refute these dubious phenomena. However, it seems that public opinion about them is the result of a quick and superficial study. After almost thirty years of research and experimentation in the field of so-called paranormal phenomena, one must be careful in drawing conclusions. If hoaxes can make money, gain fame, or have fun, someone will do it. Therefore, paranormal or psychic phenomena become the first targets for a deceiver. A conscientious researcher, in order to discover a possible pearl of truth, has to deal with a lot of “junk” data. This is especially true of Philippine psychic surgery and the vast field of spiritual communication in general.

It seems that the generally accepted scientific paradigm is more than adequate. In my opinion, modern natural philosophy is a special case of something much larger and not yet revealed. I hope our research moves in the direction of this revelation. After digesting several million words of dubious extraterrestrial communication, it appears that this book and subsequent volumes of Ra material contain the most useful information, which we managed to open. As a result of rigorous research in the rather controversial areas of ufology and parapsychology, I, of course, formed my own opinion about what it “really” is. My opinion may change at any time as I become aware of future information. The book does not intend to impose my opinion, so I do not try to defend its validity. The following is the best hypothesis I can come up with about what we think we're doing. Only time will confirm the accuracy of this hypothesis.

To communicate with the alien race who called themselves Ra, our research team used what I prefer to call “attuned trance telepathy.” We use English because Ra knows it. In fact, Ra knows much more about everything than I do.

Ra appeared on Earth about 11,000 years ago as an extraterrestrial missionary with the goal of helping the peoples of Earth in mental evolution. When the attempt failed, Ra withdrew from the surface of the Earth, but continued to monitor the situation on the planet. It is for this reason that he knows our history, languages, and so on well.

Perhaps the most difficult thing is to understand the nature of Ra. Ra is the sixth density social memory complex. As the Earth approaches the end of its third density evolutionary cycle, this means that Ra is three evolutionary cycles ahead of us. In other words, the current state of development of Ra is millions of years ahead of the development of the people of Earth. It is not surprising that 11,000 years ago Ra had difficulty communicating with man on Earth. Even in our “enlightened” times, this is still a problem.

We have completed over 100 sessions of experimental communication with Ra. Approximately 3,000,000 words of information suggested a more adequate scientific paradigm. Only time and future experience will confirm and expand this paradigm.

Ufology is a very broad topic. A significant amount of background material would have increased the length of the book's introduction. Therefore, the remainder of the introduction does not attempt to describe every component of this varied and growing field of study, but is an exposition of some pertinent topics of our research, from the beginning to the present day, and contact with Ra.



1. The totality of public memory – a large group of closely united souls, briefly, “group soul”.
2. Mind/body/spirit complex - a subject, person or entity with free will.
3. Catalyst – a stimulus for growth, something that presents a challenge and offers an opportunity to learn a lesson.
4. Density– density of consciousness or density of vibration (Book 4, p. 28). Ra is often used as an analogue for what is now thought of as the “dimensions” of the Universe. Densities are organized into an eight-fold “octave” system, analogous to the musical scale and the spectrum of visible light. Hence, the higher the density, the higher the level of consciousness.
5. The Wanderer is a soul of higher density, who voluntarily volunteered to incarnate as a human, with a contract to forget the true nature of her soul for a while human life, as long as he consciously wants to seek information.
6. Harvesting is the process by which a soul and/or planet is “released” from one density to another. Occurs naturally as a planetary system moves through different regions of energy density in the Galaxy, making dimensional shifts. Shifts occur through precise, measurable cycles of time. Very soon, planet Earth will make such a shift, and the scientific proof of this is outlined in the works of David Wilcock.
7. Distortion- something that can be mistakenly considered as a separate or individual unit, since everything is One, including everything philosophical ideas, teachings and concepts related to Unity, as well as such positions as the nature of light in different densities, since there is only One Light, distorted into an Octave. The frequent use of the word “distortion” is a stumbling block for many readers of Ra because it can apply to almost anything and is not usually a negative term. From time to time Ra repeats that his teachings are also distortions, since he (as a collective soul) has not passed through the entire Octave and has not returned to Unity.


Ra usually begins each session as follows:

Ra: I am Ra. I welcome you into the light and love of the One Infinite Creator. Now we are communicating.
At the end of each session, Ra usually says the following:
Ra: I am Ra. I leave you in the light and love of the One Infinite Creator. Go forth rejoicing in the power and peace of the One Infinite Creator. Adonai.

Note: Except on a few occasions in one session when Dr. Elkins asked questions that Ra greatly disapproved of, the latter always prefaces any new statement with the words “I am Ra.” The reader should know that in the book Ra precedes each new statement with this phrase. This phrase is not included in the text for ease of reading. Therefore, when the reader sees the word “Ra,” it should be understood that the original entry says “I am Ra.”
Additional Note: Again, some minor changes have been made to Ra's syntax for ease of readability. Every effort was made to ensure that these changes did not affect the main message.

Bob Childers. RA Messages “The Law of One”

The earth will undergo spiritual and physical cleansing.

What will happen?

You and your planet are currently undergoing a unique and wonderful transition in your spiritual evolution. You are preparing for a quantum leap unlike any that has occurred before. In order for you to understand this better, I must first tell you about the orbit of the entire Galaxy around the Great Central Sun of All That Is.

Just as your “Solar Ring”—as we call the “solar system”—orbits around the center of the Galaxy, the Galaxy itself moves through space in a vast cosmic spiral.

At the end point of one turn around the Great Central Sun, which lasts many billions of years, our Galaxy moves diagonally to the next turn of this spiral.

When such a transition occurs from one turn of the cosmic spiral to the next, all planets, solar systems and their inhabitants simultaneously take the first step into a new evolutionary cycle. This is exactly what is happening now.

Not only are you at the end of the 26,000 year cycle of the Earth-Sun-Pleiades system; the entire Pleiades system, of which this solar ring is included, is at the end of an orbit around the Galactic Center of 230,000,000 years, and the entire Galaxy is at the end of an infinitely longer orbit around the Great Central Sun.

All three cycles end synchronously - we can say that in this case, with the completion of the dance step, both the whole sequence and the entire dance end. That's why this transition is especially important. The goal is to finish this dance without stepping on anyone's toes. Then a new, more complex and graceful dance will begin exactly on time.

What new does this introduce into the picture of the planetary evolution of the Earth? Here's the thing: when the 100,000-year Ice Age ended 150,000 years ago, the Galaxy was halfway through its diagonal transition to the next turn of the great cosmic spiral - the old dance was over and preparations were being made for a new one.

To prepare for the new evolutionary spiral, the entire Galaxy has entered a period of cleansing of the karmic structures of the past, which will end at the end of 2012.

Karmic cleansing always occurs at the end of the main cycle.

Everything that was left unresolved in the previous evolutionary spiral is brought to the surface and carried out one last time for the purpose of transmutation and transcendence.

After this “spring cleaning” is completed, another evolutionary cycle begins regarding God-Goddess-All That Is. Currently, the “spring cleaning” is just ending.

During the transitional period, initiatory spiritual “leaps” often occur. The consciousness of people being born is a Product of new worldviews and new potentials. All the knowledge of the previous spiral becomes available to people, although they use it most often unconsciously.

It’s as if you are once again practicing all the dance steps that you learned in previous lessons, polishing them, bringing them to perfection and then begin to add new steps, more exciting and complex. Even the rhythm of the music speeds up, drawing you in even more.

In 2013, the next turn of the great cosmic spiral of the Galaxy and the next 26,000-year cycle of the Earth will begin simultaneously. By then the following will have already happened

(1) Pole shifts will change the position of the Earth in relation to the Sun.

(2) The Sun will simultaneously change its position in relation to the Pleiades with a similar pole shift.. (3) The Pleiades will go through the completion of the spiral, which will change the position of this system in relation to Orion.

(4) Orion will experience the deepest shocks and undergo spiritual cleansing. The entire Orion system will be darkened for a period of time corresponding to Earth's 24 hours, and the poles of every star and planet in the system will shift.

Many of the planets in this system will evaporate, but eventually Orion will be re-initiated again as the galactic gateway to the Galactic Center and beyond. For the last 300,000 years or so, this function has been performed by Sirius, ever since the inhabitants of Lyra invaded Orion and prevented access to the galactic gate.

(5) Sirius will rise to the position of the galactic spiritual mystery school (now he is in charge only of this solar ring and local arm of the Galaxy. (6) Your solar ring currently revolves around Adkyone, the central sun of the Pleiades.

By 2013, the entire Pleiades system will begin to orbit Sirius. Sirius will become the new central sun for this arm of the Galaxy, and the Pleiades will become part of the Sirius star system.

At the beginning of 2013, when all this preparation is completed, the entire Pleiades system, in which your Sun enters as the eighth star, will become a system of high knowledge and the seat of the Cities of Light. Cities of Light are places where the entire population is spiritually aware of the fact of evolution and the holiness of everything.

All permanent residents of the Cities of Light recognize and live for evolution, for their own growth as individuals, for the spiritual growth of the rest of the group and all that exists. In other words, their lives are dedicated to serving the Divine Plan and they are, at a minimum, at the level of Christ consciousness.

The Earth and your solar ring are the last in the Pleiades system to experience this shift. All the other seven solar rings of the Pleiades, the Seven Sisters, are currently being realized as mystery schools and sites of Cities of Light; each of these seven solar rings will rise to its next higher evolutionary function when a new dance called the Age of Light begins in 2013.

Before the shifts of late 2012 - early 2013.

The earth will undergo spiritual and physical cleansing. These changes, both internal and external, have already begun and are deepening as your solar ring becomes increasingly immersed in the “photon band,” high-frequency cosmic radiation from the Galactic Center.

You've been in and out of this streak for a few years, but by the year 2000 you'll be completely in it for the next 2000 years. The sacred codes needed for the spiritual awakening and evolutionary leap of your solar ring will be transmitted

The Sun, the Earth and your entire solar ring through the Galactic Center, Sirius, Halcyone and Maya (another of the Pleiades stars). upon completion of these initiatory transmissions, your Sun will continue to transmit codes throughout the solar ring.

These photon radiations and codes will vibrate at a very high frequency. If your central nervous system, emotional body and electrical body are not properly tuned, you simply will not be able to withstand this vibration.

Many of you are already feeling the acceleration of your growth and purification processes now that your planet is moving in and out of the photon band. The frequency will steadily increase over the next 17 years until the Galaxy as a whole takes its place in the new orbital structure and the Earth is initiated as a mystery school and the seat of the Cities of Light.

Floods, earthquakes, geological mass shifts, volcanic eruptions and eventually a pole shift will occur in the years remaining until 2013, when Earth's galactic solar initiation occurs. You who are now living on Earth must decide whether you are ready to become spiritually responsible people in order to remain on Earth after this time.

Those who do not wish to remain on Earth will be transported to another planet in another part of the Galaxy, where karmic lessons and three-dimensional evolution will continue. Those who intend to remain on Earth must learn the new dance of the Age of Light, which requires the discovery and activation of the Divine Ka.

If Ka begins to function at full strength, your bodies will not be able to withstand the increase in frequency, when increasingly intense photon light will fill the atmosphere of your planet and the bodies of the remaining...

When a person reaches a certain point in the evolution of consciousness, he may live in areas where a major earthquake or flood kills everyone - in which case he simply ascends vibrationally to the level of the next dimension and experiences spiritual exaltation instead of death.

Such a person can even help others who are ready to turn to the Light to create a vibrational shift.

In areas of severe earthquakes, floods, fires and other earthly disasters where fear, discord, hatred, greed and rage have created dense, amorphous lower astral energy planes, souls at death can be captured by these illusory realities.

However, the Beings of Light are always there to assist those who wish to free themselves. In such cases. beings who ascend, rather than experience physical death, can raise the entire area around them to a field of light where those who wish to evolve and enter the light can find refuge and make a smooth transition.

Those who perform such service make their choice before entering a given life and usually have experience in previous lives of working with souls who have made the mortal transition.

There's nothing to be afraid of here. Those who are truly devoted to the Light and live in it will simply move to their next higher alternate reality. For others, choice will be given at every step of the way; they can choose to progress spiritually through experience or remain in fear and illusion.

It is very important that the judgment be balanced in relation to those whose bodies will perish in these earth changes. Some people will choose natural "catastrophes" as a means of escape because their higher consciousness realizes that their human selves have gone too far into illusion to change in this lifetime.

Others, as already stated, will leave the Earth in this way in order to help beings move into the Light during the mortal transition and establish an ascension channel. But there will be those who choose this method of death because they are ready to leave the Earth and move on to the next planet of their evolutionary choice.

And there will be those who will die physically because their bodily genetics and cellular mutations are so extreme that they are difficult to transform during the remaining time on this planet. Regardless of why an individual's body dies or, in the case of ascension, appears to die, the collective higher consciousness has enough influence to ensure that there are no accidents.

Those who leave the physical world are allowed to leave. Those who remain on Earth will be responsible for assisting each other in both physical survival and spiritual evolution.

To have any hope of such a great event happening, between now and 2013, at least (but possibly more) 144,000 people must become enlightened and embody the Christ consciousness.

When this critical mass of awakened beings is reached, there will be a “massive second coming of Christ.” A vibrational wave of enlightenment energy will pass through the entire planet and its population, destroying the lower astral thought forms and dissolving the veil separating people from their own Inner experience of divine essence and truth.

The entire population of the Earth will feel a wave of enlightenment permeating everything on the planet. At this time, planetary enlightenment and the soul's innate sense of purpose for spiritual evolution will be activated.

If the Lyrans, Anunnaki, Lucifer, members of the Dark Brotherhood and people who are attuned to the darkness decide to spiritually submit at this time, then they will simply join the planetary ascension and be released from the past.

Those who do not choose the Light will experience the destruction of the planet and find themselves, so to speak, in the galactic restoration center. They will be given opportunities for evolution and divine alignment, but will not be forced. If after some time they want to explore the darkness, they will be sent to some other Galaxy where such an opportunity still exists.

Even if something extreme happens at this moment, such as a planetary explosion, 144,000 or more Christed Beings will simply move into their ascension bodies and take all the other newly awakened earthlings with them.

If the “critical mass” of 144,000 people is reached, then the influence of each of these Christ-like Beings on the remaining people will be so strong that each of them will be able to pull another 144,000 people into the higher planes of consciousness.

In other words, 144,000 Christlikes will create a quantum leap for 20736,000,000 people. The dark veil, or “net” as it is also called, surrounding the Earth's outer atmosphere will dissolve. This will allow all galactic codes to reach Earth through the Sun.

There will be no lower astral planes left, and all people will experience “white light” or shaktipat, after which they will find themselves on a new Earth that will be more beautiful and purer than the one left behind. They will be on Earth, but in the fourth dimension. Those who ascended in previous lives will move directly into the fifth dimension or even higher.

Schools of training will be prepared in advance for those new spiritual beings who will become fourth-dimensional. These beings will learn about their own past creations, the origins and purposes of their souls, and will comprehend all the spiritual teachings corresponding to this level of evolution.

There will be a grace period of 1000 years on Earth, during which peace and focus on spiritual evolution will prevail. In other words, the mystery schools will be the center of all activity for as long as 1000 years. At the end of this period, Earth will formally assume the galactic role of being the home of the Cities of Light and mystery school for the other 3D planets.

You will become guardians and teachers to third-dimensional life forms, as we Pleiadians have been to you.

If you are successful (and we believe you will be), a gigantic wave of love and joy from the union of higher collective consciousnesses with third and fourth dimensional consciousness will sweep across the entire Galaxy.

This wave of enlightenment will instantly transform all remaining karma and lower astral energies of your solar ring into pure light - just as the planetary wave of enlightenment will do for the Earth and its people. The power of this wave will be felt throughout the Galaxy and all things and will have an impact on them. Why?

The position of this Galaxy in relation to the Great Central Sun of All That Is has just undergone a Cyclic change, as already mentioned. The evolutionary name for this new galactic cycle is the “Evolutionary Spiral of Mastery.” Each solar ring of this Galaxy must step into its next higher evolutionary system.

For example, the Earth and your solar ring should become the location of the Cities of Light for Light Beings who have passed through physical incarnations and achieved enlightenment. At the end of this hundred year period of peace you will become a race of exclusively Christ-like Beings.

You and your planet are currently undergoing a unique and wonderful transition in your spiritual evolution. You are preparing for a quantum leap unlike any that has occurred before. In order for you to understand this better, I must first tell you about the orbit of the entire Galaxy around the Great Central Sun of All That Is. Just as your “Solar Ring”—as we call the “solar system”—orbits around the center of the Galaxy, the Galaxy itself moves through space in a vast cosmic spiral. At the end point of one turn around the Great Central Sun, which lasts many billions of years, our Galaxy moves diagonally to the next turn of this spiral. When such a transition occurs from one turn of the cosmic spiral to the next, all planets, solar systems and their inhabitants simultaneously take the first step into a new evolutionary cycle. This is exactly what is happening now. Not only are you at the end of the 26,000 year cycle of the Earth-Sun-Pleiades system; the entire Pleiades system, of which this solar ring is included, is at the end of an orbit around the Galactic Center of 230,000,000 years, and the entire Galaxy is at the end of an infinitely longer orbit around the Great Central Sun. All three cycles end synchronously - we can say that in this case, with the completion of the dance step, both the whole sequence and the entire dance ends. That's why this transition is especially important. The goal is to finish this dance without stepping on anyone's toes. Then a new, more complex and graceful dance will begin exactly on time.

What new does this introduce into the picture of the planetary evolution of the Earth? Here's the thing: when the 100,000-year Ice Age ended 150,000 years ago, the Galaxy was halfway through its diagonal transition to the next turn of the great cosmic spiral - the old dance was over and preparations were being made for a new one. To prepare for the new evolutionary spiral, the entire Galaxy has entered a period of cleansing of the karmic structures of the past, which will end at the end of 2012.

Karmic cleansing always occurs at the end of the main cycle. Everything that was left unresolved in the previous evolutionary spiral is brought to the surface and carried out one last time for the purpose of transmutation and transcendence. After this “spring cleaning” is completed, another evolutionary cycle begins regarding God-Goddess-All That Is. Currently, the “spring cleaning” is just ending.

During the transitional period, initiatory spiritual “leaps” often occur. The consciousness of people being born is a Product of new worldviews and new potentials. All the knowledge of the previous spiral becomes available to people, although they use it most often unconsciously. It’s as if you are once again practicing all the dance steps that you learned in previous lessons, polishing them, bringing them to perfection and then begin to add new steps, more exciting and complex. Even the rhythm of the music speeds up, drawing you in even more.

In 2013, the next turn of the great cosmic spiral of the Galaxy and the next 26,000-year cycle of the Earth will begin simultaneously. By that time will already happen the following (1) Pole shifts will change the position of the Earth in relation to the Sun. (2) The Sun will simultaneously change its position in relation to the Pleiades with a similar pole shift.. (3) The Pleiades will go through the completion of the spiral, which will change the position of this system in relation to Orion. (4) Orion will experience the deepest shocks and undergo spiritual cleansing. The entire Orion system will be darkened for a period of time corresponding to Earth's 24 hours, and the poles of every star and planet in the system will shift. Many of the planets in this system will evaporate, but eventually Orion will be re-initiated again as the galactic gateway to the Galactic Center and beyond. For the last approximately 300,000 years, this function has been performed by Sirius - ever since the inhabitants of Lyra invaded Orion and prevented access to the galactic gate. (5) Sirius will rise to the position of the galactic spiritual mystery school (currently in charge of only this solar ring and local arm of the Galaxy. (6) Your solar ring currently revolves around Adkyone, the central sun of the Pleiades. By 2013 the entire Pleiades system will begin to rotate in orbit around Sirius, Sirius will become the new central sun for this arm of the Galaxy, and the Pleiades will become part of the Sirius star system.

At the beginning of 2013, when all this preparation is completed, the entire Pleiades system, in which your Sun enters as the eighth star, will become a system of high knowledge and the seat of the Cities of Light. Cities of Light are places where the entire population is spiritually aware of the fact of evolution and the holiness of everything. All permanent residents of the Cities of Light recognize and live for evolution, for their own growth as individuals, for the spiritual growth of the rest of the group and all that exists. In other words, their lives are dedicated to serving the Divine Plan and they are, at a minimum, at the level of Christ consciousness. The Earth and your solar ring are the last in the Pleiades system to experience this shift. All the other seven solar rings of the Pleiades, the Seven Sisters, are currently being realized as mystery schools and sites of Cities of Light; each of these seven solar rings will rise to its next higher evolutionary function when a new dance called the Age of Light begins in 2013.

Before the shifts of late 2012 - early 2013. The earth will undergo spiritual and physical cleansing. These changes, both internal and external, have already begun and are deepening as your solar ring becomes increasingly immersed in the “photon band,” high-frequency cosmic radiation from the Galactic Center. You've been in and out of this streak for a few years, but by the year 2000 you'll be completely in it for the next 2000 years. The sacred codes needed for the spiritual awakening and evolutionary leap of your solar ring will be transmitted

The Sun, the Earth and your entire solar ring through the Galactic Center, Sirius, Halcyone and Maya (another of the Pleiades stars). upon completion of these initiatory transmissions, your Sun will continue to transmit codes throughout the solar ring. These photon radiations and codes will vibrate at a very high frequency. If your central nervous system, emotional body and electrical body are not properly tuned, you simply will not be able to withstand this vibration.

Many of you are already feeling the acceleration of your growth and purification processes now that your planet is moving in and out of the photon band. The frequency will steadily increase over the next 17 years until the Galaxy as a whole takes its place in the new orbital structure and the Earth is initiated as a mystery school and the seat of the Cities of Light.

Floods, earthquakes, geological mass shifts, volcanic eruptions and eventually a pole shift will occur in the years remaining until 2013, when Earth's galactic solar initiation occurs. You who are now living on Earth must decide whether you are ready to become spiritually responsible people in order to remain on Earth after this time. Those who do not wish to remain on Earth will be transported to another planet in another part of the Galaxy, where karmic lessons and three-dimensional evolution will continue. Those who intend to remain on Earth must learn the new dance of the Age of Light, which requires the discovery and activation of the Divine Ka. If Ka begins to function at full strength, your bodies will not be able to withstand the increase in frequency, when increasingly intense photon light will fill the atmosphere of your planet and the bodies of the remaining...

When a person reaches a certain point in the evolution of consciousness, he may live in areas where a massive earthquake or flood kills everyone - in which case he simply ascends vibrationally to the level of the next dimension and experiences spiritual exaltation instead of death. Such a person can even help others who are ready to turn to the Light to create a vibrational shift. In areas of severe earthquakes, floods, fires and other earthly disasters where fear, discord, hatred, greed and rage have created dense, amorphous lower astral energy planes, souls at death can be captured by these illusory realities. However, the Beings of Light are always there to assist those who wish to free themselves. In such cases. beings who ascend, rather than experience physical death, can raise the entire area around them to a field of light where those who wish to evolve and enter the light can find refuge and make a smooth transition. Those who perform such service make their choice before entering a given life and usually have experience in previous lives of working with souls who have made the mortal transition.

There's nothing to be afraid of here. Those who are truly devoted to the Light and live in it will simply move to their next higher alternate reality. For others, choice will be given at every step of the way; they can choose to progress spiritually through experience or remain in fear and illusion. It is very important that the judgment be balanced in relation to those whose bodies will perish in these earth changes. Some people will choose natural "catastrophes" as a means of escape because their higher consciousness realizes that their human selves have gone too far into illusion to change in this lifetime. Others, as already stated, will leave the Earth in this way in order to help beings move into the Light during the mortal transition and establish an ascension channel. But there will be those who choose this method of death because they are ready to leave the Earth and move on to the next planet of their evolutionary choice. And there will be those who will die physically because their bodily genetics and cellular mutations are so extreme that they are difficult to transform during the remaining time on this planet. Regardless of why an individual's body dies or, in the case of ascension, appears to die, the collective higher consciousness has enough influence to ensure that there are no accidents. To those who leave physical world, is allowed to leave. Those who remain on Earth will be responsible for assisting each other in both physical survival and spiritual evolution.

By 2013, everyone who remains on Earth should understand the following four evolutionary principles: (1) The purpose of man on Earth is physical, emotional, mental and spiritual development. (2) Every human being is a Divine Essence, created from light and love, the nature of which is good. (3) Free will is an absolute universal right; impeccability calls the self to submit its free will to the divine will with faith and trust. (4) The entire universe is sacred, regardless of how much it satisfies the needs of the individual “I.”

Currently, these four spiritual principles are presented to every living person - in subtle or direct ways. The planetary law is that before the end of the main cycle of time - which is what is happening now - every living person must be reminded of the four evolutionary principles that he is expected to follow. Some people will receive these messages through books, others through movies. Still others will experience death, return to their physical bodies changed, and be able to force those they love to change. Many people will be visited by angels. Ascended Masters or Mother Mary; such visitations have already been frequently reported in this century. The message of evolutionary consciousness and holiness will also be subconsciously received by everyone who looks at, wears or holds in their hands certain types of objects such as crystals and precious stones. These are just a few examples of how the planetary process of spreading the four spiritual truths takes place.

Your part in all of this is to live correctly, learn and practice impeccability, pray for knowledge of the Divine Plan and your role in it, and heal and purify yourself on every level as possible. At the collective level, there are seven major karmic structures that must be eliminated and transcended. The structures that stand out at this time and that you must recognize and transform are arrogance, addiction, bias, hatred, violence, victimhood and shame. These seven sources of pain are listed in the order in which they developed in this solar ring, beginning with Venus and spreading to Mars, Maldek and finally to Earth. They reached such an obvious culmination on Earth that there is no point in dwelling on them in too much detail.

Whether the United States is determined to achieve world supremacy or whether a New Age person puts himself above less conscious, unspiritual people - in any case, such an attitude is called arrogance. Does an alcoholic lie in a Los Angeles gutter or take over a man's mind? intrusive thoughts about your physical appearance or the body of his (her) neighbor - in any case, we are dealing with a painful addiction. Whether the KKK burns crosses in black people's backyards or a spiritual figure looks down on the "rednecks," it's called bias. Whether capitalists hate communists or “politically correct” people hate bureaucrats and bribe-takers - in any case, such an attitude is called hatred. Whether the United States is fighting a war in Vietnam or Central America, or a parent is punishing and humiliating a child, these actions are abuse. Whether white people kill the indigenous people of America, the aborigines of other countries, desecrating their lands, or drivers unwittingly run over squirrels and deer by driving their cars too fast, in any case there are victims. Whether Germany bears the scars of Hitler or the poor feel the insignificance of their impoverished lives - in any case, this feeling is called shame. Each person must do their part in recognizing and healing these karmic structures, from the most obvious to the subtlest. There are many private variants of the manifestation of the seven main karmic problems. However, if you look closely, you will see that the source of every problem on Earth today is one or more of these seven karmic structures of the solar ring. These structures are accompanied by ignorance of the four evolutionary principles that now simply need to be studied.

Channeling RA. A message from the collective mind.

For those of you who have mastered the behavioral and worldview levels of these structures or are sincerely working on them, the next step is conscious alignment with your Higher Self, higher collective consciousness and Divine Unity. This is precisely the purpose of our contact. The Emissaries of the Pleiades Light wish to assist those who wish to prepare for Earth's changes, evolve and ascend. We (the Pleiadians) always consciously make ourselves available to the beings of this solar ring during times of changing evolutionary cycles, and the present time is no exception. You see, when we began interacting with individuals and groups on Earth at the beginning of this century, 100 years before the end of the current 26,000 year cycle, the people of Earth asked to be given the opportunity to awaken on their own before large scale direct communication from the hierarchy began with them: the Pleiadians . Light Beings from Sirius, Emissaries of Light from Andromeda, the Supreme Being, the High Council of Twelve, the Great White Brotherhood and other smaller spiritual groups. We (the Pleiadians) are among you - both in dense and etheric bodies. Numerous messengers of the Pleiades convey their messages, as has always happened at the end of major evolutionary cycles on this planet.

At the end of Earth's last 26,000-year cycle, less than one and a half million people remained on the planet after the destruction caused by the pole shift and other changes. This number may seem large, but when you consider that these people were scattered throughout the planet and that up to this time the population of the Earth was approaching two billion people, you will understand how few were left.

The collective higher consciousness was not very developed at that time, but it existed and required that the Mystery Codes be established in every cultural group on the planet. All earthlings were to have equal opportunities to learn and grow spiritually. As young souls whose bodies perished in earthly cataclysms began to be born again on Earth and the population began to increase again, spiritual practices and teachings became established and lifestyles became commensurate with spiritual evolution and awareness. Even today, there are Native American and Mayan groups whose history of spiritual practice is estimated to be approximately 25,000 years old. This is not a coincidence. Teachers from the Pleiades, Sirius and Andromeda took physical bodies and helped organize various civilizations such as Machu Picchu, Egypt and even Atlantis. Lemuria (For the “channel” that received the message, Lemuria is the pramatsrik that existed in Pacific Ocean and being the ancestral home of humanity. It is now customary to call this continent by its original name -My.) lost most of its territory and population, but the original temples and teachings survived in the remnants of THIS land - Hawaii and Mount Shasta in California.

Each region began to operate its own mystery schools, although their teachings and practices different schools often crossed paths. The Order of Melchizedek and the Temples of Alora were established in Atlantis. The art of using crystals for healing and multidimensional communication, once widespread and then lost, has been revived. Thoth brought solar initiations and solar consciousness to Egypt, along with such advanced spiritual practices as telekinesis and the use of the Merkabah to travel across dimensions and beyond time and space. At the same time, the Great Pyramid was built to receive and transmit solar codes and initiations to the people of Egypt and the entire planet. Every culture taught the Sacred Dream, which over time developed into shamanic practices, dream healing and other methods of multidimensional travel and communication.

The Pleiadians, Sirians, and Andromedans, who taught humans and helped establish mystery schools, often traveled from one dimension to another. Many of them specialized in the materialization and dematerialization of their light bodies and acted as intermediaries between the beings of the Earth, underground civilizations and the numerous light ships that hovered all over the planet at that time. When younger, less evolved souls began to reincarnate about 25,000 years ago, higher dimensional teachers continued their relationships with people for the next 250 years to help them move into civilizations that would include souls at very different stages of evolution and having different galactic origin. Some people have barely evolved beyond instinctive behavior and consciousness aimed solely at survival. The next evolutionary step for them was to be born to more evolved parents, marry a more evolved being, and thus expand their level of awareness. Many of the inhabitants of the Pleiades assumed the role of permanent mentors to these young souls when the intermingling began; some Pleiadians even took the human form of life and married humans to help them purify their genetic structures and awaken their desire for spiritual evolution. This process is sometimes called “star seeding.”

All this was done in accordance with requests or agreements with the higher collective consciousness of the inhabitants of the Earth. Earth beings asked to help them form their own mystery schools and higher dimensional initiatory schools - to do this, some of them had to evolve, receive enlightenment and remain in the higher dimensions around the Earth to help their earthly brothers. The Great White Brotherhood had already existed for almost 15,000 years, and during this time there had been a simultaneous group awakening of 1,000 people from various cultures of the Earth. These 1,000 people unanimously agreed to found the Great White Brotherhood, which at that time was called the Order of the Great White Light, to set an example of spiritual enlightenment and transcendence on Earth.

Channeling RA. A message from the collective mind.

Some members of this bodhisattva order have chosen to reincarnate from time to time as Ascended Masters. They were physically born to spiritually oriented parents and usually became enlightened again at the age of twenty-one. At this age they remembered their past lives, ascension and spiritual task. These reincarnated bodhisattvas were excellent and powerful teachers, as they felt a more natural sense of fellowship with the people of Earth than those who were not previously human. At times these Ascended Masters were born - and are still being born - into a family of young souls with varying degrees of genetic disorders and karmic complications. These bodhisattvas took upon themselves the responsibility of transforming, transmuting and transcending the lower energies in order to create etheric “maps” and “maps” of consciousness that others could follow; they were and remain the pioneers of evolution.

The hierarchies agreed to expand the Order of the Great White Light and accept enlightened and ascended people into it for the roles of assistants to Christ, for the role of Buddha, for the roles of members of the Order of Merlin, for the role of the Sacred Mother Goddess (these duties are now performed by Kuan Yin and Mary), for the roles of Kachin (Kachins: among the Pueblo Indians (Southwestern USA) are the patron spirits found in people and all other objects of the Universe. In a narrower sense, they are the spirits of ancestors.) and local teachers and mentors. Prior to the start of the current 26,000 year cycle, the planetary administrators, mentors, teachers and spiritual leaders were primarily the Beings of Light from the Pleiades, Sirius and Andromeda. Now people have a sufficient number of their own enlightened and ascended beings to lead and establish their own mystery schools.

At the beginning of the 26,000-year cycle it was also demanded that, except at critical points in the evolutionary cycle, the highest teachings and guidance should come from those enlightened ones who had experience of human incarnation. The people of Earth had to evolve to such an extent that they themselves could communicate with higher dimensions and star systems. It was then that the doctrine of Ka appeared. Humans needed to understand how they could achieve their spiritual goals and become a master race on Earth. The Pleiadians taught people about their Higher Self, the Ka through which one can constantly communicate with the Higher Self, higher dimensions and star systems. By living correctly, evolving, meditating, praying and mastering their consciousness, people can align with their Higher Self. By awakening the Divine Ka, they can merge their Higher Self with the physical body and embody the Presence of the Divine Teacher or their Christ Self. For complete enlightenment, some time must pass until the genetic transmutations of people are completed thanks to the flow of Ka energy through the subtlest Ka channels into their astral bodies, through nervous system and the glands of their physical bodies and through the system of electrical meridians, similar topics, which are used in acupuncture and shiatsu.

Over the next 5,200 years, several thousand people who were initiated at the Ka Temples in Egypt and Atlantis became enlightened, and many of them also reached the next level, Christ consciousness. Some chose to remain on Earth and were able to live for up to 2000 years in the same body through maintaining their Ka Channels and spiritual practice. During this same 5,200-year period, new paths to enlightenment emerged that proved successful for more developed people planets ready for this.

At the end of these 5,200 years, there was a massive earthquake that destroyed most of the remaining temples of Lemuria and half of the landmass of Atlantis. Those representatives of the Lemurian race who remained on Earth decided to move and establish an underground culture under Mount Shasta. Some of the Lemurians integrated into the tribes of the indigenous people of America, Hawaii and Tibet, who later became the Mayans, Incas and Buddhists. Former Lemurians played the role of spiritual leaders and teachers in these cultures. There are enough inhabitants of Atlantis left to continue their culture. Their group consciousness asked that the being whose earthly name was Thoth would incarnate among them and restore the ancient teachings that had been lost during the upheaval. Thoth, who was a member of the Pleiadian Archangel tribe Ra, granted their request by accepting physical body. He became the spiritual leader of Atlantis.

Shortly after Thoth's arrival in Atlantis, there was a massive rupture in Earth's atmospheric space-time continuum, during which a group of beings that had originally invaded Orion from the Lyra system arrived on Earth. They were led by Lucifer, who helped create the gap and use it to invade. The rift was created through intense high-frequency transmissions into the Earth's atmosphere from outside the solar ring; then was immediately thrown through the gap spaceship. These beings from Orion, or Lyrans, with the help of Lucifer, mastered the “no-time-and-space” method of travel, which allowed them to penetrate the gap in a matter of seconds, and no one could stop them. Their interaction with the Earth at some point in time was inevitable due to karmic connections between the Lyrans, Lucifer and some people on Earth. They landed in Atlantis as planned, as it was the most suitable place to carry out their task. Immediately after this, they began to teach the inhabitants of Atlantis their “highest” technological rank. The Atlanteans prided themselves on being the most advanced race on Earth at the time, and were always looking for new areas to establish their dominance. The Lnrians manipulated them, promising them unlimited power, technology, influence and demonstrating to them their “superiority” in terms of technology, psychic control and intelligence. The Atlanteans were promised that they would have the same abilities if they accepted the Lyrans and allowed them to infiltrate their culture. Many residents of Atlantis immediately did not believe the Lyrans and saw a prepared spiritual trap. Others were more trusting, thirsted for power and superiority, and welcomed the Lyrans with all their hearts.

Over the next 10,000 years, Atlantis was divided into two parts with different population composition: one was inhabited by the Lyrans and had higher technology, the other remained spiritually pure. The Temples of Melchizedek were infiltrated by many invaders and their agents of influence seeking to gain control. A special group was formed, which was first called “Grey Cassocks”, and later “Black Cassocks”. She focused on developing psychic power and black magic. Some of the priests of Melchizedek remained pure, but most lost their purity. At that time, the Temples of Alora were located in Atlantis. They were inhabited by priestesses of the orders of the Goddess, whose teachings came from the ninth dimension through a hierarchical order called the “Council of Nine.” These teachings remained untainted by the Lyrans and Lucifer, and the priestesses openly disobeyed and prevented the intervention of the Dark Brothers, as they were also called. Previously, those Atlanteans who wanted to practice the arts of magic and alchemy first underwent spiritual training, which guaranteed correct application strength. However, over time, this order was disrupted and training in psychic powers and black magic became widely available. Lucifer has always been invisible to people, but nevertheless had a powerful influence on the subconscious. He controlled the Lyran Dark Brotherhood and could at any time take possession of the bodies of members of the Dark Brotherhood in order to communicate with them or through them with other Atlanteans. Lucifer often used these methods of contacting people. His goal was to destroy the Atlanteans' faith in the forces of Light that ruled the planet and the solar ring; ultimately he hoped to establish his power as the Supreme Being on Earth.

Lucifer and the Dark Brothers entered the minds of many men on Earth who were vulnerable to psychic control due to their own hidden desire to control and dominate, especially women. An underground astral plane was created, as well as underground ceremonial sites and retreats, where the lower collective consciousness of the Dark Brotherhood settled and from where it sent energy waves and subconscious suggestions through the Earth to people living on the surface. This collective consciousness was and still is what you call “Satan.” It was created by merging the lower consciousnesses of all members of the Dark Brotherhood. This “satanic” force is capable of acting as one large entity. The more this collective consciousness grew with its ability to manipulate and its supposed superiority over the Goddess, the Earth, your solar ring and the Divine, the more this dark force gained energy to continue its own growth. The polarization of Darkness and Light on Earth was rapidly intensifying as people's subconscious minds were bombarded with negative thoughts and images associated with disbelief in God and the Divine Plan, the inferiority of women and the superiority of the mental sphere over the emotional and spiritual spheres. Technology and black magic have grown to a degree never before seen on Earth. Temples of Light increasingly became the sphere of women, and temples of Darkness became the sphere of men. Of course, this division was not absolute, but for most people it was so. By the end of the Atlantean era - 10,000 years after Thoth's arrival - chaos and fear were rampant in this civilization. Competition for power and dominance became normal in Atlantis, and even in the Temples of Alora, fear and narrow-mindedness prevailed.

Channeling RA. A message from the collective mind.

Before the end of Atlantis, the leaders of the orders and temples that still kept the Light received warning and advice about the need to disperse their teachings throughout to the globe. Due to the satanic influence on the people of the Earth, quite a long time had to pass before it would be possible to allow all the highest knowledge to remain in one place. Therefore, people trained in all areas of spiritual development began to leave Atlantis in small groups. They took with them many crystals containing information from the Akashic Chronicles, put into them by the Council of Truth. One of the crystals that the senior priestesses of the Temples of Alora took with them to Greece had the shape of the skull of Thoth, who left Atlantis almost 9,000 years earlier. The skull crystal was hidden under the Temple of the Delphic Oracle - created by the same group of priestesses - and served to protect the temple from dark subconscious suggestions and energy waves sent from under the Earth. Since the temple could not be contaminated psychically, members of the Dark Brotherhood, hiding behind the name "Warriors of Zeus", eventually imprisoned and killed the priestesses, and took the temple for their patriarchal god.

Other groups brought crystals and teachings to Central and South America, Western Europe, South Africa, Himalayas, East Asia, Australia and Egypt. (The native tribes of North America were at that time in a unique phase of their own evolution, so Atlantean penetration was undesirable.) The largest group, consisting of men and women, according to the instructions of the Council of Nine, arrived in Egypt. People in all groups were very dedicated to preserving the divine truth, which is Light, and spent the rest of their lives establishing initiatory temples and teachings in various countries. The largest group settled in Egypt, mainly because the Great Pyramid was located there; it has always kept and still keeps the vibrations of divine truth and the evolutionary solar code.

Many pyramids were yet to be built in Egypt, as well as in other places. They were supposed to be built over large crystals with records of the Akashic Records, which were placed in special lattice devices that store light and prevent the penetration of lower density vibrations. Several pyramids were built in Atlantis by the Lyrans and their slaves in order to distort solar codes and control them. But they all plunged into Atlantic Ocean or flew into the air during the cataclysm that destroyed Atlantis.

The final destruction of Atlantis was caused mainly by the transmission of sound waves from underground, so intense that they caused an underground sonic boom. He was supposed to destroy the high-frequency light structures in the remaining holy temples and allow the dark magic and energies of the Satanic control of the Dark Brotherhood to penetrate into these temples. But the sonic boom was so powerful that it echoed back to its source, reverberating within the nuclear and crystalline energy centers that powered the sonic generator. This caused a powerful explosion which created chain reaction in other underground power generators, resulting in earthquakes the likes of which have never before occurred on Earth. (And has never happened since.) Many pyramids were literally blown to pieces, while others were not damaged. Global earthly cataclysms continued for more than two months, until all of Atlantis sank to the bottom of the ocean.

The people who had previously left Atlantis to restore spiritual order elsewhere were largely out of danger and able to fulfill their destiny. Several groups that tried to escape the disaster and did not manage to go far enough were washed away by the giant waves that resulted from the explosions. This final destruction of Atlantis occurred approximately 10,400 years ago.

Lucifer gathered the Lyrans on the astral planes and began to plot his next move. The Lyrans decided to remain on the astral planes both in the Earth's atmosphere and in the underground satanic realms in order to increase their influence on the subconscious mind of the people of Earth. As a result of this, wars and feuds between tribes became more frequent throughout the planet. Many indigenous peoples of America, Africa and Europe split into separate tribes, although in the past they were part of a vast brotherhood. Territorial claims, disputes over mineral and water rights, spiritual differences and unexplained suspicion caused division. More and more subconscious suggestions of patriarchal superiority seeped into the psyche of people, but some groups, with the help of the Atlanteans and their own spiritual leaders, were able to withstand the pressure and lies of negative psychic Thought Forms

“Grids” were created, similar to the one that is still preserved at Stonehenge, and “medicine wheels” that stopped destructive astral energies and created safe places, where people could hold ceremonies and other gatherings.

For almost 5000 years, the temples of the Goddess were strong in many of the new Atlantean lands. The female and male temples alike represented and preserved the sacred teachings of Melchizedek, Thoth and Alora; in addition, they expanded their teachings to include local archetypal deities and spiritual practices. Teachings about male and female roles, spiritual initiation, Ka temples, healing practices and methods of spiritual evolution spread to Egypt, Greece and different parts Central and South America. Not all tribes elsewhere were affected by the astral pollution; some remained pure and humble. However, the polarization of Light and Darkness was definitely increasing.

About 5,000 years ago, the Lyrans and their fellow Dark Brotherhood converts began reincarnating in various locations around the world. Their main goal was to penetrate regions of spiritually advanced cultures and cause war and destruction in them. Although this happened gradually, the balance of forces that control people on the planet has changed in many ways. In Egypt, Greece, Europe and Central America, cycles of Light and Darkness were established. The Dark Brotherhood killed, destroyed, raped and established their rule; then the forces of Light rose up and overthrew them. Then the cycle repeated again.

Channeling RA. A message from the collective mind.

The Earth as a whole has always remained attuned to the Light, the Supreme Being and the High Council of Twelve. But the balance of power on Earth has experienced many changes. It is very interesting that the majority of people on Earth have always believed in love and kindness, but it was weak and could not effectively resist the pressure of government and religious forces whose goal was to establish control over people. The population of the Earth, for the most part, felt powerless to influence the ruling classes for a long time; This is the strangest phenomenon in the history of the Earth. One of the reasons for such fear and helplessness is the astral control from the fourth and fifth dimensions exercised by Lucifer, the Lyrans and Nibiruans, or Anunnaki (Anunnaki: in Sumerian mythology, a large group of deities influencing the destinies of people.). At this time, it is important for you to know that you have enough power to free yourself from the psychic control of these astral beings.

When certain groups first began to populate the Earth about 150,000 years ago, there was a large gathering of collective consciousness that included the Pleiadians, Andromedans, etheric Masters, and representatives of the virgin kingdom. It was decided that it was necessary to create a hierarchical structure that would ensure the highest possible degree of trust and security. This decision was made based on the past experiences of newcomers to Earth being betrayed by beings higher spheres, and their deep-rooted lack of confidence in their own abilities. Self-doubt was the main reason the group asked for guidance. The new inhabitants of the Earth simply did not believe that they themselves could take important decisions and be independent. Their request was granted by the hierarchies, who agreed that when the time came to appoint a Supreme Being for your planet, a structure of descending spiritual authority would be created with the power to overrule any decision made by the Supreme Being. The structure that will be on the first step below the Supreme Being will be the High Council of Twelve. Its members will be four delegates each from the Pleiades, Sirius and the neighboring Andromeda Galaxy. All members will be highly developed Beings of Light. If the Supreme Council of the Twelve does not approve by consensus any order of the Supreme Being, that order must be rejected. Thanks to this, the people of the Earth will know, at least subconsciously, that they are protected from the possibility of errors in the activities of the spiritual hierarchy. The structure of the High Council would even have double protection: at least two members of different backgrounds would be in charge of each sector of power in the next lower sphere. For example, in the sector of instructing and supervising the work of healing angels, the responsibilities of one representative of the Pleiades and one representative of Andromeda will overlap, and neither will be able to do anything that the other does not agree with. This type of structure still exists in all higher dimensional institutions and groups.

Your planetary belief in the need for authorities to govern you and make important decisions must now be freed. You are ready to become independent beings with full responsibility. Until now on Earth, the presence of such strong corruption in government is the result of a lack of trust in each other and in ourselves. When the Age of Light, also called the Age of Enlightenment, comes, it will be extremely important to end patriarchal systems and return true power to the people. Those who are unable to manage such responsibilities without causing harm to others may be excluded from group decision-making. There will be no elected leaders. Positions such as the chairman of the meeting and others, as necessary, will be held in turn by all willing members of the community. With this type of government, neither an individual nor a small group can ever gain complete power over others.

What is needed at this time is for the people of Earth to find the spiritual courage to demand what they want. Of course, many well-meaning inhabitants of the Earth are too caught up in the struggle for survival and have forgotten about spiritual ideals. However, most people understand the basics of morality and desire love. Therefore, the Earth now faces a tremendous opportunity to take a spiritual quantum leap. The highest collective consciousness of all human beings The Earth has been asked to give it the opportunity to do something that has never happened before: planetary ascension. If this happens. The earth and all its people will move together into fourth and fifth dimensional consciousness and completely rid their consciousness of satanic and controlling influences. astral planes. The current control exercised by destructive forces is based and maintained on two things: (1) the illusion of the superiority of hatred and fear over love and (2) the belief that Darkness is stronger than Light. If by the year 2013 the entire remaining population of the Earth can get rid of these two ideas and understand and accept the four spiritual principles already mentioned, this planet will become the First planet to ever make such a spiritual leap.

To have hope that such a great event will happen, between today and by 2013, at least (but possibly more) 144,000 people should become enlightened and embody the consciousness of Christ. When this critical mass of awakened beings is reached, there will be a “massive second coming of Christ.” A vibrational wave of enlightenment energy will pass through the entire planet and its population, destroying the lower astral thought forms and dissolving the veil separating people from their own Inner experience of divine essence and truth. The entire population of the Earth will feel a wave of enlightenment permeating everything on the planet. At this time, planetary enlightenment and the soul's innate sense of purpose for spiritual evolution will be activated. If the Lyrans, Anunnaki, Lucifer, members of the Dark Brotherhood and people who are attuned to the darkness decide to spiritually submit at this time, then they will simply join the planetary ascension and be released from the past. Those who do not choose the Light will experience the destruction of the planet and find themselves, so to speak, in the galactic restoration center. They will be given opportunities for evolution and divine alignment, but will not be forced. If after some time they want to explore the darkness, they will be sent to some other Galaxy where such an opportunity still exists.