Potatoes, variety Borodyansky pink. The best potato varieties: description and characteristics Rosara potatoes, variety description, photo

Potatoes have long established themselves as one of the most popular and beloved vegetables. It is highly valued not only for its taste, but also for its easy and quick preparation. Potatoes are boiled whole, without skins, fried and various dishes are created based on them, from side dishes to soups.

Unfortunately, potatoes are one of those types of vegetables that are extremely dependent on care from the summer resident and favorable climatic conditions. Otherwise, the yield will be so weak that you will have to abandon the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bgrowing potatoes in your summer cottage in the future.

Which varieties can easily adapt to harsh climates and how difficult will they be to care for? Answers to these and many other questions await you in this article.

When faced for the first time with a huge variety of potato varieties, it is very difficult to understand which of them are intended for consumption and which are optimally suited as food for farm animals. To make this task easier for you, we provide a simplified diagram of the characteristics of varieties.

Common variety varieties

  • Dining rooms. The most common types that have the best taste. Because of this feature, they are commonly used for cooking.
  • Technical. These varieties contain a reduced amount of protein, so they are intended for the production of alcohol and starch.
  • Feed. By virtue of their name, these varieties are used to feed livestock. They stand out because the level of protein and starch is much higher than normal.
  • Universal. These varieties have everything needed to target any of the above tasks.

In addition, potato varieties may differ in the following characteristics: early ripening. Unlike other vegetables, there will be more criteria that cover the duration of fruit ripening.

Varieties of varieties by ripening period

  • Early. Fruits appear after 50-65 days.
  • Mid-early. Fruits appear after 65-85 days.
  • Mid-season. Fruits appear after 85-95 days.
  • Mid-late. Fruits appear after 95-110 days.
  • Late. Fruit appears after 95 days or more.

Seed potato varieties - choose the right ones

It is worth saying that potatoes have weaker protection against all kinds of pests and infections than other vegetables. If this is not taken into account, the tubers will work solely to survive, and not focus on a good harvest.

The only exceptions can be those varieties that successfully resist many of their varieties. But not all resistant varieties have better taste and large fruit. That is why the choice of varieties must be taken with full responsibility.

It should also be taken into account that after 3-4 years the variety will degenerate, which means that it is necessary to find an appropriate replacement for it. An ideal option would be elite planting material. It will be extremely difficult to grow it yourself, because it is a very long and intensive process that requires specific conditions.

When purchasing it, it would not be superfluous to ask the seller about the quality certificate. This is relevant due to the fact that very often sellers can offer ordinary potatoes instead of the desired elite planting material.

If you do not want the purchased planting material to become unusable too quickly, then it should be dug up before the lion's share of the harvest begins to appear.

As for the characteristics of the varieties, here it is also worth being vigilant not only regarding traditional factors (taste, yield and large-fruited size), but also several others (earliness and the place where it comes from). Compliance with the last factor will help determine the compatibility of the climate zone, which is extremely important when growing potatoes.

The best potato varieties for the Moscow region

Many summer residents involved in growing potatoes in the Moscow region have noted that this activity is extremely risky. Due to non-standard climatic conditions and many other factors, when choosing varieties for planting, you should note several important features.

Firstly, varieties must have good protection against pests and diseases. Secondly, you should choose only early, mid-early and mid-ripening varieties. If you go into experiments and take later varieties for planting, they simply will not have time to ripen.

Additionally, you need to pay attention to whether they are intended for planting in the Moscow region. If the selected variety does not have this indicator, but it adapts quite easily to existing conditions, then this point can be skipped.

List of potato varieties

The variety is considered mid-early because the fruit ripening period ranges from 75 to 85 days. The bush can produce up to 15 tubers, each of which will weigh on average 90-140 grams. Average yields per hectare are up to 360 centners.

The variety can be used for various purposes because it is universal. The fruits are characterized by excellent taste and the ability to maintain their appearance for a long time.

Common viral diseases and late blight will not interfere with this variety. However, it will need protection from potato nematode.

This variety is characterized by several features: early ripening, resistance to drought and late blight, as well as extreme productivity. The fruits can be stored for a long time. Each bush is capable of producing up to 15 tubers. The weight of one tuber can reach 200 grams.

Separately, it is worth noting its protection against potato nematode and scab. Thanks to its distinctive taste characteristics, Charodey is considered one of the most delicious among domestic and foreign varieties.

The presented variety is considered late and extremely popular among summer residents. It is considered universal, therefore it can be intended for absolutely any purpose. Taste characteristics, as well as the ability to be stored for a long time without changes, are at a high level. One tuber can weigh 140 grams.

Typically, the shape of the tubers is round-oval, but if there is not enough phosphorus and potassium in the soil, it will become oblong.

This variety forms tubers quite early, and their quantity will eclipse any ideas about high yields (up to 120 kilograms per bush). The average weight of one tuber is 130 grams. Taste characteristics are above normal. Long-term storage will not affect the external qualities.

Dry periods are not terrible for this variety, but all kinds of pests can significantly weaken it. Among them are late blight, scab and viral infections. When planting, you can pay attention to the quality of the soil, because the variety adapts perfectly to existing conditions.

This variety is considered a mid-early variety, which can surprise with a rich harvest and excellent taste. Long-term storage in small volumes will be possible for fruits without any problems. If you do not take this fact into account, then the external characteristics will be significantly underestimated.

It is worth mentioning separately about resistance to common infections and diseases. Due to its table type, its main purpose is cooking.

Popular potato varieties for the middle zone

The climate in central Russia is temperate, so for successful potato cultivation it is necessary to select varieties that can be successfully grown under existing conditions. The main criterion is early maturity. Otherwise, the potatoes may not have time to produce a decent level of yield.

List of potato varieties

One of the most productive varieties, which also successfully resists late blight and Y and Yn viruses. Moreover, sudden drought and the machinations of potato cancer are not scary for him. The tubers turn out to be quite large and capable of both long-term transportation and long-term storage.

On average, one tuber weighs up to 120 grams. The number of tubers from one bush exceeds 12 pieces. Due to their delicious taste, the tubers can be used for a variety of purposes, including cooking and feeding livestock.

A mid-season variety that is distinguished by fairly high taste qualities and is ready to please the summer resident with incredible yield indicators (more than 500 centners per hectare). The fruits are extremely large and oblong-oval in shape.

Excellent protection against phenomena such as nematodes, cancer and viral infection. In addition, the variety copes well with late blight. Although it does not require high soil quality, the amount of fertilizer required should be increased, taking into account its intensity.

During long-term and careless transportation, potatoes may be damaged, but at rest they will remain without any changes.

Mid-season variety with a decent yield level. It has reliable protection against the Colorado potato beetle, wireworm, as well as many infections and diseases. A separate advantage is the ability of the variety to quickly adapt to existing conditions, so caring for the bush will be greatly simplified.

Here is a foreign mid-season variety that boasts several advantages. Excellent taste characteristics, good protection against many infections and diseases, as well as excellent yield. One bush produces an average of 10 tubers.

If climatic conditions change, the variety will perform well without sacrificing a high degree of yield. Tubers can be stored for a long time, including in the winter season.

This foreign variety is considered one of the early ones, the tubers of which ripen after 65-70 days. It is especially popular among farmers who grow potatoes for sale. Productivity reaches 300 centners per hectare.

The variety has optimal conditions for long-term storage and transportation. Excellent protection against potato nematode, potato cancer, late blight and scab. Relatively resistant to the Y virus, but has a better chance of coping with the Yn virus.

Optimal potato varieties for Siberia

The climate of Siberia can be a real test for many potato varieties. Not everyone can withstand the effects of late spring and early autumn cold snaps, abnormal heat in July and prolonged rains in August. To solve these problems, special varieties were bred for Siberia, which can produce a good harvest in a short summer.

In addition, there are several domestic and foreign varieties that, due to their characteristics, can be successfully grown in the harsh climate of Siberia.

List of potato varieties

Here is a representative of one of the most popular red-skinned varieties, which is mainly used in the central and southern regions of the country. The yield reaches 660 centners per hectare. The tubers turn out not only large, but also beautiful.

When receiving physical damage and cooking, the fruits do not change their color. In addition to good resistance to many infections and diseases, including late blight and potato nematode, the variety can successfully withstand the effects of prolonged drought.

This is one of the earliest ripening varieties that can be successfully grown not only in Siberia, but also in other regions of Russia. The maximum yield is over 610 centners per hectare. Summer residents never cease to claim that the tubers are incredibly tasty and can be stored for a long period. Excellent protection against potato cancer.

A mid-early potato variety that will delight you with the excellent taste of the tubers. In addition, they can lie for quite a long time without any changes. The yield per hectare significantly exceeds 370 centners.

The variety exhibits increased resistance to such phenomena as scab, potato nematode, potato cancer and a number of viral diseases. Tops do not cope with late blight as well as with the above infections.

Here is the modernized variety “Early Rose”. Excellent taste characteristics, high yield (45 kilograms per 10 square meters), as well as good resistance to common diseases and infections. Separately, it is worth noting the rapid adaptability to low temperatures. The weight of one tuber is up to 115 grams.

This is a mid-early variety that is characterized by varying degrees of resistance to a huge number of pests and diseases. Basically, he copes well with the problems that arise. Tubers include unique flavor properties that allow them to be used in a wide variety of dishes.

With moderate physical damage, the potatoes will not be damaged. During long-term storage, the external characteristics of the tubers will remain unchanged.

Early potato varieties: photos and descriptions

This variety is a table variety, so it can only be intended for cooking. This is also facilitated by excellent taste. With proper care, the variety can consistently produce a large harvest, reaching up to 620 centners per hectare.

Tubers can weigh up to 150 grams. Perfectly stored and transported. Well protected against potato nematode and potato cancer.

A table variety, the tubers of which are intended for cooking. They are large enough, do not darken during cooking, and also have an excellent presentation. With all this, the variety is high-yielding.

Strawberries can successfully resist scab, late blight and potato nematode. However, the tops are vulnerable to late blight and virus Y.

The variety is more popular in the central regions of the country. Productivity is moderate - up to 276 centners per hectare. The tubers are very tasty and can be stored for a long period.

The variety is primarily aimed at the West Siberian region. Under appropriate conditions, storage can last quite a long time and this will not in any way affect the quality of the tubers. The yield reaches 300 centners per hectare.

A high-yielding variety (almost 400 centners per hectare), which is popular in the northern region. The tubers are tasty, do not become overcooked and can be stored for a long time.

Mid-early potato varieties: the best varieties

The variety was bred in the Netherlands. Its value lies in its high yield, large tubers (up to 182 grams), as well as their taste characteristics. Late blight is its main problem. He can easily cope with other diseases.

This variety is more popular in the North Caucasus region. The tubers of this variety are oval and tasty. Can be stored for a very long time. The yield per hectare ranges from 165 to 365 centners.

The variety was bred in the Central Black Earth region. Tubers are well stored and transported without loss of quality. Excellent taste characteristics. The yield of the variety reaches 300 centners per hectare.

This is a very productive variety that, under favorable conditions, will delight you with more than 460 centners of delicious potatoes per hectare. The resulting harvest can be stored for a long period.

Champion among productive varieties! The maximum yield reaches 570 c/ha. Purpose – cooking food and potato chips. It has tremendous protection against late blight, as well as a number of other diseases.

The tubers turn out to be very tasty and can be stored and transported for a long time without losing their presentation.

Mid-season potato varieties with detailed descriptions

A very productive variety that will produce up to 650 centners per hectare. The tubers are not only large, but also extremely tasty. It is not afraid of major diseases, but a variety such as late blight will cause a lot of problems for tops and tubers.

A table variety, which is also facilitated by the excellent taste and optimal properties of the tubers. Can be grown in almost any type of soil. The yield is high - up to 540 centners per hectare. Copes well with all kinds of diseases and infections. Long-term transportation and storage will not spoil the taste and external qualities of the tubers.

The variety is interesting because it can withstand drought, but does not tolerate excessive watering. Otherwise, the tubers will begin to crack. Tubers can be stored for an extended period.

This variety can successfully fight back against the main types of infections and diseases. It is considered high-yielding at rates up to 550 centners per hectare.

The variety germinates well in one-dimensional soil. Capable of surprising with high yields, reaching 500 centners per hectare. The tubers are distinguished by their excellent taste and ability to be stored for a long time without changes. The variety is not afraid of most viruses and infections.

The variety is characterized by impressive yields, which can reach almost 630 centners per hectare! Tubers can surprise you with both their taste and long-term storage. Potato nematode and various viruses are not dangerous for this variety, but wet rot and late blight can cause a lot of complications for it.

Mid-late potato varieties: the best of the best

The variety is distinguished by excellent and stable yield, tasty and large tubers, as well as reliable protection against many infections and diseases, including scab, potato nematode and late blight. The growing process can be carried out on almost any type of soil.

A high-yielding and disease-resistant variety that is considered a table variety. From one bush you can collect up to 14 tubers. They will pleasantly surprise you not only with their taste, but also with their size. Can be stored for a long period without external changes.

Tubers of this variety are primarily intended for subsequent sale. They are distinguished by their excellent presentation, which will not change after moderate mechanical damage, as well as excellent taste. The variety is quite resistant to potato nematodes and cancer, and is also practically immune to many viruses and ditylenchosis. You can get up to 14 tubers from one bush.

The variety was bred in Holland. It has good protection against both known and rare diseases and viruses. One bush can produce up to 19 large tubers with good taste. Long-term storage will not affect the external characteristics.

The main features of this variety are its excellent taste. At the same time, the tubers are not afraid of long-term storage and transportation. The variety has good protection against all diseases except late blight.

Late potato varieties: features with illustrations

Phenomenal yield (up to 660 centners per hectare) makes this variety extremely attractive for summer residents. Taste characteristics are moderate, as is protection from many diseases. Growing can take place in almost any type of soil, and the tubers will last a very long time.

Another record holder for yield among late varieties. Under favorable conditions, you can get up to 660 quintals per hectare. You should not overwater the bushes, especially during the second growing season. Taste qualities significantly exceed the norm. The variety is well protected from late blight and viral diseases, but it copes satisfactorily with potato nematode and scab.

The unique feature of this variety is its easy and quick adaptability to any type of soil and potash fertilizers. It successfully resists the effects of late blight and scab, but it is necessary to protect the variety from viral diseases. The tubers have excellent taste and can be intended for processing.

The variety can germinate on any soil, including peat bog. Excellent resistance to late blight, wet rot and potato nematode. The tubers turn out to be very tasty. Productivity reaches 500 centners per hectare.

To grow this variety, you need to take into account the characteristics of the soil, but you can ignore prolonged drought. It is possible to apply mineral fertilizers. One bush can produce up to 16 tubers. Potatoes taste great and can be stored for a very long time. Resistance to diseases and viruses is above average.

In this video you can learn a lot of interesting things about the potato varieties mentioned above.

Potatoes reproduce well by tubers, which are selected from the general harvest, so many gardeners continue to grow “grandfather’s” potatoes for decades. But this approach cannot be considered correct, since over the years, viral and mycoplasma organisms accumulate in the tubers. Even with good selection of seed potatoes (selection in the field from well-developed healthy bushes of medium-sized tubers) and compliance with storage conditions, degeneration of varietal characteristics occurs over time.

As a result, summer residents complain that the potatoes are getting smaller and the taste is not at all the same as before. To avoid a decrease in yield and an outbreak of viral diseases, it is recommended to periodically update potato planting material by purchasing high-quality varietal seed tubers from seed farms or from intermediaries.

Let's consider popular varieties of potatoes for growing on a personal plot, when it is not the number of tubers in the bush that comes to the fore, but their size and taste. We recommend growing several varieties on the site at once with different ripening periods and varying degrees of resistance to weather factors, which will always ensure a good harvest, even in unfavorable weather conditions during the growing season.

It is also necessary to remember that a good variety will fully reveal its potential only in the zoning zone. By purchasing non-registered varieties, gardeners always run the risk of being disappointed with the results obtained.

Early potato varieties

For varieties with early ripening, the growing season (from germination to harvest) averages 75 days. The most popular varieties in this group are: Red Scarlet, Udacha, Rosara, Bellarosa, Impala.

Red Scarlet (Holland)

Productivity of commercial tubers: 164 - 192 kg/area, maximum - 400 kg/area.

Bush morphology: compact, low growing, light purple flowers.

Tubers: oblong, even with a smooth surface, small eyes, lilac peel, pale yellow flesh, average weight 80 g, 10 - 15 pcs per bush.

Taste: Average taste, does not get soggy when cooked, good for frying and for making French fries.

Cultivation zones: zoned for the Moscow region and the entire Central region, approved for cultivation in the North-Western, Volga-Vyatka and West Siberian regions, and also recommended for the southern regions of Russia.

Peculiarities: heat-resistant, long-lasting, resistant to nematodes and potato cancer, high yield of marketable tubers.

Flaws: susceptibility to late blight.

Recommendations for growing: Numerous reviews of the variety indicate good yield and high marketability even in unfavorable years. To prevent the development of late blight, it is necessary to carry out pre-planting treatment of tubers with fungicides approved for use in private household plots.

Udacha (Russia)

Productivity of marketable tubers: 300 - 400 kg/area, maximum - 500 kg/area, stable in different years.

Morphology of the bush: medium-sized, spreading, white flowers.

Tubers: oval with light yellow thin skin and white flesh, eyes are weakly expressed, average weight 150 - 200 g, 15 - 20 pcs per bush.

Taste: good, but according to some reviews mediocre.

Cultivation zones: Northwestern region, Far East, Volga region, Central Black Earth region.

Peculiarities: has high resistance to diseases, drought-resistant, tolerates waterlogging, long-lasting.

Flaws: Susceptible to nematode.

Recommendations for cultivation: ecologically flexible variety, adapts well to extreme weather conditions and to any type of soil. It is recommended to plant in well-warmed soil. Tubers grown using potassium fertilizers darken when cooked.

Rosara (Germany)

Productivity of marketable tubers: 200 - 300 kg/area, maximum - more than 500 kg/area, stable in different weather conditions.

Morphology of the bush: medium-sized, semi-spreading, purple flowers.

Tubers: oval (sometimes teardrop-shaped), leveled, red skin color of varying intensity, surface with slight roughness, yellow flesh, small, shallow eyes, average weight 90 - 120 g, 15 - 18 pcs per bush.

Taste: excellent, low starch content, does not become soggy when cooked, ideal in salads and for frying.

Cultivation zones: Southern Urals, Far East and central Russia.

Peculiarities: equally tolerates drought and waterlogging, resistant to nematode, scab and late blight, very early variety with high shelf life.

Flaws: not identified by gardeners.

Bellarosa (Germany)

Productivity of marketable tubers: 170 - 330 kg/area, maximum - 385 kg/area.

Morphology of the bush: tall, erect with large leaves, red-violet flowers.

Tubers: rounded, leveled, peel color light red or pink, surface slightly rough, flesh light yellow, eyes shallow, average weight 110 - 210 g (“giants” up to 800 g), 9 pcs per bush.

Taste: high taste, boiled potatoes are crumbly.

Cultivation zones: zoned for the Central European part (central Russia) and the Urals.

Peculiarities: highly commercial variety with aligned tubers, resistant to viruses, nematode, scab, cancer and late blight, very early.

Flaws: medium keeping quality.

Recommendations for cultivation: to regulate the size of tubers, the planting pattern is changed: by increasing the feeding area, large tubers are obtained, and with more frequent planting, medium-sized tubers are obtained. Cultivated on all types of soil. Popularly, this proven variety is often called Cherry, perhaps due to the special attachment of the tubers and their appearance.

Impala (Netherlands)

Productivity of marketable tubers: 180 - 360 kg/area, maximum - 367 kg/area.

Morphology of the bush: tall, powerful, white flowers.

Tubers: oval with sparse eyes, peel color white-yellow, surface smooth, flesh light yellow, average weight 100 - 150 g, 18 pcs per bush.

Taste: good taste, does not darken when cooked.

Cultivation zones: resistance to adverse weather factors and early ripening allow this variety to be grown in most regions of Russia (Leningrad region, Moscow region, Volga region), it is popular in Belarus and Ukraine.

Peculiarities: ultra-early (vegetation period 50 days), tubers form quickly and even in the first harvest give a good harvest with high marketability, are well stored, resistant to nematodes and tuber cancer, weakly affected by scab and viral diseases.

Flaws: susceptibility to rhizoctonia and late blight.

Recommendations for cultivation: the variety has positive reviews from both summer residents and large producers. In the southern regions of Russia and Ukraine, farms practice double planting of this variety (early spring and summer) for repeated harvesting. To do this, the plants are dug up on a cloudy day, the formed tubers are carefully peeled off, and the bush is planted again, watered abundantly. In the middle zone, planting is carried out in early May after the soil has warmed up. Cultivation without crop rotation is strictly prohibited.

Mid-early potato varieties

This group includes varieties with an average ripening period of 75 - 85 days. In this category, gardeners prefer varieties such as Gala, Nevsky, Charodey and Adretta.

Gala (Germany)

Productivity of marketable tubers: 400 kg/are.

Morphology of the bush: medium-sized with large leaves, single white flowers.

Tubers: round with small shallow eyes and yellow veiny skin, bright yellow flesh, average weight 70 - 120 g, 25 pcs per bush.

Taste: good, low starch content, remains dense when cooked, suitable for preparing salads and soups.

Cultivation zones: zoned for the North-Western, Central and Volga-Vyatka regions, universal for cultivation in other regions of Russia.

Peculiarities: resistant to nematodes and specific diseases.

Flaws: susceptibility to rhizoctonia.

Recommendations for cultivation: the variety germinates evenly, the bushes form compact, which is convenient for care (weeding, hilling). Ideal for mechanical cleaning. A very unpretentious variety that produces excellent yields when cultivated in dry land. To increase shelf life, it is recommended to mow the tops 2 weeks before harvesting, which will allow the tubers to ripen and stock up on nutrients.

Nevsky (Russia)

Productivity of marketable tubers: 380 - 500 kg/area, maximum - over 600 kg/area, stable.

Morphology of the bush: medium-sized, lush, white flowers.

Tubers: smooth oval with reddish eyes on a smooth white peel, white flesh, average weight 90 - 130 g, 8 - 15 pcs per bush.

Taste: good, starch content below average, peeled tubers do not darken for a long time, and do not become soft when cooked.

Cultivation zones: zoned in all regions of Russia.

Peculiarities: high marketability, good keeping quality, drought-resistant, resistant to cancer, late blight and rhizoctonia.

Flaws: does not tolerate cold temperatures during planting and harvesting, early germination of tubers.

Recommendations for cultivation: when planting sprouted tubers, sprouts should not be allowed to break off. The variety is responsive to fertilization and watering, so it is suitable for intensive cultivation. It is not recommended to plant in unheated, waterlogged soil.

Charodey (Russia)

Productivity of marketable tubers: highly depends on the growing region and ranges from 174 to 370 kg/area, maximum - 420 kg/area.

Morphology of the bush: erect with light green leaves, white flowers.

Tubers: oval with small inconspicuous eyes on a smooth yellow skin, white flesh, average weight 73 - 116 g, the number of tubers is not constant on different soils.

Taste: good, sweetish; the tubers are easy to peel, do not darken when cooked, but become slightly crumbly; Ideal for making purees.

Cultivation zones: zoned in the Northern, Northwestern, Volga-Vyatka, Central Black Earth, North Caucasus and Middle Volga regions of Russia.

Peculiarities: high marketability, high shelf life, drought-resistant, cancer-resistant, average resistance to late blight.

Flaws: susceptibility to nematodes.

Adretta (Germany)

Productivity of marketable tubers: 214 - 396 kg/area, maximum - 450 kg/area.

Morphology of the bush: erect, vigorous, white flowers.

Tubers: round-oval with small and sparse eyes on a rough yellow skin, light yellow flesh, average weight 130 g.

Taste: medium, softens when cooked; Tubers with a high starch content are suitable for making purees.

Cultivation zones: zoned in the Volga region, Western Siberia and the Far East.

Peculiarities: high marketability, good shelf life, high resistance to viral diseases, early formation of tubers.

Flaws: were not marked.

Mid-season potato varieties

An intermediate group of varieties with an average ripening period of 100 days. Tuleevsky, Roko and Aurora are in greatest demand.

Tuleevsky (Russia)

Productivity of marketable tubers: 180 - 424 kg/area, maximum - 500 kg/area.

Morphology of the bush: medium-sized, white flowers.

Tubers: oblong with small eyes, yellow peel with slight roughness, yellow flesh, average weight 122 - 270 g (tubers of 500 g are also found).

Taste: excellent, tubers with medium starch content.

Cultivation zones: zoned in Western and Eastern Siberia and the Far East.

Peculiarities: high marketability, good keeping quality, resistance to scab, weakly affected by late blight.

Flaws: susceptibility to nematodes.

Rocco (Holland)

Productivity of marketable tubers: 136 - 261 kg/area, maximum - 400 kg/area, stable.

Morphology of the bush: erect, not spreading, red-violet flowers.

Tubers: oval with sparse eyes, red skin, smooth, creamy flesh, average weight 75 - 120 g, 8 - 12 pcs per bush.

Taste: good, average starch content.

Cultivation zones: zoned in the Middle Volga region.

Peculiarities: marketability and shelf life are at an average level, resistance to cancer, late blight and nematodes, resistant to drought, good for processing.

Flaws: not the best variety for long-term storage in unequipped cellars.

Aurora (Russia)

Productivity of marketable tubers: 214 - 396 kg/area, maximum - 416 kg/area.

Morphology of the bush: tall, with large leaves, purple flowers.

Tubers: oval with superficial eyes, beige peel, reddish in the eye area, creamy flesh, average weight 93 - 128 g, 20 - 25 pcs per bush. (according to some reviews, in some years this figure is closer to 40).

Taste: excellent, high starch content, crumbly.

Cultivation zones: zoned in the Northern, Northwestern and Central regions.

Peculiarities: high marketability, average shelf life, resistance to cancer and nematode, high drought resistance.

Flaws: a high level of agricultural technology is required.

Late potato varieties

This group includes varieties with a growing season of about 130 days. These varieties, as a rule, are characterized by high yields and good preservation. The Picasso and Zhuravinka varieties deserve the most attention.

Picasso (Netherlands)

Productivity of marketable tubers: 193 - 315 kg/area, maximum - 321 kg/area.

Morphology of the bush: medium-sized, white flowers.

Tubers: oval with superficial eyes, yellow peel, pinkish in the eye area, creamy flesh, average weight 75 - 126 g, 20 pcs per bush.

Taste: good, low starch content, does not overcook.

Cultivation zones: optimally suited for the Moscow region and Central Black Earth Region.

Peculiarities: good keeping quality, resistance to cancer and nematode, attractive appearance of aligned tubers, heat-resistant and drought-resistant.

Flaws: marketability highly depends on growing conditions, susceptible to late blight.

Recommendations for cultivation: It is advisable to grow using intensive technology with the addition of mineral fertilizers and organic matter. Before planting, it is recommended to germinate the tubers. It is better to plant less frequently, otherwise the tubers will protrude to the surface.

Zhuravinka (Belarus)

Productivity of marketable tubers: 400 - 600 kg/area, maximum - 750 kg/area.

Morphology of the bush: medium-sized, slightly spreading, red-violet flowers.

Tubers: round with shallow eyes, uniform red peel, pale yellow flesh, heterogeneous in weight (about 100 g or more), up to 18 pcs. in a bush.

Taste: good, used for making chips and Belarusian pancakes, high starch content, overcooked.

Cultivation zones: zoned in the Northwestern and Volga-Vyatka regions, recommended for cultivation in the Central region.

Peculiarities: good keeping quality, resistance to cancer, scab, late blight, viruses and nematodes.

Flaws: requires proper and attentive care, but according to summer residents it is possible with minimal participation.

Recommendations for cultivation: reacts negatively to increased doses of nitrogen fertilizers, is cultivated with regular irrigation (although, according to reviews, it tolerates interruptions in watering well), prefers light soils. Before planting, it is recommended to warm the tubers to stimulate emergence from the dormant period.

Interesting varieties not included in the state register

In addition to the varieties included in the state register, gardeners successfully grow unregistered hybrids and varieties. A brief description of potato varieties for experimentation in trial plantings will help you choose the most exclusive options.

A new achievement of selection is the mid-late variety Granada (Germany), characterized by high yield (up to 600 kg/acre), good keeping quality, resistance to major diseases and excellent taste with minimal care requirements. Recommended for cultivation in central Russia and Ukraine.

An old but little-known variety is Kiwi, which received its name due to its dirty orange, rough peel, reminiscent of kiwi fruit. The pulp is white and cooks quickly. The peculiarity of the variety is its excellent taste and resistance to the Colorado potato beetle. Each bush produces about 20 medium-sized round tubers.

The mid-season Sineglazka variety is loved by summer residents of the Moscow region for its excellent taste and high potential, turning a blind eye to the insufficient keeping quality of the tubers. However, it is ideal for summer use and growing in private areas.

The early variety Riviera is also interesting; it was included in the register only in 2013, so there is still little information about the results of its cultivation. The patent holders claim this variety as high-yielding, with high preservation and relative resistance to major diseases. Its advantage is its high taste and rapid formation of tubers, which allows you to make the first dig already on the 45th day.

Even experienced potato growers will not be able to definitively answer the question of which potato variety is better. It all depends on the growing zone, soil type, care characteristics and level of agricultural technology. Early varieties are grown mainly for summer consumption, and for winter storage it is preferable to plant varieties with late ripening periods.

Potatoes are a cool summer plant. Tubers can germinate at a temperature of 7-8°C, and the buds awaken already at 5°C. And although potatoes germinate most quickly at a temperature of about 20°C, to avoid the spread of diseases they are germinated at 12-15°C. The best temperature for the growth of the above-ground part and flowering is about 21 "C. The tops of early varieties do not tolerate frost even -2°C.

Plants consume a large amount of water: 1 bush (depending on the variety, air temperature and soil moisture) evaporates 60-71 liters over the summer. Moisture is especially needed from the moment of complete budding until the tops stop growing. During this period, soil moisture should be 70-85%; at higher levels, the tubers rot. A signal of soil waterlogging and oxygen starvation is the growth of loose white lentils on the surface of tubers. Towards the end of the growing season, when the tops wither and the growth of tubers decreases, the need for moisture also decreases. In rainy autumn, the ripening of the crop is delayed, and a very delicate skin forms on the tubers. Such potatoes are easily damaged during harvesting and are poorly stored.

Potato is a light-loving plant. When shaded, the stems stretch, the tops turn yellow, and the formation of tubers is delayed. For this crop, loose fertile soils located on southern and southwestern slopes are preferable.

Early potatoes need high doses of potassium. The best fertilizer is potassium sulfate: it does not contain chlorine, which increases ripening time and reduces the amount of starch in tubers. You can also use potassium nitrate. Potash fertilizers containing chlorine and sodium are applied in the fall so that the latter 2 elements are partially washed out.

Phosphorus fertilizers increase the starch content in tubers, accelerate ripening and improve the keeping quality of potatoes, and also create the prerequisites for the introduction of high doses of nitrogen.

Nitrogen fertilizers are applied based on the availability of potassium and phosphorus in the soil. A deficiency of the latter causes a physiological excess of nitrogen. With a sufficient amount of phosphorus, a relative lack of nitrogen is possible, and its dose can be increased. Nitrogen fertilizers are incorporated into the soil during spring cultivation or directly when planting potatoes. In the latter case, nitrogen is added to the holes and thoroughly mixed with the soil.

Abundant nutrition allows the crop to successfully tolerate waterlogging and produce a good harvest.

At the same time as organic fertilizers, mineral fertilizers are also applied (1 g per 1 sq.m.): superphosphate - 60, potassium salt or nitrophoska - 100-200. The latter can be replaced with ash (300 g per 1 sq.m). Clay soils are limed (at pH less than 5, the dose of lime is 4-6 kg per 1 sq.m). But liming is carried out

Under the predecessor or in winter, in the snow. Applying lime immediately before planting leads to severe scab damage to potatoes. In the spring, to speed up the melting of snow and warm the soil, they scatter peat or ash and dig drainage ditches.

Modern varieties of early potatoes.

Aksamit. Early ripening variety. The tubers are white, round, weighing up to 150 g. The pulp is white and does not darken when cut. Starch content - up to 15.7%. The bush is low and spreading. There are few leaves. The flowers are white. Productivity - up to 4 kg/sq.m. well kept. Cancer resistant. Moderately resistant to rot, weakly resistant to macrosporosis and scab.

Borodino pink. Early ripening variety. The tubers are pink, round, weighing up to 140 g. The pulp is creamy and does not darken when cut. Starch content - up to 18.6%. The bush is low-growing, not spreading. There are a lot of leaves. The flowers are purple. Productivity - up to 4 kg/sq.m. Well kept.

Spring is white. Early ripening variety. The tubers are white, weighing up to 185 g, with many eyes. The pulp is white and does not darken when cut. Starch content - up to 15%. The bush is low, slightly spreading, forms 3-4 stems. The leaves are light green and large. Productivity - 3.5 kg. sq.m. Well kept. Resistant to virus, late blight and scab, not resistant to nematode.

Desiree. Early ripening variety. The tubers are red, weighing up to 120 g. The pulp is yellow. There are up to 45 tubers in a bush. Resistant to all diseases. Transports and stores well.

Moraine. Early ripening variety (ripens in 50-65 days). The tubers have white flesh and are tasty. Starch content - up to 14%. Productivity is up to 1.8 kg from 1 bush. Grows on any soil. Loves moisture. Resistant to nematode, moderately resistant to late blight and virus, weakly resistant to scab.

Prior. Early ripening variety (ripens in 50-65 days). Tubers - with cream-colored pulp, tasty. Starch content - up to 16%. Productivity - up to 1.8 kg from 1 bush. Grows on any soil. Resistant to nematode, late blight, scab and virus.

Pushkinets. Early ripening variety. The tubers are white, round-oval, and store well. The pulp is white. Productivity is above average, ripening is good. Resistant to virus, cancer, nematode and scab, not resistant to late blight.

Early yellow. Early ripening variety (ripens in 50-65 days). The tubers have yellow flesh and are very tasty. Starch content - up to 14%. Productivity - up to 2 kg from 1 bush. Grows on any soil. Resistant to late blight and scab, moderately resistant to virus and nematode.

Blush. Early ripening variety. The tubers are pink, oval, weighing up to 140 g. The pulp is white and does not darken when cut. Starch content - up to 15.2%. The bush is low, slightly spreading. Lots of stems, few leaves. The flowers are white. Productivity - up to 3.8 kg/sq.m. Resistant to cancer and rot, weakly resistant to late blight, macrosporiosis and virus.

Sineglazka. Early ripening variety. The tubers are pale purple in color and boil well. Fruitful. Resistant to degeneration diseases.

Luck. Early ripening variety. Tubers - with white pulp, oval, weighing up to 120 g. Starch content - up to 17%. The bush is low and spreading. The leaves are large, the flowers are white. Productivity - up to 4.5 kg/sq.m. Resistant to rot. Weakly resistant to late blight, macrosporosis and scab.

Felox. Early ripening variety. The tubers are yellow, elongated, oval, weighing up to 115 g. The pulp is light yellow. Starchy content - up to 17%. The bush is low, slightly spreading, the flowers are purple. Productivity - up to 5.9 kg/sq.m. Resistant to cancer and nematode, weakly resistant to late blight.

Fairy. Early ripening variety (ripens in 50-65 days). The tubers have cream-colored pulp and are very tasty. Starchy content - up to 17%. Productivity - up to 2 kg from 1 bush. Grows on any soil. Resistant to nematode, late blight, virus and scab.

Sorcerer. Mid-early variety. The tubers are white, unequal in size, and very tasty. Starch content - up to 20%. High-yielding, above average ripening. Moisture-loving. Nematode resistant.

Preparation of planting material. Potatoes are propagated, as a rule, by tubers or parts thereof (with 1-2 eyes), as well as layering, cuttings, seedlings and seeds. To grow early potatoes, only healthy tubers are used.

In the fall, before storing them, they are sorted, and then damaged, diseased and ugly ones are discarded. In the spring, the tubers are checked again and those affected by macrosporiosis, dry rot, late blight and covered with scab are removed.

1 month before planting, the potatoes are heated (15-18°C) and germinated. But the process occurring at higher temperatures can cause a viral infection. After germination, the tubers are examined again and specimens with defective (thinned) sprouts that sprouted too late are rejected. Then they are sorted into fractions by weight (g): small - 30-50, medium - 50-80, large - 80-100, and planted separately. Tubers of the middle fraction are most suitable for growing early potatoes.

However, almost all new varieties have large tubers, so they are cut to reduce the consumption of planting material. In this case, it is better to use the apical lobes, cut into 2-3 parts (50-75% of all eyes are concentrated here), or tubers, cut in half or into quarters. The optimal weight of the share is 25-30 g. Consequently, tubers weighing 50-60 g are divided into 2 parts, 75-90 g - into 3, 100-120 g - into 4 parts.

This is done 25-30 days before planting, the deadline is no later than 6 days. They are placed in 1-2 rows (cut surface up) in boxes, which are installed in a warm heated room or in the sun. The air temperature during the day should be 16-18°C, at night - about 10°C. As a result, a strong, undamaged crust is formed on the cut surface, and short thick sprouts are formed on the lobes.

Since cut tubers are planted at a shallower (6-8 cm) depth than whole ones, the crop is formed closer to the soil surface, which makes harvesting easier. If all agrotechnical conditions are met, it sometimes even exceeds the yield obtained by planting medium-sized tubers.

To accelerate the emergence of seedlings and subsequent growth, special treatment of tubers is required - germination. This accelerates the growth and development of plants by 2-3 weeks, and the yield of early harvest increases by 1.5-2 times. There are several methods of germination, and the gardener, depending on the possibilities, chooses the most suitable one for himself.

Germination in light is carried out in any bright room at a temperature of 12-16°C. You can germinate potatoes in dark rooms, but with additional illumination with ordinary or fluorescent lamps (8-10 hours a day). Additional lighting begins from the moment the sprouts form. At the end of March, healthy tubers are laid out in 1 layer in boxes placed on the floor near the window. You can place them in stacks, but periodically change places: the bottom ones are up, the top ones are down. Germination duration is 35-40 days. Sometimes tubers are germinated in nylon nets or plastic bags, hanging them next to the window. For air exchange, holes are made in the bags.

During the germination process, potatoes are periodically inspected and rotten ones are removed. The room is ventilated. If the air is dry, then the tubers are sprayed 2-3 times.

Potatoes are also sprouted in greenhouses using biofuel. Straw, peat or sawdust are laid on top of it (layer thickness - 10 cm), and tubers are laid out on top in 2-3 layers. If the temperature drops below 0°C, the greenhouses are closed. At night they are additionally covered with mats. Once a week, the tubers are transferred (from the top row to the bottom and vice versa). Duration of germination is 20-30 days (until thick, strong sprouts appear).

However, under the influence of light, substances are formed in the tubers that inhibit further growth of the seedling, therefore, 1 week before planting, the planting material is shaded with straw or mats, which reduces the effect of the inhibitors.

Germination in a humid environment

Promotes the formation of not only sprouts, but also roots. Peat, sawdust, chaff, humus and other materials are used as a substrate in which favorable conditions can be created: warmth, fresh air flow and a humid environment. The temperature is maintained within 12-25 °C.

After thick sprouts have formed, the potatoes are placed in baskets, boxes or small piles. A layer (2-3 cm) of substrate moistened with a solution of copper sulfate (1-2 g per 1 liter of water) is poured onto the bottom of the container.

Tubers are placed on it (the apical part up), after which the substrate is poured again, then the tubers, and so on to the top.

As the substrate dries, it is moistened. Germination duration is 7-10 days. During this period, make sure that the length of the sprouts does not exceed 2-4 cm, otherwise they may break during transplantation.

Combined germination begins 45-55 days before planting. After 25-30 days, the tubers are laid out in boxes on a small (5 cm) layer of peat or sawdust, and covered with the same layer on top. The contents of the boxes are periodically watered with water or a solution of garden mineral mixture (60-80 g per 1 bucket of water). Before emergence, the temperature is maintained within 20-22°C. Potatoes are fed twice: first when roots appear at the base of the tubers, and then after 3-5 days. In both cases, solutions of superphosphate and potassium chloride are used (60 and 30 g per 10 liters of water, respectively). To avoid overgrowth of sprouts and roots, the air temperature after feeding is reduced to 12-14C.

Kedrovka and annular incision. Used for uniform distribution of nutrients throughout all the eyes of the tuber (usually they arrive at the apical buds). Cuts 0.5 cm deep (kebrovka) under the lateral buds stop the outflow of nutrients to the top and stimulate the germination of the lower buds, after which the number of stems on the bush increases.

Ring cuts are made in the middle of the tubers to a depth of 1 cm. Then they are germinated and planted.

Pre-planting treatment with a solution of mineral fertilizers. Tubers in nets are immersed in a solution of ammonium nitrate and superphosphate (40 g per Yule of water), then dried and planted. Sometimes planting material is watered with a similar solution from a watering can with a strainer. This treatment helps stimulate the breakdown of nutrients in tubers and convert them into an easily digestible form. As a result, tubers germinate faster by 3-5 days, shoots are formed more powerful, and flowering begins 4-5 days earlier.

Treatment with trace elements or wood ash. The most effective treatment is a 0.01-0.05% solution of microelements, for example (1 g per 10 liters of water): copper sulfate - 2, potassium permanganate - 10.

Tubers selected for planting are laid out under a canopy in 3-6 layers. Then they are evenly moistened with the solution (0.5 l per 1 kg). To prevent the latter from evaporating very quickly, the planting material is covered with burlap or mats for several hours. It is then air-dried and planted in the soil. As a result, tuberization accelerates, plant resistance to disease increases, etc.

Dusting planting material with ash (1 kg per 30-35 kg of tubers) accelerates plant development, increases yield by 10-15%, and improves the taste of potatoes.

Growing seedlings. This is done to obtain very early production in small areas. Healthy tubers are grown in the light, then planted one to one, without gaps, in boxes, greenhouses or greenhouses. They are covered with wet peat or humus (1-2 cm layer) on top.

You can grow seedlings in 10x10cm pots in milk bags cut in half. The tubers are placed in pots (bags), covered with a nutrient mixture and watered. The temperature is maintained within 12-20°C. After 20-25 days, the plants reach a height of 6-8 cm. They are carefully selected with the mother tuber and planted in moist soil, after which they are watered. When planting early, provide protection from frost.

Growing. Dates and scheme of sowing. In central Russia, planting of the crop begins in late April - early May. On light soils, potatoes are planted earlier, on heavy soils - later, but in any case in ripe soil.

If fertilizers were not applied in the fall, this is done in the spring (1 g per 1 sq.m.): ammonium sulfate - 15, superphosphate - 40, potassium sulfate - 20-25. The chemicals are carefully raked into the ground.

On loamy soils (in areas of sufficient moisture) it is advisable to plant potatoes on ridges: this promotes better heating and aeration of the soil. On sandy and sandy loam soils (in areas with insufficient moisture), tubers are planted on a flat surface.

If the soils are peaty and heavy loamy, with high groundwater levels, then potatoes are planted in beds, so that in wet weather the plantings do not flood. In damp areas, ridges and beds are made in the fall: then they dry out faster in the spring, and potatoes can be planted earlier.

Planting method - ordinary, according to the pattern 70x30 or 60x35 cm (about 5 tubers per 1 sq.m.). In order to properly hill up the potatoes, the distance between the rows must be at least 60 cm, so only 2 rows are placed on one bed, at a distance of 30 cm from the edges. With a tuber weight of 60-100 g, the consumption of planting material is 0.3-0.5 kg/sq.m. Plant the tubers with their shoots up, pressing them into the loose soil of cut ridges (on heavy soils) or into holes (on light soils). Planting depth on loamy soils is 6-8 cm, on sandy loam soils - 8-10 cm, counting from the top of the tuber to the soil surface.

In addition, on fertile soils, potatoes are planted a little thicker than on poorly cultivated soils.

Holes are dug in the row (with a hoe or shovel). In each, first put 2 handfuls of compost mixed with sawdust or ash (2:1), then tubers (top up) and cover them with earth. After planting, the soil is leveled with a rake.

To increase the productivity of tubers, health cleanings are carried out: the first - when the plants are 15-20 cm high, the second - during flowering, the third - shortly before harvesting. At the same time, all diseased and underdeveloped plants, as well as those with twisted foliage, are removed. During the third cleaning, bushes with early dead tops are dug up, and the tubers are used for food.

Care. It consists of pre-emergence 1-2-fold loosening in order to destroy weeds and destroy the soil crust. The seedlings are loosened and hilled. It should be noted that early-planted potatoes sprout before the end of frost, so the plants are hilled up in advance with soil taken from the inter-row spaces. All care work is mainly carried out before the potatoes bloom. After planting, the soil is mulched with a small (5-7 cm) layer of peat or rotted manure. You can also use plastic film, the edges of which are sprinkled with earth (also a layer of 5-7 cm). When shoots appear, it is removed.

Hilling begins when the height of the plants reaches 18-20 cm. The soil should not be too wet so that it does not become compacted in the future. As a result of hilling, wide ridges should form. If there is a lack of moisture, they are made low. In areas where there is a large amount of precipitation, they, on the contrary, should be narrow and high: this makes it easier to regulate the water regime and temperature.

The second time the potatoes are hilled before closing the tops. On heavy soils, hilling begins when the plant height reaches 12-15 cm, and repeats it after 2 weeks.

On heavy clay soils, loosening is carried out after each rain, preventing the formation of a crust. The rake is used to first process the top, then the ridge itself on both sides from the base to the top, without disturbing its configuration. Accidentally turned out tubers are immediately planted in place and covered with earth. Weeds are destroyed before the potatoes bloom. Particular attention is paid to wheatgrass and thistle. The first one makes holes in the tubers and the wireworm reproduces well on it.

Watering. The first time it is carried out when the growing tubers reach a size of 1-1.5 cm in order to speed up their ripening. Then water mainly during prolonged drought or after 10-14 days; water consumption - 15-20 l/sq.m. 7-10 days before harvesting, watering is stopped.

Feeding. If it was not possible to apply a sufficient amount of fertilizer in the fall or spring, then feed the potatoes before hilling. Fertilizers are also used when plants develop poorly. Early application of nutrients is also effective (6-7 days after germination). In the budding phase (1 month after planting), when the seedlings reach a height of 8-10 cm, they begin to fertilize and hill up the potatoes. The second time feeding and hilling is carried out when the plants begin to bloom.

At each hilling, the potatoes are fed with nitrogen fertilizer (25 g of ammonium nitrate per 1 sq.m.

Do not allow the fertilizer solution to come into contact with potato tops, as this will cause severe burns to the leaves. After feeding, just in case, you need to pour clean water over the plantings.

During the period of emergence of seedlings, recurrent cold is sometimes observed. When there is a threat of frost, the hatched seedlings are earthed up, covering them with a layer of soil of 2-3 cm. After 4-5 days, the earthing is repeated. You can also cover relatively large plants.

During the flowering period, good results are obtained by spraying with a 1-3% solution of mineral fertilizers (superphosphate, potassium sulfate and ammonium sulfate), as well as a 0.01-0.02% solution of a mixture of microelements or copper sulfate with boric acid. This helps to increase yield, starch content, dry matter, and also increase the yield of marketable tubers.

2-4 weeks before harvesting, foliar feeding with superphosphate extract (10-15 g per 1 bucket of water) is advisable - so that nutrients flow more actively from the tops to the tubers.

Harvest. Digging of potatoes begins immediately after the tubers ripen. The maximum yield is formed by the time the tops dry out. At this time, a significant amount of dry matter and starch accumulates in the tubers. A week before harvesting, the tops are mowed or cut off to prevent infection of the tubers and to cork the peel. The mown tops are burned or removed from the site.

Secrets of a rich harvest

Often, freshly harvested early potato bushes are used for the second turn, leaving the smallest, rudimentary nodules on them. They are planted in well-loosened soil, but a little deeper than the first time. The ground around the bushes is trampled down, watered with water and slurry. Every other day, loosening is carried out. In the first week, the tops wither, but thanks to watering, they subsequently take on their previous appearance. Water the plantings in the morning or evening.

In the south, spring-planted tubers are used for the second rotation, but since they germinate poorly, they are specially prepared: washed from the soil, large ones are cut into 2-4 parts (weighing 20-25 g), medium and small ones are cut to a depth of 0.8- 1.5 cm. Then soak for 2 hours in a 2% urea solution (the solution can be used for no more than 3 days). Planting is carried out on ridges 8-12 cm high or on a flat surface (with subsequent formation of ridges).

Typical mistakes. The success of cultivating early potatoes depends on the quality of planting material. Planting small or unprepared tubers leads to a decrease in yield, and mixing varieties leads to uneven emergence. In the latter case, the following picture is often observed: some plants have reached a height of 10-15 cm, while others are just sprouting seedlings. Subsequently, this gap in growth phases increases and leads to the appearance of diseases. It is not recommended to use low-yielding planting material of unknown origin. Planting too early leads to the death of potatoes, too late - to a decrease in yield. Novice amateur vegetable growers, in order to save space, often plant crops under apple trees or other trees, on soils that are too damp or heavy. Under such conditions, it is impossible to get an early and good harvest. If fresh manure is applied under the potatoes, the tubers become watery and easily get sick, so only rotted manure is used and covered in the fall.

Today, about 300 varieties of potatoes are known to exist, which are common and successfully grown in the temperate climate zone. Among them there is a variety to suit every gardener’s taste. Naturally, to obtain a high-quality and abundant harvest, one should not neglect the requirements for caring for the plant, but a lot depends on the chosen variety. Let's look at the most productive varieties and their features.


Belongs to the group of mid-season varieties. It has an oval-shaped tuber with barely noticeable eyes, its skin is partly red and smooth to the touch, and the flesh is cream-colored. The weight of ripened fruits ranges from 90 to 130 grams. Stores quite well under optimal conditions. The variety is resistant to potato nematodes and the causative agent of potato cancer.


Popular among vegetable growers due to its resistance to sudden changes in weather conditions, diseases and pests. An early-ripening variety, oval, oblong root crops have time to ripen in 60-70 days after planting in the ground. The variety is loved by many housewives because it is suitable for any processing. The big disadvantage is its rapid germination during winter storage.


An early ripening, high-yielding variety, suitable for cultivation in areas with fairly harsh climatic conditions, for example, Siberia. The roots are oval, large, covered with a pink skin that is smooth to the touch. This variety tolerates transportation well, is resistant to rhizoctonia, common scab and cancer, but is not so protected from alternaria and late blight.


This early ripening variety is widespread, but in the central zone it is only gaining popularity; its qualitative characteristics are similar to the Impala variety. The oval root vegetables are covered with a smooth yellow skin with small eyes. About 20 tubers weighing up to 130 grams are formed on one bush. Stores well without sprouting for 7 months. Resistant to canker, nematode and leaf curl.


A bright representative of early-ripening potato varieties, the harvest can be harvested 70-75 days after planting. The tubers are oblong and have the shape of an ellipse; the skin is rough, red-pink in color, with small eyes. On average, one tuber weighs 180-200 grams; on one bush they can grow up to 10 pieces. When cooked, this variety softens well. It is resistant to golden nematode.


The early ripening variety produces small round tubers weighing about 100 grams, the eyes are small, the skin is yellow and smooth to the touch. The keeping quality of the potato is average, it survives dry weather well, the variety is immune to the golden nematode, banded mosaic and potato cancer. But it can be affected by late blight of tops.


Refers to mid-season potato varieties, recommended for cultivation in the northern regions; it takes from 70 to 80 days until the tubers are technically ripe. Root vegetables are mostly round in shape, their weight ranges from 70 to 120 grams, covered with a smooth reddish skin, the flesh is light yellow. The variety is resistant to the causative agent of cancer, but susceptible to potato nematode.


A fairly early variety, the fruit ripening period is 70-80 days. The tubers have an even round shape, the skin is yellow and the eyes are not clearly defined. From one bush you can collect up to 15 tubers, 100-150 grams each. The variety is popular among vegetable growers due to its high yield and the possibility of long-term storage in winter.


Belong to mid-late varieties, since root crops reach technical maturity in 115-125 days. The tubers are round in shape, slightly flattened at the tops, weigh no more than 200 grams, they are covered with a mesh skin, the flesh does not change color during heat treatment and remains white. Potatoes are resistant to viral diseases, late blight and drought.


A mid-early, high-yielding variety, the ripening of root crops lasts about 100 days, and is not too picky about growing conditions. The tubers are oval-oblong, the yellow skin is smooth to the touch, the flesh is light yellow and retains its color during heat treatment. One bush produces from 10 to 15 root crops.


The growing season of this mid-season variety is about 90 days. The tubers have an even oval shape and medium size (80-140 grams), covered with a slightly rough yellow skin with small eyes (sometimes it is smooth), the flesh is dark yellow. Up to 15 tubers are usually formed on one plant. Potatoes store well and are immune to cancer and golden nematode.


An unpretentious early-ripening variety, it takes about 65 days from planting to the technical ripeness of root crops. The tubers have an attractive appearance, the peel is light pink and smooth, and the flesh is perfectly white, with an average weight of 130-150 grams. The variety tolerates drought and cold painlessly, is resistant to scab and rhizoctonia, but is often attacked by Colorado potato beetles.


A representative of the group of mid-late varieties, the growing season lasts about 120 days. From one bush you can collect up to 20 small tubers with red, weakly mesh skin and cream-colored pulp, which boils well during cooking. The variety is valued for its excellent keeping quality. Resistant to potato blight, scab and bacterial diseases.

Peter's mystery

Refers to mid-season productive varieties; root crops ripen 90-110 days after planting. The shape of the tubers is elongated-oval with a red smooth skin, the pulp has a creamy tint, the weight of each fruit ranges from 90-130 grams. The variety is immune to the causative agent of potato canker, but is not resistant to the golden nematode.


An early-ripening variety, from planting to technical ripeness of the fruit it takes 70-75 days. The skin of the tubers is light yellow and smooth to the touch, the eyes are weakly expressed. The weight of a ripe fruit ranges from 90 to 160 grams. On average, about 20 pieces are collected from a bush. The culture is resistant to viral diseases, cancer and scab, but is sensitive to late blight and rhizoctonia.


The variety is early ripening, a product of Ural selection, the ripening of root crops lasts 70-75 days. On average, the tuber weighs 100-120 grams and is covered with a mesh skin that is rough to the touch and red in color. The color of the pulp varies from yellow to pale yellow. The variety is not affected by the Colorado potato beetle and is immune to potato cancer and late blight of tops and tubers.

Lapis lazuli

A high-yielding early-ripening variety, ripe tubers can be eaten 70-75 days after planting the planting material. The peel of the root crops is smooth yellow with eyes of medium depth, round in shape. Each weighs up to 120 grams. The variety is valued for its friendly yield, its good keeping quality and presentation. Potatoes are not affected by golden nematode and cancer, but cannot resist top blight.


Refers to late-ripening potato varieties; the ripening period of root crops lasts 100–120 days. The round-oval shape of the tubers is a bit reminiscent of a lemon, which is why the variety got its name. The average weight is 70-130 grams. The pulp has a creamy tint and practically does not soften during heat treatment. Productivity does not fall even during prolonged dry weather; the variety is immune to potato nematode.


A mid-early potato variety whose growing season lasts up to 90 days. The skin of the root crops is medium-smooth yellow in color with small eyes, their shape is close to oval and slightly elongated. The maximum weight of a tuber can be 170 grams. The variety is valued among gardeners for its good taste and commercial qualities, and its shelf life is average. Is immune to potato cancer and golden nematode.


One of the most popular mid-early varieties of Russian selection, the harvest can be harvested 75-85 days after planting. The root vegetables have a rounded, oblong shape, are covered with a smooth skin that is not rough, and its color is white-yellow. The pulp of the tubers does not darken, the weight of an average root crop is 100 grams, and up to 15 pieces can be collected from one bush.


This productive variety belongs to the group of mid-season varieties; the root crops are ready for consumption 70-90 days after planting. The tubers are round and oval in shape with a rough yellow skin, and the flesh is also yellow. The bushes tolerate drought almost painlessly; it has no effect on the taste of the tubers; also, the variety is resistant to late blight of tubers and pathogens of potato cancer.


A mid-late variety, highly valued among gardeners due to its excellent taste. The skin of root vegetables is so thin that sometimes they don’t even peel it before cooking. After 20 minutes of heat treatment, the pulp disintegrates. The big disadvantage of this variety is its poor shelf life; by mid-spring, the tubers may begin to rot, since the main problem of the variety is considered to be dry rot.

Red Scarlet

Belongs to the group of Dutch varieties, early ripening and high-yielding, tubers ripen in 65-75 days. The root vegetables are oblong, oval in shape, the skin is smooth, has a pink tint, weighs about 100 grams, and usually more than 20 pieces grow on a bush. The pulp is yellow, retains its shape during heat treatment and has a pleasant taste. The variety is not affected by golden nematode, potato canker and late blight of root crops, but is not resistant to scab and late blight of tops.


An early variety bred in the Netherlands, suitable for cultivation in temperate climate zones. Gives a stable and high yield. The root vegetables are medium-sized (100-160 grams), their shape is often oval, but there are also rounded specimens; the pulp is cream-colored, granular, and crumbles when cooked. Resistant to drought and viral infections.


An early ripening variety, root crops reach technical ripeness 80 days after planting. The peel can be red, although most often it is brown. 20-30 pieces of the crop, 150 grams each, are harvested from the bush. The bushes of the plant grow up to 70 cm in height. The variety is resistant to powdery mildew and fungi, but the leaves are often affected by the Colorado potato beetle.


The variety of Dutch selection is mid-season, the growing season lasts 100-110 days. The tubers have an unusual reddish color, the flesh is creamy; from one bush you can collect about 12 root vegetables weighing up to 130 grams. The variety is widely used in industrial production. Shows resistance to potato nematode, cancer pathogens and wrinkled mosaic, but is affected by late blight of tops.


A representative of the group of mid-early varieties, root crops ripen within 70-90 days. The peel is smooth and dense, slightly pinkish in color, the tubers are short-oval in shape, and the flesh is cream-colored. The variety is highly valued for its high yield and presentation of tubers; it is stored for a long time in winter and does not germinate. Immune to dry weather conditions and tuber blight.


A mid-early variety bred by Dutch breeders. It takes 80 to 90 days for tubers to reach technical ripeness. Gives a bountiful harvest and is used for any processing. The root vegetables are quite large, their elongated oval shape, the flesh has a light yellow color. The variety is immune to most diseases that affect potatoes.


This variety is considered a mid-season variety; in appearance it resembles Slavyanka, but its root crops are smaller. It is not grown on an industrial scale, since the keeping quality of the variety leaves much to be desired, although the yield is very high. The tubers are oval in shape, the skin has a slightly bluish tint, and the flesh is white. Potatoes are resistant to scab and rot.


A mid-season variety of Belarusian selection, the growing season until the technical ripeness of root crops is 80-85 days. The tubers are often oval or less often round-oval in shape, weigh about 200 grams, and up to 20 of them are formed on one bush. The peel and pulp of the root vegetable are yellow in color with superficial eyes. The variety stores well and is resistant to golden nematode and viral diseases.


It is a common early variety originally from Finland; ripe root vegetables are ready for consumption within two months from the moment of planting. Grows in almost any type of soil. It has white round tubers with light yellow flesh. The average weight of ripe fruits is 100 grams. The shelf life is quite long, the variety is resistant to the causative agent of potato cancer.


This variety was bred for cultivation in the harsh climatic conditions of Siberia. It is very productive and mid-early. The peel of medium-sized root crops (120-250 grams) is yellow and has roughness, the shape of the tubers is elongated-oval. The crop is highly valued for its good taste and resistance to potato cancer, golden nematode and top blight.


The mid-season variety (about 95 days until ripening) is considered elite, demanding care, but under optimal conditions it produces a bountiful harvest. On average, root vegetables weigh up to 200 grams, but there are giants weighing 400-600 grams. About 25 root crops can form under one bush. The culture safely survives hot weather and lower temperatures. Can be stored for 7-9 months.


An early-ripening, high-yielding variety, the harvest can be harvested 70-75 days after planting. The root vegetables are small, weigh about 100-130 grams, have a round shape, and are covered with a yellow peel on top. The variety is used for cultivation on an industrial scale, since the root crops are suitable for processing into various potato products. The variety is not afraid of golden nematode, common scab and cancer.


It is popular among gardeners because it is easy to care for and preserves well throughout the winter. It takes about 80-90 days for root crops to reach technical ripeness, so this variety is considered mid-early. The tubers are oval in shape with a yellow skin; their pulp is white, tender, and has a sweetish taste. During heat treatment, it does not boil too much, tolerates transportation well, is immune to the causative agent of cancer and late blight, but is susceptible to damage from the golden nematode.

Every person has tried a potato dish at least once. This vegetable is perfectly stored in the cellar for a year, maintaining its taste. However, potatoes that are just dug out of the ground are considered the most delicious and healthy. This is why early varieties of the crop are so valued.

All crop varieties can be divided into two main types: domestic and imported. It may happen that imported potatoes will produce a less rich harvest than domestic ones.

Early potatoes

The crop can also be classified according to its ripening period. Maturation is considered to be a period of time from the first shoots to the moment of harvesting.

Only the early ones have several divisions:

  • ultra-early 45-55 days;
  • early ripening 50-60 days;
  • mid-early 60-85 days.

Grows well in southern areas early and ultra early potatoes that ripen before the heat begins.

Vegetables can also be classified according to the purpose of cultivation:

  • table - used for preparing dishes;
  • technical - starch and alcohol are produced from it;
  • fodder – used for feeding livestock;
  • universal - something between technical and stern.

Any early variety can be classified according to its purpose. Early potatoes are good for eating in summer.

Ultra early

Ultra early (super early) disease resistant, gives a good harvest and has a short growing season.

Need to plant early late April-early May, as soon as the soil has warmed up to a temperature of 8-10 degrees. To keep potatoes for a long time, you should wait until the skin becomes thicker.

Ultra-early varieties ripen on average within 50 days. This potato variety is a real find for amateur farmers. The tubers contain many nutrients, are smooth, tasty and have a good presentation for sale.

The most popular ultra-early ones: “Riviera”, “”, “Timo”.

Early ripening

You can start digging up early maturing ones already. in 40-45 days. The variety is especially popular. The tubers are large, smooth, elongated, and the flesh is creamy.

The only thing is that early ripening varieties have a small percentage of starch; they remain hard during cooking. Preparations for planting begin in early April, a month before planting in open soil. At the beginning of May, tubers with sprouts can already be planted in the soil.

The advantage of early ripening is that it is not susceptible to infection by fungi and diseases.

The fruit has a beautiful appearance and has amazing taste properties. During periods of frost, they tolerate wintering well. In one season you can get 2 harvests.


Mid-early table use intended for consumption and animal feed.

The fruits are already ripening on day 60. Potatoes of this classification are well resistant to many infections, except late blight. Suitable for sale due to its aesthetic appearance. Has excellent taste.

Which variety is considered the earliest?

“Sorokodnevka” varieties are ultra-early and produce the first harvest already after 40 days after germination.

These include the following: “Bullfinch”, “”, “Luck”, “Zhukovsky early”, “Timo”, “Charoite”, “Meteor”, “”, “”.

For different geographical locations

Potatoes grown in central Russia are tastier than in the south.

The right climate and rich soils contribute to a rich harvest. Planting early ripening varieties makes it possible to get the first harvest in early July. The early ones appear already 50-60 days after planting.

For the middle band Suitable for Russia: “Friendly”, “Ural Early”, “Luck”, “Sosnovsky”, “Belorussky”, “Slavyanka”, “Vyatka”.

For the Moscow region must be resistant to diseases and unpretentious to climate change. It is recommended to plant: “Spring”, “Zhukovsky”, “Timo”, “”, “Lugovskoy”.

For North-Western regions it is necessary to plant varieties that are most adapted to soil and climatic conditions: “Amorosa”, “Zhukovsky early”, “Impala”, “Karatop”, “Latona”, “Prigozhy 2”, “Freske”, “Adretta”, “Rozhdestvensky”, " ", "Aurora", " ".

Description of potato varieties

Let's look at the most popular:

Name Description
Alyona The ripening period is 50-60 days. The first shoots can be obtained after 45 days. It is characterized by high productivity, the color of the peel is red, the color of the pulp is cream. Preferred for cultivation in Western Siberian regions.
Ariel The ripening period is 50-70 days. First shoots after 45 days. You can get 2 harvests per year. The peel is light yellow, the flesh is creamy.
Timo The first root crops can be obtained in 45-50 days. The variety is suitable for growing on different types of soil. Fully matures in 70 days. The peel is light, the flesh is creamy.
Karatop The first harvest can be collected within 50 days. Vegetative period up to 65 days. Famous for its good yield and disease resistance. The potato skin is light, the flesh is yellow.
Bellarosa The first fruits appear after 45 days. The vegetative period is 50-60. The pulp is yellow, the peel is light pink and rough to the touch.
Lark Young potatoes can be dug up as early as 40 days. The skin has a bright yellow tint, the flesh is soft lemon.
Belongs to an extremely early variety. Full maturity is achieved in 65-75 days. The harvest can be obtained in 45 days. The peel is yellowish, and so is the flesh.
The peel is pink, the flesh is creamy lemon. The average germination time is 80 days.
Suitable for planting in the North-Western and Siberian regions. The first fruits can be harvested after 55-60 days. The skin is pinkish-lemon, the flesh is white.
Lily Belarusian potatoes are characterized by high yields. The peel is a muted lemon shade, the flesh is light yellow. The young vegetable can be tasted after 50 days.
Red Scarlet The skin is bright red, the flesh is creamy yellowish. It bears fruit in 45-55 days.
Luck The peel is yellow, the flesh is the same. The first harvest is obtained on the 45th day. The entire growing season is 65 days.
Uladar A young harvest can be obtained in 45 days, the entire growing season is 75 days. Several fruitings per season are possible.
Bullfinch The peel is pinkish in color, the flesh is creamy. Ripening occurs on days 45-55.
Charoite The full growing season is 80-90 days. The first harvest can be obtained on the 60th day. The peel is yellow, with the same pulp.
Veneta A unique German variety. The peel is smooth, dark brown or yellow. The pulpy part is tender, light brown. Ripening occurs 50-55 days after germination.
Meteor Gets along well in the Siberian regions. The peel is yellow, the flesh is also bright yellow. Planting takes place in late April-early May. The first fruits ripen after 45 days.
It takes 60-80 days for the tubers to ripen; the first fruits are obtained on the 50th day. The peel is yellow in color and the flesh is creamy.
Riviera Receive fruits already on the 35th day after germination. The skin of the potato is yellow, and so is the flesh.
Rosara An early ripening German variety produces the first shoots already on the 50th day. The skin is red, the flesh is yellow, the tubers are well stored for a long time.

Foreign selection

Among the imported ones, the most popular are: “Bellarose”, “Red Scarlet”, “Romano”, “Impala”, “Ariel”, “Veneta”.