How to establish a connection with the otherworldly world. After such reportages, a spiritual revolution in the consciousness of human beings may occur

You can take entire libraries of books, overflowing pages at a huge speed. Automatic letter, looks like a turtle move compared to a flying liner.

What about traveling to other planets and video reports.


Conversation on video address and digital television Communication with the other world of myth or reality

11.05.2012, Mihail_lupsiakov

Personal mental human being in the wakeful state is in the head and abroad. But the man does not think a brain. The physical brain is necessary as a means for communications. This is, if you compare with a computer, then more resembles a monitor with a video camera.

Proof of this is our exit to the astral.

In the Astral, seeing his physical body from the side, as a corpse, you are in full consciousness in a new body, see all the items in the space around you with the eyes of your luminous thin body.

You will see that this is a subtle body of your body is also material, as well as the physical body, but the atoms of this thin body have a much smaller size than the physical body atoms. Physical body atoms are huge.

And in the volume of one atom of the physical body, 1000 or more atoms of the thin body can be fitted, depending on the level of exit to the astral, so the aliens brain from the fourth or other measurements can accommodate much more information.

It depends on what level you made an exit to the astral.

Your new thin body brain is perfectly done without a physical brain. You can enjoy and love being completely in a new shell. If you have done this experience for the first time, then this is a coup in your mind.

In this world, everything is new for you.

Objects are all glowing, each with their light.

You can soar in space, and the space itself glows and luminous stars and micro zippers are rushed along it. On the forehead, as the searchlight burns the third eye, lighting everything around. The movement of your new body is carried out by your desire or intention.

You can move in space smoothly and slowly, and you should think about what kind of person, or a place that is located for several thousand kilometers and at the same second you are already there. If you are not far from the physical body, you will see that your thin body is associated with the physical body of a thin thread.

Through this thread there is an energy information exchange.

The mother of the world of Richard in his agenda talks about his experience in transferring information from libraries of subtle worlds when they worked with Taon, very strong psychics. Mother, being in a thin body, told Taon, that she sees, being in a small world.

Hypnosis scientists found out the following interesting feature of the eyes of patients when under hypnosis they told their stories from the past, then on the retina, the eyes of a hypnotized person, they observed, although it was rather dimly of the pictures of the events described, which was experiencing a person in the hypnotic state at this time.

Also, in the auditory nerve there is feedback with the automatic decoding of telepathically transmitted information from other worlds of a subtle plan.

At the end of the seventies, I had an interesting vision associated with a similar phenomenon: we stand together with my friends and we are waiting for Maitrey, the famous Messiah, the parish, which is already waiting for the world of Buddhism. And here we stand on the square, there is a huge bull of black and white color and at that moment Maitreya materializes on the square.

I approached him and began to ask questions: I asked where he flew from? He said that the civilization flew from the planet, which, overtook earth civilization for hundreds of thousands of years.

I asked, and how to learn how to manage thoughts.

He took one hand for one horn of the bull and calmly put it on the ground, and I understood, having received a telepathist in the form of an outbreak in my thin-meal brain, as practically done.

I still asked: Is it possible to learn to read and transfer thoughts over long distances?

He thought a little, and said that such a device was already on the planet Earth created, but applied for other purposes and at that moment I accepted a telepathically a whole power unit of information in a figurative form, how to construct such a device with different sensors for the removal of video information and audio signal .

I asked if it was possible to come true on your planet, he replied that it was possible, but would have to go through many sufferings.

The idea is that if you put sensitive camcorders on both eyes, make computer processing, it is quite possible to receive video from the other world.

Moreover, it is possible to communicate according to the video telephone with the dead people and creatures from other spatial temporary continuums.

You can take entire libraries of books, overflowing pages at a huge speed. Automatic letter, looks like a turtle move compared to a flying liner. What about traveling to other planets and video reports.

In a thin purified body, you can safely enter the center of the Sun and study the processes that occur inside the stars and galaxies. The video operator, being in a thin body, can communicate calmly with aliens and shoot all this video.

And what are the possibilities for scientists studying quantum and interdimensional physics and chemistry, genetics and DNA.

In the astral you can decrease to the electron value and explore this reasonable creature called an electron or proton. When deciphering interdimensional DNA, will the electron microscope be needed?

After such reportages, a spiritual revolution in the minds of human beings may occur.

Many will want to engage in their spiritual development to watch not video from other realities, but to actually participate during deep meditation in flights throughout the galaxy and the universe. And the children, they will continue to go and rest.

They are also interested in flying on excursions with experienced guides on other planets and do it real. But such flights with children need to be made as safe as possible, because children, such curious, everything is so interesting for them.

In parapsychology, there is a whole direction that is engaged in the study of signs, which is sent to the dead - spiritualism. Communication with the dead can occur in several ways.

Spiritualists claim that the dead men are easiest to contact exactly through sleep. In a state of sleep man does not belong physical world, and penetrates thin astral Mirwhere the spirits of the dead are more easily hit.

According to Spiritualists, most often perfume is trying to calm those who left in the world of alive. If a person is constantly crying and remembers the deceased, the dead man also does not find peace.

If you dreamed of the dead man, about which you did not even think about, try noting his relatives and calm them, because otherwise he can dream of constantly. Then clean your conscience before the dead man. Perhaps in lifetime, you accidentally guessed something. Elderly people say that if the dead man dreamed, it is a sign that in the afterlime world he is restless. You need to distribute candy in memory of him, go to the grave and put a candle for rest.

Deaders and machinery

What efforts can make dead if you do not want to hear them? This case occurred in Ukraine. A few weeks after the death of Son Valentina M. woke up late at night. Called Mobile Sasha Melody, which he never had. The music of Taisiya Povaliy "Song about Mom" \u200b\u200bsounded. But while the woman rose from the bed and reached coffee table, melody stych. There was no missed call on the phone. Surprised woman began to look for this melody in the phone and did not find it. Valentine breeded to the morning, and next night the phone rang again. Since then, the call from Son Valentina occurred several times not only at night, but also during the day with witnesses.

Explorers of abnormal phenomena argue that theoretically dead have the ability to call alive by telephone. According to this theory, the entire margin of emotions that a person did not have time to spend during his lifetime, after death is transformed into a certain energy impulse and can manifest itself in the real world. The electromagnetic impulse acts not only on the mobile phone, but also can lead to anomalies in the operation of any electrical appliance. Light bulbs flashing, flickering TV, the microwave turns on and off.

Communication with the dead through the photo

In one Ukrainian family, they are confident that their dead son on the 40th day after death rang in the door with a broken call. At that moment there were 5 witnesses in the house. In the family have not slept peace for several months. The deceased son periodically reminds itself. At night spontaneously open tightly closed doors, triggered broken call, the dead son comes in dreams.

After Yaroslav first dreamed of his father, has passed several months. Mother cannot make himself forget about the son. Every night, a woman spares, and then the whole family shudders from strange sounds, which fill the apartment. The creaking of the doors and gender, steps, sometimes even quiet crying.

Parents know exactly what their son comes, because in the morning after such nights they have already had to straighten the portrait of a son over the morning.

Developers of the theory of spiritualism claim that photographs for spirits are the easiest way to report on the presence of living in the world. Therefore, revise periodically old photo albums. Yellow or fat stains On the face that cracked the glass on the frame, the coil corner in the photo is constantly thrown on the wall on the wall - all these are signs that the dead man could return to the world of living and needs your help. Most likely, this means that its weaker messages were not perceived, or was interpreted incorrectly. Only in such cases with the dead should be made contact.

Many psychics for communication with the dead use that photos.

The winner of the 10th season of the battle of psychics Hayal Alekperov, whose specialization Communicate with spirits, claims that the deceased from the otherworldly peace often come to their photos, look at her, and then leave. He proved that it has an unusual gift to come into contact with those who have already died. To do this, he needs only a photo of the deceased and sand from the cemetery. Hayal causes spirits through a symbolic image of scorpion (small statuette). In Azerbaijan, where psychics come from, believe that this is a creature - conductor between the worlds. Psychic claims that on the session it is immersed in the state of the trance, finds the spirit of the world necessary man And the dialogue begins with him.

In order to try to independently contact the dead, you can take advantage of the spiritic rituals posted on our website in the section " Afterworld».

Skeptics may not believe, but evidentity evidence is pushing the idea that life after death still exists and there they remember about us.

Many of us, consciously or unconsciously, allow the possibility of the existence of the other world. But if it exists, how to get in touch with him? Parapsychologists claim that it can be done different ways, Up to the use of high technology ...

The beginning of this was put it, perhaps the Swedish film currenist Friedrich Jurgpson. Once he heard the voice of his deceased relatives on the tape ribbon and since then began to explore the phenomenon of the so-called "electric voices". Latvian psychologist Konstantin Raudil joined him later. It turned out that the recording of "votes from that light" is obtained by the clearer, if there are some background noise. According to Raudis, otherworldly inhabitants are able to synthesize these vibrations in the sounds of their own voice.

In 1978, Joyce McCarthy from the English city of Whitehet with amazement discovered that instead of the records of Donna Summer on the film, completely different sounds were heard: someone's shouts, the noise of the collapse, the murmur of the water ... The girl took the film to the physical department of the local university, but scientists Could not solve a mysterious phenomenon. True, local historians have become accounted for information that McCarthy's house stands on the site of the former coal mine, where in 1878 there was a misfortune and people died. When the record was cleared of noise, it was possible to distinguish the names on it, which, apparently, belonged to several miners, once died here ...

TV shows from that light

American Phil Schreiver, according to him, found a way to regularly communicate with the late wife and daughter ... with a TV! Being an electronics engineer, Schreiver developed new model television antenna. In July 1990, when she was ready, the engineer decided to test her by connecting it to the TV. And suddenly, instead of frames of telecast on the screen, there was a ... Image of Phil Carin's daughter, deceased four years ago in a car accident at the age of 18! The girl spoke with his father, however, her voice was drunk. Schreiver continued his work, seeking to improve the antenna. Soon he was able to see and hear his wife and daughter without any no interference. But there is a lot of evidence of the appearance of spirits on the screens of TVs with the most common antennas. Over the past 30 years, one such case was recorded in Brazil, five - in West Germany, three - in England ...

The amazing incident happened in Luxembourg. One person saw a still image very much on the television beautiful girl. He managed to take a picture. Subsequently, he handed the photo to the police. And it turned out that this girl disappeared several years ago! Examination confirmed the authenticity of the snapshot made from the TV screen ...

Such facts took place in our country. So, a certain resident of Novorossiysk reported that somehow in 1990, when she watched the program "Time", there was no interference on the TV screen, and then the face of her brother, who died five years ago. After a few seconds, the image disappeared, the stripes ran across the screen, and soon the program "Time" continued ...

Computer ghosts

IN lately The list of the channels of the "otherworldly" connection has also replenished the computer. Eyewitnesses argue that they see images of dead close or acquaintances on the screens of monitors, they receive anonymous messages from them e-mail... So, the case is well known in the UK, when within a few days on the display disconnected from the network of a computer that belonged to the young resident of York, the face of the famous Musician Kurt Kobein arose ...

Once in Belgium held a curious experiment with the participation of fumes different professionals from around the world. Shortly before the French clairvoyant Sylvia Menard died. Last lifetime, learning about her incurable disease, Sylvia proposed to submit a news about himself after death, using a computer for this. And these scientists decided ... Contact her soul. Experience has succeeded. A transparent glowing silhouette appeared in a sexual room. Ghost approached the computer and scored the text from 800 words on the keyboard. Then it disappeared. The "session" duration of 25 minutes was recorded on a video film.

SMS from ghost

Recently, various gadgets have become fashionable to track paranormal phenomena. Recently, Roger Pingleton Programmers and Gill Beitz from Greenwood (Minnesota) created a special application for the iPhone called Spirit Story Box ("Box of Ghost Stories").

The program scans the parameters of the surrounding space, captures electrical interference, which are considered by it as signals from the "otherworld" entities, and converts them to words. After that, the owner of the iPhone comes a SMS message that the Spirit wants to come into contact.

The authors of the novelty believe that the use of the "box of ghostly stories" will help people overcome fear and panic, which they often experience when communicating with the souls of the dead. In the near future, developers intend to test him in the Richmond Museum, where, according to rumors, ghosts live.

By the way, the "box of ghost stories" is not the only program of this kind. Thus, the application "Radar perfume" scans the energies having a "supernatural" origin. So ghosts from us will not leave!

It is believed that when a person dies, he leaves his body and continues his existence in the form of spirit, soul, consciousness, bunch of energy. The essential body falls into another form of reality, which is impossible to see the living world. It is very difficult to feel the presence of a deceased person with the help of five senses, but this does not mean that it is impossible to communicate with him.

After the spirit of man falls on the "other side", he still remains in emotional contact with people who loved him during his lifetime. Many are trying to send news that they are all right.

How do they do it?

After the Spirit only falls on the "one side", he most likely does not know how to contact people left on Earth. But, probably, other inhabitants of the other world, deceased relatives, angels and spiritual mentors give a hint how to do it. But the fact that the spirit of the deceased will send a message, does not mean that someone can get and understand him.

It is very difficult to imagine how the deceased person feels, watching the suffering of loved ones, without having to calm them.

Following the time, the spirit of the deceased man is trying to sign that he still exists. Signs sent from "that light" quite a lot. The most common signs are flickering light bulbs, change in position or drop photos hanging on the wall, violation in work household appliances, deviation in the behavior of domestic pets, the appearance of butterflies or birds, the appearance of odors who loved the deceased person, singular songs sounding on the radio, etc.

The most common method of communication used by the dead people is a connection through sleep. Quite often, people dream of dreams in which is loving man and transmits a message. Such a dream seems very distinct and real.

During sleep, the mind and consciousness of a person are relaxed and open to perception of information. The spirit is much easier to make contact than during the day wake, when in the head of the man "Poros" from thoughts and emotions.

Not all dreams in which the image of a deceased person is present is a real contact. Very often, the subconscious can itself cause a person such dreams. As a rule, with this contact with the spirit of the deceased, the message of love, confidence and emotional communications is transmitted. Often, the dead people transmit knowledge or warning about the future.

How to contact yourself outstanding the world?

You can contact your beloved person, simply referring to him mentally. The fact is that the souls of loved ones are able to hear the thoughts of man. There is no guarantee that exactly at the moment when they are treated, they are not busy and listen. But, with proper perseverance, you can wait for an answer. Such an answer, as a rule, will come with some time delay.

Communicate with the spirit of the deceased in real time can be quite difficult. This is exactly what professional mediums are engaged. Without adequate preparation and talent, this contact is independently difficult to carry out.

There is a way to communicate with the Spirit, independently. To do this, it is necessary to relax, imagine a well-lit place in which a pleasant music is playing and mentally invited the deceased to conversation. If everything succeeds, then the person will have the opportunity to ask a few questions of the Spirit.

The difficulty lies in not to confuse real contact with its imagination. But it can be easily verified. With this contact, things will be discussed to which it is hard to think and submit to everyday life. Images and pictures of unfamiliar things will appear in the head. Thoughts will come from the outside.

It is hard enough to live, realizing that you will never be able to chat with your loved one. But you should not be upset in advance. The dead do not leave us forever, they only change the form of existence.

Many who lured loved ones are familiar to the feelings that cause loss. Emptiness, longing and wild pain in the shower. Sorrow at the departed close is one of the most painful psychological states.

However, there are many information about living receive messages from the subtle world.

We will not take into account the researchers purposefully studying the possibilities of bilateral communication with the otherworldly world. There is a considerable number of people arguing that they do not apply any effort to see the souls of the left. Vision occurs, in their opinion, involuntarily.

From this article you will learn how the souls of the dead communicate with alive

Stuck between the worlds

People are often scared when the steps are clearly audible in their homes where no one walks. Taps with water and light switches are included by themselves, may With enviable regularity, falling things from the shelves. In other words, Poltergeist's activity is observed. But what happens really?

To understand who or what comes with us to contact on behalf of the dead, you need to imagine what happens after death.

After the death of the physical body, the soul seeks to return to the Creator. Some souls will make it faster, and others need more time. The higher the level of development of the soul, the faster it will reach the house.

However, the soul can for different reasons to be lined in the most closely in the density to the physical world of the Astral Plan. Sometimes the dead is not aware of what is happening and where he is. He does not understand what he died. He is not able to return to physical body And stuck between the worlds.

For him, everything remains still, except for one: living people cease to see them. Such souls are considered to be ghosts.

On what period the ghost soul will be delayed next to the world of livingdepends on the level of development of the soul. According to human standards, the time of staying a certain soul is in parallel with alive people can be calculated by decades, or even in centuries. They may need help alive.

Call from that light

Phone calls from the inhabitants of the subtle world are one of the ways of communication. SMS comes to mobile phones, calls from strange numbers from a variety of numbers. If you try to call the numbers or send the answer to these numbers, it turns out that this room does not exist, and later it is removed from the phone's memory.

Such calls, as a rule, are accompanied by a very strong noise similar to the wind in the field and a loud crash. Through the cracks manifests contact with the world of the dead. As if the curtain breaks between the worlds.

The phrases are short and says only called. Calls entering mobile phones are observed at the first time after a person died. The farther from the day of death, the less often they become.

Addresses of such calls may not be suspected that the caller is not alive. It turns out later. It is possible that such calls are committed by ghosts, which themselves do not realize their physical death.

What do the dead talking about when they call on the phone?

Sometimes, calling by phone, the dead can ask for help.

So, one woman was late in the evening called the younger sister, who asked her to help her. But the woman was very tired, so I promised to call back in the morning of the next day and help everyone as he could.

And after five minutes, the husband of younger sister called and reported that for about two weeks his wife was dead, and her body is in the forensic morgue. She was knocked down the car and the driver disappeared from the accident site.

Souls, calling, can warn about the danger of living.

Young family went on a car. Behind the wheel sat girl. The car was listed, and she miraculously did not turn over, moving from the highway. At that time called mobile phone Girls.

When everyone came to themselves, it turned out that the girl's mother called. She was called back, and she asked her trembling voice, whether everything was in order. To the question why she asks, a woman replied: "Grandfather called (he died six years ago), said:" She is still alive. You can save her. "

In addition to cell phones Voices of dead people you can hear in computer columns Along with technical noise. The degree of intelligibility can vary from very quiet and barely legible to relatively loud and well distinguishable.

Reflection of ghosts in mirrors and not only

People tell us how to reflect their dead relatives in the mirrors, as well as on the screens of television and computer monitors.

The girl saw a fairly dense mother silhouette for the tenth day after her funeral. The woman "sat" on a chair nearby, as it did during his lifetime, and looked over his daughter's shoulder. After a few moments, the silhouette disappeared and no longer appeared. Later, the girl realized that the mother's soul came to say goodbye to her.

Raymond Moody in his books tells about ancient technique when bridging in the mirror you can establish contact with the late. Such technique was used in antiquity of the priests. True, instead of the mirrors, they used bowls with water.

Man unprepared can see in the mirror the image of someone who died, glancing in it. The image can either transform from the reflection of the person who looks into the mirror, or appears next to the reflection of the looking.

In addition to signs that leave residents thin plans Through the technology or some objects of life, attempts to enter the contact are carried out directly. That is, people physically feel the most beautiful presence of perfumes, hear their voices and even recognize the smells that have been pending them without time.

Tactile sensations of presence

Other presence sensitive people Feel like a slight touch, or breeze. Often the mother who lost their children, in the moments of strong grief feel like someone embraces them or strokes through her hair.

It is possible that in moments when people experience a strong desire to see the deceased relatives, their thin bodies are able to perceive the energy of thinner plans.

The dead are asking for help of living

Sometimes a person is in an unusual condition. He feels that he needs to do something, he is somewhere "pulls." He does not understand what exactly, but the feeling of confusion does not let him go. He in the literal sense of the word does not find a place.


"We arrived to relatives to another city, where my grandfather and grandpa had once lived. There was Monday, and tomorrow - the parent day. I could not find a place, I was pulling me somewhere, I felt something to do something. The family discussed tomorrow. They did not remember where the grave of my grandfather is located - the cemetery was upset and all the guidelines were removed.

I do not say anyone, I went to the cemetery - seek the grave of the grandfather. That day I did not find her. The next day, the third, fourth - no sense. And the condition does not let go, only enhanced.

Returning to my city, I asked my mother, what a grandfather looked like. It turns out, there is a photograph of a stele with a star at the end, on the grave of his grandfather. And we went - this time with my sister and my daughter. And my daughter found his grave!

We led her in order, painted the monument. Now all the relatives know where grandfather is buried.

After that, I caught the load from the shoulder fell. Such a feeling that I had to bring relatives on his grave. "


Sometimes, being in places of great accumulation of people, you can very clearly hear the cloistering voice of the deceased, similar to the eye. It happens when mixing sounds, and unexpectedly.

Only they sound in real time. It happens that in minutes when a person is very thinking about something, he can hear the prompt with the voice of the deceased.

Meetings with souls of dead in dreams

There are many people telling about what they died dead. And the attitude towards such meetings in the dreams is ambiguous. Someone they scare, someone tries to express them, believing that an important message is hidden in such a dream. And there are those who dreams of dead seriously does not perceive. For them, it's just a dream.

What are the dreams, in which we see those who are no longer among us:

  • we get a different kind of warning about upcoming events;
  • in dreams, we learn how "settled" in another world of the soul of the dead;
  • we understand that they are asking for forgiveness for their actions in life;
  • through us can transfer messages for others;
  • the souls of the dead may ask for living on help.

You can list a long time to list the probable reasons why the dead will be alive. It can only understand who the deceased dreamed.

Regardless how people receive signs from the deceased, it is safe to say that they are trying to communicate with alive.

The souls of our loved ones continue to take care of us even being in a small world. Unfortunately, not all are not always ready for this kind of contacts. Most often in people it causes panic fear. Memories of loved ones are very deeply imprinted in our memory.

It is possible to meet with the departed, just open access to our own subconscious.