Physical phenomena that occur with physical bodies. Natural phenomena

A phenomenon is called any manifestation of something, as well as any change in the world around us. Meaning of this word defined by context, namely the adjective, standing next to with the term "phenomenon". It is difficult to understand what a phenomenon is without examples, so we will give them.

  • A physical phenomenon can be considered a change in the state of aggregation of a substance.
  • In this area, there are such unusual natural phenomena as petrified waves.
  • He was frightened by something that could be called paranormal.

Let's take a closer look at the term "Phenomenon" depending on the context.

What is a physical phenomenon

First of all, notice that a physical phenomenon is a process, not a result of anything. This is a process of ongoing changes in the state or position of physical systems. Remember that a physical phenomenon is such a phenomenon in which the transformation of one substance into another will not occur. Its composition will remain the same, but the state or position will change.

Physical phenomena classified as follows:

  • Electrical phenomena. They involve electric charges. For example, lightning, electricity.
  • Mechanical phenomena. The movement will be relative to each other. For example, the movement of cars on the road.
  • Thermal phenomena. They are associated with a change in the temperature of bodies. For example, melting snow.
  • Optical phenomena... They are associated with the metamorphosis of the rays of light. For example, a rainbow.
  • Magnetic phenomena. They arise when magnetic properties appear in an object. For example, a compass with an arrow pointing North.
  • Atomic phenomena. Occur during metamorphoses in the internal structure of a substance. For example, the glow of the stars.

What are natural phenomena

Climatic and meteorological manifestations of nature that occur naturally... Rain, snow, storm, earthquake are all examples of natural phenomena.

It is important to understand what a natural phenomenon is and how it is interconnected with physical phenomena. So, in one natural phenomenon, you can count several physical phenomena. That is, the concept of "natural phenomenon" is broader. For example, such a natural phenomenon as a thunderstorm includes the following physical phenomena: the movement of clouds and rain (mechanical phenomena), lightning (electrical phenomenon), wood burning from a lightning strike (thermal phenomenon).

What is paranormal activity

When they talk about a paranormal phenomenon, they mean any changes in the surrounding reality that are not the norm, a common phenomenon. They have no scientific explanation, no proof. Their existence goes beyond understanding the usual picture of the world. Examples of paranormal phenomena are: crying icons, the biofield of living beings.

The world is diverse - no matter how banal this statement may be, it really is. Everything that happens in the world is under the close scrutiny of scientists. Something they have known for a long time, something remains to be learned. Man, a curious creature, always tried to learn the world and the changes taking place in it. Such changes in the surrounding world are called "physical phenomena". These include rain, wind, lightning, rainbows, and other similar natural effects.

The changes in the world around us are many and varied. Curious people could not stand aside without trying to find an answer to the question of what caused such interesting physical phenomena.

It all started with the process of observing the world around us, which led to the accumulation of data. But even a simple observation of nature evoked certain reflections. Many physical phenomena, while remaining unchanged, manifested themselves in different ways. For example: the sun rises at different times, it rains from the sky, it snows, a thrown stick flies far, then close. Why is this happening?

The emergence of such questions becomes evidence of the gradual development of human perception of the world, the transition from contemplative observation to active study of the environment. It is clear that each changing physical phenomenon manifested in different ways, this active study only accelerated. As a result, there were attempts at experimental knowledge of nature.

The first experiments looked quite simple, for example: if you throw a stick like that, will it fly far away? And if you throw the stick differently? This is already an experimental study of the behavior of a physical body in flight, a step towards establishing a quantitative relationship between it and the conditions that cause this flight.

Of course, all that has been said is a very simplified and primitive presentation of attempts to study the world around us. But, in any case, albeit in a primitive form, it makes it possible to consider the occurring physical phenomena as the basis for the emergence and development of science.

In this case, it doesn't matter what kind of science it is. At the heart of any cognitive process is observation of what is happening, the accumulation of initial data. Let it be physics with its study of the surrounding world, let it be biology, cognizing nature, astronomy, trying to cognize the Universe - in any case, the process will be the same.

The physical phenomena themselves can be different. More precisely, their nature will be different: rain is caused by some reasons, rainbow - by others, lightning - by others. It took a very long time in the history of human civilization only to understand this fact.

The study of various natural phenomena and its laws is engaged in such a science as physics. It was she who established a quantitative connection between the various properties of objects or, as physicists say, bodies, and the essence of these phenomena.

During the study, appeared special tools, research methods, units of measurement that allow you to describe what is happening. Knowledge about the surrounding world expanded, the results obtained led to new discoveries, new tasks were put forward. There was a gradual isolation of new specialties dealing with the solution of specific applied problems. This is how heat engineering, the science of electricity, optics and many, many other fields of knowledge within physics itself began to appear - not to mention the fact that other sciences appeared that dealt with completely different problems. But in any case, it must be admitted that the observation and study of the phenomena of the surrounding world allowed, over time, to form numerous new branches of knowledge that contributed to the development of civilization.

As a result, a whole system of studying and mastering the world, the surrounding nature and man himself has developed - from a simple observation of physical phenomena.

This material describes physical phenomena as the basis for the formation and education of science, in particular, physics. An idea of ​​how the development of science took place is given, such stages as observation of what is happening, experimental verification of facts and conclusions, and the formulation of laws are considered.

Everything that surrounds us: both living and inanimate nature, is in constant motion and is constantly changing: planets and stars move, it rains, trees grow. And a person, as is known from biology, constantly goes through any stages of development. The grinding of grains into flour, the falling of a stone, the boiling of water, lightning, the glow of a light bulb, the dissolution of sugar in tea, the movement of vehicles, lightning, rainbows are examples of physical phenomena.

And with substances (iron, water, air, salt, etc.), various changes or phenomena occur. The substance can be crystallized, melted, crushed, dissolved and re-isolated from solution. However, its composition will remain the same.

So, granulated sugar can be crushed into a powder so fine that from the slightest breath it will rise into the air like dust. Sugar specks can only be seen under a microscope. Sugar can be divided into even smaller parts by dissolving it in water. If you evaporate water from the sugar solution, the sugar molecules will again combine with each other into crystals. But even when dissolved in water, and when grinding, sugar remains sugar.

In nature, water forms rivers and seas, clouds and glaciers. When evaporated, water turns into steam. Water vapor is water in a gaseous state. When exposed low temperatures(below 0˚С) water turns into a solid state - turns into ice. The smallest particle of water is a water molecule. The water molecule is also the smallest particle of steam or ice. Water, ice and steam are not different substances, but the same substance (water) in different states of aggregation.

Like water, other substances can be transferred from one state of aggregation to another.

When characterizing this or that substance as a gas, liquid or solid, they mean the state of the substance in normal conditions... Any metal can not only be melted (translated into liquid state), but also turn into gas. But this requires very high temperatures... In the outer shell of the Sun, metals are in a gaseous state, because the temperature there is 6000˚С. And, for example, carbon dioxide can be converted into dry ice by cooling.

Phenomena in which there is no transformation of some substances into others are referred to as physical phenomena. Physical phenomena can lead to a change, for example, the state of aggregation or temperature, but the composition of the substances remains the same.

All physical phenomena can be divided into several groups.

Mechanical phenomena are phenomena that occur with physical bodies when they move relative to each other (rotation of the Earth around the Sun, movement of cars, flight of a parachutist).

Electrical phenomena are phenomena that occur when electric charges appear, exist, move and interact (electric current, telegraphy, lightning during a thunderstorm).

Magnetic phenomena are phenomena associated with the appearance of magnetic properties in physical bodies (the attraction of iron objects by a magnet, the rotation of the compass needle to the north).

Optical phenomena are phenomena that occur during the propagation, refraction and reflection of light (rainbow, mirages, reflection of light from a mirror, the appearance of a shadow).

Thermal phenomena are phenomena that occur when physical bodies are heated and cooled (melting snow, boiling water, fog, freezing water).

Atomic phenomena are phenomena that occur when the internal structure of the substance of physical bodies changes (the glow of the Sun and stars, an atomic explosion).

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Man lives in the natural world. You yourself and everything that surrounds you - air, trees, river, sun - these are different objects of nature... The objects of nature are constantly undergoing changes, which are called natural phenomena.
Since ancient times, people have tried to understand: how and why do various phenomena occur? How do birds fly and why don't they fall? How can a tree float on water and why doesn't it sink? Some natural phenomena - thunder and lightning, solar and lunar eclipse- frightened people until scientists figured out how and why they arise.
Observing and studying the phenomena occurring in nature, people have found their application in their lives. Observing the flight of birds (Fig. 1), people constructed an airplane (Fig. 2).

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Observing a floating tree, man learned to build ships, conquered the seas and oceans. Having studied the way the jellyfish travels (Fig. 3), scientists came up with a rocket engine (Fig. 4). By observing lightning, scientists discovered electricity, without which people today cannot live and work. All kinds of household electrical devices(lighting lamps, TVs, vacuum cleaners) surround us everywhere. Various electrical tools (electric drill, electric saw, sewing machine) are used in school workshops and in production.

Scientists have divided all physical phenomena into groups (Fig. 6):

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Mechanical phenomena- these are phenomena that occur with physical bodies when they move relative to each other (rotation of the Earth around the Sun, movement of cars, swing of a pendulum).
Electrical phenomena- These are the phenomena that arise when electric charges appear, exist, move and interact (electric current, lightning).
Magnetic phenomena- these are phenomena associated with the appearance of magnetic properties in physical bodies (the attraction of iron objects by a magnet, the rotation of the compass needle to the north).
Optical phenomena- these are phenomena that occur during the propagation, refraction and reflection of light (reflection of light from a mirror, mirages, the appearance of a shadow).
Thermal phenomena- these are the phenomena associated with the heating and cooling of physical bodies (boiling of a kettle, the formation of fog, the transformation of water into ice).
Atomic phenomena- these are phenomena that arise when the internal structure of the substance of physical bodies changes (glow of the Sun and stars, atomic explosion).
Observe and explain. 1. Give an example natural phenomenon... 2. What group of physical phenomena does it belong to? Why? 3. Name the physical bodies that participated in physical phenomena.

The world of nature around us is simply teeming with various secrets and riddles. Scientists have been looking for answers for centuries and sometimes try to explain, but even the best minds of mankind still do not succumb to some amazing natural phenomena.

Sometimes one gets the impression that incomprehensible flashes in the sky, spontaneously moving stones do not mean anything special. But, delving into the mysterious manifestations observed on our planet, you understand that it is impossible to answer many questions. Nature carefully hides its secrets, and people put forward all new hypotheses, trying to unravel them.

Today we will consider physical phenomena in wildlife that will make you look at the world around you in a new way.

Physical phenomena

Each body is made up of certain substances, but note that different actions affect the same bodies in different ways. For example, if you tear the paper in half, the paper remains paper. But if you set it on fire, then ash will remain from it.

When the size, shape, state change, but the substance remains the same and does not transform into another, such phenomena are called physical. They can be different.

Natural phenomena, examples of which we can observe in ordinary life, there are:

  • Mechanical... The movement of clouds across the sky, the flight of an airplane, the fall of an apple.
  • Thermal... Caused by temperature changes. In the course of this, the characteristics of the body change. If ice is heated, it becomes water, which transforms into steam.
  • Electrical... Surely with quick withdrawal from your woolen clothes, you at least once heard a specific crackle, similar to an electric discharge. And if you do all this in dark room, you can still observe the sparks. Objects that, after friction, begin to attract lighter bodies are called electrified. Northern lights, lightning during a thunderstorm are prime examples
  • Light... Bodies that emit light are called. This includes the Sun, lamps and even representatives of the animal world: some species of deep fish and fireflies.

The physical phenomena of nature, examples of which we have considered above, are successfully used by people in Everyday life... But there are those who to this day excite the minds of scientists and cause universal admiration.

northern Lights

Perhaps this rightfully bears the status of the most romantic. High in the sky, multi-colored rivers are formed, which cover an endless number of bright stars.

If you want to enjoy this beauty, it is best to do it in the northern part of Finland (Lapland). There was a belief that the reason for the occurrence was the anger of the supreme gods. But the most popular was the legend of the Sami people about the fairy fox, which hit with its tail on the snow-covered plains, because of which colored sparks soared into the heights and illuminated the night sky.

Tube-shaped clouds

Such a natural phenomenon can drag any person into a state of relaxation, inspiration, illusions for a long time. Such sensations are created due to the shape of large pipes that change their shade.

You can see it in those places where a thunderstorm front begins to form. This natural phenomenon is most often observed in countries with tropical climates.

Stones that move in Death Valley

There are various natural phenomena, examples of which are quite explainable from a scientific point of view. But there are those who defy human logic. One of the mysteries of nature is considered.This phenomenon can be observed in the American national park called Death Valley. Many scientists try to explain movement strong winds, which are often found in desert areas, and the presence of ice, since it was in winter that the movement of stones became more intense.

During the research, scientists made observations of 30 stones, the weight of which was no more than 25 kg. In seven years, 28 out of 30 boulders have moved 200 meters from the starting point.

Whatever the guesses of scientists, they do not have an unequivocal answer regarding this phenomenon.

Ball lightning

Appearing after a thunderstorm or during it is called ball lightning. There is an assumption that Nikola Tesla managed to create ball lightning in his laboratory. He wrote that he had not seen anything like this in nature (it was about fireballs), but he figured out how they are formed, and even managed to recreate this phenomenon.

Scientists of our time have not been able to achieve similar results. And some even question the existence of this phenomenon as such.

We have considered only some natural phenomena, examples of which show how amazing and mysterious our world around us is. How much more unknown and interesting things we have to learn in the process of development and improvement of science. How many discoveries lie ahead?