How to untie karmic knots: a special connection between a man and a woman. What is a karmic knot and how to untie it - Women's Sangha

Karmic knot shows a strong connection between two or more people, whose souls from past incarnations are united by mutual claims, unfulfilled obligations and a load of negative actions (or sins). Such connections can stretch for centuries through several incarnations. When people do not want to change, do not solve problems, but accumulate grievances, then the knot grows and becomes stronger.

The presence of such nodes gives a strong dependence of 2 or more people, they are forced to endure each other, as appointed by the Higher Forces (karma). Love triangles can be the result of "knots of karma" with wrong actions in the past.

Karmic situations- these are insurmountable circumstances that people cannot solve, but want to change. In this case, people are forced to constantly live together or meet in each incarnation until they pay their debts (material or spiritual), until they are freed from all negative accumulated emotions towards each other.

Higher Forces or karma constantly fixes all our negative and good deeds. With the accumulation of negativity, an invisible thread first appears, if hostility and demands continue, then a knot is tied. It can melt or grow, this knot will have a bad effect on teamwork, relationships with people, problems will appear on their own until each of the participants atones for their guilt, both forgive, reconcile or distribute debts of any level.

How to determine the karmic knot connection with a person

A "node" exists with someone if:
- you have a lot of claims to this person, uncontrollable anger;
- constant conflicts, sometimes because of nonsense;
- if you want to break off relations, the circumstances are such that you have to be together;
- even at a distance, a certain person causes negativity: irritation, distrust, hatred, sometimes subconscious fear...

If you have a person who unconsciously evokes such emotions, then you can safely talk about the presence of a karmic knot with him.

How to untie and remove the karmic knot?

If you found karmic knot with a person, it will be extremely difficult to break it, especially if several people are tied, for example, generic programs. I remember a case when a mother was very worried about her son. In their family, all men died at the age of 38 different ways already 4 generations. The panic of wives, grandmothers, sisters was so strong that it provoked the situation even more.

The best way out, to the man himself, in this example, the son should not only forgive everyone, not be angry at the "rock of the family", but try to sort out related unresolved problems. With awareness, spiritual growth, the study of cosmic laws, a “righteous” life, the knot is basically destroyed. Many years have passed, the man studied the Bible, Buddhism, studied in India and China for many years. He changed himself, his profession, and most importantly, his attitude to life. He stopped being afraid, he is already 50, so everything is in order.

At the birth of a child, it is possible when decoding, but as a rule, this is an indicator of negative karma. Such people need to be especially attentive to their words and actions. Since they often have great destructive power. When the knot is untied, the spots may disappear (or the scar in an adult). Sometimes when spiritual development large moles on the face disappear.

Definition of karmic knots

Several diagnostic methods for suspected karmic knots are a session of a clairvoyant or enlightened healer, or reincarnation therapy. For believers only rituals in temples.

There are many schools where they help to communicate with their own subconscious in order to see or learn about problems. It could be an undiagnosed illness, a hidden grudge...

Karmic tasks are the goals for which a person came to this world. If he does not fulfill these tasks, the "vessel of karma" fills up even more. If earlier his karma fell on the shoulders of his descendants, then in modern world everyone must solve his own problems and help others solve them. A new era and a new century have begun, this is the most difficult period of the transition of people's consciousness to another level. If in this life a person is often offended, angry, able to shout, humiliate another, the cup of "sins" is filled.

How to untie a karmic knot

1. Find out the reason for the formation of a karmic knot.
2. If you have identified the cause, the next stage is work on yourself, you need to increase your own spiritual level.
- be sure to realize and forgive (not in words, but from a pure heart);
- another option is possible to be forgiven (for an abandoned child in an orphanage, for example, or for abortions of unborn souls for women);
- repay all debts (sometimes this is lifelong assistance to parents, relatives or friends);
- sometimes humility (no opportunity to have children due to illness);
- often, those who in the past were afraid of responsibility, one or several incarnations burned their lives, are given into a burden that a disabled parent cannot refuse or can become a burden (change places).
3. The last stage can be a special ritual of a dedicated specialist who has reached a certain level (Spiritual teacher), who has been given the “karmic right” of the Higher Forces to remove karmic punishments with the help of the Higher Forces, Karma Keepers, personal Guardian Angel.
An interesting fact, a person swears that he realized, and actually corrected himself after some time. With great difficulty, you remove the “karmic knot”, the problems disappeared, the client calmed down. After a year or two, problems come again: I forgave my parents last time, and now I have become involved in financial scams.

When a person comprehends the laws, he studies himself or is explained to him, responsibility increases, the knot will be tied much faster. After all, he did not know this before, there were problems with past life, and now you will have to answer for new (conscious) violations, the punishment may be more serious.

When karmic knots disappear, a person is freed from negative emotions and thoughts. People talk about such people, a person who directly shines, that is, with a pure heart. Cheerful people (with positive energy) always bring joy to the team, live longer, help others both in business and in working out karmic knots.

Summing up

Often ten years is not enough for forgiveness. You cannot directly ask a person, go to your temple (regardless of direction), the laws are the same. Ask for help from Higher powers give you the opportunity to forgive yourself and others. For this there is a confession, there is a ritual from incurable diseases unction. Usually it is used by old people, but no one will forbid you at any age. The main sin of pride will have to be pacified and repented not only to an unknown person (priest), but possibly also to fulfill his instructions (several specific prayers a day, etc.).

You may not be able to persuade your friend or partner to go to the world, but own attitude will change. The knot will begin to untie, it will bother you less. You will become calmer, and this is an indicator of a new life.

To whom to turn in the church (temple) when praying and asking?

In Orthodoxy:
Panteleimon - the doctor of life, healed all the sick;
Fedor is a defender before the Creator in case of greed, a selfish attitude towards people;
Nicholas the Wonderworker - during his lifetime he worked miracles in different areas, it is believed that it helps in trade, travel, etc .;
Matrona of Moscow - with family problems, "female" diseases, infertility;
Each baptized person has his own guardian angel, he also helps in difficult situations. When we say that we accidentally got lucky in a difficult case, this is his help. You can look at your name day (by name at baptism) in the religious calendar or ask in specialized stores. Be sure to carry a small picture of your Angel in your bag for safety.
Creator (Jesus), Virgin Mary - from all troubles and troubles.

There are special prayers for each saint, but you can state the request in your own words, the main thing is that the message is sincere. You can not demand anything and threaten (and this happens!), Only culturally and in a request. Ask for awareness, help the heart forgive (name), give patience, intelligence, wisdom, the ability to understand another, etc.

If you find it difficult to choose an "assistant", you can ask in any temple, no one will refuse you.

In any religion, saints may differ, but the essence is the same. Nicholas the Pleasant (or miracle worker) is also Spiridon (Greece), the creator of miraculous deeds (diseases, any problems).

After realizing the problems, you need to change yourself, sometimes dramatically. Inner harmony, calm, even if not everything is going smoothly.

Please note that charlatans often call themselves healers. You can only contact a trusted person who has already helped your friends. Only through insight, correction of erroneous actions, views on life, the character and actions change. A person with the “right” thoughts and life seems to repel trouble. Occasionally, fate will test your strength, provoke you, but if you do not succumb to temptations, there will be more good news every day.

This is how “karmic knots” are removed. Only your great desire to change your life will give you a chance to fulfill any desire (not selfish!). By the way, it has been proven for thousands of years that the more enlightened a person is, the less material needs he has.

I wish you awareness, and helpers are always there, you just need to sincerely ask and be able to wait.

In contact with

Karma determines and affects the fate of each person, depends not only on him and his behavior, but also on the karma of his entire family. In accordance with this, karma can be both positive and negative, almost entirely consisting of unresolved karmic knots, some of which have accumulated in the family of this person, and some are the result of his mistakes.

The world around is an objective entity, the same for all living things. But at the same time, someone feels happy and calm, living in absolute harmony with the universe, while someone is unhappy and becomes more and more unhappy every year, collecting his negative karmic load over the years and adding it to the ancestral karma instead of reducing it negative meaning.

Karmic knots are tied at those moments when a person commits a crime and not necessarily a criminal one. It can be a crime against conscience, cowardice, a refusal to fulfill the lessons that life presents him so that he can improve himself, overcoming obstacles.

A knot can be tied even at the moment when you are doing a seemingly good deed, but at the same time you are waiting for some kind of gratitude or reward for your deed. The knot is tied not even because of the commission of a negative act, but because of the negative state of your soul at the time of its commission.

A karmic knot can be tied up because of an unforgiven resentment. Learn to forgive.

How to untie karmic knots

The result of the presence of unresolved problems in your karma, i.e. knots, it becomes impossible to achieve your goals, your desires simply cease to be fulfilled, or you have to go through severe trials to reach them. And this is exactly what you should not be afraid of - it is by passing through them that you can untie one of your old knots, or even several.

If your fate is not burdened by a particularly malicious tribal or karma you have already acquired, the knots can be untied, but you must fulfill two conditions. You yourself must really want this and begin consciously to work be above yourself. And, besides this, you will be required to compensate for the damage to karma that was once inflicted.

Work on yourself consists in constantly learning something new, comprehending what is available to your mind and raising your spiritual level, which can only be done through overcoming obstacles, both physical and mental. You must, in the process of such self-cultivation, get rid of negative qualities, following the principles of morality and ethics that are common to all mankind.

If you used to be lazy by making someone do double or triple work, now you have to work yourself for two or three. If you offended someone, now you need to protect the unjustly offended and simply weak with all your might.

Each person needs to fulfill their lessons that life presents: someone must overcome fear, someone - envy, someone - pride.

Whatever your karma is, you can always go through it now more worthily, to benefit from any situation for yourself. An indicator that the correct exit was missed: repeated repetition of the same life cycles. You noticed that you are walking in circles - change your attitude towards the carrot you are running after. This will really change your future!

How to untie a karmic knot. Practice

Take a blank piece of paper and get down to business:

- Write down all those events, your ideas, creativity, ways to achieve the goal. Do not forget about your health: examination, prevention, diagnosis, treatment of specific ailments, dreams and plans. All this information should work in quarterly mode, that is, 3 months. After this period, you will need to check the records, add something, remove something, as it has been worked out, time-tested or completely unnecessary. There should be three such leaflets with plans during the year. After that, you will understand what to do next.

- If things have been going badly for a whole quarter (3 months), try to fix the situation as follows:
Sit down, relax. Try to retire so that no one bothers you for this period of time.

Focus. Try to remember the main events “before” and “after”, and “before” is mainly achievement, success, prosperity, material stability, health, happiness, luck, money coming from your creativity (activity); "after" - everything that causes you emotions of sadness, anxiety, instability, weakness in relation to well-being, when there is fear of future events, fear for your health or the health of loved ones. During such a period, common sense leaves a person and he begins to work on negative emotions: “What if it doesn’t work out again”, “I’m probably terminally ill”, “Everything collapses”, “It’s a disaster in everything”, “I have nothing it turns out”, “everyone forgot about me”, etc. It is your emotions that tie the "karmic knot" on your path even more tightly.

Take a blank sheet of paper (not lined), write point by point those circumstances, people, events that, in your opinion, caused the current events, losses, illnesses, material instability. There can be 3, 6, 9 such points.

On the back sheet of paper, write point by point your achievements, success, acquisitions (material and spiritual values), success in something, those events that could provoke other people, relatives, acquaintances to envy in relation to your achievements, prosperity, good well-being.

Now the picture is more or less clear to you. Start working on yourself. Any emotion, especially if it is negative
attelnaya, takes away from a person that golden energy that he needs for good health and well-being in all areas of life. Not for nothing they say: "the fish rots from the head." It is in the head that there are many, many thoughts that provoke a person to one or another reaction in relation to events or situations.

Now the main thing is to remove this dependence on emotions, to replenish the lost energy, which was spent not on the creative process, but on disassembly, other people's thoughts, opinions, beliefs, concepts. Look carefully at the points you wrote out on the front of the paper.

For example: 1. Severance of relations with a partner (relative). Cause.

2. From such and such a date, my business went uphill. I bought a new car. I was surprised to find that there is no one to be happy for me, except for me and my family.

3. My wealth annoys my relatives.

4. I have achieved a lot in my life, and this annoys other people.

5. I borrowed a sum of money from my friend, after which I lost my friend forever.

Read your notes again. Now try to "untie each knot."

If the situation concerns loved ones, read the phrase:

“I accept the situation associated with my wife, mother, sister as it is, I take my emotions, experiences, negative thoughts, anger, irritation to this situation and direct it to solve today's situations and problems or to restore my biofield, physical body, restoration of organs and systems.

In those paragraphs where information relates to people who are strangers to you by blood, events directly related to business, work, creativity, material well-being, say:

“I accept the situation of past events as it happened (happened), my emotions, feelings, irritation, aggression, negative thoughts, anger, I take and send positive energy to develop my business, material wealth, good health and well-being in all areas of my life."

Such activities should be carried out for three days in a row, three times a day. It is not difficult and takes only three times five minutes. You will see the result within two weeks or for the period of the new quarter, which is three months a year.

If your “karmic knot has already existed for a whole year (12 months), that is, 3 quarters, spend a “three-day cleansing” once a quarter (3 days in a row).

In this case, your situation will change for the better during the new year.
Of course, this work is not for the lazy, and the result depends only on you and your efforts “in overcoming the“ black stripes ”on the vest of life or obstacles on the way.

Often, unpleasant situations, losses, serious illnesses, failures, lack of money, loneliness, are repeated and. To protect yourself and your loved ones from this karmic copying of events, make a layout.

Take a blank sheet of paper and write down on it all the events that are repeated in at least 3 generic roots of the feminine or masculine gender.

Next, say the key phrase that cuts off the negative energy that duplicates the “karmic knot” on your “ancestral branch”, and the “leaves” on it do not bring profit, but ruin, not health - but chronic, sometimes incurable diseases, not prosperous families, but loneliness and divorces: “I accept the situation in past tribal incarnations as it happened, I take my reaction and send positive energy to restore my tribal tribe, as well as my business, material wealth, full health of my, my loved ones and relatives (names ) and prosperity.

It would be appropriate in your thoughts to go through repentance and forgiveness in order to cut off everything “that prevent a person from being happy and healthy.

I wish you good luck on your life path!!!

Protracted love without reciprocity, when a person simply cannot refuse another, forget him, start over. Complicated Relationships with relatives, a tangle of family contradictions that does not subside for years. A love triangle where all partners suffer from betrayal: they love, they hate, but they can’t leave it, they can’t get out of it. In life, such confusing, protracted situations often develop, which are based on a karmic connection. They are also called karmic knots, in which two or three people can be involved. These difficult emotional situations are given to us to pass the next “lesson”, which can come from a past life, to work out our qualities and the evolution of the soul.

Karmic knots: causes and solutions

Karmic knots are always tied to the negative, too many resources are always invested in them: emotions, feelings, spiritual anguish, torment, pain. As a result of this forced dependence, there is a serious "working out" life lesson, each member of the node is freed from negativity, changes, the tangle of problems and claims is unraveled. Participants can finally forgive and let go in order to move on with their lives.

How to understand that you are in a knot?

  • In relation to a particular person, you for a long time experience irritation, unreasonable negativity, claims. You run into him again and again in negative circumstances.
  • You disperse, disperse, but life develops in such a way that negative relationships with certain person continue over and over again.
  • Squabbles and skirmishes always take place, even in trifling situations, you want to do it "out of spite".
  • When you remember this person, negative emotions cover you: fear, hatred, aggression, resentment, distrust.
  • Often you cannot remember where the dislike came from, but you feel that it has always been that way. It can even be a painful attachment to a particular person, “obsession” with him.
  • The relationships you are in are like a “vicious circle”: they exhaust you mentally and emotionally, but you can’t break up.

Karmic knots can drag on for years, but as soon as you start spiritual work on yourself, the situation gradually begins to level out. The one that worked out the lesson can come out of the “node”, for the rest the situations will be aggravated and repeated again and again.

How can karmic knots be untied?

Tip: If you want to understand Vedic astrology and karma, understand how to make up your natal chart and see those areas that are important to work out, register for a free webinar

The main task of a person who feels that he has fallen into such a “binding” is to determine the cause of the knot. Somewhere in the past there was a situation with a serious violation of spiritual laws, which has remained unresolved to this day. It can be difficult to find the cause of the node yourself, so you need to contact a specialist.

Once the cause is identified, painstaking work above oneself. With humility and desire, you will have to change certain qualities of character, habits, practice forgiveness (often more than one!), repay debts (not only money, but also the debt of respect, care, participation).

So, gradually, day after day, the knot will begin to unravel and your life will get better! It is only important to have the desire to get to the bottom of the matter and stop the chain of negative situations with a specific person!

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A karmic knot is one of the key concepts that illustrates the karmic relationship between two or more people.

A karmic knot is a type of karmic relationship that occurs between two people (more precisely, their souls), which are interconnected by karmic debts, claims and unseemly acts towards each other.

Karmic debts, leading to the emergence of a karmic knot, can be defined as:

1. given and unfulfilled promises, obligations of one person to another;
2. appropriation of what does not belong to him (be it money, material values, health, energy, and even life);
3. crimes and other violations of the cosmic laws of the Universe, in which at least two human souls are involved;
4. irresponsible behavior of a person in front of children (for example, non-participation in educational process, material support), to the family, in particular to a woman, parents (unwillingness to provide for the family, help parents in old age), etc.

Often, a karmic knot can go through several incarnations, and if people connected by its “fetters” refuse to solve the problems that have arisen between them, then it only grows and grows stronger.

A karmic knot can also be defined as a kind of dependence of two Souls on each other, which is expressed in forced forced contact between them.

That is, "karmically bound" by the will of the Higher powers and according to the law of karma, they are simply obliged to some certain, allotted time only for them, to "tolerate" each other - to live together ( love karmic knot) or work at work.

Such punishment will continue until people wake up and realize the tasks set by God before them - to forgive each other, understand the root of all problems and work off their debts among themselves.

That is why, regardless of the desire of two people “tied together by karma”, they will from life to life, perhaps several incarnations, meet again and again and enter into karmic relationships with each other with the goal of cut the karmic knot. And this means - to realize the cause of its occurrence, to pay off all debts and heal your wounded heart from negative emotions - insults, claims, etc.

In a karmic knot, 2, 3, or more people can be tied. And all the relationships that these people are connected with, as a rule, are negatively colored, which is associated with the unconscious negative attitude of people towards each other.

All negative emotions and situations between people are recorded in the subconscious and “emerge” unconsciously. Many are familiar with such situations when for some reason, without good reason, you begin to feel hostility or disgust towards a person.

Our subconscious mind records all of our past lives, the people we meet and the relationships we enter into. And therefore, why be surprised if suddenly, unconsciously, for no reason, negative emotions arise towards a person and the corresponding situations.

Therefore, all karmic knots have an unfavorable negative impact on both love relationships and joint work and any kind of activity.

According to the law of karma, it is the Higher Powers that forcibly connect two “debtors” with each other until they forgive each other, repay their debts and cleanse their Soul of negativity.

It is the Higher Powers that “record”, fix all the negative actions, claims, crimes committed by people in relation to each other.

And it is the Higher Powers who decide whether it is time or not to free the Souls from this forced dependence and destroy them, unravel the karmic knot.

How to identify a karmic knot: signs

1. If in relation to some person you have an unconscious, unconscious and not subject to your mind negative reaction in the form of persistent hostility and even disgust;

2. If you experience flashes of aggression, claims and various negative reactions to this person for no apparent reason;

3. Constant conflicts for minor reasons;

4. If you want to break off relations, “run away” from them, do not meet with this person, but circumstances are such that you cannot do this (for example, in love relationships- pregnancy, material dependence, etc.) That is, every time there are reasons that prevent a break in relations. This suggests that you did not atone for the karma of past lives before each other.

5. You experience various kinds of negative emotions for this person (distrust, fear, disgust, etc.) despite the fact that the relationship is sometimes! improve and seem "quite good".

How to untie a karmic knot

1. An indispensable condition for unraveling a karmic knot is the awareness of the cause of its occurrence. Often, this is a certain situation that has developed between Souls in violation of the cosmic laws of the Universe.

For example, karmic love knot that arose between a male tyrant and a woman in the position of a victim. A man in every way, both physically (beatings) and morally (reproaches, claims) oppresses his victim as a person, as a person, as a woman. And until this Woman finds herself, her inner female core, they will continue to meet from incarnation to incarnation.

Another example is a love triangle with a final denouement in the form of a tragedy: husband, wife, and wife's lover. The husband finds out about the betrayal and kills his lover. Heroes are also doomed to meetings from life to life until they fully work off their debts to each other.

2. After understanding the cause, as a rule, spiritual awakening occurs, spiritual growth begins, the so-called "work on mistakes." It implies the following necessary steps:
- ask for forgiveness from the person to whom you hurt, to whom you owe and before the Higher Forces;
- draw appropriate conclusions;
- if possible, depending on the situation - to compensate for their "guilt" - to repay debts.

3. I would like to clarify that the untying of the karmic knot is carried out only with the permission of the Forces of Karma.

This process occurs only after a person has realized the reason for the formation of a knot, worked out all his tasks on it, asked for forgiveness from his karmic debtor and the Higher powers, and most importantly, he healed his Soul from negativity. Only after this does God give him the opportunity to get out of a difficult exhausting relationship - that is, cut the karmic knot.

Moreover, this can happen both unilaterally, when all tasks are conscious and worked out by only one of the participants in the karmic union. According to the law of Supreme Justice, all negative influences are removed from a person who has redeemed his debts.

A sign of denouement of a karmic knot

In the Soul of a person who has been freed from all the karma of past incarnations, Love, Harmony, Peace and Tranquility overflows, opening the horizons and advantages of a free conscious choice.

I would like to remind you that all karmic relationships are built on the basis of an unconscious choice. Therefore, why be surprised why we choose such “imperfect companions” for relationships.

A person who has unraveled all his karmic love knots gets access to true Love - Reasonable, Conscious Love.

Edited by Marina Belaya.

Do past lives affect the present? It turns out yes. There is also a definition of this concept - karma. In other words, the law of the universe. And one of its curious components is a karmic knot.

A karmic knot is a kind of relationship that arises between the souls of two people, bound by debts, resentments and unseemly actions towards each other.

How to identify it: signs

The karmic knot is identified by the following signs:

  1. You experience an inexplicable dislike for a certain person.
  2. You periodically experience bouts of anger and unreasonable aggression towards the individual.
  3. You often clash over small things.
  4. You want to get out of this relationship, but circumstances (unplanned pregnancy, financial dependence) force you to stay. Something is constantly preventing you from breaking up. This is a sign that you have not yet made amends to each other for past sins.
  5. You feel negative emotions (doubt, fear, disgust) towards the individual, although sometimes the relationship seems quite normal.

There is a concept of "unconditional love". A karmic knot is a kind of unconditional hostility, when a person seems to have done nothing wrong, but you feel an inexplicable disgust for him.

How does the presence of karmic knots affect people's lives?

Due to the fact that the karmic knot is tied to negative emotions, such relationships cannot lead to good. Considering with whom it was formed and under what circumstances, they estimate the amount of damage caused to the life of the person himself, his children, grandchildren.

For example, if the daughter bad relationship with her father, in the future she may enter into an unconscious conflict with all men. Such a confrontation will deprive the girl of femininity, make her unhappy in love and lead to diseases, mainly in the female part. If you look at specified example more broadly, we can say that the daughter inherits the karmic knot from her own parents, who are unhappy in marriage, because the growing child simply imitates the peeped model of behavior.

Despite this, karmic knots cannot be called absolute evil, since we are talking on one side of the coin. The one who manages to untie them is freed from a heavy burden and bad luck. The individual acquires wisdom and serenity.

Karmic knots should be perceived as important tests that the soul must go through in the cycle of reincarnations.

When can the knot be untied?

Most difficult task- decoupling of such knots. Moreover, one must be aware of the events taking place at the level of karma and spiritual lessons. You need to show a desire and readiness to unravel the karmic knot. You have to change, and it's far from easy. However, if the craving for goodness and light outweighs the significance of the current principles, you will have the strength to cope.

Related article: What is karmic debt? How to calculate it by date of birth and give it away?

To untie the karmic knot, you need to establish the reasons for its appearance. Try not to shift the blame onto someone else's shoulders. Look at the situation from a new angle, like watching a scene from a movie. Consider why this happened. Discard reasoning in the style: "Oh, fate is a villain!", "The humpbacked grave will fix it." This is a deliberate deviation from responsibility and a sign of unwillingness to change. It makes sense to look for the answer in your own actions.

Look at the situation from the standpoint of spiritual lessons. What did she teach you? Answers in the spirit: "Do not trust anyone", "Do not get married" will not work. Lonely people are rarely happy. If you know what happened to you and why, you can figure out how to prevent it from happening again. There are valuable lessons to be learned from every situation in life. So what did you learn, what exactly did you realize?

When you discover the reason for the appearance of a karmic knot, think about what you need to change in yourself, your worldview, thoughts and actions. It is really difficult, because the ego will start to hinder you in every possible way. However, you can overcome it. When awareness comes to you, you will begin to think differently. Contact your friends, maybe they have already encountered a similar situation and will help you with practical recommendations. It will also be useful to consult a specialist who will not only give a “magic pill”, but also tell you a clue, help change the worldview. You can contact a soothsayer or psychotherapist on the site or in person.

How to untie the karmic knot?

In a certain sense, this node resembles a disease, for the treatment of which it is necessary not only to eliminate the symptoms, but also to find the cause of its occurrence. Only in this case, the return of the disease is excluded. And vice versa, if people break bonds, part with a heavy heart or hatred, then again they dance on the same rake, which repeatedly beats much more painfully.

It is important to realize that such a knot is not a specific person who causes negative emotions in you. This is a deep psychotrauma that is inside you, and you need to work on yourself first of all.

Practice 1. Introspection

    The best way to solve the problem lies in the subconscious. Self-knowledge, meditation, the study of psychology will help in finding out the reasons.

    Analyze the situation that is bothering you. Write down your thoughts and emotions in a notebook.

    Try to remember if you have experienced something similar before. If yes, please specify with whom and under what circumstances.

    Dig deeper into the memories until you find the first bitter experience. As a rule, it stretches from childhood, and personalities with whom, first of all, it is necessary to unravel the karmic knots - parents, sisters and brothers. Moreover, this does not mean the end of communication at all, because you are connected not only by sorrows and claims, but also by blood ties, affection, a lot of pleasant moments.

To improve your mnemonic abilities, try the "Little Death" exercise, which takes very little time. So you can enter a trance state, strengthening the connection of your own consciousness with the subconscious.