Astral subtle body. The astral body of a person and its purpose

Man, like the rest of the living world of the Earth, feels. The receptor apparatus, internal and external, is in charge of sensations. Animals also have a system of receptors through which they perceive the world. The difference is that their vision and hearing simply don't work without a receptor system. Under the conditions of elections, a person chooses one of the systems of perception (visual, auditory or kinesthetic), which limits this very perception.

Perception is a system for receiving information from the outside world. The eyes receive this information in the form of images, the ears in the form of sounds, sound, sound vibrations. The whole body receives external information through the receptor apparatus. You can get brief information about receptors below. More detailed information

We will simplify the above information.

There are formations in the physical body that we call receptors. Receptors "read" every vibration that is near a person and affects his body. Each group of receptors responds to specific vibrations. Vibrations are low, medium, high. The frequency of these vibrations is perceived by some receptors, while others are not. Low vibrations act on receptors that give us a feeling of heaviness before pain. High vibrations - a feeling of lightness. The range of medium vibrations is the knowledge of the world. Everything that surrounds a person on earth is invested in the middle range.

Emotions are what feeds this middle range of vibrations. In subtle bodies (we have highlighted emotional body separately, it also corresponds astral body) energy moves and feeds what it meets on its way. The movement of energy in the emotional body corresponds to the movement of energy through the lymphatic system. Blood - the use of external energy (oxygen, food) for nutrition. Lymph is a waste product of the body, i.e. it is produced by the body itself.

Conclusion. The work of the emotional body is carried out at the expense of its own strength, and not external energy. "Going out to the astral", meditations, trance states, visiting the "inner world" are possible with sufficient activity of the emotional body.

Emotions are like energy.

Everything is energy. And emotions as well. How is the work of this energy manifested in the body?

The purpose of emotions is to intensify a process that requires attention at a given moment in time.

In the body at a given moment in time, there are always many processes, but there is always the most important one. The importance lies in the effect of the process on the body. In the context of duality for making choices, the processes in the body are either beneficial or harmful. Emotions add their energy to such a process, bringing it into awareness, i.e. you feel this process. When to sensations, i.e. purely receptor perception, emotions join, the person at the exit receives the senses, feeling... What you feel you put your attention on.

How does a person usually deal with feelings?

An ordinary person seeks and finds a way to get rid of them. In earthly conditions, where suffering has been the behavioral basis of life for more than two thousand years, emotions intensify this suffering in a person. Who likes to feel pain? Feeling is limited by pain, and the person struggling with pain, entered into a struggle with his feelings.

What do feelings give a person when using them?

Filling. After all, most of them experienced in their lives the feeling of being in love, which gives a feeling of flight. For flight, you need wings, lightness in the body and a lot of energy. Emotions give energy to remove gravity from the body, energy to "spread wings" and energy to fly.

How to release emotions?

To release emotions - to gain additional energy. Any energy needs a place, an object, a process of application. Such a place, object, process can be internal, and can be external.

If the energy of emotions is directed outward. Take the most commonly felt emotion. Fear- you are afraid of something external, because you are not able to grasp everything external with your attention, you choose an object, place or process on which you fix your feeling of fear. What attitude do you form towards such an object, a place, a process? Avoidance. Such an object does not in any way affect you directly, you just chose it as the "trigger" of a certain emotion. Those. everything external only "includes" certain emotions in you.

If the energy of emotions is directed inward. Emotions "live" inside, there are no emotions outside. If you direct your attention inward, you feel the emotions that prevail there. Fear and anger predominate, and their combined combinations of guilt and shame. Emotions are energy... Energy can only manifest through something. Within you, this "something" is your parts that are responsible for certain actions. Emotion fear keeps certain parts of you from doing and doing, paralyzing them. Anger on the contrary, it encourages actions and actions. Guilt, being a concentrated anger deposited in your body, makes the body heavy and inactive, shame (a combination of fear and anger) is deposited in the lower part of the body, which does not allow you to realize those parts that are there.

Emotions Is the energy that goes from the emotional body to the physical body. In the absence of the use of thinking, this energy enters those places in the body on which the person's attention is concentrated. Here you look at yourself in the mirror. And when you look, you pay attention to some part of your body. For example, on the nose. The nose belongs to the respiratory system and the perception system. If you pay a lot of attention to looking at your nose, the nose "enlarges", which enhances its perception, ie. you are acutely aware of smells. But the nose is also an organ of the respiratory system, which is located in the thoracic entrance. Anger "covers" the chest, forming heaviness in it. As a result, you get angry at your nose for being "enlarged." This diagram of your relationship with your body applies to any other part of your body. You can experiment. Enjoy your body, i.e. the predominance of the emotion of joy in the body, only small children are capable. In their bodies is missing emotional imbalance.

What is emotional imbalance?

Balance is the ratio of interrelated components of a process. The prefix "dis" forms verbs and nouns with the meaning of absence. Imbalance is a violation of the balance of vibrations in the body. Balance is formed when all vibrations in the body are able to resonate. This is a natural process - the process of forming a resonance between different vibrations. If a person is involved in the development process, a lower frequency with the use of additional energy costs is transformed into a higher one. When there is a non-resonant frequency, the body directs energy to it for changes that will allow that frequency to resonate with the rest of the frequencies.

If there are vibrations that cannot join resonance, they form a clot that needs to be removed or neutralized. If the clot is not removed and neutralized, the body is forced to "turn its attention" to this clot, directing more energy there either for its changes, or in order to exclude it from the body's work (protection is formed). With the first option at the level physical body you have inflammatory processes, in the second option, an oncological disease is formed ... The purpose of emotions is to strengthen, bring into consciousness a clot of energy that needs to be changed or removed... Save or discard determines a person's behavior. If his behavior is aimed at "accumulation", internal defenses for all processes to be neutralized. This is what is inherent in a person of the third dimension.

There is always a frequency in the body that is least capable of resonance. It is this frequency that creates the emotional imbalance. Some low frequencies can resonate with each other, affecting already high frequencies and reducing their frequency. Likewise, high frequencies, creating a general resonance, can completely neutralize low frequencies, i.e. clots of such energy cease to vibrate, and therefore cease to be.

The work of our body is determined by a set of frequencies and their ability to resonate. The higher the frequency, the greater its impact on all lower vibrating to a certain level. It's like putting a hand on everything she can reach. Those. Are there vibrations of such a frequency in the body that high vibrations in this body “do not reach”? This creates the existence of something foreign in the body, as if someone else lives inside you besides you. You would never have known about the existence of this other, if not for the help of emotions. The existence of something within you that you do not know about is always accompanied by an emotional imbalance.

Manifestations of emotional imbalance:

- anxiety varying degrees severity,

- depression (general weakness and indifference to life).

How do you feel an emotional imbalance in your physical body:

- weakness, aggravated by the implementation of actions.

- insomnia (sleep disturbance, frequent awakenings at night, early awakening).

- decreased or increased appetite. Excessive addiction to certain foods.

- frequent shallow breathing, shortness of breath.

- cardiopalmus. Slowing the heart rate down to 40 beats per minute. The heart rate is in the range of 60-90 beats per minute.

- frequent urination.

Anxiety and depression are stages of a single process. The less energy a person has for the manifestation of emotions, the less anxiety and more and more depression manifests itself.

Anxiety is inherent in people with an active inner strength that has no application. Emotions are activated by inner strength. The less activity inner strength- the more pronounced the depression. No strength - no emotion. No emotion - no feeling. There is no feeling of your body - your life turns into the life of a mechanism.

How to restore emotional balance?

To restore emotional balance, there are three challenges to be solved.

First. Restore the sensitivity of the body.

You come together in groups for joint action. Restoring sensitivity is whole line actions that units can independently carry out. When you team up, you create a common group flow that everyone can take advantage of. Take advantage! To use it or not, to use it or just let it pass through yourself - only you decide. No one can force you to do something in the inner world!

And the first problem that you will face is that you do not see anything in the inner world, i.e. in meditation.

This blindness is inherent in many and is due to a lack of strength. Any energy system will help you see by activating power. Yoga, qigong, energy systems ( reiki, universal energy, cosmoenergy, Enri canals etc.). Practitioners with exercises use both the physical body and the subtle in their work, the use of symbols of energy systems involves the subtle bodies. Use whichever is more convenient for you.

Second problem. You see, but you don't know what.

On earth, the development of the mental body took place, the representative of which at the level of the physical body is the mind. The mind is a storehouse of words and thoughts. Samples from this warehouse are tailored to your needs. Indeed, at the beginning of any business, a thought appears first. Thought itself is neutral, but it is always a moving bundle of energy (after all, thoughts “run”, “spin”, “revolve” - you can often hear this in people's speech). Depending on where your attention "lives", inside or outside, the thought is directed either inward or outward.

If a thought is directed outward, it is looking for an object whose power it can direct to the need that is placed in this thought. If thought is directed inward, it goes to that internal program, which will carry out action to satisfy the need.

In the inner world, you always see symbol process, but every word is also symbol anything. And what you see in meditation can simply be called, i.e. attach the word. It will no longer be something incomprehensible, but something that has a name.

The mind has one more property - curiosity, i.e. we love to ask questions. There are different questions, but we will divide them into two large groups - questions, the answer to which you use in life, and questions that distract you from life. The question "How can I get rid of the pain there?" directs you to work with pain, and the question "Is there life on Mars?" will distract you from the pain.

Everything that you meet in the inner world is a symbol of the process. The item itself will tell you what you can do with it. For objects in our external reality have a clearly defined purpose. A glass is for drinking, an ax is for chopping, money is for purchases (exchange), bread is a universal food product, etc.

You will see images there. It doesn't matter if the image is familiar or unfamiliar - it reflects internal process contained within the energy. Everything that we have inside is the energy of different vibrations. Vibrations are difficult to see, to give names to processes, and we see symbols that we can “call” words.

You will see the elements. Water is purification. Fire is purification and filling. Earth is cleansing and deliverance.

You will see the elements of the tree. Roots, trunk, leaves, tree as a whole. It is a reflection of your life.

You solve the second problem by giving a name to the symbol.

Third problem. What to do with what you find in your inner world?

The name of the symbol does not solve the problem either internally or externally. But by "naming" the problem, you will know about its presence within you. Symbols in themselves are not problems, but they always represent a problem.

When you find something, the question is what to do with it. What to do? You live on the planet of elections. Take it or throw it away? Execute or pardon? Accept or banish? Offended or forgiven?

All your external actions reflect internal processes, i.e. as you do with what you find in life, you do the same with inner finds.

Everything that you find is to be "picked up" and held. If you don’t want to take it for yourself, look to whom you can give it.

Each inner image that is present inside is a program that performs certain actions within you. So ask what she does. What is the image that you found in meditation doing within you? Whether you need it or not, you will have to decide for yourself. In duality, you have something within you that pushes you to action and something that distracts you from them. Someone activates their ability to act, and someone distraction. These are your choices.

Each inner symbol holds a certain bunch of energy, waiting for you to need it (the bunch). Your use of this clot, inside or outside, "puts the puzzle in the mosaic" of your inner balance. When everything fits where it should go, chaos is replaced by structure. Organization is the process of building structure.

How to deal with this in the outside world? Track your every action, changing it in such a way that it benefits you personally, your body.

Astral Plane

Imagination is a luxury that quickly disappears at the slightest overwork. Astral Light is the realm of Imagination. A person with the power of his Reason creates a disturbance of the Astral Light, which is able to transform these forces into a form, to give them the appearance of the required picture. Every minute of waking, our thoughts, emotions and desires affect the Astral Light. We are constantly creating swirls of the field.

IMAGINATION or concentration of thought, concentration, - the ability to create Images. This is the condensation (holding and strengthening in Consciousness) of ideas into figurative representations or forms.

AESTHETIC IMAGINATION serves to satisfy some sense. Aesthetic pleasure is the result of the combination of feeling and Image.

FANTASY- this is when a person gives a new combination a new property. Fantasy is passive and active. Passive fantasy is when a person does not interfere in the process of changing ideas, the change of Images occurs regardless of Will. In active fantasy, a person chooses one or the other from the fantastic associations that have arisen. It contains some kind of feeling (fear, expectation, tenderness, love), which determines a series of Images corresponding to its nature or event. Fantasy does not tolerate the criticism of reason. Human Consciousness creates imprints of Thought Forms (Essence) from the Primary Matter of the Astral.

CREATIVE IMAGINATION- this is when a person reproduces Images not in the same order in which he met them in reality, but in a new combination. IMAGINATION, reproductive or re-creating - a detailed recreation of the experience (associated with memory).

IMPRESSION, clear perception, is produced from the sense organs if it encounters in the consciousness a kind of resonators in the form of remembered Images contained in it. An image is a copy of an impression. One Image is called up in our consciousness by another on the basis of an association. - bodily nature.
"Hugging and touching erogenous zones without clothes, a sexual act in the usual sense."
- bioenergetic nature.
"Joint dinner, dancing, gentle hugs in clothes, sitting on your knees."
How is your health?
- emotional nature.
"Joint emotional experience of a certain situation that affects both."
How is your mood?
- intellectual nature, Individual Will.
"Coordination of points of view on an extraneous topic."
What are you concerned about?
- moral, moral nature, Intention, INDIVIDUAL LOVE.
“A joint but non-binding trip to the theater, help with iron (car) repair”.
How are you?
- Spiritual Will.
"Heart-to-heart talk about life".
How are you doing?

Thin shelf- Atmanic Body, Buddhic Body, Causal Body.
Mental- Mental Body.
Dense shelf- Astral Body, Etheric Body, Physical Body.
The collection of the Astral, Mental and Causal Bodies is called the Social Body.


The Astral Body is a Synthetic Body, it is linear (experiences are consistent).
The manifestations of desires and emotions.
At the heart of the Productive Force is desire. Desire has tremendous potential power in relation to the phenomena of life. Desires can create the phenomena of life.

Astral Body Symbols:
1. Emotions;
2. Stream of experiences;
3. Energy of passions;
4. Instinctive perception.

The Astral Body is the second subtle clothing of the Physical Body. It is even more subtle in comparison with the Etheric body and is associated with emotions. This body approximately follows the contours of the Physical body. Its structure is more mobile than the structure of the Etheric body, and does not repeat the structure of the physical body. The second layer looks like a cloud of light in constant motion. From the surface of the skin Astral body it is 2.5 - 10 cm away. It represents continuously iridescent streams of multi-colored energy. In an unemotional person, it is uniformly colored in uniformly in terms of radiation intensity. In an excitable person, the Astral Body consists of energy clots and gaps, negative energies (anger, resentment, fear) correspond to burgundy-red, brown, gray, black, dirty spots and areas in the Aura. Radiation of light and pure colors correspond to positive, sublime emotions. The astral body penetrates into denser bodies, which it touches and surrounds. At times, a person throws out clots of light from the Astral body into the surrounding space.
The Astral Body is extremely flexible and capable of assuming any form. In it, some sensory sensations are perceived in the same way as in the material World, while others have no analogues.
The Astral is created by the Great Element Mother Earth. They take part in the creation of individual Astrals of all beings of the multidimensional planet: Demons, people, animals, Elemental Spirits, Daimons, Angels and Great Hierarchies when they descend into the Astral Worlds. Daniil Andreev.

The astral body is absent while the physical body is damaged, there is a favorable factor for correcting this damage in the future, and even for the sphere of pain. If, undergoing an injection, injury, etc., you managed to at least partially leave the physical body in the astral plane, then the damage inflicted was little transferred to the system of your astral plane, and the latter, returning to the body, quickly corrects everything. This finds application in the practice of fakirs, who pierce various parts of the body and quickly heal them with the energetic activity of the returned astral.

If, on the contrary, damage was caused to the astral (by the tip of a magic sword) while the astral left the physical body, that is, it used the physical body only to a small extent as a reference point, then this damage is dangerous for the astral body in the sphere of its lower manifestations, and therefore, in particular, in the sphere of the process of preserving and maintaining the physical body. Upon the return of the astral plane to the physical body, damage to the astral plane causes the formation of wounds in those parts of the physical body that were guarded by the activity of the system of this node. The lower the subplane in which the astral was, the more sensitive this damage.


Emotional life is a certain work that a person does within himself (transforming his Astral Body) and in the external world.
On the Astral Plane there are various Essences (zoomorphic), which, getting into the Astral Body, cause in it certain reactions that a person experiences as emotions. There are also emotions associated with inner life Astral Body.
The Astral Body must breathe: inhale - joy, exhale - silence and sorrow, sometimes sorrow.
There are four types of emotions:
a) positive; b) negative; c) dirty; d) illusory.

The severity of emotions is determined by the energy balance of the Astral Body: if it is depleted, any emotion is heavy, but if energetically, then most of the emotions are perceived as positive, and the rest as giving fullness to life.

Limiting emotional responses... Emotions of the middle level, which a person considers unworthy for himself, are displaced into the subconscious, accumulate there and begin to wander, becoming more and more coarse, until they break out in a striking and terrifying form of the person himself and those around him.

There are people who, considering themselves extremely emotionally vulnerable, make a lot of efforts to protect their Astral Body, and build for themselves a thick protective wall of indifference to everything that does not directly concern them. This wall not only becomes a source of antipathy among others, but also extremely weakens the Astral Body: it becomes frail, pampered and unprepared for the minimum necessary stress. Artificial limitation of one's emotions leads to a reduction in the energy and size of the Astral Body, as a result of which it is torn by the Etheric, depriving it of its protection and suffering itself at the same time.

Whatever the reasons for constant mental self-control, he abruptly cuts off emotional work organism, from which both the Astral and all other Bodies suffer, especially the Etheric and Mental. Instead of symbiosis, a war arises between the Astral and Mental Bodies: the Mental sets rigid boundaries and inappropriately controls emotional life, and the Astral in response devalues ​​mental activity, turning the mind into a flawed, embittered or desperate mind.

Emotional and unrestrained people... For people who are too emotional and unrestrained, the Astral Body is too large, energetic and chaotic, so it poses a danger (evil eye) to others, even with the best intentions of a person. Abundant emotions, constantly at the wrong time and out of place, overflowing, powerless to change anything for the better, but riveting everyone's attention to a person, are nothing more than astral garbage that others must constantly clean up after a person, if they do not want to live in an astral pigsty. “Yes, calm down, you don’t need to be so nervous and worried, everything will work out and work out, don’t dramatize what is happening” - such exhortations usually do not reach the goal, as they go on the Mental level. But adequate words stop the tantrum instantly, like an ice shower, but finding them is not so easy.

Sadness, mourning, sorrow- normal, although not always pleasant, but valuable states of the Astral Body, in which it performs a certain kind of work that brings important results.
People whose organism is designed for the weak energetics of the Astral Body - for them it is normal to have a somewhat lowered, outwardly even almost dull mood. Such a person may believe that he constantly receives something less from life, he has positive emotions weakly expressed.


He who has many vices has many rulers Kama-Rupa (the carrier of the Lower Manas) - the carrier and seat of animal instincts and passions in man.
Ukr. passion, blr. Strasts, Old Russian, Art Slav. passion πάθος, ὀδύνη (Sup.), Czech. strast "grief, suffering, sorrow", slvts. strаst᾽ - the same. In any case, it is associated with suffering (see), from strad-tь. Among the types of non-sentence-abstracted adverbs, correlated with the forms of a noun, an unproductive group of colloquial adverbs, correlated with the nominative-accusative case of a noun and having a bright emotional and qualitative coloring: death, horror, passion, fear (often in combination with how) in the meaning : `very strong '(compare in the same meaning: scary, terrible, hellish, damn, devilish, madly, and some others).
For example: “I’m terrified as jealous” (Pushkin), “Ivan Ivanovich ... the fear went away and lay down to rest” (Gogol), “When they happened to stay, Masha felt terrified” (Turgenev, “Breter”), “And fun I am afraid of hearing about pounds and ranks "(Griboyedov," Woe from Wit "). “I want to drink death”, “Death was ridiculous for him himself” (Leskov, “Soborians”). “When she doesn’t say anything stupid or nasty, but is beautiful, then now you can assure yourself that she’s a miracle how smart and moral” (L. Tolstoy, “The Kreutzer Sonata”) (about the spread of emotional dialects, like what a clever passion, etc.). n in feminine, see Jespersen O. Die Sprache, ihre Natur usw, 1925, pp. 233-234). A. V. Popov - in accordance with his general views on the genesis of two-term and three-term sentences - deduced the origin of these adverbs from the merger of two sentences into one: He beats death (he beats death) initially means: He beats so that death can occur " . He loves fear (passion, horror) means: `He loves so much that it becomes scary (fear, horror)" (Syntactic research, p. 89).

Passion gives rise to lust and exactingness. There are painful aspects of desire - ineradicable habits, greed, blind ambition, endless inner hunger, the desire to devour, devour everything and everyone.
God gives Himself; the anti-God principle seeks to absorb everything. That is why it is, above all, a vampire and a tyrant.

When we start naming the demons of passion, we can find the particularly difficult side of desire — the lustful and demanding mind. When a demanding mind first arises, we may not recognize it as a demon, because we often find ourselves forgotten in its temptations. Demanding is characteristic of the "hungry spirit" - a spirit with a huge belly and a tiny mouth the size of a pinhead, so that this spirit is never able to eat enough to satisfy its endless needs. When this demon, this difficulty, arises, just call it "demand" or "lust" and start exploring its power over your life. When we look at demanding, we experience that part of ourselves that is never satisfied, which always says: "If I had a little more of this and that, it would make me happy" - meaning some other relationship, some other job, a more comfortable pillow, less noise, more coolness or more warmth, more money, a longer sleep last night, "then I would be satisfied."

The desire to possess gives rise to the fear of losing

The Apostle John says: "There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear, because in fear there is torment; he who fears is not perfect in love."
A strong desire to receive something gives rise to bitter disappointment when the object of passion slips away. As long as you desire something very much, you will not get it. Precisely because you want it too much. Along with a strong desire, there is always fear. Fear of not getting what you want. That is why passionate, sometimes fanatical desires are not fulfilled. A person who is delirious with the dream of big money will most often spend his life in poverty.

SCANDES- the vices that create negative Elementals. After the death of the Physical Body, after the purification of the Astral Body in the Lower Astral, they crystallize in the Astral Light and when a person returns to a new life, due to kinship (Karma), they are attracted to the purified Astral Body of a person and return to life. They instill in the new Astral Body their old desires and habits, from which a person will have to get rid of during a new life.
The most harmful Thought-forms work at frequencies associated with the passions of spiritually undeveloped people.

More stable Entities - LYARVY- these are energetic beings (Images), born by humans in the form of energy balls of different sizes, which are in the Aura of a person. These are his inner desires, which are born under the influence of a force coming from the outside (for example: temptations, social addictions, harmful traditions and vices of society, excessive hobbies, satisfaction of their natural or supernatural needs). These are Images saturated with passions, lust.
Larva - unconscious densely formed astral Images-vampires. They have a semblance of Consciousness. In order to prolong their existence, they kindle passions related to them in people and at the same time draw on the energy of the Astral Body, de-energizing a person, depriving him of energy. Harmful Thought-forms work at frequencies associated with the passions of spiritually undeveloped people. Attracting to a person, Larva keep him in an enslaved state.
An Essence, which is the result of someone else's magical activity, can stick to a person on the Astral Level. This Essence will suck astral energy from a person.

"FIRE" feed on the energy of emotions, long-term passion, unrequited love, resentment, etc. In dreams, they assume the appearance of parents, brothers and sisters, loved ones. They can be identified by the orange-scarlet light with which they are illuminated, as well as by how abruptly a person wakes up after meeting them, wakes up completely overwhelmed, often with a cry of pain and fright. Fire flames are not a product of our subconscious, they are predatory creatures that hunt for certain energies.

"FOXES" in dreams they look like a strange cross between reddish dogs and foxes, sometimes taking on a human appearance, but with fox features and ambiguous intentions. When communicating with them, the prevailing sensation is forgery, substitution, delusion, sticky fear. Seers perceive them as a wavering, luminous, drop-like shape, similar to the flame of a candle, but with a cut off top and a simplified, in comparison with a human, internal luminous structure. The fox is attracted to human mental garbage - the shapeless remnants of our emotional life, with which we do not part in time: fears, suspicions, resentments, hidden anger, unfulfilled sexual desires. Foxes have the ability to magnetize our will in the direction of sexual desire. They are capable of generating deep affection that destroys a person's entire life. They feed on the energy of attachment and love, but they cannot generate it themselves.
Some cases of mental impact on a person have an external source. There are people who consciously (or unconsciously) extract mental Essences from their Aura and direct them to another person. If they are not perceived by the object to which they are directed in due time, then due to the Cosmic Law they will return back.
Human moral nature is too flawed and weak to immediately achieve high degree moral life, conquering all kinds of passion. Therefore, we must overcome them gradually and achieve moral perfection, starting from a low level, and then go higher and higher.
Cm. .

3.6. Astral - Buddhic Body.
For a mentally oriented person, it is extremely difficult for a modern person to perceive his emotions as something not accidental, and even more so to recognize the existence and value of his Astral Body, but still in critical situations, for example, an exacerbation of neurosis, he is able to consider his emotional problems and the imperfection of the Astral Body as a negative value and join a serious program to overcome it, say, go to psycho-training courses.
The life of an astral-oriented person is his great value and therefore is substantially represented in the Buddhic Body, but this circumstance is repressed into the subconscious.

3.7. Astralo - Atmanic Body.
"Feelings are from God; if He sends me joy, I rejoice, if grief - I grieve, and this does not depend on me."
The forms of emotional cognition are religion and cognition of one's Spirit and God.
Majestic temples, magnificent clothes of priests and priests, solemn services, processions, singing, music - all this is aimed at emotionally attuning a person, to evoke certain feelings in him. The same goal is pursued by religious myths, legends, biographies, prophecies - they all act on the imagination, on the feelings.

The third body (form or shell) is the emotional or astral body. This more subtle vibration is formed by the emotions, feelings, desires and passions of a person and appears to especially sensitive observers in the form of a glow or an aura that surrounds a person and continuously changes its intensity and color depending on the strength and nature of emotions.

Low (animal) emotions and passions cause coarse vibrations of the aura, coloring it in dirty red or gray-brown tones. High and noble feelings of kindness, compassion and love are accompanied by pure shades of blues, blues and purples.

As a product of uncontrollable nervous activity and instinctive impulses, this shell, apparently, is not always urgently needed, moreover, at low stages of development, it can pose a danger to humans and others, forming negative vibrations of anger, hatred, fear.

This shell, influencing more subtle bodies and vibrations, as a rule, always distorts the truth and is an obstacle on the Higher Spiritual Path.

It should be noted that here, along with the etheric body, most human diseases arise and develop. It is believed that this body also continues to exist after the death of the physical body for 7-9 days, and then dissipates (disintegrates).

You should try to cleanse the emotional body as much as possible from time to time, and it is better if you do not pollute it at all, which is a very difficult task, but very doable. Just don't understand that cleansing the emotional body frees one from all emotions and turns a person into an insensitive and impassive being.

The essence of the question is as follows: to whom, when, under what circumstances, which emotions are needed, and which ones are better to get rid of; when do emotions help and when do they harm?

Even Hans Selye, developing his theory of the body's adaptive response (the theory of emotional stress), came to the conclusion that any emotional impact, positive or negative, causing an adaptive (adaptive) response of the body, is always accompanied by stress.

Stress is always undesirable, it is a physiological shock, it always upsets the balance and balance in the body, its endocrine, immune and nervous status. As long as stress is brief or does not exceed a protective threshold, it is harmless (although undesirable), but if one of these conditions is not met, it can become destructive or include illness.

Emotions of fear, anxiety and despair are especially dangerous.

Fear can kill quickly and easily by stopping life processes or triggering an inadequate catastrophic response; prolonged anxiety and despair usually act more covertly, causing various serious illnesses.

“Always rely on a joyful state of mind. Let this become one of the fundamental laws of your life. When faced with negative, find something positive in it; search and you will find. By focusing on the negative and exaggerating the negative, you create hell for yourself! " (Bhagavan Shri Rajnesh. Gift of Atisha).

“In all evil find positive and possible good. Eliminate in your thoughts the possibility of grief, unhappiness, harm. Eliminate fear! There is no evil - it is only a test of your capabilities and a new step to perfection "(Swami Ramayanda. Laya Yoga).

What should you do to be healthy?

Here are the basic rules:

Constantly control and cleanse your emotional body, while:

  • do not allow any negative emotions (fear, anger, despondency, doubt, envy, apathy);
  • not want material wealth and wealth; do not strive for what you can do without;
  • not to engage in unnecessary and insignificant affairs for a long time (observing low spectacles, gambling, empty talk, feasts, excessive sex).

The astral body is the second energy body and is also called the emotional body. This body carries all our emotions and also contains all the characteristics of our nature. It is directly affected by emotions and influences them itself. When a person is not particularly mature emotionally and spiritually, one can imagine his astral body as a kind of cloudy cloud moving in different directions. The more mature a person is in his feelings, thoughts and character traits, the more transparent and more definite in form the astral body will look.

Astral body structure

The aura of the astral body has an oval shape and surrounds the body at a distance of 30-40 cm. Any change in emotions, any state of emotional imbalance extends to the entire aura through the astral body. This process is carried out mainly by the chakras and to a lesser extent by the pores of the skin. Externally emotional condition a person manifests itself in the environment, and it is easy to tell with our senses when a person is angry, upset, agitated or discouraged, even if he looks calm on the outside. Susceptible people easily recognize the impact on the environment of other people's unbalanced emotional projections; some feel anxious and uncomfortable around someone with negative emotions. Especially sensitive people they are able to feel this even when a person is calm and serene, but still carries residual unfavorable emotions from previous events.

The astral aura is in constant motion. Since the main traits of a person's character are expressed in the aura with the help of primary colors, the astral aura can change depending on the feelings and emotional status of a person. Negative emotions such as anger, sadness, fear and anxiety are expressed by dark colors and spots on the surface of the aura. On the contrary, when a person is in love, happy, joyful, confident in himself and in his surroundings, he feels courage, bright, variegated, “pure”, shining colors appear on his aura.

We can say that of all auras, the astral one most energetically affects the general perception of a person, the reality in which he lives.

"Composition" of the astral body

The astral body contains all repressed emotions; conscious and unconscious fears and experiences associated with feelings of rejection, loneliness; aggressiveness, lack of self-confidence. This emotional mass transmits its vibrations to the world through the astral body, sending unconscious signals to the universe.

This is very important - those messages that we, willingly or unwillingly, send to the world through the astral body, bring a certain reality into our life. Ultimately, we get exactly what we send. If we radiate negative emotions, we attract unpleasant events to ourselves, thereby realizing (consciously or unconsciously) pessimistic prophecies that primarily attract these events. The energy vibrations we emit attract similar energy vibrations from environment... Therefore, we are repeatedly faced with situations, events or people that are a mirror image of what we suppress in ourselves, what we fear or what we want to get rid of.

Meanwhile, the situation of "mirror" meetings with people around us or with events taking place in our life, performs a certain function. Those emotions that we did not throw out, and that remain in our astral body, are constantly in a state of desire to disappear. When we often encounter events or people that act as mirrors for us, we get another opportunity to get rid of the accumulated emotions. When we consciously seek to cope with these emotions, we again find ourselves in a situation that mirrors our unresolved internal conflicts - but now we courageously confront the current situation and try to wisely resolve it, so these feelings may well disappear and leave our emotional body.

The mental body and the intelligent thoughts contained in it have a certain influence on the astral body, but it is relatively small. Just as the subconscious can create own system laws and regulations, the astral and emotional bodies also operate according to their own laws. This can be seen in the example of a person who repeatedly repeats to himself that there is no reason to be afraid of cockroaches that run on the floor. Only in very rare cases such repetitions have any noticeable effect on the fear that the person is experiencing.

Reasonable thought has the ability to direct external behavior, but it does not have a noticeable effect on the subconscious, except through the use of various mantras, affirmations, positive thinking, which directly appeal to the subconscious and change the previously established stereotypes.

In the emotional body, we find all the old beliefs and emotional clichés that we have accumulated between childhood and growing up. Old childhood grievances live here, as well as emotions associated with a feeling of rejection, our own worthlessness, and other unfavorable ideas that we have formed about ourselves. These old cliches again and again collide with the world of our consciousness.

For example, a conflict when a person seeks to love and be loved, but cannot understand what prevents this. Why doesn't love come into his life, or why does it pass him by again? It is very likely that a subconscious belief that he is not worthy of love or is incapable of love - and this belief may have formed in early childhood or even in infancy - is ingrained in his astral body.

Life and the rebirth of emotions

However, such a situation is not formed and is not resolved only during the current life. Feelings that have not found a way out, unresolved emotional conflicts and the imprints they leave on our life and on our environment (through our worldview and our behavior), pass with us into subsequent incarnations until they are resolved. This happens because our emotional body does not decompose at the death of the physical body, but passes into the next body, into the next incarnation. Moreover, the accumulated unresolved problems can largely predetermine the form of our subsequent incarnation and the conditions in which our life will proceed.

When we internalize these laws of the Universe, we understand that in fact our destiny is in our own hands... We cannot blame events, and of course we cannot blame other people, because we ourselves have made it so that these events happened to us, thanks to the emotional mass that has accumulated in our emotional body during our current life or we got from previous incarnations ...

Most of the emotional complexes are concentrated in the solar plexus chakra area. Through this chakra, we emotionally respond to what we encounter in life.

If we want to rationally comprehend the emotions that rage within us, we need to stimulate the third eye chakra, which characterizes the highest form of manifestation of the astral body, so that we can be able to penetrate the contents of the solar plexus chakra.

However, even after we rationally comprehend the hidden and previously unconscious feelings that are raging in us, we must open our hearts and change the prevailing stereotypes through conscious behavior. To do this, we need to stimulate and open the heart and crown chakras. When our heart is open and we are guided and guided by the universal mind, we can make significant adjustments in ourselves in this incarnation and greatly influence the astral body. We can begin to notice and understand a lot of what is happening to us, as well as learn from it.

When a person's developed state of awareness and connection with the superego (Higher Self) forces the frequencies of his spiritual body to connect with the frequencies of his astral (emotional) body, the frequencies of his astral body become higher and higher. The more they grow, the more the astral body unravels the "tangles" of unfavorable emotions, unresolved conflicts and negative life experience.

The second level of awareness is the emotional body. The emotional body is related to the etheric body, but we will discuss the etheric body later. This level deals with the basic problems of the emotional body: desire, will, strength, and sexuality.

Emotions are the bridge between mind and body. They are felt by both, but controlled either by the mind or directly by the soul. Of all levels of being, the emotional body is the most misunderstood. This is a tester who investigates life. 90% of all physical illness occurs in the emotional body.

"Negative" emotions

In fact, emotions are neither positive nor negative. All experiences of life are neutral. It is the mind that sees the experience as positive or negative. Every emotion is just energy in motion. Emotions are energetic experiences of varying intensity. If they feel uncomfortable in the body, this is a sign of an imbalance somewhere. If instead of judging the uncomfortable sensation, you investigate it, it will always contain a healing message.

We all have our ups and downs. This is true even for people who claim to be always in a state of bliss. It's just that their ups and downs are less pronounced. Emotional fluctuations become a problem when they dominate consciousness. This means that the person is stuck in an emotional body and unable to balance with other levels of the being.

Some people seem to be in a state of continual depression, anger, frustration, guilt, or anxiety. Most of the methods that teach how to get rid of these feelings do not get to the heart of the problem. This happens because we do not see the general picture of what is happening.

Basically, negative emotion is a reaction to something in our mind. It can be triggered by an event in our lives, or it can surface from a layer of programming or limitation in the subconscious mind. If we react to something with uncomfortable emotions, it is usually because we have internal programming or beliefs that are not in harmony with the current situation.

When we feel negativity, we can express the feeling or suppress it. When we express negativity, it usually exposes the layer of repressed material directly below it and provides an opportunity for understanding and healing something from our past. If we suppress negativity, it adds to the existing layers of programming in the subconscious or creates a new layer on top of the layers already existing in the consciousness.

Emotions can be felt but not expressed if we find their expression inappropriate. This keeps them in awareness, and they do not add to the layers of the subconscious. But they are not released until they find a way out for expression.

Suppression occurs when a sensation is judged undesirable. If we push emotions into the subconscious, they remain in awareness, and, it would seem, we manage to avoid the feeling of discomfort. However, the real price we pay for this is enormous. During suppression, the part of consciousness that receives the suppressed emotion becomes unusable for something else. Now her constant job is to hold the sensation until it comes to the surface and is released.

The key to integrating emotions (aligning the emotional body with the rest of the self so that it works in harmony) is to always love and accept your emotions and find the proper means of expressing them. In a society with strict moral rules and conventions, this is not easy. It's usually better to risk an inappropriate expression than to be overwhelmed with feelings.

Suppressing emotions creates energetic blockages in the body. Energy vitality cannot move to areas of the body where emotions are stuck. Gradually, the organs in these areas begin to malfunction and weaken. Aging and most chronic illnesses are always the result of problems in the emotional body.

Emotional energy has been found to be stored in cells, affecting RNA / DNA structure and chemical composition body. You can release emotions from cells through psychotherapy, rebirthing, meditation and other training.

No healing will be permanent as long as the free expression of emotions is not allowed. However, mere expression does not integrate emotion. There must be acceptance and understanding.

Let's take a closer look at Figures 3.1 and 3.2. The first container (Figure 3.1) shows a carbonated liquid with bubbles. Bubbles represent layers of historical emotion content and repressed emotions in consciousness. Each bubble column indicates one type of programming and limitation. As long as the content of the emotion remains unconscious, it continues to build up and intensify until it finally enters the levels of consciousness. If the entire subconscious is filled with repressed emotional material, the bubbles have nowhere to go but outside. Exit can take the form of uncontrolled emotional outbursts or inappropriate behavior, depending on the type of emotional suppression. Chapter 4 goes into the details of the origin of destructive programs and belief systems.

Often, when you look at emotional turmoil, bubbles can only be seen on the surface, everything else is in deeper layers. By being aware of the pressure cooker process, it is possible to bring the bubbles to the surface and consciously burn them (expressing emotions constructively).

It is possible to clear the subconscious of destructive programs using various psychological processes and ways of emotional expression. This usually takes a significant amount of time and requires a tremendous commitment to personal healing.

If the layers of repressed material are successfully integrated, positive automatic responses can be programmed into those layers of the subconscious that were previously occupied by negative emotions. The second container shows how the subconscious mind can be used for personal growth.