"Scythy" - a combat laser station. Combat orbital Station "SKIF" (USSR) Spacecraft Pole

Preface: recently stumbled upon the photo of an unknown Russian "black rocket". As a result, it was possible to find out the incredible facts about this "black rocket" and that in fact, this is for the project. It turns out that there was a valid secret development of a combat cosmic laser station. By the way, this development is considered the first and only one in the world, which was successfully brought to the orbit of the Earth (according to official information. But since such projects in most cases are classified and developed by many countries, it would be not surprising if there may be such stations in orbit The only copy and perhaps not only the Russians, and maybe now they fly over you, but these are thoughts out loud ...)

The "black rocket" shown in the photo is the largest Soviet Space Apparatus "Pole" (he "SKIF-DM" - the world's first combat cosmic laser station).

Project "Scyth

As it was possible to find out the "black rocket" shown in the photo is the largest Soviet Space Actuator "Pole" (he "SKIF-DM", he is 17f19DM, he is the world-2, he is the first combat space station in the world). And and this project is almost completely worked out and is considered very successful. Here you have cosmic lasers! It turns out all this already in the years of the USSR. The right only now many developments began to discover the public, but as they say better late than never ...

What is known:

Laser orbital platform "Scythian" it "black rocket"

The laser orbital platform began to be developed in the USSR back in the late 1970s. The Scyth program was to be the answer to the Americans developed by Americans (a strategic defense initiative, also known as "Star Wars".)

At the same time, understanding the difficulty of interception of the MBR combat units, the Soviet scientists were developed by the "Scythian", first of all, as a means of destroying American spacecraft, so as not to let them intercept our ICBMs. (But, of course, this is not all the functions that the laser orbital platform should have been performed.)

It is known that for the laser orbital platform in JSC "Design Bureau of Himavtomatics", a gas-dynamic CO2 Laser GDL RD0600 with a capacity of 100 kW and dimensions of 2140x1820x680 mm was developed. It is worth noting that this laser by 2011 passed a full cycle of stand testing.

By the way, it suggests that the "Peresvet" fighting laser about which he also spoke about, Russian president, Vladimir Putin, has a well-founded foundation, which is still made by outstanding Soviet scientists. It is worth treating all respects and to the Russian scientist, after all, they continued the tradition of Soviet developments and as a result, now we have a combat laser, which is rolled up with a nuclear reactor for a pulse.

the battle laser complex "Peresvet" is able to hit the opponent's aviation

Achievement that has become a sensation for world cosmonautics.

Rocket carrier energy before start.

In May 1987, this start was watching the whole world, the launch became a sensation for world cosmonautics. In its first flight, the carrier rocket has carried energy as a payload that the secret experimental apparatus "Skif" (it is "black rocket"). The mass of the cosmic tandem is more than 100 tons, for comparison, the carrying capacity of American "shuttles" was 3 times less. There is even a small video fragment of a rocket energy and a "Scyth" machine:

The Energy-Scyth Complex has successfully passed all the tests, both on the polygons and on the cosmodrome itself, namely ground and flights, but for a successful start, few people were calculated. But the launch was held in regular mode with minimal errors. Those tools that have been spent on this car are essentially not gone to the gift. The world has stopped the arms race in space, for example, satellites that would destroy other satellites, simply put "Star Wars". By the way, after this, the Americans could not run such a big payload. The maximum for which they were capable is, it is for the launch of 30 tons on the "shuttle", the constructor Alexander Markin says.

Cause of creation.

The Soviet Union in the late eighties lagged behind the Americans in the development of laser weapons. The United States had about 8 aircraft carriers who could hit any target of the enemy. The project "Scythy" put a fat point in the arms race, the layout of the spacecraft was equipped with a laser gun, which gave him the status of a strategic fighter of military destination.

Before the Soviet Union, it was necessary to urgently create such a weapon, which could have a priority over the enemy, but at the same time the most important task was that this weapon could protect our territories in those years. If necessary, the weapon should have been able to be able to apply a powerful retaliatory strike, tells the main dispatcher of the TsSKB "Progress" in 1987 Alexander Lunev.

Fuel tanks, framework elements, housing and other parts of "energy" were manufactured at the TSSKB "Progress". For the factory, it was the largest order in history, the scale of construction was struck even the experienced rocket students.

The design is really very big, because, only the diameter of the product was almost 8 meters. The tank of fuel is a total of 29 meters between the sparkmosts! This is a tremendous structure, if you talk about the rocket, explains the head of production of the NO 233 shop in 1987. Peter Pedchinko.

Rocket carrier energy.

Peter Pedchenko in 1987 was the head of production, followed the technological process of manufacturing details and testing: "with water, fire and cold." Each test for Kuibyshev factory workers was to work out the latest technologies that had to be developed in fact.

Now in 233 desert shop, and 25 years ago, the work here was not a joke. After all, there was a challenge, to have time to get ahead of Americans in a short time and declare space capabilities for the whole world. (Yeah, the Soviet capabilities were still much more than now, and imagine for a second? If the USSR did not fall apart and the space race continued? Where could we be?)

All this was in this case until the very end, and it was sometimes very difficult to walk! Because it came here, and then you need to go there. Here, thank God, almost half a kilometer of the corps, recalls Peter Pedchinko, looking with sadness on this body.

After entering the orbit, the Scythian separated from the rocket carrier, but it was necessary to serve it for a short time, the 80-ton apparatus in space could provoke other countries and unleash the war. Soviet specialists decided to flood the layout of the spacecraft in the Pacific, and after a year and a half, the Energy Barehouse Rocket brought the orbital ship of the reusable use "Buran" into space. By the way, he made his flight on November 15, 1988 in automatic unmanned mode. And this in those years !!!

But alas, this flight became the last, the collapse of the Soviet Union caused the cosmic program closed. In space, money decided not to invest anymore. But still it is worth noting that those two starts first with a spaceship layout "Skiff" and then with a cosmoplane "Buran" raised the Soviet Union for many years, and then Russia for leading positions in ospace. Of course, today's successes are blown before the scale that were during the USSR. However, there is hope that Russia will still be able to return to himself at the real title of "Space Power". According to Vladimir Putin, Russian scientists are developing, which will finally send piloted missions to the Moon and Mars!

At this story, "Skif" could be considered complete, but many experts agree on the opinion that these developments continue to develop, improve and no one abandoned the cosmic combat laser station. As experts say at the right time and at the right hour, these developments will be known to the general public, because as said in March 2018, V. Putin about new types of weapons "Just so far is not yet time." But no one also believed when Putin, made a statement back in 2004 that Russia was developing weapons on new physical principles, but then we all remember the peace reaction on Putin's statements and the fact that Russia has a hypersonic weapon. So there is something to think about!

"Scythy" against hedgehogs

The laser orbital platform began to be developed in the USSR in the late 1970s. The Scyth program was to be a response to the Americans developed by Americans. At the same time, understanding the difficulty of interception of the combat units of the ICBM, Soviet scientists were developed by the "Scythian" in the first place, as a means of destroying American spacecraft (yes, yes the most "Escaliburov", about which it was above), so as not to give them to intercept our ICBMs.

It was decided to establish a carbon dynamic laser with a capacity of 1 MW, developed by one of the branches of the Atomic Energy Institute. I.V. Kurchatova. and tested at A-60 Aviation Laser Complex.

A-60 Aviation Laser Complex (He "IL-76LL with BL")

Spacecraft designed to install a megawatny laser with IL-76LL with BL, received a designation 17F19D "SKIF-D". The letter "D" indicated "demonstration". It also comes across an infirmation that the continuous gas-dynamic carbon dioxide laser RD0600 was supposed to be installed on the Scythian carbon dioxide laser, but 100 kW.

August 27, 1984 Minister of General Engineering OD Baklanov signed an order N343 / 0180 on the creation of 17F19D "SKIF-D".
The first launch in the "SKIFA-D" orbit should be held in the second quarter of 1987.

"SKIF-D" was primarily an experimental CA, on which not only the laser should be worked out, but also some regular systems of the following apparatus created under the Soviet Soybean program. These were separation and orientation systems, a motion control system, a power supply system, an onboard complex control system.

Estimated appearance "Skif-D" on duty

Creating "Skif" constructors have encountered a bunch of new technical problems for them.
First, it was completely unclear whether a gas-dynamic laser on carbon dioxide gas can be completely launched in orbit. To deal with this problem at the factory. M.V. Chrunichlyova was decided to create a special test booth. The stand occupied a huge territory and included four 20-meter vertical cylindrical evacuation towers, two 10-meter ballbuts for storing cryogenic components, a branched network of large diameter pipelines.
Problems were with a laser power supply system. Very complicated system control system "Skif-D". After all, it had to produce a rotary head and all the apparatus on the target, while compensating out of the perturbation from the operation of the generators, from the exhaust of gases from the laser ( turbogenerators had large moving parts, and the gas was so heat so much that it was required to burst,influenced the movement of the spacecraft, making the laser extremely inaccurate), Yes, and from the turns themselves very heavy, but at the same time a very fast rotating head of the compartment of special equipment.

Already in 1985 it was clear that one test start can only be used to work out all these auxiliary systems. Therefore, it was decided to bring the "SKIF-D1" product to the orbit without a combat laser, and only the "SKIF-D2" fully equip the "special complex".

Scythian DM + Energy

The Scythian was developed in parallel with the new carrier rocket "energy" designed to eliminate a weight of up to 100 tons into orbit.
In mid-1985, it was decided to redo the stand pH 11K25 "Energy" N6C to the flight (the carrier number has changed by 6sl) and run in 1986
The question of the payload for this launch. We decided to use this launch in the interests of the "Scythian" topic and demanded a dimensional-weight layout (GMM) from the KB.
In the KB "Salute" decided to establish all the regular "SKIFA-D" at that time at that time to work in space at that time. So I saw the light project of the "SKIF-D Macinal" apparatus or 17F19DM "SKIF-DM"who received another name - Pole.

The flight instance of ka 17f19DM "SKIF-DM" received onboard number 18201 followed by 17f19d "SKIF-D" No. 18101, which was even conceived before, but now it was necessary to start it later. Outwardly, both devices had a lot in common, with the exception of the rotary head of the compartment of special equipment. 17F19DM consisted also of two modules: a functional-service unit (FSB) and a target module (CM), had a length of 36.9 meters, the maximum diameter of 4.1 meters, a mass of 77 tons together with the head FSB.
In the target module "Skif-DM", experimental installations were placed for applied and geophysical experiments (while CM SKIFA-D was to carry tanks with carbon dioxide and two turbogenerators that ensure the laser operation).

"SKIF-D" had to bear not alone, but two laser.
The guidance of the device for the goal was carried out in two stages.
First, for rough guidance, an onboard radar station was used (BRLS). Then the accurate guidance was then carried out using a low-power laser for this. Created to sleep Kazan on "Radio Corporation" - leading to the USSR firm for identification systems. For the processing of data from BRLS and SNA and the joint work of these systems with the executive bodies of the movement control system to the SKIFA-DM Court, Argon-16 is similar to the same BTVM on the basic block of the Mir station.

For testing, it was decided to use separated targets (such as inflatable balls and corner reflectors). Barium plasmogenerators were installed on inflatable targets to simulate the operation of cylindic rocket engines and satellites. The work of plasmogenerators was decided to officially declare as a geophysical experiment on the study of the interaction of artificial plasma formations with the earth's ionosphere, and shooting targets for sleep - as testing a promising system of rapprochement and docking. Although, the development of a new docking system, in which the device did not climb into the targets, and vice versa - she shoot them out, it would have looked very strange from the outside. This was already some kind of "promising system of dusting."

Full move was "Perestroika". She also passed the program for the development of an orbital laser.
Laundered M.S. Gorbachev began to affect the theme of the "Peace Cosmos" and the State Commission on the "SKIFA-DM" start, fearing compromising the "peacekeeping statements" of the country's leadership, the test program was significantly cut - all the shootings of targets, trials of the BRLS and SNU, the xenon-crypton gas mixture will be canceled Through a system of a timeless exhaust (SBI).

Based on these political decisions, the State Commission on the "Skif-DM" launch in February 1987 canceled all targeted targets in the flight of the device in the program of the device, the xenon-crypton gas mixture can be released through the SBI.
We decided only to bring the "Skif-DM" into orbit, and in a month to bring it into the atmosphere over the deserted area of \u200b\u200bthe Pacific Ocean. What would think in the USA about such a huge, but silent device - it is difficult to say. Perhaps there would be no less suspicion than in the case of a shooting target and gas clouds.
In the test program, only ten most "harmless" experiments were left: four military-applied and six geophysical.

On May 15, 1987, the device started from the Baikonur cosmodrome. Two steps of "energy" worked successfully. After 460 seconds after the start, Scythian DM separated from the carrier rocket at an altitude of 110 kilometers. Tests new PH "Energy" ended successfully! But with the displayed apparatus, it was not so "smooth".
The turning maneuver of the Pole spacecraft 1800 on the pitch and to the same 900 on the roll, as provided for by the ship orientation program, was fulfilled. However, the calculated process of "turning" due to an error embedded in the layout flight program did not stop, but continued. At the expense, the marching motor installation was automatically included, which was supposed to inform the Space Actuate an additional speed of about 60 m / s, and to derive it to orbit with a height of 280 km.
As a result, Scythian DM did not come to a given orbit and fell in the Pacificistic trajectory in the Pacific Ocean.
Despite this, according to the evaluation specified in the report, more than 80% of the planned experiments managed to execute.

Other "Scythians".

"Skiff-DM" and "SKIF-D2" (the second is already a full-fledged combat vehicle) were followed by the Scyth-DM layout.

Then planned to 17f19s "Skif-Stiletto". It was going to establish a 1K11 "Stiletto" laser complex, developed at the Astrophysics NGO.
"Stiletto" for 17f19c was a space version of the ground "style" (I mentioned it earlier), already created and passing in the 80s. Ground "Stiletto" was not intended to destroy or destroy the enemy's technique - this simply did not allow the atmosphere and energy. Lasers were intended to withdraw the sights and sensors of optical devices. On Earth, the use of "Style" was ineffective. In space, due to the vacuum, the radius of its action increased significantly. "Stiletto - cosmic" could be used as an anticipate agent. After all, the failure of the optical sensors of the enemy spacecraft was equal to the death of the satellite.
To increase the efficiency of the "Style" in space, a special telescope was developed. In September 1986, the electric operating layout "Style" was manufactured by NPO "Astrophysics" and put in the CB "Salute" for testing. In August 1987, a stand prototype of a telescope casing was made.

In the future, it was planned to develop a whole family of various hard-class devices. A unified space complex 17f19U "Skif-y" was planned ... But the "Perestroika" put a fat cross on the Scythian program. On the hand of the opponents of Skif played and unsuccessful withdrawal into the orbit of the Pole.

In September 1987, work on the topic 17F19D in the CB "Salut" and the factory them. Khrunichev were suspended, but never resumed. And by 1989, financing the topic of heavy combat orbital stations was completely discontinued.

In 1988, KB "Salute" proposed a project of a heavy production module (TMP) based on the basis of the devices 17F19DM, 17F19D and 17F111. With the starting mass of 101.9 T, its orbit mass would be 88 tons, of which 25 taver had to produce technological equipment for production under microgravity (10-5 - 10-6g) expensive semiconductor materials and crystals with a geometrically perfect crystal lattice. The device was planned to establish thermoelectric furnaces of the "crater" type, tested on the module "Crystal" of the orbital complex "Peace". To power the furnaces on TMP, it was planned to establish large solar panels with a total area of \u200b\u200b500 m2, borrowed from the device 17F111 "Cascade". The delivery of consumable materials on the TMP was possible both ships of the "Union" and "progress" and a multi-sized aerospace system Max. The TMP project was considered over a number of years, but it was not approved.

More details (so many letters!) On the Scyth program you can read.

At this story, "Skif" could be considered complete, however, it can be assumed that some continuation in the 90s she received.
The first component of the preparing for launch international Space Station (ISS) was a Russian module called "Zarya"Also known as the functional cargo block. The device was built in the mid-90s under the contract with NASA by enterprising engineers at the factory. Khrunichev, who were laid in time and in the budget. The main purpose of the dawn was to supply the station of electricity and carry out its orbital correction - the same role that the Skif functional block was supposed to be performed. Some Soviet researchers believe that "Zarya" began its life as a backup apparatus originally created for the Polyus program. All they needed to do is to erase dust from the old, but completely suitable equipment, or even just with the drawings, and this could definitely help to meet the production schedule for the construction of a space station module during the economic chaos, which reigned in Russia to the nineties.

1. http://military.tomsk.ru/blog/topic-353.html
2. http://pvo.guns.ru/abm/a135-01.htm
3. Magazine "Popular Mechanics" No. 10 (№84) 2009.

Start playground Specifications Weight

77 t (without modules)


length: 37 m, diameter: 4.1 m

"Pole" (SKIF-DM., product 17F19DM) - spacecraft, dynamic layout (DM) combat laser orbital platform "Scythian", payload used during the first launch of the energy missile "Energy" in 1987.

History of creation

Orbital Platform "Scyth

"Scythian" - The project of a combat laser orbital platform weighing over 80 tons, the development of which began at the end of the 1970s in the NGO "Energy" (in 1981, due to the large workload of the association, the topic "Scyth" was transferred to the Salute CB). On August 18, 1983, the Secretary General of the Central Committee of the CPSU, Yuri Andropov, made a statement that the USSR unilaterally ceases to test the control complex of anticipation defense, but in connection with the United States of the Soybean program of work on Scythians continued.

In particular, for the laser orbital platform, gas-dynamic CO 2 Laser GDL RD0600 with a capacity of 100 kW and dimensions of 2140x1820x680 mm, which took place by 2011, was developed at the Himavtomatomy Design Bureau.

Dynamic Scythian Layout

In the project's boundaries "Scythian" In 1986-1987, an experimental conclusion in the orbit of the dimension and weight layout of the station was planned (spacecraft SKIF-DM.) with a carrier missile "Energy".

SKIF-DM. I had a length of 37 meters, the maximum diameter of 4.1 meters and a mass of about 80 tons. It consisted of two main compartments: a smaller - functional-service unit and a larger target module. The functional and service unit was a long-ranged spacecraft of supplying the Salute orbital station. It contains motion control systems and onboard complex, telemetry control, team radio, thermal regime, power supply, separation and reset of fairings, antenna devices, and scientific learning management system. All devices and systems that do not stand the vacuum are located in a hermetic dotable compartment.
In the motor installation compartment, there were 4 march engines, 20 engine orientation engines and stabilization and 16 engine stabilization engines, as well as tanks, pipelines and valves of pneumohydroscopes serving engines. On the lateral surfaces of the propulsion, solar panels were placed, dropped after entering orbit.

Flight program SKIF-DM. Ten experiments included: four applied and six geophysical.

Launch of the Energy-Skiff-DM complex on May 15, 1987

Initially, the start of the Energy-SKIF-DM system was planned for September 1986. However, due to the delay in the manufacture of the apparatus, the preparation of the launcher and other systems of the cosmodrome, the launch was postponed for almost six months - on May 15, 1987. Only at the end of January 1987, the device was transported from the Mounting and Testing Corps on the 92nd Playground of the Cosmodrome, where he was trained in the building of the installation and refueling complex. There, on February 3, 1987, Scythian DM was docked with the "Energy" carrier rocket. The next day the complex is exported to a universal complex stand-start at 250 platform. In fact, the Energy-SKIF-DM complex was ready for launch only at the end of April.

The launch of the complex took place on May 15, 1987 with a delay of five hours. Two steps of "energy" worked successfully. After 460 seconds after the start, Scythian DM separated from the carrier rocket at an altitude of 110 kilometers. The process of reversal of the spacecraft after separation from the carrier rocket due to the switching error of the electrical circuit lasted longer than the estimated one. As a result, Scythian DM did not come to a given orbit and fell in the Pacificistic trajectory in the Pacific Ocean. Despite this, according to the evaluation specified in the report, more than 80% of the planned experiments managed to execute.

Public report

On May 15, 1987, TASS published a message in which, in particular, was said:

The Soviet Union began the flight-design tests of the new powerful universal energy missile "Energy", designed to eliminate the near-earth orbits of both reusable orbital ships and large-sized spacecraft of scientific and national economic destination. Two-stage versatile carrier rocket ... can bring more than 100 tons of payload to orbit ... May 15, 1987 at 21 o'clock 30 minutes of Moscow time from the Baikonur cosmodrome, the first launch of this missile was carried out ... The second stage of the carrier rocket ... brought out the dimension-weight layout satellite. The dimensions of the weight layout after separation from the second step should have been with the help of its own engine to be withdrawn into the circular near-earth orbit. However, due to the abnormal work of its side systems, the layout on a given orbit did not come out and driven in the water area of \u200b\u200bthe Pacific Ocean ...

Write a review about article "Pole (Spacecraft)"


  • Glushko V.P. Space assault rocket systems //. - 3rd ed., Pererab. and add. - M.: Mechanical Engineering, 1987. - P. 304.


See also


  • www.buran.ru/htm/cargo.htm.
  • www.astronautix.com/craft/polyus.htm.
  • www.buran.ru/htm/scr.htm -Crinsaver with space station and other spacecraft.

The passage characterizing the pole (spacecraft)

Two hours later, the submarine stood on the yard of the Bogucharovsky house. The men were listened lively and put the Lord's things on the supply, and Dron, at the request of the princes Marya released from Runduk, where he was locked, standing on the yard, managed by men.
"You're not blinding her so badly," said one of the men, a tall man with a round smiling face, taking out the hands of the maid casket. - She's worth it too. What are you so you throw it or half a rope - and she will sweep. I do not like that. And so that everything honestly, according to the law it was. So then under the carbonate, and the sense is short, so important. Lyubo!
"Looks books, books," said another man, who endowed the library cabinets of Prince Andrei. - You do not cling! And cargo, guys, healthy books!
- Yes, they wrote, did not walk! - Significantly winning, said a high round man, pointing to thick lexicons lying on top.

Rostov, not wanting to impose their acquaintance by Princess, did not go to her, but stayed in the village, waiting for her departure. Waving to leave the crews of the Princess Mary of the house, Rostov sat down to the ride and to the way, busy with our troops, at twelve versts from Bogucharova, prevail her. In Yankov, at the inn of the courtyard, he said goodbye to her respectfully, for the first time allowing himself to kiss her hand.
- As you do not conscientious, - Red, he answered the princess Marya to the expression of gratitude for her salvation (as she called his act), - Everybody would have done the same. If we just had to fight with men, we would not allow the enemy so far away, "he said, I am still trying to change the conversation. - I was happy only that I had the case to meet you. Goodbye, Princess, I wish you happiness and comfort and wish to meet with you with more happy conditions. If you do not want to make a blush, please do not thank.
But Princess, if I did not thank in more words, thanked him with all the expression of my gratitude and tenderness of the face. She could not believe him that she had nothing to thank him for. On the contrary, for her, it was undoubtedly that if he would not have been, then she would probably have to die from the riskers and from the French; that he, in order to save her, exposed himself the most obvious and terrible hazards; And even undoubtedly was that he was a man with a high and noble soul, who knew how to understand her position and grief. His good and honest eyes with tears spoken at them, while she herself, whining, spoke to him about her loss, did not come out of her imagination.
When she said goodbye to him and left alone, the princess Marya suddenly felt in the eyes of tears, and here it was not the strange question for the first time, did she love him?
On the way further to Moscow, despite the fact that the position of the princes was not joyful, the Dunyas, who kicked up with her in a carriage, has noticed more than once that Princess, leaving the window of the carriage, something happily and sadly smiled.
"Well, if I would love him? - Thought Princess Marya.
No matter how ashamed to admit her to herself that she was the first to love a man who, maybe never love her, she comforted herself that no one would ever recognize it and that she would not be to blame, if it would be before the end of life, no one Speaking about the love of which she loved in the first and last time.
Sometimes she remembered his views, his participation, his words, and she seemed happiness not impossible. And then the Dunyasha noticed that she, smiling, looked into the window of the carriage.
"And it was necessary for him to come to Bogucharovo, and this very minute! - Thought Princess Marya. - And it was necessary to refuse him to refuse the prince Andrei! - And in all this, Princess Marya saw the will of Providence.
The impression produced on Rostov by Prince Marya was very pleasant. When OI recalled about her, he became fun, and when the comrades, having learned about the adventure former with him in Boguchars, joked that he, having gone behind Saint, picked up one of the richest brides in Russia, Rostov was angry. He was angry precisely because the thought of marriage to the pleasant for him, the meek princess Marya with a huge state more than once against his will came into his head. For myself, Nikolai personally could not wish his wife better than the princes Marya: the marriage would make the happiness of the Countess - his mother, and would correct the works of his father; And even - Nikolai felt it - would have done the happiness of the princed Marya. But Sonya? And this word? And from this, Rostov was angry when he was joking about the princess Bolkonskaya.

Taking command over the armies, Kutuzov remembered Prince Andrei and sent him an orders to arrive in the main apartment.
Prince Andrei came to Tsarevo Zahnishchey on the very day and at that time of the day when Kutuzov did the first review of the troops. Prince Andrei stopped in the village at the House of the priest, who had the crew of the commander-in-chief, and sat on a bench at the gate, waiting for the bright, as everyone called the Kutuzov. On the field behind the villages were heard that the sounds of regimental music were heard, the roar of a huge number of votes screaming "Hurray! New Commander-in-Chief. Immediately at the gate, steps in ten from Prince Andrew, using the lack of prince and beautiful weather, there were two twins, courier and butler. Blacknaya, who brought up with mustache and bundles, a small hussar lieutenant colonel drove up to the gate and, looking at Prince Andrew, asked: Is it standing as light and will it be soon?
Prince Andrei said that he does not belong to the headquarters of the light and also visits. The Gusar Lieutenant Colonel appealed to the elegant tweer, and the protector of the commander-in-chief told him with the special contempt with which the twins of the commander-in-chiefs with officers say:
- What, lightly? It must be now. You that?
The hussar lieutenant colonel smiled at the mustache on the tone of the twenty, tears from the horse, gave her wisp and walked over to Bolkonsky, slightly bowed to him. Bolkonsky stood up on the bench. The hussar lieutenant colonel sat downside him.
- Also waiting for the commander-in-chief? - spoke to the hussar lieutenant colonel. - Saying "Yat, everyone is available, thank God. And then with the sausages of the misfortune! Recently" Ohm "malls in the Germans" stood. TREEG "LA ABOUT AND G" USSKY GOVING "IT IT WILL WILL BE. And then Cheg" T knows what they did. All retired, everyone retreated. Did you make a campaign? - he asked.
- I had a pleasure, "Prince Andrew answered," not only to participate in the retreat, but also to lose everything that had dear, not to mention the holidays and hometown ... Father, who died with grief. I am Smolensky.
- And? .. Are you prince Bolkonsky? Very "hell to meet: Lieutenant Colonel of Denisov, a better known under the name of Vaska," Denisov said, shaking the hand of Prince Andrew and, with particularly good attention, peeping into the face of Bolkonsky. - Yes, I heard, "he said with sympathy and, having paveled a little, continued : - That's the Scythian War. This is all the Hog "Osho, just not for those who are fade by their sides. And you are the prince of Andg "her Bolkonsky? - He shook his head." Is very d "hell, prince, very much" hell to meet, "he added again with a sad smile shaking his hand.
Prince Andrei knew Denisov according to Natasha's stories about her first fiance. This memory and sweet and hurts it now to those painful feelings, which he has not thought for recently for a long time, but who were all the same in his soul. Recently, so many others and such serious impressions as Leaving Smolensk, his arrival in Bald Mountains, recently aware of the death of his father, - so much sensations were tested by him that these memories had not come to him for a long time and, when they came, did not affect Him with the former force. And for Denisov, the number of memories that caused the name of Bolkonsky was distant, the poetic past, when he, after dinner and singing Natasha, not knowing how, made an offer to a fifteen-year-old girl. He smiled at the memories of that time and his love for Natasha and immediately moved to the fact that she was passionately and exclusively now. It was a campaign plan, which he invented, serving during retreat on advancement. He represented this plan Barclay de Tolly and now intended to present him to Kutuzov. The plan was based on the fact that the operating line of the French is too stretched and that instead of whether or at the same time, to act from the front, turning off the French road, it was necessary to act on their messages. He began to clarify his plan to Prince Andrei.

Battle orbital complex "SKIF-DM"

The development of a combat laser station "Scyth", designed to defeat low-bit space objects by the onboard laser complex, began in the NGO "Energy", but due to the large load of the association since 1981 the topic "Scythian" was transferred to the Salute KB. On August 18, 1983, the Secretary General of the Central Committee of the CPSU, Yuri Andropov, made a statement that the USSR unilaterally ceases to test the control complex of anticipation defense. However, with the announcement in the US, the "SOI" program of work on the "Scythian" continued.

For testing the laser combat station, a dynamic analog "SKIF-D" was designed. In the future, for the test launch of the "Energy" missile, an urgent sample of the SKIF-DM station (Polyus) was created in urgency.

The SKIF-DM station had a length of 37 meters, the maximum diameter of 4.1 meters and a mass of about 80 tons. It consisted of two main compartments: a smaller function and service block and a larger target module. The functional fuel block was a long-ranged spacecraft of the supply station of the Salute orbital station. Here, there are motion control systems and onboard complex, telemetry control, team radio, thermal regime, power supply, separation and reset of fairings, antenna devices, scientific experimental management system. All devices and systems that do not stand the vacuum are located in a hermetic dotable compartment. In the motor installation compartment, there were four march engines, 20 engine orientation engines and stabilization and 16 engines of accurate stabilization, as well as tanks, pipelines and valves of pneumohydrospheres serving engines.

On the lateral surfaces of the propulsion, solar panels were placed, dropped after entering orbit.

A lot of work has been done to the creation of a new major head fairing that protects the functional block from the incident air flow. For the first time, it was made of non-metallic material - carbon fiber.

The target module was designed and reached again.

At the same time, designers focused on the maximum use of already mastered nodes and technologies. For example, the diameter and design of all compartments allowed to use the existing technological equipment of the Khrunichev plant. The nodes connecting the carrier rocket with the spacecraft were prepared - the same as for the "Burana", as well as a transitional docking block, connecting the Pole with the Earth at the start. The Pole Office System from the rocket also repeated Buranovskaya.

Since the functional module was essentially already mastered by the spacecraft, it was necessary to observe the same loads for which it was calculated when the Proton-K carrier launch was launched. Therefore, of all the layout options were able to choose only such at which the block is located in the head part of the Pole.

And since the motor installation, which was in the functional block, was unprofitable to transfer to the feed part, after separation from the Polyus carrier missile, flies in the Movie engines ahead.

Initially, the start of the Energy-SKIF-DM system was planned for September 1986. However, due to the delay in the manufacture of the apparatus, the preparation of the launcher and other systems of the cosmodrome, the launch was postponed for almost six months - on May 15, 1987. Only at the end of January 1987, the device was transported from the Mounting and Testing Corps on the 92nd Playground of the Cosmodrome, where he was trained in the building of the installation and refueling complex. There, on February 3, 1987, Scythian DM was docked with the "Energy" carrier rocket. The next day the complex was taken to a universal complex stand-start at 250 platform.

Really, the Energy-Skiff-DM complex was ready for launch only at the end of April.

The flight program of the Scyth-DM orbital station includes ten experiments: four applied and six geophysical.

The "VP1" experiment was devoted to developing a scheme for the removal of a large spacecraft on a non-plane scheme.

In the experiment "VP2" conducted studies of the conditions for the removal of a large-sized device, elements of its design and systems.

Experimental verification of the principles of building a large-sized and superheavy spacecraft (a unified module, control system, thermostat, power supply, electromagnetic compatibility) was devoted to the "FDI" experiment.

In the experiment, "VP11" planned to work out the scheme and flight technology.

The program of geophysical experiments "Mirage" was devoted to the study of the effect of combustion products on the upper layers of the atmosphere and the ionosphere. The "Mirage1" experiment ("A1") was to be carried out to a height of 120 kilometers at the stage of removal; The experiment "Mirage-2" ("A2") - at altitudes from 120 to 280 kilometers during the diaspliance; The experiment "Mirage-3" ("A3") - at altitudes from 280 to the ground when braking.

Geophysical experiments "GF-1/1", "GF-1/2" and "GF-1/3" was planned to conduct when the motor installation of the SKIF-DM apparatus was operating.

Experiment "GF-1/1" was devoted to the generation of artificial internal gravitational waves of the upper atmosphere.

The purpose of the experiment "GF-1/2" was to create an artificial "dynamo effect" in the earth's ionosphere.

Finally, the experiment "GF-1/3" was planned to create large-scale ionics in ion and plasmospheres (holes and daks). For this, Pole was equipped with a large number of (420 kilograms) of xenon gas mixture with crypton (42 cylinders, each capacity of 36 liters) and its release system in the ionosphere.

The launch of the Energy-Scyth-DM complex took place on May 15, 1987 with a delay of five hours. Two steps of "energy" worked successfully. After 460 seconds after the start of ScyfDM, separated from the carrier rocket at an altitude of 110 kilometers.

The test program of the SKIF-DM apparatus was not fully implemented due to the annoying failure, which led to the death of the station (I already wrote about this in chapter 14). However, this flight gave a lot of results. First of all, all the necessary material was obtained at clarifying the loads on the Burand orbital ship to ensure its flight tests. When starting and autonomous flight of the device, all four applied experiments were performed ("VP-1", "VP-2", "VP-3" and "VP-11"), as well as part of geophysical experiments (Mirage-1 and Partially "GF-1/1" and "GF-1/3").

In conclusion, according to the results of the start, it was said: "Thus, the general tasks of starting the product, determined by the tasks of the start, approved by MOM and UNXs, taking into account the" decisions "of May 13, 1987 to limit the volume of targeted experiments, were carried out by the number of solvable tasks more than on 80%. "

Memoful45\u003e\u003e "Pole" is "SKIF-DM"

volk959.\u003e Not. Scyth is a Scythian, the usual Soviet combat orbital station, a total weight of 90 tons.
Dear Volk959 I ask not to swallow in the title index "DM" (demonstration layout).
These two beaks drastically change the contents loaded under the fairing.
I repeat: the real "SKIF" weighed 18 tons, and its layout capable of statically repeat the characteristics of the NGO "Energy" apparatus weighed 77 tons.
Well, it's like if you were given to make a mobile phone layout, I am afraid that you can not meet in a suitcase.

volk959.\u003e And Pole is some kind of deza for external use.
"How do you call the ship, so it saves" (c)
I apologize, but this spacecraft so called officially.
Of course, you can rename "Ukraine" in "Bulgaria", Yuri Ligacheva in Egor Ligacheva, "Julia Caesar" in ..., but there is little good in this. Ask any dog \u200b\u200bbreeding about the benefits of changing the click.

Memoful45\u003e\u003e And I do not want to throw stones in engineers.
Memoful45\u003e\u003e Their authorities took away laser defense themes from the sublip attack and decided to launch a series of devices for working out the principles on the PN "Energy".
volk959.\u003e What garbage. Until 1988, there were no Laser in CB "Salyut". Since 1988 - there was a department from scratch, to develop a new space-based combat laser.
I hear it from you first therefore I believe. Moreover, you do not oppose my message that there was nothing at the time of the launch of the Pole - Skif-DM, and planned everything to achieve after ...

Memoful45\u003e\u003e And I worked there, it was in that department. From 1988 to 1990. I and the group of my colleagues-Laser cleaned there from Nikp, giving a higher salary. In addition to this of our group, there were no other libraries in the "salute". There, in addition to us, no one in the lasers did not know. Neither on Santim.

Here is a vivid example of Soviet giant allegation.
Instead of looking for a team, which carried out the greatest breakthrough in a narrow industry, Soviet generals, Hapali financing, Hapali their places in the schedule of the RN "Energia", built corps, for new divisions and hired bosses.
Well, from the strength for the flora, a dozen-other eggs hired, which, working in the CB "Salute", did not even interpret the name of the first satellite in the combat series, which is created at their enterprise. Sorry Volk959, but I have a feeling that you have alienation from the life of the fillet.
Sorry for a possible hint, but this is a problem is not employees, but those who hired them.
By the way, when the "Scyth" (hereby was present) was engaged in the NGO "Energy", then the laser head was shown by a specialized enterprise, which had a prevailing team of talented scientists and developers of special systems.
And in order to adapt coherent sources to the loose design of KA, special divisions were created.
I worked on alternative sources of expenditure materials for the laser.