The structure and principle of the astral body. What is the subtle plan of a person

Hello dear readers of the blog site. Today we will answer the questions: what is the human astral body, what are its main functions and how are virus programs formed?

Astral body (astral) Is one of thin bodies a person who is part of the subconscious and is the second, after the etheric. The very space of the astral body is the space of our emotions.

Energetic protection, confidence and energetic influence on others largely depends on the astral body, as it is associated with the Manipura chakra, which is an energetic source of strength. The color of astral energy is silvery blue.

The development and periodic cleansing of the astral body allows:

  1. Improve memory and expand personal astral space;
  2. deactivate malicious programs (turn off their power supply);
  3. gradually transform and free your consciousness from various rubbish.
  4. improve intuition (be able to read feelings and emotions, not only your own, but also others). And the first thing that needs to be learned here is to determine which chakra a person has at the moment of interaction with him;
  5. establish subconscious contact with anyone;
  6. improve ;
  7. receive information from the soul and various collective levels of consciousness that is blocked.

The development and cleansing of the astral plane has a beneficial effect on all the overlying subtle bodies, since all of them, to a greater or lesser extent, are fed by the energy of the astral plane.

Consciousness viruses or how malicious programs are formed in human consciousness?

The human astral body contains low-frequency (negative emotions) and high-frequency (positive) vibrations. In most cases, low-frequency vibrations cause harm to a person, but there is a certain category of people who experience problems in the astral body when high-frequency vibrations prevail there. Before working with the Astral, you need to know exactly what kind of energy your subconscious mind feeds on.

Due to energy failures, some experienced emotions are not digested by the astral body, just like in the physical body - a problem arises called allergies. The physical body in this case, is not able to consume certain foods in the same way as the astral body - to assimilate and process certain emotions (energies).

This undigested emotion lays down on the astral as a dead weight and begins to poison it. In other words, the astral was unable to divide the emotion into separate parts (separate energy and information separately).

Such emotion not only takes a place in the astral space, but after a certain period of time acquires the quality of primitive consciousness (such consciousness makes the inanimate alive). Thus, the emotion turns into a virus-like creature whose only goal is to survive.

In order to survive, this virus begins to look for patrons for itself in other overlying subtle bodies of a person and finds them, for example, in the mental body, in which there are mental programs (structures) that also want to live.

For a mental program to exist, it must have an uninterruptible power supply. That "conserved" emotion becomes such a source of nutrition. And what is called - they found each other, a mental program that does not want to be destroyed and a low vibration of the astral, which does not want to be removed.

The viability of such a virus-like program in the mind of a person is explained by the fact that having found an energy source of food for itself, it is able to act independently, i.e. survive. To strengthen its position, the virus also grows down to the level of the etheric body, causing discomfort in the form, malaise and outflow of energy.

Because of high level It is extremely difficult to remove such programs-viruses from the mind of survival, if you do not know the technology. The technique commonly used by psychologists and psychotherapists is very time consuming. Working at the level of the mental body, they try to disassemble the problem (program), decompose it into its components, without paying attention to the energy (etheric and astral body of a person) and informational (causal or buddhial body) sources of nutrition for this program.

person. It manifests itself in the form of emotional experiences and states. Therefore, the astral body is often called the emotional body.

Astral body structure

Much thinner, only approximately repeats the contours of the physical body and consists of multi-colored energy substances that are in constant motion. These colored clots of energies penetrate the previous denser bodies - the etheric and physical, and are also able to color the thought forms of the more subtle mental body.

They look like colored energy vortices colored in all the colors of the rainbow. In the case of balanced chakras, these colors have clear, deep shades. Each chakra has its own color:

1. Muladhara - red;

2. Svadhisthana - orange (red - orange);

3. Manipura - yellow;

4. Anahata - green (bright herbal);

5. Vishudha - sky blue;

6. Ajna - blue (indigo);

7. Sahasrara is purple (white).

U vertically standing man When the chakras are balanced, the astral body is ovoid. If the chakras are out of balance, the shape of the emotional body can be distorted, and the colors of the chakras will have dirty dark shades.

Properties of the astral body

In humans, the astral body is responsible for the emotional and sensory perception of the world. A person quite well perceives the vibrations of the astral body and quickly reacts to changes in its states, although such reactions can most often be attributed to subconscious ones.

To be aware of the reactions of the emotional body, and even more so to control them, is not an easy task and, as a rule, requires long and serious work. Many, with some diligence, manage to learn to maintain external calmness or indifference, while the astral body remains uncontrollable. Therefore, despite the external form, people perfectly feel the true attitude towards themselves from other people, however, they do not always trust their feelings - they trust their reason. But the mind (mental body), it is quite easy to instill any desired thought. This is especially true of a person with a developed mental body. Therefore, "smart is easily deceived"

Of all the subtle bodies, the astral body reacts most sharply and strongly to a person's relationship with the outside world. Changing, the emotional body causes a change in the hormonal background of the physical body, and a change in the movement of energy (qi, prana) along the energy channels of the etheric body.

In the astral body, emotions, feelings and states are manifested. If astral projections of the lower chakras are excited (svadhisthana and manipura), then most often they talk about emotions such as fear, falling in love, anger, aggression, resentment, sadness, joy.

If the astral is excited, then more often they talk about feelings, such as love, compassion, empathy.

If the astral projections of the upper chakras (ajna, sahasrara) are excited, then most often they speak of states such as creativity, pacification, serenity, ecstasy.

With his astral body, a person interacts with the astral bodies of other beings and objects using numerous astral channels. By immersing your consciousness in the astral body, you can travel to various astral worlds.

During strong emotional experiences, a person loses a lot of energy. If astral body strongly excited, then it can throw bunches of energy into space. This released energy, as a rule, has its addressee and is capable of evoking a reciprocal feeling or emotion. If emotions are positive or sublime, then the released energy clots are painted in pure, bright colors and can inspire or heal a person.

If emotions are negative, then they have a dirty tint and can cause significant harm to the person they are directed at. True, these same emotions affect the one who allows them. No wonder there is a saying: "The evil man of the Earth is a short-lived inhabitant"

The state of the astral body, the emotions that a person experiences, have a significant impact on the scenario of his life, on current and future events.

The health of the astral body depends largely on the engrams it contains and on the presence of suppressed emotions.

Note. An engram is information that is recorded on the subconscious of a person in a state of complete or partial unconsciousness (for example, illness, painful shock, strong emotional arousal ...).

Suppressed emotions can arise when a person is not allowed to show any emotions (or he does not allow himself). For example, a child is not allowed to show love or compassion for people or animals. In this case, emotions can be suppressed, his heart chakra will close, and he may never experience these feelings for the rest of his life.

First of all, it is responsible for emotions. It also reflects our character, temperament, feelings experienced. Since the astral body is closely related to emotions, it affects their formation. On the other hand, our emotions can change the structure of this body. The positive strengthens him, the neutral ones shake him.

The appearance of the astral body changes as a person grows older. Moreover, this is not about age, but about emotional and spiritual maturation. One person can be considered mature at twenty years old, another remains a child at seventy. So, the astral body of an immature person resembles a cloudy cloud that moves around the body. In a person who has taken place, it becomes more transparent, takes on a certain form.

Let's take a look at the astral aura of a mature person. What does it look like? This is a semi-transparent oval cloud, located at a distance of thirty to forty centimeters from the flesh. In other words, it is a kind of cocoon that surrounds the physical body.

What happens when a person experiences an emotion? Energy travels through the pores of the skin and chakras to the astral body. Then it spreads throughout the entire human aura and begins to interact with other biofields. Thanks to this, people around them always manage to clearly recognize (maybe even on an intuitive level) a person's emotions. Even if he tries to seem calm and calm, we feel his emotional imbalance through the biofield. So, if an angry, agitated or upset person appears in the company, trying to hide their true emotions, everyone present has some kind of anxiety. They are uncomfortable next to such a person, they want to leave the room as soon as possible. This suggests that their biofields felt negative energy emanating from the object's astral body. By the way, people with supernatural abilities can perceive even residual phenomena. For example, a person worried three hours ago, but now he is calm and serene. Despite this, the remnants of the experience still survived in his aura. This can be caught by psychics, clairvoyants.

Astral aura cannot be called static. She constantly changes her position and color. Both depend on the emotional state of the person. If he becomes angry, depressed, fearful or very anxious, the astral body darkens, spots may form on its surface. Positive emotions(love, joy, happiness, self-confidence and confidence in the future) give the aura bright colors, make it shine.

Since our life is impossible without emotions, the astral aura is one of the most important for a person. It is she who affects how a person will perceive the world with what mood he will start and end the day. In addition, do not forget that the emotional state also affects a person's health, on his life expectancy.

WITH astral body you have to be very careful. The fact is that all those emotions that we try to suppress in ourselves "live" in it. This is the fear of loneliness (both conscious and unconscious, coming from deep childhood), aggression, self-doubt. All this does not disappear anywhere. The astral aura processes the information received once, and then sends signals to the Universe. And the Universe, as you know, loves to receive unconscious signals from us and to carry them out. Is a person afraid of loneliness? As a result, he gets it. As the saying goes, we ourselves bring into our lives what we fear most. By constantly experiencing negative emotions, we attract unpleasant events into our lives.

Psychologists not in vain say that every person attracts his own kind. If a person is afraid that his aggression will break out, he will face aggressive people over and over again. The fear of losing your job will lead to constant layoffs. The mirror effect is triggered. We are unconsciously attracted to everything that we ourselves are made of. This is how the astral aura works.

Mirror effect created for a reason. Thanks to him, a person gets the opportunity to remove those negative emotions that have accumulated in his astral body. Until they are realized, it is very difficult to eliminate them. Only experienced psychotherapists can do this. But, when faced with people with the same fears and shortcomings as ours, we begin to realize our I, to understand what we are afraid of and what we are trying to hide from people. We seem to see ourselves in the mirror and are horrified. Once negative emotions become conscious, you can begin to fight them.

By the way, those who think that fears can be overcome with the help of the mental body (it is responsible for the mind and thoughts) are greatly mistaken. The subconscious does not obey its laws. The astral body also lives according to its own system. So you can reasonably convince yourself as much as you like that a dog passing by (which is even afraid of a cat, not that of a person) will not bite you. The fear will not diminish from this.

Of course, the mind is capable of directing human behavior. He can make you walk past that very dog ​​with a smile and not rush into a run. And yet, the area of ​​the subconscious is out of his reach. The only way to reach out to your fears and make them disappear is to work with mantras, with affirmations. By repeating them daily and adjusting your thinking in a positive way, you can eventually break down the stereotypes that have formed in the subconscious.

Astral (emotional) body- this is a kind of warehouse that accumulates in a person from childhood to the moment of growing up. Fears, beliefs, stereotypes, childhood grievances. This also includes the dangerous feeling of being rejected, the feeling of one's own powerlessness and worthlessness, and lack of confidence in one's own strengths. It would seem that even if it lies there, dead weight. Unfortunately, all this information periodically collides with the world of our consciousness and inflicts heavy blows.

Let's take a simple example. Already an adult, he desperately wants to start a family. He wants to love and be loved. But, alas, he is failing. Either he cannot fall in love with the one he likes, then he himself falls in love with a cold and inaccessible woman. "Why so? After all, I really want to start a family!" - he does not understand. It's all about the work of the subconscious. The person himself will not remember how, in deep childhood, his parents made him understand that he does not know how to love them and that he himself is not worthy of love. And the subconscious, the astral body remembers everything and works to ensure that this setting is embodied in real life... Therefore, the series of failures in his personal life does not end.

Not all negative situations can be resolved during life. Those feelings and emotions, from which the person did not get rid of before death, pass into the next life. The physical body, when it dies, decomposes. The emotional body (remember the school law that says that energy does not disappear, but is transformed) remains. Subsequently, it connects with another physical body- your new incarnation. Thus, barely born, a small helpless man can already be burdened with the insoluble problems of past lives, with which he will have to struggle for many years.

Of course, you don't have to think about reincarnations, reincarnations, astral bodies, conscious and unconscious. Life is already complicated. But whether you think about it or not, the laws of the universe and the Universe do not cease to exist. They, like many centuries ago, affect our life, health, destiny. If you understand it properly, you can understand: everything that happens in our life ultimately depends only on us. It is not the Universe that comes up with problems for us, but we ourselves create them. All negative events occur due to the accumulated emotions in the astral body for this or previous lives. And we ourselves can change everything. To do this, you need to work with your consciousness, subconsciousness, engage in spiritual practices.

Each of us has emotional complexes. They are concentrated in the solar plexus region. There is one of the vital chakras of the body. It is through her that we react to everything that happens to us. It is impossible for an uninitiated person to penetrate this chakra. If you want to learn how to work with it, comprehend the emotions and fears raging inside you, stimulate the third eye chakra. Only through it can one reach the solar plexus chakra.

It is a mistake to believe that awareness of hidden emotions and their rational interpretation is the key to solving all our problems. No, this is just the first step on a very difficult path. In order to change the stereotypes that have been forming in our subconscious over the years, it is necessary to open (and then stimulate) two chakras: the heart and the crown. Only those people who have an open heart and who listen to the voice of the universal mind can make corrections in their incarnation, change the astral body and their destiny. It becomes clear to them why this or that event occurs in their life. They know how to notice subtle clues from the world around them, learn from each event.

The astral body is called emotional because it functions at the frequencies of emotions and feelings. Through these frequencies, the astral body is connected with the collective field of the common human astral, and through it other people's emotions can influence us.

Usually people do not know how to distinguish where these or those emotions and feelings come from. They believe that emotions are just some part of themselves. In fact, emotions come through the astral body, with which we are in the collective astral field. Not every feeling and emotion is ours, they just float through space and are captured by our astral body. Therefore, we may suddenly have unexplained sadness or other emotions.

The astral body reacts to what is close to it in vibrations, it recognizes this and transfers it to the field. If the astral body vibrates at the frequency of the negative, the person will have bad thoughts and feelings, which will attract negative events to him. And if he often experiences negative emotions, a psychoenergetic channel of connection to negative structures, to egregors of bad luck, can be formed, where a person's energy will be pumped out, and instead of it troubles will come, emotional disturbances and, ultimately, diseases will form.

Often, our subconscious mind during sleep tries to convey important information for consciousness. But not all people know how to correctly understand the images of dreams, because they do not have developed internal communications between consciousness and subconscious psyche.

What does the astral body look like for a clairvoyant.

The astral body is seen as a cloud of color spots. They can be light, shiny or cloudy, dingy shades.

If you are often jealous, handsome green color mixed with dark streams, and there are binding ropes, along which the energy will go. On the astral plane, creatures similar to octopuses are formed, as well as channels-arrows.

There is an expression: throwing thunder and lightning. When a person is seized with anger, then on the astral plane reddish lightning with dark blotches really appears.

The astral body often accumulates suppressed emotions, desires that we could not realize, as well as a variety of fears and experiences. When a person radiates negative emotions from his aura, by this he attracts unpleasant events from the world around him into his life. Therefore, they say that the world is a mirror image of what a person is.

In the astral body, not only negative emotions are observed, but also the most beautiful feelings.

Especially when we are genuinely trying to help, or empathizing, or showing pure friendship. The colors of the astral body are especially beautiful when you are in love.

The world responds to us with harmony and angels sing around us. When a person is angry or jealous, beautiful creatures leave his aura. thin world, they fly away so that the astral lightning of your anger does not hit them.

It is the astral body that they usually try to capture on film, these pictures are known to many as "aura photos".

The astral body can vibrate on different frequencies, but responds only to what is in ourselves. Therefore, they say that only that which he himself allows to enter into his life happens to a person.
The astral body changes its shade depending on your emotional state... It also allows you to view your desires, preferences and creativity. On the astral plane, you can see if there are helpers from the subtle plane next to you, what they are. And if not, they can be invited by tuning to angelic frequencies.

You can get the settings on the forum of our website Secret Ray. If you need to cleanse the astral body of negativity and bad emotions, it will help you session of Astral Harmonization. During the session, all layers of the astral body are deeply cleansed, the negative is removed, the field is filled with pure light energy, the blocks go away, at the end protection is put.
The cost of the session is $ 20. For those living in Russia 500 rubles, the cost is fixed.