The most common varieties and types of almonds. How to plant almonds in the garden: methods and rules Decorative almond tree

Almonds ( Amygdalus) – a shrub or small tree from 1 to 6 m tall, famous for its spectacular flowering. Common almond (A. communis) has been cultivated as a nut crop since ancient times. Low (up to 2 m) almond species are graceful, beautifully flowering shrubs and are of interest as ornamental plants. This is the ornamental plant low almond, steppe almond, or bean (A. papa), which is small in size (up to 1.5 m in height). In the spring, at the same time as the leaves bloom, the bushes are covered with delicate, modest, but numerous pink flowers. At this time, the plant literally catches your eye. But even after flowering, thanks to its compact crown and graceful leaves, the bean plant looks attractive.

Another winter-hardy almond is Georgian (A.georgica) grows up to 1 m in height and has bright pink flowers. Of the low-growing ornamental almonds, bean is perhaps the most resistant to unfavorable conditions. This type of decorative almond shrub is winter-hardy, easily tolerates drought, but requires a lot of sun. Almonds reproduce by seeds and numerous shoots.

Decorative almonds in landscape design: how the plant blooms (with photo)

Low almonds are very popular in landscape design, which is suitable for small open areas and rockeries. In the background of a mixborder, it will become a bright spring accent, and then a good background for perennials. Even before the planting of decorative almonds began in our area, this plant grew in the vast expanses of the Mediterranean. Little by little, the bush began to spread and filled the territories of countries such as China, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and others. In the middle zone, growing almonds is now by no means a rare occurrence, since many plant species are well adapted to our climatic conditions. By the way, the three-lobed almond is a favorite among local gardeners due to its frost-resistant qualities and the beauty of its flowering. The indisputable advantage of this shrub is that even novice gardeners can cope with it. But you won’t be able to see the long-awaited results of your labors right away. When asked how almonds bloom, experts smile mysteriously and answer: “Incredible.” Only you will be able to observe this splendor only four years after planting the plant. This is his peculiarity. However, believe me, it’s worth it: stunningly beautiful double flowers in white or pink shades will decorate your garden and fill you with a wonderful aroma. Look at the photo of almond blossoms: this magnificent plant will decorate your garden for many years if you take care of it and provide favorable conditions for its existence:

By the way, some believe that almond is translated from Greek as “beautiful tree.” Well, it’s quite likely, since the riot of colors - purple, snow-white, flamingoes - cannot be conveyed by any painting. This plant allows you to admire it in our area for about 20 days a year - at the very end of April and until mid-May.

How to plant and grow decorative almonds

You can plant decorative almond bushes either in spring or autumn. In the spring, you must wait for the onset of good warm weather, but in mid-late autumn - by the way, the most favorable moment for planting - you should wait until the leaves fall.
The next very important point that you need to know for planting and caring for decorative almonds is that this plant prefers areas with sufficient sunlight during the day. Therefore, it is best to place bushes in the southern corners of your garden.
Please note that the tree will not grow on saline, acidic or clayey soil. Moreover, for successful planting and care of the ornamental almond bush, it is necessary that the groundwater in the soil lies at a sufficient depth. Experienced gardeners advise choosing fertile sandy loam or loamy soil for successful planting. Take note: if you have apiaries on your site, this is simply an ideal solution to one of the important points in growing almonds. The fact is that the bush needs a process of regular cross-pollination. But if you don’t breed bees, don’t worry: just plant several of these ornamental trees at the same time. So, gardening masters will tell us how to plant almonds:
  • Firstly, choose a well-lit place. If anything casts a shadow, try to remove the object. But you can leave the stones, if you have any on your site. The shrub has been growing on mountain slopes for a long time.
  • Your next step– dig a hole, the depth of which should be approximately 30 cm. If you need to plant several bushes, place them approximately 3 m from each other.
  • After this, fill the holes with a drainage layer: Either broken brick or crushed stone will do. Be sure to pour sand on top.
  • Now place in the center of the hole what will become a support for the seedling- that is, a long pole. And remember that it must be at least 0.5 m above the ground surface.
Experts also say that the most favorable time for planting is considered to be early morning or afternoon. By the way, if you still couldn’t find loamy soil and have to work with acidic soil, be sure to add a small amount of lime to the hole first. This will help “neutralize” the acid.

On a note: the plant is placed in a hole so that the root collar rises 3-4 cm above the surface of the earth. Naturally, after this the hole should be filled with a mixture of sand, humus and leaf soil. Don't forget to water the seedling with at least 1 bucket of clean water. And to consolidate the result, carry out the mulching procedure - covering the area around the bush with a layer of peat. Be careful: the mulch should not come into contact with the plant! You can see in the photo decorative almonds, the planting and care of which were carried out correctly: these are the soft pink buds that the gardener’s shrub now pleases every year:

How to care for decorative almonds

Let's take a closer look at how to grow almonds so that they fill the area of ​​your garden with a divine aroma and do not suffer from lack of care and attention. Growing and caring for almonds follows the same pattern as any ornamental plant: the bush should be watered, fed with fertilizers, trimmed and protected from all pests.
Let's start with watering. As you remember, stagnation of water in the soil of this tree is contraindicated. Therefore, it is necessary to water the bush no more than once a week. In this case, just a bucket of clean water is enough.
Another feature in almond growing conditions is that after watering the bush, you must thoroughly loosen the soil. You should go 7 cm deep into the soil if it is a seedling, but pamper adult specimens with this procedure at a depth of at least 9 cm. Remember that the rest of the time - not only after watering - the area around the bush must be cleared of weeds. Any plant needs to be fed. Therefore, when wondering how to care for almonds, remember what they need in the spring, for example, fertilizing in the form of manure or mullein, but in the autumn you need to add either superphosphate or potassium to the soil around the bush. Pay attention to the photo of decorative almonds, which are promptly fed with nutrients: they give a lush color and are protected from all diseases:

But in order to give the shrub the required aesthetic appearance, caring gardeners trim their “pet”. Pruning decorative almonds involves several stages: in the spring, for example, a sanitary haircut is carried out. With its help, the plant gets rid of diseased, broken and those branches that thicken the crown. But shaping—trimming, which helps give the crown the desired shape—occurs after the bush blooms. By the way, in the eighth year of life, ornamental trees must be rid of old branches.

You should pay special attention to growing and caring for almonds in the middle zone: firstly, since our winters have very low temperatures, it is necessary to protect the bush from frostbite. The seedlings should be covered with either straw or dry leaves.
Just remember to make sure that the root collar under this insulating layer does not rot or rot. The situation is much simpler with already adult specimens: they are rarely covered for the winter. Just remember that the most suitable types of almonds for our region are the three-lobed, Georgian, steppe and Ledebura almonds. They tend to quickly recover from winter cold. Since you have already realized that frosts, in principle, do not pose a particular threat to this plant, you need to be on alert for another type of danger - pests and diseases. A common disease is moniliosis, a type of fungal infection.
Most often, the fight against this scourge is to prevent it. That's why we said that almonds need regular nutritional feeding and appropriate soil. But if trouble does occur, use a variety of fungicides to fight moniliosis - for example, the same foundationazole.
But to get rid of such creatures as mites, semolina, leaf rollers and, of course, aphids, you should use a set of insecticides. One suitable option is Zolon. To clear spider mites, it is better to use Akarin.

Methods of propagation of decorative almonds

It should be remembered that the propagation features of the ornamental almond bush are slightly different: varietal specimens are propagated using vegetative methods - layering, grafting and shoots, but gardeners propagate species plants by seeds. Let's try to understand each of the methods. If you are thinking about how to propagate decorative almonds by planting seeds, then pay attention to the following step-by-step instructions:
  • You need to decide when you will plant - in spring or autumn. The specifics of the work will depend on this. So, for spring sowing, it is typical that the gardener must carry out mandatory seed stratification, which, according to the canons, lasts 4 months.
  • The next stage is planting almond seeds. To do this, it is necessary to prepare grooves, the depth of which should be at least 8 cm, and the distance between them should be approximately 10-11 cm.
  • After the seeds sprout, do not forget to water them, loosen the soil and fight weeds.
  • Already in the summer, seedlings can be transplanted to the site where they will grow in the future. In addition, already established specimens are suitable for vaccination.
Almonds are propagated using cuttings in mid-June. Then the top cuttings are cut off, the length of which reaches at least 15 cm. Then they are placed in a substance that stimulates growth and kept in this mixture for about 16 hours. To root the cuttings, they are placed in a cold greenhouse, where the soil has already been prepared, consisting of sand and peat in a ratio of 1:2. The rooting procedure lasts about 4 weeks. Upon completion, the cuttings are carefully transplanted into the garden bed.

Another way of propagating this plant is through shoots, which arise as a result of maximum pruning. It is used only after the bush is two years old, since then the bush already has a fully formed root system. The shoots are simply dug up and moved to a permanent place of growth. Caring for it is similar to caring for one-year-old seedlings. You can breed the varietal species that you see in the photo by propagating the decorative almond bush using layering: this procedure assumes that the shoots need to be pressed to the ground, secured and sprinkled with soil:

Be sure to water the cuttings, loosen the soil around them and protect them from weeds until they develop roots. After the root system is formed, and this happens only after about a year, the plants are transplanted to another place away from the mother bush.

Types and varieties of decorative almonds: photos and descriptions

Let's look at a photo of almonds in landscape design: experts say that this plant, which is so easy to care for, looks great both in solitary - single - plantings and in group compositions:

But, in fact, this tree has no equal in creating delightful hedges! Most often, to create a delightful design for a particular area, gardeners use such varieties and types of almonds as low, "Gessler" or white-flowered. But the species diversity of this shrub does not end with these specimens! Let's learn about other varieties of such a unique plant.
  • And we will start, of course, with ordinary almonds. It is this that is so popular and indispensable in farms where trees are grown for fruit production. It comes in two types - bitter and sweet. As you might have guessed, it is sweet almonds that are most in demand for industrial purposes.
You can take a closer look at this healthy type of almond in the photo below:

  • A deciduous shrub is the steppe almond, which also has names such as low and bean. It is characterized by a spherical crown shape. The tree can reach a height of up to 1.5 m. This plant is distinguished by the presence of bright pink buds. A characteristic feature is that the riot of colors delights the human eye for only 10 days. True, a small bonus may be that the fruits of this species are edible. By the way, this particular variety is one of the most popular in our area.
The most common forms are white-flowered and “Gesslera”. But the varieties of this shrub do not end there:

The bush, which is distinguished by beautiful snow-white buds, is called “White Sail”;

The next variety is “Anyuta”, the branches of which are decorated with deep pink flowers during the flowering period;

"Pink Fog"- this is a variety whose branches are completely covered with amazing large poisonous pink buds;

Pale pink buds are characteristic of the “Dream” shrub;

A large specimen, which reaches a height of at least 2 m, is called “Mediator”. It is considered one of the frost-resistant ones. Blooms with gorgeous light pink flowers;

The “Pink Flamingo” bush pleases the eye with its double buds. Of course, the flowers are colored accordingly - in pink tones. To see the attractiveness of this almond variety, see the photo below: perhaps this is the kind of shrub that will soon decorate your garden:

Almond is a tree or shrub. It belongs to the Plum and Pink family.

Many people mistakenly believe that almonds are a nut. However, it belongs to stone fruit crops.

An ornamental tree looks beautiful in a summer cottage, which is why many gardeners acquire this amazing plant.

At the beginning of spring or at the end of autumn, they plant almonds. Caring for an ornamental plant in open ground is not difficult, but it has some peculiarities.

By providing the plant with proper care and conditions for development, you can grow healthy decorative almonds, which will decorate your site for several years.

The almond bush can grow up to 2 or 3 m in height, while the almond tree is much taller, reaching 4-6 m.

The root system of the plant has 3-5 skeletal roots that penetrate deep into the soil.

The shrub or tree has pointed, dark green leaves that grow on brown petioles.

A distinctive feature of almonds is that they bloom very early, starting around March. The flowers of this original plant are white or pink, the fruit is a drupe.

Common almonds are grown for their fruit.

This type is divided into wild (bitter) almonds and sweet ones. The first type contains hydrocyanic acid.

Sweet almonds are a popular plant among gardeners.

This plant is not ornamental, but it is often grown on an industrial scale to produce medicinal fruits with high nutritional value.

Ornamental almonds are grown as a group planting or a single plant.

You can also find almonds planted as a hedge.

This amazing plant pleases the eye with its numerous flowers of white, crimson, pink or purple. Ornamental almonds are loved by gardeners for their original appearance.

Low almond (steppe, bean)

Low almonds are also called steppe or bean almonds.

It is a deciduous shrub that grows up to 1.5 m in height.

The branches of the steppe almond are straight with gray bark. The leaves of the shrub are narrow, leathery.

On the reverse side they are pale green, and on the front they have a bright green tint.

The flowers of this almond species are light pink. Flowering continues for 7-10 days.

Among the most popular varieties of low almonds are:

  • Dream;
  • Anyuta;
  • Pink flamingo;
  • White sail.


Georgian almonds can be seen growing on the edges or slopes.

The Caucasian variety of shrub is highly resistant to cold.

This allows you to grow almonds in the Moscow region.

The plant is externally a shrub about 1 m high with longer leaves and larger flowers, unlike the steppe almond, although they are very similar in appearance.


Double almonds are grown in central Russia only as an ornamental plant.

This species has beautiful double flowers of a delicate pink color.


In nature, Ledebur almonds can be found in the foothills of Altai.

This species grows very densely. The plant has dark green leaves.

Ledebur almonds bloom somewhat earlier than other species and varieties.

For 1.5-2 weeks you can enjoy beautiful flowering.

At this time, delightful pink flowers form on the bush.


The real beauty of Central Asia is the Petunnikov almond.

A shrub with straight or spreading branches, it grows up to 1 m in height.

The shoots of the Petunnikov almond are light yellow, the leaves are pointed and green, and the flowers are separate and have a pink tint.


The three-lobed almond is a beautiful tree, reaching a height of about 3 m. Its crown is spreading.

The leaves are three-lobed, which is why it got its name. Almond flowers come in different colors. They grow on stems in pairs.

Three-lobed almonds come in different varieties, differing in terms of ripening, size of flowers and their color.

This species is distinguished by a huge number of hybrids. Among the most beautiful and popular varieties are the following:

  • Tanyusha - distinguished by curled leaves and double flowers;
  • Svitlana is a beautiful variety with delicate light flowers, created by Ukrainian breeders;
  • Ruslana is a hybrid with flesh-colored flowers that change color to white over time;
  • Chinese - a variety with delicate light pink flowers;
  • Hybrid No. 3 is great during flowering, which is similar to cherry blossoms.

Dessert almonds

Dessert almonds grow well in central Russia. This species tolerates frost well. The kernels of these almonds are very tasty, sweet and buttery.

When and where is the best time to plant almonds?

To achieve the best results in growing almonds, it is recommended to choose annual seedlings.

It is best to plant plants in open ground in early March or in the fall - at the end of November.

The main thing in this matter is to pay attention to the fact that the site is protected from strong gusts of wind and drafts.

When planting trees you need to know some nuances:

  • Prepare the hole for planting almonds in advance, about 2 weeks;
  • dig a hole with a diameter of 50-70 cm and depth of 60-70 cm;
  • when planting in groups, leave a distance of 3-4 m between individual seedlings, while leaving 5-6 m between rows;
  • Place crushed stone or gravel at the bottom of the hole.

In order for a tree to develop well, it needs nutrients.

You can provide almonds with them if you properly prepare the fertile soil. To do this, mix:

  • 3 parts of land;
  • 1 part sand;
  • 2 parts humus;
  • 5 kg of rotted manure;
  • 0.5 kg of superphosphate.

Please note that if the soil is too acidic, dolomite flour must be added. If you don’t have it on hand, you can replace the flour with lime.

Proper planting of almonds is as follows:

  1. A support is dug in the center of the pit, the height of which should be 1-1.5 m.
  2. Next, a mound of earth is built around it.
  3. After this, stir the seedling so that the root collar is approximately 3-5 cm above the ground line.
  4. Next, the hole is filled with fertile soil and compacted thoroughly.
  5. Water the hole generously.
  6. At the final stage, the seedling is carefully tied to a support so as not to be damaged and the soil is mulched. It is best to use dry leaves or peat as mulch.

If for some reason it was not possible to plant almonds in the fall, this can be done in the spring. The main thing is to prepare the hole for planting in the fall.

Almond propagation

When propagating almonds, you need to know some features.

The fact is that species almonds can be obtained by growing seeds, but varietal almonds can only be obtained by layering, shoots or grafting.

Growing almonds from seed

Almond seeds are sown in spring or autumn. When sowing in spring, the seeds must be prepared in advance.

To do this, they need to be placed in a cool room with a low positive temperature.

The ideal conditions for this are the vegetable shelf in the refrigerator. The seeds need to be kept in this way for at least 4 months.

Make beards 7-10 cm deep in the soil.

The distance between seeds is left at least 10-13 cm.

The distance between the furrows is left at 50 cm.

As soon as the first shoots appear, you need to provide them with proper care.

It consists of regular watering, weeding and loosening the soil to saturate it with oxygen.

When the seedling reaches a height of 50 cm and its thickness is 1 cm, it is necessary to cut off all branches growing at a height of up to 10 cm into a ring.

Pay attention to how to do this correctly, as many gardeners often make mistakes when doing this. Almonds can be grafted as soon as the seedling recovers from the disease and adapts to new conditions.

Almond grafting

It is recommended to choose frost-resistant rootstocks for grafting. Almonds grow best on plum, bird cherry and cherry plum rootstocks.

Pay attention to the scion. It should be straight, with developed stems with eyes.

Using pruning shears, you need to remove all the leaves, leaving only petioles 1 cm long. As for time, you can graft during the period of sap flow. It happens in spring or August.

Grafting process:

  1. Remove dust and dirt from the rootstock and rub it with a damp cloth.
  2. A T-shaped incision is made slightly above the root collar. There is a special budding knife for this.
  3. The carefully cut bark is pulled apart.
  4. Cut off the shield from the scion.
  5. Next, the shield is placed in the incision so that it fits completely into it. That is why it is better not to make the shield too long.
  6. After this, the shield is pressed with the cut edges of the bark and fixed with tape or adhesive tape.

During spring grafting, after 15 days the petiole falls off the bud on its own. If the vaccination was in August, then the tape or patch is left until next autumn.


To propagate almonds by cuttings, planting material is prepared in the first month of summer.

Semi-lignified cuttings must have at least 2 nodes, the length of the petioles varies from 15 to 20 cm. Planting material is placed in the ground.

Rooting occurs in 20-30 days. As a rule, 85-100% of cuttings take root.

How to propagate by shoots

To increase the number of root shoots, it is necessary to do heavy pruning.

In order for the offspring to take root well, it must have a developed root system. As a rule, this occurs in the second year of development.

By layering

To propagate by layering, you need to dig a trench. Next, mark a long stem on the bottom and secure it with pins.

The top should be sprinkled with earth. Throughout the entire period when the roots will develop, it is necessary to regularly water the trench. Rooting lasts for 1 year.

Features of outdoor care

Plant care includes the usual procedures typical for all fruit trees.

Thus, it is necessary to water the plant in a timely manner, loosen it, fertilize it, and do not delay pruning.

Preventive measures to prevent the occurrence of diseases and pests are also considered important in tree care.

Feeding and watering

Mature plants are watered much less frequently. Approximately, each tree can be watered every 20 days. In this case, you need to focus on weather conditions.

During prolonged drought, watering can be increased, and during rainy periods - reduced.

An important point is also loosening the soil around the tree. It is necessary for the active development of the plant.

Note! Almonds love feeding very much. Fertilizer must be applied from the second year of seedling growth. In spring you can fertilize with ammonium nitrate or urea. In the fall, dig up superphosphate, potassium sulphide and rotted manure near the trunk.

Almond trimming

Almond trees should be pruned before the buds begin to open. At this time, remove all dried, deformed and frozen branches.

Formative pruning is carried out after flowering. In this case, you need to remove 3 poisons from skeletal branches:

  1. In the first year of development, 3 branches are selected. They should be 15cm apart. These branches need to be cut to a length of 15 cm.
  2. Over the course of 2 and 3 years, 3 tiers are formed at a distance of 20-30 cm.
  3. Shoots that are considered insignificant for the crown are pinched. You need to do this all summer.
  4. The remaining shoots are cut to 50 cm.
  5. At the end, the central conductor needs to be shortened. This should be done in such a way that there is a distance of 60 m between it and the upper tier.

Rejuvenating and sanitary pruning is carried out in the fall. All branches that thicken the tree are removed. Broken and damaged branches are also trimmed.

It is worth remembering that when pruning thick branches, the cut site must be treated with garden varnish.

How almond blossoms

According to some sources, almonds are translated from ancient Greek as “beautiful tree.” And this is indeed true. The almond blossoms are simply impressive.

At this time, a huge number of flowers form on the tree or shrub, which simply “stick around” the entire plant. The color of the flowers is white, pink, purple or red.

In regions with warm climates, almonds bloom starting in January. In mid-latitudes you can admire the most beautiful blooms in April-May.

Because of this amazing appearance, almonds are often planted for decorative purposes.

Diseases and pests

The almond plant may suffer from the following diseases:

  • Scab – leaves, shoots and flowers suffer from a fungal disease;
  • Rust - it can be distinguished by red spots on the leaves, which eventually dry out and fall off;
  • Gray rot - you can recognize the disease by a gray coating and brown spots on the shoots;
  • Cercospora blight – brown spots form on the leaves, and over time the center of the leaf dries out.

In any case, at the first signs of the disease, it is necessary to tear off all affected shoots, leaves, and burn them.

It is better to treat plants with fungicides. To do this, you need to choose dry, windless, cloudy weather. The best preparations, according to reviews from experienced gardeners, are:

  • Topaz;
  • Champion;
  • Oksikhom.

Most often, almonds suffer from aphids, leaf rollers or spider mites. The following drugs will help get rid of uninvited guests: Tagore, Fufanon or Fitoverm.

Experienced gardeners recommend paying special attention to preventive measures. It is much more difficult to cure a plant already affected by disease or pests.

Prevention includes the following measures:

  1. Before buds appear in the spring, trees need to be treated with a 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture.
  2. Repeated treatment should be done after the leaves fall.
  3. Proper care is the most important thing in growing any plant. That is why you need to regularly water, loosen the soil, get rid of weeds, and trim on time.

Please note that you can remove the almonds when the shell becomes darker. At this time, it should easily separate from the core.

The almonds are removed only after the green outer shell has darkened and can be easily separated from the kernel.

Preparing for winter and wintering

To protect almonds from freezing, they need to be prepared in winter. Young trees or shrubs are covered with dry leaves and straw.

However, adult plants tolerate cold well and do not require shelter. If the branches are frozen, there is nothing wrong with that.

In spring, the plant will quickly recover and come into shape.

For Moscow and the Moscow region, it is recommended to choose low, Ledebur, three-lobed or Georgian almonds.

There they will grow beautifully and delight their owners with their unique flowering. In Siberia the climate is more severe, winters are frosty and long.

For this region, the best option would be low almonds (steppe, bean).

An amazingly beautiful almond tree can be grown in any region of the country, the main thing is to provide it with proper care.

We recommend you find out:

Almond is a deciduous shrub, sometimes a small tree with simple, lanceolate leaves, serrated along the edges; with abundant and beautiful, single, large, white or pink flowers; fruits - roundish drupes with a pubescent pericarp and a detachable stone. Almonds bloom in 4-5 years.

Almonds are undemanding to soil, drought-resistant, light-loving, respond well to soil liming, and tolerate urban conditions. Grows quickly.

Almonds are one of those shrubs in which aging stems die off, gradually being replaced by root shoots that appear from the 3rd year of the plant’s life. At the 7th year their death begins. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the clump; old shoots must be completely removed. Highly decorative species deserve special attention.

Types and varieties of almonds

Georgian almonds

The bush is about a meter high, has large leaves, 9 cm long, large bright pink flowers and a bristly, shaggy fruit. Georgian almonds bloom in May, the fruits ripen in September, and begin to bear fruit at the age of 7. By winter, the shoots become woody and can withstand frost quite easily.

Less frost-hardy, but quite stable in Moscow, blooms and delights with its fruits.

Ledebour almond

Grows in the foothills of Altai. The foliage is dark green and large. The flowers are pink. Flowering lasts 2 weeks. It begins to bear fruit at the age of 10.

Low almond (bean)

Grows in Central Europe, Asia and Siberia. Grows in hollows and ravines.

Deciduous shrub with a spherical crown. The branches are erect, reddish-gray, with densely covered narrow leaves. The bright pink flowers are single, bloom with leaves and adorn the bush in abundance. Flowering lasts 7 days.

Almonds are light-loving, winter-hardy, drought-resistant, undemanding to the soil, tolerate shearing well, and produce root shoots. Almonds are propagated by seeds, grafting, layering, and root suckers.

Low almonds are grown in the middle; they bloom and bear fruit profusely, as well as in the forest-steppe part of Siberia.

There are two forms: white-flowered - with white flowers; Gessler - with large pink flowers.

Common almond

Under natural conditions it is found in Western Kopetdag, the Caucasus, Iran, and Afghanistan. Lives for a century.

It grows as a shrub or small tree with reddish branches. 3 – 8 m high, resembles a cherry. The leaves become oblong after flowering. The flowers consist of a fused calyx and a red or pink corolla.

Almond Petunnikova

Petunnikov's almond grows on rocky mountain slopes, sometimes forming pure thickets.

A shrub one meter tall, with erect or spreading branches, with countless shortened branches. The shoots are light fawn, bare, the bark of the branches is gray-brown. The leaves of the Petunnikov almond are linear, with a pointed apex, bluntly or sharply serrate along the edge. The Petunnikov almond tree has pink, single branches.

Winter-hardy, drought-resistant. Decorative during flowering and fruiting.

Almond (Louisiania) triloba

Bush 3 m tall, with dark gray shoots and spreading crown. The leaves of the three-lobed almond are located on the fruiting shoots in bunches, when unfolded from the lower side they are densely hairy, then bare.

Flowers on the shoots grow in twos, of different colors - dark pink, red, crimson. The flowers are simple, 1.5 cm in diameter. The shrub blooms in early May before the leaves bloom, lasting 2.5 weeks.

Two decorative shapes :

"Captivity." Spreading bush, 2 m in height. Flowers double, pink, 10 sepals, 48 ​​petals. Pedicel 10 mm long. It blooms in May for about 10 days. The flowers bloom after the leaves open.

"Kyiv". Bush or tree up to 3 m tall. The flowers are pink, double. It blooms very profusely at the end of April for a week, spreading a pleasant light aroma around. The flowers open before the leaves bloom.

Louisiana triloba with simple flowers is grown only in botanical gardens; flower growers practically do not have them.


Almonds love sunny or partial shade. The place for planting almonds must be protected from strong winds.

Soil for almonds

The soil mixture should consist of humus, leaf soil, sand with the addition of lime.

Almond care

Almonds are positive for regular feeding. On loamy soils, watering should be moderate, on sandy soils - abundant. With a lack of moisture, the flowering time is shortened, and with stagnant water, the root collar rots. Loosening is recommended. The plant tolerates shearing and pruning well. In cold winters, almond flower buds and shoot tips freeze. If there is a large amount of snow, then the root collar may damp out.

Almond propagation

orth almonds are propagated by grafting onto sloe, plum, other almonds, and bird cherry. Almond species can be propagated by seeds. Sowing should be done in spring or autumn after stratification.

Annual seedlings grow quickly and reach 30 cm in height. They tolerate transplantation well and bear fruit in the 3rd year of life. To obtain a dense crown, the bush is formed at a young age by removing dry, faded shoots. Almonds are propagated by green and root cuttings, layering and suckers.


Flower growers need to take into account that almond is an ornamental shrub that blooms in spring. It is very beautiful when planted alone and is used to create rocky slides. Almonds planted in groups of 3-5 are effective against a background of coniferous trees, on a lawn and in a standard crop.

Many have seen how in the spring almonds are covered with delicate pink and white flowers, a shrub whose planting and care does not cause much trouble for gardeners. This wonderful low deciduous plant can transform any garden with its abundant flowering and decorate even the most unsightly corner. Most of its varieties are light-loving, frost-resistant, perfectly tolerant of drought and infertile soils. It grows wild in the south, in the middle zones of Siberia, Crimea, the Caucasus, Central Asia, Belarus, Ukraine, both individually and in small groups. In cities and summer cottages, the shrub is an excellent honey plant, a valuable hedge that can last up to 130 years.

Planting almonds

Soil quality. Rocky, sandy, well-drained soils work best. Loams and clayey soil must be limed to improve air permeability. Almonds feel good on rocky decorative hills.

The light-loving shrub should be placed so that it is not shaded for more than a few hours a day.

Plants that are sheltered from cold winds develop well. The best choice is the southern side of the slope or a place closed from the north by buildings or a fence, but open to sunlight from the south.

If water stagnates, the almond root may die. Therefore, places subject to prolonged accumulation of moisture are not suitable for planting.

Almonds are a demanding crop for pollination. The amount of the future harvest directly depends on this. The proximity to beehives will be an additional advantage when choosing a location. Early flowering will provide prudent owners with aromatic spring honey.

How to plant almonds

Well-formed annual seedlings are transferred to a permanent place in autumn and early spring. Planting pattern 7x5.7x4. The pits are prepared in advance and an increased rate of fertilizers containing phosphorus is applied. This helps them settle in. The depth and width of the hole is about 60 cm. Half is filled with organic fertilizers, compost, sand, and lime. The roots are carefully placed on a mound of fertile soil formed in the planting hole. Exposing the roots is unacceptable. You need to pay attention to this when purchasing ready-made seedlings. The larger the earthen lump around them, the more reliable the survival rate. A slight deepening of the vaccination site is allowed. A support is installed near each seedling. Varieties are selected taking into account local climate conditions. Usually their number consists of three types. It is better to plant in the fall. If this is done in the spring, then after planting annual seedlings they are shortened to a height of up to a meter. This is how the tree trunk is formed. All the lower branches on it are cut out using the ring method. The branches left in the crown area are shortened by three or two eyes. Of the new shoots, 3.4 are left, making them the main skeletal trunks. Over the course of four years, the formation of the crown is done according to the type of bowl. Remove competitive stems that thicken the crown of the branch. Old trees respond well to rejuvenating pruning. Dry, diseased tree stems are removed annually.

A special feature of almond trees is their ability to quickly grow a crown. Knowing the variety of the plant planted, you need to take this into account so that many extra branches do not grow. For example, vigorous plants of the Texas and Languedoc varieties are formed on the basis of five leading stems. On low-growing species, for example, varieties Primorsky, Yaltinsky, Drake, using pruning, a bowl shape is created on three or five stems.

Growing almonds in the garden

Features of growing almonds - it grows even on rocky, slate, light clay, light sandy soils, but prefers deep fertile permeable soils. Almonds are undemanding to soil. But it does not tolerate heavy clays, high groundwater levels, or saline areas.
In garden plots, it is easy to increase soil fertility by applying organic fertilizers under deep digging. Under natural growing conditions, almonds reproduce by seeds. To preserve the grade, vegetative propagation - budding - is used. The rootstock is obtained from the seeds of the bitter seed variety of almond. Seeds are sown before winter to a depth of 8-10 cm. Already in July, with proper care, seedlings at the root collar reach 1 cm in diameter and are suitable for budding.

Two days before budding, the soil is well watered - after abundant watering, the bark peels off better. At the base, the stock of the rootstock is wiped from top to bottom with a piece of damp cloth, after which budding is performed. For budding, well-developed straight shoots with clearly formed eyes are selected.

On poor soils with weak seedling growth, fertilize with mineral fertilizers, but rotted manure is better at the rate of 4-5 kg ​​per 1 sq. m. meter. In a home garden, it is advisable to plant at least 2-3 plants for cross-pollination.

In the first year of planting, plants especially need careful care: watering, loosening the soil. Watch the plant - it will tell you what it needs.

If the soil on your site is very heavy, you can use peach, cherry plum, and plum seedlings as a rootstock. In 3-4 years you will already have a harvest.

Almond trimming

Almonds must be pruned regularly, removing dry and diseased branches. Decorative pruning also does not harm the plant. It is usually carried out after flowering, cutting off annual shoots in order to form the crown of the tree.

How almond blossoms

The nutmeg tree - almond - can be compared to the graceful figure of a beautiful girl who froze in anticipation of something. Almonds are distinguished by a touching, exquisite beauty, which artists have reflected more than once on their canvases. Initially, almonds sprouted in Asia Minor, Tien Shan, Iran, and the Balkan Peninsula, but the beauty of this shrub did not leave people indifferent; travelers brought thin branches from distant shores, and the seedlings took root. In Russia, similar shrubs can be found in the Crimea, the southern regions of the Urals and in the Danube regions. It should be noted that Russians really fell in love with the almond bush; they began to actively use it in landscape design to create magical flowering gardens.

Almond is a small tree, rather a shrub, with a powerful root system that can reach 5 meters. It grows up to 10 meters high. Of course, there are different varieties of this shrub, differing in height, shape and abundance of flowering.

Growing almonds from seed

Almonds can be grown from the seed, but in this case the biological and commercial characteristics of the almond may be lost. In order to germinate the almond seed as best as possible, it should first be soaked in a strengthening solution and planted at a distance of 15-20 cm from each other in a pre-prepared, well-dug place in late autumn or early winter to a depth of 10-15 cm. two seeds each, in this case a stronger seedling is left after germination. The seeds can be planted in early spring, but before that, from the end of January - beginning of February, they need to be stratified (germinated in conditions similar to natural wintering) in the sand. The process lasts up to one and a half months at temperatures from zero to ten degrees above zero.

When the seedlings reach 10-15 cm, the roots of the plant at the same depth must be cut with a shovel, after which they should be watered abundantly.

Budding of seedlings is carried out at the end of summer in the area of ​​the root collar, after which the budding plant is budded. Annual seedlings need to be transplanted, otherwise they will not form a crown.

Almond grafting

Rootstocks of any species of this plant are suitable for grafting, but it is recommended to take those that are highly frost-resistant. Almonds grow well on cherry plum, bird cherry, sloe or plum rootstocks. A scion suitable for grafting must be straight, have developed stems with eyes that must be fully formed. All foliage should be removed from the cuttings using pruning shears, leaving only short petioles of a centimeter in length.

If the grafting was carried out in the spring, then after half a month the petiole from the bud, which should still be green, should fall off on its own, and the budding tape should be slightly loosened. If the grafting was carried out in August, then the tape should not be removed until the next autumn period, and in late autumn the grafted seedling must be covered with soil (the grafting site must be covered with soil). With the onset of spring, it is necessary to remove the soil so that the root collar is free, and the fixing tape is also removed.

Propagation of almonds by cuttings

Almond cuttings are rooted in fertile soil - a peat substrate is used, which must be mixed with sand to create looseness, allowing the resulting root system to breathe. The cuttings are immersed in the substrate up to the top bud - one bud must remain on the surface - in a vertical position. Almond cuttings will gradually develop, so by winter they will still be vulnerable from the time they are planted. They need to be insulated. Having survived the first winter, the almonds will further withstand the cold well and will not need significant protection during the winter. You can insulate it with straw or leaves, covering the propagation material by twenty centimeters. Alternatively, you can use lutrasil.

Almonds will grow if they are fed regularly - this is a prerequisite for propagating almonds by cuttings. The ideal time for fertilization is spring. You can feed the cuttings with saltpeter, superphosphate, and manure. The latter fertilizer option can compact the soil mixture, so it should be applied in small quantities. Good development is also ensured by direct sunlight. Options for developing almonds in partial shade are also available. After the first weeks of planting, the almonds are mulched in the soil, but the root collar is not covered, otherwise the tree will stop growing.

A year after planting, in the second spring, the almonds are trimmed a little - symbolic, sanitary pruning - to activate its growth. As soon as the almonds fade, more extensive, rejuvenating pruning is carried out. Pay attention to this advice - it will help you maintain strength in caring for almonds in the future and will get rid of most of the problems that you may encounter if you do not follow it.

Almond is a shrub, but at the same time, an amazingly beautiful plant. It does not have one trunk, the plant has many shoots and they are all of equal value. If one shoot dies, a new one grows in its place.

An almond bush can be a wonderful addition to a summer cottage. Planting and caring for it require special attention.

Almonds bloom in April or May. One cannot help but admire the beauty of the flowers of this shrub. During the flowering period, a huge number of pink or white flowers appear on each branch.

Types and varieties of this plant

There are many types of almonds. The most popular and beautiful of them will be described below:

  1. Georgian almond: Grows up to 1 meter in height, has large leaves, large bright pink flowers and hairy fruit. This plant begins to bear fruit at the age of seven. Flowers appear in May and fruits in September. Quite a frost-resistant shrub.
  2. Common almond: a very beautiful plant that grows as a shrub or small tree. The branches of such almonds have a reddish tint. The flowers consist of a fused calyx and a pink or reddish corolla.
  3. Three-lobed almond: such a bush can reach a height of about three meters. The three-lobed almond boasts a spreading crown and flowers of various colors (red, dark pink, crimson). Flowers grow on shoots in twos, they reach 1.5 cm in diameter.

How to plant decorative almonds at home?

Georgian almonds have large leaves, bright pink flowers and hairy fruit.

Due to their beauty, almonds are very popular among gardeners. Everyone wants to have such a beautiful shrub on their site. It should be noted that caring for this plant does not require much work. The main thing is to adhere to all important rules.

Many people are concerned about the question: “Where is it better to grow such a shrub?” The answer is simple - almonds love fairly well-lit areas that are protected from drafts and strong gusts of wind. This plant does not tolerate shade well and loves the sun very much. That is why professional gardeners recommend planting such a shrub on the south side of the site. In this case, the plant will only be in the shade for two hours a day.

If we talk about soil, decorative almonds can grow on almost any soil crops. However, if you want the shrub to grow faster and have a lush and abundantly flowering crown, then it is better to plant it on compost soils. Almonds do not like clay soils.

If there is a need to replant a tree, it is better that planting occurs after the leaves have fallen. In general, it is best to plant almonds in early fall, before mid-October. This way the bush will take root faster and better. It is advisable to pour two buckets of manure and about one glass of mineral fertilizers into the planting hole.

To plant an almond seedling, you need to dig a hole about three meters deep.

There are 2 ways to plant almonds:

  1. Saplings;

This planting method is the simplest. It is better to dig a hole about three meters deep. It is better to plant 2-3 plants. Otherwise, the almonds will not bear fruit. The distance between seedlings should be at least three meters. Professionals do not recommend burying the seedling. After the entire procedure, the seedling must be firmly attached to the stakes.

  1. Bones.

In this case, landing time plays a huge role. It is better to plant seeds in spring. If you carry out this procedure in the fall, there is a high risk that the bones will be eaten by rodents.

How to care for almonds?

As mentioned above, caring for this plant does not require much time and effort. Decorative almonds need watering, pruning and rejuvenation of the crown, as well as timely application of fertilizers.

If you trim the bush on time, this will have a very beneficial effect on its appearance. The crown of such a plant will be much more beautiful and more spreading. In spring, it is necessary to remove inward, broken and dry branches. It is imperative to cut off faded shoots. In their place, other shoots will soon grow, which will begin to bloom luxuriantly next year. If desired, you can carry out formative pruning. Thanks to this procedure, you can give the plant the desired shape and a more well-groomed appearance.

It is important to feed almonds correctly and on time. This procedure should be carried out once a year, namely in July. 30 grams of superphosphate dissolved in 10 liters of water is ideal as a top dressing. The resulting liquid should be poured to the roots of the bush. This fertilizing will promote the formation of flower buds and the ripening of wood. We should also not forget about loosening the soil and controlling weeds. These procedures are best carried out in the spring and summer.

Water the almonds as the soil dries. You should not be too zealous with watering - the bush does not like an overly humid environment.

Since decorative almonds are a flowering plant, it is not surprising that they are susceptible to attacks by various pests. Aphids are very dangerous for almonds. This insect can inhibit the development of buds and greatly damage the leaves of the plant. Aphids are also scary because they secrete a special sticky substance that attracts ants. Ants, like ladybugs, can cause irreparable harm to a plant. These pests can be controlled using pesticides. Very often, during flowering, caterpillars appear on almond leaves. If you do not get rid of them in time, then there is a risk that the bush will be left without leaves. Many gardeners prefer to control caterpillars with insecticidal oil or soap.

Plant propagation

Almonds propagate in several ways:

  1. Root shoots;

Budding: a - one-year-old shoot with leaves, b - cuttings for budding, c - position of hands when cutting the eye, d, e, f, g - tying the inserted eye.

This method of reproduction is very convenient and simple. A large amount of root growth is formed, as a rule, after severe pruning of the plant. It is better to separate the shoots in the second year, when sufficiently strong roots have formed on it.

  1. By layering;

In this case, flexible shoots are used that can be easily pinned to the ground. The shoots are spudded and left in the ground until roots form. It should be noted that almond propagation by layering is a rather long process. Often, the roots are not visible even after a year. However, if roots appear after a year, then there is no need to rush and dig up the seedling. It's better to leave it in the ground for another year. During this time, a good root system is formed, which will ensure good growth of the plant in the future.

  1. Green cuttings;

Green cuttings are harvested in July, after which they are rooted in seedling boxes. Cuttings should have 2-3 nodes. During planting, only one node should remain on the soil surface.

  1. By budding.

This procedure is best carried out in the second half of July or the first half of August.

What are the fruits of almonds?

Almonds boast not only a very attractive appearance of flowers, but also quite tasty fruits. The fruits of this plant consist of a green, inedible pericarp and a seed (nut). These seeds are known for their rich and healthy composition.

The light-loving almond plant tolerates heat, comparative drought, and frost (but not more than 25 degrees).

  1. Almonds contain a lot of vitamin E and B, which have a positive effect on the appearance and condition of hair and nails;
  2. Almond fruit is used to make oil that perfectly softens the skin;
  3. It has long been proven that such nuts cleanse the blood and calm the nervous system;
  4. The nuts of this plant boast a high content of proteins and fats;
  5. Many experiments have shown that almond seeds increase potency and also remove bile;
  6. In addition, one cannot help but note the fact that these fruits stimulate brain function. That is why such nuts are recommended for people who are constantly engaged in mental work.

Almond fruits ripen in August or September. During this period they are collected. It is not difficult to distinguish a ripened fruit from an unripe one - the outer shell of a ripened nut cracks and dries out. If the bush does not exceed two meters in height, then the fruits can be collected from it by hand. And if the tree is more than two meters high, then they simply shake it and collect the precious fruits.

Despite the large number of positive properties of the fruits of this shrub, they cannot be consumed by everyone and not always.

Basically, unripe nuts contain hydrocyanic acid, which is very harmful to the body.

You must be very careful when using this product. Almond seeds often cause an allergic reaction in humans. If unpleasant symptoms appear after eating such nuts, you should stop using them further.

In addition, this product contains quite a lot of calories (609 Kcal per 100 g). That is why it is better for people suffering from excess weight to give it up.

It should be noted that it is better to consume almonds raw. There will be no benefit from roasted nuts.