How to make a deep cleaning station yourself. Wastewater treatment in a private house: septic tank or VOC? Sewerage and wastewater treatment in a private country house

A cesspool is the simplest, but not very successful option for an autonomous sewage system in a private house. Modern technologies offer more convenient solutions, for example, local cleaning stations in industrial production.

A skilled builder is quite capable of making a septic tank with his own hands without pumping out. What options for odorless septic tanks are popular among owners of private houses and what will be required for their construction - we will consider all this in our article.

We will also give an example of assembling a septic tank from concrete rings and compare the ready-made solutions offered by the market with homemade products.

Sewerage facilities are called septic tanks, which almost completely process wastewater, decomposing them into safe components.

All work on the transformation of human waste is assigned to microorganisms. Aerobic and anaerobic bacteria gradually process the low-appetizing sewage masses into water and activated sludge.

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If the device is insulated and properly mothballed, it is not afraid of either winter frosts or spring floods. It will not float or crack, even if some of its contents freeze.

It is, of course, important to correctly install the device. In the process of wastewater treatment, bacteria effectively eliminate the odor characteristic of sewage.

The resulting water is, of course, not suitable for drinking, cooking, doing laundry or other household needs. With a high degree of purification, it can be used to water plants on the site.

Water is often removed through a filtration well or filtration field. Water gradually enters the ground, passing through the treatment system, a layer of sand and gravel.

Sludge, which settles at the bottom of the sealed container, of course, does not go anywhere. It accumulates, as a result of which the total volume of the septic tank decreases slightly. When the amount of deposits becomes critical, the device should be cleaned using a special pump.

Cleaning the septic tank is performed much less often than pumping out the cesspool, and this process is usually not accompanied by a stench, since the sludge has a completely neutral odor.

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Outside, the septic tank is covered with a layer of waterproofing. Some masters recommend to coat not only the joints, but the entire capacity of the device.

The trench for the sewer pipe leading from the house to the septic tank without pumping out and smelling is laid with a slight slope. At the junction of the septic tank and the pipe, a hole of suitable dimensions is made in the thickness of the concrete.

In the same way, overflow pipes are installed, which connect separate parts of the septic tank. All joints of the septic tank with pipes must be sealed and covered with a layer of waterproofing.

A gravel-sand filter is placed at the bottom of the last section of the septic tank instead of cement mortar. First, sand is poured and leveled, and then a layer of gravel.

It is also allowed to use crushed stone of a suitable fraction for these purposes. The thickness of the filtration layer should be approximately 30-40 cm.

As the upper ceiling of a septic tank made of concrete rings, a special round plate of a suitable size with a sealed lid is used

After all the compartments of the septic tank are ready, you need to cover them with round concrete slabs, which can be purchased from precast concrete manufacturers, complete with concrete rings.

These covers have holes with sealed concrete covers. It remains to backfill the pits, and the septic tank can be considered ready for operation.

Other options for homemade septic tanks

In addition to concrete rings, you can use other materials to create a septic tank. Consider the most popular materials and options for making septic tanks.

Option # 1 - septic tank from eurocube

The eurocube has already been mentioned - a sealed plastic container.

It is relatively easy to install such a septic tank, but the low physical weight of the plastic should be taken into account. During a spring flood, groundwater can simply push a light container to the surface.

To make such a septic tank heavier, a concrete slab with metal hinges should be laid at the bottom of the pit. The container is fixed to these loops using a metal cable. Sometimes such a septic tank is weighted with the help of some heavy object, which is fixed at the top of the device.

Option # 2 - monolithic concrete structure

A concrete septic tank can be made by pouring. In this case, it is not necessary to make several pits, you can get by with one large-sized structure and a rectangular configuration.

First, the bottom is concreted, then the formwork is installed and the walls of the septic tank are poured. To divide a large capacity into several sections, concrete walls are made inside.

To pour a concrete septic tank with a solution, you will need to build a wooden formwork, in which holes are immediately made for overflow pipes

A septic tank can be made with your own hands from concrete blocks or bricks, but the masonry should be as tight as possible.

Another option is to make. However, such a material cannot provide sufficient tightness to protect the soil from non-recycled effluent.

With the help of tires, you can only make a version of a permeable cesspool. The life of such a device is significantly limited, in contrast to a capital septic tank, which, with proper maintenance, can serve for decades.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

This video shows in detail the option of creating a two-chamber septic tank:

Of course, a homemade septic tank does not always provide the same high degree of purification as modern VOCs. Nevertheless, these structures function very successfully with relatively low costs for their installation and maintenance.

When building a septic tank, it is important to adhere to technical standards in order to prevent contamination of groundwater.

Do you use a homemade septic tank without pumping? Tell us, what type of building did you prefer and does your family have enough volume? How often do you clean up and what steps do you take to prepare your septic tank for winter?

Leave your comments under our article - your experience in building and operating a homemade septic tank will be useful to many owners of private houses and summer cottages.

Suburban sewerage is a convenient and modern solution, therefore, local purification systems are increasingly being installed in summer cottages and in private settlements. Such systems are capable of providing high-quality and efficient wastewater treatment by decomposing organic matter contained in them. Thus, problems regarding the disposal of these compounds are solved.

If a biological treatment station is installed for a summer cottage, then you can forever forget about the issue of waste disposal and removal of sewers.

The device of an autonomous sewage system in your home does not require much effort, while the result of the work justifies the costs. As a result, an ordinary suburban building turns into a comfortable suburban housing intended for year-round stay.

On the one hand, the owner of a country house must himself monitor the operation of the autonomous sewage system, ensuring its serviceability. On the other hand, if you purify wastewater and make a sewage system in the country with your own hands from a barrel, then you can be calm that everything is in order.

The device of a biological sewage treatment plant for the home

One of the main advantages of such systems is independence from the general sewer system, which often fails. It is also worth noting that the price of such a solution is quite reasonable.

There are many important advantages of installing an autonomous sewage system:

  • the risk of pollution and poisoning of the land on the site is excluded;
  • the environment is not polluted, namely groundwater and reservoirs;
  • comfortable stay at home.

Features of biological wastewater treatment

As a rule, biological cleaning takes place with the participation of bacteria, which are divided into two groups:

  • due to aerobes, ammonia is converted into nitrates and nitrites;
  • due to anaerobes, nitrogen, methane and carbon dioxide are released in gaseous form.

Biological treatment is the most convenient and safest way to purify domestic water in the sewer system. There are various types of stations, the work of which is based on the vital activity of aerobic bacteria, the question of how to make a toilet in the country with a sewage system can be solved quickly and easily. Thus, organic compounds in wastewater are decomposed into simple components.

It should be noted that the biological method of wastewater treatment is considered the most versatile, since the local sewerage system can be installed in any suburban area. There is also no need to connect to a centralized sewer system.

It is possible to install such systems for a country house of a summer residence, a cafe, a hotel, a restaurant and other establishments. Due to biological wastewater treatment, the destruction of organic impurities is ensured, so the water becomes clean and transparent. The advantages also include the absence of problems with water disposal and a reduced risk of re-contamination.

Autonomous sewerage systems are used to effectively treat domestic wastewater. This is perhaps the most successful solution to such problems of a country house.

Biological stations are able to qualitatively purify wastewater without accumulation, which happens in the case of using conventional septic tanks. If such a station is installed in the house, then there is no need to call a sewage truck.

The autonomous sewerage system has a compact size and can be installed on any soil.

The principle of operation of a biological treatment plant

Deep biological treatment plant or septic tank?

The station consists of 4 sections, in which there is a phased purification of waste water due to activated sludge and oxygen. In this case, purification is carried out up to 98%. The resulting water may well be used for irrigation purposes or for technical needs.

Such a biological treatment station is compact and easy to install, which is an indisputable advantage for independent work. In addition, no further pumping of the settling waste is required. Despite this, the station needs regular maintenance, which consists in flushing the sections using a high pressure washer, in addition, the unit will need to be restarted. You can do this yourself or contact the service department. An important condition is also careful handling of the station during its operation.

Installation of a deep biological wastewater treatment plant

It is advisable to use such treatment facilities at facilities where permanent residence is planned.

System advantages:

  • Compact dimensions - deep biological treatment station does not take up much free space.
  • Easy installation - especially important for independent work.
  • No need to pump down if maintenance is done in a timely manner.
  • There is no need to install a post-treatment system.


  • The station is volatile, therefore it does not work without electricity.
  • Regular maintenance required.
  • To wash the unit, you need to use special detergents that can be bought at the store.
  • If no one lives in the house in winter, the equipment will need to be preserved and started up.

Comparative table of wastewater treatment methods

Septic tank device

The device is a polyethylene container, consisting of three sections, directly in which wastewater is purified up to 90%. Such septic tanks should not be confused with simple storage tanks. This device performs wastewater treatment by directing water into special systems for final purification. Such water can be used as a technical liquid, for irrigation of the soil or for the installation of drinking sources.

If the water from the septic tank is not additionally purified, then unpleasant consequences can be observed. Sediment remains in the device, which must be pumped out about once a year. From a certain point of view, septic tanks are considered cheaper than biological treatment plants, but do not forget about the need to use a post-treatment system. Installation of such a unit is relatively more difficult, since anchoring is required. Despite this, this system can be used for country houses where year-round living is not provided.


  • No electricity needed to work.
  • It is not worth buying and using special detergents.
  • The device can be used both in the country and at home, where people live permanently.
  • There is no need for maintenance, the filtration composition in the post-treatment system needs to be changed once every 15 years.
  • Affordable cost, even if you take into account the purchase of a post-treatment system.


  • The need for post-treatment systems.
  • Installation of a septic tank is more difficult.
  • Periodic pumping is required.
  • Such a septic tank in the country with your own hands from rings can be installed for any house or summer cottage.

Using a septic tank for a summer residence

The principle of operation of biological treatment plants

Plants where sewage bioremediation is carried out are called SBR reactors. Intermittent aeration of activated sludge colonies takes place in them. As a result of these actions, ammonium is converted into nitrogen, while phosphate-accumulating bacteria help to remove phosphorus from the effluent.

Inside the casing made of expanded polypropylene, the stations are located:

  • automatic control unit;
  • compressor;
  • 4 chambers, namely a receiving chamber, an aeration tank, a chamber for stabilizing activated sludge and a secondary clarifier.

Wastewater treatment steps in aeration plants:

  • There is a separation of waste water into fractions in the receiving chamber.
  • The wastewater is then saturated with oxygen. The effluent is pumped due to the operation of airlift pumps, in other words, air bubbles act on the water, while the biomass is not damaged.
  • When biomass enters the aeration tank, they turn into suspended activated sludge, on the flakes of which the main purification is carried out.
  • After that, the waste sludge enters the chamber, where the activated sludge is stabilized.
  • In the secondary sedimentation tank, the treated effluent is freed from suspended particles.
  • When the wastewater treatment process is completed, the wastewater is discharged into a reservoir or simply onto the relief of the site.
  • After going through all the processes, the sludge becomes safe and may well be used as biofuel or as a good fertilizer for plants in the country.

The process of installing biological treatment plants

The advantages of installing equipment include the absence of the need to use special equipment. So, you should adhere to a certain sequence:

  • first a pit is made;
  • if there is a high level of groundwater, then it will be necessary to form a surcharge plate. In the case of non-watered soils, the station will have to be installed on a compacted area;
  • the station is immersed in a pit;
  • the pit is covered with sand in layers and compacted;
  • inlet and outlet sewer pipes are mounted;
  • lead in an electric cable;
  • the site is being planned, with only the hatch visible on the surface.

Installation features

In the process of installing a biological station, it is required to take into account the following features:

  • the bioreactor should be mounted at a short distance from the house, while the station is fully or partially immersed underground;
  • no concrete rings are used for installation, therefore, construction costs are significantly reduced;
  • the station is usually installed on a concrete slab;
  • the edge of the bioreactor is sprinkled with sand and then earth;
  • if the equipment is of low power, then the timer and the compressor will be located near the reactor in the process well. If necessary, the control unit can be installed on the outside of the bioreactor;
  • with the help of special casings they protect air ducts and cables;
  • if it is not possible to organize the flow of water into the equipment by gravity, then it is necessary to install a pumping station.

Installation of a biological treatment station

Only specialists should pump out excess sludge, check the airlifts, the membranes of the compressor, aerator, and change faulty parts and clean the walls of the bioreactor. Such processes are required to be carried out at least 1-2 times a year.

A biological sewage system for a country house is a modern, environmentally friendly wastewater treatment option.

Everyone is trying to improve the living conditions in a country house to the maximum. Why not, for example, arrange a separate recreation area at the dacha - a kind of paradise with a bathhouse, sun loungers, a gazebo for pleasant conversations, a sports ground and, of course, a barbecue, or a barbecue (as you like). “What's new in that?” You ask. Don't jump to conclusions. The main surprise lies ahead. So, thanks to the ability to bring all the necessary communications to the recreation area, you can now receive guests in your corner of paradise at any time. But, if the supply of water and lighting to any place on your site is already quite a common thing for any "DIY", then the autonomous sewerage of a private house sometimes still raises a number of questions. In this article, we will tell you how to organize an autonomous sewage system in a private house based on a deep biological treatment station.

If you are going to supply the drain on your own and have already made a choice in favor of an autonomous sewage system of a private house based on a deep biological treatment station, then you must strictly observe the following procedure:

  • Choose a place to drain the treated water independently or with the help of a specialist.
  • Select an option for water drainage: with forced or gravity discharge.
  • Select the model and manufacturer of the station. And here you cannot do without competent advice from specialists.

Expert advice:
(General Director of the company "Domostroev" Vitaly Timofeevich Tokarev)
Of course, you need to choose from the main manufacturers of deep biological treatment plants that have been proven over the years, which have the appropriate documents guaranteeing the reliability of these stations, namely: the necessary certificates of compliance with hygienic standards and a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion. If you find it difficult to give preference to someone, contact the specialists. Experts will also help to determine the model of the station, its manufacturer, and at the same time select the necessary equipment. In addition, they will prompt, if in doubt, whether you have chosen the right place for the future station. As a rule, the most optimal solution is to make a sewer line without turns, so as not to install additional inspection wells. Without revision wells, it will be very problematic to clear the blockage in pipes with bends.

The wrong choice between manual and work of special equipment can result in a big problem.

To prevent this from happening, you need to know in what cases to give preference to one or another power.

In what situations is it possible to prepare the pit only manually:

1. When it is impossible to enter the site for special equipment.
2. When in the course of work there is a real threat of disturbance of the already formed landscape.

A completely different calico, when a wheeled excavator can freely drive up and work directly at the installation site. If the weather and soil are favorable for the rapid development of the pit, then the excavator will take no more than 20-25 minutes. But this is the ideal. In practice, this kind of development takes much longer. Much depends on the amount of sand in the soil and the height of the water table. With a large amount of both (such soil is called "quicksand"), the work time can take up to several hours and the installation of formwork may be required. With a lot of water-saturated loam or clay, the work can take an entire working day.

Sequence of work


Let us define the range of our tasks, the number and complexity of which largely depends on the chosen location for the installation of a biological treatment plant. In our example, it is quite traditional - near the bathhouse, specifically - two meters from the main ditch. A smaller distance, according to the rules of SNIP, is not recommended. Now we are planning the exit point of the sewer pipe. And here we will not surprise anyone. The track will start from home. Its length, according to our calculations, is 23 meters to the installation site. The distance is decent, we have exceeded the norm up to 15 meters and, according to the rules, we still cannot do without an additional inspection well.

We do not have the opportunity to use special equipment, since the passage to the house is too narrow, and we do not want to spoil the design landscape. This means we will work manually. The site will require strength in the amount of three, and preferably five people.

We order and deliver sand in advance, which will be needed to create a sand cushion both in the pit and under the pipes (for three or four people, 3-5 cubic meters of sand, this is approximately, it all depends on the conditions for installing the station).

We were lucky, there was sandy soil on the site, there is no need to bring sand.

Materials for mounting a stand-alone station

  • sewer pipes for outdoor use
  • insulation
  • bends
  • electric cable
  • corrugation
  • inspection wells

Unloading model stations must be in an upright position.
The installation itself is carried out in three stages.

The size of the pit for the station (let's take the average - for 5 people) is 1.5 × 1.5 m wide and 2.3 m deep. To prevent erosion of the pit walls due to the high level of groundwater (this is often the case), we make formwork. In this case, the width of the pit increases by about 0.3 m. That is what we will do. Digging a hole measuring 1.8 x 1.8 m, taking into account the width of the formwork.

Throughout all the work, do not forget to measure the depth of the pit. If groundwater does penetrate into the formwork, a drain pump must be used.

As soon as the last centimeter has been dug, we immediately begin the descent of the station so that the foundation pit is not attacked by groundwater with sand.

Station descent

We lower the station into the pit on the ropes. Help will be required from everyone present on the site. This procedure does not tolerate fuss.

Then, we fill all compartments of the station with water. At the same time, we level the station building and sprinkle it, compacting the sand so that the station does not sink with the soil. The septic tank is filled up, like water, on the upper level of the station.

We fall asleep, but not to the end, since the connection of the mains - input and output is still ahead.

Digging a supply trench

For sewer pipes (with a diameter of 110 mm), we dig a trench 0.5-0.6 m wide, in order to feel the stability of our legs during installation. There will be no other way to arrange a high-quality sand pillow. At the entrance to the station, at the depth of the supply pipe, we leave 0.6 m.Thus, the trench is dug along the entire length with a depth of 0.2 to 0.7 m with a slight (3 percent) uniform slope towards the station along the entire length. Then the bottom of the trench is leveled with sand.

We fill in a sand pillow along the entire length at a slope of 3 cm per meter. We seal by checking the level. Then, only part of the main line is laid out from the pipes and on the wall of the receiving chamber we mark the place of the main line.

For the external laying of the line, we use pipes of a specially red color. Even before laying, do not forget to put thermal insulation on the pipes, which greatly simplifies the entire installation of the route.

1. Cut out a hole in the wall of the receiving chamber with the prepared crown.
2. Hermetically solder the butt joint using polypropylene solder. We apply it with a special nozzle of a construction hair dryer.

Now you can install on our long track, according to the instructions of SNIP, an inspection passage well. Important note: the well must be made of special materials that are not afraid of temperature extremes, exposure to ultraviolet radiation and soil pressure.

The very exit of the sewer pipe from the house is nothing more than a vertical "riser", which must be insulated to the height of the basement floor. The connection of the vertical and horizontal parts of the riser is a tee in case of clearing the blockage.

When we have laid the entire route, we make a fixing sprinkling to prevent violations of the slope of the pipes, its shift towards the septic tank. Then we lay a black electric cable (in a protective corrugation).

Now we need a device for a drainage trench into the drainage ditch. It will be located near the station. We are planning a device for gravity drainage of treated effluents, so we lay pipes in insulation up to the ditch. There are literally two meter steps to the ditch, so we use pipes with a diameter of 110 mm.

It should be borne in mind that the effluents from the treatment station are warm all year round. Given this fact, in the process of laying under the carriageway, double-walled corrugated pipes are used, in general, but there are also mistakes. And not only in this case.

Polyethylene pressure pipes (HDPE) with a cross section of 25mm are used and are laid with a counter angle for forced retraction. In the winter season, it is recommended to lay a self-regulating heating cable along the entire length of the highway, with additional thermal insulation.

We dig a trench under the output highway and clean the bottom of the trench for a sand cushion under the pipe (with a slope of 2-3 cm per 1 m).

The pipe in the insulation is laid on the sand. Then it connects to the station using a pipe with a diameter of 11 cm.

We finish the installation with the outlet of the discharge system into a deep gutter.

The penultimate stage - we start the electric cable through a sealed entry on the wall of the cable and connect it to the control unit (we do it according to the scheme). Next, we connect the lamp, as well as the float, the alarm. Such a system is necessary to increase the reliability of the entire autonomous sewage system. Thus, you will always be aware of the work of the station around the clock.

If we consider the situation with forced discharge, then two electrical devices are mounted inside the station - a compressor and a drainage pump, sometimes a heating cable is connected.

This must be remembered:

1. The compressor is fastened with a clamp to the air duct and the power cable is connected to the socket located inside the station.
2. A drainage pump is installed in the tank for treated wastewater and is connected to a socket with a cable. 3) an output line is connected to the pump, sometimes with a heating cable.

For the summer, the cable can be disconnected, in order to save energy, we recommend not to exclude this possibility.

The end of the electrical cable, brought into the house, is fed to the shield (to a separate machine). It's a good idea to install a voltage stabilizer in your home. It will protect electrical appliances from power surges.

So we have reached the victorious end - the preliminary launch. We connect all the elements of our system, check the performance of all airlift pumps, phase changeover. We also check the operation of the drain pump and heating cable. In the event of a forced ejection, it must be uninterrupted.

Now is the time to start completely backfilling the station and all the trenches that can be easily disguised as a lawn with flowers. And overlay the station with a beautiful pattern of stones. Yes, and do not forget, for the good of the case, to be instructed in the station maintenance.

Any developer in the improvement of a country house sooner or later is puzzled by the question of how to arrange a local sewer system. Modern technologies will solve this issue in several ways, including a treatment station, a septic tank made of concrete rings, and so on. But to choose the best option, you need a comprehensive solution.

Wastewater treatment methods

You need to know that there are two ways to treat wastewater: anaerobic and aerobic.

The first method is used in various types of septic tanks - from simple overflow septic tanks made of concrete rings and ending with local treatment facilities. The second method of purification is used in autonomous sewage systems - deep biological treatment stations.

The first method is used in various types of septic tanks - from simple overflow septic tanks made of concrete rings and ending with local treatment facilities. The second method of purification is used in autonomous sewage systems - deep biological treatment stations.

Septic tank made of concrete rings

This type of local treatment plant, working on the anaerobic principle, despite its simplicity and cheapness, requires a thoughtful approach. Here are the features that this type of septic tank may have.

Chief engineer of the company "Artesium" Dmitry Zadrutsky:

- Although this type of treatment plant on the site is often built independently, a number of features of this type of septic tank should be taken into account:

  • Purification in this type of septic tank occurs by overflowing wastewater from the chamber to the chamber. And therefore, they install 3-chamber septic tanks made of concrete rings.
  • Pay attention to the diameter of the rings. The volume of the septic tank depends on this. The larger the number of people living, the more you need the volume of the septic tank and the number of chambers.
  • If the site has a high level of groundwater, then in order to avoid the seepage of contaminated water into the soil, better sealing of the septic tank is required.
  • For better wastewater purification, you can use special bacteria, and for additional wastewater treatment, it is recommended to arrange a filtration field.

The disadvantages of this type of septic tank include:

  • The complexity of installation and a large amount of earthwork;
  • Unlike plastic septic tanks, complete tightness of the joints of the rings is not ensured;
  • The need to use special equipment and a crane for the installation of a septic tank.

In this septic tank, you can throw toilet paper, personal hygiene products and drain from the washing machine, but discharge from the dishwasher is no longer desirable, because fatty deposits are formed on the walls of the main pipe. It is not possible to use water for irrigation, and it is necessary to periodically call a sewage machine to pump out the septic tank.

Local treatment plant

To understand what processes occur in this type of septic tank, the managing partner of the company will help us "Triton Plastic"(Moscow) septic tank manufacturer" TANK» Vladimir Pivovarov:

- P the principle of operation of septic tanks: wastewater from household devices is directed by gravity through pipelines to the first chamber of the septic tank, where it is naturally separated into light - fats, oily substances, organic waste and heavy components. Heavy fractions sink to the bottom and eventually turn into silt, the lungs, together with water, enter the second chamber for anoxic processing by anaerobic bacteria, and then, if there is one, into the third chamber.

And the final wastewater treatment is carried out already in the filtration fields, selected based on the absorbing characteristics of the soil in the area and the depth of groundwater during installation.

Organic sludge accumulated in the receiving chamber of the septic tank as a result of the processing of heavy fractions from wastewater is periodically disposed of by pumping through the hose of a sewage machine.

It should be noted that this type of septic tank requires a mandatory device of filtration fields. Since the water after the septic tank is purified by about 60-70% and requires additional purification for discharge into the ground.

After the additional purification process, the water is purified to almost 99%. However, it is not recommended to use these drains for irrigation or other needs.

Vladimir Pivovarov:

- For seasonal accommodation, pumping is required once every 1-3 years, depending on the number of people living and the intensity of use. This can be assessed by visually opening the manhole cover in the septic tank before the winter period. With permanent residence, pumping out once a year or with the addition of bacteria every 5-8 years.

In the conditions of seasonal residence, it is necessary only once a year to pump out the sediment from the septic tank when it is preserved for the winter period.

And with permanent residence, using the filling of special bacteria for intensive decomposition of the sediment, about once a month, pumping is required much less often, only once every 5-8 years.

The septic tank can be used for any type of soil, including non-filtering and with a high level of groundwater.

The main advantages of this type of treatment plant include:

  • Long service life - over 50 years;
  • Ease of operation and energy independence;
  • The possibility of processing in moderate quantities of organic substances that enter the septic tank along with waste (detergents, paper or cigarette butts);
  • The durable ribbed surface of the septic tank, and its manufacture of extra strong plastic, increases resistance to aggressive chemicals and seasonal temperature changes.

Deep biological treatment station

We figure out what advantages the biological treatment plant has and how the effluent is purified.

Company expert "SBM - Group" producing autonomous local sewerage systems "UNILOS"Beskishchenko Maxim .

- The principle of operation of a deep biological treatment station is based on the method of continuous cultivation of microorganisms, which occurs under the influence of oxygen, or as it is also called the method of aeration. And the effluent is purified due to activated sludge obtained from bacteria and microscopic animals.

Activated sludge is active biomass suspended in water, which carries out the wastewater treatment process in an aeration tank. A large community of microorganisms formed during biological treatment intensively oxidizes organic matter.

Thanks to the organic substances in the wastewater and the excess oxygen entering the installation, these bacteria begin to develop rapidly and then stick together into flakes, after which they release enzymes that mineralize organic pollution. When sludge with flakes gets into the outlet sump, it quickly settles, separating from the treated water.

The biological treatment station allows the use of treated water for irrigation. And activated sludge formed in the aeration tank is very similar in structure to river sludge and is a valuable fertilizer. So you don't have to call a sewer truck.

Unlike cesspools, a biological treatment station does not accumulate sewage, but ensures their biochemical decomposition into simple, safe compounds - industrial water and stabilized activated sludge, therefore, there is no bad smell. Therefore, a biological treatment station can be installed near the house, at a distance of 2 meters, and the treated water can be immediately discharged to the terrain without using additional soil treatment systems.

We understand the features of the operation of such a system.

Beskishchenko Maxim:

- Despite the reliability of the system, there are a number of rules that must be followed for the effective operation of the deep cleaning station, namely: it is forbidden to dispose of construction waste, chemicals, polymeric materials, oil products and other non-biodegradable compounds into the sewer system. And in the event of a power outage, it is necessary to reduce water consumption, since the receiving chamber of the biological treatment station may overflow and the untreated wastewater may enter the environment. It is also necessary to timely pump out activated sludge.

Summing up, it can be noted that the biological treatment plant has the following main advantages:

  • The degree of purification in modern aeration plants exceeds 95%, and the purified water can be sent to water bodies without the installation of additional filtration fields;
  • The biological treatment plant is easy to transport. Also, when installing the station, it is not required to carry out large-scale excavation work or install it on a concrete base and anchor it;
  • The mechanical properties of the casing made of expanded polypropylene allow the station to be installed in any, "heaviest" soil, even at a very high groundwater level;
  • The durability of the biological treatment plant, its absolute tightness, environmental safety, resistance to corrosion, as well as to the effects of aggressive acids and alkalis, allows the deep biological treatment plant to operate for at least 50 years.

Where does the choice of autonomous sewage begin

In order to choose a local treatment plant, the consumer first of all needs to answer a few simple questions:

  • How many people will live in the house permanently;
  • What type of residence will be in your home - seasonal or permanent;
  • How many plumbing fixtures form drains;
  • Land area;
  • Features of the soil in which the treatment plant will be installed.

Vladimir Pivovarov:

Knowing that the city's water consumption rate is 200 liters per day per person, each consumer can choose the required volume of a local treatment plant for his home.

An important influence is exerted by the location of the septic tank on the site, the soil characteristics and the factor where the treated wastewater will be discharged. Depending on this, a septic tank installation scheme and appropriate additional equipment are selected. So for a classic installation scheme with a low groundwater level, infiltrators, drainage pipes or a well will be required, in accordance with how your filtration fields will be organized.

Vladimir Pivovarov:

- Gardeners need to remember that planting trees closer than 3 meters from the location of the septic tank is not allowed, especially those trees that have a very powerful root system. And if there are already wells or wells with water on the site, then the installation of a septic tank filtering platform should be carried out at a distance of more than 15 meters from them.

Summing up, we can say that, armed with the necessary knowledge, and most importantly, clearly understanding the capabilities and features of this or that treatment plant, any developer can choose the most optimal system sewerage and sewage treatment plant.

When a country cottage is located in an area that has no communication with the central sewerage system, the only way to ensure the collection and purification of effluents is the suburban sewerage system with your own hands. In general, in matters of improving country houses, the problem of sewerage equipment is most acute, because water can be delivered from a well or well, heating will appear with the purchase of a heating boiler, but waste disposal is not so easy to organize.

Wastewater treatment methods

Today, there are many advanced drainage technologies that do not harm the environment. Here are the main types of sewage systems for a country house:

  • deep biological treatment station.

Despite the differences in design and principles of operation, any type of suburban sewerage device is made in strict accordance with SanPiN 2.2.1 / The construction of a sewerage system is necessarily preceded by a planning stage, the result of which should be a suburban sewerage scheme drawn up on paper.


A cesspool is the simplest autonomous sewerage system in a country house. Simple installation, low cost - these are its advantages. But maintenance of the pit will cost a pretty penny. Regardless of its volume, the pit will regularly be filled with drains, for which you need to invite flushers. In addition to the high price for the services of these specialists, an unpleasant odor is guaranteed on your site during pumping out activities.

Calculation of the volume of the cesspool

When constructing a cesspool, it is necessary to calculate what its volume should be. At the same time, they are repelled by the fact that the frequency of cleaning the pit is no more than twice a year. Next, the number of people permanently or temporarily residing in a country house is taken and multiplied by a figure from 3 to 4 (as many cubic meters of wastewater are produced monthly by each person). By means of such simple calculations, the required volume of the sump is calculated.

Construction of a cesspool

Sewerage organization begins with choosing a location for the future cesspool. It should be located at a distance of 12 m from the house and 1 m from the fence.

Pro tip:To avoid unpleasant consequences, install a septic tank and other treatment facilities at a distance of 30 m from water intake wells.

The sequence of work is as follows:

  1. A pit of the required volume is dug. This can be done manually or with an excavator. The walls of the recess are aligned.

  1. A reinforced mesh is laid at the bottom of the pit to a height of 7-10 cm, fixed with stakes. It is better to use a mesh with mesh sides of 20 x 30 cm, made from a metal rod with a diameter of 8-10 mm. Raising the mesh above the bottom is necessary so that during the subsequent pouring of the concrete screed, it does not press down on the ground. To do this, you can put stones or bricks under the mesh.
  2. A screed made of concrete with a layer of 20-25 cm is arranged. Time is expected until its final drying (at least a week).
  3. At this moment, the internal sewerage system of a country house is being built. Then, the laying and supply of sewer pipes to the pit (outer part of the system) is carried out.
  4. When the floor of the cesspool is ready, they are taken over the walls. They can be made of concrete ("") or brick (""). In the first case, a removable formwork 30-50 cm in height with a reinforced grid inside is built. Concrete is poured into the formwork, time is given to dry. After the bottom part of the walls is ready, the formwork is raised to pour the next batch of concrete - and so on until the required height is reached. In the case of brick walls, staggered masonry is used to improve the penetration of effluents into the soil.

Pro tip:When making the walls of a cesspool or septic tank from concrete using removable formwork, make sure that after removing it, there are no cracks or other damage in the walls. Otherwise, the service life is reduced, and the damage to the environment increases significantly.

As a rule, sewage systems for a country house are built based on long-term operation, therefore it is not recommended to use cinder blocks as a material for walls. From constant interaction with water, they are destroyed at great speed.

The cesspool must be covered without fail. You can use a ready-made concrete slab equipped with a hatch, or you can make it yourself. Along the perimeter of the pit, along the upper border of the walls, extensions are made in the ground, into which an unedged board is installed. A reinforced grid is laid on top of it, the structure is poured with concrete.

Pro tip:As a cesspool, you can use a barrel with the required volume (""), which must be buried in the soil. To prolong the life of this structure, coat the barrel with bitumen mastic.

Septic tank

Principle of operation

A more environmentally friendly and effective solution is a septic tank for the sewerage of a country house. Collecting wastewater, it performs excellent cleaning and clarification of liquids, and recycles solid organic inclusions with the help of anaerobic bacteria.

In the assortment of specialized stores, you can find ready-made septic tanks that only need to be transported to the installation site and assembled. Although it is possible to install sewage systems in a country house and do it yourself.

In order for anaerobic bacteria to perform their tasks efficiently, wastewater must settle for a certain time in one chamber and then flow into the next. For a country cottage, the presence of three chambers in the septic tank is considered optimal. The fact is that two containers are not enough for high-quality wastewater treatment, and installing 4 or more is expensive.

By and large, a septic tank is a cesspool, divided by partitions, in which holes are equipped for overflow of drains. The bottom and walls of the septic tank are equipped with waterproofing to prevent feces from entering the ground.

Installation process

Self-assembly of a septic tank is identical with the cesspool device, the difference lies in the construction of two additional walls that will divide the pit into 3 parts.

The process consists of three stages:

  1. A pit of the required volume is being set up, the walls are leveled.
  2. The bottom is reinforced and poured with a concrete screed, which must dry completely.
  3. Side concrete walls are constructed by means of removable formwork. Then the septic tank area is divided into 3 identical parts, the formwork is built and 2 more walls are poured. Upon reaching ½ of the height of the inner walls, overflows are constructed. They are made from a piece of pipe that is installed with a slope and poured with concrete. The overflow installation height between the first and second containers should be slightly higher than between the second and third.

Deep biological treatment plants

Those who have purchased such modern sewage equipment as a biological wastewater treatment plant for their country cottage do not have to worry about possible environmental pollution. Do-it-yourself construction of a sewage system of this type is impossible, but independent installation of a finished system is quite affordable. With a station capacity of up to 1.5 m 3, lifting machines will not be required.

The deep wastewater treatment station is made of polymer materials, and therefore weighs a little. It can be lowered into a dug by hand by calling friends for help. It is important to position the sewer installation in such a way that the pipe supplied to it does not have bends.

For areas with high groundwater levels, the system can be installed on the ground or partially recessed. But then it is necessary to provide the station with a mechanism for the forced transportation of wastewater.

An efficient system for the accumulation and treatment of waste water and waste is one of the main aspects of a comfortable life outside the city. Therefore, the local sewage system for a country house is so important and significant.