The place where the Chelyabinsk meteorite fell on the map. Astronomical experiments

14.02.2014, 13:48 (24.07.2016 17:06)

"Maser (quantum generator) is a device in which atoms are artificially held in an excited energy state, thereby amplifying radio signals."
This little thing on a white pillow is not at all like Tesla's transformers, and its principle of operation is completely different, but it is it that allows you to transmit the energy of electromagnetic radiation in a concentrated form.

We will not bore you with the technical details of the processes taking place in these devices, we only note that first of all this invention was used by the military, and already in the 80s of the 20th century, combat lasers were created. They work in the infrared range, the beam of the combat laser is invisible.

Type "battle lasers" in a search engine and learn a lot about this topic. For example: " MIRACL (Mid Infra-Red Advanced Chemical Laser) - laser: gas-dynamic, based on DF (deuterium fluoride). power: 2.2 MW. in December 1997, a test was carried out as a weapon against satellites. used in the civil project HELLO - High-Energy Laser Light Opportunity.
LATEX (Laser Associe a une Tourelle Experimentale) - 1986, an attempt to create a 10 MW laser. France.
MAD (Mobile Army Demonstrator) - 1981. laser: gas-dynamic, based on DF (deuterium fluoride). power: 100 kW. the army stopped funding without waiting for the promised capacity of 1.4 MW.
UNFT (Unified Navy Field Test Program, San Juan Capistrano, California) - 1978. laser: gas-dynamic, based on DF (deuterium fluoride). power: 400 kW. during the tests, the BGM-71 Tow ATGM was shot down. in 1980 he was shot down in flight by a UH-1 Cobra.

This is not a searchlight, this is a battle laser, guess which army.

However, let us return once again to the film shown on RTR, it was also said there about earthly energy unknown to anyone, which is subject to either local shamans, or Tesla's genius, it is difficult to understand, in short, this energy splashed out of the earth and stopped the heavenly invasion. And shamans, according to the authors and participants of the film, foresaw the future and, according to eyewitnesses, a month before the catastrophe, they said that there would be a big fire. You don't need to be a seer and a fortune-teller to guess this. Any taiga hunter knows what swamp gas is and that it burns and sometimes explodes. And even more so it was known to shamans, keepers of local customs, knowledge and traditions. If methane, odorless and colorless, could have gone unnoticed, then sulfur dioxide and hydrogen sulfide - satellites of natural gas fields, have a distinct smell and accumulate in lowlands, since they are heavier than air. And this must have been noticed by the local residents, since, as we have already written about this, the gas eruption lasted for a whole year.

Let's move from Podkamennaya Tunguska to Chelyabinsk. Another miracle happened here too. "Meteorite" appeared and disappeared, there are only some small stones. We immediately did not like the version of the "meteorite", and we began our investigation. Having watched many videos posted by eyewitnesses on the Internet, we have determined the exact location and height of the explosion, and most importantly, the direction of flight of the "heavenly wanderer" and its trajectory.

The fireball exploded before reaching 5 - 7 kilometers to the village of Pervomaisky, 35 kilometers from the center of Chelyabinsk. Here is a video shot by the brave guys from Chelyabinsk, who found themselves almost at the epicenter of the explosion and, not being lost, turned on the video camera immediately after the flash, as evidenced by the still glowing trail. Freeze the first second of the video. Pay attention, the train is located vertically, which means that the observer was under the flying fireball.

Desperate guys Sanya, Vitya, Seryoga and Yurka, not afraid of the blinding flash, continued to shoot without dropping the camera from their hands, and at the moment when the shock wave came, they did it in a more chaotic way.

At 25 seconds, a shock wave came, just at the moment when the author of the video pointed the lens at himself to introduce himself. Further, you can see how the operator loses full control over what is happening and the camera shoots whatever is horrible.

Despite the hard blow of the blast wave, Yurka did not drop the camera from his hands and continued to shoot. 27 second recording.

Remember this frame, the loop on the train, it will still come in handy in our investigation. It is located directly above the observers.

Thanks to this video, we were able to determine the distance from the operator to the epicenter of the explosion, and then the height of the explosion.

We also found another video filmed by the workers of the Pervomaiskaya CHPP; it clearly shows that the car flew directly over the CHPP building (vertical pipes and a vertical train), destroying the wall on the grinding of coal, one of the CHPP employees who ran out into the street shouts about this.

The beginning of the plume, the explosion took place behind the CHP, in the place where the trail ends.

The end of the train, the unburnt remnants of the car flew towards Chebarkul. The photo shows that it was one large piece.

Where did the "Chelyabinsk Meteorite" fly

Well, the "scientists" were wrong again! In fact, the map depicts the flight path of the largest debris in a celestial body from the explosion to the crash site. From two cameras they determined the place of the explosion and from it they drew a line to the ice-hole on the Chebarkul lake, where, presumably, something fell. And this is not true, since the explosion could change the trajectory of the falling debris, scattering them over a large area and the real trajectory of the car's flight must be looked for differently (author's note).

Only great scientists can accurately calculate the trajectory from two surveillance cameras that are close to each other. We, based on our school knowledge in mathematics and physics, will use three points. We have already found one of them, located near the village of Pervomaisky (see above).

In order to most accurately determine the trajectory of the car's flight, it was necessary to find two more cameras located at a great distance from the explosion site. We were lucky and we found videos made in Kustanai (Kazakhstan) 240 km and Kurgan 270 km from the explosion site.

In the picture from Kustanai, the car is flying from right to left. And in the picture from Kurgan from left to right. Consequently, the flight path took place between these cities.

The closer the observer is to the inclined line, the greater the angle of its inclination to the horizon seems. Being directly under the inclined line, it will appear vertical to him.

Using the Google Earth program, we have drawn the exact flight path of the "meteorite". You can double-check for yourself.

Determine the angles of inclination of the train to the horizon line, taking into account that the observation camera is tilted in Kurgan, so we draw the horizon line along the ridge of the roof. And in Kostanay we will take into account the slope of the video recorder, drawing the vertical axis parallel to the posts. It turned out in Kurgan 38.3 °, and in Kustanai 31.6 °. Consequently, the trajectory passed closer to Kurgan. Let's move on to the construction. From the point we marked, near the village of Pervomaisky, we draw two lines, one to Kurgan (blue), the other to Kustanai (green) and measure the distance. Then, on the Kurgan - Pervomaisky line, we postpone the distance equal to the distance from Pervomaisky to Kustanai. From this point we will draw an auxiliary line to Kostanay and measure it. Next, we divide this line in the proportion of 38.3 ° / 31.6 ° = 1.21 and set aside the resulting segments (green and orange) on this line to determine the point over which the trajectory of the car's flight between Kostanai and Kurgan passed. Now we draw a straight line through the village of Pervomaisky and the point we found, this is the real flight path of a celestial body, in the picture it is yellow. We hope you get the same drawing:

Let's take a closer look at the place of explosion and fall of the car.

The flight path of the bolide over the villages of Pervomaisky and Timiryazevsky.

Place of fall, Timiryazevsky, Chebarkul and Miass ..

We found another video recorded by a video recorder of a car moving perpendicular to the trajectory of the car (see freeze frames below). From it, we determined the angle at which the celestial body fell to the ground. Let us remind once again that the true angle of inclination of the trail to the horizon will be the minimum observable one, located perpendicular to the trajectory, in all other angles the angle will be greater than the true one. It is 13.3 ° (see picture below). Sin 13.3 ° = 0.23. From here the path that the body should fly after the explosion, equals 8.58: 0.23 = 37,3 km. The distance from the place of impact to the epicenter of the explosion will be 8.58: Tg 13.3 ° = 8.58: 0.236 = 36.4 km... The estimated drop point is located between the village of Timiryazevsky and Chebarkul, along the trajectory. Without a doubt, the fragments of the body were scattered over a large area by the explosion.

The same camera shows the moment when the fireball began to glow (24 seconds of recording), and the time of the culmination of the explosion (30 seconds of recording).

23 seconds, clear sky.

24 seconds, a luminous dot appeared.

30 seconds, the start of the explosion.

34 seconds climax.

35 second, end of explosion.

38 seconds, everything burned out.

Based on this video, we calculate the height at which the glow began (24 seconds) and the average speed of the body in the period from the beginning of the glow to the culmination of the explosion (34 seconds). It took 10 seconds. The height of the explosion is already known to us. Having made the necessary constructions, based on the similarity of the resulting right-angled triangles, we find: the height of the beginning of the glow H = 19.5 km,way, passed from the beginning of the glow to the climax S = 47.5 km, time t = 10 sec, respectively the average flight speed of the body, υ = 4.75 km / sec = 4750 m / sec. As you can see, this speed is less than the first cosmic speed (7900 m / s), which is necessary to bring the body into the earth's orbit. This is another fact against the meteorite version.

And according to the next video (see below), you can determine the time of the beginning, the end of the glow of the body and the moment of the explosion with an accuracy of hundredths of a second. The camera of this video recorder is located almost opposite the previous one, to the left of the car's flight path. Full glow time 15 seconds, time from beginning of glow to explosion 10 seconds the values ​​completely coincide with the readings of the previous DVR. As you can see, the flight speed can be calculated with great accuracy.

Of course, we were in doubt about the declared power of the explosion, as well as the likelihood of a meteorite explosion in general. Can a stone meteorite explode, forming such a bright and powerful flash, and burn up, disappearing without a trace? Let's try to answer this question as well. Moreover, it is quite simple, you still remember the school physics course. Those who do not remember can look at the reference book, from which we have extracted the following formula:

F = c · A · ρ / 2 · υ²

Where F- aerodynamic drag force, it will impede the movement of the body, and press on its surface, warming it up.

For simplicity, we will make the calculation with certain assumptions that do not significantly affect the result, but experts will forgive us.

Let's take the diameter of a stone meteorite equal to D = 3 meters, you will understand why later.

A- cross-sectional area of ​​the body, A = π · D² / 4 = 7 m²; c - coefficient depending on the shape of the body, for simplicity we will consider it spherical, the value from the table, c = 0.1; ρ is the air density, at an altitude of 11 km it is four times less, and at an altitude of 20 km it is 14 times less than normal, for calculations we will decrease it by 7 times, ρ = 1.29 / 7 = 0.18; and υ is the speed of the body, υ = 4750 m / sec.

F = 0.1 · 7 · 0.18: 2 · 4750² = 1421438 N

When entering the dense layers of the atmosphere, the surface of the body will be pressure air less than:

R= F / A = 1421438: 7 = 203063 N / m = 0.203 MPa(As the cross-sectional area 7m² considerably less than half the ball surface area 14.1 m²). Any builder will tell you that even the worst brick or concrete block will not collapse from such pressure, you can see for yourself by looking at the construction guide, the compressive strength of clay brick is 3-30 MPa, depending on the quality. When a brick falls from space, only its surface will be destroyed, heated by the opposing air and cooled by it. The heating energy can be approximately calculated by the formula: W = F · S, where S is the distance traveled. And the heat escaping with the air running onto the brick is calculated by the formula: Q = α · A · t · ∆T; where α = 5.6 + 4υ; A = 14.1 m² is the surface area, in our case, half of the sphere's surface, t = 10sec is the flight time, ∆T = 2000 ° is the temperature difference between the body surface and the incoming air. We suggest you do these calculations yourself, and we will calculate the power needed to move in a stream according to the formula:

P= c · A · ρ / 2 · υ³ = 0.1 · 7 · 0.18: 2 · 4750³ = 6.75 10 9 W
Energy will be released in ten seconds of flight equal:

W= P t = 6.75 10 9 10 = 67.5 10 9 J
And it will dissipate in space in the form of heat :

Q= α A t ∆T = (5.6 +4 4750) 14.1 10 2000 = 5.36 · 10 9 J
Remaining energy: 67.5 10 9 - 3.5 10 9 = 62.14 · 10 9 J, will go to heating the car.

It might be enough to blow it up, but absolutely not enough, so that this stone burns, evaporating into the air... In TNT equivalent, this energy is 14.85 tons TNT... 1 ton of TNT = 4.184 · 10 9 J. The energy of the explosion of the "Kid" nuclear bomb over Hiroshima on August 6, 1945, according to various estimates, is from 13 to 18 kilotons of TNT, that is, a thousand times more.
“We have literally just finished our research, we confirm that the particles of matter found by our expedition (of the Ural Federal University) in the area of ​​Lake Chebarkul are indeed meteoric in nature. This meteorite belongs to the class of ordinary ones, it is a stone meteorite with an iron content of about 10%. Most likely, it will be given the name "Chebarkul meteorite", - RIA Novosti quotes Viktor Grokhovsky, member of the RAS Committee on Meteorites.
Let's calculate the energy that has been released if chondrite with a diameter of 3 meters hit on the ground.

W= m · υ² / 2 = 31.6 · 10³ · 4750²: 2 = 356.5 10 9 J, this is equivalent to 85.2 tons of TNT.

m = V · ρ = 14.14 · 2.2 = 31.6 tons, the mass of the ball. ρ = 2.2 tons / m³ - chondrite density.

V = 4 · π · r³ / 3 = 4 · 3.14 · 1.5³: 3 = 14.13 m³, the volume of the ball.

As you can see, this capacity clearly does not reach the kilotons announced in the media.
"The total amount of released energy NASA estimates amounted to about 500 kilotons in TNT equivalent, according to RAS estimates - 100-200 kilotons».
← “They went completely crazy, 15 kilotons exploded over Hiroshima, and there was no wet place left from it, but what would have happened to Chelyabinsk with such an explosion power” (author's note).

We decided to calculate the power of the explosion of 30 tons of high-energy hydrocarbon fuel, for example, gasoline, although, of course, gasoline is not carried in rockets.
An explosion of 30 tons of gasoline will release an energy equal to:
Q= m · H = 30 · 10³ · 42 · 10 6 = 1.26 10 12 J which is equivalent to 300 tons TNT and it sounds more like the power of the explosion in Chelyabinsk.

Why did we think about the rocket? Because everything that was reported in the media and what we actually saw on the screens did not coincide at all. The plume was similar in color and shape to a jet engine contrail, not a meteor trail.


trail of the "Chelyabinsk meteorite"

meteorite fall in Peru

Real meteorites do not have heat-resistant fairings and incandescent particles torn from their surface by the oncoming air stream should leave a trail of fire behind the falling body.

The inclination of the trajectory did not correspond to the announced, 20 °, but in fact 13 °, and is more suitable for a body falling from near-earth orbit, and not rushing from the depths of space. Explosion height, judging by the shape of the train, clearly did not correspond to the declared one. And in reality, as calculations showed, it turned out to be equal 8.58 km, not 30-50 km. In addition, the trajectory of the flight of the "meteorite" was somehow vague, it flew in Tyumen and in Kazakhstan and in Bashkiria, in short, it flew half of the country, and fell in Chelyabinsk. And most importantly, having not yet found the wreckage of the "celestial body" they declared it a meteorite, and absolutely stupidity - they called it the symbol of the Krasnoyarsk Forum. A good symbol, a million-strong city and surrounding villages found themselves with broken windows in the cold, thousands of people suffered.

That is why we took up an independent investigation of the incident that happened. Of course, our calculations are very approximate, and our arguments may seem dubious and controversial to you, we ourselves find it difficult to resist the information pressure of the media, but we did not find mathematics and physics, exact sciences and errors in our calculations. And to convince you of the plausibility of our assumptions and calculations, we present Ultima ratio(the last argument), which shocked us too. After we discovered THIS, we have no doubts that Chelyabinsk Meteorite was directed towards Russia by someone's evil will.

After constructing the trajectory of the car's flight (yellow line), out of curiosity, we extended it beyond the place where the body fell ( Red line). We were amazed, she walked, right through Moscow, having enlarged the image, we were even more amazed, the red line rested right into the center of the Kremlin, and that's already cannot be a coincidence... You can see for yourself.

The Chelyabinsk Meteorite flew there.

And here about had to fall.

You may have an objection: the round ice-hole found on Lake Chebarkul (the place where a large fragment fell) does not coincide with the trajectory we have laid. The answer is simple.

The only intact fragment of the exploded and burnt rocket could only be the fairing - the most durable and heat-resistant part of the rocket. " The fairings are so strong that they can only be cut with diamond blades. The head part heats up to 2200 degrees. "
After the explosion, he tumbled in the air, forming a loop on the trail (there was another small flash at this point), and flew further. Due to its aerodynamic shape (hemisphere), having lost speed, he glided vertically onto the lake, as do children's flying saucers, and, having melted the ice, went under the water, crumbling into small pieces from the impact and a large temperature drop.
"On the one hand, ceramics is fragile. If you hit it with a hammer, it will scatter. On the other hand, it can be affected simultaneously when heated to 1,500 degrees," said Vladimir Vikulin, General Director of NPP Tekhnologiya. Therefore, a round hole was left in the ice. A stone flying at an angle of 13 ° would form an oval hole in the ice, elongated along the trajectory.

The video filmed from the roof of one of the houses from the Chelyabinsk side clearly shows that there was more than one explosion. Fragments of the fireball flying out during the explosions are also visible.

It may seem to some that they flew forward and upward, but this is not so. Imagine: the observer looks from below, and the car flies along an incline, moving away from the observer. This is easy to understand by taking two pencils in your hand, perpendicular to each other, looking at them slightly from below. All the fragments flew out to the right of the car's trajectory, therefore, the rest of them received an impulse to the left. Therefore, the rest of the rocket (fairing) deviated to the left of the original trajectory and fell directly into the lake.

Another argument confirming our version of the stones in the rocket is the fact that the stones that the search engines find lie in the snow, almost on the surface, this suggests that they had a low temperature when they fell. That is, they were not heated by friction against the air and an explosion, as would happen with a real meteorite, but were slightly heated at the time of the explosion, since the container with stones was in the bow, which was least exposed to the thermal effect of the explosion. The photographs clearly show how the fireball was torn into two parts by the blast wave and the front one flew forward by inertia and extinguished faster than the fuel that burned out and thrown away by the blast wave. That is why a gap of 3-5 kilometers long appeared on the train.

And look again at the train.

It is clearly seen that a voluminous body was flying, carrying with it the remnants of the burning out fuel and combustion products.

And in this place the fuel burned out, and the glowing incandescent body (rocket fairing) continued its flight, this is clearly seen in the video:

You can find many more details confirming our version, but it is already clear that the official statements about the meteorite do not hold water.

This case is not similar to the invasion of an extraterrestrial civilization, their shot would definitely hit the target, moreover, the Kremlin was not noticed in connection with the aliens. But the Americans are hiding something about the little green men.

We have many versions explaining this fact, for example: Islamic terrorists loaded a rocket with stones and sent it to Moscow to simulate a meteorite falling on the Kremlin, as a symbol of heavenly punishment (it is difficult to find terrorists). Option number two: high-ranking Russian officials and oligarchs are taking revenge for being deprived of the opportunity to have real estate and bank accounts abroad (those who were not in Moscow that day fall under suspicion). The third option: international currency speculators and financiers decided to make money again, on a large scale, once again, bringing down the market, destabilizing the situation in the world (they can be calculated if you find the place from where the rocket was fired). American business activity indexes are at the high of the third wave, which will overwhelm and turn the entire world economy. So friends drain the shares and go to cash and do not forget to thank us for the information, put some money in the wallet, it's not a pity. And subscribe to our magazine, since we haven't told you the main thing yet.

We can only guess who threw the stone at Russia, we do not have the means to find out, the maps show that the trajectory trail leads to the Pacific Ocean.

All our assumptions seem fantastic and we are ready to sell them as an idea for a script for another cool action movie.

By the way, the version about a rocket with stones is very plausible. The pitch (altitude) error was due to the fact that, when switching to horizontal flight, the stones, which were not filled tightly, were poured into the container in bulk, and, having shifted the center of gravity, changed the trajectory of the rocket flight. And this was not taken into account by ballistics. We noticed the deviation late, turned on the cruising engines (the luminous point in the video appeared suddenly), when the rocket had already begun to descend.

Other options for the development of events in the Chelyabinsk region are also possible, and it was not for nothing that we mentioned lasers at the beginning of the article. We invite you to imagine the further course of our thoughts.

Frankly, we doubted whether to post this information online, it seems incredibly cruel. But there is a lot of evil in the world, and the governments of most countries are not able to cope with it, rather they contribute to its multiplication. Therefore, we decided that everyone should take care of their own safety and well-being.

Do not take our word for it, do your own investigation, maybe, after all, we were mistaken.

If the end of the world did not happen and the "Chelyabinsk meteorite" did not hit you, this does not mean at all that all the dangers are behind. They are all ahead. And in the near future you will find out about them. I wish you happiness and prosperity.

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© All rights to texts and images not provided with links to sources belong to the author.

When quoting or otherwise using information from this site, links to the source are required.

Pure chance

Then Berezovsky, purely by chance, declares war on Kuchma.
And then, purely by chance, the poorest of the oligarchs (the last on the list of Russian billionaires)

The apotheosis of this war was the decisive one, and after the loss it remained. Everything was calculated, and only pure chance prevented the implementation of grandiose plans.

Early February; purely by chance, the Russian and American markets are at the next highs.

At the same time, purely by accident:
BUT , finding himself by accident 4000 kilometers from Moscow. And after the explosion over Chelyabinsk, he accidentally reports:
The consequences were not long in coming, suddenly, by chance, quite prosperous Cyprus finds itself in the very center of an economic storm that has come from no one knows where. Moreover, by chance, the dirty money of Russian oligarchs, including Berezovsky, was kept in Cypriot banks.

At the same time, quite by accident, the Russian government and Russian banks are drawn into the outbreak of the crisis.

Following this, the disgraced oligarch, purely by chance, locked himself in his bathroom in an empty house in order to die of a heart attack. And after all that happened, purely by chance, next to him the police found not a terry towel, but a long scarf, saying that an accident had occurred.

After this incredible chain of accidents, a rocket filled with stones flying into the Moscow Kremlin no longer seems like an incredible option.

If, by pure chance, you are related to the film industry, then we are ready to sell this non-fictional story as an idea for the script of the next action movie.

Many events seem to us random only because their internal interconnections are not visible. If, nevertheless, someone sees paranoia in this tangled story, then we are not to blame, such is the world in which we live.

In connection with all that is happening, our forecast for the future is devoid of optimism, the American market is at the very top and will soon begin to fall. And oil is too expensive, and will become cheaper, as to hide the fact that oil and gas, renewable resource it won't be possible anymore. If you want to know why, subscribe to our magazine.

P. S. Purely by accident, after the fall of the "stone meteorite" (as the media say)

This magazine is not an official information resource or media outlet.

© All rights to texts and images not provided with links to sources belong to the author.

When quoting or otherwise using information from this site, links to the source are required.

Explosion of "Chelyabinsk Meteorite", epicenter

We took advantage of this offer to check our calculations.

Combining the photograph taken from the American meteorological satellite belonging to the US Air Force and the projection of the fireball's flight path to the ground (red line) calculated by us, using the coordinate grid, we obtained the following results. The train from the car shown in the photo and the track calculated by us matched perfectly. This is evidenced by the point located at ground level, designated in the image as “Fragment Location”, which exactly fell on the red line of the projection of the trajectory of the fireball's flight to the ground. The displacement of the tail of the trail in the image is caused by parallax. The higher the point belonging to the trail from the ground, the further its image will be from the projection line.

"Meteorite Chelyabinsk-Moscow", image from the American military satellite DMSP F-16.

"Meteorite Chelyabinsk-Moscow", image from the American military satellite DMSP F-16.

The vortex of the end of the trail marked with yellow arrows was caused not by a change in the direction of flight, but by the strongest wind, which was recorded in that place by the same satellite, at an altitude of 50 km it was 100 m / s (see graph BUT below).

We agree with the direction of the projection of the track to the ground (Corrected ground track), calculated by American scientists, it completely coincides with our trajectory. It is difficult to draw it otherwise:


But the angle of inclination of the trajectory to the horizon, the height of the explosion, the dimensions of the fireball and the power of the explosion, given in the work, cause doubts in our work, moreover, these parameters contradict the photographs published in it, we will explain why. See for yourself.

At an angle of inclination of 18.5 °, the height of the explosion, where the main release of energy occurred, will be 31.8 km (point Turret), and the beginning of the glow - the end of the trail (point Begin) is at an altitude of 89 km. As usual, so as not to be unfounded, we have found for you a graph of the atmospheric temperature distribution over height.
According to different data, this is confirmed by Fig. 1. and schedule IN(see above), the temperature from an altitude of 10 km rises from -70 ° to 0 ° at an altitude of 90 km reaches its minimum of -90 °.

Now take a look at the snapshot a) Infrared, this is a photograph of the plume, taken in the infrared spectrum, it clearly shows the temperature distribution along the height. A dark tail corresponds to warm air; as the plume decreases, it becomes lighter, which indicates a decrease in temperature. At point Turret, a place where cold air was thrown up by an explosion, a temperature of -67.15 ° was recorded.

If the body flew at an angle of 18.5 degrees, then the tail of the track located at an altitude of 89 km would be lighter than the lower part, since this height (see Fig. 1) corresponds to a temperature of -70 °. As you can see, this is not the case. The gradient distribution of temperature in the plume in the image, with a smooth decrease from warmer to colder air, indicates that the Begin point (end of the tail) is at the height with the highest temperature. In accordance with Fig. 1. this is 50 km, and this tail height corresponds to a trajectory inclination angle of 13 °.

Now about the height at which the explosion took place. The tower (point Turret) was formed from the cold air thrown out by the return wave, and its temperature -67.15 ° corresponds to an altitude of 8-15 km, not 31.8 km. For this to happen, the body had to explode under a layer of cold air, or at least inside it, and this confirms our calculations. The video clearly shows how the train was first torn apart by an explosion,

then the resulting vacuum bubble collapsed,

pushing the incoming cold air upwards towards the lowest pressure, resulting in a loop on the plume and a tower (Turret).

Note the series of images captured by the Multifunctional Transport Satellite (140 ° E).

From them, you can accurately determine the height of the end of the train (Begin point). This is not difficult to do if you have not forgotten the trigonometry lessons yet. To imagine how high (GSO) is, we drew a 3D picture for you using SolidWorks software. The same program was used to calculate the radius L = 6283 km for the GSO.

The solid angle at which the earth is visible from the GSO is limited by the conical surface of the generatrix, which is a tangent drawn from the satellite to the earth's surface. The boundary of the base of the cone is the limb - the visible edge of the earth's disc. The diameter of the limb is always less than the diameter of the planet. The height of an object located strictly vertically above the limb (to the surface of the earth) can be easily determined from photographs, since the measured height, taking into account the scale, will be the real height.

Let's remember school lessons in trigonometry and look at the following picture:

In order to determine where the limb passes for the Multifunctional Transport Satellite 140 ° E, we need to calculate the length of the arc (red) from the visible edge of the earth (point D) to point N on the earth's surface, located on the aircraft line vertically below the satellite (nadir). We know the average height of the GSO h = 35 786 km, the average radius of the earth R = 6371 km and the already calculated radius of the limb (L) Rlimb = 6283 km. Triangles ABC and BCD are rectangular, BD is both height and radius, therefore, cosβ = BD / BC = 6371 / (6371 + 35786) = 0.151126, respectively β = arccosβ = 81.308 °, hence the length of the arc DN = π β / 360 = 3.14 12742 81.308 / 360 = 9036.45 km.

Again, we will use the program and determine where the earth limb, visible from the Multifunctional Transport Satellite 140 ° E, falls, for this, from the point with coordinates 0 °, 140 ° E, we postpone a segment of length 9036.45 in the direction of the alleged explosion site.

As you can see from the figure, the blue arc reaches the end of the train (Begin point), therefore, this point will be directly above the limb. Let's make a reservation that taking into account the inaccuracy of measuring the distance of 100 km, the error in calculating the height of the object will be 800-900 meters as a result.

Note also that the direction of the arc almost coincides with the direction of flight of the object, and from the satellite it was possible to observe not only the trajectory of the fall, but the entire flight.

Now let's proceed directly to measuring the height. To do this, take a photograph from the Multifunctional Transport Satellite 140 ° E b):

Let's process it in Adobe Photoshop, changing the contrast and levels so that the surface of the earth becomes clearly visible, and put three dots (red) on it.

We load the resulting image into the program and draw an arc using the three already plotted points. The program will itself determine the radius of this arc, and will give out subsequent dimensions in the arc scale.

The visually visible inaccuracy in the construction of the arc causes an error in calculating the altitude of 1-2 km. We cannot take into account the geometric distortions introduced by the optics; moreover, when overlaying the coordinate grid, we made sure that they were minimal.

On February 15, 2013, residents of the South Urals witnessed a collision with the Earth of a small asteroid. In the sky over Chelyabinsk, a celestial body collapsed with an explosion, which knocked out glass and damaged several buildings in the city, led to numerous injuries of people by glass fragments ... Numerous surveillance cameras and car DVRs recorded the flight of the car and the consequences of the shock wave - perhaps this is the first the case when a meteorite fall was observed by so many people and so many video cameras. Thanks to the results of these video recordings, it is possible to very accurately reconstruct the trajectory of its flight, determine the area of ​​the fallout of the fragments, and evaluate the characteristics of the meteorite. Let's try and we will conduct such a study.

Probably, the video recordings from car recorders look the most effective, but for our purposes it is difficult to use them, since the wide-angle lenses of the recorders greatly distort the image and, not knowing the parameters of a particular device, one can hardly count on any results. In addition, on many recordings, it is difficult to identify the location of the shooting. So I chose for analysis two recordings of stationary CCTV cameras installed on the streets of Chelyabinsk - on Revolution Square and in the area of ​​the railway station on Razin Street.

Revolution Square, 2.4Mb Razin Street, 42Mb

True, the meteorite itself is not visible on these records, but the shadow cast by buildings and pillars is perfectly visible.

Below are satellite images from the Google Earth program, we will use this program for measurements.

Chelyabinsk. Revolution square

Chelyabinsk. Razin street

Let's try to determine where the meteorite explosion occurred. Since the trajectory of its flight passed almost horizontally, then in the first approximation it can be assumed that its section closest to the observer is located at the maximum height. Therefore, consider the frame with the shortest shadows.

Having reconstructed the position of the pillar's shadow on the satellite image, we can measure its length, the height of the pillar can be approximately determined from the photographs of the area relative to the height of the cars - it is 12 meters. Now you can determine the maximum height of the meteorite tajectory:

φ = arctan (h / L shadows) = arctan (12/16) = 37 °, where

h is the height of the column;

L shadow is the length of the pillar shadow.

Similar calculations can be repeated for the second video, the building in the lower-left corner of the frame is the Ostrov shopping center, its height is about 15 meters.

The distance to the nearest point of the trajectory can be estimated by the delay time of the shock wave. Precisely to the nearest point, since the meteorite was moving at a speed much higher than the speed of sound. The above videos were recorded without sound, but the moment of arrival of the shock wave can literally be seen by triggering the alarms of parked cars. On the video from Razin Street, we will determine the moment of the shortest shadow from the shopping center and the moment when the car alarms are triggered:

T 1 = 0 min 48 s;

T 2 = 3 min 11 s;

ΔT = T 2 -T 1 = 143 s;

d = ΔT * v sound = 143 * 331 = 47.3 km, where

v sound - speed of sound in air = 331 m / s;

d is the slant range to the trajectory.

Knowing the maximum angular height of the trajectory and the slant range, it is possible to determine the distance to the nearest point over which the trajectory passed and its height above the ground:

D = d * cos (φ) = 37.8 km;

H = d * sin (φ) = 28.5 km.

Several points need to be made here. This calculation is correct if we assume that the trajectory of the meteorite was horizontal, but this is not the case. Unfortunately, it is impossible to determine the full spatial position of the flight trajectory from observation from one point, but we can estimate it at least qualitatively. Since the meteorite was descending and approached the city (this can be seen from the greater speed of movement of shadows at the end of the flight), the nearest point of the trajectory must necessarily lie further in the direction of flight than the highest point, that is, to the west, which means that the meteorite did not move exactly from east to west, and from southeast to northwest. Consequently, the height of this point may be slightly lower than we determined, and the distance to the projection of the trajectory onto the earth's surface is greater.

Let's build a circle on the map with a radius of D = 38.8 km (yellow arrow) - the trajectory should be tangent to it (More precisely, as mentioned above, the radius of the circle should be slightly larger, but not exceed the slant range d = 47 km). In addition, we will mark approximately the directions to the meteorite at the moments of the beginning and end of the flare (at least 45 ° in each direction from the direction to the south) - this angle not only determines the length of the flare section, but also sets the limiting directions of the trajectory, which must necessarily cross the sides of this corner. Consequently, the flight direction lies in the sector from 270 ° to 315 ° (counting clockwise from the north direction). The real track of the meteorite flight (red arrow) is also marked on the map below - as we can see, it practically coincides with our estimates, taking into account the corrections for the decrease in the flight trajectory.

It remains to estimate the speed of the meteorite. To improve accuracy, this should be done for the closest section of the trajectory, which means in the sector with the fastest movement of shadows in the video. Having watched the video from Revolution Square again, we see that the entire flare lasted for about 5.5-6 s, and the time of flight of the meteorite in the second half of the trajectory - from the south until the end of the flare is no more than one and a half seconds. During this time, the meteorite flew at least 20 kilometers, that is, its speed at the end of the outbreak was at least 12-13 km / s, and it entered the atmosphere at an even higher speed.

At 9:20 am local time (7:20 Moscow time and 5:20 Kiev time), a meteoroid explosion occurred in the Chelyabinsk region at an altitude of 15-25 km.

The celestial body was not discovered before it entered the atmosphere.

When a meteoroid with a speed of 20-30 km / sec. entered the Earth's atmosphere, it caused a powerful explosion, which NASA scientists estimate at about 500 kilotons of TNT.

As a result of the explosion, the meteoroid turned into a glowing fireball and caused a strong shock wave. The first explosion was followed by two more explosions, in the end there were three explosions of different power (the first explosion was the most powerful).

The explosions were accompanied by a bright blinding white flash, which is characteristic of a lightning explosion and lasted for about five seconds.

The blast wave, which reached the Earth's surface with a delay of the order of a minute, caused major destruction.

The estimated explosion temperature is over 2500 degrees.

The duration of the flight of a meteoric body from the moment of its entry into the atmosphere until the moment of its explosion is 32.5 seconds.

Judging by the duration of the atmospheric flight, the entrance of the meteorite body occurred at a very acute angle. But after the first explosion, the meteorite changed its flight path and began to move at an angle of 20 degrees, that is, almost parallel to the Earth's surface.

The meteoroid flew from the southeast to the northwest, the flight trajectory was in azimuth of about 290 degrees along the line Yemanzhelinsk - Miass.

After three explosions, most of the meteorite fragments evaporated, and only a few of them reached the Earth.

The condensation trail from the car in Chelyabinsk stretched for 480 km.

NASA released updated data on the meteoroid based on the analysis of data from infrasonic tracking stations: before entering the Earth's atmosphere, the object was about 17 meters in diameter, weighing up to 10,000 tons and moving at a speed of 18 km / s.

At the time of the explosion of the body (February 15 at 3 hours 20 minutes 26 seconds GMT), American seismologists recorded a shock of magnitude 4 points about a kilometer southwest of the center of Chelyabinsk. Also, this event was recorded by 17 of 45 infrasound tracking stations.

On February 16, the US Geological Survey announced that it rates the event as a 2.7 magnitude earthquake. For comparison, the previous similar phenomenon - the fall of the Tunguska meteorite - is estimated at 5.0 points.

The first movement of a meteoric body across the sky at 9:15 am (7:15 am Moscow time) was seen by residents of the Kustanai and Aktobe regions of Kazakhstan. Residents of Orenburg - at 9:21 local time. Also, his trace was observed in the Sverdlovsk, Kurgan, Tyumen, Chelyabinsk regions and Bashkortostan. The farthest point with video recording of the flight of the meteoroid is the area of ​​the village of Prosvet in the Volzhsky district of the Samara region - the distance to Chelyabinsk is 750 km.

The military and scientists began searching for the fallen fragments of the meteoric body, into which it disintegrated after three explosions.

The moment the meteorite fell was observed by fishermen near Lake Chebarkul, and in particular by a local resident Valery Morozov. According to them, about 7 meteorite fragments flew by, and one of them fell into the lake, throwing up a column of water and ice at least 3-4 meters high.

In Etkul region, according to eyewitnesses, there was a meteor shower. Some even said that he knocked on the roofs of their houses.

On February 17, members of the meteorite expedition of the Ural Federal University discovered fragments of a meteorite near Lake Chebarkul. As a result of chemical analyzes, the extraterrestrial nature of small stones found on the surface of Lake Chebarkul was confirmed. And it was proved that this is an ordinary chondrite, which contains: metallic iron, olivine and sulfites; melting crust is also present.

On February 19, the second expedition of scientists took place, this time through settlements south of the city of Chelyabinsk. We managed to find larger fragments with a total mass of up to 1 kg, the structure of which corresponds to the samples collected on the ice of Lake Chebarkul. They will allow for better research.

According to NASA estimates, this is the largest known celestial body to have fallen to Earth since the fall of the Tunguska meteorite in 1908, and which occurs on average once every 100 years.

Due to the flat trajectory of the body's entry, only a relatively small part of the energy of the explosions reached settlements.

The shock wave affected 1,586 people, most of them from broken glass. According to various sources, from 40 to 112 people were hospitalized; two victims were admitted to intensive care.

The shock wave damaged buildings. Material damage was tentatively estimated from 400 million to 1 billion rubles.

In the Krasnoarmeisky, Korkinsky and Uvelsky districts of the Chelyabinsk region, an emergency regime was introduced.

The fall of the Chelyabinsk meteorite caused a huge resonance throughout the world. Primarily due to the power of the explosion, which generated the oscillation of the Earth's surface.

Second, due to the fall of a meteoric body in a densely populated area, in the vicinity of the large Russian city of Chelyabinsk. Therefore, direct eyewitnesses were able to film him.

When eyewitnesses to the fall of the Chelyabinsk meteorite posted their pictures on the Internet, millions of people around the world could get to know them. And many thanks to them for that!

This event began to be discussed on the Internet, while putting forward various versions of the nature of this anomalous phenomenon.

1 version - Meteor shower

Initially, many scientists and astronomers put forward this version, according to which one of the meteorites fell over Chelyabinsk, belonging to the Delta-Leonids meteor shower, which has been activated annually since February 5.

Therefore, at first, the wrong direction of the fall of the Chelyabinsk meteorite was indicated - from the north-east to the south-west.

As it turned out, the Chelyabinsk meteorite flew from the southeast to the northwest. In addition, the annual meteor showers are well studied, therefore, when the power of the explosion became known, it became obvious that the Chelyabinsk meteorite did not belong to this shower.

As a result, this version was not confirmed.

Version 2 - Asteroid fragment "2012 DA14"

This was the first official version put forward by the head of the Department of Celestial Mechanics and Astrometry of Tomsk State University, Professor Tatyana Bordovitsina. She reported in the media that the meteor shower that passed in the Urals was a harbinger of an asteroid that was supposed to fly up close to Earth by the evening of the same day, on Friday.

The expected asteroid "2012 DA14" flew close to our planet just 14 hours later than the fall of the Chelyabinsk meteorite.

The mass of 2012DA14, discovered a year ago by Spanish astronomers, is 130 thousand tons, and the speed of movement is 28.1 thousand km per hour or 7.82 km per second. And this is at least half the speed of the Chelyabinsk meteorite.

In addition, the asteroid did not fly in parallel with the Chelyabinsk meteorite, which cannot be found for bodies of the same stream, and at the time of its fall it was on the other side of the Earth.

In this case, the Chelyabinsk meteorite flew towards the asteroid or at the intersection of the flight path.

In addition, if some piece flew off the asteroid, then it should be found in the places of the fall. And why did this piece of asteroid cause such a powerful explosion?

As in the previous version, even if it was a fragment of an asteroid, this absolutely does not explain why the "body" of the meteorite and the cause of the powerful blast wave were not found.

Version 3 - a message from the Planet Nibiru

Adherents of Sitchin's idea of ​​Planet X or Nibiru approaching Earth, argue that our planet was hooked by the Nibiru meteorite belt. They claim that over the Chelyabinsk earthlings received an official space message from the planet Nibiru.

The message from space flew in from the direction of the Sun, from where Planet X, aka Nibiru, rushes to the Earth. And the Chelyabinsk meteorite is not the last and not the largest of those that await the Earth in the near future.

The rest of the messages from the planet Nibiru should be expected already this 2013. Recall that Sitchin's adherents claim that the mysterious planet Nibiru arrived in the inner solar system in 2003.

I already wrote about Nibiru in the article. I want to add that if this planet existed, it would have to fit into the solar system and follow its laws.

It is impossible to simply enter an ordered system, since everything in the solar system is already in place and moving along a corresponding trajectory. There is no free space and there is no free treadmill either.

Therefore, adherents of Sitchin's ideas cannot come up with something that cannot be.

4 version - Chelyabinsk meteorite is a rocket of the Ministry of Defense

This version was put forward by the well-known journalist Yulia Latynina, who in her article "What side number did the meteorite have?" asked a number of questions:

Why the trajectory of the bolide's flight coincided with the flight trajectory from the Elansky garrison in the Sverdlovsk region to the Chebarkul training ground;
- why he flew along a trajectory that was more similar to the trajectory of a rocket than to the trajectory of a meteorite;
- why the meteorite left behind a tail, similar to the tail from rocket fuel;
- why the explosion of the meteorite was similar to the self-destruction of a rocket;
- why so many military personnel are involved in the search for meteorite fragments.

Latynina at the beginning of the text immediately made a reservation that she was not a rocket scientist, but a philologist, but demanded that the Ministry of Defense answer these questions.

The Ministry of Defense replied that the exercises in the Chelyabinsk region were not related to the fall of the meteorite on February 15, 2013.

Nevertheless, a total of 20 thousand military personnel and police officers, about 40 aircraft and about 1 thousand pieces of equipment were thrown in search of a celestial body. The military units of the Central Military District were put on high alert, but the Ministry of Defense announced massive unscheduled exercises - the first surprise check of combat readiness in 20 years. The training is held by the decision of the Minister of Defense Sergei Shoigu.

When experts joined the discussion of this topic and provided data on rocket speeds, it became obvious that this version was absurd.

Here are some figures for comparison. The speed of the "meteorite" was about 20-30 km / sec. or under 80,000 km / h.

Supersonic aircraft are capable of speeds from 2,500 km / h to 3500 km / h. Tests are being carried out on ultra-high-speed devices capable of accelerating up to 6000 - 8000 km / h.

When entering orbit, the speed is up to 29,000 km / h (this is already taking into account the airless space).

From the listed data it is clear that not a single plane, not a single rocket can develop even half the speed of the Chelyabinsk meteorite.

The inconsistency of this version proves the inconsistency of other similar versions. For example, that the meteorite was shot down by Russian air defense / missile defense. But to shoot down an object moving at cosmic speeds is simply an unrealistic task. It would be simple - long ago everyone would have had the opportunity to shoot down an ICBM BB, and here is a space object that has a speed that is several times higher than that of a warhead. And it's not about the trajectory itself.

Such an unprepared journalist will then write a devastating article about how Russian air defense / missile defense systems cannot shoot down space objects, presenting the task as something easily accomplished. And thousands of people without the appropriate education will spread this lie, regardless of the fact that Russia has the best air defense / missile defense system in the world.

Version 5 - Natural disaster

The fact that the Chelyabinsk catastrophe occurred as a result of a natural phenomenon, almost no one doubts. Moreover, a similar phenomenon has already occurred in the same area.

So, on July 11, 1949, a fiery white ball with a reddish fiery tail flew in the sky from north to south on the territory of the Kunashak district of the Chelyabinsk region at 8:14 a.m.

The trail in the form of a white stripe remained behind the car. Sparks and flames flew from the head of the car towards the tail. The flight of the car was accompanied by a hiss.

The fireball was observed over a vast area of ​​about 700 km across for 8-10 seconds.

At an altitude of 27 km, the car split into three luminous parts with many sparks. At an altitude of 17 km, the glow stopped, and its debris began to freely fall to the ground. The meteor shower dissipated over an area of ​​194 square meters. km.

A fireball is a fireball with a shining tail, similar to a tailed sun.

The Kunashak bolide was visible at a distance of up to 700 kilometers in the Chelyabinsk, Kurgan regions and Bashkiria.

The bolide was named after the village of Kunashak (55 ° 47 "north latitude and 61 ° 22" east longitude) - the regional center of the Chelyabinsk region, near which it was found.

One of the fragments of the fireball fell into Lake Chebakul, a 20-meter water column rose from the water.

Scientists from Moscow, Chelyabinsk and Sverdlovsk arrived at the crash site. They interviewed 126 eyewitnesses from 75 settlements, and, thus, the very fact of the fall of the car was not in doubt. And soon the inhabitants began to find the debris of the celestial body.

Lake Chebakul, where the Kunashak meteorite fell, is located 50 km north of Chelyabinsk. Sometimes this lake is confused with the Chebarkul lake, which is located 75 km away. southwest of the center of Chelyabinsk and where one of the fragments of the Chelyabinsk meteorite of 2013 fell.

Similar phenomena were observed during the fall of the Tunguska and Vitim bolides.

To prove that the Chelyabinsk meteorite was not a meteorite, but was most likely a fireball, I will cite the data of the fall of the Sikhote-Alin meteorite.

The meteorite fell at 10:38 am on February 12, 1947 near the village of Beitsukhe (46 ° 10 "north latitude and 134 ° 39" east longitude) of the Primorsky Territory in the Ussuri taiga in the Sikhote-Alin mountains in the Far East.

During the flight in the atmosphere, the meteorite was crushed several times. A meteorite appeared at an altitude of 110 km; the first crushing is 58 km, the second is 34 km, the third is 16 km and the fourth is 6 km.

It fell as an iron rain over an area of ​​35 square kilometers. The largest individual specimen weighs 1745 kg, the largest fragment is about 50 kg.

In a sense, the Sikhote-Alin meteorite is the antipode of the Tunguska meteorite. Here are some of the features that distinguish them:

1. The flight time of the car is 5 seconds in the case of Sikhote-Alin and a few minutes for the Tunguska.

2. The scale of the bolide is the apparent trajectory of the Sikhote-Alin - 140 km, Tunguska - 700 km.

3. An explosion in the air on Tunguska and an impact on the ground - on Sikhote-Alin (Academician VG Fesenkov connects this with the flight speed of a space body, which hardly agrees with the known facts).

4. The nature of ground destruction is completely different. On Tunguska there is a huge fellout and burns of trees. On the Sikhote-Alin, there are craters with radial roll-outs of 20-30 meters and a complete absence of burns.

5. Lack of seismic and, moreover, magnetic disturbances in the Sikhote-Alin.

6. Absence of the substance of the cosmic body on Tunguska.

7. Huge (global) range of atmospheric anomalies on the Tunguska and very limited and short-lived in the Sikhote-Alin.

8. In general, the scale of the phenomena is different. On Sikhote-Alin - the largest meteorite in the world and a local manifestation of the phenomena accompanying the fall. On Tunguska - the absence of a meteorite and powerful accompanying phenomena.

In the Chelyabinsk disaster, all the characteristic features associated with the fall of the car can be traced.

1. The flight duration is several minutes, not seconds.

2. Large scale of the visible trajectory.

3. The explosion of the fireball in the air, moreover repeated - three explosions.

4. Large-scale nature of destruction, with the release of heat.

5. The presence of an earthquake.

6. A very small amount of the precipitated substance in comparison with the large scale of the catastrophe.

7. The atmospheric anomaly has affected the entire globe.

Thus, we can conclude that the cause of the Chelyabinsk catastrophe was such a natural phenomenon as the fall of the car.

But the version expressed by Vladimir Zhirinovsky that this is the result of the use of climate weapons by the United States should not be discarded either.

6 version - Climatic weapon

If we take into account the existence of climate weapons, then its effect is as follows.

“Powerful HARP ground-based emitting antennas synchronously transmit a microwave signal of microwave radiation to orbiting satellites in the geostationary orbit of our planet.

When such satellites send radiation, they simultaneously re-emit these radiation among themselves. Thus, there is an overlap of many radiations from many satellites at once, which forms a standing wave in the right place and in the right volume.

This wave is pumped to such an extent that it leads to the moment when there is ionization of the upper layers of the atmosphere, where the ozone is located, and where the satellites rotate.

In this place, the protective layer disappears, and ions appear that no longer protect the earth's surface, and through this place a powerful stream of cosmic radiation and hard solar radiation begins to fall on the Earth. Naturally, where such a “window” has opened, everything and everyone will be burned out on the ground ”.

In the fall of the Chelyabinsk meteorite, there was no obvious manifestation of climate weapons, but there was, most likely, indirect.

First of all, attention is drawn to the place of the fall of the Chelyabinsk meteorite - this is the center No. 3 of the circumpolar edge between the node No. 2 and No. 4 of the energy-information system of the icosahedral-dodecahedral structure of the Earth (IDSZ).

Node 2 is located at approximately 52 ° north latitude and 30 ° east longitude.

Node # 3 is located at approximately 52 ° north latitude and 102 ° = 30 ° + 72 ° east longitude.

The center between these two nodes is at 52 ° N and 66 ° E.

The Chelyabinsk meteorite began its flight in a radius of approximately 54 ° 508 "N and 64 ° 266" E. At the time of the explosion, the coordinates were 54 ° 922 "north latitude and 60 ° 606" east longitude.

The appearance of a meteorite at the center of the IDES face suggests that this is due to the appearance of the strongest stress in the energy-informational field of the Earth, which is associated with the dislocation of negative or negative information.

And if this is connected with information, then it is natural to assume that the torsion field of the Earth and people (psi fields) took part in this phenomenon.

Soviet physicist L.L. Vasiliev and further research by scientists proved that electromagnetic waves accompanying psi waves are of a different nature than psi waves, and that electromagnetic waves do not participate in psi phenomena, although they can affect the human brain.

Psi waves carry information along with energy; their quality depends on the spiritual state of the information being transferred.

The earth creates its own psi field, people inhabiting a specific territory with their psi field. The field of all mankind is heterogeneous, therefore each nation, country has its own psi field. Somewhere it is stronger, somewhere weaker.

If the psi field is associated with the consciousness and life of a person, then its antipode is the field of death.

When the information system loses its spiritual principles, the spin rotation, the magnetic moment of the nucleus and electrons "decays" in it. This leads to the destruction of the information system, since there are no conditions for the accumulation and storage of information in it.

Such information systems, losing their wave nature, turn into a unitron converging field of non-wave nature, dark matter.

In a unitron field, elementary particles cannot build an atomic system. Therefore, there is no information about life and no light in it, but there is only energy left after the destruction of the atomic system, and darkness.

And this energy contains only the memory of the death of the substance, with the help of which it informs the environment about this, which makes it similar to death. In fact, the unitron converging field is death itself.

Such defects of the information system are capable of moving and accumulating (after all, converging means an accumulating field - it collects such energy).

This causes tension in the energy frame of the Earth and distorts the spatial lattice of the energy-informational single crystal of the Earth.

Suppose climate weapons warmed up the upper atmosphere and destroyed the structure of the atmosphere. This allowed several unitron fields to unite, which immediately created tension and distorted the spatial lattice of the Earth's energy-informational single crystal.

The main property of a unitron field is that the lower its energy intensity, the greater its volume. And the more its energy intensity, the less its volume.

This means that, by increasing the energy intensity, the unitron field greatly decreased in volume, which increased its maneuverability and allowed it to break off the edge of the energy-informational frame of the Earth. It rushed in search of similar fields to further increase its power.

But the Earth responded instantly. Ball lightning engulfed the unitron field and began to lead it in the direction necessary for destruction. In some photographs, a dark spot can be seen in the center of the fireball, which is a unitron waveless field and, in fact, dark matter.

Why ball lightning? According to Kapitza's hypothesis, ball lightning occurs when a standing electromagnetic wave arises between the clouds and the earth (and it can be created by a climatic weapon), along which it moves and whose energy is fed.

There are other hypotheses of the occurrence of ball lightning, which in some way also complement the phenomenon of a bolide falling in Chelyabinsk.

The first explosion occurred at the moment when the ball lightning, together with the unitron field, touched the human psi field in this area. As a result, there was an annihilation of matter (carrying information about life) and antimatter (having no information).

To understand what happened, let's take scientific data as an example. When 1 kg of antimatter and 1 kg of matter interact, a huge amount of energy is released equal to an explosion of 42.96 megatons of TNT.

From these data, one can calculate how much antimatter took part in three explosions near Chelyabinsk. But this amount of matter and antimatter is not measured by the number of falling meteorite fragments, which fell out very few in comparison with the force of the explosion.

After the first explosion, the Chelyabinsk bolide stopped descending and began to fly parallel to the ground at a certain height until the final destruction.

This means that the standing wave did not penetrate into the lower atmosphere and did not touch the ground.

The flight altitude of the Chelyabinsk bolide marked the height of the human psi field in the area. And both of these factors indicate that people have created a strong and large psi field in this area, which is able to withstand one of the varieties of psi weapons - climatic weapons.

Therefore, during the fall of the Chelyabinsk bolide, there was no negative impact on the health of people and animals, except for the impact of a shock wave, which caused an acute mental reaction and various injuries resulting from the destruction of buildings.

In conclusion, I would like to congratulate all Russians with such high indicators of the state of the psi field over their territory and wish them to further improve their spirituality.

The early February morning of 2013 for 1,613 residents of Chelyabinsk and its environs suddenly became tragic. There has never been such a large number of people affected by a falling meteorite in the history of the world's population. During the impact, the wave in many buildings knocked out windows, broke trees and caused various degrees of damage to people, as a result of which about 1,613 people were recognized as victims, of which, according to various sources, from 50 to 100 people were hospitalized. The people who watched the meteorite fall that morning were simply shocked by the events taking place. The first versions of what was happening sounded like: a plane crash, a missile fall and even an alien attack ...

At the moment, the picture of the events of that tragic morning has been fully restored and it is reliably known when and where the meteorite fell in Chelyabinsk.

How it was

At about 9 am on February 15, high in the sky over Chelyabinsk, this "unexpected guest" appeared, as a result of which a state of emergency was declared in Chelyabinsk and its surroundings. Previously, the same meteorite was observed by residents of other regions of the Russian Federation, but they were much more fortunate than the residents of Chelyabinsk, because it just flew past them without causing absolutely no harm. For example, at 7.15 Moscow time or at 09.15 local time, residents of the Aktobe and Kostanay regions of Kazakhstan saw him, and residents of Orenburg observed this amazing phenomenon at 7.21 Moscow time. This meteorite was also clearly visible in Sverdlovsk, Kurgan, Tyumen and their environs, and even 750 km from the crash site in the village of Prosvet, Volzhsky district, Samara region.

Bright flash

According to the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), a meteorite weighing about 10 tons and a diameter of about 17 meters, having a speed of 17 km / s, entered the Earth's atmosphere and split into many parts after 32 seconds. The destruction of the meteorite was accompanied by a series of explosions, the first of the three explosions was the strongest and caused destruction. It was a bright flash, it lasted five seconds, and a minute later it came to Earth in the form of a destructive wave. According to scientists, the destruction of the meteorite led to the release of energy, which was approximately equal to 100 to 500 kilotons of TNT. The center of the explosion was not the city of Chelyabinsk itself, but its area, which is located a little to the south and is called Emanzhelinsk - Yuzhnouralsk.

Places of falling fragments

As a result of research carried out by a specially created group, four places were discovered where the meteorite fragments are supposed to be. The first two places are located in the Chebarkul district of the Chelyabinsk region, the third in the Zlatoust district, and the fourth in the Chebarkul lake area. The information that the meteorite is located in the lake was confirmed by the fishermen who were at the site of the fall. From their stories, the members of the search group learned that at the moment the meteorite fell into the lake, a pillar of water and ice about 3-4 meters high rose from it.

The second largest after the Tunguska

As a result of the work carried out in the area of ​​Yemanzhelinsk and the village of Travniki, about a hundred fragments were found, and about 3 kg of fragments were collected in the area of ​​the lake. All of them are currently being studied by scientists, who believe that the meteorite that fell in Chelyabinsk is the second largest after the Tunguska meteorite that fell on the territory of Russia on June 30, 1908.

Full video cutting from the event

From what has been said, desperate May Day guys were in the distance 340 × (25 + 8) = 11220 meters away= 11.22 km (340 is the speed of sound in air) from the epicenter of the explosion... The rupture of the plume was at an angle of 45-60 ° from the observer in relation to the horizon (see photo above). Sin50 ° = 0.766, hence the height at which the explosion occurred, is equal to 11.22 × 0.766 = 8.58 km, and not 20-30 and even more so not 50 km, as it was stated in the media. This is also evidenced by the shape of the cloud formed by the plume, it is more cumulus than cirrus. The distance from the observer to a point on the earth's surface under the epicenter will be 11.22 × Cos50 ° = 11.22 × 0.64 = 7,1 km... Let's mark this point on the Google Earth map, 7 km from the village of Pervomayskiy in the direction opposite to the village of Chebarkul, it will be useful to us for constructing the flight path of the "celestial body".
But video footage from Kopeisk, located 30 kilometers from the epicenter, the camera is turned on immediately after the flash, and people behind the scenes discuss why there was light, but there was no explosion. The shock wave came to Kopeysk much later, which once again confirms the epicenter we have identified. The shockwave came in 1 minute 13 seconds from the start of shooting.

Shots from Kopeisk.
Now let's decide on the trajectory of the flight of a celestial body.

“According to the chairman of the regional department of the Russian Geographical Society, candidate of geographical sciences Sergei Zakharov, the body flew from the southeast to the northwest, the flight trajectory was in azimuth of about 290 degrees along the line Emanzhelinsk - Miass.
Reconstruction of the meteoroid trajectory is based on the study of records of two surveillance cameras, one of which is located on Revolution Square in the center of Chelyabinsk, and the other in Korkino, as well as an assumption about the place of the fall in Lake Chebarkul. " ←
Well, the "scientists" were wrong again! In fact, the map depicts the flight path of the largest debris in a celestial body from the explosion to the crash site. From two cameras they determined the place of the explosion and from it they drew a line to the ice-hole on the Chebarkul lake, where, presumably, something fell. And this is not true, since the explosion could change the trajectory of the falling debris, scattering them over a large area and the real trajectory of the car's flight must be looked for differently (author's note).
Only great scientists can accurately calculate the trajectory from two surveillance cameras that are close to each other. We, based on our school knowledge in mathematics and physics, will use three points. We have already found one of them, located near the village of Pervomaisky (see above).
In order to most accurately determine the trajectory of the car's flight, it was necessary to find two more cameras located at a great distance from the explosion site. We were lucky and we found videos made in Kustanai (Kazakhstan) 240 km and Kurgan 270 km from the explosion site.

In the picture from Kustanai, the car is flying from right to left. And in the picture from Kurgan from left to right. Consequently, the flight path took place between these cities.
The closer the observer is to the inclined line, the greater the angle of its inclination to the horizon seems. Being directly under the inclined line, it will appear vertical to him.
Using the Google Earth program, we have drawn the exact flight path of the "meteorite". You can double-check for yourself.
Determine the angles of inclination of the train to the horizon line, taking into account that the observation camera is tilted in Kurgan, so we draw the horizon line along the ridge of the roof. And in Kostanay we will take into account the slope of the video recorder, drawing the vertical axis parallel to the posts. It turned out in Kurgan 38.3 °, and in Kustanai 31.6 °. Consequently, the trajectory passed closer to Kurgan. Let's move on to the construction. From the point we marked, near the village of Pervomaisky, we draw two lines, one to Kurgan (blue), the other to Kustanai (green) and measure the distance. Then, on the Kurgan - Pervomaisky line, we postpone the distance equal to the distance from Pervomaisky to Kustanai. From this point we will draw an auxiliary line to Kostanay and measure it. Next, we divide this line in the proportion of 38.3 ° / 31.6 ° = 1.21 and set aside the resulting segments (green and orange) on this line to determine the point over which the trajectory of the car's flight between Kostanai and Kurgan passed. Now we draw a straight line through the village of Pervomaisky and the point we found, this is the real flight path of a celestial body, in the picture it is yellow. We hope you get the same drawing:

Let's take a closer look at the place of explosion and fall of the car.

The flight path of the bolide over the villages of Pervomaisky and Timiryazevsky.

Place of fall, Timiryazevsky, Chebarkul and Miass ..
We found another video recorded by a video recorder of a car moving perpendicular to the trajectory of the car (see freeze frames below). From it, we determined the angle at which the celestial body fell to the ground. Let us remind once again that the true angle of inclination of the trail to the horizon will be the minimum observable one, located perpendicular to the trajectory, in all other angles the angle will be greater than the true one. It is 13.3 ° (see picture below). Sin 13.3 ° = 0.23. From here the path that the body should fly after the explosion, equals 8.58: 0.23 = 37,3 km. The distance from the place of impact to the epicenter of the explosion will be 8.58: Tg 13.3 ° = 8.58: 0.236 = 36.4 km... The estimated drop point is located between the village of Timiryazevsky and Chebarkul, along the trajectory. Without a doubt, the fragments of the body were scattered over a large area by the explosion.

The same camera shows the moment when the fireball began to glow (24 seconds of recording), and the time of the culmination of the explosion (30 seconds of recording).

23 seconds, clear sky.

24 seconds, a luminous dot appeared.

30 seconds, the start of the explosion.

34 seconds climax.

35 second, end of explosion.

38 seconds, everything burned out.
Based on this video, we calculate the height at which the glow began (24 seconds) and the average speed of the body in the period from the beginning of the glow to the culmination of the explosion (34 seconds). It took 10 seconds. The height of the explosion is already known to us. Having made the necessary constructions, based on the similarity of the resulting right-angled triangles, we find: the height of the beginning of the glow H = 19.5 km,way, passed from the beginning of the glow to the climax S = 47.5 km, time t = 10 sec, respectively the average flight speed of the body, υ = 4.75 km / sec = 4750 m / sec. As you can see, this speed is less than the first cosmic speed (7900 m / s), which is necessary to bring the body into the earth's orbit. This is another fact against the meteorite version.
And according to the next video (see below), you can determine the time of the beginning, the end of the glow of the body and the moment of the explosion with an accuracy of hundredths of a second. The camera of this video recorder is located almost opposite the previous one, to the left of the car's flight path. Full glow time 15 seconds, time from beginning of glow to explosion 10 seconds the values ​​completely coincide with the readings of the previous DVR. As you can see, the flight speed can be calculated with great accuracy.

Of course, we were in doubt about the declared power of the explosion, as well as the likelihood of a meteorite explosion in general. Can a stone meteorite explode, forming such a bright and powerful flash, and burn up, disappearing without a trace? Let's try to answer this question as well. Moreover, it is quite simple, you still remember the school physics course. Those who do not remember can look at the reference book, from which we have extracted the following formula:
F = c · A · ρ / 2 · υ²
Where F- aerodynamic drag force, it will impede the movement of the body, and press on its surface, warming it up.
For simplicity, we will make the calculation with certain assumptions that do not significantly affect the result, but experts will forgive us.
Let's take the diameter of a stone meteorite equal to D = 3 meters, you will understand why later.
A- cross-sectional area of ​​the body, A = π · D² / 4 = 7 m²; c - coefficient depending on the shape of the body, for simplicity we will consider it spherical, the value from the table, c = 0.1; ρ is the air density, at an altitude of 11 km it is four times less, and at an altitude of 20 km it is 14 times less than normal, for calculations we will decrease it by 7 times, ρ = 1.29 / 7 = 0.18; and υ is the speed of the body, υ = 4750 m / sec.
F = 0.1 · 7 · 0.18: 2 · 4750² = 1421438 N
When entering the dense layers of the atmosphere, the surface of the body will be pressure air less than:
R= F / A = 1421438: 7 = 203063 N / m = 0.203 MPa(As the cross-sectional area 7m² considerably less than half the ball surface area 14.1 m²). Any builder will tell you that even the worst brick or concrete block will not collapse from such pressure, you can see for yourself by looking at the construction guide, the compressive strength of clay brick is 3-30 MPa, depending on the quality. When a brick falls from space, only its surface will be destroyed, heated by the opposing air and cooled by it. The heating energy can be approximately calculated by the formula: W = F · S, where S is the distance traveled. And the heat escaping with the air running onto the brick is calculated by the formula: Q = α · A · t · ∆T; where α = 5.6 + 4υ; A = 14.1 m² is the surface area, in our case, half of the sphere's surface, t = 10sec is the flight time, ∆T = 2000 ° is the temperature difference between the body surface and the incoming air. We suggest you do these calculations yourself, and we will calculate the power needed to move in a stream according to the formula:
P= c · A · ρ / 2 · υ³ = 0.1 · 7 · 0.18: 2 · 4750³ = 6.75 10 9 W
Energy will be released in ten seconds of flight equal:
W= P t = 6.75 10 9 10 = 67.5 10 9 J
And it will dissipate in space in the form of heat :
Q= α A t ∆T = (5.6 +4 4750) 14.1 10 2000 = 5.36 · 10 9 J
Remaining energy: 67.5 10 9 - 3.5 10 9 = 62.14 · 10 9 J, will go to heating the car.
It might be enough to blow it up, but absolutely not enough, so that this stone burns, evaporating into the air... In TNT equivalent, this energy is 14.85 tons TNT... 1 ton of TNT = 4.184 · 10 9 J. The energy of the explosion of the "Kid" nuclear bomb over Hiroshima on August 6, 1945, according to various estimates, is from 13 to 18 kilotons of TNT, that is, a thousand times more.
“We have literally just finished our research, we confirm that the particles of matter found by our expedition (of the Ural Federal University) in the area of ​​Lake Chebarkul are indeed meteoric in nature. This meteorite belongs to the class of ordinary chondrites, it is a stone meteorite with an iron content of about 10% Most likely, it will be given the name "Chebarkul meteorite", - RIA Novosti quotes Viktor Grokhovsky, member of the RAS Committee on Meteorites.
Let's calculate the energy that has been released if chondrite with a diameter of 3 meters hit on the ground.
W= m · υ² / 2 = 31.6 · 10³ · 4750²: 2 = 356.5 10 9 J, this is equivalent to 85.2 tons of TNT.
m = V · ρ = 14.14 · 2.2 = 31.6 tons, the mass of the ball. ρ = 2.2 tons / m³ - chondrite density.
V = 4 · π · r³ / 3 = 4 · 3.14 · 1.5³: 3 = 14.13 m³, the volume of the ball.
As you can see, this capacity clearly does not reach the kilotons announced in the media.
"The total amount of released energy NASA estimates amounted to about 500 kilotons in TNT equivalent, according to RAS estimates - 100-200 kilotons». ← "They completely lost their minds, 15 kilotons exploded over Hiroshima, and there was no wet place left from it, but what would have happened to Chelyabinsk with such an explosion power" (author's note).
We decided to calculate the power of the explosion of 30 tons of high-energy hydrocarbon fuel, for example, gasoline, although, of course, gasoline is not carried in rockets.
An explosion of 30 tons of gasoline will release an energy equal to:
Q= m · H = 30 · 10³ · 42 · 10 6 = 1.26 10 12 J which is equivalent to 300 tons TNT and it sounds more like the power of the explosion in Chelyabinsk.
Why did we think about the rocket? Because everything that was reported in the media and what we actually saw on the screens did not coincide at all. The plume was similar in color and shape to the inverse trail of a jet engine, and not to a meteor. The inclination of the trajectory did not correspond to the announced, 20 °, but in fact 13 °, and is more suitable for a body falling from near-earth orbit, and not rushing from the depths of space. Explosion height, judging by the shape of the train, clearly did not correspond to the declared one. And in reality, as calculations showed, it turned out to be equal 8.58 km, not 30-50 km. In addition, the trajectory of the flight of the "meteorite" was somehow vague, it flew in Tyumen and in Kazakhstan and in Bashkiria, in short, it flew half of the country, and fell in Chelyabinsk. And most importantly, having not yet found the debris of the "celestial body", they declared it a meteorite, and absolutely stupidity - they called it the symbol of the Krasnoyarsk Forum. A good symbol, a million-strong city and surrounding villages found themselves with broken windows in the cold, thousands of people suffered.
That is why we took up an independent investigation of the incident that happened. Of course, our calculations are very approximate, and our arguments may seem dubious and controversial to you, we ourselves find it difficult to resist the information pressure of the media, but we did not find mathematics and physics, exact sciences and errors in our calculations. And to convince you of the plausibility of our assumptions and calculations, we present Ultima ratio(the last argument), which shocked us too. After we discovered THIS, we have no doubts that Chelyabinsk Meteorite was directed towards Russia by someone's evil will.

After constructing the trajectory of the car's flight (yellow line), out of curiosity, we extended it beyond the place where the body fell ( Red line). We were amazed, she walked, right through Moscow, having enlarged the image, we were even more amazed, the red line rested right into the center of the Kremlin, and that's already cannot be a coincidence... You can see for yourself.

The Chelyabinsk Meteorite flew there.

And here about had to fall.
You may have an objection: the round ice-hole found on Lake Chebarkul (the place where a large fragment fell) does not coincide with the trajectory we have laid. The answer is simple.

The only complete fragment of the exploded and burnt rocket could only be the fairing - the most durable and heat-resistant part of the rocket. « The fairings are so strong that they can only be cut with diamond blades. The head part heats up to 2200 degrees. "
After the explosion, he tumbled in the air, forming a loop on the trail (there was another small flash at this point), and flew further. Due to its aerodynamic shape (hemisphere), having lost speed, he glided vertically onto the lake, as do children's flying saucers, and, having melted the ice, went under the water, crumbling into small pieces from the impact and a large temperature drop.
"On the one hand, ceramics is fragile. If you hit it with a hammer, it will scatter. On the other hand, it can be affected simultaneously when heated to 1,500 degrees," said Vladimir Vikulin, General Director of NPP Tekhnologiya. Therefore, a round hole was left in the ice. A stone flying at an angle of 13 ° would form an oval hole in the ice, elongated along the trajectory.

The video filmed from the roof of one of the houses from the Chelyabinsk side clearly shows that there was more than one explosion. Fragments of the fireball flying out during the explosions are also visible.

It may seem to some that they flew forward and upward, but this is not so. Imagine: the observer looks from below, and the car flies along an incline, moving away from the observer. This is easy to understand by taking two pencils in your hand, perpendicular to each other, looking at them slightly from below. All the fragments flew out to the right of the car's trajectory, therefore, the rest of them received an impulse to the left. Therefore, the rest of the rocket (fairing) deviated to the left of the original trajectory and fell directly into the lake.
Another argument confirming our version of the stones in the rocket is the fact that the stones that the search engines find lie in the snow, almost on the surface, this suggests that they had a low temperature when they fell. That is, they were not heated by friction against the air and an explosion, as would happen with a real meteorite, but were slightly heated at the time of the explosion, since the container with stones was in the bow, which was least exposed to the thermal effect of the explosion. The photographs clearly show how the fireball was torn into two parts by the blast wave and the front one flew forward by inertia and extinguished faster than the fuel that burned out and thrown away by the blast wave. That is why a gap of 3-5 kilometers long appeared on the train.
And look again at the train.

It is clearly seen that a voluminous body was flying, carrying with it the remnants of the burning out fuel and combustion products.

And in this place the fuel burned out, and the glowing incandescent body (rocket fairing) continued its flight, this is clearly seen in the video:

You can find many more details confirming our version, but it is already clear that the official statements about the meteorite do not hold water.
This case is not similar to the invasion of an extraterrestrial civilization, their shot would definitely hit the target, moreover, the Kremlin was not noticed in connection with the aliens. But the Americans are hiding something about the little green men.
We have many versions explaining this fact, for example: Islamic terrorists loaded a rocket with stones and sent it to Moscow to simulate a meteorite falling on the Kremlin, as a symbol of heavenly punishment (it is difficult to find terrorists). Option number two: high-ranking Russian officials and oligarchs are taking revenge for being deprived of the opportunity to have real estate and bank accounts abroad (those who were not in Moscow that day fall under suspicion). The third option: international currency speculators and financiers decided to make money again, on a large scale, once again, bringing down the market, destabilizing the situation in the world (they can be calculated if you find the place from where the rocket was fired). American business activity indexes are at the high of the third wave, which will overwhelm and turn the entire world economy. So friends drain the shares and go to cash and do not forget to thank us for the information, put some money in the wallet, it's not a pity. And subscribe to our magazine, since we haven't told you the main thing yet.
We can only guess who threw the stone at Russia, we do not have the means to find out, the maps show that the trajectory trail leads to the Pacific Ocean.
All our assumptions seem fantastic and we are ready to sell them as an idea for a script for another cool action movie.
By the way, the version about a rocket with stones is very plausible. The pitch (altitude) error was due to the fact that, when switching to horizontal flight, the stones, which were not filled tightly, were poured into the container in bulk, and, having shifted the center of gravity, changed the trajectory of the rocket flight. And this was not taken into account by ballistics. We noticed the deviation late, turned on the cruising engines (the luminous point in the video appeared suddenly), when the rocket had already begun to descend.
Other options for the development of events in the Chelyabinsk region are also possible, and it was not for nothing that we mentioned lasers at the beginning of the article. We invite you to imagine the further course of our thoughts.

P. S.
Frankly, we doubted whether to post this information online, it seems incredibly cruel. But there is a lot of evil in the world, and the governments of most countries are not able to cope with it, rather they contribute to its multiplication. Therefore, we decided that everyone should take care of their own safety and well-being.
Do not take our word for it, do your own investigation, maybe, after all, we were mistaken.
If the end of the world did not happen and the "Chelyabinsk meteorite" did not hit you, this does not mean at all that all the dangers are behind. They are all ahead. And in the near future you will find out about them. I wish you happiness and prosperity.
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