Yandex maps Leningrad region. Map of the Leningrad Region Detailed with cities, districts, villages

The Leningrad region is part of the North-West Federal District, the administrative center of which is the city of St. Petersburg.

In the Leningrad region there are 62 cities and 141 rural settlements. The largest cities of the region are Tikhvin, Vyborg, Priozersk, Kirishi, Kingisepp, Vsevolozhsk, Volkhov and Gatchina. The map of the Leningrad Region clearly shows that there are active housing construction in the areas of the region located near St. Petersburg.

The Leningrad region is bordered by Estonia and Finland, so residents of St. Petersburg and the region are often visited by these countries for rest and shopping. On the border with the Estonian city of Narva, Ivangorod is located: if desired, you can cross the border on foot.

Historical reference

In 750, the city of Ladoga (old Ladoga) was founded. In the XII century, the Center has shifted to Novgorod and the Novgorod Republic. In the next century, Novgorod residents conducted constant battles with the Swedes and Knights of the Livonian Order. In 1240, the famous Nevskaya battle occurred on the Neva River. To protect the Novgorod land, fortresses and forts were created: Coporye, nuts and others. In 1478, Novgorod residents won Ivan the third. In 1708, the Ingermanland province was formed, and the capital of the Russian Empire was postponed to St. Petersburg.

In 1927, the Leningrad region was created. During World War II, most of the Leningrad region was occupied by German troops. The "Road of Life" played an important role, according to which people were evacuated from the besieged Leningrad.

Must Visit.

In the Leningrad Region it is recommended to visit the fortress of Schlisselburg, Palace Complexes in Gatchina and Ropsch, Kurgans and ancient fortress in Old Ladoga, Ivangorodsky Fortress, Vyborg Castle and Montreco Park, Virgin Assumption Men's Monastery in Tikhvin and Koltushki heights.

Tourist on note

Gulrypsh - Calmable place for celebrities

There is a village of urban-type Gulrypsh in the Black Sea coast of Abkhazia, the appearance of which is closely connected with the name of the Russian patron of Nikolai Nikolayevich Svytsky. In 1989, due to the illness of his wife, they needed to change the climate. The case decided the case.

The territory occupied by the area has an area of \u200b\u200b83.9 km². The number of officially registered residents is 1.8 million people. Search for Leningrad region on the map of Russia is needed in the area of \u200b\u200b60 ° 0'0 of the northern latitude and 32 ° 0'0 Eastern longitude.

Geographical location of the Leningrad region

Most of the territory of the region is plain, known as Russian. The main part of the lakes and rocks are located in the area on the Karelian Isthmus, which is part of the Baltic Crystal Shield. The largest rivers of the area: Neva, Svir, Volkhov. The main lakes of the Ladoga region and Onega. The coast of the area is washed by the Finnish bay.

On the online map of the Leningrad region marked the boundaries of the region with EU countries and neighboring regions. The international border has an area with Estonia and Finland. Internal boundaries from the region with regions: Vologda, Novgorod, Pskov and the Republic of Karelia.


Leningrad region is located in the field of continental atlantic climate. It is characterized by a soft winter with frequent thaws and cool in winter. The average annual precipitation is 600-700 mm.


In the total population of the region, urban residents make up more than 64%. The basis of the national composition is Russian. Their number exceeds 92.7%. In the following, Ukrainians go - 1.98% and Belarusians - 1.05%.


Among the subjects of the Russian Federation, the volume of the economy of the region is in 21st place. The most developed industry: mining, manufacturing and energy. Sea freight transportation is played in the economy of the region.

Transport connection, roads and routes

In the Leningrad region a well-developed network of automotive and railway roads. In the territory of the region there are highways of federal and republican importance:

  • M10 "Russia";
  • P21 "Cola";
  • P23 "Pskov".

Three border roadpoints: "Trofyanovka", "Scandinavia" and "Barrusny". On the Estonian border there is a bandwidth "Narva". On the Baltic Coast of the region built 4 cargo marine ports:

  • Ust-meadow;
  • Vyborg;
  • Vysotsk;
  • Primorsk.

In addition to maritime shipping in the area there are both river transportation of goods and people on rivers and lakes. Pulkovo is located an international airport.

Leningrad region with cities and villages

On the map of the Leningrad region with districts marked 63 urban and 136 rural settlements. The region is divided into 17 districts. Among the largest cities of the Leningrad region:

  • Gatchina - 95.2 thousand people;
  • Vyborg - 78.5 thousand people;
  • Vsevolozhsk - 70.3 thousand people.

The population density in the region is 21.36 people / km².

In the North-West of the Russian Federation there is a Leningrad region. The terrain is represented by plains and lowlands, a significant part of which is swam. With a careful consideration of the map of the Leningrad region from the satellite, it can be noted that it borders with several subjects of the Russian Federation, namely with the regions:

  • Novgorod;
  • Vologda;
  • Pskov.

In the north of the region limits Karelia. The Leningrad region also has common borders with Estonia and Finland.

The Government of the region is located in the city of St. Petersburg, it allows you to consider the map of the Leningrad region to regions. Non -ipically for our country is that it is not part of the region, but is a semi-conversion territory.

Most of the hydrographic objects in the region appeared thanks to the Baltic Sea basin. Therefore, in the north-west of the region there is a huge number of rivers and lakes. To the largest rivers that can be found on the Leningrad region map with schemes include:

  • Pasha;
  • Oily
  • Meadows;
  • Volkhov;
  • Asked.

If you add the lengths of all rivers of the area, you will get more than 50 thousand km. One of the most significant hydrographic objects is also Lake Lake - the largest area in Europe and one of the deepest in the country.

If you increase the scale of the card, then you can consider the areas in more detail on the map of the Leningrad region, the city, which are included in their composition, as well as the streets and at home.

Areas of Leningrad Region on the map

The area is divided into 17 districts. The largest areas of the area:

  • Vyborg;
  • Tikhvin;
  • Luzhsky;
  • Boksitogorsky;
  • Podporozhsky.

Infrastructure, location of streets, roads, houses, administrative buildings, train stations and attractions in each area will help to consider the map of the Leningrad region with settlements.

Through the region, more than 30 large roads are held, which connect the region with St. Petersburg, Scandinavian countries, Moscow and other cities of Russia. Part of the ring road around St. Petersburg takes place along the Lomonosovsky and Vsevolozhsky district, which can be seen on the detailed map of the roads of the Leningrad region.

Passenger and freight report are carried out and shipping transport. In the area there are such large ports as:

  • Vysotsk;
  • Ust-meadow;
  • Primorsk;
  • Kronstadt;
  • Vyborg.

In addition to sea transport on the rivers of Neva and Volkhov, large river vessels go. Western regions of the region from Soviet times remain a borderline area through which ferries with road transport, cargo and passenger vessels pass. If we consider the map of the Leningrad region in detail, then you can find all the port border cities of the region.

To get to other cities of the country and abroad, the inhabitants of the region can take advantage of the only Pulkovo International Passenger Airport, which is located on the outskirts of St. Petersburg.

Map of the Leningrad Region with cities and villages

There are more than 30 major cities in the region, all settlements, both large and small, allows you to consider the map of the Leningrad region with cities and villages. The most significant in the area and the number of people living people areas of the region:

  • Vyborg;
  • Tikhvin;
  • Gatchina;
  • Serrtolovo;
  • Pinery;
  • Volkhov;
  • Kingisepp.

Almost all cities have a characteristic "northern" architecture and many historical monuments. Architecture and identity of the local population. Thousands of tourists come to the area every day, who want to see the most beautiful architectural and historical monuments in Russia, which are marked on the map of the Leningrad region with the villages. The main attractions and the most interesting places in the region:

  • p. Ulyanovka - Sablin caves;
  • belogorka - Manor Eliseeva;
  • d. Nevsky Poleskhoz - the old Pokrovskaya Church;
  • priozersk - Island Konevets;
  • vyborg - Montrepo;
  • gatchina - Museum-Reserve.

Attractions can be listed infinitely. If you go to visit this historic region of the country, use Yandex maps of the Lenignan Region, which will become an indispensable assistant on the trip.

Economy and Industry of the Lengrass Region

The economy of the region is represented by a variety of industries. Traditional for the area there were always hunting, fisheries and forestry. Leading positions occupy such sectors of the economic sphere as:

  • transport and communication;
  • processing production;
  • building;
  • energy.

The area has a large number of enterprises of light, food and processing industry. Here they sew shoes, clothing, produce plastic and metal products.

Investors who see in the region of great opportunities for the development of large-scale business and the opening of large-scale investment projects in the region are a great contribution to the region's economy.