How to properly assemble a house from vulture panels. DIY panel house

The lightness and large size of SIP panels makes this material one of the best for the construction of country houses. All the main parts for construction are produced at the plant, the required amount is brought to the site and assembled like a designer. A large team is not needed for this, the task can be handled by a team of 2-3 people. In addition to the assembly readiness of the material, the simplicity of its docking is also attractive. Consider the key stages of the technology for assembling a house from SIP panels.

What kind of foundation is right?

In the case of SIP panels, there is no need for an expensive, powerful base. A finished house using Canadian technology weighs no more than 15 tons, so it is enough to choose an economical strip foundation. In accordance with building codes, the foundation is laid to the depth of freezing of the soil, in our case, it is enough if corner grillages are laid at this depth along the entire perimeter.

Stage two: floor slabs

It is possible to assemble a house from SIP panels at any time of the year, construction does not have wet stages. Installation begins with the installation of floor slabs. If the span is no more than six meters, standard panels are used for floor slabs. The panels are insulated with an antiseptic and bitumen mastic.

The joints between the panels are fixed with self-tapping screws and sealed with polyurethane foam. To make the structure rigid along the horizontal axis, strapping beams are placed in the technological grooves of the ends. The installation of floor slabs can be completed within a few hours.

We mount the walls

Before starting the installation of the first wall panels, a strapping contour for the walls is prepared. For this, a longitudinal beam 10 cm thick is attached to the floor overlap with self-tapping screws. The template will help you check if it is placed correctly. The structure is fixed to the foundation using anchor bolts by drilling holes through the panels and timber. All parts must be treated with antimicrobial and water-repellent compounds.

Panels that form the corner are mounted first. The second is placed at a right angle to the first. Thanks to the firm fixation of the corner elements, the structure acquires the necessary rigidity. Further, the panels are mounted sequentially using a groove-ridge connection. The connection of the panels to each other is fixed with self-tapping screws or large ship nails.

When all the panels that form the walls of the first floor have taken their places, their technological grooves from above are filled with polyurethane foam and closed with strapping beams. Simultaneously with the construction of the perimeter, the space of the first floor is divided into zones by partitions made of panels. Additional rigidity of the structure is given by the overlap, which connects the walls.

The same technological cycle is repeated on the second floor. The overlap is assembled similarly to the installation of the floor, the frame of the previous floor serves as a support for it, the floor slabs are attached to it with self-tapping screws.

Attic and roof: no rafters

Roof mounting is one of the standard technologies for working with SIP panels. Rafters are not needed when erecting a roof, the inherent rigidity of the panels allows them to withstand all meteorological loads.

The lower base for the roof panels is the Mauerlat, fixed along the perimeter, the upper one is the ridge beam, fixed between the gables. The laid panels are fixed with screws at the top and bottom of the timber. Roof panels are fixed to each other in the same way as wall elements - self-tapping screws or ship nails.

The attic, located under the roof of SIP panels, will always be warm. The design of the panels is such that the roof does not need a vapor barrier. The roof can be made from any material known today: bituminous, ceramic or metal tiles, others.

Sealing the finished house

After completing the assembly, the structure is sealed, coating all joints with polyurethane glue. This is a very important stage, the thoroughness of its implementation guarantees the long-term operation of the house.

Installation of doors and windows

Openings for doors and windows are provided by the project and prepared at the factory, this greatly simplifies installation.

Exterior and interior decoration of the house

Outside, the house can be faced with brick or siding, clapboard, timber, natural stone or its artificial imitation. The perfectly flat inner surface of the walls is also suitable for any finishing materials: wallpaper, painting, tiling and others. Using drywall will give the walls additional fire resistance.

Engineering Communication

Communications are laid upon completion of the frame assembly. All of them will be easily accessible due to their external location. If necessary, they are covered with plasterboard partitions or suspended ceilings. Plumbing and sewerage in a one-story house are made under the floor; special mines are arranged for a two-story building. A distinctive feature of construction using SIP is flexibility in terms of communications. All wooden elements that will come into contact with the water supply and sewerage system are additionally impregnated with waterproof compounds.

Factory production of all elements, the lightness of the panels makes installation possible in the shortest possible time.

The advantages of houses from SIP panels in comparison with houses using traditional construction technologies are obvious:

  • Strength. The sip-panel can withstand up to 200kg of load per 1m 2 with a deflection of no more than 12mm.
  • No shrinkage and smooth walls. External and internal finishes can be accessed immediately after installation.
  • Increased fire resistance. Temperature range from -50ºC to + 50ºC
  • Ease of construction. Average home weight according to Canadian technology
    no more than 15 tons.
  • Increased heat capacity. Heating a house using SIP technology requires 4-6 times less resources than heating a brick one.

Watch the assembly process at home in the video:

Instructions for assembling a house from vulture panels. SIP Houses are produced at the SIP 47 plant with a house kit, that is, a set of board elements and sip panels, manufactured with high precision on the basis of the project chosen by the customer. A set of vulture panels can only be assembled at the construction site like a children's designer. All products are marked, and a wiring diagram is attached to the set of elements, according to which you should make mounting sip panels. Before starting work, you need to study the wiring diagram and check the completeness of the package.

In order to better understand the features of installation, you need to have an idea of ​​SIP panels.

Basic a tool that is needed when self-assembling a self-supporting insulated wire-house:

Screwdriver (assembly with screws) / nailer (assembly with nails);


Circular Saw;


Building level;

Thermo knife for cutting a groove in SIP panels.

Panel construction and typical dimensions

SIP panel(structurally insulated panel) is a building product that includes two OSB boards (oriented strand board) with an insert of insulation - expanded polystyrene (PPS) between them, connected and pressed using special glue under a pressure of 20 tons. This structure allows the panels to perform a double function - they serve not only for heat and sound insulation of the enclosing structures, but are also able to withstand significant compressive and bending loads. Therefore, these products are suitable for the construction of all types of buildings. They are used for walls, partitions, as floor slabs and roof coverings.

Typical dimensions of SIP panels

The thickness varies in these dimensions from 68 mm to 244 mm. Frequently used sip panel with a thickness of 174 mm (with a PPS thickness of 15 cm, OSB 12 mm), a width of 1.250 m; length from 2.5 m to 2.8 m.
For the construction of enclosing walls, standard 17.4 cm sip panels are used, for ceilings and roofs - 17.4 - 22.4 cm thick. Products 12.4 cm thick are used for partitions in the house.
Sip panels are light - no more than 20 kg / m 2, which allows them to be installed by two, three people and without the use of a crane, and can also be easily processed and cut using a hand-held power tool.

The procedure for assembling self-supporting insulated wire at home

The assembly of self-supporting insulated wire at home consists in the sequential performance of the following operations:

  • Foundation devices and installation of the lower piping;
  • Installation of the basement floor;
  • Installation of the walls of the 1st floor;
  • Assemblies of intermediate floors and walls of the next floors in the case of a 2-3-storey building;
  • Installation of attic floors, attic, roof self-supporting insulated wire.

Foundation device and installation of the lower piping

Foundations can be monolithic tape, pile, and design in the form of a monolithic ribbed slab. The type of foundation should be selected based on the properties of the soils underlying the structure at the construction site. When choosing the type of foundation, it is recommended to use a pile foundation- the most suitable in terms of the simplicity of the device, relatively low cost, the possibility of using it under most types of soil conditions and the convenience of combining with the base of the prefabricated self-supporting insulated wire structure of the house.

To support the strapping along the top of the steel pipes protruding above the ground surface, special heads with a horizontal metal plate are installed, or a steel beam from the channel can be laid with shelves upward. In the latter case, the strapping bar is attached to the steel beam with anchors every 50 cm.After the screw piles are immersed in the ground, they are united by a lower strapping or support bar with a section of 200x200 mm, which is the supporting basis of the entire constructions SIP at home. The strapping bar is attached to each pile with wood grouse screws with a diameter of up to 12 mm.

The strapping bar must first be impregnated with a fire-retardant compound, and a gasket made of bituminous paper, roofing felt or other roll waterproofing materials is laid between its lower surface and the base plates of the heads. In the case of laying the support bar on a metal beam or on a strip or slab foundation waterproofing should be laid under the entire lower surface of the timber.
The strapping bar is installed exactly according to the markings corresponding to the layout of the self-supporting insulated wire of the house and its assembly room scheme.

At the corners and intersections, the elements of the bar are joined together by inserts-staples and are fastened with self-tapping screws 8x180 mm. The fasteners on the staples are time-tested, the staples can withstand heavy loads and do not burst. Provides additional rigidity and strength in critical areas.

In the event that the support bar is laid on the horizontal concrete surface of other types of foundations, it is fastened with anchor bolts, which must be recessed into the foundation body by at least 100 mm in increments of 500 mm in length.

Installation of the base / plinth ceiling

After installation and fixing to the foundation of the lower support bar, a self-supporting insulated wire is mounted on it, including: wooden beams-logs 100x150, connecting inserts between panels from a bar with a cross section of at least 50x150 mm and a vulture of the floor panel. The lags are installed in the grooves present in each sip panel along the perimeter. First, the first sip overlap panel is laid at any of the corners, the groove at the end is filled with foam from a mounting cylinder. A short connecting bar with a section of 50x150 is inserted into this groove, which is fastened through the OSB-board sheathing with screws 3.5 mm in diameter and 40 mm long for wood every 15 cm in length. Then a groove is foamed at the end of the second sip panel, and it joins with the first sip panel. In this case, the protruding part of the connecting bar enters the groove of the second product and is also fastened with wood screws through the skin.

How many self-tapping screws are needed for one SIP panel? With a step of 15 cm, on average, one panel of 2500x1250 mm will need 100 pieces. self-tapping screws, half 600x2500 mm 80 pieces.

After connecting and fixing the first row of basement sip overlapping panels to each other along the extreme span of the house sip, located near the end wall, a lag-beam is installed along the entire length of the span. Before this, the grooves of the products are filled again assembly room foam and the beam slides into this groove.

The subsequent assembly of panels, connecting bars and installation of the lag is carried out in the same way, until one continuous plane of the overlap is formed. For fastening wooden beams to flat floor products, wood screws with a diameter of 4.2 mm and a length of 75 mm are used. In places determined by the installation scheme, reinforced beams and timber are installed. The entire overlap is fastened through the logs to the strapping bar with self-tapping screws 8 x 280 mm in size.
The resulting open ends of the vulture overlap of the first floor of the house are sewn up with a board having a cross section of 50 by 150 mm or 100/150 mm from all sides.

Installation of the walls of the 1st floor

Design the first floor of a house made of vulture panels is a frame consisting of wooden posts and wall self-supporting insulated wire parts, fixed to the lower strapping beam, uprights, and fastened to each other. At the initial stage of assembling the enclosing structures of the walls of the first floor of the sip house kit, boards are placed under each wall with a section of 25x150 mm on a solid basement floor, the layout of which must correspond to the design layout and installation diagram. The strapping boards are attached with self-tapping screws with a diameter of 4.2 mm and length 75 mm to the overlap every 40 cm. The marking for laying the strapping should be done with maximum accuracy without deviating from the diagram, so as not to cause difficulties in the future. It should be noted that there should be gaps between the edge of the basement floor, which coincide in thickness with the sheathing of the vulture panel from the OSB board - 12 mm, which is indicated in the wiring diagram. The strapping boards are installed without breaks in the places corresponding to the location of the door openings in order to increase the accuracy and speed of their installation. In the future, after the installation of the vulture of the wall panels, cutouts are made in these places, therefore, when placing the self-tapping screws, this must be taken into account. The main stage of wall assembly can be started from any corner of the self-supporting insulated wire of the house, where first a vertical rack is installed, having a cross section of 100 by 150 mm, which is attached to the lower strapping board with two self-tapping screws with a diameter of 4.2 mm and a length of 7.5 mm, the first panel is mounted to it.
Further, on one of the corner sip panels, the side groove is filled with mounting foam, then the product is placed in the design position with attachment to the rack. In this case, the stand should fit tightly into the side groove of the sip panel. After checking the vertical position of the element by means of a plumb line or a level, the panel is attached to the strapping board along the lower edge and the post with galvanized wood screws with a diameter of 3.5 mm and a length of 40 mm on each side from the bottom and along the side edge after 15 cm.
In the same way, another vertical beam and a second flat wall product are installed, adjacent on the other side to the corner of the house. After checking the verticality, both corner wall products are additionally fixed to each other by means of structural self-tapping screws with a diameter of 8 mm and a length of 200 mm with a pitch of 50-60 cm in height.

Starting from the first corner sip panels, racks and ordinary sip panels of external and internal walls are sequentially mounted in each direction. Before the installation of each element, the side grooves are foamed, the sip panels are attached along the side edges to the vertical beams and from the bottom to the strapping with screws with a diameter of 3.5 mm and a length of 40-45 mm every 15 cm on both sides.
At the corner nodes and T-shaped joints of the walls, the products are additionally sewn with constructional self-tapping screws with a diameter of 8 mm and a length of 230 mm every 50-60 cm in height. The installation of the walls is completed at one of the corners, in the reverse order to the installation of the first corner - a vertical bar is inserted into the side edge of the last SIP panel, pre-filled with polyurethane foam, covering the end part of the wall. The SIP panel is attached to a vertical bar and strapping with self-tapping screws with a diameter of 3.5 mm and a length of 40-45 mm with a pitch of 15 cm on both sides.
Further, two corner vulture panels are tightened with constructional self-tapping screws with a diameter of 8 mm and a length of 230 mm with a pitch of 50 cm in height. The last operation to install the walls is to connect them with an upper strapping board. For this, the grooves on the upper ends of the installed sip panels are filled with polyurethane foam, after which a strapping is laid in them. board section 50x150 mm, which is attached with self-tapping screws with a diameter of 4.2 mm and a length of 75 mm to vertical posts, then all wall sip panels are attached to it with screws with a diameter of 3.5 mm and a length of 40-45 mm on each side with a pitch of 15 cm.

Installation of upper floors

If House from a multi-storey vulture panels, then after assembling the structures of the first floor, the interfloor overlap is installed. All operations are carried out in the same way as the installation of the basement. Then the installation of the second floor is carried out in exactly the same sequence as the installation of structures. the first floor of self-supporting insulated wire of the house. Then everything is repeated on the next floor.

Installation of an attic floor, attic, roof self-supporting insulated wire

The final stage is the installation of the attic floor, after which it is constructed roof... When arranging the attic floor, wall vulture panels of complex shape are used - trapezoidal and triangular, on which the parts of the rafter roof rest. The roof includes a frame consisting of posts, rafters, purlins, Mauerlat, elements of valleys and ribs on fractures, as well as special self-supporting insulated roof panels. These products, in the event that roof not gable, they can also have both rectangular and a more complex geometric shape - trapezoidal or triangular, so you should first carefully consider the installation diagram and outline the assembly order. In the case when the last floor of the self-supporting insulated wire of the house is not an attic, then first a Mauerlat is installed from a bar having a section of 100x150 mm over the plane of the attic floor along the perimeter of the walls. Then racks 100x100 mm, united by a ridge bar measuring 100x150 mm and rafters measuring 40x200 mm, resting on the ridge with the upper end and the lower part on the Mauerlat.

If the self-supporting insulated wire roof is of a complex configuration, then the frame is supplemented with intermediate girders and details of the device of valleys and ribs at the outer corners of intersections of the roof planes. Mauerlat, ridge beams, purlins and other parts can have a trapezoidal section, which is given to them during the manufacture of a house kit at the factory in order to accurately fit all roof elements to each other. All elements of the roof frame are pulled together with galvanized self-tapping screws 8x280 mm, one at each attachment point. If necessary, in some places, metal connection plates with holes for screws are used. After assembling the supporting frame of the roof, the roofing vulture panels are installed, which are attached to the load-bearing elements in a similar way to the design of the fasteners used in the assembly of floors. If necessary, the edges of some panels can be cut with a power tool at certain angles on the construction site, for example, when it is necessary to form a ridge joint between two panels.

If you find it difficult to understand these instructions for installing a sip at home, then we recommend that you contact the specialists of SIP 47-Sipa Factory.

When deciding to build a private house yourself, often the stake is not so much on the quality of materials as on their cheapness. Currently the most profitable and fastest construction method- erection of houses from vulture panels.

Panel construction gained popularity over 50 years ago. Initially, this technique has proven itself in Canada, Europe, and Japan. Today the technology has gained a lot of supporters among Russians.

Types of material: what are they made of?

SIP is a structural insulating panel, consisting of two special sheets, between which insulation is placed.

Layers stick together under the influence of the press with high pressure. The standard board thickness is 9 mm or 12 mm.

Let's see what sip panels are made of?

Outer layers can be made from the following materials:

  • oriented strand board;
  • gypsum fiber or drywall sheet;
  • plywood;
  • fibreboard.

Used as insulation:

  • expanded polystyrene - a porous material that is 90% air, is absolutely safe;
  • foam - waterproof, but highly flammable, subject to rapid combustion;
  • polyurethane foam - has a high insulating threshold, does not conduct heat, is flammable;
  • mineral wool - does not burn well, is safe for health.

Advantages and disadvantages

Sip panel have significant advantages:

The disadvantages of designs from vulture panels are the following:

  1. Unsafe- primarily depends on the quality of the materials used in the production. Many factories make panels using foam. It is better not to buy them, the foam gives off formaldehyde.
  2. Condensation forms at the junction of the frame and the slab, which leads to the appearance of connection defects.
  3. The panels are sealed, therefore buildings need a forced ventilation system, which increases the cost.
  4. The service life is limited. The structure loses its insulating properties after a few years. This problem is solved by replacing the worn-out insulation with a more durable polystyrene foam.

How to build a house from vulture panels with your own hands?

Today in the construction market, a huge number of companies build houses from vulture panels. Of course, you can assemble a house with your own hands.

Consider stage-by-stage execution of works... So, we are building a house from vulture panels with our own hands.

Preliminary work

At this stage, a draft of the future dwelling is drawn up. As a rule, a suitable option is chosen from a variety of standard projects and finalized independently.

Or they turn to design organizations for help. A well-thought-out layout will ensure quality and durability of the future home.

Then produced calculation of the required amount of material, buying a quality tool (you will definitely need a screwdriver, a hacksaw). You will most likely have to resort to the help of a specialized organization.

Buying standard panels and then customizing them to your project is quite time consuming. Consequently, it is easier to contact the company that will manufacture and deliver the panels required parameters.

Erection of the foundation

Most popular types of foundation are:

  • pile or pile-tape;
  • monolithic slabs with shallow depth;
  • columnar or columnar-tape;
  • tape deepening with a plinth;
  • tape deepening.

Installation of piles differs in a relatively low installation speed, simplicity, efficiency and economy. Most experts consider piles to be the most acceptable basis for a panel house.

A screw pile is a metal tube with a blade. The pile is screwed into the ground deep enough to exclude deformation of the building.

Water supply, heating and electricity for the future home bred before the construction of the foundation.

Waterproofing, piping, wall construction

At this stage, two layers of roofing material or bitumen are laid on top of the foundation, and then a strapping bar, pretreated with an antiseptic. Then the starting boards are attached to the strapping bar with screws.

Next, the panels are laid, which in the future will serve as a floor. When joining, the grooves are processed with a sealant, fixed with self-tapping screws. The ends are also processed with a sealant, are sheathed with boards.

The vip panel attaches to the starting board... It should be mounted from the corners of the structure. The connection is simple, the groove is inserted into the ridge, the fasteners are reinforced with screws.

Be sure to use the level, so that protect the structure from distortions... Polyurethane foam is used for joints. It is also worth doing with the ends of the vulture panels before joining them to each other.

Installation of SIP panels. Instructions

An example of the installation of SIP panel assemblies is given for the use of panels with a foam polystyrene insulation thickness of 150 mm and OSB walls of 12 mm.

Depending on the climatic conditions and the customer's tasks, it may be advisable to use thicker panels with 200 mm insulation

Node No. 1. Foundation-Floor-Wall

Recall that when building a house on a monolithic slab, there is no need to use a strapping beam and SIP panels as a floor. Therefore, we will dwell in more detail on the features of installation on a strip and pile foundation.

As for the slab, it is more cost-effective to use other methods of insulating the subfloor on it, for example, extruded high-density polystyrene foam.

It fits on the foundation 2 or more layers of waterproofing to prevent moisture saturation of the tree. This condition applies to all types of foundations.

Waterproofing must be strong enough so that the weight of the whole house does not violate the properties of reliable insulation from moisture for decades.

A strapping bar is laid on the waterproofing and is securely attached to the tape with a pitch of 400 mm or to the pile heads. The strapping bar should be at least 45x145 mm in size, but it is better to use a larger size, for example, 90x145 mm or 145x145 mm.

Read more about the features of its installation in the description of the foundation arrangement.

Fasten the strapping bar into the tape using anchor bolts with a diameter of 12-14 mm... The bolt nut must sink into the timber and not stick out. To do this, you should pre-drill a small hole in it with a larger diameter than the nut. The anchor must enter the foundation by at least 100 mm.

Fasten the strapping bar to the pile you can use a 12-16 mm stud with 2 nuts... The ideal option is to weld a hairpin into the center of the pile head with a 100-200 mm entry inside the pile, followed by concreting the pile and welding the head to it. 2 or more layers of waterproofing are also laid on the pile, and the hairpin passes through the strapping beam through and through. It is cut to the level of the timber and fixed with a nut with a pre-drilled hole so that the nut was sunk into the timber.

SIP panels are laid on the strapping beam in accordance with the laying plan. For the floor, it makes sense to use panels with a width of 625 mm in order to increase the number of log beams. The foundation design should take into account the presence of support points and tie bars under all interior walls.

In quality construction try to reduce the number of cold bridges and, accordingly, thermal seams. Therefore, it is advisable to mount the outer wall of the self-supporting insulated wire panel before attaching the strapping bar, and start the floor panel behind this outer wall (see Node 1.1). This solution will require the use of a higher wall SIP panel.

Economical option provides for the installation of wall SIP panels directly on the floor panels. In this case, there will be 3 thermal seams, instead of 1. (see Node 1.2), but panels can be used at a lower height. For builders, this solution is faster and easier, since every wall panel does not need to be cut. But you should live in the house!

By choosing one of these options, you can start installing floor SIP panels. They will either be shifted to the center of the house by 12 mm (the wall thickness of the OSB wall panel) in the first option, or they will go flush with the strapping beam - in option 2.

Floor panels are mounted according to the layout plan using the installation information of Node No.2 Panel-Panel.

An important nuance - the lower part of the floor SIP panels is covered with mastic, to protect them from moisture in the ground. If possible the lower thermal gap of the floor panels is also sealed... If it is impossible to gain access to it after mounting the panel, it is necessary to apply sealant in advance

on an already installed panel.

There is also an alternative opinion that mastic should not be used on the lower part of the first floor slabs. If moisture penetrates from the inside of the house into the floor slabs, it will have nowhere to go. This can happen due to poor-quality sealing of seams (for example, they simply froze, instead of using the thermal seam technology).

The fastening of the floor panels to the rail is carried out first with a self-tapping screw 4x60 mm diagonally from the side of the ends... This is necessary to prevent displacement of the panels in the plane of the foundation. After the installation of all floor panels is completed, their ends are closed with an antiseptic dry planed board 45x145 mm (end board in the diagram).

By technology, everything the inlays of the beams in the panel must be pre-foamed with high-quality assembly foam-glue... In order for the foam to work as efficiently as possible, Before applying the foam, the surfaces should be sprayed with water from a spray bottle... Polymerization of the foam occurs under the influence of moisture, and this simple action will allow you to achieve a better foam cure quality.

When the floor is completely ready, it begins installation of a connecting bar for fixing wall SIP panels... You can use 45x145 mm (in the diagram) or 90x145 mm - depending on the project of the house and the required balance of strength and thermal characteristics. The wall fixing timber is foamed from below and placed on the floor SIP panel.

There is a modification of the technology, when between this board and the floor SIP panel, a rolled polyethylene foam insulation with a width of a bar and a thickness of 2-3 mm is laid, or 2 grooves of 3-4 mm are made in the board and a cord made of polyethylene foam 6-8 mm is laid (in the diagram these insulation options are not shown).

The connecting bar of the wall is fixed with a high-strength constructional self-tapping screw TORX M8x280 mm (purple in the diagram). The length of the self-tapping screw is chosen so that it passes through the floor panel to the middle of the strapping bar). The fixing step is 400 mm. This is a very important unit for attaching the wall to the foundation, we do not recommend saving on it!

Do not forget about the correct location of the mounting board on the floor SIP panel. When working on Option # 1, the board is flush with the panel. When working on the economical Option No. 2, the board is displaced inside the house by 12 mm (the thickness of the OSB wall panel). Before installing the wall panel, the floor fixing board is sprayed with water and foamed from all sides (green seam in the diagram).

The wall panel is fastened to the mounting board from 2 sides (outside and inside the house) using TORX construction screws 4x60 mm with a pitch of 150 mm.

Node No. 2. Panel-Panel

SIP panels are interconnected using connecting bar.

Its dimensions can be different: for panels with a thickness of insulation 150 mm dry planed antiseptic timber with a width of 145 mm and a thickness of 90 mm is used (see the scheme Option No. 1)... The grooves of the selection in the insulation are made with a depth of 40-45 mm.

Lightly loaded structures can be connected with a bar / board 145x45 mm (see diagram Option No. 2).

The same lightweight version is sometimes used for roof panels. The groove depth in this case is 20-25 mm.

Also used dry planed board 145x25 mm for insertion into the grooves of the sample at the ends of the self-supporting insulated wire panels... For example, in the lower and upper part of the wall, along the perimeter of the floor panels, these are the ends of the roof overhangs.

Before inserting the timber into the groove of the panel, it is necessary to moisten the surfaces with water using a spray gun, then apply mounting foam - glue into the groove of the SIP panel.

If the size of the timber and the depth of sampling of the insulation in the SIP panel are correctly selected, then the thermal seam between the walls of the panels will be 3-5 mm.

For high-quality sealing of the seam, it is necessary to use Izolon cord and sealant(see above). In this case, the thermal gap is called thermal seam - it will be elastic, air-moisture-proof and will ensure a long service life of the self-supporting insulated wire at home.

In cheap self-supporting insulated wire construction, thermal seam technology is not used.... All thermal gaps are foamed with polyurethane foam, which is cut off after drying.

The obvious disadvantage of this solution is that the foam gradually breaks down and crumbles under the influence of oxygen. Moisture will get into the seam, and this will not only cold bridge, but also the likelihood of damage to the timber and the end of the panel fungi.

Cut ends of OSB boards SIP panels most susceptible to fungal damage, so they must be treated with an antiseptic... Ideally, buy self-supporting insulated wire panels immediately with processed ends + independently process the ends when cutting a solid panel.

If a SIP panel is used 200 mm thick, for a more durable option, a connecting bar is suitable 195x90 mm, and for lightweight - 195x45 mm.

A solid option is used if the house is being erected voluminous or in several floors. Also, a board 195x25 mm is used for sealing the ends of the panels.

In cheap self-supporting insulated wire construction, builders can save on the use of high-quality timber of the required thickness. There are 2 options for replacing the timber with smaller boards.

Option number 3

Instead of a 90x145 mm timber, 2 dry planed boards 45x145 mm are used, fastened with self-tapping screws and foam to each other. Obviously, this connection will give a significant cold bridge over time.

Option number 4

3 boards are used to recreate the size of the timber 90x145 mm. This option is more difficult to manufacture, but the cold bridge will be less than in option No. 3.

Node number 3. Panel angle 90,45,135о

There are several options for assembling the node. We will not cite the "Economy" variants with sticking out boards and 3 thermal seams as they are not recommended. Moreover, they save nothing but 20 minutes of the builders' work time.

The correct corner contains 1 thermo-joint. In one of the panels, it is necessary to make a cutout of the insulation and the inside of the OSB to fit the size of the second panel. After that, an additional selection of insulation under a 45x145 mm bar is made with a thermal knife and the inner bar is installed.

In the second panel, a sample of insulation is made for a 45x145 mm bar (indicated in the diagram) or (if necessary, structural reinforcement of this angle) a sample and a 90x145 mm bar are used.

This corner bar is first fixed to the first panel with TORX 4x60 self-tapping screws. It is necessary to fix it in such a way that there is room for the walls of the OSB of the second panel. If we mount the corner of the wall, then do not forget about the need for a fixing bar on the floor.

The second panel with the finished groove is inserted in the last turn. After leveling in all planes, the panels are fixed to the fixing beams along the perimeter.

Using only 4x60 mm self-tapping screws is not enough to securely fasten the corner. The main fastening element in this unit is a constructional TORX 8x200 self-tapping screw, which is fastened through the second panel into the fastening bar of the first panel with a pitch of 400 mm.

By the same principle, sharp corners are mounted in self-supporting insulated wire construction.

It is important to cut the fixing bar at the desired angle and take into account that in the case of placing the bar at an angle in a panel with 150 mm insulation, the width of the bar should be more than 150 mm.

It may be necessary to use dry planed beams of 45x195 mm or larger.

Also, the thickness of the beam used can be increased when it is necessary to strengthen the structural element.

It is possible to connect SIP panels at an obtuse angle, for example, 135 degrees, by analogy with the SIP panel - SIP panel assembly (see above), but the connecting bar must be used longer, since it also stands at an angle in the panel.

To simplify the installation of screws at an angle, it may make sense to drill a 2.5-3 mm hole with a drill.

It is also possible to use a thicker beam in the installation - if necessary, strengthen the structure.

Node 4. Window and door assembly

Installation of a window and door opening in the diagrams is shown in the section of the plane of the wall.

SIP panels are mounted in such a way that a window opening of the required size is obtained.

a bar of 45x145 mm is laid.

The bar is fixed on self-tapping screws, and all the seams are foamed, and outside, after the foam dries, they are covered with a sealant.

The beam is recessed flush into the panel. It is important to ensure the leveling of the timber. This will greatly facilitate the subsequent installation of windows.

The doorway is mounted in much the same way as the window. When installing walls the bottom fixing bar remains on the floor until the installation of all sections of the wall is completed... This is necessary to ensure that the wall is flat.

At the end of the construction of the door opening, the fastening bar in it is cut out and removed.

A small SIP panel insert above the door can be mounted and inserted separately. It is very important to ensure a uniform plane of the panels to the left and right of the door.

Alternatively, you can pre-fix the connecting bar on the top of the panels, this will simplify the leveling of the plane.

There is an installation option with a selection in niches (windows, doors) of only 25 mm and using a bar, respectively, with dimensions of 145x25 mm.

The illustration shows an example of a connecting bar inset into an opening before the stage of fixing it with self-tapping screws.

Node 5. Interfloor overlap

Installation of interfloor overlap in a self-supporting insulated wire (self-supporting insulated wire) can also be performed in several ways.

In our variants the floor panels of the 2nd floor rest on the walls of the 1st floor and are fastened through to the fixing bar of the 2nd floor.(constructional self-tapping screw 280 mm with a pitch of 400 mm in the diagram).

It is believed that it is cheaper to make a floor using standard frame technology - wooden logs and cotton wool. But, if you take into account all the subtleties of the correct installation of frame ceilings and moisture / vapor barrier of cotton wool, then the option with SIP panels will not be much more expensive.

For floors, they are most often used SIP panels 625 mm wide, which allows you to increase the amount of lag and the strength of the structure. Lags in this case are fastening beams in SIP panels.

The fixing bar of the ceiling of the 1st floor, the floor of the 2nd floor and the floor log can be either 45x145 mm or 90x145 mm, depending on the required structural strength of the building.

Option number 1

Installation of the first floor wall ends with a 45x145 mm bar into the groove of the wall panel. The self-supporting insulated wire panel of the interfloor overlap rests on it. It makes sense to immediately assemble a whole row of panels and fix the floors in rows according to the projected panel layout plan.

In Option No. 1, the floor panel has a 12 mm shift towards the inside of the house in order for the OSB panel of the 2nd floor wall to cover the floor. This allows you to make 1 thermo-joints, instead of 4. But in this case, it is necessary to use higher wall SIP panels.

The logs themselves are not shown in the diagram, only the junction with the wall of the 1st and 2nd floors.

During installation, the floor panel must be fixed with temporary fasteners to the fixing bar of the wall of the 1st floor. After laying the row along the wall, mount the fixing bar of the walls of the 2nd floor on the panels and tighten the structure with a long constructional self-tapping screw TORX 8x400 mm with a pitch of 400 mm.

The self-supporting insulated wire panels of the walls of the 2nd floor are cut from the inside to the thickness of the overlap + a selection of insulation is made in them with a thermal knife under the fixing bar of the floor of the 2nd floor.

Node 6. Mauerlat. Wall-Roof

The joint of the wall made of self-supporting insulated wire panels is presented in the option with overlapping of the ceiling of the 2nd floor, also made of SIP panels.

Just as in the interfloor floors (see above), this overlap can be performed using different technologies, including the one shown in the diagram.

The outer OSB wall extends to the end of the wall. A cutout is made inside for the installation of the floor and a sample for the connecting bar. Installation begins with the installation of this connecting bar and bringing all the bars of this wall to the same plane using a laser level.

SIP panels we mount the floors with the end board already fixed in them... Installation of panels should be carried out in rows, fixing the panels to temporary fasteners so that they do not slide along the installation plane.

We use the projected panel layout plan. For floors, SIP panels with a width of 625 mm are most often taken.

The wall node ends with the installation of a beam called " Mauerlat. "This is a thick timber beveled at an angle of inclination of the wall, for example, 150x150 mm. The Mauerlat is fixed through the floor panel to the connecting bar of the wall of the 2nd floor using TORX construction screws 8x280 mm with a pitch of 400 mm.

On the roof panel, which also most often has a width of 625 mm, is mounted stopper bar 50x50 mm - to abut against the Mauerlat and prevent the panel from sliding off the roof during installation. This block is necessary only for the convenience of starting the panel installation and will not bear the main structural load.

The main fasteners of the self-supporting insulated wire of the roof panel are structural self-tapping screws TORX 8x240 mm, also with a pitch of 400 mm.

At the end of the roof installation, the end parts of the roof panels are sewn up with a 45x145 mm or 25x145 mm board.

There is an option of installing a roof with a self-supporting insulated wire panel only up to the beginning of the wall. Further, the roof is removed using a connecting bar of panels (rafters), but without insulation inside. This solution saves on the required area of ​​the panels, but ultimately depends on the length of the span and the need for trimming the panels or using whole ones.

Node 7. Run. Roof panels

A purlin is a thick beam, beveled at the corner of the roof, which transfers the load to the walls from the middle of the roof (between the Mauerlat and the ridge). The run is required when the roof span is more than 4 meters long.

The girder beam is mounted into the walls in a niche prepared for it. From the niche, you need to choose a heater with a thermal knife and install the connecting bar according to the diagram.

The purlin must not be installed in an unprepared opening, resting only on the edge of the OSB boards!

The connection of the roof panels is carried out at the installation site of the purlin beam. 45x145 mm or 90x145 mm (according to the project and calculations) are used as a connecting one.

The connecting bars perpendicular to the Mauerlat, the girder and the ridge will be the roof rafters.

SIP roofs do not trumpet a separate rafter system below them.

The main fastener of the assembly is a structural self-tapping screw TORX 8x360 mm and 8x280 mm... The long self-tapping screw must also pass through the connecting bar under the purlin. Self-tapping screws 280 mm go in the spans, between the walls.

It is possible to strengthen the structure with galvanized mounting angles, which additionally fix the rafters to the girder. When using them, you will need to make a small cutout in the next SIP panel under the corner.

The most popular solution is to use SIP panels with 200 mm insulation thickness in roof panels. In this case, a wider bar 45x195 mm or 90x195 mm is used.

There are solutions that involve the use of a standard rafter system UNDER SIP roof. This makes it possible to increase the strength of the structure, but also increases the installation time.

Node number 8. Roof ridge

The ridge or ridge girder is the main load-bearing element of the roof, located at the very top of the frame. Usually this is a beam of 150x150 mm or larger. For long, thick beams, it makes sense to use quality laminated veneer lumber solutions. They give minimal deformation and sag.

The connecting bars of the SIP roof panels are at the same time a rafter system, they are tied together using a 45x145 mm board with TORX 4x95 self-tapping screws. In this case, the strapping board goes along the outer layer of the self-supporting insulated wire panel.

The main bearing fastener of the unit is a structural self-tapping screw TORX 8x240 mm. In the case of fasteners through the cross-section of the rafters with a thickness of 45 mm, it makes sense to drill a 5-6 mm hole for a self-tapping screw in the rafters to prevent them from cracking during installation.

It also makes sense to fix the rafters with mounting angles to the ridge beam, and also to connect the rafters of different roof slopes with a galvanized plate.

If you have been looking for the best opportunity to build a warm house for a long time without spending a fortune, consider the process of building a home ownership from SIP panels. Pricing for the purchase of materials for the construction of a "box" measuring 10 * 10 square meters, excluding finishing materials - approximately 17-20 thousand US dollars. At the same time, take into account the fact that additional insulation of the building in your case will not be required.

SIP panel - characteristics and properties

Building houses from vulture panels began in the 2nd half of the 20th century in Canada. Technological methods of such construction are very simple, the construction of buildings will require relatively little time, a little time (two weeks). The time spent on construction depends on the chosen project and the degree of its complexity. Only a frame-type house can be cheaper than this method.

A house made of vulture panels, based on its structure, has a sufficient level of strength. In English, the panels are called SIP, which is essentially a construction abbreviation: Structural Insulated Panel. The translation of this abbreviation has the following content "Constructive Insulated Panel". Based on this, the Russian variation of the abbreviated name KTP. In reality, the replacement of the Latin alphabet with the Cyrillic alphabet is used. As a result, we have the name "SIP-panel".

This material is formed from a pair of OSB plates, between which a polystyrene foam layer is located. In the end, we have something like a sandwich. Hence, another name for the board material came from - a sandwich panel.

House of vulture panels

A house from vulture panels can be built in two ways:

With the construction of the frame base. In building a private house, you can take a timber beam as a basis; when building high-rise buildings, the frame is most often steel.

With this technology, the panels are connected using a bar of various diameters.

Frameless reception implies the connection of self-supporting insulated wire using thermal dowels - inserts from panels of small thickness.

In our country, the first option has gained the greatest popularity over the years. The wood frame is able to give the structure additional strength. The load-bearing function of sandwich panels, even without the use of a frame, is enough for the construction of one-two-story houses in the private sector. But the realization that the foundation of the house is timber somehow calms the inhabitants. This technology has one more advantage, namely maintainability. If difficulties arise, you can dismantle the damaged panels and replace them with new ones.

Houses made of vulture panels for permanent residence

Advantages and disadvantages of self-supporting insulated wire panels

Like every technology that is progressive for our environment, the construction of buildings from SIP panels has a whole circle of opponents and adherents. For opponents, the fundamental argument is considered - the unnaturalness of the raw materials used, the likelihood of contamination of the environment with harmful substances. Indeed, this material consists of OSB and conventional foam. Polyfoam is a very standard material and is dangerous only when burning. OSB has also been on the market for a long time, it is produced from compressed coarse shavings. Formaldehyde-based resinous compounds are added as binding elements. This is actually what causes all the complaints: formaldehyde is a poison and its presence in the atmosphere can cause poisoning.

The percentage of formaldehyde presence is regulated by such a structure as SES (sanitary and epidemiological station), and only safe materials must be supplied for sale. So, if you want to build a house of their SIP panels, you should choose the manufacturer more often. The highest quality OSB boards are recognized by Egger, which is located in Germany. Their formaldehyde emission is E1 (safe level).

Glunz Agepan panels are also a good option, but they are used very little in our country. If we are talking about Russian companies, we advise you to refer your eyes to the products of the Kaleval company.

In the manufacturing process, exclusively safe and reliable materials are used:

  1. OSB-3 Kalevala emission class E1;
  2. Glue - TOP-UR (Russia);
  3. Expanded polystyrene –25C Knauf (RF).

Any part of the building is tailored to fit certain panels.

Why do many people choose SIP panels during construction?

Since such a house made of vulture panels has a number of solid advantages:

Low weight of the structure, which means that you can save on work on the construction of the foundation. Pile foundations are suitable for these buildings.

Low heat loss, reduced heating costs. Expanded polystyrene is an excellent insulation, sandwiched on both sides by sheets. This circumstance makes the house very warm.

Low price per square meter.

Not long terms of production. The box of a house on 2 floors can be piled up in a month.

Complete absence of any shrinkage. Only the foundation has a draft.

Finishing can be done immediately after collection.

In general, all of the above circumstances force people to make a choice in the direction of houses made of sandwich panels. They build houses for both permanent and seasonal residence. Proceeding from which, even with a very limited budget, it is possible to build houses from vulture panels, and successfully.

We carry out construction with our own hands

We build a house from vulture panels with our own hands in the following ways, there are two of them:

We purchase a house kit for a clearly specified project in a company that carries out this type of work, and we will assemble it ourselves. Not all companies can agree to this, but most have an installation service from the manufacturer.

Purchase slabs. Cut to the size you need, and then buy a bar, we do all this ourselves. In this case, the responsibility for the level of quality will fall only on you. If you have carpentry skills or you have relatives who are ready to tell you, you can redistribute with this option.

Let's talk briefly about what a house kit is. This is nothing more than ready-made, coupled with a wooden beam of the required size and fasteners required for construction. All building ingredients are numbered in a specific way. At the time of assembly, you connect blocks in a pre-approved order. The whole process is similar to standard construction from a constructor, only in real.

Domkomplekt is especially beneficial if all the details are accurate.

Construction of houses from vulture panels

Construction stages

To build a house from vulture panels, as in other things and usual, we begin with the selection of the type of foundation and its direct construction. The optimum for houses made of vulture panels with moderate lightness is considered to be a foundation made of piles. It is he who is used in most examples of SIP technologies.

Sometimes it is not possible to erect a sway foundation in a specific area due to:

  • hard soils, due to expensive drilling operations (rocks);
  • on unstable soils with reduced load resistance (peat bogs);
  • in the presence of cavities.

How the foundation is arranged - you can proceed to the construction and assembly of panels.