Remove floor screed. Disassembly screed: methods, features and how to make a dismantling of an old cement tie


How to remove the old floor tie? Start of repair - for every huge test. And for those who decided on overhaul, especially. Many factors should be taken into account, weigh all the "for" and "against" before they start repairing. In any case, you need to consult with experts in this area so that they suggest where you can cope with our own, and where the services of the masters will definitely need.

What is the floor screed?

The coating is usually durable, located in the interval between the tile from reinforced concrete and the final floor coating, is called a screed. Through this coating, the floors are aligned, all the slots and cracks are filled. Between the tie and the top layer of the floor, a layer of heat and waterproofing is usually located. Under the tie can also be reinforcement. These layers do not differ great strength, and they are not so difficult to remove them. It is worth remembering that at the time of dismantling do not overdo it and not damage the bearing walls, thoring in them a hole.

The screed can be monolithic (from the cement-sand mixture) or a composite (of several layers of gypsommate or clamzit concrete). To obtain the maximum strength, the monolithic screed can be rejected by a metal grid. The qualitative composition of the floor screed affects its strength, load, hydro and thermal insulation properties. Among the dismantling work to remove various structural elements, one of the most sought-after species is the dismantling of the floor screed.

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Dismantling or recovery?

Dismantling work can be performed independently when the problem and its solution are obvious. It is not recommended to take a job if you do not have any skills in the construction industry. Better invite specialists.

After the expiration of time, any floor covering comes into disrepair. Concrete begins to crumble, peel and covered by cracks. At this moment it is necessary to decide whether to remove the old tie or it is suitable for recovery. Most often make dismantling. This procedure is much cheaper than recovery. There are criteria to pay attention to when making a decision:

  1. If it is necessary to lower the floor level.
  2. Very unsatisfactory condition of the floor, so much that the installation of the new will cost cheaper.
  3. A low-quality cement was used.
  4. If it is necessary to repair under the floor communications or pipes, as well as in the event that the installation of new pipes is required.
  5. Quite fragile overlaps of lower rooms that will not be able to withstand another coating.
  6. The use of jackhammers is dangerous.

In the houses built until the mid-50s, the floors are wooden or mixed (wooden flooring on metal beams with reinforced concrete sites in the bathrooms and bathrooms).

Concrete floor dismantling has its own characteristics: if you disassemble it and want to pour a new concrete tie, then it will rather be invalid, since the mass of the solution in the aggregate will be very heavy and the load on the overlap will significantly exceed the permissible. In this case, the right decision will choose a screed of lightweight materials.

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Functions and cost of floor screed

Flooring in essence is of great importance, and the presence of it in any structure is necessary. Main functions:

  1. The heat distribution throughout the floor, if the heating is under them.
  2. Protection of overlaps from all kinds of deformations.
  3. Floor alignment, exclusion of various roughness and cracks.
  4. Sound and thermal insulation function.
  5. Takes up the load on the supporting structures, which significantly prolongs life to the last.

Considering the various factors, the price may vary from low to very high. What should be taken into account:

  • tie height;
  • type of material used: concrete or cement;
  • work area;
  • there is reinforcement or not.

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Types of screed surface

The following types of tie are distinguished:

  • multi-layer screed;
  • solid screed.

The more layers are used, the higher the reason for dismantling, as it is much more work.

When removing any type of screed, all factors should be taken into account. Depending on this, a dismantling tool will be selected. It can be a concrete machine or a shock tool. Or removing the screed will be done manually.

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Preparation and removal of screed on their own forces

If nevertheless it was decided to remove the screed on their own, then first of all should be removed all the obstacles in front of it. It can be linoleum, laminate, parquet or carpet.

For removal, various tools are used. At home, you can use a sledgehammer, scrap, hammer - everything depends on the thickness of the coating. After the preparatory work was successfully done and all protective layers were removed, you can directly proceed to the removal of the screed itself.

For high-quality removal of the floor screed, you will need to choose the instrument correctly. There are several different ways to remove. The shock method is the most noisy and unsafe for overlap, which can cause damage to the whole house and neighbors. In addition, it will require the use of great physical strength, which can be very dangerous to health. Using the Svondozer tool, you can remove the screed to a depth of up to 30 cm, reinforcement for it, as a rule, is not a hindrance.

Tools used in order to remove the old solution from the floor, can be divided into manual and electrical. Dismantling of the floor with the use of electrical devices significantly increases productivity. But such a dismantling of the price will also have an increased. To the power tools, well removing the frozen solution, belong:

  • concretera;
  • perforator;
  • various tools for diamond cutting and drilling;
  • shvonrezer for reinforced coatings.

When using the shock method, perforators, jackhammers, grinder are used. As a rule, all these devices produce a lot of noise.

For those who are used to relying on their own strength, are offered:

  • a hammer;
  • chisel;
  • sledgehammer.

The question arises: why do it all manually, when there are electrical appliances? It is necessary in those places where electricity has not been carried out or work has a small volume. This is a slow and very noisy process, but these tools can always come in handy as auxiliary.

It will take special clothes, helmet, respirator and glasses, as dust will be very much.

Disassembly of concrete floor in any way is carried out by splitting the base into pieces.

For the removal of the export of cement-concrete residues should be in advance to bags of durable material.

Floor screed can significantly extend the service life of the floor covering, assumes the load on the supporting structures, and also protects overlaps from damage. However, over time, the base is destroyed and requires replacement. The repair of the concrete slab is a rather laborious and cost-consuming process, so the full dismantling of the screed is most often performed.

Before considering the basic methods of removing the foundation, it is worth lifying situations where such a procedure is inevitable.

When dismantling screed

Dismantling of floor screed is necessary if:

  • you want to reduce the level of floors;
  • the old base was deformed and crackled;
  • it is required to repair communications located under the concrete layer;
  • floor coating will be replaced;
  • you are planning a major overhaul;
  • cement leaked through the seams of the floor covering.

Also, the old screed is removed, if in the process of its primary laying, a poor-quality mortar was used or its proportions were violated.

In order to disassemble a cement screed, you can use the various tools and methods that we will consider in more detail.

Methods of dismantling tie

Thanks to modern technologies, remove the old base can be as follows:

Impact method

In this case, a jackhammer, a sledgehammer and scrap is used to dismantle the screed. Although the electric tool allows you to perform work much faster, it is worth being very careful and consider the following nuances:

  1. The jackhammer cannot be used if there is present in the screed.
  2. The tool needs to be lubricated at least 4 times a day.
  3. It cannot be used as a scrap if the hammer is included in the network.
  4. Keep a jackhaft can be strictly for an isolated surface.

Despite strict rules for using a jackhammer, this method is considered the easiest.

Useful! Remove the screed shown is safer if you use the usual sledgehammer.

Diamond cutting

For cutting, a special electrical appliance is used, equipped with a rotating diamond disk - a swordzer. This tool is able to cut the plates with a depth of 30 cm and fittings.

Important! When working with this equipment, be careful, as you can damage the overlap.

Of the advantages of this method, it is worth noting not such a strong noise as in the case of a jackhammer, as well as small dimensions of the tool. Nevertheless, it is very difficult to cope with a squeezing alone and dangerously, so the dismantling of a concrete screed is necessarily carried out by two people.

In addition, to work with this tool will require uninterrupted three-phase voltage up to 14 kW and water supply (the equipment must be constantly cooling).

It is also worth noting the high cost of the device whose rental is also strongly "hit the pocket."

Diamond drilling

Equipment for diamond drilling is considered the most expensive, and to work with such an aggregate you need to go through special training and get a certificate of the machine operator. Therefore, such a technology for removing the base is not suitable if you want to remove the floor yourself.

Of all the listed methods, the only accessible dismantling method of the screed is the use of sledgehammer, scrap and jackhammer.

Remove the screed

After you have prepared a room for noisy and dusty work, you need to dismantle the old flooring. At this stage it is worth considering the features of dismantling of the wooden floor:

  • The most difficult to disassemble the piece parquet, and if it is glued, you can not even hope to save the coating.
  • To remove parquet shields, it is enough to find the latest open-groove board (usually it is located at the door).

However, if the flooring serves for quite a long time, it is possible that it is damaged by fungus and mold. In this case, it makes no sense to try to save it.

After removing the finishing floor layer, it is necessary to get rid of ventilation and any designs located at the base (if access is available).

At the next stage, the concrete slab is divided into pieces that are utilized. After that, the wet cleaning of the entire room is performed.

Important! In private houses, the wiring for the lower floor is most often located under the top-level tie. Usually wires are hidden under corrugated insulation.

In custody

It is very difficult to remove the screed on your own, as it will require a lot of time and physical strength. It is better to contact the specialists. The cost of a specialized dismantling of the foundation is about 300 rubles for the "square" of the screed with a thickness of up to 40 mm. Thus, in order to prepare a room for repair, about 4500 - 7000 rubles will be required.

The competent dismantling of the old floor or flooring is, as you know, a prerequisite for the successful work related to their update. In our article, we will try to tell you how to remove the old floor, without resorting to the help of third-party specialists, savingly saving at the same time at the repair work.

It is known that the floors in modern apartments are most often equipped as follows:

  • pure concrete bases with synthetic coatings made of carpet, laminate, or a linoleum known to all of us;
  • wooden floors manufactured from individual boards or from a set of parquet;
  • floors decorated with tiles.

Preparatory activities

Before starting the gear disassembly, you should prepare the most necessary tool, the choice of which is determined by the type of floor covering. But in any case, special means of protecting the body and respiratory organs, mandatory when carrying out the work of this class (respirator, x / w gloves and headdress).

In order to avoid the spread of dust throughout the apartment in the doorways, it is desirable to secure a piece of moistened tissue, and the threshmes are shown moistened in water mats. In addition, you will need:

  • ordinary nail);
  • mounting hammer or sledgehammer;
  • screwdriver, pliers and ticks;
  • electric jigsaw or saw for cutting long boards.

Note that to disassemble the floor from the tile (porcelain stoneware) you will additionally need to prepare the chisel and the perforator. Sexual coatings used with carpet, as well as from laminate or linoleum, are significantly easier, especially if they are simply laid on a concrete base (without glue).

Removal of plinths

Dismantling of the flooring is taken to start with the removal of plinths, which can be plastic (with a cable built into them) or wooden. Disassembly of plastic blanks are starting with the removal of the decorative plank and removing the elements of fastening the product to the wall. Wood-sewed wooden plinths remove with a nail-cutter, and the dismantling should be started from the angle of the room.

In the event that the plinth is thoroughly painted in several layers of paint - you first need to find such a place where it is easily "coming up" with a flat screwdriver, after which it will be possible to use the nail-holder. In order to avoid damage to the wall decorative coating and for the convenience of fixing the position of the instrument under it, a small wooden plank (bar) is usually pubes.

Before removing old wooden floors, you should familiarize yourself with the order of their placement on lags laid on a concrete basis. When conducting these works, certain difficulties may arise with the removal of the first board, after dismantling which the case will go noticeably faster. To facilitate this operation, it is necessary to free the gap between the floor and the wall and pry a native of the extreme board in this place.

All other floor flooring are removed quite easily and can be dismantled with a hammer or a large flat screwdriver. To remove the nails driven into the board, you can take advantage of the first previously ticks.

If there is a circular saw, all operations for dismantling wooden floors are noticeably simplified. With it, it will be possible to cut separate "flooring" into smaller parts, which will be removed from the place of disassembly much easier.

For the case when the floorboards are attached with the help of self-tapping screws, your screwdriver, allowing you to quickly remove the fastening elements.

Removal of concrete screed

To remove a concrete screed, you will need to first remove the decorative coating from it used for flooring. And only after that you can move to its dismantling, which is usually done by a shock way. For these purposes, you may need the following tool:

  • classic jackhammer;
  • perforator with a special nozzle;
  • sledge hammer, chisel or metal scrap.

Note that the use of a special shock power tool significantly reduces the dismantling time of concrete bases in the premises of any categories. But when it must be used to use personal protective equipment, protecting the respiratory pathways of a person and his eyes from dust formed during work.

When preparing for dismantling, do not forget to prepare bags of durable material, in which you can make broken pieces of the cement-concrete screed and accompanying any disassembly of trash.


In this video, it is shown how to dismantle the wooden floor:

This video demonstrates the process of destruction of the old concrete floor with a jackhammer:

When the overhaul begins in any room, including the apartment, then all the work is concentrated initially on the dismantling of the old flooring. This also includes dismantling. The process takes a lot of time and effort. But if there is no experience in carrying out this kind of work, it is better to immediately contact the specialists. This will provide excellent final quality.

The reasons

To dismantle the floor screed, some weighty reasons are necessary. Among the most basic - existing surface defects, as well as permanent errors during assembly work. It can even be said so that it is much easier to completely remove the tie of the floor than to produce partial removal of the floor screed. The elimination of deficiencies sometimes even brings more trouble and financial costs.

Another reason is the production of the repair of communication systems, which are located under. But here it should be done high quality and with caution. All security measures must be fully respected.

In this paper, you will need to use a specific set of tools, among which the main can be allocated:

  • Sledgehammer.
  • Bulgarian.
  • Perfederate construction.
  • Garbage bags.

Construction brigades due to their experience can perform work as quickly as possible. Moreover, they have all the necessary tools, including special equipment - a swordzer, a robot for dismantling and much more.


You can immediately protect the implementation of sections in the room full of partial repair. A greater preference is given to exactly the first version of the work. This is due to smaller financial costs. Not always a separate area will help to cope with the problem. Over the time of operation, it is most often manifested again. In addition, various additional base defects begin to appear, which alternate with each other. May be damaged and flooring requiring replacement.

By contacting specialized companies, you can find out which kind of kind of regeneration is better to produce. If the problem is essential, it will be more profitable to clean it all up to zero, and after producing a screed, laying of communications and flooring anew.

Possible methods

There are several ways, thanks to which you can produce high-quality gender. Of them allocate:

During the work in any way it is very important to be attentive. Not rare cases when electrical wiring is laid. It is impossible to damage it. But this applies to the buildings with a large number of floors. To do this, navigate the materials where the wiring can be hidden. Often it is a corrugated pipe or PND.


There are certain removal requirements. First of all, it concerns the right choice of tool for work. In each case, it can be different. Everything will depend on the specific situation. To eliminate the screed, you can split it into separate items that are subsequently taken out. But more quickly everything is performed using the power tool.

It is very important to harvest garbage bags with sufficient levels of strength. They will have to make all the existing garbage. It will not be superfluous to prepare the neighbors, informing them about the desire to conduct noisy work in the apartment.

In the process of dismantling, the main thing is not to rearrange. Immediate efforts can damage the slabs of the overlap.

Preparatory activities

The start of removal is associated with the removal of the old floor covering, as well as laid plinths. Here almost never need to use a special tool to get the desired result. It is worth noting that the old coating in subsequent in some cases can be applicable. Then everyone should be done very carefully to damage it.

Next takes place the screed itself, which will dismantle. It should be determined its thickness, material manufacturing, design and other points. It will be very good if there will be schemes for gaskets of communications and other equipment. This will not damage it in the process of conducting work.

To determine the composition of the draft floor, you can cut the fragment of the base site and see from which the screed is made. A ultrasonic flaw detector is used in the work of the construction team. With it, you can view everything that is burned in the thickness of the concrete or another solution.

Stages of work

After graduating from the preparatory activities, you can start. To do this, one of the above methods is selected, which is more suitable in one way or another. More problems will arise with concrete and cement grounds. They are distinguished by an increased level of fortress and reliability. In the presence of fittings, at the base, all areas are removed by fragments, parts.

If we have a bulk polymer floor, then there is no need to do without a swordzer. With it, it is necessary to partially thread the surface and proceed to subsequent actions.

Simplicity of dismantling is distinguished by the disassembly of the chase-leveling design. In this case, hardware is only removed, and after that they are removed. Perhaps they will be glued together with each other. Then it will be necessary to cut them through the blurred distance.

When drum tools are taken to work, then everyone should start from the far corner of the room. The direction goes to the entrance. All appearing garbage is best to collect gradually, as they accumulate. At the same time preventive safety measures are taken in advance. To do this, turn off the power of the wires in the house, as well as water pipes. Must be carefully protected walls, windows, indoor doors. Shards should not fall on them and damage.


Of course, deleting it is more profitable to spend yourself. You will not have to pay for the work of the brigades using additional electrical equipment. But there may be situations when without them it is impossible to do without them.

In this case, various factors will influence the cost, such as:

  • The amount of work performed.
  • Possible additional types of services.
  • The thickness of the rough screed, the need to preserve the floor covering, the type of floor base coating.
  • The complexity of the production process.

This indicates that it is very difficult to determine the specific cost of the square meter of the area of \u200b\u200bthe room. Everyone should count individually. It is only possible to give averaged indicators of the cost of removal of the floor screed.

If the screed has a thickness of up to 40 mm, then the price will vary from 2 to 6 cu For meter square. With a screed of 40-60 mm from the pocket, it will be necessary to invest at least 3.2 cu, but usually not more than 7.5 cu. for 1 m 2. The greatest cost will be pouring the solution to 80 mm. The price can reach almost 9 cu. For 1m 2. Some subtleties relate to the reinforced ball screed. Here the cost will be increased at least half. In each case, it should be calculated individually.

Repair of an apartment or house is a difficult task for each person, especially for solved overhaul on their own. There is such a joke: if you want to know how much money is needed for repair, then carry out the necessary calculations of the cost of building materials, tools and the like and multiply this amount by three. In other words, repair is not cheap, so many tend to make it with their own hands with the least costs.

Where to begin?

Repair of an apartment or private house starts with various draft work. It is necessary to disrupt old wallpapers, replace windows and doors with new ones, and most importantly - replace the screed on the floor of the room. The screed is dismantled in cases when it was flooded more than a year ago, and she managed to significantly lose their heat and sound insulation properties. The dismantling process is a very time-consuming and painstaking work, however, if you try and attach the maximum forces, then to spend it completely under the power and yourself. Many people want to do it without mistakes, while retaining their family budget.

Before starting repair, you need to take into account all factors. You need the Council of the Wizard for the repair of apartments and houses, he will give you the answer to many of the questions you are interested in.

What is a screed?

The tie is called a durable coating, which is located between the reinforced concrete slab and the upper floor layer. With this coating, the floors indoors are aligned, slots and cracks are removed. Between the screed and floor of the room there is insulation, noise insulation or waterproofing. They create additional comfort inside the residential premises. Under the tie is reinforcement. His removal will not be much difficulty. Be careful during the dismantum of the floor screed, do not overdo it and do not destroy the bearing walls.

Floor screed happens:

  • in the form of monolith - mixtures based on cement and sand;
  • composite - several layers of plaster and cement or ceramzite concrete.

To achieve the greatest strength, the monolithic screed is reinforced by a metal mesh. A cochetic screed has high strength, waterproofing, as well as thermal insulation properties. Among all the repair and construction work, one of the most popular is the disassembly of the screed.

Dismantle or restore?

Dismantling you can easily perform with your own hands. Do not start repair, if you do not have the necessary builder skills, nothing is sense in this matter. In this case, it is necessary to seek help to masters from construction organizations. All sorts of newspapers and magazines are simply faster than the proposals of construction and dismantling services.

Over time, any floor covering comes in disrepair. Concrete can start painting, peel and crack. In such a situation it is worth deciding, to dismantle the old tie or she will still serve. Basically, the masters advise to make disassembly screed. Such work is cheaper than recovery.

There are moments that need to be taken into account:

  • Is there any need to make the floor below.
  • Bad appearance of the floor. Perhaps it will be more profitable to simply establish it again.
  • Low quality cement.

  • It is necessary to repair communications or pipes that are located under the flooring. Perhaps you have to install new ones.
  • Whether overlapping the premises on the lower floor the extra weight of the upper floor.
  • Working with a jackhammer is dangerous.

Houses that were erected in the middle of the 20th century, had a wooden or mixed floor: Wood beams put on top to metal, and in the toilet and bathroom there were plots with elements of reinforced concrete. The process of dismantling concrete floor has its own features. If you removed the old cement screed, and now you want to start the process of filling a new one, then this project will not allow you to implement, since the total weight of the cement solution will be large, and the load on the overlap will significantly exceed the permissible norm. It will be the right choice in favor of setting a screed on uneven places of lighter building materials.

Functionality and price

Screed plays an important role in the design of residential premises.

It performs such important tasks:

  • allows heat evenly distributed across the floor.
  • Protects overlaps from various deformations.
  • Aligns the floor, eliminates irregularities and cracks.
  • Creates sound and thermal insulation indoors.
  • Takes part of the load on itself, which helps unload the carrier design.

Types of hardware

There are different types of floor screeds:

  • multilayer (composite). Contains gypsum and clay;
  • solid (monolith). A solution that contains cement, sand and water.

The reliability of the coating gives the reinforcing steel grid. It will be necessary to use the grinder to remove it later.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantages of the screeds are as follows:

  • long service life;
  • reliability;
  • protection against heat loss, water penetration, noise;
  • suitable for parquet and other types of coatings;
  • low cost, which is important when compiling a common estimate;
  • withstands even a strong load.

Negative moments consist in its difficult installation, doubling, high price. It will be difficult to remove the screed if necessary, so it is necessary to use a semi-dry or sandy mixture. From the number of layers of the screed depends on the price of its dismantling, because the craftsmen need to make significant efforts for such repairs. When disassembling the screed, pay attention to all decisive factors. It is from them that will depend on the choice of toolkit for the process. You can apply a concrete machine or a shock tool.

Dismantling with your own hands

If you want to dismantle the screed without assistance, you need to remove all the layers of flooring from its surface. You will also need various construction tools. You can apply a sledgehammer, scrap, hammer - it all depends on the thickness of the floor covering. After the successful and completion of the preparatory work, you can start disassembling the old screed. Remember that it is necessary to correctly choose construction tools. There are several different methods for removing the old floor tie.For example, the impact method is very noisy, moreover, it is dangerous for overlapping the room, because it can damage the house and your neighbors. You will need to make a great physical force that can harm your body.

Selection of tools

Although in the process of dismantling and there are some subtleties, to remove the screed you will need some tools:

  • perforators, hammers, sledgehammers, jackhammers, various saws are needed to cut the reinforcement, if any;
  • a vacuum cleaner;
  • plastic bags.

Think about your health and buy protection tools. In the process of working into the air, a lot of dust and dirt will rise, so protect your body as much as possible. The tools that you will apply to dismantle the old screed can be divided into two groups: manual and electric. Passing of the floor screed using electrical devices will increase productivity, but such work will cost expensive.

To tools that successfully remove the old floor screed include:

  • concretera;
  • perforator;
  • borants;
  • shvonzerchik.

When working shock method, perforators, jackhammers and saws are used. These tools work extremely noisy. Do not be an enemy of your neighbors - observe the silence mode. Remember that in the apartment on the left, right, below, people also live on top. Do not be a source of night noise.

Tools for disassembling with your own hands are:

  • scrap;
  • hammers;
  • chisel;
  • sledgeVolds.

It is necessary to work manually where there is no electricity, or work is small by volume. This process is slow and noisy.

All of the above tools will use you in your work.

Additionally, you will need:

  • overalls;
  • helmet;
  • respirator;
  • points.

The dismantling of the screed is implemented by the method of breaking the monolith into separate pieces. For the removal of cement residues pre-prepare durable garbage bags. Before the start of work, prepare the room. All furniture and other interior details need to be transferred to other rooms and cover the cellophane so that they do not dreamed. Dust will be very much. It is necessary to remove the plinths, the old flooring. In case the coating is reused, separate it from the floor with marginal caution.

If the coating is dreamed, it is simply climbing, torn and disposed.