Medicinal plants - Derzhiderevo.

Botanical characteristic

Hold an ordinary tree, translated - Paliurus spina-christi, the second name is the paliurus of Christ's thorn. This representative of the flora is a dense prickly bush with winding branches, its height can vary from one hundred centimeters to two meters.

The leaves of this plant are simple with three veins, they are alternate, their length can reach up to four centimeters, their shape is obovate. Stipules in the form of spines, one of which is slightly bent back, and the other is erect.

The Infinite, the Absolute seems to have sometimes experienced. - Unfortunately, it only seems that it is: If you believe in "capturing" a loved one, it disappears, remains incomprehensible. And yet these moments leave traces in a work of art. Technological advances in recent decades, very quickly, the "image of the world" has changed. It also has a lot to do with size: It's amazing how similar micro and macro structures are, for example, small and large are suddenly congruent! Or maybe neurobiology is precisely the secret of consciousness - being? - solve.

Free will doesn't seem to be just a certain combination of structures. If only one - admittedly unique - is structural in this world, our mass turns into a different structure after death, but remains unchanged. Whether you want to look after Newton's conservation law or free after Heraclitus, everything flows, so the result is still a cycle, something absolute that our microbiological processes, as well as with the surrounding unimaginable galaxies. Although scientists and artists work with different tools - or forms of knowledge - but ultimately, and aim to reveal the world, the so-called "absolute truth".

Flowers are five-petalled. The thorny bush hold the tree has yellowish-green flowers. They are collected in umbellate inflorescences, they are small, up to four millimeters in diameter. The fruit of this plant is dry, indehiscent, it is surrounded by a small wing, not exceeding three centimeters, it is brown-red or bright yellow.

plant propagation

Just like science, art is a form of appropriation of the world; Therefore, since the Enlightenment counts art - like aesthetics - to in the sciences. If someone is a "great" artist, less dependent than his gift of vision, recognizing his technical skills. If you want to make a drawing, a copy of something, it requires looking at it very carefully. It may sound trite, but it is difficult. This, on the one hand, is part of the artist himself, on the other hand - and this is surprising - to reveal the connections between himself and the "thing".

Let's take the example of a tree. Today we know that the cellular and biochemical processes in a tree and people are similar. Planting trees, sexually reproducing, growing, aging, in competition with each other and move even - though not from their location - they respond to stimuli, according to information transmitted by hormones.

Hold on, an ordinary tree is found mainly in a warm area, in the Caucasus in the Crimea. You can meet him on dry slopes. This representative of the plant kingdom is also used with decorative purpose, it is planted on home gardens and summer cottages as a hedge.

Used part

For medicinal purposes, the ripe fruits of this representative of the flora are used, since they contain some useful components, which are represented by tannins, some alkaloids, and there is also ascorbic acid.

Paracelsus wrote: "This plant is similar to people." Visually, this parable can be well read: A vertical trunk on which the head rests, branches stretch like hands, sheets like fingers into the room. And one leaf: This is again, and therefore our own takes on the veins, the structure of the tree, because even with all its small veins and pores, they resemble the leaves of human skin.

The rather already reduced rune symbol of the German Tree of Life expresses all this, consists of signs for women and men, evokes associations with the root and crown. People like a tree are individual. So unique each so little "hermit" is one of them. Trees take up space, but do it also. Is one in itself a cosmos for all kinds of life, like our earth, but this is only a part of " Milky Way": Forest.

Collection and preparation of raw materials

In order to harvest the fruits, they must first be collected, and then sorted out, removing damaged specimens. Then they are scattered on a spacious pallet, which is placed in a ventilated room, or it is installed under a canopy on the street. At the same time, it is recommended to turn over the raw materials with high quality every day.

Man and tree depend on the climate. Not until the end of the Ice Age could even begin the development that "our culture" had sufficient reason to offer. But even then, it took several thousand years to be able to form a certain civilization between almost infinitely large forests due to climate change and the invention of bronze in the second millennium BC. If the fuel Construction Materials, enclosures for animals, feed or funds, the forest was indispensable for the extraction of ore, glass, paper, weapons, clothing and much more.

When the fruits lose all moisture and come to a state of dehydration, so to speak, they can be rather loosely laid out in pre-prepared cloth bags, which are stored in a ventilated room.

After a two-year period, dry fruits will lose their medicinal properties and should be removed from them. In an expired form, raw materials cannot be used, because instead of the desired positive effect, you can harm the body.

From this more differentiated use of wood is the vast knowledge and diversity of specific professions that form the basis for the world today of the leading technological role of the "core of Europe", developed after the time of migration in the Middle Ages.

Initially, the forest was considered a no man's land, but has grown with population shrinkage and private ownership. The right to use the free urban forest has only limited both the church and the nobility learning more and more solid structures, resulting in increased economic importance of the forests of the strong.

Application hold-tree ordinary

Due to its medicinal properties, this representative of the flora has found its application among folk healers. Various drugs are prepared from this plant, which are used for therapeutic purposes, as they have a disinfectant, expectorant and astringent effect on the body.

So much wood has been the basis for the cultural life and economic life that we often refer to as European cultural history century as "wooden age". In folklore, numerous traditions endured that tells the dazzling facet of the "tree of history". Be macabre images of lynchings under edge trees, declarations of love to the maypole chosen, or just juicy sayings like "on the oaks of the best ham to grow," because acorns for pigs were widespread. Countless anecdotes of the course of the century always describe new priorities; initially very archaic, and then more and more in an ecclesiastical context, where God's gifts of the forest were praised, to eventually move on to the hunting of the nobility.

For example, a medicinal decoction of these medicinal fruits is used in the presence of a cough, as well as in bronchial asthma, it is also used for hypertension, for digestive disorders, in particular for diarrhea, as well as for some dermatological diseases.

decoction recipe

In order to prepare a medicinal decoction of the common tree, you will need a tablespoon of the dried fruits of this representative of the flora. They should be crushed, for this, use kitchen utensils in the form of a mortar and pestle, after which pour the raw materials into an enameled container.

The latest romanticism praised the ideal of nature in the tree, but now the strong economic exploitation of the forests created completely different facts: clear-cutting and severe soil erosion were the flip side of the restoration that was to be on call for the sustainable development of forestry at the end of the century.

Much has changed since then, but today it is necessary to resurrect "climatic catastrophes" in order to awaken the idea that the thoughtless exploitation of nature can become a dead end for man. Many peoples led the existence of man himself on a tree and forest and revered the trees as gods. Sacred groves were places of meetings, sacrifices and judgments. The Epic of Gilgamesh, Ovid's Metamorphoses, and the Edda saga are probably the best-known examples of countless myths that report the divine from trees.

Then, 500 milliliters of boiling water should be poured into the container, and only then it is recommended to put the container in a water bath at a minimum fire. After about ten minutes, the drug can be removed from the stove. Then when it gets to room temperature, you need to start filtering it, for this purpose you should use a strainer with a fine mesh.

Ask and Embla, ash and elm, were found as propellants, the aesir breathed life, soul, warmth and color, so that man and woman stood up. Tacitus reports of the German cult of the tree: "Their forests bind them, and with the gods they call this distant, inevitable being, which sees only their pious shudder."

Even goblins, gnomes and trolls did not want to give way, fairies, elves and nymphs remained stubborn, so that the church fathers were forced to consider them "poor souls" under their wing. The contradictions remained, and even Bernhard of Clairvaux remarked: "Trees and stones will teach you what no one will tell you." This also includes a branch of the Gothic dome, which is a petrified reflection of the forest, which was thought to have long been overcome.

It is recommended to take a ready-made broth one hundred milliliters up to four times a day, it is advisable to drink the drug before meals. It should be stored only in the refrigerator, and its implementation period expires after five days, after which it cannot be consumed, since it will lose its medicinal properties and will not have the proper effect on the body.

The compromise was the worship of Mary, thanks to which many indestructible mystical trees were easily revised. Already Isaiah compared Mary to a tree and Jesus to its fruit, so that under this interpretation cotton went straight into fashion and even churches were built around trees.

In principle, the tree is not alien to Christianity. Already in the Book of Genesis "God is the Lord", may the Lord grow from the tree of trees, all kinds of trees, tempting to look at and with delicious fruits but in the middle of the garden is the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Of death. The complex is this relationship, but through the death of Christ on the cross, they give hope for salvation, so they form the core of the Christian faith. Again and again it is pointed out that the cross of Christ was built from the wood of the tree of knowledge. Tree species vary considerably, but as in many earlier cultures, individual trees have evolved into specific symbols over the course of history.

Infusion recipe

You can prepare a medicinal infusion, which will include not only the fruits of the common tree in the amount of 50 g, but also 30 grams of the following herbs: common flax seeds, heart-leaved linden flowers, spring primrose, large plantain, medicinal sage, forest mallow , skolopendrovy leaflet, ephedra two spikelet.

When the oak tree was once given to Zeus, the Teutons worshiped the thorn-god Thor, now they stood for the cross and the stability of the Christian faith. Other trees also point to themselves: acacia means immortality human soul, holly for a thorny crown and fir for heavenly selection and patience. While lanterns vouch for strength and protection by faith, cedars and cypresses proclaim the eternal reign of God.

The history of art, as an expression of this content, is richly populated with trees. But not only in the visual arts, in which individual tasks tree species have received special significance, but also in poetry, trees have usually been introduced as a symbol of becoming and disappearing. Therefore, it is interesting to attract trees, books and runes.

To prepare a medicinal infusion, you will need 30 grams of a mixture of these medicinal herbs, it is recommended to pour them with 500 milliliters of boiling water, after which the drug should be covered and infused for at least two hours.

After the drug is infused, it is necessary to rid it of the cakes present, for this, apply double layer gauze, through which strain the liquid into a clean container. After that, it is recommended to store it directly in cold store and not more than three days.

Although it is assumed that the original stamps of the first Gutenberg seal were carved from beech wood, the true connection is revealed in the meaning of our "writing". This word goes back to Old High German and shows that the Germanic rune alphabet was written in beech sticks, which are especially well suited for this purpose in a smooth chest. They first appeared with the Germanic goddess Idun, who scrawled her husband's rune into the tongue that gave him magical power words. Is it a coincidence that even paper grows from trees?

Language, writing and literature; it all belongs together - but the trees also tell a story. In general, trees repeatedly experience human life. If only broken here, all of these connections resonate in a cycle of "tree images". On the real surface, the bark of specific trees is depicted in relief, and on the sides - under the thickness of the bark, cut wooden surface.

After three days, the drug will lose its medicinal properties and will be unsuitable for further use. It is recommended to use it in the presence of acute bronchitis, one hundred milliliters up to four times a day. You can add a little fresh honey to the infusion, a teaspoon will be enough.


Before using a decoction or infusion that is prepared from the fruits of this representative of the plant kingdom, it is recommended that you first consult with a qualified doctor. And after his approval, proceed to the manufacture of such drugs, without ignoring the medication prescribed by the doctor.

Bark structures are the theme of trees. In their format and detailed execution, they are annoying, so similar to nature that it interrogates the viewer's boundary with a natural or artificial object. Despite all the similarities with nature, there is no bark represented there. The prerequisite is taking his project. Thus the enjoyment of the tactile is at least equivalent to ordinary sensual and intellectual grasping. These structures, like a work of art, go far beyond themselves, unexpected questions arise unexpectedly, which are by no means purely scientific.

Derzhiderevo - Paliurus spina-christi Mill.
Buckthorn family - Rhamnaceae Juss.

Derzhiderevo is a shrub up to 3 m in height, dense, strongly branched. The leaves are alternate, located approximately in 2 rows on the branches, with short petioles, 2-4 cm long, 1.5-3.5 cm wide, wide, obovate, narrowed upwards, with three veins, slightly serrated or entire. Stipules are always changed into spines, one of which is erect and the other is curved backwards. The flowers are bisexual, collected in small false umbrellas. Cup and corolla of 5 leaves, not fused, yellowish green. There are also 5 stamens, a pistil of carpels with a 2-3-cell semi-inferior ovary. The fruit is a hemispherical, lignified drupe with 2-3 seeds; the fruit is covered with a leathery semi-lignified, partly woolly disc, yellowish-brown in color, increasing the size of the fruit by 2-3 cm. Seeds are flat, obovate, not opening even after ripening.

For the viewer and his own being depends on the dialogue with the images, the end of which is open. This is again an idea of ​​the structure of the cortex. However, due to the three-dimensional appearance the surface is preserved, almost abstract images are created that leave room for interpretation. The lightness of the drawing contrasts with the archaic theme. Even though the drawings are one-to-one, the question is quickly asked about measurement as it can be as good as macro or micro structures, landscapes or soil topography or whatever they associate as they show as many images as possible. The viewer and his structure, as well as itself.

Blooms in May-July. Honey plant. Decorative.

Distributed in the Crimea, the Caucasus (all regions), Central Asia. It grows on pebbles along the banks of rivers, in gorges, on dry clayey, gravelly and stony slopes, up to a height of 1500 m above sea level, often in thickets.

Roots, leaves, fruits, bark are used for medicinal purposes.

The plant contains saponins, alkaloids, flavonoids (rutin, hyperin, isoquercitrin), tannins, sucrose.

A decoction of the roots, leaves and fruits is used as a diuretic.

Decoction, infusion of bark and leaves are used for diarrhea, eye diseases. An infusion of seeds is drunk for pulmonary diseases.

IN folk medicine In Bulgaria, the fruits of the derzhidereva are used to "cleanse the blood" for eczema, as a laxative, against high blood pressure blood, etc. In high doses, it causes irritation of the alimentary canal and kidneys.

The wood is suitable for tanning leather.

Unripe fruits color silk, wool in pink and pink-lilac color, mature - in sandy.

Methods of preparation and use:

1. 1 teaspoon of crushed roots in 2 cups of water, boil for 5-6 minutes, leave for 1 hour, strain. Take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times daily as a diuretic.

2. 1 tablespoon of crushed dry leaves in 2 cups of water, boil for 3-4 minutes, leave for 1 hour, strain. Take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day as a diuretic and for diarrhea.

3. 0.5 teaspoon of crushed fruits per 300 ml of boiling water, leave for 2 hours, strain. Take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times daily as a diuretic.

4. 1 tablespoon of chopped bark in 2 cups of boiling water, leave for 2 hours, strain. Take 1-2 tablespoons 3 times a day as an astringent for diarrhea.