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The psychology of play is uniquely specific, since the subject's attention is more captured by the process itself than by a specific goal. If computer game captures a teenager or even an adult, he can mentally delay its final passage because of the desire to enjoy being in the virtual universe for a longer time. Socio-psychological games are no less entertaining, and parents should pay attention to the child's intellectual development, giving him the opportunity to become a participant in such a training at least once.

What the game allows with high degree efficiency to form in the child a number of positive changes in mental properties, as well as the ability to communicate and empathy towards others - a fact proven in theory and confirmed by practical experience. Basic functions play activities are considered:

  • uplifting, entertainment;
  • identification of deviations in the development and behavior of the child;
  • disclosure of talents and the acquisition of useful skills;
  • positive personality transformation at the structural level;
  • socialization of the child, simplifying his future life in society.

There are a huge number of different psychological games: organizational and educational, aimed at the development of mental activity, innovative, positional and many others. Living games allow you to comprehend fundamental personal values, and the ability to respect the point of view of the interlocutor. Project games form personal criticality, as well as the ability to set certain goals and achieve them through competent work on planning and systematization.

Psychological games: basic rules

Classes of a psychologist with adolescents and children are most effective if they are presented to a young audience in a game format in which all the participants are involved. The game allows you to comprehend certain aspects of human psychology and adapt in the most effective way within the framework of society. The organizer of such events must have practical experience and adhere to the following basic rules for working with children of primary school and adolescence:

  1. Explain the rules and goals of each psychological training in an accessible language. Examples of real life situations with a similar psychological mechanism of action will be a good help.
  2. It is important to constantly monitor the emotional state of all group members. To do this, it is recommended to maintain the dynamics of the process at the proper level, avoiding protraction and boring atmosphere.
  3. Participants in the gameplay need motivation. The organizer should be able not only to interest the children, but also to demonstrate to them the advantages of psychological trainings on the example of specific situations.
  4. It is important to explain to children that collective work is based on the principles of mutual respect, warmth and tolerance for the shortcomings of others.

After each psychological game, you need to arrange a brainstorming session in which everyone should be involved. Steps like this allow you to build optimal algorithm activities that are interesting to the largest number of children and adolescents. The organizer should not position himself as a stern adult who can punish for certain misconduct. On the contrary, the most effective is the model of a kind and patient helper who is ready to help in any difficult or conflict situation.

Psychological games for children, they give the child the opportunity to overcome the accumulated fears and complexes, and also have the following positive potential:

  • allow the child to feel a sense of unity with a peer group;
  • increase self-esteem and strengthen self-esteem;
  • help children learn to respect themselves and the people around them;
  • teach the child to effectively overcome difficulties and obstacles;
  • teach children well-coordinated group work;
  • develop in the child empathy and the ability to empathize with others.

It is very important for the presenter of psychological trainings for adolescents to learn how to create a cozy and friendly atmosphere in which even an introverted child will feel comfortable. When a new group of children, unfamiliar with each other, gathers, they may feel a certain constraint, the task of overcoming which lies before the organizer of psychological games.

Psychological games for preschool children

Trainings in a playful way for children before school age should be short in time, since the children's attention dissipates very quickly. It is preferable to spend at least three games or more in one lesson with breaks of 5-15 minutes between them.

Little dragon biting its own tail

The purpose of this game is to get rid of obsessive-compulsive disorder and ingrained fears. It is necessary to select the musical accompaniment in advance, and the playlist should consist mainly of cheerful major songs and melodies. The game is carried out as follows: children line up one after another in the form of a living chain. Each of the guys must hold on to the shoulders of their comrade in front. The task of the first baby, personifying the head of a dragon, is to catch the child who closes the chain as quickly as possible.

Exercises to improve self-control

Psychological training is important for children to help them deal with negative emotions. Preschool children should be reminded as often as possible of the destructive nature of anger, and if they are seized by anger, they need to pause and then do it. Then, straightening up straight, you will need to count to 10 in your mind and smile with your whole mouth. Anger and irritability cannot stand calmness and benevolence. At the same time, it is necessary to remind the child that only by learning to direct his own emotions in a constructive direction, he will be able to become an adult and independent person.

Psychological games for primary school children

Psychological games for junior schoolchildren should be aimed at working out internal problems and learning the steps to overcome them on their own. V psychological trainings for children aged 6-9 years, the following elements should be included:

  1. Role-playing games. To fully immerse yourself in the plot, you need the appropriate props. For example, for role play in builders, children will need plastic shovels, scoops, buckets, tape measures and other equipment purchased at a toy store.
  2. Exercises to relax and achieve a peaceful psychological state.
  3. Art therapy. Similar therapy the best way suitable for hyperactive children and children prone to depressive disorders and experiencing psychological discomfort as part of a children's team.

Art therapy is a complex different techniques... Isotherapy is intended for children who experience certain difficulties with self-expression and are trying to convey their own experiences, feelings and thoughts to the people around them. Choreographic practices are suitable for children of both primary and secondary school age who are prone to hyperactivity and aggressive behavior. Music therapy is the most versatile technique, and covers almost all age groups... Psychological games for children 6–9 years old are based on modeling various situations and playing around possible options for behavior in them.

What do you like to do?

This game is suitable for acquaintance with new group, where most of its members actually know nothing about each other. It is necessary to call one person at a time from among the young spectators, who will be given the following task: not using words, but only movements, facial expressions and gestures, tell the assembled children about their own hobby. For example, a child who comes out demonstrates his hobby in a free form to those around him, after which they are obliged to guess it. The kid, who managed to do it first, enters an impromptu stage and

Make Princess Nesmeyana laugh

A chair is placed in the center of the room, on which one participant of this unusual competition is seated. Those who come out are awarded the title "Princess Nesmeyana", which he must justify 100% and keep as long as possible. The surrounding people begin to provoke the imperturbable participant in every possible way, and as soon as a smile appears on his face, the next participant takes the post of "Nesmeyany". The winner is the child who managed to hold out the longest without laughing.

Tell us what you like

Children form a circle, sitting comfortably on pre-prepared chairs or stools. By voting or drawing lots, it is determined who starts the game first. The starter turns to the child on his left side and speaks publicly about those features that he likes most in the neighbor. A compliment may concern beautiful color eyes, graceful profile, or any other trait that evokes sympathy. The only condition is that you cannot bend your heart and emphasize those features. appearance or a character that doesn't really suit.

Ball Race

The exercise is suitable for both hyperactive and calm children. younger age... The organizers form teams consisting of a double number of children. Each participant must, holding a balloon together with a partner, run to the finish line, then touch the control point and return in the same way, passing the balloon to the next pair. The first team to complete the relay wins. It is prohibited to touch the ball while racing.

Important information! Psychological game for preschoolers "Race with balls" allows you to establish mutual understanding in pairs and in a playful way to learn to work well within a single team.

Psychological games for children 10-12 years old

Chained by one chain

In order to perform the exercise, you need a props in the form of a thin long rope and an ordinary lock key, which is attached to one of the ends of the rope. Participants are located in a circle and take turns passing an impromptu chain so that it is threaded from above through the collar and comes out below the waist level. When all members of the group are connected with each other, the leader invites them to perform a small one in the form of squats, bends and other simple exercises.

Interesting information! After completing the exercise, invite the children to make the key a symbol of friendship and mutual help. The training has a metaphorical meaning, and allows the children to understand the importance of support from others.

Funny pantomime

Listing psychological role-playing games for children aged 10–12 years, one cannot ignore the “Funny pantomimes”. The organizer prepares in advance the props in the form of various items like a children's synthesizer, drum sticks, guitar, wooden horse, running boots and more. Each participant is randomly assigned the number of the object, with which he is obliged to perform a pantomime with or without musical accompaniment.

Important information! Exercise promotes the development of imagination and acting talent in children.

Truth or lie

The group settles down in a comfortable environment, after which the organizer announces the conditions of the game: he reads various entertaining facts to the children, then they decide whether what was said is true or pure water fiction. A child who answers the question correctly gets 1 point. For an incorrect answer, 1 point is also deducted, the one who first raised his hand suggests his version. The child with the most points at the end of the game wins.

It is interesting! This psychological game is designed to develop analytical thinking in children aged 6 to 12 years.

Psychological games and exercises for teenagers

Psychological exercises for adolescents should be aimed at gaining self-confidence, developing dedication and improving communication skills. Thanks to participation in psychological games, the teenager's academic performance increases, as well as the formation of leadership qualities.

Living mirrors

The organizer will need to unite all the adolescents present at the training in subgroups of three. After the music turns on, one member of each group dances, and the rest play the role of living mirrors, copying all his movements. When the music stops, the presenters in the subgroups change. The game continues until all participants try themselves as a "projector". The exercise allows you to unite the team and cheer up everyone present.

Mysterious rhymes

The facilitator divides all the participants into two teams, after which he hands over to one of the sides sheets of paper on which simple and common words like "face", "laziness" or "bridge" are written. The task of the first team is to come up with as many rhymes as possible and read them to the second group in such a way that she could guess the original words. You can not point to any objects of the external interior or details of clothing. The game takes place in several rounds, during which the groups change roles.

Important information! The winner is the team that demonstrates the best time in guessing rhymed riddles. This exercise is suitable for developing non-verbal expression, observation and the ability to creatively and unconventionally express your own thoughts. The training develops the ability to perceive the interlocutor at the level of gestures, facial expressions, as well as associative verbal thinking.


And teenagers in popularity these days are confidently headed by "Mafia". The creator of this role-playing game is a student at Moscow University Dmitry Davydov, who formalized the basic rules back in the mid-eighties of the twentieth century. Their essence boils down to the following:

  1. A group of 7 to 16 participants is recruited, each of whom is given cards in random order. It is according to them that it is determined belonging to civilians, a sheriff or a mafia group that terrorizes ordinary citizens.
  2. The game changes between day and night. Their alternation is closely monitored by a presenter selected in advance from among those present or by drawing of lots. At night, members of the mafia kill another victim, with the onset of day, all those present choose which of them is the culprit.
  3. The game is played until complete victory, when all civilians, including the sheriff, are killed, or the identities of all the bandits are revealed.

Playing "Mafia" in the most direct way involves even unfamiliar children and adults in lively discussions and teaches them to find compromises, and also contributes to the development of talents, analytical thinking, quick wits and useful skills of team interaction. The rules of the game are so simple that it takes no more than a few minutes to familiarize yourself with them. In the process, participants need to engage in communication, conduct heated debates and clearly demonstrate the degree of diplomatic skill.

The organizer divides everyone present in pairs and explains the problem: during the first three minutes, partners are looking for as many similar qualities and character traits as possible. The partners spend the next three minutes looking for differences. The team that can boast the most impressive score wins. After the end of the game, the presenter needs to convey the idea in a form accessible to the teenage audience that all people are very different, but at the same time they have a lot in common.


Psychological trainings for adolescents often end with the following exercise: the leader assigns players to teams of 5-10 participants, after which a director is randomly selected in each group. The rest of the guys are going to become real actors. The task of the director is to distribute roles among his team and prepare a short theatrical performance parodying a popular movie or book. If the director has chosen "Alice in Wonderland" as the competition work, he is obliged to explain to the public why this or that member of his group has been chosen for a certain role. The team that does the best job at the task wins.

Psychological classes for adolescents

Individual lessons allow you to make adjustments to the behavior model of both difficult and introverted children who have problems communicating with peers. The task of a savvy and knowledgeable specialist in the subject includes the competent selection of an individual approach to the child and his involvement in game process that will form a positive behavioral pattern, as well as get rid of obsessive fears, anxiety and complexes.

A noteworthy psychologist and practicing hypnologist is Nikita Valerievich Baturin. On the account of the hypnotist, an impressive number of session consultations, as a result of which the lives of their participants changed radically: the problems accumulated over the years were resolved, self-esteem increased, relations with others and achievements in the field of career and private business improved. For example, in this video Nikita Baturin talks about how to get rid of self-doubt and body clamps, which is very important for most adolescents.

Items found: 385
Shown: 1 - 10

Didactic game "Funny snails". Purpose: creation of a positive attitude to the lesson, development of sensory and tactile perception, acquaintance of children with each other. Course of the game: The game is suitable for training in a group of children in an adaptive ...

"Prince on tiptoe" Purpose: Formation of skills to regulate behavior in a team. Children sit in a circle. A "prince" or "princess" with inaudible steps approaches one of the group members, easily touches the tip of the nose and ...

Dear guys, you already know what it is magic words? Do you know? What are compliments? Children express their opinion. Let's guys play, sit in a circle, I turn on the music and, as the music stops, in my hands ...

Already in infancy, the child begins to "orientate" on the ground. Where is mom? Where is my rattle? It is not in vain that we roll a ball to a child so that he catches it. Or we hang toys from the crib so that he reaches for them. By this we ...

"Lunar Path" Children are invited to a fairy tale along a magic path: a path made of leaves (stars, circles, triangles, etc.) cut out of bright shiny paper is laid out on the carpet. The return return takes place in the same order. ...

Didactic game "Live Domino"

Live dominoes Teaching the child in kindergarten occurs on the basis of cognitive interest. We can tell the child as many things as possible for him to understand, but if a preschooler is not interested in this, everything will fly by ...

The development of fine motor skills in children. Part 2

We continue to develop children's fine motor skills! Bags for massage I sewed bags from dense fabric and filled them with cereals (buckwheat, millet, semolina, starch, large sea ​​salt and beads of various sizes. Now we are with their children ...

Didactic manual for the development of fine motor skills of hands "Sun".

Dear colleagues! I would like to present to your attention the game "The Sun", made with my own hands. I work with kids, during this period it is necessary to give the child the opportunity to get as varied and useful as possible ...

A person, being a social being, from the first months of life experiences a need for communication with other people, which is constantly evolving - from the need for emotional contact to deep personal communication and cooperation. ...

Do-it-yourself summer screen for a kindergarten. Master class with step by step photos

Psychological games for children

A game for young children is not only fun and fun. Kids spend most of their time in games, for them this is the main activity. While playing, the child first of all develops and learns the whole the world... That is why a caring parent and competent teacher can often use psychological games in raising a child.

The teacher himself determines what each particular game should be aimed at. Whether it will be the development of memory, reaction, ingenuity, attention, imagination, emotion or ear for music. Also, psychological play can reveal in children's team a bright leader, as well as unite the team. This is very important in newly created kindergarten groups. A parent can help your baby overcome shyness and develop self-confidence. A clear plus of this game is that while having fun and playing with pleasure, the child does not even understand what is this moment there is a process of education.

The teacher must select games very carefully and competently, relying on the experience of professionals. It is for this purpose that a website has been created where professional psychologists and educators share their invaluable developments.

When working with preschoolers, much attention should be paid to the social and moral development of children. The site contains original games for working with basic emotional states, creativity, the development of the skills of a benevolent attitude towards each other and the emotional perception of works of art. For these purposes, educators often use hand-made auxiliary materials and manuals.

Games that develop communication skills

Catch it if you can

We develop observation, the ability to perceive non-verbal signals, attention

Description: This is a team game designed for a large number of participants.

At the beginning of the game, a leader is selected who will start the first round. All other participants line up. When the guys are lined up, the presenter takes a toy in his hands and starts walking after them, trying to put it in the hands of one of them. The participant to whom he still gives up must immediately run out of order. At this time, the rest of the participants should carefully monitor the presenter, as they will need to catch the player, in whose hands the toy will be. And they must do this without going beyond the line. If they manage to catch the fleeing participant, then he must return to his place. If this player still managed to escape, he becomes the leader, while the previous one takes his place.

Some small object that can be passed from hand to hand (it can be a ball or any other toy).


We develop attention, memory, communication and analytical skills, observation

Description: all participants close their eyes, and the presenter chooses one of them and puts him behind the curtain. Then everyone opens their eyes and the facilitator explains the assignment. The guys should find out who is behind the curtain (or just analyze who is missing among them). Then they must remember as many details of his appearance as possible (color of eyes, hair, what he is wearing, what kind of hairstyle he has, etc.), that is, they must give the most accurate portrait of him.

When the guys express all their assumptions, the player hidden behind the curtain can go out, and everyone else will see how accurate their description was.

If the participants in the game are very young, then the rules of the game can be explained before they close their eyes. So the stumps will be able to purposefully analyze each other's appearance and remember much more details.

Materials and visual aids for the game


Merry centipede

We develop communication skills, coordination, attention, observation

Description: at least 6 people participate in this game. Large quantity players are welcome.

All participants should stand behind each other and put their hands on the shoulders of the person in front. The first player will be the guide and leader. The guys must watch the leader and follow strictly in his footsteps. You can use music to speed up and slow down your movement. If the guys cope with this task, it can be complicated. The presenter can show not only the direction, but also some intricate movements. For example, jumping on one leg, moving in the rhythm of the lambada (music will help with this), some kind of hand manipulation, etc. Those participants who did not cope with the task drop out of the chain.

Materials and visual aids for the game

Funny music.

Who is your friend?

We develop communication skills, attention

Description: This game is designed to be played for a long time. It can last a whole evening, a day or several days and be combined with other games. Even adults can take an active part in it.

Before starting the game, you need to write down the names of all participants on separate pieces of paper. Next, you need to sign the role that the person who pulled out this piece of paper will play in relation to the one who is indicated on it. It can be in love, friend, mom. Then all participants must draw out the name of a secret friend. His name should not be announced, since no one else should know this yet.

After that, each participant in the game must behave towards a secret friend so that he can guess what role his partner plays. You need to monitor your behavior throughout the game.

Barking game materials and visuals

Blank sheets of paper, pencil.

Forest brothers

We develop communication, artistic skills, attention.

Play to promote communication and understanding among children

Description: At the beginning of the game, roles are assigned to the participants. These can be certain animals (birthday hare, fox deceiver, protective bear, etc.), characteristic fairy-tale characters (Dunno, Malvina, Buratino, Znayka, Barmalei). Players can simply be given names that reflect their positive and negative human qualities (kind, evil, g sociable, etc.).

When the roles are assigned, you need to explain in detail to the guys that they must behave throughout the game as their character would behave in this situation. If a girl plays the role of Malvina, she, like her heroine, must be hospitable and benevolent throughout the game (it would be better if a modest and inconspicuous girl gets such a role). If a boy plays the role of Pinocchio, then he should ask everyone questions, be a little intrusive. Likewise, it is necessary to disassemble and analyze all the roles.

You need to distribute the roles of those characters that are familiar to the guys. It is desirable that they be the complete opposite of the character of the child. The facilitator must observe the game.

If one of the guys does not succeed in the role, it needs to be analyzed or changed again.

Materials and visual aids for the game

Soft, fun music.

➢ There are no winners or losers in this game. Ideal for the holidays, it can be used as a first introductory presentation.

Change place

We develop communication skills, attention, coordination, analytical skills

Description: This game is suitable for initial acquaintance. It helps to establish contact between children, contributes to the emergence of an informal environment.

All participants, except one (he will be the first driver), must sit on chairs. At this time, the moderator should name some feature common to all (or some) of the participants. This can be hair color, gender, wardrobe details, etc. Those participants to whom this definition applies must swap places. In this case, the goal of the leader is to have time to take the vacated chair himself. The participant who did not have time to sit on the chair becomes the new driver. He must name a new quality that can unite several participants. Now, on command, they must swap places.

It is important for the presenter to make a message suddenly so that he can take the place himself.

Materials and visual aids for the game

Chairs for each participant except one.

Games that develop the moral and volitional qualities of the individual

Help grandpa!

We teach the child to be attentive to the people around him, to trust each other, to focus

Description: the presenter invites the participants to split into pairs and find out which of them will play the role of grandfather and who will help him. Then the "grandfathers" are blindfolded (children need to explain that the "grandfather" sees very badly) and with the rest of the children they come up with a route along which the "blind grandfather" will need to be guided. It will be better if you have to bypass trees, bushes in nature or some furniture in the apartment. Couples get up at the start and set off at the leader's whistle. The winner is the couple that quickly and without mistakes overcomes this path.

The game can be complicated by the rule, according to which it will not be possible to touch the "grandfather", and only words can guide his movement.

Materials and visual aids for the game

Stopwatch, soft music.

Forbidden words

Expanding vocabulary tails, we develop attention. purposefulness, good and quick reaction, self-confidence

Description: words are selected that will be considered forbidden (for example, "yes" and "no"). The game itself takes place in the form of a conversation. Participants walk around the room and try to start a conversation with each other.

The main goal is to get the opponent to utter one of the forbidden words. The one who violated the ban is considered a loser, and gives 1 token to the one who asked this tricky question.

Anyone who ponders a question for more than 1 minute also loses a token. Anyone who has lost all tokens is considered to be out of the game.

Materials and visual aids for the game

Five tokens for each participant in the game (beads, buttons, or other small objects can be used as tokens).

What I like and dislike about myself

We teach children to adequately assess themselves and those around them, the ability to tactfully express their opinion about another person, even if he is not very nice; develop analytical skills, self-confidence

Description: the game will be timely if you notice that one of the children began to have complexes for some reason and withdraw into themselves.

Each participant is given a sheet of paper and a pencil (it will be better if a small number of children take part in this game at first). Each sheet is signed and divided into 2 columns: in the first, the guys write out those qualities that each of them likes in themselves, in the second - the qualities that they don't like. Then these leaves are collected and distributed to other children. On the back of this sheet they write out those positive and negative qualities which, in their opinion, the owner of this leaf has.

Then the sheets are handed over to the presenter (adult). He reads these notes, everyone analyzes them together. So it turns out what positive and negative qualities really are in every child, and which he invented for himself.

Materials and visual aids for the game

Sheets of blank paper and pencils according to the number of participants.

Psychological games and exercises with preschoolers

Psychological games for preschoolers

"Cacti grow in the desert"

Everyone stands in a circle, join hands, walk and say:

"Cacti grow in the desert, cacti grow in the desert ..." The presenter stands in the center of the circle, sometimes turns. Suddenly, one of the players jumps out of the circle and shouts: "Oops!" He must do this so that the leader does not see him at that moment, and the players next to him immediately clasp their hands. If the leader sees someone about to jump out, he touches his shoulder, and he remains in the general circle.

The host asks: "What's the matter with you?"

The player comes up with any answer related to the cactus (for example: "I ate a cactus, but it is bitter" or "I stepped on a cactus").

After that, the player goes back to the circle, and others can jump out. The most important condition is not to repeat yourself when answering the host's question.

Those children who are most often outside the circle are the most active and have great leadership abilities.

"Cubs for a walk"

First, the presenter says: “You are all little bears, you are walking in the meadow and picking sweet strawberries. One of you is the oldest, he watches over all the others. "

Cheerful music sounds, children walk around the room and pretend to be bear cubs - waddle, pretend to pick berries, sing songs.

At this time, the presenter chooses one player and, when the music stops, announces that he is the eldest bear cub. His task (announced in advance) is to check as soon as possible whether all the cubs are in place, that is, to touch the shoulder of each player.

After he makes sure that no one is lost, the game resumes, and after a few minutes the leader appoints another leader. The game goes on until everyone has been in this role. The one who completes this task the fastest is declared the fastest and oldest. Naturally, this will only work for someone who will act calmer and more organized than others. At the end of the game, the facilitator explains why the winner was able to complete the task better than the others.

The Walking Bears game allows children to learn how to react quickly to a task and organize their actions correctly. It can be done quite often, changing cubs to kittens, chickens, elephants, etc.

"Far, far away, in a dense forest ..."

The players sit on chairs, close their eyes, and the presenter explains the rules: the phrase “far, far away, in a dense forest ... who?” Is pronounced. One of the players answers, for example: "foxes". If several answers are pronounced at the same time, the presenter does not accept them and repeats the phrase again. Sometimes it is difficult for the players to decide who should answer, but the presenter should not interfere and let the guys figure it out for themselves.

When the only answer is received, the presenter says the following phrase: "Far, far away, in a dense forest, foxes ... what are they doing?" Answers are accepted according to the same rules.

You can play this game for a long time, until you get bored. Or - when the first phrase is long enough, you can start over. The only condition: all phrases should begin the same: "Far, far away, in a dense forest ..."

It usually happens that one or more players answer the most. It is worth paying attention to them - they are the ones who have the most developed leadership abilities.


The host announces: “We were sailing in a big ship, and it ran aground. Then he got up strong wind, the ship ran aground, but the engine broke down. There are enough boats, but the radio has deteriorated. What to do?"

The situation may be different, the main thing is that there are several ways out of it.

The children discuss the current situation and consider everything possible outputs from her. Someone offers one way out, someone else. It is important to pay attention to the one who is most actively involved in the discussion, defends his opinion.

As a result of the discussion, the players tell the presenter their way out of the situation, and he tells them what came of it. Naturally, the result must be successful. The presenter must not allow a “split” among the players, that is, that one half of the children will choose one option, and the other half will choose the other.

"Fire brigade"

At the beginning of the game, a leader is selected. The rest of the players are the "fire brigade". The presenter must send them out to extinguish the "fire". Players have to run, fuss and do some kind of goofy action. The task of the presenter is to be able to “collect” them and force them to “put out the fire”. As a result, each player gives his own assessment of the leader's behavior on a five-point scale.

Then the players change places - someone else becomes the leader. The game repeats itself. Then each of the players again gives his own assessment of the leader's behavior. The game continues until each of the players is in the leader's place. The winner will be the one with the most points.


At the beginning of the game, a presenter is selected - the "photographer". The presenter must take interesting "photographs", which means he needs to seat the rest of the guys at his discretion. The “photographer” will have to act quickly and clearly. To some of the participants in the game, he can offer the role of a teacher - therefore, he must take the appropriate posture. Someone can become a "policeman", someone an "actress", someone a "magician".

Each of the players gives his own assessment of the actions of the "photographer" on a five-point scale. Then the players change, another becomes the "photographer". The game continues until all the guys are in the role of the "photographer". And to make the game even more interesting, you can take a Polaroid and take snapshots. The best "photographer", accordingly, will get better pictures, which means that he is better than others able to achieve that others fulfill his requirements, and is a leader.

"I am the best, and you?"

All children should feel solidarity and receive a portion of encouragement and approval, and in an atmosphere of mutual understanding and good mood, children will forget about their fears and doubts at least for a while. The game is not too much for participation a large number children (from 3 to 5).

One of the children, amid universal shouts of approval, is perched on a chair, and for a while the dream of being on stage and earning enthusiastic applause becomes a reality. The others circle the chair in a tight ring and clap their hands.

Each of the players should visit this place of honor, and those who receive applause and those who applaud also enjoy the game.

"Along the main street with an orchestra"

The game helps children to get rid of negative emotions, as well as to present themselves as an important conductor of the orchestra. This exercise not only invigorates, but also creates a sense of cohesion. For the game, a cassette with a recording of perky and cheerful music is useful, which would be liked by children and evoke positive emotions in them.

All children should remember the conductor and the movements that he performs in the orchestra pit. All together need to stand in a common circle, imagine themselves as conductors and "conduct" an imaginary orchestra. All parts of the body should be involved: arms, legs, shoulders, palms ...


It is desirable that the number of participants is at least 10.

Choose a host. An adult often becomes them.

All children take their own color names. The presenter begins the game, saying the following text: “I was born as a gardener, I got really angry, I’m tired of all the flowers, except ...” and names one of the flowers chosen by the children. For example, “… except for a rose.” “Rose” should immediately respond: “Ouch!” “Rose” answers: “In love.” The same player or presenter asks: “With whom?” “Rose” answers, for example, “Into the violet.” Immediately, “Violet” should respond: “Oops!” etc. If you did not respond when you named your flower, or if you yourself "fell in love" with someone who is not here, then you have lost. The game starts over.

Nose, mouth ...

Usually an adult becomes the leader. Sit facing the children in a semicircle. Start the game by saying: "Nose, nose, nose, nose ...". At the same time, elongated forefinger touch your nose. Children should do the same. Suddenly change the word: "Nose, nose, mouth ...", but you should not touch your mouth, but another part of your head, for example, your forehead or ear. The task of the children is to touch the same part of the head as you, not the one you named. Anyone who makes a mistake more than 3 times is out of the game.

The player with the longest remaining in the game is considered the winner.

"Product base"

The leader is selected. He will be the "director of the product base". Another is the "store director". The rest of the players are “sellers”. The essence of the game is as follows - one “salesperson” comes to the “director of the product base” and asks him what products are in stock. The “base director” gives him a specific list, for example: “There is ice cream, Ostankinskaya sausage, Salami sausage, smoked sausages, Dutch cheese, Indian tea, milk, butter, margarine.”

The “seller” must remember everything and pass it on to the “store director”. The difficulty is that you cannot write down the name of the products, you can only memorize it. At the same time, the presenters themselves may well write down what they said in order to check the players later. For each correctly named product, the player receives a point. The winners are those who get the most of them.

"Music and color"

The players sit in a semicircle. The presenter is located opposite. Children are given cardboard squares different colors and shades. The presenter puts on some kind of symphonic, orchestral or instrumental music for 2-3 minutes.

The players' task is to lift up a square painted in a color that, in their opinion, conveys the same mood as the music they hear. If one of the children raised a square that is sharply different in color from those raised by the rest, the presenter asks him to substantiate his opinion, and then continues the collective discussion.

The game will teach children to compare shades of color and colors of music and find a connection and difference between them. At the end of the game, you can ask the children to talk about colors and answer questions such as: what is this color, what does it look like, what music and instruments correspond to it?

"Clouds, white-maned horses"

This game can be played among your family members. You should choose a warm sunny day, when there are many different clouds in the sky, quickly passing by. The players should lie on their backs and, looking at the sky, choose one cloud for themselves. Then everyone should describe their cloud: tell what it looks like, what color it has, from whom it runs away (describe the rival cloud following it) and what mood it carries.

The one who composes the most picturesque story wins. To get the kids interested, the facilitator (parent) must be the first to lead by example.

"Know the hero"

The presenter chooses any children's fairy tale with a fairly simple and clear plot as the basis for the game. For preschool children, you need to choose a fairy tale in which there are not very many characters and the main characters are unambiguous, that is, they are positive or negative.

The participants of the game sit in one common circle. The presenter expressively reads the whole tale aloud. After that, he asks the players in turn to characterize each character (hero) of the tale, arguing his answer, backing up with examples. The child should try to answer why he thinks so.

Then, when all opinions have been expressed, a general discussion can take place. The task of the game is not to identify the winner, it is important to teach each child to adequately and correctly assess the actions of the heroes, because children can apply their knowledge to real people.

"Who wears glasses?"

Children often worry if they have to wear glasses. This game aims to help them get rid of this complex. It is advisable to prepare for the game in advance. To do this, you need to find in magazines, newspapers, photographs of various famous and not so famous people who wear glasses.

Also, for the game you need to pick up several pairs of glasses, you can use any - solar, for swimming or simply cut out of paper.

It is desirable that the presenter himself be wearing glasses. He invites the children to try to choose glasses for their taste from those that are available. Each player puts on some kind of glasses. The game consists in the fact that first the presenter shows photographs of famous people wearing glasses, then invites everyone to say something good about the choice of glasses.

The participants in the game take turns expressing their opinions. It can be anything you like. We can say that wearing glasses is stylish, especially if they are beautiful and fashionable, or that wearing glasses is convenient, since everything is visible and no dust gets into the eyes. When everyone has expressed themselves in this way, the presenter chooses the author of the most meaningful speech. There are no winners or losers in the game, but the smartest one can be rewarded with some kind of prize. For this game, you can take a "Polaroid" so that everyone can take a picture with glasses as a keepsake.

Let's sing

You may not be a singer and not have a good voice, but at the same time feel free to sing in the presence of friends or acquaintances. Singing not only improves your mood, but also develops your voice. And this is very useful quality, it will be useful both in the classroom and in other cases. However, some children are embarrassed to sing. They are sure that they are extremely bad at it. And all because someone once told them that they would not succeed. This game helps to get rid of this complex.

Everyone should sing any song he likes: modern, romance, Russian folk. Or you can invent it yourself. If he is shy and cannot sing in full voice, the leader's task is to help him. In this case, he invites those present to sing this song in chorus. As a result, even the most timid guys will join the general singing. There are no winners or losers in the game, everyone has the right to show their singing skills.

Come up with a fairy tale

The presenter shows everyone a picture on which anything can be depicted, from an apple to a person, and the players take turns to compose a fairy tale about what is shown in the picture.

Who is more interesting?

The game is aimed at development creative imagination the child and his ability to establish logical connections.

The presenter pronounces any phrase with an unfinished thought, for example: "This morning I left the house ...". The second player immediately composes a sequel: "... and saw that a huge car was rushing towards me ..." Each player adds his own phrase and the result should be a story or a fairy tale.

The facilitator can give direction to this story at the beginning of the game, having decided on the outline of the plot. In this case, the players will choose their phrases, but in accordance with a predetermined beginning and end of the plot, however, an element of improvisation is not excluded.

The plot for a collective story can be both an ordinary story and fairy tale, a wonderful and fantastic story.

"What is bitter?"

As many children as possible should play in this game. The facilitator asks questions: “What is red? Bitter? Scary? Funny? Soft? " Questions can be very diverse, and the answers should be appropriate in meaning.

The rules can be complicated: for example, you can enter a time to think about the answer. The one who did not figure it out in time - leaves the game, and the one who gave the most answers wins. The words of the leader, with the help of which the phrases are composed, can be as follows: hard, liquid, rare, frequent, low, small, light, oblique, lively, full, even, light, dark, strong, strong ...

For older children who study in primary school, you can complicate the task. Let them come up with not only phrases, but also sentences with these words. They should express a complete idea and be competently and interestingly composed.

Fairy Apprentice

Even one child can play. With the help of his imagination, he imagines that he meets a fairy, who for some time becomes his patroness and protector. The fairy gives the child a magic wand (a thread, a needle, a ring ... that is, what the child will like the most of these objects) so that with the help of this object one can call for help at a dangerous moment.

Further events depend on the imagination of the child, who suggests different options and comes up with situations from which you can get out only with the help of a magic item. It can be a meeting with aliens, a formidable monster….

Interesting and entertaining stories invented by a child can be played out, which develops not only imagination, but also acting skills. The end of adventures (or misadventures), naturally, should be happy: good triumphs over evil. Roles in this game are not assigned to anyone specific, that is, the child imagines himself as who he wants to be most.

You can play on the street, in a room, on a table, behind a screen ... The only thing that an adult can offer a child before a game is a plan according to which approximate events are to develop, but an element of improvisation should be present in this game in any case, because only with with the help of the child's imagination, something can happen.

Approximate plan:

1. Meeting of a child and a fairy.

2. The fairy takes the hero to a fairytale and wonderful country.

3. Returning home.

This plan is conditional, you can change it in any direction.

"The elephant is angry"

The leader is selected. The rest of the kids should portray how angry the most different people, fairy-tale heroes or beasts. The presenter addresses each participant in the game: "Katya, show me how angry the elephant is?" Katya should depict how she imagines it. Thus, you can come up with a variety of plots - how angry a teacher, student, elephant, cat, mouse, etc. There are no winners or losers in the game. But the author of the most successful stories can be considered the winner.

Exercises for training anger and aggression management

A pebble in a shoe

Objectives: This game is a creative transposition of one of the rules of interaction in a team: "Problems - to the fore." In this game, we use a simple and understandable metaphor for children, with which they can communicate their difficulties as soon as they arise. From time to time, it makes sense to play Pebble in a Shoe as a group ritual to encourage even the most shy kids to talk about their worries and concerns. Encourage children to spontaneously use the ritual phrase "I have a pebble in my shoe!" whenever they experience any difficulties, when something bothers them, when they are angry with someone, when they are offended or for any other reason cannot concentrate their attention on the lesson.

Instructions: Please sit in one common circle. Can you tell me what happens when a pebble hits your boot? Perhaps, at first, this pebble does not interfere much, and you leave everything as it is. It may even happen that you forget about the unpleasant pebble and go to bed, and in the morning you put on your boot, forgetting to pull the pebble out of it. But after a while, you notice that your leg is hurting. In the end, this small pebble is already perceived as a fragment of a whole rock. Then you take off your shoes and shake it out of there. However, there may already be a wound on the leg, and a small problem becomes a big problem.

When we are angry, anxious or anxious about something, then at first it is perceived as a small pebble in a shoe. If we take care of getting it out of there in time, then the leg remains safe and sound, if not, then problems may arise, and considerable ones. Therefore, it is always useful for both adults and children to talk about their problems as soon as they notice them. If you tell us: "I have a pebble in my shoe," then we will all know that something is bothering you and we will be able to talk about it. I want you to think carefully now if there is something at the moment that would interfere with you. Then say: "I don't have a pebble in my shoe," or: "I have a pebble in my shoe. I don't like that Maxim (Petya, Katya) laughs at my glasses." Tell us what else is depressing you.

Let the children experiment with these two phrases depending on their condition. Then discuss the individual "pebbles" to be named.

Yes and no

Objectives: This game, like the previous one, is aimed at removing the state of apathy and fatigue in children, at awakening them vitality... The great thing about this game is that only the voice is involved. Therefore, the "Yes and No" game can be especially useful for those children who have not yet discovered their own voice as an important way of self-affirmation in life. A fake, playful argument refreshes the classroom climate and tends to relieve tension. When starting this game, keep in mind that there will be an eerie noise and din in the classroom for a while.

Materials: Small bell.

Instructions: Think for a moment how your voice usually sounds. Rather quiet, rather loud, rather medium?

Now you will need to use the full power of your voice. Divide into pairs and stand in front of each other. Now you will have an imaginary battle with words. Decide which of you will say the word "yes" and who will say the word "no". Your entire argument will consist of just these two words. Then you will change them. You can start out very quietly, gradually increasing the volume until one of you decides that there is nowhere to be louder. Please listen to the bell I brought with me. When you hear his ringing, stop, take a few deep breaths. At the same time, pay attention to how pleasant it is to be in silence after such noise and din.

Learning to cooperate in games and exercises

Unexpected pictures

Objectives: "Unexpected Pictures" is an example of great teamwork for young children. During this game, they have the opportunity to see how each member of the group contributes to the overall drawing.

Materials: Every child needs paper and crayons.

Instructions: Sit in one common circle. Take a piece of paper each for yourself and sign your name with back side... Then start painting a picture. (2-3 minutes.)

At my command, stop drawing and transfer the started drawing to your neighbor on the left. Take the sheet that your neighbor on the right will give you and continue to draw the picture he started.

Give the children another 2-3 minutes to draw and ask them to hand over their drawing to the neighbor on the left again. In large groups, it will take a long time for all the drawings to complete a full circle. In such cases, stop the exercise after 8-10 shifts or ask to transfer the drawing through one.

You can liven up the game with music. As soon as the music stops, the children start changing patterns. At the end of the exercise, each child receives the picture that he began to draw.

Exercise analysis:

- Do you like the drawing that you started to draw?

- Did you like finishing other people's drawings?

- What drawing do you like the most?

- Are these drawings different from those that you usually draw? How?


Objectives: The whole group participates in this game at once. In it, children can actively use both their motor skills and imagination and judgment.

Materials: One folding rule and two to three wooden cubes for each child. The task will be more difficult if the cubes are different sizes... There should be several wooden cylinders among them.

Instructions: Take two cubes each and sit in a circle on the floor. Now all of you together will need to build one skyscraper. I am very interested to know to what height you can erect it so that it does not fall apart. One of you can start building by placing one cube on the floor in the center. Then the next one comes up and places his cube next to or on top. Decide for yourself when you add one of your cubes. At the same time, you can talk to each other and think together how you will proceed next. I will count how many cubes you have added before the tower falls. Even if only one cube falls, you have to start all over again. In addition, from time to time I will measure how high the tower has already risen.

Measure the height of the resulting skyscraper from time to time. It would be nice if you could comment on the actions and strategies of the children. First of all, support everything that is aimed at cooperation of children with each other.

Exercise analysis:

- Did you like this game?

- Did you take offense at someone during the game?

Cardboard towers

Objectives: This is a very fun game in which the children try to interact with each other on their own in order to cope with a difficult task together. At the same time, they can create a really working team. There are two options for the game:

Non-verbal. In this case, children do not have the right to talk to each other during the assignment, but can only communicate without words.

Verbal. In this version, children can discuss the process of completing the assignment with each other.

The non-verbal version has the advantage of making children be more alert. Perhaps this version of the game will be more suitable for the first game, and after a while the game can be repeated verbally.

Materials: For each small group you need 20 sheets of colored cardboard for labor lessons measuring 6 X 10 cm (the color of the cardboard is different for each group), in addition to that, each group must have one tape of scotch tape.

Instructions: Divide into groups of six. Each group must build their own tower now. To do this, you will receive 20 sheets of cardboard and a roll of duct tape. Please don't use anything else in your work. You have exactly 10 minutes to build the tower. And now very important point- please do not talk to each other, find other ways to interact with each other.

Stop the game after exactly 10 minutes and ask each group to imagine their tower.

- Did your group have enough material?

- Did you want more material? Smaller?

- How did your group work?

- Which of the children in your group started construction?

- Did you have a presenter?

- Did all the children participate in the game?

- What was the mood in your group?

- How did you feel during the work?

- What was the most pleasant thing about your work?

- How did you understand each other?

- Are you satisfied with your work in the group?

- Were you a good team member?

- Are you angry with someone?

- What would you do differently next time?

- Which tower do you like the most?

- Are you satisfied with your team's tower?

- What does the work in such a team depend on?

Exercises to correct fear and anxiety

Exercise "Cheerful Fear"

Purpose: correction of anxiety, fears.

The psychologist tells the tale: “Once upon a time there was Fear. Everyone was afraid of him, and no one wanted to play with him. Fear became sad and bored alone, and he decided to go look for friends, but found no one, because everyone was afraid of him and hid from him. Fear tired of scaring everyone, and he decided to become cheerful and funny. What can Fear do to make children have fun? ... ”. Children offer their options.

Exercise "Cave of Fears"

Purpose: differentiation of anxiety and fears, their primary stabilization.

Means: pictorial, expressive, verbal and communicative.

Form: individual.

Age: senior preschool, junior school.


Sketch "cave of fears".

Colored pencils (paints, markers).

Course of the lesson:

Part 1. Drawing

The child is invited to consider a sketch of the drawing "the cave of fears". Then, instructions are introduced for the fabulous content of the sketch and the installation on the figurative (objectified) image of fears. The instruction is given by a psychologist in a free form.

Part 2. Conversation

When the drawing is finished, the child is invited to talk about the depicted images and emotional experiences in the process of drawing.

Incentive Questions:

Who / what is this? Why is he / they scary? Whom does he / they scare? How? When? Are you afraid of them / him? Why? Can he / they be defeated? How?

How did you feel when you were painting? What did you remember? What was I thinking about?

Why did you choose these colors, lines?

Part 3. Expressive pause

The child is invited to portray fears with pantomimic and mimic means.

Game "Animals in the Mink"

Age: for children 3-4 years old.

Lying with your child in bed with the lights on, cover yourself with a blanket and say something like the following: “You and I are little squirrels (bunnies, mice - whoever he likes better), we are lying in our cozy burrow. There, on the street, it is dark, cold, it is raining, the wind is howling, and you and I are warm, quiet, comfortable. And no one will come to us, we will not let anyone in. There are thick walls in our mink, no one is afraid of us. " Talk should be soothing, so that the child relaxes and gradually falls asleep.

In the morning, you can play how an evil wolf tried to climb into the burrow of the animals (the role of which can be periodically offered to the child), and the animals chased him away. In the evening, this option should be avoided so that the child does not become overexcited.

Game "Brave Scout"

Purpose: correction of fears, anxiety.

Age: for children 5-8 years old.

You can play in a company, or you can play together with an adult. It is better to weave the episode about the brave scout into a detailed war game, so that everything turns out more natural and interesting. At some point, the child (called, again, by his real name) gets the task to go on reconnaissance at night. In a darkened room, weapons belonging to the enemy are laid out. The child must count everything and report to the commander. The commander awards him a medal of courage.

Exercise "Getting rid of anxiety"

Purpose: relieving anxiety, anxiety, preparing for the expected stressful situation.

Time required: 5-10 minutes.

Procedure: Relax and imagine that you are sitting on a wonderful green lawn on a clear sunny day ... The sky is lit up with a rainbow, and a particle of this radiance belongs to you ... It is brighter than thousands of suns ... Its rays gently and tenderly warm your head, penetrate into the body, pour over it, all of it is filled with a cleansing, healing light, in which your grief and anxiety, all negative thoughts and feelings, fears and assumptions dissolve. All unhealthy particles leave your body, turning into dark smoke, which is quickly dispersed by the gentle wind. You are freed from anxiety, you are cleansed, you are light and joyful!

"Cacti grow in the desert"

The game is intended

Everyone stands in a circle, join hands, walk and say:

"Cacti grow in the desert, cacti grow in the desert ..." The presenter stands in the center of the circle, sometimes turns. Suddenly, one of the players jumps out of the circle and shouts: "Oops!" He must do this so that the leader does not see him at that moment, and the players next to him immediately clasp their hands. If the leader sees someone about to jump out, he touches his shoulder, and he remains in the general circle.

The host asks: "What's the matter with you?"

The player comes up with any answer related to the cactus (for example: "I ate a cactus, but it is bitter" or "I stepped on a cactus").

After that, the player goes back to the circle, and others can jump out. The most important condition is not to repeat yourself when answering the host's question.

Those children who are most often outside the circle are the most active and have great leadership abilities.

"Cubs for a walk"

It is useful to involve children of preschool and primary school age in such a game. It can be played in kindergarten or at an elementary school party.

First, the presenter says: “You are all little bears, you are walking in the meadow and picking sweet strawberries. One of you is the oldest, he watches over all the others. "

Cheerful music sounds, children walk around the room and pretend to be bear cubs - waddle, pretend to pick berries, sing songs.

At this time, the presenter chooses one player and, when the music stops, announces that he is the eldest bear cub. His task (announced in advance) is to check as soon as possible whether all the cubs are in place, that is, to touch the shoulder of each player.

After he makes sure that no one is lost, the game resumes, and after a few minutes the leader appoints another leader. The game goes on until everyone has been in this role. The one who completes this task the fastest is declared the fastest and oldest. Naturally, this will only work for someone who will act calmer and more organized than others. At the end of the game, the facilitator explains why the winner was able to complete the task better than the others.

The Walking Bears game allows children to learn how to react quickly to a task and organize their actions correctly. It can be done quite often, changing cubs to kittens, chickens, elephants, etc.

"Far, far away, in a dense forest ..."

The game is for preschoolers. At this age, leadership qualities are manifested quite clearly, usually they are directly related to mental or physical superiority. With age, these qualities can disappear if they are not developed.

The players sit on chairs, close their eyes, and the presenter explains the rules: the phrase “far, far away, in a dense forest ... who?” Is pronounced. One of the players answers, for example: "foxes". If several answers are pronounced at the same time, the presenter does not accept them and repeats the phrase again. Sometimes it is difficult for the players to decide who should answer, but the presenter should not interfere and let the guys figure it out for themselves.

When the only answer is received, the presenter says the following phrase: "Far, far away, in a dense forest, foxes ... what are they doing?" Answers are accepted according to the same rules.

You can play this game for a long time, until you get bored. Or - when the first phrase is long enough, you can start over. The only condition: all phrases should begin the same: "Far, far away, in a dense forest ..."

It usually happens that one or more players answer the most. It is worth paying attention to them - they are the ones who have the most developed leadership abilities.


The game is for preschool and school children.

The host announces: “We were sailing in a big ship, and it ran aground. Then a strong wind rose, the ship ran aground, but the engine broke down. There are enough boats, but the radio has deteriorated. What to do?"

The situation may be different, the main thing is that there are several ways out of it.

The children discuss the current situation and consider all possible ways out of it. Someone offers one way out, someone else. It is important to pay attention to the one who is most actively involved in the discussion, defends his opinion.

As a result of the discussion, the players tell the presenter their way out of the situation, and he tells them what came of it. Naturally, the result must be successful. The presenter must not allow a “split” among the players, that is, that one half of the children will choose one option, and the other half will choose the other.

"Fire brigade"

For preschool children.

At the beginning of the game, a leader is selected. The rest of the players are the "fire brigade". The presenter must send them out to extinguish the "fire". Players have to run, fuss and do some kind of goofy action. The task of the presenter is to be able to “collect” them and force them to “put out the fire”. As a result, each player gives his own assessment of the leader's behavior on a five-point scale.

Then the players change places - someone else becomes the leader. The game repeats itself. Then each of the players again gives his own assessment of the leader's behavior. The game continues until each of the players is in the leader's place. The winner will be the one with the most points.


A game for preschoolers.

At the beginning of the game, a presenter is selected - the "photographer". The presenter must take interesting "photographs", which means he needs to seat the rest of the guys at his discretion. The “photographer” will have to act quickly and clearly. To some of the participants in the game, he can offer the role of a teacher - therefore, he must take the appropriate posture. Someone can become a "policeman", someone an "actress", someone a "magician".

Each of the players gives his own assessment of the actions of the "photographer" on a five-point scale. Then the players change, another becomes the "photographer". The game continues until all the guys are in the role of the "photographer". And to make the game even more interesting, you can take a Polaroid and take snapshots. The best "photographer", accordingly, will get better pictures, which means that he is better than others able to achieve that others fulfill his requirements, and is a leader.

"I am the best, and you?"

For preschool children.

All children should feel solidarity and receive a portion of encouragement and approval, and in an atmosphere of mutual understanding and good mood, children will forget about their fears and doubts at least for a while. The game is designed for the participation of not too many children (from 3 to 5).

One of the children, amid universal shouts of approval, is perched on a chair, and for a while the dream of being on stage and earning enthusiastic applause becomes a reality. The others circle the chair in a tight ring and clap their hands.

Each of the players should visit this place of honor, and those who receive applause and those who applaud also enjoy the game.

"Along the main street with an orchestra"

For preschool children.

The game helps children to get rid of negative emotions, as well as to present themselves as an important conductor of the orchestra. This exercise not only invigorates, but also creates a sense of cohesion. For the game, a cassette with a recording of perky and cheerful music is useful, which would be liked by children and evoke positive emotions in them.

All children should remember the conductor and the movements that he performs in the orchestra pit. All together need to stand in a common circle, imagine themselves as conductors and "conduct" an imaginary orchestra. All parts of the body should be involved: arms, legs, shoulders, palms ...


For children of preschool and primary school age; it is desirable that the number of participants is at least 10.

Choose a host. An adult often becomes them.

All children take their own color names. The presenter begins the game, saying the following text: “I was born as a gardener, I got really angry, I’m tired of all the flowers, except ...” and names one of the flowers chosen by the children. For example, “… except for a rose.” “Rose” should immediately respond: “Ouch!” “Rose” answers: “In love.” The same player or presenter asks: “With whom?” “Rose” answers, for example, “Into the violet.” Immediately, “Violet” should respond: “Oops!” etc. If you did not respond when you named your flower, or if you yourself "fell in love" with someone who is not here, then you have lost. The game starts over.

Nose, mouth ...

For preschool children. She teaches the ability to quickly respond to a situation, develops their attention and the ability to quickly switch it from one subject to another.

Usually an adult becomes the leader. Sit facing the children in a semicircle. Start the game by saying: "Nose, nose, nose, nose ...". With this extended forefinger, touch your nose. Children should do the same. Suddenly change the word: "Nose, nose, mouth ...", but you should not touch your mouth, but another part of your head, for example, your forehead or ear. The task of the children is to touch the same part of the head as you, not the one you named. Anyone who makes a mistake more than 3 times is out of the game.

The player with the longest remaining in the game is considered the winner.

"Product base"

For preschool and primary school children.

The leader is selected. He will be the "director of the product base". Another is the "store director". The rest of the players are “sellers”. The essence of the game is as follows - one “salesperson” comes to the “director of the product base” and asks him what products are in stock. The “base director” gives him a specific list, for example: “There is ice cream, Ostankinskaya sausage, Salami sausage, smoked sausages, Dutch cheese, Indian tea, milk, butter, margarine.”

The “seller” must remember everything and pass it on to the “store director”. The difficulty is that you cannot write down the name of the products, you can only memorize it. At the same time, the presenters themselves may well write down what they said in order to check the players later. For each correctly named product, the player receives a point. The winners are those who get the most of them.