Reiman origin walkthrough. Rayman Origins Walkthrough

Description of the game

The game is a two-dimensional platformer, like the first part in the series:.

It is known that the game can be played by one or four. Accordingly, the game features four characters: Rayman is the main character of the series, Globox is his best friend, and two teens found in all games of the adventure line (that is, not in the Rayman Raving Rabbids series).

The player will be provided with about 60 levels + bonus levels. The game will return such personalities as the fairy Betila, who helped Rayman in the first game, and the villain mr. Dark, which also appeared only in the first game.

From the title and trailers, we can assume that the game will tell about the origins of the hero Rayman and his friends. But it is too early to say anything.

Additional Information

The game received critical acclaim. So, Nintendo Power said that this platformer is a masterpiece. IGN said that "Rayman Origins is the most beautiful platformer of this generation and also the most fun." praised the game for its varied level design, saying it was "the best 2D platformer that hasn't been named Mario." Joystiq said the game "embodies the kind of creativity and skill that was lacking in the 2D platformers of the 16-bit era."

Rayman Origins has received the following magazine ratings:

Edition Grade A-rank
IGN 9.5/10
Nintendo power 9.5/10
GameTrailers 8.5/10
Joystiq 5/5 stars

P After the introductory video, we jump inside the cage to break through its bottom. Next, we cling to the beard of the Old Master, locked in another cage, and swing to the sides. After his release, we see that the Old Master has gone crazy. We go into the passage to the right and find ourselves on the map. Press left, click on the Space key twice to move to the Gibberish Jungle location.

World1. Gibberish jungle

There is a Jungle ...

We run to the right, we see a locked girl in the mouth of a strange creature. We follow her - we jump on the red bag and an explosion occurs. We jump along the ledges, we jump onto the platform moving up and down, we jump up and run after the girl. Collect coins along the way. We jump on the platforms, collect various objects, jump on the blue mushroom, which is a springboard, and find ourselves on the other side of the jungle, in the depths of the screen. We explode two red bags, having jumped on them, we wait for the moment and we get to the girl with red hair. We jump onto the creature holding it.

Now we can attack - the "S" key. We break the cubes on the right, we jump over to the blue mushroom with a yellow star. We break the pieces of wood and jump onto the mushroom, thereby moving to the other side. We break two barriers, do not come close to the old man, but hold down the S key to unroll the fist, then release it and hit the villain with a huge fist. We hit with the same method on the eye blocking the path, and we move through the passage.

We hit the blue plant at the very edge and it removes the balls with thorns from below. We move forward, we hit the green plant so that it collapses its stem and destroys the villain. We move to the other side, we jump up, jumping first onto the wall to the right. We hit the green plant, which then will push the platform. In general, we move forward, we kill enemies either with ordinary punches, or by activating plants with thorns. We destroy the last obstacle - the eye, and go out into the street.

Above we see a cell with a purple aura. This aura is fueled by bad creatures. We move to the right and kill all these creatures. Using the stream of water, we climb onto the platform from above. We are waiting for the rocket launched by the last enemy to activate the plant, which will release the stem. We jump onto the stem, and from it we cling to the vine. We swing and jump on the head of the enemy with a rocket launcher. We break the cage and end the episode.

Geyser ejection

At this level we hone our skills. We actively use the streams of the geyser so as not to end up in the water with strange and opaque paws. At locations with rising / falling platforms, use the left Shift to run so that we don't get crushed. On the last location with a cage, you can first position yourself under this cage, hold down the up key and the S key. Then release S when the platform on which we are standing rises all the way, and hit the creature. The last creatures (two or three) will need to be killed in a different way: we stand on the geyser to the right, then press Space to jump onto any creature from above. When all the creatures are killed, we break the cage.

Vicious highlands

In this episode, you will need to study devastating air attacks. First, we just run forward, kill enemies and break wooden barriers. We break the blue flask with a hand, we move upward along the swing that has appeared from the flask and attack the old people in flight. When we find ourselves at the wall, and under our feet there is a wooden platform, under which is hidden a red bag with explosives, then jump up (Space), press the down key and click on the "hit" key (S). We go downstairs, we destroy the eye and we pass into the cave.

We move to the right, kill two enemies, jump onto the blue flower bud, thereby clinging to the liana on the platform above. We crawl to the left, jump down to another bud, with the help of which we jump to the third bud near the wall on the left, and from it we jump onto the platform with a flask, from which a hand waves to us. We break the flask, jump over to the other side, quickly collect red lums. We are not in a hurry at the moment when it will be necessary to jump on the bud. We jump on the bud and immediately beat the old man. We destroy the eye and go through the passage.

At another location, nothing difficult will be. At the fourth location, other flowers will appear on which you can slide. Gliding over them, orient yourself in order to hit the enemy in time. We follow further, trying not to fall into the abyss with paws, until we find ourselves at a location with a cage. There is nothing difficult here - we jump onto the ledges, use attacks from the summer and crushing blows from top to bottom.

Go with the flow

We go down, using the currents and punching our way with crushing blows. There will be an eye in the bottom right - we destroy it and go further. We go downstairs, jump over the balls with spikes. At the very bottom, when we float on the water, in a jump we hit the plant on the wall, to the left of the ball with spikes, and this ball disappears. We swim further, break the eye and follow to a new location.

We move on, we go down, we go through the passage with a block of blue color. We hit the plant, from which the stems emanate (it is on the ceiling) and all the grandfathers die. We run with the flow, without jumping, breaking the cage.

We climb up the liana, climb higher, run to the right and break through a wooden barrier under us. Once in the current, we jump in front of the red ball with thorns and hit the plant at the top to neutralize the ball. We move to the right, using the buds, jump up to the right of the ball with spikes, push off from the wall to the right, from the platform above the ball we jump to the bud against the wall on the left and in flight we kill the old man. We break the eye and move on.

Reiman Origin is a unique story-driven platformer. In the center of the game are Reiman and his companions, who were resting very noisily. Such a noise angered the underground villains, who decided to imprison the violators in a large dungeon. The only one who was able to escape from captivity and now has to go to save his friends is the main character of the game, that is, Rayman himself is a character and part of the legend of the universe.

What the main character can do

In general, it is very fun to play - the main character of the game, a raion, constantly jumps, hits others, sprints and does other similar things, causing irreparable damage to villains.

All you need to do is download the torrent of the game, and you can already climb the walls, collect bonuses, relax and travel again, gradually freeing your comrades and brothers in misfortune from imprisonment.

What's nice is that the passage of rayman origins evokes a lot of nostalgia for those very times when the joystick is in the hands, the power supply is plugged into the outlet, and the game console is connected to the TV. It is clear that now everyone has a keyboard, but, as experienced players advise, it is better to take a joystick for such a game and enjoy the process.

About the gameplay

As for the gameplay, which is the basis for passing the game rayman origins, everything is simple here - even a child will understand. All you need to do is start running from one edge to the other, while avoiding numerous traps and opponents.

Along with this, the user will collect points and bonuses, which are referred to here as electuns and lums. And it's all dynamic, exciting and fun. If we make a comparison, we can say that we are talking about a kind of Sonic game at SEGA, only here is a different atmosphere and its own game elements.

What surprises the game provides

In general, there are only two surprises here - pleasant and unpleasant.

  1. You can play the game together with a friend, together. To do this, just select the cooperative mode and enjoy the gameplay;
  2. And a less pleasant surprise - this game will not work on the network, there is the possibility of co-op on one computer.

But there is a lot of benefit from a single player game, especially if the user sets himself only one goal - to pick up all the bonuses and collect points along with the secret rooms (there are two secret rooms in each level).


It is safe to say that rayman origins is an interesting platformer that provides an opportunity for everyone to plunge into nostalgia with the opportunity to have fun while a few evenings. And don't forget about the friends you need to save.