How to open a water production business. Ready-made business for conducting trainings and psychological games

Format: Word (RAR) Volume: 42 pages

Business plan

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Who needs a business plan for the production and delivery of water? To those who clearly understand that the future lies in the sale of water, that people have begun to attach great importance to what they drink every day. And this is not fiction at all - the implementation mineral water v last years increased significantly, which is especially noticeable in large cities. That is why such a project is extremely relevant.

We already offer ready plan actions so that anyone can immediately start building their own business. And the question of what exactly you will offer is up to you. This may be the production or simply bottling of water produced by other companies and its sale in certain outlets.

By purchasing a document for organizing the delivery of water, you can save on the initial investment in the business. Yes, just delivering bottled water is a much less expensive undertaking than producing it. These nuances must be taken into account immediately, even before the choice of the project is to be made. In addition, the amount of initial capital that will be required will directly depend on this.

Even a child knows that drinking tap water is harmful to health. That is why interest in such a product as clean drinking water is growing every day. The demand is especially high in major cities. It is there that there is a reason to plan the organization of a business for cleaning and bottling water. Before opening the production of bottled water, it is recommended to analyze all available options for entering this business.

As a rule, businessmen who pay attention to the water business can be divided into two categories: those who risk building a water production and delivery business from scratch, and those who prefer to start operating under the wing of an already well-known company. Each of these options has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Businessmen who have significant initial capital investments usually decide to open their production for the extraction and bottling of water. Entrepreneurs experiencing some shortage of financial resources are inclined to the second option, which involves cooperation with a company already promoted on the market.

As the analysis of the drinking water market shows, the demand of buyers for this product is constantly growing, however, so far this applies mainly to large cities. The volume of the mineral and drinking water market in Russia is about 25 billion liters per year. This means that every entrepreneur has a chance to occupy his niche. Organization of the production and sale of bottled water requires considerable initial investment, and this must be taken into account when choosing a way to enter this business.

The most expensive is the production of a full cycle - from the extraction of water, its purification and delivery to customers. In addition to developing his own well, the entrepreneur will have to invest in the construction of his own enterprise, which will be engaged in water purification and bottling. Moreover, the expected results of the project for the construction of a plant for bottling drinking water do not always coincide with the real state of affairs. The payback of bottling and water purification devices is not so high, and the risk of failure is very high.

Much lower costs are required if the businessman decides to act in cooperation with the existing company. In this case, two options are possible: dealership and franchising. By purchasing a franchise, the entrepreneur practically does not risk his own money. By investing in an already promoted business, a businessman gets the right to support, which is expressed in consultations, the opportunity to use effective marketing ideas of the company.

The easiest way to enter the business is dealership, that is, the implementation is already finished products. The peculiarity of the business is that a company engaged in the wholesale of mineral and drinking water sells goods to its dealers at a big discount. There are also options for buying and installing vending machines selling artesian water. You will learn about all the intricacies of this type of business, including running a company selling water, by carefully reading an example of a business plan for the production of drinking water with ready-made calculations. As practice shows, it is a competent water production business project that helps a businessman to succeed, regardless of which option he chooses to enter the market.

When opening a business on artesian water, a businessman, first of all, thinks: who will buy it? Despite the growing consumption of clean drinking water, it is very difficult for companies specializing in the business of selling mineral water to find their customers. Entrepreneurs place their main bet on offices, which are the main consumers of bottled water. Experts predict that this market will only develop in the future.

How to profit from water and create a sustainable business is a topic for many entrepreneurs to think about. After all, only at first glance it seems that running a water delivery business is the simplest thing. In fact, a businessman faces many problems along the way. Of course, starting your own water delivery business is much easier than opening a water bottling business. But even here there are pitfalls.

The disparities and amounts of costs that are necessary to create two different companies. In the first case, investments in the project will amount to approximately 80-100 thousand dollars. The second option provides for more modest investments - only 15-20 thousand dollars. Therefore, carefully consider your financial capabilities.

Organizing a business for the delivery of drinking water to offices and homes is easier than keeping it afloat in difficult conditions. If a water manufacturer can easily become a monopoly in a certain region and open a drinking water bottling business in any city, then a delivery company does not have such opportunities. Competition in this market segment is fiercer, which complicates business tactics. Therefore, the entrepreneur should focus on the quality of the services provided.

Particular attention should be paid to water quality: this applies to the choice of supplier and storage conditions of purchased products. When purchasing water for sale, find out in advance from which artesian well it is pumping. The water treatment business is quite expensive, so some companies try to save on this by supplying water to the market that does not always meet the standards. And you, as a seller, will also be responsible for the quality of the water sold.

The organization of a water delivery company provides for its constant promotion in the service market. Convincing a potential buyer to give preference to clean and safe water is still difficult, and this is often helped by tasting in the office, the owners of which are the main buyers of bottled water. Most likely, they will feel the difference in taste, which will become the main motive for buying.

If you have questions during the process of starting a business, look for answers to them in professional sample business plan for bottling, selling and delivering bottled mineral water. After getting to know him, you will understand how profitable the water delivery business is. Take a look at this document and you will understand how much easier it has become to act.

It's no secret that the quality tap water leaves much to be desired. According to the director of environmental programs public organization“Green Patrol” by Roman Pukalov, “... 90 percent of tap water cannot be called drinking water. A cocktail of H2O and nitrates, pesticides, petroleum products, salts of heavy metals, E. coli, pathogenic microorganisms, cholera vibrios, etc. often flows from the taps of our apartments. The impact of this explosive mixture"does irreparable harm to health on the body ...".

Under the influence of these facts and as a result of propaganda healthy lifestyle life, more and more Russians began to drink bottled drinking water. Experts of the RBC agency state an annual growth in its consumption by an average of 15-16 percent. This is indirectly confirmed by the growing demand for coolers, which are used not only in offices, but also at home. According to some estimates, the number of coolers in Russia has exceeded three million units. Thus, the consumption of 19-liter PET bottles needed to refill coolers has increased six times over the past five years and continues to increase.

Market prospects

Independent market expert Maxim Vodogretsky claims that the bottled water market will not reach equilibrium until 2020, when the total number of coolers will exceed 10-12 million. To do this, it is necessary to increase the production of bottled water by at least three or four times. By the way, the reputable research company Zenith International notes a 10% increase in the production of bottled water in Europe while the demand for coolers slows down.

In supermarkets, you almost never see a grocery cart without bottled water. Representatives of chain retailers claim that two-thirds of non-alcoholic products are bottled water. The most successful service is HOD (home and office delivery) - delivery of drinking water in bottles of 5 and 19 liters directly to customers in an office or apartment. This market is growing at 20-30 percent per year. Russia, following Europe, is mastering HOD standards.

"AQUA" from LLC "OSNOVA" - an offer of professionals

Perhaps that is why aspiring entrepreneurs are interested in the water bottling business in plastic container. Indeed, bottled water is a product that will always be in demand. Professionals who have been bottling water for a long time do not recommend doing amateur activities like some "specialists" think: "buy an osmosis filter and pour water manually into PET bottles."

The purpose of the project is to create an enterprise for the extraction and bottling of artesian water. The expediency of the project is due to the growing popularity of this product both for use in offices and for home use.

Location of production - x. Pukhlyakovsky, Rostov region. Sales region - Rostov-on-Don and Rostov region. Price segment - "Standard +". The production premises are supposed to be leased, delivery is carried out by our own transport. Distribution is carried out through a partner network of stores. The trademark "VodoPukh" and the trademark are registered.

The project is attractive for investment, which is confirmed by financial calculations and the resulting integral performance indicators (Table 1).

Table 1. Integral project performance indicators


The company carries out activities for the extraction and bottling of artesian water in 19-liter bottles. The main consumers of this product are organizations of any field of activity and any size; The use of bottled water for the needs of households in our country is not well developed, but it is gaining more and more popularity. Today, according to various sources, in Russia the consumption of bottled water per person is about 40 liters per month; in Europe, this figure is in the range of 100-150 liters. Thus, we can speak with full confidence about the significant growth potential of the industry. It should also be taken into account that Russia and, in particular, the Rostov region, have large reserves fresh water, which has a positive effect on the cost of the final product.

According to Rosstat, more than 5,000 small and medium-sized businesses operate in the Rostov region. If we take the average number of enterprises in 20 people, it will be 100,000 potential customers. Based on the monthly water consumption of 40 liters per month, of which about 75% of the person consumes at the workplace, the total need for water supply for organizations is 100,000 * 40 * 0.75 = 3,000,000 liters per month. The number of households and their water consumption is extremely difficult to estimate, but it can be said that it is not less than the water consumption of organizations.

Profitable franchises

Investments from 800,000 rubles.

The competitive environment in the region is represented by the three largest suppliers, two of which both produce and distribute through a network of their own stores (1 and 3 own brands, respectively), and one is a distributor-aggregator that imports water from other regions into the region (7 brands in various price segments); in addition, there are about 10 regional manufacturers in the region that produce products of the budget segment and carry out distribution through village grocery stores; as a rule, they are not present in large cities of the region.

The technological process includes the lifting of water from a pre-drilled well, its purification, softening and disinfection, and subsequent bottling. After that, water is delivered to the points of sale by own transport. The sale is carried out through a network of partner stores. The competitiveness of the enterprise is ensured by the high quality of purification and organoleptic properties of water, provided by high-quality water treatment.


The enterprise extracts water from an artesian well located in the Pukhlyakovsky farm in the Rostov Region. The water of this region is characterized by high softness, as well as low acidity and the content of metal impurities. By processing on special equipment, water is filtered, disinfected, and its organoleptic properties are increased.

The quality of bottled drinking water is regulated by SanPiN According to this regulation, all drinking water is divided into two categories: 1st category and the highest category. "VodoPukh" belongs to the highest category, which will increase the profitability of the enterprise due to a higher sale price, and, accordingly, increase the marginal income of the enterprise.

The quality and characteristics of VodoPuKh water are confirmed by independent laboratories in Rostov-on-Don. The main characteristics of water are given in Table. 2 in comparison with the requirements of SanPiN

Table 2. Comparative description of the main properties of water "VodoPukh"

In terms of the harmlessness of the chemical composition, organic, radiation and bacteriological contamination, as well as other parameters specified in the standard, VodoPukh fully complies with the requirements, significantly exceeding them in most parameters.

Profitable franchises

The water is bottled in 19 liter PET bottles with a handle. PET is being used as an alternative to the more common polycarbonate bottles, which, despite being more rigid and have a longer turnaround time, contain BPA, which negatively affects the taste of the water. The turnover of bottles, according to TO 2297-01-96201068-2008, is 50-60 cycles; in practice, the service life is 1.5-2 years. After that, the container must be disposed of.

The bottles are labeled with the corporate logo "VodoPukh", information about the manufacturer, water parameters and contact information of partner stores.


Water "VodoPukh" is sold through a network of retail outlets specializing directly in drinking water. At the time of the start of the project, the chain's assortment includes three trademarks of the "Standard" and "Premium" segments. "VodoPukh" occupies an intermediate niche, which significantly increases the competitiveness of the brand.

A cooperation agreement was signed with the network. Marketing and promotion of the brand is carried out by the trading network; all brands in the range are advertised equally. Financing of promotional events is shared, 20% is paid by the manufacturer "VodoPukh", 30% - by the manufacturer of other brands of the range, 50% - by the distributor. This distribution of shares (20/30) generally corresponds to the share of brands in total sales. The media plan is given in Table. 3.

Since the demand for drinking water has a pronounced seasonal nature, the advertising campaign is planned taking into account its changes.

The sale of water by the distribution network is carried out both through outlets by self-delivery, and with home delivery by prior order. An order can be placed both by phone and through the network's website.

As of January 2016, the share of the network in the total sales of bottled (19 l bottles) water is 15%. Due to the expansion of the range of water "VodoPukh" it is expected to increase the share to 20%.


The first stage of the project implementation is the drilling of a well in the territory adjacent to the x. Pukhlyakovsky, Rostov region. Water is extracted from the second aquifer; its depth is 120-150 m. The expected flow rate of the well is 90 m 3 /day. Exploration and drilling are carried out by a specialized company. The cost of work is given in Table. 4.

Table 4. The cost of works on the device of an artesian well

Water is supplied to a production facility located 50-70 m from the well, where bottling is carried out directly. The list of equipment is given in Table. 5.

Table 5. A set of equipment for filling water into 19-liter bottles

Profitable franchises

The flow rate of the well exceeds the volume of water required during the first two years of the project. The volume of production is dictated by the volume of retail sales. The average production volume in the first two years is 10,000 liters per day. The warehouse needs to maintain a constant stock to cover a two-day demand. Three light trucks with a carrying capacity of 1.5 tons are used to transport water from the place of production to the points of sale.

Required area of ​​the production site - 50 sq.m., warehouse - 80 sq.m. The number of production workers is 4 people. The number of auxiliary and warehouse workers - 3 people. The full staffing table is given in Table. 6. The production plan is given in App. 5.

All workplaces are certified in accordance with the law, ensuring maximum safety and availability of labor protection equipment.


All administrative and management functions are performed by an individual entrepreneur. To organize effective work, he needs to have general knowledge in the field of entrepreneurship, tax legislation and accounting. Knowledge of detailed knowledge of production technology and labor protection is also important. Technology training is carried out by the equipment supplier within 2 working days after the installation of the equipment directly at the production site.

Table 6. Staffing and payroll

All employees are directly subordinate to the owner of the enterprise.

Profitable franchises

Loaders perform both work on the territory of production, and work on the road when unloading cars at retail outlets. The dispatcher receives orders from the distributor, and also plans the route of the vehicles.