Oseev "Magic Word. Oseev

All 1st-class boys "B" were pistols.

We have conspited to always walk with weapons. And each of us in your pocket always lay a pretty gun and a stock of the piston tapes. And we really liked it, but it was not for long. And all because of the movie ...

Once Raisa Ivanovna said:

- Tomorrow, guys, Sunday. And we will have a holiday with you. Tomorrow is our class, and the first "A", and the first "b", all three classes together, will go to the cinema "Artistic" watch film "Scarlet stars". This is a very interesting picture about the struggle for our right thing ... bring ten kopeck tomorrow tomorrow. Collection near the school at ten o'clock!

I told my mother in the evening, and my mother put me in the left pocket ten kopecks on a ticket and to the right several coins on the water with syrup. And she led me a clean collar. I went to bed early, so that it would come back tomorrow, and when I woke up, my mother was still sleeping. Then I began to dress. Mom opened his eyes and said:

- Sleep, even night!

And what night - light as day!

I said:

- How not to be late!

But mom whispered:

- Six o'clock. Do not be your father, please!

I went again and lay for a long time, already a bird sank, and the wipers began to sweep, and the car went down the window. Now it was probably necessary to get up. And I began to dress again. Mom began to move and raised her head:

- Well, what are you, a restless soul?

I said:

- After all! What time is it now?

"Five minutes of the seventh," Mom said, "you sleep, don't worry, I'll wake you up when necessary."

And true, she later woke me up, and I got dressed, washed, I went around and went to school. We have become a couple of Misha, and soon everything with Raisa Ivanovna ahead and with Elena Stepanovnaya behind went to the movies.

There, our class took the best places in the first row, then in the hall it became dark and the picture began. And we saw how in a wide steppe, not far from the forest, sat red soldiers, how they sang songs and danced under the harmony. One soldier slept on the sun, and beautiful horses passed near him, they pinched her soft lips, chamomiles and bells. And sleighs a light breeze, and a clean river fled, and a bearded soldier at a small Koster told a fairy tale about the firebird.

And at this time, the white officers appeared from where neither, they were very much, and they began to shoot, and the red began to fall and defend themselves, but those were much more ...

And the red machine-gunner began to shoot, but he saw that he had very little cartridges, and creaked his teeth, and I was crying.

Here all our guys are scary to sleep, flooded and witnessed, who are in two fingers, and who is just like that. And I have a straight heart of my heart, I could not stand, snatched my gun and shouted that it was forces:

- First class "in"! The fire!!!

And we began to fill out of all pistols immediately. We wanted to help in red. I walked all the time in one thick fascist, he fled everything in front, all in black crosses and different epoletas; I spent on him, probably one hundred cartridges, but he did not even look into my direction.

And the pallet circle was unbearable. Valka beat from the elbow, Andryushka with short queues, and the bear, probably, was a sniper, because after each shot, he shouted:

But White still did not pay attention to us, and everyone climbed forward. Then I looked around and shouted:

- For help! Check your own!

And all the guys from "A" and "B" got a frighten with traffic jams and let me drag so that the ceilings shook and smelled smoke, gunpowder and gray.

And a terrible fuss was happening in the hall. Raisa Ivanovna and Elena Stepanovna ran around the rows, shouted:

- Stop caustion! Stop!

And they fled the seamless controllers and stumbled all the time ... And then, Elena Stepanovna accidentally waved his hand and hung over the elbow a citizen who sat on the palm chair. And the citizen in his hand was popsicle. It took off as a propeller, and slapped on the bald of one uncle. He jumped up and shouted with a subtle voice:

- Calm your crazy house !!!

But we continued to Fall Mightweight, because the red machine-gunner was almost silent, he was wounded, and the red blood flowed on his pale face ... And we also almost ended the pistons, and it is not known what would be further, but at this time because of The forests jumped out the red cavalrymen, and they sparkled checkers in their hands, and they crashed into the most thick of enemies!

And those ran where the eyes look, for the thirty lands, and the red shouted "Hurray!". And we, too, everything, as one, shouted "Hurray!".

And when white did not appear, I shouted:

-Stop shooting!

And everyone stopped shooting, and music began on the screen, and one guy sat down at the table and became a buckwheat porridge.

And then I realized that I was very tired and I also want to eat.

Then the picture ended very well, and we went home.

And on Monday, when we came to school, us, all the boys who were in the cinema were collected in the big room.

There was a table. At the table, Fedor Nikolayevich sat, our director. He got up and said:

- Roll up weapons!

And we all approached the table and donated weapons. On the table, except for pistols, two slingshots and a firing tube were pea.

Fyodor Nikolaevich said:

- We consulted this morning, what to do with you. There were various offers ... But I declare you all the oral reprimand for violating the rules of behavior in closed premises of spectacular enterprises! In addition, you are likely to be reduced for behavior. Now go - Learn well!

And we went to learn. But I was sitting and learned poorly. I all thought that a reprimand was very bad and that mom would probably be angry ...

But on the change the bear of the elephants said:

- And yet it is good that we helped red to hold out before the arrival of yours!

And I said:

- Sure!!! Although this is a movie, and maybe without us they would not last!

- Who knows…

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Okay! - waving his hand, Lenka said. He really seemed suddenly that his anxiety was in vain.

And Stepan, as if upset by something, everything went and walked around the room, launching, unshaven, in ripped socks ... But an endlessly close and dear Lenican heart. And therefore, despite the fact that Stepan became angry and shouting at him, Lenka quietly finished tea, rinsed the cups and, gathering home, hugged his friend tightly. He swallowed his hair, her eyes looked:

You do not forget me, come. You can even spend the night here. Bed is free. I work at night.

"Where do you work?" She wanted to ask Lenka, but in time bites the tongue and, thanking, said goodbye.

Chapter thirty eighth

Lina fees

In the family of Arsenyev, a big event happened - the engagement Lina with Malayka. For children, it was only an unexpected entertainment that exciting with its extraordinary preparations. None of them could even imagine that Lina goes out that she would no longer be a permanent member of their family, would not be affectionate and grindly take care of them, would not come running on their crying and laughter, having trouble, hot from the stove. Getting used to the diaper to consider Lina as his own as they were in the house of Grandfather Nikich, Katya and mother, they did not think about separation from her, but, yielding to adults, only mentally joined her with Malayka, whom he had been sorry and loved; It seemed to them that after the wedding, Lina Malayak would simply add to their family and everything would be very good and fun.

Most otherwise looked at this event adults.

Bad, it will be bad for you, sisters, without Lina, - Sigging, said Oleg. The main pillar of your well-being collapses.

Well, you never know what! Of course, difficult! But for her such a husband like Malayak, it's happiness! - Katya said convinced. - Somehow we can handle it! What to do!

Of course, we can handle ... All these are nothing ... You can live in every way, worse, better ... - Smiling sad, Marina said sadly. - But the house will empty. And it will be very hard. With Lina, it is so much connected, and so we are all used to her ... Marina's eyes misty mistaken, but she quickly coped with them and, laughing, said: - I dismissed lately. I can not calmly take this separation.

Yes what separation? You will live in the same city and see every day! All this is nonsense, Marinka! Let's better think about how we are equipped our bride. So that everything was said in the village, "rich" ... - Oleg smiled.

I will sew a line dowry, - Katya said thoughtfully. - It is necessary to buy the canvas ...

And she began to list how much, in her opinion, it is necessary to sew linen in the dowry.

So go to the city tomorrow and buy everything you need, - giving her money, said Brother. - Both wives and children, and issue our Lin as it should be! By the way, I already have a luxurious wedding gift! - Smiling smiling, he added.

Has already? What? - Sisters were surprised. Oleg leaned back and fun loomed:

And service? Forgot? Massive tea set with gold!

Wait, it's not the one that you gave us with Sasha for a wedding, and then, when you married, we gave it to your wife? Not that? - Vividly asked Marina.

That! The same! "Oleg finally slept." - He has already endured two weddings, will endure and third! Sisters laughed.

So is it really preserved? - asked Marina.

Great preserved! Lies in the storage room of the designer. And who drinks tea from such expensive cups? This is one concern! I willingly give him Lina. She loves all sorts of baubles.

Luxurious gift! How did it come to mind?

And what do you come with Sasha and head to give me my gift to the wedding? - laughed brother.

Yes, we have neither a penny of money! And suddenly you marry! After all, we didn't know your wife then ... Well, we think it is necessary to give something good, but still offended ...

So at least warned me! Well, that I immediately understood what's the matter!

Well, quite laugh! So you have this three-wedding service! And what about Marina? - Ocakely said Katya.

I'll get more money tomorrow. You give her a wedding dress! Just a dress you, Katyushka, do not fuck ... Give someone! - Seriously advised brother.

The next day, Katya went to the city, and both sisters returned together loaded by purchases.

Sun on your nose in the pile of matters, the Dink instantly rushed into the kitchen and dragged to Lina from there.

Go, go! - Pushing her, she screamed. - Mom and Katya you all visited! Dowry to sew!

Batyushki! - splashed the arms of the Lina, seeing the mountains of the canvas on the table. Is it really married to marry me? - And, turning to the shoulder of Marina, bitterly squeezed: - Yes, where would I go from you? How will I live? My heart breaks away from longing ...

Sewing dowry upset Lin. After having handed his hand and having taking a handkerchief on his eyes, she went to himself and no longer appeared.

Late in the evening, Marina sama went to her kitchen. Before midnight, they sat together, recalling that distant happy time, when for the first time came to Lina's elevator in a long rustic sundress, with a thick blube oblique.

How will I live? The leaflets from the rim branch will break away ... I leave you, my Miluchet is inflated, I leave my dyatko's outlook ... - Lina cried. And, crying, I asked for the dink: - Hush do not scold her tuta ... After all, it's no one to comfort without me ... Everything happened, she runs to his line ... I don't find me now.

Do not cry, linet! We will always see. After all, in one city we live. And Sasha will come back, settles somewhere in place and take the Malayka to himself. We will again live together again, "Marina reassured.

And on the terrace from the morning, the sewing machine was told - Katya sewed dowry. Upset and silent Lina went through the rooms, collected baby linen, filmed covers, curtains, washing, pink, scraper and soap ...

Here look, Katya, where the product is ... Yes, it's not a burst of a saucepan ... Do not put on a gibbous fire ... Which of you will be dinner to cook ... "she said to the killed voice.

Marina often whispered with Oleg and, lingering in the city, brought different convolutions ... Children seemed to be some kind of a big holiday, and they wanted this pre-holiday with interest. Malayak came, hurried with the fees, he said that he had already twisted in Russian Ivan and that they would be married to the Russian church now.

Lina listened, nodded her head, and once quietly asked:

Do you think, Malay Ivanych, what is me to part with my family?

Malayak was confused, blinked by eyelashes:

Will we catch part? We will walk, we will go ... - and seeing the sad eyes of Lina, it was complaints about: - Lina! My gold, good! What you say, I'll do everything! I will carry on your hands! You will say: dive, Malayak, Volga, - Walk now! Say: Get out, - get out!

What do you dive from me, Malay Ivanych! I am a modest girl. I will be respectful to my husband. What is not necessary, not to last, - Lina answered with the former shoument smile.

Chapter thirty ninth

Heavy loneliness

After the terrible story, Vasi Dink became afraid of walking alone, and before the arrival of Lenka from the city she was sitting at home. Walking out of the garden or clogging into his room, the girl plunged suddenly into the gloomy meditation.

"Everything became the other ..." she thought, "everything, everything ... And mom became some other, and Katya, and Alina ... and a mouse ... and Nikich ... and Lina ... Even the leaves on the trees became different, as if someone crawled them. At the edges of yellow and red rims ... But in the garden it can be from the close autumn, and what happened to people? "

Dinky felt grazing deep longing in the heart and went to look for a mouse. For a long time they have not stayed together, they did not laugh together, they did not whisper in the corners, did not spoke to each other angry or delicate words. What changed so much in their lives?

Dinky suddenly recalls the marina and farewell to Maryshka ... Poor Maryshka ... How I regretted her, how I cried then Dink ... Tears came out of her breasts together with my heart ... And then Maryshka recovered, and the mother took her to the village, and those tears remained forever. Therefore, life has changed so much, and now they are now with the mouse. How to laugh if people do not regret each other. Maryshka led Nyura and did not even give to say goodbye. Of course, who are they her? Aliens, they don't come with relatives so much ... So Malayak wants to lead Lina ... and no one is even surprised at this ... But Lina had them all his life. How much does the Dink remember himself, I remember so much and Lina ... what is the Malayak? Of course, it is very good ... But wouldn't the Dink behave ever to Lina even on the best person?

The main characters of the story of the Oseva "Gift" - two brothers, Misha and Vova. They live with mom, which is working in the afternoon, and the brothers often sit at home alone. Certain boys comes by the author of the story, on behalf of which is a story.

Every time the brothers are interested in what kind of gift they brought them. At the same time, they never ask the guest, whether she was not tired and did not frozen. They are only interested in the next gift.

Once the author of the story told the guys, which brought them a gift, but only one. She asked who would get a gift - Mishe, Vova or their mother? After that, the gost of the story was taken from the handbock's handbag. The children looked disappointed for a gift. They said that they did not need a handkerchief and decided that they would give him mom.

This is a summary of the story.

The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe story of the Oseva "GIFT" is that it is important not to grow egoist from children who will only think about their desires and needs. Misha and Vova have never been interested in how other people live. They just wanted to receive gifts from guests.

The story of Oseva teaches to properly arrange priorities in raising children, to ensure that they do not grew by the egoists.

What proverbs approach the story "Gift"?

Our business side.
Egoist thinks only about himself.
I am that before you, I know myself.

Chapter thirty sixth

Unsuccessful gift

Alina met sister an excited exclamation:

At last! Where have you been?

A frightened dink has come up with an excuse:

I walked very far ... and very weakened ... - weakened?

Well, yes ... Now everything has passed, you do not worry. Did Katya have already left? - Dink asked with Otska.

Sure. She was so delayed because of you. I asked her not to say my mother that you disappeared somewhere. After all, mom will sit in the theater as on needles! - with reproach downloaded Alina.

Well, Alinochka, you are not angry, okay? I just sing now, and then I will do everything you want, - looking at the sister's eyes, said Dink.

Oh, what are you! - shook her head Alina, softening from the submissive type of Dinkie. - Well, go, and then we will do!

But Dink wanted to finally calm her sister and draw her gift.

Aliaughter, I bought one book to change my character ... These are useful tips, they cost only three kopecks ...

But so far only one bucket is suitable here. Want, I will give it to you? She asked, stretching the bazaar scribble into the tube, stretching Alina.

Did you buy a book? - Surprise asked Alina. - About bucket?

Well no! - Dink laughed. - Read better, then everyone will understand! And I will go to Lina, okay?

Dinky ran into the kitchen. Alina smoothed the crumpled book and, opening the first page, read several lines, then looked at the cover ... The author did not matter Alina, opened at the other page and read the title of the third chapter with surprise:

"Family tips.

If you have gone very much before your wife and do not wait for a quick sorry, then you will pretend to be fatally ill and announce the air with quiet screams, and also avoid good appetite, and you will receive forgiveness ... "

Alina shrugged and examined the cover once again.

The release of three kopecks, "she repeated out loud and ran to look for Dink.

Dina, Dina! Where did you buy this book? She interviewed her sister, finding her morning breakfast and lunch at her kitchen table. - Where did you buy this book? - Repeated Alina.

Dink wanted to increase the value of "useful tips" in the eyes of sisters.

I bought it from one teacher! - she said with pride.

At the teacher? "Alina again threw a look at the cover and decisively stated:" You're lying! " No teacher will not sell such nonsense. Tell the truth!

I found it in the forest, - frightened further questions, said Dink.

And what have the teacher? - Alina asked strictly.

Yes, I'm just like that, for the red sense, she said ... I found her at the teacher dachas and thought that I lost some kind of teacher, because there were such useful tips ... - Dink was finally launched.

Well, Dina! .. find such books and also bring them into the house! That I did not expect from you ...

But I did not know what it was written about! I only brought to show! Throw her to the stove, Alina! Throw soon!

No, I will show mom. Let mom know what books is her daughter! "Alina said threateningly and, holding the ill-fated" tips "by two fingers, headed into his room.

Having closed the door on the hook and settled in the corner of bed, she carefully read all the advice, quietly sniff in his hand, and sometimes laughing to tears. Some, the funniest, in her opinion, even rewrote for a beb. Together, they talked about many and knew much more than they could assume adults.

Having graduated from this occupation, Alina wrapped the book in paper so that his mother did not drink hands, and herself thoroughly flushed hands with soap.

"This is three kopecks ..." They repeated later with Bebay every time they had to meet with the greatest stupidity or unworthy of their attention, the gymnasium asked them to memory ribbons from Kos.