The task of literary reading is to come up with fairy tales. Project "composing fairy tales"


"Writing a Fairy Tale"

draft prepared

3rd grade students

under the direction of

teachers primary school

Krasikova Larisa Borisovna

2015-2016 academic year

Target: teach students how to write fairy tales;

working in a team, be able to choose the best way the plot of a fairy tale, distribute roles, rehearse, show a performance to younger friends.


    develop the ability to navigate in the read works and analyze them;

    develop Creative skills speech, memory, thinking.

Planned results: students will learn to compose a fairy tale based on key words and read works of art.

Work on the project will contribute to the development of the following general educational skills and abilities:

Reflex skills: the ability to comprehend the problem, for the solution of which there is not enough knowledge.

Collaboration Skills and Skills: the ability to interact with any partner, participate in the work of a group, read fragments of text in pairs, negotiate with each other, express one's position.
Presentation Skills and Skills:
monologue skills, expressive speech.

PROJECT PARTICIPANTS: 3rd grade students

PROJECT TIME: 2 weeks, October 2015

PROJECT TYPE: CREATIVE, short-term, collective


FORM OF PRODUCTS OF PROJECT ACTIVITY: Performance based on a fairy tale composed by students

Project work plan

    We decide what our fairy tale will be (magic).

    Let's look at its signs.

    We invent the main characters of the fairy tale, the plot.

    We remember with what phrase fairy tales usually begin.

    We write it down.

    Thinking about the end of the story. Do not forget to use the words and expressions that fairy tales usually end with.

    Designing costumes and props.

Fairy tale "Kolobok's return home"

There lived a grandfather and a woman. Grandfather's name was Thomas, and grandmother's name was Klava. Once the grandfather asks the grandmother:

Why do I need a grandmother to lie on the stove, but there are kalachi. Let me go and fish.

Go, grandfather, go, - the grandmother replies.

Grandfather went and wandered into the forest, and Oak met him. Grandfather sees that Oak shows him the way:

If you go to the right - you will be rich, if you go to the left - you will be dead, if you go straight - you will find Kolobok. He went straight and heard Baba Yaga sing:

Gingerbread Man, Gingerbread Man, Gingerbread Man.

The grandfather was afraid that Baba Yaga would bewitch him and ran home to his grandmother.

Grandma, you know who I saw, - says the grandfather, - Baba Yaga! And she has our Kolobok!

The grandmother did not believe the grandfather, but how she screams:

You, that old stump, Babok Yozhek does not exist!

There is, - answers the grandfather.

Go, prove it, bring me Kolobok, then I will believe, - says the grandmother. There is nothing to do, the grandfather went to the forest for Kolobok. He walks through the forest, and an oak tree meets him.

Grandfather asks Oak how he can find his way to Kolobok. And the oak replies:

You will go to the right and you will see Kolobok. Grandfather walked and walked, but never met Kolobok.

Meanwhile, Kolobok ran away from Baba Yaga. He rolled along the path until he met a wolf. The wolf asks Kolobok:

Gingerbread Man, Gingerbread Man, will you live with me?

Kolobok agreed.

How long did the grandfather wander through the forest for a short time, but then he met the Wolf. Grandfather was very happy to meet the Wolf, because in the hands of the Wolf he saw Kolobok.

Come on, Volchok, give Kolobok back! shouted the grandfather.

No, I won’t give it back, - Volchok resisted.

Give it back, or I'll take the skin off! - did not calm down the grandfather.

The wolf was also not inclined.

Will not give it back!

Grandfather did not retreat, he swung a stick at the wolf, the Wolf got scared and ran away. And grandfather took Kolobok and went home satisfied. Grandma met my grandfather at home. She was very happy with the discovery of her grandfather, hugged Kolobok and kissed him in joy. And so the three of us began to live: grandfather, grandmother and Kolobok.

Project "Composing a fairy tale" Head: Plekhanova Elena Vasilievna Completed by: students of the 3rd "A" class of the MBOU "Berezovskaya secondary school"

Project relevance

  • The project is intended for 3rd grade students. How to interest, lure students? This is where our project can help, which will help instill a love for the book, develop the creative abilities of children. Every child, who has not yet learned to read, will learn what a fairy tale is from grandmothers and mothers. After the children studied the section "Oral folk art» children are invited to compose their own fairy tale. In the course of the project, children go on an amazing journey through the land of fairy tales, into the wonderful world of fairy tales. During the implementation of the project, children get ideas about such a genre as a fairy tale, about the variety of fairy tales, about the structure of a fairy tale, which will help them compose their own fairy tale in the future. The final product of the implementation of our project will be the creation of a filmstrip based on a fairy tale.
Magic find

Once an old man was saddened that he had nothing to live on. The cat sees, the old man completely drooped and decided to help him. The cat went to look for the treasure. I found a casket, and the casket is a magic ring. Put a ring on ring finger whatever you wish will come true.

The old man was delighted with such a find. And they healed with the cat in a new way!

Magic fin Author: Rozhnov Misha There is Karasik in the world. Yes, difficult Karasik, he has a magical fin. He punishes them for bad fish, helps them with good ones. Once Karasik sailed along our river ... He sees the fences near the fish houses are broken, the windows are broken. All river inhabitants are frightened, they sit at home, do not go out for a walk. Whole river sand rose from the bottom, the water is muddy. Little fish are crying. - Who scared you, river people? - Karasik asks the old minnow.

  • So how not to be afraid? A furious pike appeared. He clicks his teeth. Scary. Sleeping under a snag. And when she wakes up, she promised to eat someone!
  • Karasik swam to the snag. Sleeping pike. He waved his magic fin and the robber's teeth disappeared.
  • The pike woke up and swam into the city. Yes, how he screams angrily:
  • - Nu shit? And your family!
  • She herself was frightened. Because she wanted to say:
  • - Well, where are you? I'll eat you!
  • She said again in a low voice:
  • - Nu shit? And your family!
  • And she cried. How is she without teeth? The river people swam out of the houses here and let's laugh at the pike. She's not scary without her teeth. Karasik watched how the pike was crying and he felt sorry for her.
  • - Will you still offend the fish and misbehave?
  • - Not. I won't do it again.
  • Karasik waved his magic fin. The pike has teeth. She stopped being naughty. She began to live like all fish. And Karasik swam on.
Magic Pen Author: Egor Zaitsev Far away, in a distant kingdom, there was a castle. King Sembur lived there. And the king had a dove. Yes, not simple, but magical. He lived in a golden cage and never saw the light of the free. Once, an enemy from a neighboring kingdom, the sorcerer Antizer, wanted to attack the kingdom of Sembura. He was overcome by envy of the Sembura castle, it was very big and beautiful. Antizer gathered his warriors, not simple ones, made of dark power. Sembur found out about Antizer's plan and grabbed his head, what to do, my valiant warriors will not be able to cope with the dark power of Antizer. The dove heard all this and said: “Let me go, Sembur, into the free world, I will help you cope with the dark force. Go to the highest tower and watch.” Sembur released the dove and climbed onto the highest tower. Sembur sees the dark army approaching, his dove flies to meet her. He snatched the feather from the wing and threw it down. As soon as the feather touched the ground, a huge crevice appeared in this place. The entire dark army of Antizer fell into it. The dove pulled out another feather. As soon as it touched the ground, the fissure closed. The whole army of Antizer remained underground for all eternity. Sembur was happy that he had not lost his kingdom, and the dove rejoiced at the acquired freedom. That's the end of the fairy tale, and who listened well done! The Little Mermaid Author: Shpagina Liza A long time ago, there lived a Little Mermaid in the Atlantic Ocean. She was kind and very beautiful: fiery red hair, a shiny suit, a golden tail. And she had a friend - a fur seal. He was very trusting. One day, people went hunting and caught a fur seal in their nets. The little mermaid, sensing danger, turned to her aunt fairy. She asked her for a magic elixir. The Little Mermaid tried the magic drink and turned into scissors. She cut the nets and freed her friend! And the cat grew wiser, began to obey the Little Mermaid in everything. And he never got into trouble again! Magic crown Author: Bondareva Varya Once upon a time there was a toy dog. And she had a crown. This crown gave the opportunity to speak with the rest of the toys. Once the crown was stolen by a toy baby elephant. The dog stopped understanding his friends. I got bored. Friends gathered, with difficulty persuaded the baby elephant to give up the crown. Since then, the toys began to live together and began to understand each other, and the baby elephant never did this again. Corrected. The Princess and the Sorcerer Author: Nadya Salnikova In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, Princess Anna lived. She had a cute little dog named Lily. One day, Princess Anne and Lily were walking around the castle. Suddenly, out of nowhere, the sorcerer Albert appeared. Give me your dog or I'll take it myself! Why do you want my dog? - Know less, sleep more! With these words, Albert grabbed Lily and just as he wanted to disappear into his portal, Anna took out a magic wand and turned Albert into a cat. The Tale of the Magician George Author: Daniil Poludnev Once upon a time there were three brothers. And they had magical powers. The first has the power of fire, the second has the power of water, the last brother has the power of transformation. The last one's name was George. Once a black-black unicorn flew into the forest. It was said that this unicorn turned many people into slaves. The brothers decided to kill the unicorn. But the first brother was killed, the second was turned into a slave. The third brother fought for a long time with the unicorn until he turned it into a rabbit. A wolf ran past, ate a rabbit. Immediately all the slaves turned back into people .. George called everyone to the feast. And I've been there and seen the magic. Some have seen better. And George married Elena the Beautiful. And they lived together and happily! The Brave Hare Author: Dmitrieva Polina A hare lived in a fairy forest. He was fluffy and small. He lived with his family: his mother and two sisters. The sisters were cheerful, and the bunny was serious. And he had true friend deer. Once a deer gave a hare a magical amulet and said: “Keep it and don’t give it to anyone, especially protect it from an evil wolf who wants to take over the world with the help of an amulet.” The hare did not listen to the deer, put the amulet around his neck and went for a walk in the forest. The wolf saw the amulet and began to think how he could steal it. He decided to sneak into the hare's house at night and take the amulet. But friends guessed about the plans of the wolf and prepared a trap for him. The night has come. The wolf made his way into the house, but he smelled the delicious smell of food and followed the smell. As soon as the wolf touched the delicious pie, the lights turned on immediately, the friends woke up and drove the wolf away. And they began to live and live, and to protect the amulet. Island Author: Strunin Anton Once a ship was wrecked in the sea. Only one person survived - Dima. For a long time Dima sailed on a boat on the sea and now he ended up on a desert island. While Dima was exploring the island, a shark came and tore apart his boat. He got very upset. But there was nothing to do, he began to build a house for himself. He made a bed, a table and went to look for food. Dima knocked down a coconut with stones and ate it. When night fell, and Dima went to bed, something sparkled outside the window. Dima went into the light and found a chest. There was a magic wand. He made a wish to go home. Immediately a ship sailed, and Dima went home. And he left the wand on the island in a chest. Good heart Author: Kristina Sokolova In a distant land there lived a kind fairy. She had a blue sequined dress and golden yellow wings. The fairy was distinguished by a kind and cheerful character. And she had a faithful assistant dwarf Manya. One day the dwarf fell very ill, and the fairy did not have the necessary medicine. The medicine was prepared from a flower that grew only in a swamp. The swamp was guarded by an evil merman. The fairy was already completely desperate, but the desire to help the dwarf was so strong that she decided to go to the swamp. The path was long and difficult, but the fairy overcame it. The merman noticed the fairy from afar and waited, sitting on a rotten stump. Coming closer, the fairy greeted the merman and told him about her sadness. The waterman just laughed. He demanded a huge price for the flower - a magic wand. The fairy agreed. Soon the medicine was ready. The dwarf recovered and gave the fairy a new magic wand. He knew that only in the hands of a fairy wand would become magical, because she had a HUGE KIND HEART. Good Witch Author: Syomina Vera
  • Far away in the woods, in a candy field, lived in gingerbread house witch. Her name was Ines.
  • Inessa was very beautiful. She had blue eyes and black hair. She dressed very neatly: a purple dress, pink shoes and a hat with stars.
  • She lived peacefully with all the animals, healed and helped those who were in trouble.
  • Inessa lived with her faithful friend and assistant black cat Felix. Together they loved to sit by the fire in the evenings: Felix purred and squinted, and Inessa learned new spells.
  • Once, on one of the cozy evenings, Felix suddenly opened his eyes wide and hissed. He sensed the approach of the Serpent Gorynych, the worst enemy of the good witch. He stuck all three of his heads right through the open window and began spitting fire. Inessa jumped up from the sofa and rushed to the wall, where a magic wand lay on a shelf. A sheaf of sparks engulfed her dress. A little more and Inessa would have burned down, but the faithful cat rushed to help. He jumped high and knocked a box of magical cocoa off the shelf. The powder woke up and turned Gorynych into a squeaky mouse. Inessa waved her wand, and all traces of fire disappeared. Felix caught a mouse - Gorynych, and the witch settled her in her house, in a cage.
  • All the inhabitants of the candy meadow were glad that the evil Serpent had finally left his dirty tricks and pranks.

This is the end of fairy tales

who read everything

“Magic Tales” - “A fairy tale is a fold (fiction), and a song is a true story ... From the word “fold”. The third time they threw it - they pulled out a fish, gold feathers. A.M. Gorky. Helpers goodies. Comparisons Ivan sat on a wolf. The plot of fairy tales. Like an epic chant, a saying is an optional part of a fairy tale. There are no miracles here.

"The world of fairy tales" - This reflects the symbolic inaccessibility of the enemy camp. “If you want to change the world, start with yourself.” Did they ever exist? I left my grandfather! What is a "lie with a hint" and for all people with a "lesson"? Do you believe that... Do we need fairy tales at all? What can the chest hide? Enter the fairy tale - you will go out into reality.

"Secrets of fairy tales" - Master storytellers. Forest. Fairy tale. Fairy tale secrets. Tales-educators. Formation of the ability to perceive new knowledge. types of fairy tales. Fairy tale writers. Guys. Shiphttp. Creative work.

"Boring Tales" - creative works. Boring fairy tales about pigs. Fairy tale Once upon a time, Sharifa had two favorite parrots. A boring story about an elephant. There lived an old spider. Crocodiles. Once upon a time there were two cheerful brothers. Boring tales. A boring tale about a tigress. Igor and the birds.

"Fairy tale project" - WRITER (author). Division into groups statement of the problem. Place. Analysts. Project assembly. About animals. Experimenters. Household. Trial. Who is the author of the story? Let's have a rest? Bogatyrskaya. Testers. The end of the fairy tale. Project preparation. Signs of fairy tales. People. Hero. Magic item. Beginning (beginning). Fairy creature.

"The Magical World of Fairy Tales" - Collect an excerpt from a fairy tale. What are fairy tales. Settle the fairy tale in the right dwelling. extracurricular activity in literary reading in grades 2-3. Mysterious world fairy tales. For a long time she ran through the fields, through the forests. The brothers did not believe Ivanushka, they laughed at him plenty. What art includes fairy tales. The fox pretended not to hear.

Fairy tales

3rd grade students

MOU "School No. 57 of the city of Donetsk"

Classroom teacher

Andrianova Irina Fedorovna" alt="(!LANG:Golden droplets It was a sunny day. The sun shone brightly brightly. There were dew drops on the bush like gold. Then I went to the bush and wanted to take them. As soon as I touched it, everything disappeared. I was very sad, but the sun saw that I was crying, gently whispered to me: "Everything will be fine, just don't cry!" When I I heard these words, I was so happy that I wanted to dance and sing songs.After a while, I again saw those same dewdrops on the bush.I went up to him, sat down next to him and admired the golden dewdrops.

It was a sunny day. The sun shone brightly brightly. There were dew drops on the bush, like gold. Then I went to the bush and wanted to take them. As soon as I touched it, everything disappeared. I was very sad, but the sun saw that I was crying, gently whispered to me: “Everything will be fine, just don’t cry!” When I heard these words, I was so happy that I wanted to dance and sing songs. After a while, I again saw those very drops of dew on the bush. I went up to him, sat down next to him and admired the golden drops of dew." alt="Fox cubs Once upon a time there was a fox and cubs. They lived in a hut-norushka. The foxes really wanted to eat and they went on their first hunt. On the way they met a hedgehog, they wanted to bite him, but they pricked painfully. The hedgehog laughed at them and left. Further along the way they came across an anthill. The cubs put their noses in there, but the ants bit them. They had to go home hungry. At home, the cubs told their mother about their first hunt. Mom laughed and said: “When you grow up, I will teach you!”

Once upon a time there lived a fox and cubs. They lived in a hut-norushka. The foxes really wanted to eat and they went on their first hunt. On the way they met a hedgehog, they wanted to bite him, but they pricked painfully. The hedgehog laughed at them and left. Further along the way they came across an anthill. The cubs put their noses in there, but the ants bit them. They had to go home hungry.

At home, the cubs told their mother about their first hunt. Mom laughed and said: “When you grow up, I will teach you!”" alt="" width="640"> !}

BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT IDEA: IN THE PRIMARY SCHOOL READING PROGRAM GREAT ATTENTION IS PAID TO THE FAIRY TALE AS A LITERARY GENRE. THE TYPES OF THE FAIRY TALE ARE CONSIDERED, THE LAWS OF THE FAIRY TALE, DISTINCTIVE FEATURES, ITS STRUCTURE AND COMPOSITION ARE REVEALED. IN THIS PROJECT, ALL INFORMATION ABOUT FAIRY TALES IS SYSTEMATIZED AND GENERALIZED. Project goals: To teach to distinguish the differences between a fairy tale and other types of fairy tales, features of a fairy tale. Development of the ability to analyze a work of art, compare various literary material, master elementary ways receiving and processing information, work in groups.

Problematic questions of the project: How do fairy tales differ from other fairy tales? Are fairy tales similar to each other? What characters can be found in fairy tales? Is it possible to do without villains in a fairy tale? How are fairy tales organized? FUNDAMENTAL QUESTIONS OF THE PROJECT: FAIRY FAIRY TALES HAVE THEIR PECULIARITIES, KNOWING THEM, A CHILD CAN COMPOSE A FAIRY TALE. Study questions of the project: What is a fairy tale? What are fairy tales? What are the differences between a fairy tale? What do fairy tales teach?

STAGES OF THE PROJECT Students get acquainted with the goals and objectives of the project; Divided into groups, get acquainted with the tasks of each group. 1. Preparatory stage: Preparation of materials to attract students; division of students into groups and distribution of responsibilities. The teacher conducts a "advertising campaign" in order to attract "allies" (teachers, parents), to hold an action to attract students to the project.