Malino-black-based hybrids: Loganberry and Tayberry. Vorthern Blackberry and Malino-Blackberry Hybrid in our garden

»Malina varieties

Raspberries and strawberries are beloved delicacies and adults, and children. Superpopularity of these berries stimulates breeders to withdraw all new and new varieties of these tastes. Recently, a very interesting variety of these berries was available under the promising name of the clubman. And it is worth such a wonder that is much more expensive than its relatives: raspberry and strawberry. What is the berry in fact: a miracle of selection or a deception of the consumer? Let's deal with.

So, raspberries - shrub, and strawberries refers to the genus of grassy plants. Of course, breeding is not standing in place, but moving forward with sevenmal steps. But really breeders have already reached such heights that learned to cross the grass with bushes? Is it crossed strawberries and raspberries? Alas, such a miracle is impossible from the theoretical side or with practical. But what then do we buy?

Brief characteristic STRAWBERRY-RASPBERRY

In fact, under the guise of a hybrid, in our latitudes, a little-known raspberry called Strawberry-Raspberry appeared in our latitudes. Such raspberries are known yet under such names.:

  1. Seductive.
  2. Chinese.
  3. Himalayan.
  4. Strawberry.
  5. Strawberry.
  6. Dwarf.
  7. Rosaline or rosolistic.

Rosiste or Tabetskaya Raspberry

This berry came to us from East Asia. In the wild environment occurs on mountain slopes, in mixed forests. In a natural environment, it is a high semi-staple, its height reaches 3 meters. The cultural variety, which took place in our climatic conditions much more modest in size, and does not grow more than 1.5 meters.

The plant has emergency decorativeness. The shoots of his fluffy and prickly, which allows you to use it not only as a delicious delicacy, but also as a decorative beautiful hedge.

How does Malino Strawberry look like? The name of Rosalin or the rosal, the plant received due to the similarity of the leaves with the rose leaves, also resemble a rose of rather impressive spines on the stem. Leaves corrugated bright green color. Flowers are quite impressive sizes (up to 5 cm in diameter), gentle white shade, with 5 petals. A characteristic feature of this variety is that flowers perfectly get along with the fruits, and the entire period of fruiting branches decorate beautiful large flowerswhich in tandem with bright alami berries give the plant an incredible charm and charm.

The fruits of this plant are also very unusual and beautiful. Berries are large, the largest achieve the size walnut, bright scarlet color, in shape resemble strawberries. Fruits are directed at the top, they as if they stretch to the sun, they are well noticeable even from afar.

The flavoring qualities of the fruits are also canceled, they are juicy and sweet, with a pleasant, barely catchy sourness. On one branch can rathe up to 5 berries, This is a very dense variety of raspberries. Berries can be consumed both in the raw form and prepare jam, jams, compotes from them.

Such a berry is almost unrealistic to commerce on sale in the market. This is due to the fact that the fruits are very soft and gentle, and poorly carry transportation. Therefore, it is not recommended to grow such a berry on an industrial scale.

Growing: landing and reproduction

Some such a kind as an ordinary raspberry. The location for the beds is chosen primarily on the south side, the plant is rather unpretentious, can grow both in the open sun plots and in a half. Planted bushes in the pre-made wells, between which should be quite large distance : 70-100 cm. River stride should be at least 1.5 meters.

It grows such a beauty on any soils, but the big yield will be if they still put it in fertile and loose soil. You can easily fit the well to peat or organic fertilizer .

Plant or spring, or early autumn.

If you try to raspberry in the fall, you need to do this at the end of August - the first half of September so that the plant will have to root up to the first frosts.

Breaks such decorative variety Raspberries with roasting process, for the season produces quite a lot. This feature should be considered when landing. To plant a new plant, it is enough just to dig it gently, and root in the right place.

Features of care

The plant is completely unpretentious and needs elementary care, so the cultivation of such a hybrid does not require much effort. Watering is needed abundant and timely (especially in the heat). But it is also impossible to overdo it if the soil is constantly raw and wet, raspberries can die. Weeds to pull out carefully, because root system Located very close to the surface. In particularly hot regions, the soil around the plant can be mulched by a compost, or by humus.

In frequent fertilizers, the plant does not particularly need. Quite enough in early spring To feed the bushes or organic fertilizer or synthetic universal.

Such a beautiful variety of raspberries pretty frost resistant. She is normally tolerates moderately frosty winterBut if the winter is minor, and frost are quite strong, it is necessary to additionally put the roots of the earth.

For proper careSuch Malinka is not only suitable as delicious gastronomic delights, but will also please the gaze of his unique beauty and uniqueness.

In North America, many large-scale forms of blackberry grows. Of these, several large-scale interspecific hybrids were derived, named by the names of their authors: Loganberry, Bozyenberry, Youngberry . In the gardens of lovers, all these hybrids are sometimes found under the same name - Loganberry.

They differ from their "ancestors" the lack of spikes, a large mass of berries and their good taste qualities, high yield, less susceptibility to disease and late harvest, when there are no fresh berries in the garden. They do not clog the garden, since they do not form root offspring.

Malino-black-based hybrids are an empty semi-stabiliar with arcuate shoots up to 2 m long and more, which need to be tested to the grinder, since they can touch the soil under the severity of the berries. They are very decorative during flowering, since their large pale pink flowers, similar to chamomile, are collected in huge brushes at 15-20 pieces.

But even more beautiful bushes fucked by garlands of large black, shiny berries, which ripen from the end of August to frosts. They are sweet, with blackberry taste. Out of a dry berry. Transportable, after eating not "flow" to 5 days. And this is also important. Their harvest is significantly higher than the raspberry.

Gorge hybrids almost just like blackberry and black raspberries. They reproduce by rooting the tops of annual shoots, weighing and green cuttings Annual shoots and seeds.

Those who wish to produce these hybrids in the absence of ready-made planting material It can be recommended to multiply their seeds. To do this, in the conditions of the city apartment, seeds are laid in December-January for 3-4 months on stratification. The easiest way to do it is.

Seeds are placed in a wet vat and withstand two weeks when room temperature. Then they are placed in the lower part of the holo-dilynik and are kept at a temperature of 0 ... 5 ° C at least 3 months. Every 10-12 days they need to be tired, opening cotton for 4-5 minutes. In April, these seeds are seeded in a seaside box, closeing in a depth of 1-1.5 cm. Shoots will appear in 10-15 days.

Plants plant rows with a distance between seedlings 0.7-1 m, and between rows of 1.5-2 m, i.e. as raspberry. After landing, the seedlings need to be cut at an altitude of 20-25 cm. The young shoots that are generated in the summer, it is advisable to tie to the steleer by the fan, collecting the stems on both storts from the base of the bush, and leaving the center at the same time.

For the second year, young shoots will grow from the center of the bush, which must be used vertically, tied by their loose bundle in the middle of the fan. In the autumn, after harvesting, the old shoots are removed, and the next year their place on the spleker will be taken by young.

In the spring, dried and frozen shoots are removed, leaving 4-5 strong, healthy, well developed. At the same time, they are better to shorten by 15-20 cm to increase the harvest and the size of the berries.

Plants are greatly amazed mushroom diseases. All of them are very sensitive to cold, poorly endure low temperatures Air in winter and therefore require serious shelter into a honest frosty winter. Surveillance Circles For the winter, they are usually mulched by peat or sawdust with a layer of up to 10 cm, the nepper is put on them, and the branches are pressed against the ground and is covered with any observer material, and then snow.

For lovers, the following varieties deserve attention.

Boisenberry - Drought-resistant grade, gives a good harvest even with a lack of moisture. Shoots are very strong. Berries are large, purple, when ripening changes their color to purple-black. The flesh is acid, with a blackberry taste. Berries are suitable for all types of processing.

Loganberry , or Loganberry - The very first hybrid of raspberries and blackberries. Its bushes are less powerful than the latter. The yield of berries moderate, term ripening - Late. Berries have dark color and ripen in early September.

Sanberry - Modern late sat. The shoots are covered with numerous small and rather soft spikes. Berries at the beginning of maturation burgundy red, with full ripening - almost black.

Tiberri - Modern midverter. Bushes powerful, with beautiful leaves. Berries elongated (up to 4 cm), weighing 5-10 g, sour-sweet, with blackberry flavor. Suitable for all types of processing and consumption in fresh form. Fruiting annual, abundant, since the end of August and to frosts.

Youngberry - Lovely variety. Berries are suitable for all types of processing and fresh consumption.

This culture has one more dignity. Her bushes grown on a spleker are very decorative. This is beautiful hedge With dark-green shiny leaves, covered with large pale purple flowers, and later berries to deep autumn.

V. Shafransky

Raspberry and removable raspberry seedlings, blackberries, every month you will find on the page

The history of the origin of the variety and its description

The Hybrid of Raspberries and Blackberries called "Taibrai" appeared not so long ago, in 1969 it was selected in the Scottish Institute of Crops. Blackberry of the Aurora variety was chosen as the main plant for crossing, which pollen selection of breeding raspberries was pollinated. The final result was quite successful, because the new plant combined the excellent taste properties of its prototypes. Juice, minor acid and a pleasant fragrance, which is different, but at the same time similar to the smells of raspberries and blackberries - these are the qualities that this culture possesses.

Berries of the Taiperie variety have a rather large size and painted in a bright purple shade. The largest copies can reach as long as 6 cm. Another nice feature of this plant is its magnificent fecundity. With 1 hectare of the square, you can collect about 9 tons of crop. His name "Taiberi" received thanks to the river Tai, on the shore of which the institution of crop production was built.

Blackberry-raspberry "Taibrai" has the form of a spreaded bush with a variety of long durable branches, densely dying with small spikes. The foliage is painted into a dark green shade, has a triple shape. The fruits of this plant begin to ripen in mid-July, and the period of fruiting period lasts quite a long time.

The grade "Taibrai" has a characteristic feature: it gives very little root offspring, so it is reproduced by root cuttings or air kidney. Effective way The breeding of this culture is the reproduction of the grooves, in which the escape is rooted in the ground, without being separated from the mother's bush.

The average height of the plant reaches 2.5 m. Among the advantages of the Blackberry "Taibrai" should be highlighted its high resistance to diseases and pests, as well as non-visibility to the soil.

Blackberry "Taiberi" landing and care

Features of cultural culture

If you decide to buy blackberry seedlings to put it on your site, come responsibly to buy such a product. It is advisable to choose plants with several shoots, and the branches should look healthy and strong. Please note that the foliage is green and fresh, without spots. Roots must be located inside the earth coma, be durable, not dry and not brittle.

When choosing a landing area, give preference to a well-lit place that is not flushed with drafts. Blackberry "Taiperie" loves warmth and sun, as well as a nutritious loan. Also consider that the soil must be pre-cleaned from perennial weed plants. Since culture in the process of its growth will reach considerable height, provide it with a support for which it will cling. Support can be created by itself, inserting two-meter poles into the ground and stretching several rows of wire between them.

Getting started to landing the blackberry, dig in the prepared place to a yat with a diameter and a depth of about 50 cm. Also prepare soil, stirring garden ground with 5 kg of manure, 100 g of superphosphate and 50 g potash fertilizer. Busty stick to the root cervical level. After planting, the plant must be trimmed, shorter shoots up to 25-30 cm. Popping the roots of the earth and the tampering of them, painting the blackberry with a sufficient amount of water, it should have about 5 liters of liquid to one bustice. So that the water did not evaporate too quickly, and the earth did not dry and did not crack, the nearby space mulk peat or a compost. Mulch layer Make 7-8 cm high.

The period of development of the Taiperie variety is 2 years. In the first season, kidneys are tied on the bush, and by the second year, blackberries begins to be fron. At the same time, the plants die on the plant. It is during this period that it is necessary to form the crown of bushes, so that it was later convenient for you to work with the plant and collect crops from it. The most common method of forming blackberry bushes is a fan. It means that the branches of the past year, in which the berries are ripe in the current season, are tied up to a hat, sending one way. Young processes are directed to the other side, creating a semblance of vegetable fan.

With the onset of spring, when the sludge has not yet begun, the plant is subjected to forming pruning. The too long branches and those that are developing incorrectly trimmed by about a third of their lengths.

During the fertilization period, blackberry may require small shading, since the berries are spoiled under the action of direct sunlight. To create a shadow, you can pull the protective grid over the bushes. Such a grid will not only lock the plant from the hot sun, but also protects from birds. The vintage of the Blackberry "Taipery" ripens long enough and collect it from the beginning of the cold.

Plant care

Care for any plant is primarily in the organization of water systems. The most important period when blackberry needs regular irrigation, is the time of its active growth, as well as fruiting. "Taiperie" must be watered until the end of the season, up to the onset of cold.

Once every 3 years, blackberry is customary large quantity compost. It is brought under each bush at the rate of 4-5 kg \u200b\u200bper plant. In the remaining periods of the life of the culture, it is also fed by nitroposka or any other mineral composition. On 1 m² of the area should have about 20 g of such fertilizer.

The reproduction of the Blackberry Blackberry "Taiperie"

The Hybrid of the Raspberry and Blackberry "Taipery" can be multiplied by several ways. One of the popular methods is considered to reproduce the culture with giving. Such a procedure is considered very effective, as it ensures good adherence to young plants and subsequent rich crops. Reproduction with gifts is carried out in several stages:

  1. Near parent plant Lock the soil to a depth of 30 cm. In the ground, a small amount of large-scale sand is also added and stirred with soil. All coming joine the grounds are crushed.
  2. By choosing the desired branch, it is released from foliage for a length of about 30-40 cm.
  3. Then the knot is found on the shoot and make an oblique incision to 5 cm long and "tongue". The damaged place is immediately disinfected.
  4. The branch is flex to the ground and will interfere with a cut in the prepared pam. The "tongue" is rejected and fixed, and the above-ground part of the escape is installed on a vertical backup.
  5. Sing the ground is saturated, slightly tamper and wipes abundantly. The branch should be rooted by about 1-1.5 years. After this time, you can check whether the roots appeared on the shoot. For this purpose, the earth around the process can be slightly lifted by the fork.
  6. In the fall or spring, a new plant is cut off from the mother's bush and transfer to a new place.

Another way to reproduce the blackberry "Taiperie" - shilling. It consists in the following:

  1. In the first weeks of summer from the parent plant, cuttings are cut off - fragments of young green branches, on which at least 1 kidney is present.
  2. Then prepare the tanks for planting, filling them with a mixture of sand and peat.
  3. These containers plant cuttings, moisturize the soil and covered with a film, after which they put in a warm place. In greenhouse conditions, the cuttings are held for about a month, providing them with good humidity.
  4. When the cuttings are allowed root, they can be transferred to the household plot.

Sometimes the Blackberry "Taiberi" breeds root cuttings. To do this, it is first digged by a bush of plants from the ground and select the appropriate roots. They should be durable, healthy and thick exceed 5 mm. Such roots are divided into fragments of 5-6 cm and roll over the ground into the ground to a depth of 15 cm. From above, planted plants are sprinkled with fertile soil, well moisturized and periodically feed fertilizers. From time to time the soil loose, so that the roots have access to oxygen.

As you can see, grow a blackberry "Taiperie" on its site is completely simple. The main advantages of such a culture are its unpretentiousness, frost resistance, resistance to disease and pests, high yields and excellent taste.

Blackberry "Taiber". Video

Malina is one of the favorite berries in the people, except growing in the gardens, this berrod can be found on forest Polyanka and edges. The nearest relative of the Blackberry Raspberry is also popular and very similar to Rasina. Did you hear about every month and do you know what it is?

- This variety is one of the best among every month. This raspberry and blackberry hybrid is quite a new variety, whose berries have an amazing aroma and taste, superior and raspberry, and blackberry. Initially, this hybrid was prickly, with a powerful bush. Shootless plants are now removed, but the size and yield of these species is less than that of prickly cultures. Bezenberry's fertilization begins at the end of July, continues until the end of August. Berries as they change the color from a thick cherry on the ink tint. Glossy berries, major up to 12 g. From one bush, you can collect up to 5 kg of berries.

Did you know? Raspberries - healing plant And one of the most delicious drugs. Our distant ancestors used not only berries in medicinal purposes, but also stems, leaves and flowers of raspberries. Today, only the lazy does not know about the benefits of raspberry jam and the incomparable taste of tea from raspberry sticks.


Emple variety Darroouit's high to three meters of a bush, with strong, straightforward, spiny stems. At the variety decorative leaves in the form of fingers. Berries are small - up to 4 g weighing, with ripening almost black, glossy, elongated shape. The high and shoots are long, so to under the weight of leaves and berries, and the yield of the variety is high, the stalks did not break, they need a gap. According to the taste, Darrow is inferior to Boissenberry, because a taste with some kind of sourness. But Darrow has excellent winter hardiness, withsting temperatures up to -34 degrees. This allows you to raise it in the regions with cold weather conditions. Gybrid yield pleases: You can collect up to 10 kg of berries from one bush.

Important! For the landing of every month you need to choose a plot protected from drafts, lit, with a deep level of location groundwater, with drained and nutrient soil.

Emple LoganberryAs stated in the description of the variety, one of the most famous hybrids of raspberries and blackberries derived in the United States. The hybrid is distinguished by a fluttering bush, shoots from spiners and without. At the Variety Tornless Loganberry Stems and Foliage Cubes, as well as the foliage itself, are pubes with a soft pile. The foliage in the hybrid is grayish-green, with a silver lower plate. The bush is not particularly branched, but as the number of lateral shoots increases. The time of ripening is the same as the raspberry. Cousse berries, up to 4 cm long, and about 2 cm in diameter, weight of berries - up to 8 g. The taste is more like the sweetness of raspberries than blackberries, the color of the berries is also a light - raspberry shade. The brushes of the varieties carry up to six berries, from one bush can be collected up to 6 kg.

Tiberri Email Variety Differs on long, vigorous closures of burgundy color, with small spikes. Blooming begins in July, and the ripening of berries is in the second half of August. At the hanging brushes - up to six almost burgundy, elongated form of berries. The taste of berries is similar to the raspberry, and a pleasant aroma resembles lollipops. The grade of the Tiberri Email has good indicators yields - 5 kg from one bush.

The main advantage of the variety is resistance to diseases. In addition, the grade grows on all types of soil. The shoots of the grade need a garter to the trellis, while you need to position them correctly: the stems should not shade each other. The hybrid speaks well for the introduction of the organications of early spring.

Attention! In the regions with a cold climate, sharpening varieties of every eleven need to be prepared for the winter. Remove the stalks from the supports, put on the ground and hide. A straw, foliage, peat, sweet snap can be used as a covering material.


Emaler Variety Texasdescribed as a culture suitable for growing in regions with frosty winters. The plant is fruit and not bad even in cold summer conditions. Minus varieties - in the abundance of spikes and not too sweet taste. The plus is the variety yield - up to 6 kg of berries with bush and high productivity - up to 15 years. This blackberry hybrid with raspberries has a bush with flutter shoots, whose length is up to 4 m. Large leaves Green at the top and white at the bottom. A bush blooms fragrant large flowers, by the way, there are spikes even on a flower tree. Berries, ripening, from scarlet become rich burgundy. The taste of berries is sour-sweet.

Interesting! In the distant old blackberry considered magic plantMany pagan religions and European cults applied blackberries in their rites. In everyday life of blackberry berries, or rather their juice, used for painting fabrics.

Hybrid blackberry and raspberry imagined top Qualities Both berries. Every month thanks to the saturated composition carries undoubted health benefits. As part of the berries, such micro and macroelements such as magnesium, zinc, calcium, copper, iron, potassium, in addition, vitamins B, K, RR and E. Regular use of berries will saturate the body with almost all substances they need.

If you want to surprise guests or please our children with unusual berries, try to grow a hybrid of raspberries and strawberries on the site with seductive bright fruits, or a black e-mail with a delightful aroma. Compared to conventional Red Malina, such a treat will necessarily make an impression on all and cause genuine interest.

Stock Foto Gybrid strawberries and raspberries

Hearing such a wonder experienced gardeners mock shrugs: it is impossible to cross herbate plant And the woody shrub, cunning merchants simply get on naive newcomers! However, seedlings and seeds of hybrids sadkin strawberry Malina is still successfully sold on the market for indecent prices. Moreover, of them really grow unusual plants ...

How did breeders manage to bring the new kind, called a clubman or Malika from two unlike cultures? After all, it is known that the fruit of raspberries is a stroke of firewood, and the fruit of strawberries - a bloody laughing with tiny nuts. What berries can happen when crossing?

Video about Hybrid Rasina and Strawberry

It turns out that the seedlings that we offer under the guise of raspberry strawberries, and abroad are called Strawberry-Raspberry, in fact they are a dwarf variety of raspberry Rubus Illecebrosus Focke. You can meet it under other names:

  • seductive
  • illecebroid
  • tibetan
  • chinese
  • himalayan
  • strawberry or strawberry
  • dwarf.

Planting and growing a hybrid occurs on the usual rules. As a result, a height of the half-meter height grows up and above, with reddish spiny shoots and unparalleled leaves. Since the end of June, the plant is covered with large white flowers, and fruiting begins (on annual shoots), which lasts until autumn frosts.

Picture of a hybrid of strawberries and raspberries

The berries of this plant and in fact look unusual, reminding appearance Large garden strawberry. The taste is sweet, pleasant, close to crimson, but still somewhat inferior to the taste of ordinary raspberry. On the fruit branches ripens up to five berries weighing about 3 g, the crop turns out quite good.

Another hybrid - malikika(tunner-raspberry or strasberry), it has nothing to do with raspberries: the berries are only externally similar to it, thanks to the rounded shape and dark red. In essence, this is an unusual variety. sad strawberrywhich was grown abroad at the beginning of the 20th century.

Given the cost of planting material of these exclusive plants and a rather mediocre taste of their berries, it is more expedient to allocate on the site more space under with large delicious fruits, and raspberry hybrids with strawberries leave only as exotic and for desserts.

A completely different business is the case with hybrids obtained from crossing ordinary raspberries and blackberries. Breeders have long been diligently derived all new varieties of every elevation, trying to combine in one culture all the most valuable qualities two parental cultures. And domestic gardeners are happy to grow in their sites along with the red-like malinous varieties of a dark purple e-mail.

In the photo of Emmelina

For what qualities this amazing is valued berry culture? From blackberry, it received unpretentiousness, high yield and large-way, and from raspberry - a pleasant aroma and good winter hardiness.

E-elephant has an original acid-sweet taste, which in some varieties only remotely resembles the taste of parental cultures. At the same time, the majority of gardeners confidently declare that the taste qualities of rolling berries are much better than that of ordinary raspberries or blackberries.

With the selection of many modern raspberry varieties with large fruits, raspberry-black-based hybrids were used. This explains the formation of multi-annual branched brushes characteristic of blackberry, and insufficient frost resistance of large-scale malinous varieties.

Photo of every eleven

The first hybrid from blackberry and raspberries was obtained in 1881 by the American breeder. His name was named new amazing culture - Loganberry or logan Yagoda. Until now, this vintage variety is popular with gardeners due to delicious red berries quite large size (about 4 cm long) and early maturation. And the modern clone of Hybrid Loganberry also does not have spikes.

In European countries, the most famous Email of Tiberri with dark red elongated fruits of a wonderful taste. The variety is characterized by early friendly fruiting and incredible yield - from one bush can be collected up to 12 kg. Tiberri attracts not only delicious berries, but also beautiful bloom, due to which the bushes can perform a decorative function on the plot. Additional advantages: disease resistance, good accessibility Bushes and excellent fruit transportability.

Video about Tiberri

Malinnyzhevichny varieties are often attributed to garden Blackberry Silvan. It is valued for a magnificent sweet taste and is considered one of the best in taste, yielding only the boyissenberry hybrid. Black shiny fruits grade Silvan are very large (when good care Achieve weight 12 g), have the form of a strongly elongated cone. In one branch can ripen up to 10 berries, from the bush, it is possible to get about 4 kg of harvest. Fruiting begins from the end of July, and ripening in the brushes occurs unevenly. However, Silvan has a big minus - very spiny bushes.

Among the popular Black Ornal Malinous hybrids also deserve attention: Texas, Sanberry, Youngberry and Marion. But the blackboard is not a feather element - this is a separate variety of black raspberries, similar to blackberry externally and smell.