Spirea flowers. Summer flowering spireas

The genus Spirea has 90 species distributed in the forest-steppe and semi-desert zone, the subalpine zone of the mountains of the Northern Hemisphere.

Description of spirea

Spirea - deciduous shrubs sometimes exceeding 2 m in height. The shape of the bush is different, there are: weeping, pyramidal, erect, hemispherical, cascading, creeping forms. Types of spirea differ from each other in the shape and color of the leaves, many types of spirea change their green color to yellow, orange or purple-red in autumn.

Most of the most diverse species, with skillful selection, allows them to achieve continuous flowering from spring to autumn. Spirea are valued for their lush and long flowering.

Spirea flowers small, but numerous, collected in inflorescences of different shapes: corymbose, pyramidal, paniculate and spike-shaped. Some species of spirea have single flowers.

The color of the flowers is also varied - from white to crimson. The decorativeness of spirea is due not only to the diverse arrangement of inflorescences on the shoots, but also to the timing of flowering.

There are species whose inflorescences cover the entire shoot; in other species of spirea, inflorescences are located only on the upper part of the shoots; still some - at the ends of the shoots.

Spireas are divided into 2 groups: spring-flowering spirea and summer-blooming. In spring-flowering, flowering usually occurs on the shoots of the previous year and the flowers are white; summer-flowering ones have red, pink, crimson flowers, and they bloom on the shoots of this year.

Such a division into two groups was also reflected in the agrotechnics of caring for these shrubs; spireas blooming in spring are pruned immediately after flowering, and spireas blooming in summer - only in spring.

The spireas of the first group bloom all together, but not for long, the second group has a stretched bloom.

All spireas are undemanding to the soil, frost-resistant, photophilous, many species are gas-resistant, perfectly tolerate urban conditions. Easily propagated by cuttings, layering, dividing the bush, seeds and shoots. They grow very quickly, begin to bloom for 3 years.

Types and varieties of spirea

A group of spring flowering spireas

Spirea gray

Spiraea gray - a highly branched bush 2 m in height, with felt ribbed shoots. The leaves of gray spirea are gray-green above, they are lighter below, pointed at both ends. Snow-white flowers of gray spirea are collected in loose shields, located along the entire shoot. At the top of the shoots, the inflorescences are sessile, below they are on elongating leafy branches. This spirea blooms in May, and fruits ripen in June.

Gray spirea seeds do not reproduce, because this species is a hybrid. The gray spirea bush is very decorative due to the compactness of the bush and drooping branches, a large number of snow-white inflorescences. This spirea is planted, both as a single bush and in groups. Blooming shoots of gray spirea can be used to make bouquets.

Very interesting Grade "Grefsheim"- A small densely branched shrub with arched drooping branches and narrow leaves. Snow-white, rather large double flowers, collected in dense bunches, are located along the shoots.

Spirea gray is considered winter-hardy.

Spirea arguta

Tall shrub (2 m) with a spreading crown, with narrow, strongly serrated, lanceolate, dark green leaves about 4 cm long. Argut spirea flowers are pure white, 0.8 cm in diameter, in numerous, umbellate inflorescences, densely covering the shoots. Spiraea arguta blooms on the shoots of last year, it must be cut off immediately after flowering. It grows slowly, 20 cm per year.

It is one of the most spectacular spring flowering spireas. Due to the abundance of flowers, the grace of arching thin branches makes an indelible impression near and at a distance. Stable in the city.

Thin sprawling branches of spirea arguta with small narrow green leaves and white flowers in umbellate inflorescences, densely covering the shoots, create a feeling of purity.

Spiraea arguta is beautiful in a single planting, in compositions with shrubs, it can also be used for hedges. Blooms annually. Photophilous. This spirea is able to tolerate a slight dryness of the soil. Seeds are not similar, as it is a hybrid.

Spirea Vangutta

Spirea Vangutta impresses with its large size. The height and diameter of its crown reach up to 2 m. It differs from representatives of this genus in spreading, downward-curving branches, forming a very beautiful "cascading" crown shape. Its leaves are 3.5 cm long, toothed, 5-lobed, obovate, green above, dull gray below, glabrous.

Spirea Vangutta flowers in dense, multiple, hemispherical inflorescences, pure white, densely covering the entire shoot. Flowering lasts several weeks. Spirea Vangutta sometimes has a secondary bloom in August, however, it is no longer so abundant. Beautiful spirea Vangutta and its foliage. Its fruits ripen by October. Blooming starts at 3 years old.

Spirea Vangutta grows rapidly, shade-tolerant, unpretentious. But prefers sunny places and well-drained soils. Frost-resistant, sometimes the ends of the shoots freeze, which need to be cut in the spring.

Spirea Vangutta is spectacular in single plantings, in groups, low hedges, when creating large flower beds. It fits perfectly into the landscape with pines, spruces, firs, especially on the banks of reservoirs and streams. Well cuttings.

Spiraea hornate

Grows in the southeast of Russia and Western Europe, in the Caucasus, Altai, northern Central Asia. It grows in the zone of meadow, shrub steppes, observed on rocky mountain slopes in thickets of shrubs. Protected in nature reserves.

Spiraea gornate is a low shrub, about 1 m, with a loose crown, oblong or obovate, 3.5 cm in length, grayish-green leaves. It is very easy to identify the spirea crenate by the crenate edge of the leaf and the presence of three veins protruding from below.

The flowers of this spirea are white with a yellow tint, collected in wide corymbose inflorescences, sitting on short, leafy twigs. Flowering time is about 20 days. The spirea bears fruit in July.

It is drought and frost resistant, gives abundant root shoots, can tolerate insufficient soil moisture, grows in partial shade, but develops better in good light.

In horticulture, spirea crenate is not common. Used in parks, groups, edges and forest parks. It has hybrid forms.

Spirea oak-leaved

The oak-leaved spirea grows from Eastern Europe, and ends with the Far East. It grows on rocky slopes, in mountain forests.

Upright shrub 2 m tall, with long shoots, under the weight of their inflorescences, they gracefully bend to the ground, with a beautiful, dense crown, rounded.

The leaves are thin-petiolate, oblong-ovate, 5 cm long, pointed, twice coarsely serrated along the edge, green above, they are gray below. White flowers 1.5 cm in diameter in hemispherical inflorescences; oak-leaved spirea blooms in early May for about 25 days.

Gas and frost resistant. Tolerates some shade. In autumn, the foliage turns a solid yellow. Oak-leaved spirea propagates by seeds, cuttings, dividing the bush.

Excellent for cutting, it is used for hedges. This spirea is valued for its lush blooms and graceful foliage.

Spiraea nipponica

This spirea comes from Japan, where it grows on the island of Hondo.

Shrub 2 m tall, with a spherical crown, branches horizontally directed; top with crenate, sometimes entire marginal, green leaves 5 cm long, retaining a green color until late autumn.

Begins to bloom in early June, duration 15-25 days. Nipponian spirea buds are purple, flowers are yellowish-green, in corymbose inflorescences, very densely covering the shoots.

It is distinguished by abundant flowering and a compact crown structure. Effective in single plantings. Photophilous. The richness of the soil is not demanding. Nippon spirea propagates by seeds, cuttings, and also by dividing the bush.

It has 2 decorative forms: round-leaved - in addition to the form of foliage, it is distinguished by the powerful size of the bush and large inflorescences; narrow-leaved - with narrow leaves and small, numerous flowers. In the European part, 2 varieties are popular.

Spirea Nipponskaya "Halward" s Silver "- a bush whose height is 1 m, the foliage is dark green. Nippon spirea "Halware Silver" flowers are white in large convex inflorescences, bloom in June.

Spirea Nipponskaya "Snowmound" - a bush 2 m high. The crown is dense, the branches are gracefully curved. The leaves of the Nippon spirea "Snowmound" are dark green, elongated. The flowers are snow-white, collected in corymbose inflorescences, open in June.

Spirea average

In nature, it grows in Russia, in the south of Siberia, Central Asia and the Far East. Grows in thickets of bushes, on dry slopes.

Spiraea medium is a branchy shrub with a rounded crown and bright green leaves. Spirea medium shoots are round, brownish with flaky bark. The flowers are white, in corymbose inflorescences. It begins to bloom in May for about 15 days. Begins to bear fruit at 3 years of age.

It is frost-resistant, transfers shading. Spiraea medium is easy to propagate due to its abundant root offspring. Perfectly tolerates transplantation, haircut, used in single, group plantings.

Spirea Thunberg

Under natural conditions, it grows in China, Korea, Japan. Her favorite places are mountain slopes, valleys, which during the flowering period look covered with a continuous snow cover.

Spiraea Thunberg is a low bush, reaching a height of 1.5 m in nature. In a culture in the middle lane, it does not reach such sizes, but it branches densely. Its dense leaves are 4 cm long.

Thanks to these graceful leaves, Thunberg's spirea is very decorative, especially when you consider that in the autumn they turn orange.

In summer they are bright green. Spirea Thunberg inflorescences are sessile umbels at the base with a rosette of small leaves, they consist of small white flowers that appear in May. Flowering ends in June.

The fruits of this spirea ripen quickly. Spirea Thunberg begins to bloom and bear fruit at the age of 3 years.

This shrub propagates by seeds and cuttings. In cold winters, the shoots freeze a little. Spiraea Thunberg is a profusely flowering shrub, the first flowering time. Prefers sunny places.

A group of summer flowering spireas

In summer-flowering spirea, inflorescences are completed by young shoots of this year. The following year, spirea inflorescences reappear at the ends of young shoots, and the old tops dry up.

Japanese spirea

Distributed in Japan, China.

Japanese spirea - a beautiful bush with felt-pubescent shoots, then naked; oblong-ovate leaves, green above, bluish below, when blooming with a red tint, in autumn - a spectacular variety of colors. It blooms all summer with pink-red flowers collected in corymbose-paniculate inflorescences.

Flowering time 45 days. Used widely to create flowering groups, hedges. as well as borders.

In the spring season, all varieties of Japanese spirea must be cut, leaving shoots 25 cm high from the soil level. Golden-leaved forms of Japanese spirea are prone to the appearance of shoots with green leaves.

They stand out against the background of yellow spireas not only for their color, but also for their powerful growth. All of them should be removed.

The Japanese spirea has many garden forms that differ in the height of the bush, the color of the flowers and the size of the leaf blade. The most common spireas:

Japanese « Little princesses"("Little Princess") - bush 0.6 m tall, rounded, compact crown, dark green, elliptical leaves, pink flowers, collected in corymbose inflorescences.

The Japanese spirea "Little Princess" begins to bloom in June-July. Grows very slowly. Looks good in single plantings, edges, groups, hedges.

Spiraea Japanese "Shirobana"- is a low shrub 0.8 m tall. The leaves are dark green narrow-lanceolate, 2 cm long. The color of the flowers of the Japanese spirea "Shirobana" varies from white to bright pink, sometimes red.

Blooms in July - August. Japanese spirea "Shirobana" can successfully decorate a rock garden and a low border, various compositions with conifers, as well as other shrubs.

« macrophylla» ( "Macrophylla") - 1.3 m high. It is distinguished by large, 20 cm long and 10 cm wide, swollen wrinkled leaves, when blooming they are purple-red, then green, and in autumn they become golden yellow.

If, when the buds open, cut off the Macrofill spirea to 7 cm from the soil level, then the growing young shoots will have a bright color at the top all summer. Spirea "Macrofilla" is one of the best spirea. Among the variegated foliage, its pink flowers in small inflorescences are lost. Spirea "Macrophylla" blooms from the end of July to the end of August.

Spirea "Candlelight"- dwarf compact dense bush with leaves of a creamy yellow color. Their color becomes saturated and goes well with pink flowers that appear in mid-summer.

Spirea "Candlelight" does not form shoots with the usual green leaf color.

Spirea "Goldflame"- dense shrub 1 m tall, with orange-yellow leaves. Then they turn bright yellow, then yellow-green.

Spirea "Goldflame" has orange leaves in autumn. Sometimes variegated leaves appear on the shrub. The flowers of the spirea "Goldflame" are small pink-red.

Spirea "Golden Princess"- shrub 1 m in height, with yellow leaves and pink flowers.

Spiraea "Gold Mound"- dwarf, 0.25 m tall, bush with bright golden yellow foliage and small inflorescences of pink flowers, appearing in mid-July.

Spirea white

Under natural conditions, white spirea is common in North America. In Russia, it is often found in the Asian and European parts.

Bush with ribbed, pubescent red-brown shoots and pointed serrated leaves at the ends, reaching 7 cm in length, 2 cm in width. White flowers are collected in pyramidal, loose, pubescent inflorescences-panicles about 6-15 cm long with almost horizontally deviating branches, appearing at the ends of the shoots of the current year.

White spirea blooms annually, from July to August. Its fruits ripen in October.

White spirea propagates by seeds and cuttings. Due to its beautiful inflorescences, late and long flowering, white spirea is used for planting in groups, single bushes, in hedges. Quite a moisture-loving shrub.

Spirea birch leaf

Under natural conditions, birch-leaved spirea grows in the Far East, Siberia, Korea and Japan. It grows in mixed and coniferous forests, on rocky mountain slopes.

The birch-leaved spirea got its name due to the similarity of its leaves with the leaves of our beloved birch. Indeed, the leaves of the birch-leaved spirea are elliptical or broadly ovate with a wedge-shaped base, green.

Birch-leaved spirea is a low (60 cm) shrub with a dense spherical crown and ribbed, sometimes zigzag-curved shoots. In spring, the leaves appear in mid-April, and fall off at the end of October.

In autumn, the leaves of the birch-leaved spirea acquire a bright yellow color. Flowering occurs in June. Its inflorescences are dense, corymbose, sometimes convex panicles of a large number of white or slightly pinkish flowers. Blooms from 4 years. Its fruits ripen only in October.

Spiraea birch-leaved shade-tolerant, but blooms more abundantly in sunny places, on moist soils. Quite winter-hardy, shelter does not require. Pruning shoots should be carried out in early spring. Shorten the shoots to a well-developed bud. Birch-leaved spirea propagates by spring sowing of unstratified seeds.

Birch leaf spirea is planted mixed or pure with other types of spirea. It is suitable for creating edges in tall groups of trees and shrubs, for rockeries.

Spirea Billard

Billard's spirea is a hybrid between Willow's spirea and Douglas' spirea. This species is found from Arkhangelsk to Central Asia and the Caucasus in the south.

Billard's spirea grows as a shrub with spreading branches, 2 m in height. Broadly lanceolate leaves 10 cm long from the base are acute or double-serrated, they are grayish-felt below.

Bright pink flowers of Billard's spirea are collected in dense pyramidal, narrow, paniculate inflorescences, sometimes strongly branched, felt-pubescent. Billard's spirea blooms in late July until frost. The fruits are not tied.

Billard's spirea is frost-resistant. Easily propagated by cuttings. Shade tolerant, but blooms best in full sun. Billard's spirea is used for hedges of medium height, also planted in groups and single bushes.

In order to get a more powerful bush, pruning of shoots is recommended in early spring. Early pruning of Billard's spirea stimulates the appearance of young shoots that bloom in the same year.

Billard's spirea "Triumphans" ("Triumphans") is a tall bush, reaches 2.5 m. In Billard's spirea "Triumphans" purple-pink spicate inflorescences 20 cm in height crown its shoots with oblong-lanceolate leaves. Her young shoots are green at first, then reddish-brown, pubescent, and the old ones are ribbed, bare.

The shoots of this spirea are short-lived, gradually dry out. Until the age of 4, it is better not to cut off Billard's spirea. During this period, it gains strength, grows with the help of its root offspring. By the age of 6, the shrub loses its shape, and pruning is simply necessary, it allows you to restore its decorative effect.

Spiraea Bumalda

Spirea Bumalda is a hybrid between white-flowered spirea and Japanese spirea.

Low bush, 75 cm tall, with upright branches and a spherical crown. Bumald's spirea has bare, slightly ribbed shoots. Leaves 8 cm long, glabrous, ovate-lanceolate, sharply biserrate. The color of the flowers of this spirea varies from soft pink to deep pink.

It blooms almost all summer, about 50 days. Spirea Bumalda is a very beautiful hybrid with highly variable characteristics, sometimes even difficult to distinguish from Japanese spirea, usually lower than it and with ribbed shoots.

At the age of three, Bumald's spirea begins to bloom and bear fruit. The fruits ripen in October.

"Anthony Waterer"("Anthony Waterer") - a bush with narrow leaves and bright red flowers. Flowering, spirea Boumald "Anthony Waterer" lasts 100 days, coincides with the flowering of paniculate hydrangea, very spectacular groups are obtained when they are planted together.

"Darts Red"- 0.5 m high. Spirea "Darts Red" grows straight up. Its leaves are lanceolate, when blooming they are pinkish, then dark green, in autumn they are red.

It begins to bloom in July and ends in September with ruby-red or crimson flowers, in corymbose inflorescences. Spiraea "Darts Red" is decorative from spring to autumn.

Also known forms:

"Fröbel"(Froebelii) - a shrub with purple leaves in autumn and spring, carnation-pink flowers in large inflorescences about 12 cm in diameter, the flowering of the Froebel spirea lasts 50 days. Bright inflorescences look beautiful not only in the garden, but also in a bouquet.

Differs in the large sizes and a compact structure.

"Curly" ("Crispa") - a low shrub, 0.5 m. The shoots are brown, striped, pubescent. The leaves are wine-red when blooming, then turning green, with a wavy-curling edge. The flowers of the Crispa spirea are purple in corymbose panicles.

Begins to bloom from late July to August. Spiraea "Crispa" is suitable for a romantic garden.

Douglas spirea

Grows in North America.

This spirea is an upright shrub, with red-brown, straight, pubescent shoots. The leaves of the Douglas spirea are oblong-lanceolate, gray-felt below, to the middle they are entire, unequal-toothed above.

The flowers of this spirea are pink, in dense narrow pyramidal, paniculate, apical inflorescences. The duration of flowering of Douglas spirea is 45 days.

Blooms in July. Its fruits begin to ripen in September. Spiraea Douglas begins to bloom from 3 years. It propagates by seeds and cuttings.

With bright pink flowers and silvery foliage, Douglas spirea is of particular value to green building. Very effective in groups and along park roads.

Spirea willow

In nature, it grows in Siberia, Europe, North America, Japan and China. It grows in thickets of shrubs near lakes, along river floodplains, in sedge bogs.

Willow spirea - upright shrub about 2 m tall, with reddish-yellow shoots; elongated-lanceolate, pointed leaves, sharply serrated from the base, ciliated or bare along the edge, they are dark green above, lighter below.

White or pink flowers on short yellow-pubescent peduncles are collected in pyramidal or cylindrical panicles 20 cm long.

Spirea willow is frost-resistant, develops better on fresh, moist soils. Propagated by seeds and cuttings. It starts blooming at 4 years old.

Japanese spirea is a shrub that is in demand in landscape design. A flowering plant is presented in several varieties, each of which differs in appearance, characteristics and growth characteristics. Therefore, before planting, it is necessary to take into account the properties of varieties, growing rules and a number of other criteria.

What is Japanese spirea

This plant is an ornamental shrub that belongs to the Rose family. The free-branching stems of the plant have simple leaves with slightly serrated edges, and the height of the shrub can be from 1.2 m. The small flowers of spirea are collected in large inflorescences that are located throughout the bush. Their placement depends on the plant variety. In this case, the shades can be from pale pink to rich raspberry.

Spirea bushes are compact and bloom profusely.

In its natural environment, spirea grows in the Mediterranean climate, in Central Asia, in Altai and the Caucasus. These regions have optimal conditions. Not all varieties can grow in central Russia, otherwise their growth is disturbed, flowering becomes weak and short.

Varieties with photos and a brief description

In gardening and landscape design, both spring-flowering (buds form early) and plants that open buds in summer are used. Of all these species, the following varieties are popular:

  • gray spirea belongs to spring-flowering species and forms snow-white inflorescences on long branches. Grayish-green leaves grow densely throughout the bush. The plant is a hybrid created by crossing two other varieties: St. John's wort and white-gray. The height of the bush can reach 2 m. This variety is often called Grefsheim;

    Spiraea gray looks spectacular and is suitable for garden landscape design

  • Nippon spirea is a shrub that can reach a height of 2.1 m, has a spherical crown, white inflorescences and green oval leaves. Flowers can be up to 15 mm in diameter, are white, but there are also red elements. The plant variety requires careful and complex care. The bushes are early flowering and form flowers in spring;

    Nipponian spirea has a spherical crown and rounded leaves.

  • spirea Golden Princess is characterized by frost resistance, has lilac or slightly pinkish flowers, collected spherical inflorescences. Cultivation is carried out in a well-lit area. Bushes have a spherical crown and are characterized by squat. Light green leaves have pronounced teeth;

    Spiraea Golden Princess may have pink or pale lilac flowers.

  • the Little Princess variety is a shrub that grows up to 60 cm. The bluish-green foliage is oval-elongated, and the flowers have a light pink tone. Shrub grows slowly, suitable for planting a single type. Flowers may fade when exposed to the sun;

    Spirea Little Princess is suitable for single planting

  • spirea Goldflame grows up to 80 cm. The shade of the leaves varies from reddish-orange to yellow. The elongated shape of the leaves, raspberry-colored buds, the light green tone of the leaves during flowering - these features characterize the Goldflame variety;

    Spirea flowers contrast with leaves in shade

  • the Shirobana shrub blooms in summer, and the buds vary in hue from pale pinks and whites to reds. Plant height can reach 80 cm, lanceolate dark green. The diameter of the bush is about 1 m, and flowering lasts during July and August. This variety is also called Genpei or Japanese tricolor spirea;

    The variety Shirobana has buds of different shades

  • Japanese spirea variant Crispa is a shrub whose height is about 80 cm. The leaves are wavy and jagged, dark green in color, and slightly redden when blooming. The flowers are collected in inflorescences of a pinkish-purple hue. Suitable for single planting and creating bush groups, grows well in moist and drained soil;

    Crispa is suitable for group and single landings

  • Darts Red bushes have a height of no more than 1.1 m and a diameter of 1 m. Straight shoots branch well, forming a dense crown without gaps. Leaves with a sharp tip have teeth along the edges, young twigs and leaves have a reddish tint. Pinkish-red flowers may appear on the bushes 2 times during the summer. Flowering continues all summer;

    Raspberry or red flowers adorn the bush

  • a rounded shrub, up to 1 m high, with oval-shaped leaves and a reddish color when blooming - this is the Frobeli spirea. In summer, the leaves of the plant turn dark green, and in autumn they turn burgundy again. Flowering - from July to September, large pink flowers adorn the bush. The plant is resistant to cold and undemanding to the soil;

    Frobeli spirea decorated with green leaves in summer

  • Albiflora can be 1.5 m in diameter and up to 0.8 m high. From July to August, inflorescences in the form of corymbs of small white buds. The lanceolate light green leaves turn yellow in autumn. It grows in fertile and airy soil, loves light, does not tolerate drought;

    Any varieties of spirea need regular pruning.

  • variety Anthony Waterer is distinguished by inflorescences of a rich crimson hue. The inflorescences are corymbose and can reach 15 cm in diameter. Bushes have many straight shoots, withstand frost, but young branches can freeze slightly. The spherical crown and spreading shape of the plant allows it to be planted singly;

    Spiraea japonica Anthony Waterer has bright flowers

  • Japanese spirea Magic Carpet is a dwarf-type shrub and has a height of 50 cm and a diameter of up to 80 cm. The crown is dense and cushion-shaped. The leaves have a reddish tint when blooming, then yellow and in the fall they acquire a copper tint. Pink flowers are collected in corymbose inflorescences, the plant is frost-resistant;

    Bushes are spherical

  • the Goldmound variety is characterized by short stature (height up to 60 cm), and the crown diameter is 1.2 m. The leaves change tone from light green to yellow. The plant blooms in June - July with small pink inflorescences located on young shoots. Frost-resistant and tolerates partial shade, but grows better in a sunny area;

    Light leaves characterize the Goldmound variety.

  • spirea variety Firelight has a height of up to 60 cm and arched branches. Young leaves have a bright red color, in summer they turn green-yellow, and in autumn they turn red-orange. Pink flowers bloom from June to September. The plant is pruned in the spring. The bushes are frost-resistant and have a loose crown;

    Spreading branches create a loose crown

  • Japanese spirea variety Macrophila is characterized by sprawling branches, up to 1.3–1.5 m high, straight and stiff stems. The leaves are large, up to 20 cm long and 10 cm wide, wrinkled and swollen. When blooming, the leaves are red, in summer they turn green, and in autumn they turn yellow. Small inflorescences of pink flowers are lost against the background of large foliage. Flowering - from July to August;

    Red leaves make up for small flowers

  • Japanese spirea Nana belongs to dwarf plants, as it reaches a height of no more than 50 cm, and a diameter of 80 cm. Flowering continues from July to September, the inflorescences of a red hue are corymbose. Oblong leaves of dark green color when blooming have a red tone, and in autumn they turn orange;

    Variety Nana has a concise appearance

Application in landscape design

Many varieties of spirea are unpretentious in care and can be grown in the conditions of central Russia and even withstand winters with temperatures down to -25 ° C. This is due to the fact that modern plant species are adapted to different climatic conditions and therefore spirea can be used for garden landscape design in different regions.

There are many options for decorating the site with decorative bushes. The following solutions are often used:

  • spirea border - a spectacular design option for garden paths. For this purpose, undersized bushes with a dense crown are suitable. In each row, you can place both one variety of a plant, and alternate two types of spirea. Gray spirea, Nipponskaya look beautiful;

    Making paths with bushes is convenient for a large garden or park

  • in rockeries or rock gardens, undersized bushes with a dense crown are planted. The combination of spirea and firs is effective, around which bushes are planted. And you can also combine several varieties of bushes that contrast with each other;

    Spirea goes well with different plants.

  • varieties of bushes, whose height is more than 80 cm, are optimal for a single planting on the site. The plant can be placed near the gazebo, bench, playground, pond. Tall bushes with spreading branches, such as Macrophila, will provide light shade;

    Tall bushes often do not require combination with other plants

  • a hedge of spirea bushes can be created from plants whose height is more than 80 cm. This solution allows you to zone a large area or separate the functional areas of the park.

    With the help of spirea it is easy to make a decorative hedge

The shrub is suitable as an independent element of landscape design. For example, single bushes can be evenly spaced around the site or create a group of spirea of ​​different varieties.

How to use as a hedge: video

Planting a plant

The plant is grown on fertile, loose and moist soil. This condition will ensure good growth of any variety of spirea, but it is equally important to choose the right young plant. Seedlings should only be purchased from specialized stores, garden centers or nurseries. Thanks to this, you can get a healthy plant of the desired variety.

Basic rules for the selection and preparation of spirea seedlings:

  • the root system of the acquired seedling must be closed, that is, with a clod of earth;
  • the shoot should not have fully blossomed leaves, because such plants do not tolerate transplanting into the ground;
  • on the shoot, the presence of several branches of the second order is appropriate. They should not be too spreading;
  • a good seedling has a light green bark, the buds should not be damaged;
  • before planting, long roots are shortened to 30 cm. If the root system is dry, then the seedling is first placed in water for a day.

If the seedling is in a pot, then it is important to make sure. that he is not small capacity

If a seedling is purchased in a pot, then you need to inspect the openings of the container. When roots stick out of them, it means that the capacity is small for the plant and it has been there for a very long time. Such vegetation will be long and difficult to take root in open ground.

Best Landing Regions

Spirea grows well in many regions. For example, all varieties are suitable for the Krasnodar Territory, the Caucasus and Asia, since the climate here is warm. For cultivation in the Urals, in the western and southern parts of Siberia, in central Russia, frost-resistant species are chosen. For these areas, gray spirea, Vanguta, Billard, Firelight and others that tolerate frost well down to -25 ° C are suitable.

Planting stages

After selecting high-quality seedlings of the optimal variety for the region, planting is carried out. The main rules and main stages of this process, carried out in the fall, are expressed as follows:

Planting seedlings is best done not in a freshly dug hole, but in a hole created 2 to 3 days before plant transplantation. During this time, the soil will ventilate and the bush will be comfortable. If the soil is clayey, then crushed stone and sand are added to it in layers of 20 cm. Before planting, slightly moisten too dry and hard ground, but it is best to plant the plant in cloudy and rainy weather. It is worth remembering that summer-flowering varieties are planted in the ground in the spring before the buds open. If the plant is spring flowering, then this process is carried out in the fall. Bushes can be grown in one place for about 15 years.

What kind of care should be provided

After planting the seedling in open ground, a multi-stage process of caring for the plant begins. One of the main actions is watering, which is carried out 2 - 3 times per season. If the summer is dry and hot, then you can increase the irrigation of the bush. For irrigation use ordinary clean water.

Young seedlings need protection for the winter. To do this, you need to cover the ground near the trunk with foliage and geotextiles, and a thin trunk is tied to a peg installed nearby.

In summer, the plants are fertilized. Mullein diluted in 10 liters of water and 10 g of superphosphate is enough for this purpose. You can use the Kemira universal tool and other components in the second year of bush growth.

With proper care, young bushes bloom very quickly.

Pruning is one of the main stages of plant care, allowing you to give the bush the desired shape. In spring-flowering varieties, after flowering, dry shoots and old branches are removed with sharp garden shears.

Bushes are pruned regularly, but carefully

Summer-flowering bushes are pruned from the fourth year after planting. Make a cardinal haircut, removing the old lower and upper shoots. If only the tops are eliminated, then the new shoots will be thin and with small inflorescences. It is important to remember that in the early years it is impossible to cut the bushes heavily. Remove only dry, damaged branches.

Solving possible problems when growing Japanese spirea

Most varieties of Japanese spirea are unpretentious and do not require special care. If there are problems during cultivation, then you should pay attention to the conditions in which the bush grows.

Spirea in the process of growth and flowering is subject to the following problems:

  • the defeat of aphids, pink miner, leafworm is possible from mid to late summer. In such cases, an inspection is carried out, the affected areas are identified and the plant is sprayed with solutions such as pyrimor - 0.1%, kronefos - 0.3%, etafos - 0.2%, hostaquik - 0.1%;
  • to combat spider mites, use keltan, fozalon, metaphos, phosphamide, acrex. Processing is best started before the appearance of three mites;
  • if branches and leaves begin to dry at the height of the season, then you need to make sure that there is sufficient watering and the quality of the soil. If necessary, make top dressing, water the plant.

These problems are the main ones, and it is possible to prevent the impact of pests with the help of regular irrigation of the bushes.

Plant propagation methods

If reproduction of Japanese spirea bushes is required, then different methods are used for this. In each case, it is important to use high-quality basic planting material, as well as to prepare the soil on the site and in pots.

Reproduction is carried out by the following methods:

  • seed planting is not used for varieties such as Billarda, Van Gutta, Bumalda. Other species can be propagated by seeds, and for this they are placed in early spring in containers with high-quality and loose soil. Strengthened sprouts are planted in the soil on the site, but after pinching the main root. Young plants are carefully watered, and when it gets cold they are covered with a plastic transparent container;

    Young sprouts cover from the cold

  • for cuttings, half-lignified shoots should be cut into pieces 10 cm long. To activate the appearance of roots, a special tool "Kornevin" is used. The ends of the cuttings are dipped into the solution before planting, which is best done in a container with soil. Strengthened sprouts are transferred to the site;

    Cuttings are kept in water for several days

  • to obtain up to 5 new bushes, you can use the method of propagation by layering. In the spring, when the first leaves appear, you need to bend the branch of the bush to the ground, fix it with wire and sprinkle it with earth. The end of this branch can be tied to a peg fixed in the ground. Moderate watering and loosening will ensure the emergence of a new bush next spring.

    Part of the branch is sprinkled with earth, and part is attached to a peg.

All these methods are easy to perform, but it is important to determine the landing site of the resulting bushes. When propagated by layering, the plants will be located next to each other, which should be taken into account if the landscape design of the site is important.

Video: summer pruning of Japanese spirea bushes

The choice of variety, planting, reproduction and care of Japanese spirea do not differ from the cultivation of many other ornamental and fruit-bearing shrubs. At the same time, all stages of plant care are mandatory, because it is then that the bushes will decorate the garden.

Spirea is considered to be one of the most popular shrubs. It is resistant to severe frosts, not whimsical to care for, perfect for landscape gardening. Moreover, there are more than 90 species of such shrubs.

What it is?

Depending on the variety, the size of the bush can vary from 15 cm to 2 meters. The leaves are located throughout the bush. The color of the leaves also varies from variety from light green to crimson. It is easy to propagate spirea: cuttings, bushing, dropping and seeds.

It is not necessary to trim the spirea, unless at will, to give a decorative form.

For the winter, the shrub can not be covered. It calmly endures both heat and frost down to -30 C. Even if the bush is frozen, it just needs to be cut, and it will beat off new cuttings and recover in a season.

Spirea varieties

There are varieties of spirea that bloom in spring. It is generally not long flowering. Spring blooming flowers are mostly tall and have a pronounced crown. And summer varieties are undersized and bloom for a long time. Summer flowering spireas are good for an alpine garden. The spirea flower itself is beautiful, albeit small.

Let's characterize some types of bushes:

  • gray spirea is probably the most common variety. Reaches a height of up to 1 meter, blooms from May to mid-June. It got its name from the color of the leaves. They are dull green with a pronounced gray tint.
  • Japanese spirea grows up to 1 meter, the leaves are oblong, turning red or yellow in autumn. Depending on the variety, the flowers can be lilac, pale pink or white. Photos of Japanese spirea are fashionable to see in many landscape solutions.
  • spirea Bumalda itself is low, reaches up to 1 m. It blooms in pink or lilac. The leaves turn either bright yellow or bright red in autumn. Many people buy it because of its long flowering, in summer, and even in autumn, the shrub plays with bright colors.

We are engaged in reproduction

Spirea is propagated by cuttings, bushing, dropping branches, seeds.

Seeds are harvested in autumn, dried. Closer to spring, they are planted in boxes with well-fertilized soil and covered with perforated film on top. Planted in open, well-warmed soil in the spring.

You can also propagate the bush vegetatively:

  • cuttings. Undamaged shoots without flowers are cut. Then I soak them with a fungicidal solution for about 15 minutes. Everything can be planted in open ground.
  • layering or instillation. Spirea branches bend to the ground and dig in a layer of soil. The branch takes root, then it can be cut off from the main branch, dug up and transplanted
  • bushing or dividing the bush. The bush is divided into smaller seedlings either in spring or autumn. When manipulations are carried out in the spring, there is a danger of infecting the entire root system with some kind of disease, because the root is weakened and the weather is hot.

Spirea, according to general rules, is planted in slightly acidic or neutral soil. General rules for spirea planting and care - in autumn or spring. There is an opinion that spring-flowering varieties are best planted in autumn, and summer-flowering varieties both in autumn and spring. Spirea "gets along" well with various conifers, juniper thujas.

A pit for planting is dug one third more than its root system. Drainage is already laid at the bottom (pieces of brick, expanded clay, etc.), watered and allowed to stand for several days. Only then can you start planting: place the bush in a hole, cover it with earth, compact it, and carefully pour it on top.

General rules of care

Spiraea can be cut to your liking, whether it will be just a hedge, a pyramid roofing felts, or maybe even a ball. Cut the bush in early spring, before the leaves and flowers appear. They also remove old branches - they simply cut them off from the bush. If you forgot to prune in the spring, then it does not matter. You can then prune in the middle of summer, the bush may even bloom again in the fall. When the branches are cut, it is advisable to fertilize the soil with a weak solution of manure. In fact, spirea does not need much watering, only when it is very hot, it must be periodically watered with 1-2 buckets of water.

Spider mites and aphids "love" spirea. If holes appear on the leaves or there is a cobweb, then it is a spider mite. When the inflorescences withered or the leaves twisted - this is aphids. In this case, the bush can be treated with karbofos or fosfomid.

As you can see, spirea planting and leaving to will is not a whimsical bush that will delight the eye with early and violent flowering in spring or summer.

Spirea - 20 photos of proper care

Spirea or meadowsweet is a common ornamental shrub of the Pink family. The plant is often used to decorate personal plots due to its abundant flowering and unpretentiousness in care. Today, there are about 100 varieties that differ in colors, height, as well as the duration and duration of flowering. From the article you will learn the names of the most interesting species and varieties of spirea.

The spirea plant is a deciduous shrub up to two meters high. Most often there are weeping, erect, hemispherical, cascading and creeping forms. Depending on the variety and species, the plant has a different leaf plate, as well as various inflorescences. Spirea flowers are small, but very numerous. The color of the petals varies from white to crimson. In some species, the inflorescences completely cover the entire bush, while in others they are located only on the upper or lower part of the shoots.

The plant is often used in landscaping because of the beautiful foliage, which in some species changes color during the season, as well as decorative flowers. The shrub is unpretentious in care, undemanding to climate and soil. Spirea grows and develops rapidly, but flowering is observed only 3 years after planting.

All types of this shrub are conventionally divided into two groups - spring-flowering and summer-flowering spireas.

Spring flowering species and varieties

This group blooms from late spring or early summer. The buds are located on last year's branches, which is important to consider when pruning a bush. Consider the spring variety of spirea.

Spirea gray

The bush reaches a height of up to 2 meters, has strongly branched shoots with pronounced felt pubescence. The leaves are gray-green in color, but the shade is lighter on the side. Small and numerous flowers are collected in small inflorescences located throughout the bush. Flowering occurs in May, fruits ripen by June.

This is a hybrid species that does not propagate by seeds; the plant is planted with young bushes, usually placing them in small groups. Flowering shoots can be used to decorate bouquets.

The most interesting variety is Grefsheim. It has good winter hardiness, so it can be grown in cold regions.


Originally from Japan, where it is widely used to decorate the garden. The shrub reaches 2 meters in height, has a spherical shape. Long green leaves can retain color until late autumn.

Flowering begins from the end of May with a duration of up to 25 days. The flowers are yellow-green in color and collected in corymbose inflorescences, abundantly located along the entire length of the shoots. More often this type of spirea is used for single landings. In Europe, two varieties are popular - Snowmand and Halvard Silver. They are compact and easy to care for.


It is found throughout Europe, where the shrub is often used to decorate hedges. Spirea is represented by an upright shrub up to 2 meters in height. Shoots under the weight of heavy inflorescences are often pressed to the ground, so regular pruning is required. The leaves are pointed, the top of the plate is painted green, the bottom is gray.

The color is small (up to 1.5 cm in diameter), collected in spherical white inflorescences. Flowering begins in mid-May, lasts up to 25-30 days. Grows fast, can be propagated by seeds.

Spirea arguta

A slow growing plant that is often used in ornamental arrangements with other perennials. Prefers light and dry places, which is important to consider when planting. Even in favorable conditions, it grows very slowly.

A distinctive feature of this species is a spreading crown, abundantly covering the entire bush. The leaves have a strong serration and a rich dark green color. The flowers are rich white in color, collected in umbellate inflorescences. Flowering begins in late spring, can last up to 30 days, pruning can be done only after the petals fall.


It can be found everywhere on the meadow and shrub steppes of Russia, the Caucasus and Central Asia. Prefers to grow on high ground.

This is a low shrub, rarely exceeding 1 meter in height. It has a loose green crown, collected from oblong gray-green leaves. It got its name for the crenate edge of the sheet plate.

The flowers are white with a slight yellow tint. Inflorescences corymbose, located on short branches. The duration of flowering is only up to 20 days, it enters the fruiting stage from mid-July.

The spirea has a highly developed root system, so it is recommended to plant it away from the beds with cultivated plants. It is this species that can often be found in city parks and forest plantations.

Spirea Thunberg

Under natural conditions, it grows in eastern countries - Japan, China and Korea. It looks especially beautiful on small hills, so it is often used to decorate alpine slides.

In the garden, the bush reaches a size of up to 1-1.5 meters, branches abundantly. On the shoots are dense and small leaves, which acquire a golden hue in autumn. Inflorescences are represented by sessile umbrellas, consisting of white small flowers.

Flowering begins in May and continues until the end of June. This variety of spirea prefers well-lit places and does not tolerate low temperatures, so in cold regions it is recommended to cover the bush for the winter.

Spirea Vangutta

The plant is represented by a powerful and tall bush, which reaches a height of up to 2 meters. It differs from other species in an interesting cascading crown shape, consisting of many small obovate green leaves.

Rich white flowers are collected in hemispherical inflorescences that cover almost the entire length of the shoots. Flowering begins from the end of May and lasts up to 2-3 weeks. Sometimes there is a secondary and less abundant flowering, which occurs at the end of August. This is a shade-tolerant and not whimsical plant that can be used for single or multi-species plantings. Best combined with shrubs and coniferous trees.

Summer flowering varieties

In this group of spirea, flowers form on young shoots. Every year, the old shoots dry out, and new ones appear to replace them, on which flowers actively develop. Below are descriptions of the most common species of this group of spirea.


One of the most famous and popular varieties of spirea, which is often used to decorate a Japanese-style garden. It is represented by a compact, almost dwarf shrub with abundantly pubescent shoots that completely shed their leaves in autumn. It is this type of spirea that is most often depicted in pictures in botanical reference books.

Flowering in favorable conditions continues all summer, the average duration is 45 days. Flowers red or pink, collected in corymbose or paniculate inflorescences. It looks most advantageous in combination with yellow varieties of spirea.

The species is represented by a large number of varieties, among which there are shrubs of various shapes, heights and decorative effects. The most popular of them are Shirobana, Macrofilla, Golden Flame, Little Princess.


In the natural environment, it is often found in some states of North America. Spirea white - a small shrub with pubescent shoots of red-brown color. On the branches there are a large number of small serrate leaves up to 7 cm long.

White flowers are collected in long paniculate inflorescences, which are highly decorative. Flowering continues from July to the end of August.

Propagated by both seeds and cuttings. It is best suited for creating hedges, but it is often used for a single planting. Prefers moist soil, which should be taken into account when choosing a place.


This is a hybrid form, bred by crossing the willow and Douglas spirea. It is ubiquitous throughout Russia, some southern countries.

The shrub reaches a height of up to 2 meters, spreading is moderate. On the shoots are long leaves of a doubly serrated shape. Flowers are collected in dense paniculate inflorescences of red or pink hue. Flowering begins in late July and may continue until frost.

Billard's spirea is one of the most frost-resistant species, propagated exclusively by cuttings. Often used to create hedges, it tolerates pruning well. Flower growers prefer to plant the Triumfans variety, which has the greatest decorative value.


A popular hybrid of white and Japanese spirea. It is represented by a compact and undersized perennial shrub, only up to 75 cm high. The crown is spherical, formed from long lanceolate leaves. Flowers are collected in voluminous inflorescences of red, purple or pink color. Flowering lasts up to 50 days, starting in mid-July. The most popular varieties are Anthony Waterer, Darts Red, Crispa and Froebel.


In a wild form, it is often found in the central regions of Russia, America and Japan. Willow spirea is a tall upright shrub. On the shoots of red-yellow color are large sharply serrated leaves.

Pale pink or white flowers are collected in a pyramidal panicle, which reaches a length of up to 20 cm. Very frost-resistant species, suitable for areas with wet and infertile soil. Flowering begins only from 4 years after planting, which is important to consider when using willow spirea for group plantings.

Spirea is a popular ornamental plant used in landscape design. Today, a large number of species and varieties have been bred, represented by bushes of various shapes and heights with beautiful small flowers of various colors. The plant develops quickly and is great for decorating a hedge.

Spirea is a shrub of various shapes and sizes, one of the most sought-after plants in ornamental gardening. It decorates the garden all year round with an abundance of flowering, bright foliage and the original shape of the branches. Whether it is a large park or a very small flower bed, spirea, whose varieties in quantity exceed a hundred, will give this place sophistication or luxury, comfort or pretentious chic. They bloom at different times, are adapted to different climates and soils, and meet the most demanding aesthetic requirements. It all depends on the choice and preferences of the gardener.

general description

Spirea is a deciduous plant. It is found everywhere and feels good in almost all corners of the world - in the forest, in the steppe, in the mountains and in semi-deserts. Of course, this is not the same type of spirea, but varieties. Therefore, it is very important when choosing it for your garden to study in more detail the decorative and functional differences between varieties. The life span of spirea is up to 40 years. It tolerates pruning, crown shaping and is most suitable for long-term decoration of gardens and parks.

The size and shape of spirea bushes is different - from 15 cm and above 2 m. Their crown is sprawling, pyramidal, creeping, upright, sloping, weeping or cascading. The leaves are just as decorative as the flowers, and have different shapes and colors in different species. Many varieties change foliage color to gold, bright orange and red-purple in autumn, making them indispensable in seasonal landscape gardening.

Flowering time and its decorative effect are also different for different varieties. Spireas bloom from the age of 3, in spring or summer. The flowers of this plant are small but very numerous. At the same time, long stamens create a fluffy, foamy effect. Such "velor" inflorescences look very attractive. Their color range - from white to crimson - depends on the variety, as well as the shape of the inflorescences - pyramidal, conical, corymbose or paniculate. In some species of spirea, the entire shoot is covered with luxurious floral lace, in others, flowers are located only at the ends of the branches. There are varieties with single flowers.

Due to its attractive smell, spirea is an excellent honey plant. Bees and other insects will be frequent guests next to her, you need to be prepared for this.

Features of spirea species

The whole variety of species and varieties of spirea is divided by flowering time:

  • Flowering in spring and early summer. In these species, buds form on last year's branches. Their flowering is not long, and all varieties occur at about the same time;
  • Summer flowering. They have young shoots. In time, the flowering of such species is extended and can continue until the beginning of autumn.

There are varieties that bloom twice a year. This allows you to create universal compositions for different seasons, with different decorative effects.

According to the shape of the inflorescences, it is customary to distinguish the following groups of spirea varieties:

  • Collected in a brush resembling an umbrella. They bloom in spring and mostly have white petals;
  • Varieties that bloom later have corymbose inflorescences. Their time is from June to the end of summer. Their color is pink, from pale almost white to bright crimson;
  • Spireas with cylindrical, spike-like inflorescences that adorn the tips of young shoots begin to bloom from mid-summer.

Types and varieties of spireas that are most sympathetic to gardeners

According to the flowering time, the most popular varieties of spirea can be represented in the following sequence:

  • Spiraea Arguta - about 3 weeks of May and early summer. Its height is more than 2 m with arched, sloping branches. Its leaves are narrow, serrated. It blooms in pure white, dense "umbrellas". The most famous variety is "Compacta" with large flowers up to 1 cm in diameter. Arguta leaves turn yellow in autumn;

For the winter, the roots of this species should be covered.

  • Spiraea Ash or Gray - blooms at the same time. High, has a branched, as if "drooping" shape. Its leaves are a very pretty glaucous green with a darker upper side. Inflorescences are white, loosely cover the shoot completely;
  • Spiraea Vangutta - its height is up to 2 m, the branches are arranged in a cascade. The leaves are green and dark, elongated, light bluish-matte below. Keep to cold weather, changing color to purple. The flowers are large, numerous, collected in flat white umbrellas at the ends of the branches. During the 3-4 weeks of May and June, their abundance and heaviness creates a luxurious effect of branches bowed to the ground. Her cultivar 'Pink Ice' is relatively low growing, has cream-colored leaves and looks very good in bright light. It is resistant to dryness;
  • Also in this period of time, Spiraea Birch-leaved, Nipponskaya, Oak-leaved, Gorodchataya, St.
  • Spirea Charming blooms twice - in early June and in July - August. Its inflorescences are abundant and are about 15 cm in diameter;
  • Very beautiful variety "Plena" spirea Plum-leaved. Its flowers are collected in rare white terry umbrellas. The leaves are dark green, turning orange and bronze in autumn;

  • Spiraea Medium has an upright round shape of a bush, above 1 m with a dense crown. It is interesting because it loves the shadow;
  • Spiraea Thunberg blooms until the leaves appear, which turn from green in autumn to golden crimson;
  • Spirea Bumalda grows to a height of 1 m. Its leaves are reddish, and the flowers are pink-lilac. It blooms from late June to early autumn. There are varieties with variegated leaves of a narrow long shape and flowers of different shades of white and pink;
  • Spiraea Japanese - the most decorative of the spireas. Blooms for about a month in mid-summer. The flowers are pink, collected in wide shields at the ends of the shoots. In autumn, the leaves turn bright crimson and orange. This spirea loves moisture and grows well in the city. Particularly beautiful is the variety of the Japanese spirea "Anthony Waterer" - up to 1 m high with bright crimson flowers pubescent with tall stamens. This variety blooms in the second half of summer. Variety "Albiflora" - dwarf. 'Bullata' has an embossed leaf surface. The variety "Dart's Red" has young leaves of a pinkish hue, and turn red by autumn. 'Goldflame' leaves are bright red and gradually turn yellow in cold weather. Varieties "Nana" and "Alpina", miniature with small multiple flowers, are very good on alpine slides, in borders and flower beds. Variety "Shirobana" - the most original, in its umbrella inflorescences, flowers of two colors are simultaneously collected - white and deep pink;
  • At the end of summer, Douglas, Billard, Felt spireas bloom.

General conditions for growing spirea

These plants are best suited if the landscape design includes the following requirements:

  • Unpretentiousness in care;
  • Good tolerance to heat, dryness or cold;
  • Adaptation to any kind of soil;
  • Resistance to diseases and pests.

All varieties of spirea tolerate air pollution well, so they are ideal for urban conditions.

Usually spireas prefer bright lighting, although they also feel good in partial shade under trees. That is, the placement of plants is almost universal.

Spirea Care

Of the differences in the care of different types of spirea, it is necessary to pay attention to the following:

  • In early-flowering varieties of spirea, pruning time comes immediately after flowering.. Last year's branches with faded flowers are cut to half the length so that next year the shape of the bush is not disturbed, and its flowering is as plentiful as possible;
  • Summer-flowering varieties are pruned in spring. New shoots then grow faster and bloom better. They are shortened by a third or a quarter, sometimes by half, if the bush develops poorly. Then the old 5-year-old branches are removed. Periodically, the plant needs complete rejuvenation;
  • In watering, spireas are mostly unpretentious, but some varieties prefer moisture, others good drainage. This must be specified specifically when choosing a landing site;
  • Spiraea roots are shallow, this must be taken into account when loosening the soil around the bushes and weeding.

Spirea breeding methods

When cuttings, green shoots that are not completely woody are used at the end of their active growth. To do this, prepare a mixture of peat with washed sand and cover the cuttings at 90% humidity. Rooted shoots for the winter are placed in greenhouses and greenhouses and covered with lutrasil or dry leaves. In the spring they can be grown in the ground.

They also use propagation methods by sowing seeds, layering or dividing an adult bush.

landscape use

Spirea is beautiful at any time of the year. But for its successful use, it is necessary to clearly understand all the stages of seasonal changes in a particular variety:

  • Abundance and shades during flowering;
  • Foliage coloring from bud break to fall;
  • Formation of the outlines of the crown for the winter.

This long-lived shrub is used both as a self-sufficient element and as a backdrop for more dynamic components of the design concept. For example, for showy annuals.

Also, spireas are indispensable in the form of decoration of park edges, hedges of various shapes and rocky decorative landscapes.

In the cold season, when the leaves have already fallen, many varieties of spirea appear in their special form. Their branches have unusual, "graphic" outlines and instead of despondency and monotony, they give the winter landscape a refined sophistication and romanticism.

In addition to purely decorative functions, spirea also has a practical application in landscape gardening - its root system strengthens the soil.