Processing of sowing onions before planting. How and how to process onion sets before planting: useful tips Is it necessary to process onion sets before planting

Treatment seed when growing onions - this is not a mandatory, but an important procedure. Thus, it is possible to improve the taste and varietal qualities of the crop, increase the resistance of plants to weather conditions and pests. To do this, use both purchased drugs and home remedies. This procedure is especially necessary for purchased sevka, the origin of which is unknown.

Why should it be processed?

Onions are a crop that is very sensitive to soil composition and acidity, and often suffers from pests, fungal diseases and weeds. For sowing, onion sets are used, which are small onions up to 3 cm in diameter. In the ground, they should grow to large sizes.

Onion processing before planting is carried out to avoid several problems:

  • low germination rates;
  • damage by a fungus or bacteria (onion fly, downy mildew, neck rot and others);
  • intensive shooting - the development of the aerial part of the plant, while the bulbs remain small;
  • insufficient development of the root system, due to which the onion does not absorb nutrients.

Advice! Proper storage planting material no less important than its processing. If he spends a long time in a cold room, after planting he forms long arrows, and the bulbs themselves develop poorly.

Planting material preparation

The easiest way to prepare sets is to select small bulbs from the previous crop. When buying it in stores or from private sellers, you should be more careful, since the onion may already be infected with pests. There are several ways to choose the right planting material. You should pay attention to the main nuances:

  • variety - the taste of the onion will depend on this;
  • dense texture;
  • characteristic rustle - indicates that the sevok was stored at normal humidity and temperature;
  • lack of smells of rot and mold;
  • size - depending on the variety is up to 1 to 4 cm in diameter.

At home, it is important to organize right conditions for storage of planting material. During the winter, it must be room temperature and low humidity. Immediately before planting, it is recommended to warm it up at a temperature of 35-40 degrees. It is also practiced to warm the onion in hot water for 10 minutes, and then place it in cold water. After that, you can process it with basic means and proceed to planting.

What to process?

There are both purchased drugs and folk methods. They are used separately from the main fertilization, but some products are also suitable for processing beds during the growing season.


Contains bacteria that inhibit the development of pathogenic soil microflora. It is often used to process planting material for many crops, including onions. This drug is a dry substance that must be dissolved in water before use.

To process onions before planting, the product can be used in two ways:

  • spraying - for this, 10 g of powder is dissolved in 500 ml of warm water;
  • soaking - 10-20 g is added to 0.5 l of water, the material is left in solution for 5-10 minutes.

Phytosporin helps against pathogens such as real and false powdery mildew, phomosis, bacterial rot other. However, it will be ineffective against insects and other pests.

Advice! For convenience, when processing onion sets with Fitosporin or other drugs, it can be placed in a stocking. After the procedure, it must be removed and decomposed under the sun.

Potassium permanganate

Processing with a solution of manganese is carried out in order to disinfect the planting material. This substance acts against fungus and bacteria, which can be found both in the soil and on the seed. The procedure is carried out according to a certain algorithm:

  • for 10 liters of water you will need 40 g of potassium permanganate;
  • sevok is placed in the solution for 2-3 hours;
  • the material can be dried in the sun and planted in the ground.

Despite the wide range of ready-made preparations for pre-sowing processing of onions, potassium permanganate continues to be used. This method is more affordable, but no less effective.

Salt solution

One of the most simple methods onion processing is its soaking in a saline solution. The procedure begins to be carried out a week before landing:

  • within 7 days, the seeds are well dried at a high temperature;
  • 1 tablespoon of salt is dissolved in 1 liter of water;
  • soak the onion for 3 hours, then dry it and plant it in the ground.

Salt increases the stability of the bulbs, increases yields, and prevents the formation of arrows. However, it may not be effective against pathogens of fungal and infectious diseases.

wood ash

This substance increases the germination of bulbs, protects them from pests and is a source of many nutrients. Processing is carried out as follows:

  • dissolve 250 g wood ash in 5 liters of water;
  • soak the sevok for 5-10 minutes;
  • dry the bulbs in the sun and start planting.

Advice! Wood ash is useful to add to the water for irrigation. It neutralizes acidic soils and stimulates the formation of large bulbs due to its high potassium content.

blue vitriol

An effective means for disinfection of planting material. It is a blue-tinted crystal that dissolves well in water. Processing is carried out according to the instructions:

  • dissolve 1-2 tablespoons of granules in a bucket of water;
  • soak the sevok in the solution for 2-3 hours (the larger the bulbs, the more time it will take);
  • plant in the ground.

Copper sulfate is more effective against fungus than salt or ash. It is not recommended to combine it with other drugs. Processing with this agent is carried out upon completion of all other procedures, immediately before planting.


Synthetic growth stimulant that contains phytohormones. It is used to stimulate the formation of the root system, improve germination rates and increase plant resistance. The drug is sold in small 1 ml ampoules.

To process the inoculum, a 0.02% solution is prepared - one ampoule is enough for 2 liters of water. Onion sets are soaked for 30 minutes. In the process of its growth, the product can be diluted with water in the same concentration and used for spraying.

Ammonium nitrate

This substance is suitable for industrial use. Saltpeter disinfects seed from fungi and bacteria, increases its resistance and stimulates growth. Processing instruction:

  • fill a bath with a volume of at least 70 liters with water and heat to 45-50 degrees;
  • add a spoonful of ammonium nitrate;
  • soak the onion in the solution for 15 minutes.

At home, this drug is also used. However, in smaller volumes it will be difficult to calculate the concentration of the active substance.

Preparing for landing

Onions can be planted in the ground both in spring and autumn. spring planting- This classic way, but the second method also has its advantages. There are some differences in the choice and preparation of planting material, and they must be taken into account in order for the onion to grow large and healthy.


It is recommended to plant onions no earlier than May, when the soil finally warms up. Material for sowing should be stored all winter in a warm or cool room, in conditions of low humidity. However, before planting in the ground, the seedlings should be sorted out again and treated with one of the means. Each bulb is placed at a depth of 3 cm. In the process of their growth, additional fertilizer may be required.


Planting onions in the fall is a less common method of growing onions, but also has its benefits. In winter, the smallest sets are planted. He may not endure wintering in room conditions and dry by spring, and in the ground they will be well preserved and will grow next year.

Advice! When planting in the fall, it is important to observe the deadlines so that the bulbs have time to take root, but do not release the greens. Optimal time- a month before the first frost.


Onion processing before planting is a measure to increase plant resistance and stimulate their development. In addition, these procedures protect seedlings from pests, fungus and bacteria. When choosing a drug, it is worth stopping at the one that will be the least dangerous for plants and the most effective against infection.

The success of the harvest depends on many conditions. Including from the competent preparation of planting material. Proper handling onion sets before planting are a guarantee that the work of a vegetable grower will bring a decent result.

How to process heads

The first thing to do is treat the onion sets with an antiseptic in the fall to avoid rotting. And the main workdays in preparation for planting will begin in the spring. Of course, you conscientiously dried them, sorted them out and sorted them by size, selecting strong healthy onions with a diameter of 1-3 cm. And two days before planting, the sets need to be warmed up. This is done very simply: spread paper, newspaper or cloth near heating radiator or oven and lay out in one layer of the head.

Some are dried in the oven at a low temperature. The key here is to be careful and not overdo it.

There is another extreme way to prepare onion sets for planting: immerse it in two minutes hot water(not boiling water), and then into the cold. By the way, this good prevention untimely formation of "arrows".

The next stage is a nutrient bath with complex fertilizer (any one is suitable):

  • fold the planting material into the grid;
  • immerse in nutrient solution;
  • leave for 10 hours.

After this procedure, it is not necessary to wash the heads. They will have one more “bathing” in blue vitriol (1 tsp per 10 liters of water). A ten-minute immersion will help to avoid fungal diseases. And then rinse in clean water.

Another popular and available remedy processing - saline solution. It is prepared in an elementary way: 3 cups of salt in a bucket of water. The holding time in the solution is one day.

And finally - disinfection with potassium permanganate, in order to know for sure that all possible measures against diseases have been taken. Two hours of soaking in a saturated solution should kill all germs.

Video “Processing before planting”

From the video you will learn how to process the onion before planting.

Disease protection

Do you think that you need to start protecting onions from diseases and pests when it grows in your garden? No, it's already too late. Prevention measures begin at much earlier stages, around the time you choose a variety for planting.

Very important:

In autumn, when preparing the site, apply rotted manure or compost (5-7 kg per 1 sq. M). Fertilizers containing phosphorus and potassium, as well as liming, will strengthen plants. In the spring, on the eve of sowing, pour the soil with a hot solution of copper sulfate and cover with a film. After 2-3 days after that, it is possible to plant in the treated soil.

Drying sevka serves as a reliable prevention of cervical rot. Another common disease is pereporosis (downy mildew). Its symptoms are pale green spots on the leaves, which soon turn into a purple hue. As a result, the leaves turn yellow and fall off. Protection - treatment with a solution of copper oxychloride.

Of course, you need to protect the onion from pests. Most often you have to save him from:

The most common pest is the onion fly. This insect spends the winter in the soil. And during the flowering period, the cherry flies out and lays eggs on the feathers of a young onion. The larvae, barely born, are introduced into the bulbs, and the fruits die. Just pulling out what has gone bad is not enough. The onion fly will begin new cycle life: leaving the soil - eggs - larvae. As a result, the next attack on the beds will occur in the middle of summer.

Most radical remedy against the onion fly - agrotechnical soil treatment. For processing, a mixture of tobacco dust with lime is used. About 2 kg of the mixture (or just tobacco dust) will be spent on sprinkling 19 square meters. m.

This procedure must be performed twice during the period when the stage of laying eggs begins in the onion fly.

As for other pests, you can, of course, harass them with chemical means. But you yourself know that this is not environmentally friendly. So take note:

  • infusion potato tops effective against ticks;
  • an infusion of onion peel will help destroy aphids;
  • onion fly is afraid of tobacco infusion;
  • infusion of tomato tops is good to use in the fight against root mites.

How else can planting onion sets be preserved? Salt. More precisely, a solution of 1 cup of salt in 10 liters of water. She needs to carefully water the garden bed, in no case falling on the leaves. The procedure can be performed three times at intervals of 20 days.

Defeat pests with folk remedies- the work is laborious, but the game in this case is worth the candle.

Features of care and cultivation

For a good harvest, it is important to stick to the golden mean in feeding. There will be a bad harvest if you are greedy with fertilizers. And too good fertilizer will also affect the yield and is unlikely to please you.

I soak in a solution of table salt - 1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water. For the night. In the morning, without washing, I proceed to planting.

I do this procedure so that the onion is not damaged by soil pests that have starved after wintering. Always with a bow! 2 years ago from Tamara Kozlova0 vote and question. what for? it is clear that you want to soak something. but the ground is not sterile either.2 years ago by StrikeStar0 votesCan be soaked in salt water:1st. l per 1 liter of water for two hours, then rinse and for another two hours in water with manganese. The earth, of course, is not sterile, but we disinfect the seeds.2 years ago by kamel-k

Landing time

There is no need to talk about specific planting numbers for onions. Sevok is planted when the earth warms up to a depth of 6-10 centimeters.

If you focus on the weather, then in early and warm spring, planting can be done at the end of April. Onions should not be planted in cold ground, but planting should also not be delayed. The main reference point is the temperature of the soil, which should not be lower than + 12 ° С.

Planting material preparation

It is very important to properly prepare the planting material. If the sevok was purchased, it should be dried. Grown by hand and stored at a temperature below + 18 ° C - warm up.

Warming up the onion is a long process, carried out in several stages. Stage 1. At a temperature of +20 ° C, the onion must be kept for 15 to 20 days. Stage 2. Keep the onion for 8-10 hours at a temperature of + 30 ° C to + 40 ° C . It is important not to overdo it. The heated seedlings are treated with a growth stimulator before planting. If phased preparation is not possible, it is necessary to perform the following procedure immediately before planting the crop:

  • soak the seeds in water with a temperature of +45 ° C - +50 ° C for no more than 10-15 minutes; after the above time, immediately immerse the planting material in cold water also for 10-15 minutes; place the seeds for 5-6 hours into a solution of complex mineral fertilizer.

A mandatory procedure that must be carried out before planting onion sets is disinfection. For processing, both a weak solution of potassium permanganate and a solution of copper sulfate (35 grams per 10 liters of water) are suitable. There is a method, the so-called grandmother's secret of planting onion sets, which is as follows:

  • planting material is dried for 7 days, the temperature should be from + 20 ° C to + 25 ° C; before planting, the bulbs are soaked for 3 hours in a saline solution (2 tablespoons of salt per 2 liters of water); the bulbs are washed; the seeds are immersed in a dark solution potassium permanganate for 2 hours; washed again;

This completes the preparation of the sowing for planting.

Soil preparation

Before preparing the soil, you need to choose a site for planting. It is important to know that onions are a light-loving plant, so the area where it will grow should be open and well lit. This culture is moisture-loving, but does not tolerate excessive amounts of water, so you should avoid areas where groundwater passes. cook from autumn. Onion is a lover of loose, nutritious soil, so it is imperative:

  • dig the ground to a depth of 15 to 20 cm; apply fertilizer from rotted manure (you can fertilize with peat-dung compost).

An important point is that it is necessary to fertilize the land at this stage of soil preparation, it is strictly forbidden to add organic fertilizer to the soil before planting in order to avoid the growth of the upper part of the plant and the dormancy of the lower one, as well as the appearance of weeds. Before planting, it is contraindicated to make humus and chicken manure.

It is necessary to take into account the level of soil acidity. If the soil is acidic, then it is necessary to carry out liming with one of the following components:

  • lime;

Do I need to soak and in what, onion sets before planting?

No, such onions are not soaked. They just poke him dry into the ground. It is good if the ground is slightly damp.

But the onion itself should not be wet. Then it will be inconvenient to sit him down, he will stick to his hands. And it is better not to water the finished bed from above.

The earth will take on a crust and it will be difficult for a young onion to germinate.

If you buy onion sets from a trusted manufacturer, then you can not soak the onion in anything, it should grow without special preparation. Some gardeners plant onion sets dry, some believe that onions should be soaked in warm water not higher than 38 degrees Celsius for ten to fifteen hours. Sometimes it is advised to soak the onion in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Also, experienced agricultural technicians believe that it is useful to warm the set for one or two days at temperatures up to 38-40 degrees, for example, by placing it next to the battery central heating. This procedure reduces the likelihood of archery shooting and improves survival.

Before planting, onion sets are best soaked in warm water, then in a solution of potassium permanganate, you can also soak in a solution of table salt, and stimulants can also be used. The whole point here is what is more important for the gardener: to plant faster, for example, if there is no time for planting on favorable days.

Or plant, as required by the technology of growing turnips. Soaked onions give friendly sprouts. As for advice on warming up seed onions before planting, this is not necessary if the sets were kept warm in winter.

If the onion was stored at low temperatures, then you need to warm the onion, otherwise there will be a lot of arrows, which will lead to a decrease in yield.

Soaking onions before planting

Onions are most often planted in the garden not with seeds, but with already prepared medium-sized onions, from which the upper layers of the peel are removed, soaked in a solution of potassium permanganate and sorted in order to increase productivity and create immunity against seasonal diseases. Family onions for planting must be prepared in advance so that they start roots, so they are removed from the storage tank and placed in a lit place, placed on a windowsill, pre-moistened in water. But onion sets are soaked immediately before planting.

How to prepare onions for planting?

In the house, you need to create all the conditions for the onion to take root before planting. To do this, the bulbs are placed next to gas stove, put near the battery, on the windowsill, next to the oil heater. If the temperature reaches 25°C, then the onion will germinate in a week.

It will heat up from the inside and will be qualitatively ready for planting in open ground. Family onions are most susceptible to insects and fungi, therefore, for disinfection upper layers soaking onions before planting is a must. The solution can be prepared by hand.

To exclude infection with a nematode, the onion is soaked in saline. To do this, 3 cups of salt are diluted in a bucket of water, the culture should stand in this liquid for 3 days, after which the onion can be planted.

Onion sets are soaked before direct sowing, since by itself it has small size. For onions, the main thing is mineralization All seeds will be ready for sowing at the same time if you place them, gathered together in a net, in a solution of mineral fertilizer diluted with water.

For example, copper sulphate saves both family and onion sets from pests and fungus (1 teaspoon of funds per bucket of water). The onion should stay in the solution for 2 days, then each of the onions must be washed running water(It is better to do this with a hose). So that the necessary substances do not dry out in the soil, garlic and carrots can be planted next to the onion beds, which repel the onion fly and, thereby, increase the yield of nearby crops.

A little about antiseptics A solution of copper sulphate is used everywhere in vegetable growing. For onions, we will make a hot antiseptic bath with vitriol.

Dilute by eye to such an extent until the liquid becomes bluish in color, the water should have a temperature of at least 60 ° C. Lower the onion for 1-2 minutes and remove, rinsing with cool water. After 5-6 hours, the onion will be completely saturated and will be ready for planting.

Remember that vitriol protects against most seasonal diseases and pests. To save the onion from rotting, it is soaked in a solution of water and wood ash. Several glasses of ash are diluted in a bucket of water and onions are placed there in a net for 2-3 hours.

Then the vegetable is taken out, dried on a towel and planted. Phytosporin also saves from rot, from which the growth stimulator takes over. After such soaking, the onion should dry properly, the moisture with minerals will be absorbed, and your future vegetables in the garden will be healthy, grow strong and be stored for a long time in the winter.

After soaking, onions should be planted immediately or stored at average temperature, cold for a plant in this form is fatal. Well, if the soil is warm and moist enough - the sprouts will not take long to wait.

Together with the article "Soaking onions before planting" they also read:

Is it necessary to soak onions before planting? - here is such a question in the form of a meager line, I constantly get on my email. It is not difficult to guess that it is asked by people who are just starting to try their hand at forcing onions.

And a counter question immediately arises, does this question ripen from laziness to work? I have already written quite a lot about the fact that I always soak onions before planting, and for me this is MANDATORY action, wrote here - on the blog and wrote on the forum, but the question for some still remains open.

How else to explain what would be clear? .., but of course I’ll try, and then it’s up to you to decide whether to soak the onion before planting or not. waste of time and energy for heating water. There is no need for a basin.

But there is another reason why, on such a scale, this is practically not done. The fact is that a newcomer immediately in the first season will not take on such a scale, but will try himself in this business and find permanent place buying a suitable turnip.

When you know the field, you know the farmer who sells planting material, when you cooperate with him for more than one year, then the risks are minimized. Although they are not excluded at all, but in any case, everything can be solved in the end. This applies to experienced onions. Now, as for the beginner.

A beginner risks much more, because onions for planting for forcing green onions have to be bought at wholesale markets, according to an ad from warehouses, etc., but there is no complete history the arrival of this bow. Where did it come from, in what conditions was it grown, and especially in what conditions and in what weather did the harvest take place on the field, it is not known what pests lived on the field, how it was processed, etc.

As a result, if any kind of unfavorable flora and fauna was present on the field, then it arrived safely along with the planting material. After that, it simply roams on the shelf of your greenhouse and delivers a lot of unpleasant surprises. I don’t expel onions on a gigantic scale and I find time for soaking, this is a mandatory process for me, an integral part of feather forcing.

I do not want to risk the harvest and money, I do not want to look for ways to solve the problem later and get rid of the misfortune. Unfortunately, we do not have good planting material in the region, and I have to take a turnip for planting also in wholesale markets, so I prefer to protect myself.

Moreover, I already have experience in this business, I twice encountered problems where I lost not only profit, but also could not return the invested money. The first time I bought planting material, the year before last, which was collected in terrible conditions, it was rainy and damp, the onion simply did not dry out and began to rot on the shelves.

Many onions now understand what I am talking about, since they also lost a lot of money at that time. But life goes on. Last year I ordered one batch of onions from storage, unfortunately the planting material was infested with thrips and onion fly.

I somehow returned my money, but I lost the profit. In appearance, the onion was dry, clean and excellent, but in reality it began to deteriorate, wither, turn yellow, etc.

But everything would be fine, but getting rid of all this was hard labor, a lot of time was lost. Soaking, in turn, gives some chances to protect yourself and save your crop. Since at + 40-50 degrees, almost all flora and fauna die.

Only chopped onions need to be soaked, which contributes not only heat treatment, but water also penetrates between the scales of the onion. Soaking just an uncircumcised onion makes no sense.

The maximum that this will affect is on the bottom of the bow, and everything that lives inside will continue to live on. Now many onion growers come up with different ways soaking onions, but I used only 4 ways, I will describe to you, information may come in handy. 1- soaking in plain water. The water temperature is + 40-50, I keep the bag in the water for 5-10 minutes and pull it out for further planting.

This procedure is only for disinfection of the material. 2- soaking in a solution of nitrate. In a building black bath with a volume of 70 liters of water, already heated to + 40-50 degrees, I pour out a teaspoon of saltpeter.

I soak the onion for 15 minutes. (I use this method only at the beginning of the season) This procedure affects the disinfection of the onion and accelerates the appearance of the root mass. 3- soaking in a solution of potassium permanganate. I add manganese to cold water and a weak solution of potassium permanganate is obtained.

I keep the onion in water for 15 minutes. I use this method when there is no time to heat water. I can’t say how effective it is, but there were no problems with onions later. 4- soaking in a solution of Epin-Extra.

I pour one capsule into heated water and soak the onion for 10-15 minutes. Warm water disinfects, and the drug accelerates the germination of the roots and the feather itself.

About efficiency this method I can’t say, but some changes in terms of forcing were noticeable. Well, in principle, I think that I answered the question in more than detail. Thank you all for your attention, use.P.

S. But be that as it may, there are times when you have to take risks. Recently I took a batch of very small onions and did not cut the tails, therefore I did not soak the onions. Now I hope it will pass...

For the onion to grow quickly, develop and give good harvest, in the spring it needs to be properly prepared. If you purchased a sevok, you must first dry it. And if you grew the sets yourself and stored it at a temperature of about +18 ° C, then the onion will have to be warmed up. The further steps are the same for purchased onions and for self-grown onions, you need to endure it:

  • 2 weeks at +20 °C,
  • 10 hours at + 40 °C.

If you overcook the onion, it will dry out. After that, process the sevok with any growth stimulator suitable for this culture ("Zircon", "Cytovit", "Biostim"). If suddenly you cannot carry out a phased preparation of the sevka, then do the following:

  1. Soak the seeds in water at a temperature of about +45 ° C for 15 minutes;
  2. Immerse the seed in ice water for 10 minutes;
  3. Place the seeds for 4–6 hours in a solution of complex mineral fertilizer.

Growth stimulator "Zircon"

A very important procedure that you need to carry out before planting seed material is disinfection. Bulbs can be processed in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Soaking onions before planting in such an antiseptic solution will help protect the seed from many diseases. Dilute about 30 g in 10 liters of water to make the mixture a light purple color. After that, dip the sevoc in the solution for a couple of minutes, then remove and rinse it. After a week, you can start landing.

To avoid rotting the culture, you will need a solution of wood ash - dilute about 500 g of ash in 10 liters of water. After that, transfer the onion to the net and put it in the prepared solution. Then dry the seed in the sun for a couple of hours and you can start planting.

There is another, "grandmother's" method:

  1. Dry the planting material for a week at a temperature of about +25 ° C;
  2. Before planting, you need to soak the bulbs for 3 hours in a saline solution (prepare it by mixing 2 liters of water with 2 tablespoons of salt);
  3. Rinse the seed and dry it;
  4. You can start boarding.

If potassium permanganate or wood ash was not at hand, you can use other soaking methods. For example, saltpeter is suitable. To prepare the solution, you need to take about 70 liters of warm water (about +40 °C). Put just a spoonful of saltpeter into the water and soak the seed in the solution for about 20-30 minutes. This treatment will disinfect root system plants. However, this the way is fine only if you are going to.

Soaking onions before planting in saltpeter

You can process the onion using the Epin-Extra preparation: dissolve the capsule in warm water, dip the onion in the water for only 10-15 minutes. This will not only accelerate the growth of the root system, strengthen it, but also help the development of green onion feathers. To prevent early shooting, put the seed in a metal container, fill it with water and heat up to about +60 °C. Then treat the material with a suitable growth stimulant (for example, Silk or Biostim).

The most economical processing option is to soak the onion in ordinary water. Simply soak the bulbs for 10 minutes in ordinary water (temperature around +50 °C) without adding any preparations or fertilizers. After that, you can safely plant the seed in the soil. And remember that the seeds should not be processed with several compounds, as this will negatively affect the quality of the seed.

Preparation of onions for planting by soaking should be carried out in parallel with the preparation of the soil. It is important to remember that this plant is photophilous, so the place where you will plant the sets should be well lit. Onions also love loose and nutritious soils, so you need:

  • first dig the bed to a depth of 20 cm;
  • add fertilizer to the soil (or peat-dung compost).

An important point is that it is necessary to fertilize the land precisely at the stage of soil preparation, while in order to avoid rapid growth green mass of culture, you should not use any organic fertilizers. It is best to feed the soil with mineral additives with a low nitrogen content in the composition. Remember that this plant does not like too acidic soils. If you are "lucky" to become the owner of the site with acidic soil, one of the following components must be added to the beds before planting the seed:

  • lime;
  • wood ash;
  • dolomite flour.

And remember that you can’t add manure and lime to the soil at the same time, as this will lead to a decrease in the level of nitrogen in fertilizers. But this rule does not apply to other means to reduce acidity, therefore, when feeding the beds with manure, you can use chalk, ash or dolomite flour.

Onions are one of the most commonly used vegetables. It is used for cooking almost all first and second courses. Therefore, for the winter, every housewife tries to prepare more golden heads.

Often late autumn or in winter, a significant part of the bulbs becomes unusable. Their scales rot, leading to the death of the entire bulb. Processing onions before sowing will help preserve the crop for as long as possible.

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    Types of onions

    There are over a thousand types of onions. Some of them are known as another plant. These are garlic and wild garlic, which are types of onions. In addition, the following species are grown in Russia:

    • onion;
    • leek;
    • slime;
    • chives;
    • shallot.

    They differ in taste, size, ripening time. There are annuals, biennials and perennials. Numerous varieties and hybrids have been created, zoned for a particular area. Many of them are grown by seeds, some by dividing the bush, daughter bulbs.

    The most common is the onion. Some of its varieties are grown in one year from seeds (nigella). To grow most varieties, you first need to get small bulbs (sets). The following year, they are planted in the ground, and by autumn they get a crop of large, strong, healthy bulbs that can lie until spring.

    This is not always possible. In the process of growing a vegetable, various diseases and pests lie in wait for it. As a result, the bulbs die even in the garden or quickly become unusable after being planted for the winter.

    In addition to diseases, prevent growing high yield archery can shooting process. This is the formation of a juicy arrow-peduncle, on which seeds will be tied after flowering.

    autumn planting

    Now the method of planting onions in the fall has become popular. It has a number of advantages:

    • Sevok does not need to be stored.
    • Overwintered bulbs have high immunity.
    • The crop ripens quickly, because when planting in the autumn, the bulbs grow earlier.

    To get a high yield, you need to plant only small sets - oats or oats. Large with this method of cultivation will definitely go to the arrows.

    Choose better zoned varieties or specially designed for winter sowing:

    • Radar;
    • Arctic;
    • Sunshine.

    Processing currants from pests and diseases - how to spray the bushes in the fall?


    Planting onions damage such insects:

    Name Peculiarities A photo
    onion fliesThey lay eggs on onion feathers. The larvae eat the inside of the stem, it dies. They strike twice during the growing season. More damage done in rainy weather
    beetleLays eggs inside the feather. The larvae that appear then gnaw out inside the hole. The feather falls, the bulb does not form
    stem nematodesSmall insects that live in the soil. As a result of their activity, onion leaves are deformed, the bulb lags behind in development

    Onion damaged by stem nematode

    onion crackerNibbles feathers and lays eggs in flowers

    You can fight most types of insects after planting the seedlings in the ground, in the spring. But for this you need to constantly inspect the areas where it is planted, monitor the condition of the plants. And it is generally impossible to notice the nematode with the naked eye.


    Onions are mainly affected by fungal diseases:

    • Downy mildew (peronosporosis), the defeat of which can be seen by pale green spots on the leaves. Then they turn into a purple bloom.
    • Neck rot most often develops in rainy weather. First, individual internal scales are affected, then the disease passes to most of the bulb, and it disappears.
    • Rust is more common in the southern regions. Appears as yellow streaks on feathers.
    • Donets rot develops after damage by an onion fly.
    • White rot develops under the influence high temperatures. Damaged bulbs are removed.
    • Viral diseases are not treated, so the affected specimens are pulled out and burned.

    Reasons for the defeat

    Most often this happens if the planting material turned out to be of poor quality, grown in unsuitable climatic conditions. Growing onions from seeds is quite troublesome. Therefore, it is easier to buy planting material in the store. But in this case, the conditions of cultivation and storage remain unknown.

    The vegetable must be placed every year in a new place so that it hits the site again after 3 years. But sometimes, if the plot is very small, this does not work out, and the crop rotation is not respected. Then the onion is in the area filled with pathogens. In this case, it needs mandatory pre-sowing treatment.

    Fungal diseases are easier to prevent than to treat, and viral diseases are not treated. The complexity of post-planting treatment with fungicides is that it must be carried out prophylactically. If this is not done in time, a period of prolonged heavy rains may suddenly come. In this case, it will not be possible to process the plant.

    Processing methods

    Proper and timely preparation of onions before autumn planting will help to avoid damage by diseases and pests. There are a large number of ways to process onions before sowing. They are divided into protection from pests and diseases, chemical and natural. All operations are aimed at carrying out such actions:

    • destruction of fungi and pathogens;
    • growth promotion;
    • strengthening immunity;
    • decay warning.

    Can't apply everything at once. known ways protection. This can lead to the death of plants.

    Do not use drugs more often or in higher concentrations than indicated in the instructions. Otherwise, drug-resistant (resistant) organisms may develop. For the same reason medicines needs to be changed periodically.


    The first stage of seed processing is sorting. Vegetables need to be sorted by size into 2-3 piles. The largest can be planted for flowering to collect black seeds. Medium stored until spring. Bulbs up to 1 cm in diameter are planted before winter.

    Throw away dry, rotten, damaged specimens. In the process of sorting, dry scales are removed. Covering scales, which are firmly attached, are not removed.

    Do not cut the onion for a feather if it is planted in the fall. Tear off only the dry top. Do not cut the bottom from which the roots will grow.

    Disease treatment

    There are many ways to treat bulbs and seeds before planting in the fall:

    • Spraying onions before planting with Karbofos is effective in killing pests. But the drug itself is very toxic. Therefore, its use is not always justified.
    • Soaking planting material (sevka and nigella) in saline is popular. Dilute a tablespoon of salt in a liter of water at a temperature of 30 degrees. Bulbs withstand up to 8 hours. This will help protect the sets from onion flies, mites and thrips. You can not water the beds with onions with salt water.
    • A saturated solution of potassium permanganate is used to protect against diseases. Bulbs and seeds are kept in it for up to 15 minutes, then washed clean water. A solution for seeds is prepared light pink.
    • Birch tar can scare away onion fly and protect against disease. Dissolve a fly in the ointment in a liter of water and process the planting material.
    • Treatment with soda bulbs is ineffective.
    • "Fitosporin" protects against fungal diseases. He is not chemical agent. If processing chemicals was carried out in less than two weeks, the drug will not be effective. Do not use "chemistry" for the next two weeks. 35 g of "Fitosporin" is dissolved in a bucket of water. Sevok is processed for up to 30 minutes.
    • Treatment blue vitriol or other copper-containing preparations is effective for the destruction of fungi. These are "Skor", "HOM", "Oksihom".

    To make it convenient to process the sevok, they put it in a grid. Processing is carried out sequentially without shaking out of the mesh until all procedures are carried out. Pour out a few days before planting, dry.

    In order for the bulbs to grow faster, take root, they are treated with humate or other fertilizers. In the spring, it can be combined with a growth stimulator: "Zircon" or "Epin", preparations "Silk", "Biostim". When planting before winter, growth stimulants are not treated.

    The costs of such operations are insignificant, but they will bring many benefits.