Preparations for fungal and bacterial rot of irises. Iris family: a short description

Iris is a very common flower on the planet. It grows well in any climatic and natural areas... To date, breeders have bred many varieties that amaze with their beauty during flowering. The popularity of this flower is due to the ease of cultivation and unpretentiousness. But this does not mean at all that they do not need special care... If you break the rules, then gardeners will have to face dire consequences. The pests and diseases of irises will destroy the beautiful flower garden. Their treatment (see photos of affected plants below) is much more difficult to carry out than to apply regularly preventive measures.

In this article, everyone can familiarize themselves with the most common diseases of these flowers and pests.

Iris family: a short description

Before talking about the dangers that iris growers can face, it is necessary to briefly describe the features of this plant. There are many different varieties the iris family, which are optimally adapted to certain climatic conditions. Many of them are rhizome. They are perennial, so even the lack of snow cover in winter period coupled with quite low temperatures can destroy the plant. There is also another variety - corm varieties. Gardeners living in Russia give preference to rhizome representatives. They grow well in our climatic latitudes with a moderate humidity condition.

The root system of these flowers is well developed. Most often, it is located shallow in the ground, and sometimes even protrudes outward. Consists of a rather thick rhizome, from which thin filamentous processes extend. During flowering, irises throw out large flowers. Depending on the variety, they can be single or consist of several inflorescences located on a strong peduncle. The palette range is so diverse (from white to black) that it is simply not possible to describe everything. Iris inflorescences are either monochromatic or multi-colored, consisting of two or more shades. The flowering period occurs in late spring and lasts until mid-June.

The leaves of the iris family are tough and dense. They are elongated and flat in shape, covered with a waxy coating with a whitish tint.

Iris flowers: diseases

Every gardener should take into account the specifics of the region when growing irises. Depending on the climate, plants are subject to certain diseases. For example, the northwestern part of Russia is distinguished by high humidity, so the rhizomes of local irises often begin to rot, which is why bacteriosis develops. In the southwest, rust is a common problem. Read about these and not only diseases in more detail below. In order for the reader to better understand what the affected areas look like, a photo will be added to the article.

Iris diseases and the fight against them directly depend on the characteristics of the weather and climatic conditions!

Also, do not exclude pests that can destroy the flower. For example, the bear bear constant problems for flower growers in the southern regions. Aphids and slugs, unfortunately, are no less harmful to the flower, so it is important to understand that timely preventive measures will help to avoid various diseases.


Irises are quite unpretentious flowers, they are resistant to diseases. However, if the rules of care are violated, even these plants become defenseless from all kinds of influences. The most common problem is rhizome decay. Such a disease of irises (see photos of tubers below) is called bacteriosis. It is quite dangerous and can lead to the death of the flower.

The causative agent of this disease is Erwinia carotovora. The bacterium actively develops when high humidity, therefore, in no case should the soil be oversaturated with water. It directly affects the rhizome of the plant and causes them to rot. Also, do not oversaturate the earth with organic matter and thin out flowers in time.

What are the signs of bacteriosis?

  • Have healthy flower the rhizomes are firm enough. In a diseased plant, they become soft.
  • The decay process is accompanied by a strong unpleasant odor.
  • The leaves turn yellow, and then disappear altogether.

If the rhizomes are badly damaged, then the flower cannot be cured. Considering that bacteriosis develops rather quickly at a temperature of + 13 ... + 17 ° C, the damage that diseases and pests inflict on irises is already irreparable. The only thing that can be done is to separate more healthy plants from the sick. The latter will need to be burned. If the soil is severely affected, it is recommended that flowers that are not infected with bacteriosis are transplanted onto another soil.

Prevention and treatment of bacteriosis

As soon as the snow begins to melt, it is already necessary to take measures in order to exclude all possible diseases irises. Fighting them will be much more difficult than prevention. First of all, you need to take care of the outflow of melt water. This is especially true if there is no natural slope in the flower bed.

If during the winter there is little snow and the air temperature is very low, it is recommended to protect the rhizomes from freezing. It is important to understand that bacteriosis will primarily affect those flowers whose roots have been damaged by frost. To avoid such a situation, you just need to wrap them up.

At the initial stage of the disease, bacteria affect only some of the rhizome. In this case, it can be removed, and the cut site can be treated with ash. Such measures are permissible before flowering begins.

When transplanting iris, it is recommended to treat the roots with a solution of potassium permanganate. To do this, they are soaked for 15-20 minutes. It also does not hurt to treat the foliage with urea diluted with sulfur (12%).


In addition to bacteriosis, there are other diseases of irises, and their treatment is not always possible. Enough dangerous disease is fusarium. This gray rot affects not only the roots, but even the leaves. The diseased plant becomes covered with a gray bloom, which provokes the decay process. The main reason for its occurrence is considered to be an excess of nitrogen in the soil. Misapplication can lead to this situation. mineral fertilizers, that is, exceeding the dosage.

Infected tubers are carriers of Fusarium. If you transplant them to another place, then the fungus, getting into the soil, will begin to multiply, which can lead to infection of everything land plot... The most favorable conditions for it are air temperature + 12 ... + 17 ° С and an excess of moisture in the soil.

The first sign of the development of fusarium is the presence gray spots on the rhizome. It becomes rather loose.

In order to avoid the development of this disease, it is recommended to carefully and regularly handle garden tools, choose a place for the flower bed on a hill and be sure to treat the roots with a solution copper sulfate with the addition of 5% bicarbonate of soda.

Wet rot

Iris diseases and their treatment in practice are quite complex. Most often this leads to the death of the plant. Sometimes diseases affect other flowers as well. This is exactly what wet rot is. In the process of reproduction of bacteria, not only the rhizomes, but also the leaves are affected. As for the latter, they first change color (become brown), and then dry out. The affected roots are no different in appearance, but their insides become powdery. This disease is dangerous not only for irises, but also for tulips, gladioli, hyacinths.

Manure is the cause of wet rot bacteria. Many gardeners use it as a fertilizer. In order to avoid infection, you will need to process the flowers before planting with a solution of potassium permanganate. The recommended dosage is half a teaspoon of this product for 500 ml of water. The rhizomes are soaked for 30 minutes.


Fungal diseases of irises are dangerous not only for themselves, but also for neighboring plants. For example, botrytis. The causative agents of this disease are Sclerotium rolfsii and Botrytis convoluta. These fungi develop directly in the rhizome if the storage conditions have been violated. The most common causes are poor ventilation and high humidity. To prevent this disease, it is recommended to treat the rhizomes with a solution of triazole class fungicides.


Irises also suffer from rust. This is an equally insidious disease. The fungus is the causative agent - Puccinia iridis. It develops rapidly at a temperature of +12 ° С. In a diseased plant, leaves begin to deteriorate. Dark or yellowish-brown pustules are formed on them. Gradually, tissue begins to die off, which leads to drying of the leaf. The stems can also be affected. The fungus is able to persist in the soil for a long time.


Consider another disease caused by the fungi Mycosphaerella macrospora and Heterosporium iridis. It is about heterosporiasis. The affected area is leaves. Gray-white spots appear on their surface. They have a characteristic yellow border. Tall and old leaves are most susceptible to infection. From a small spot, the fungus can grow to the entire bush. These may be the consequences (see below an example with a photo).

Diseases of bearded irises and other varieties, of course, are easier to prevent than to cure the flower later. First of all, it is recommended not to overdo it with potassium and phosphorus fertilizers. Also, in order to prevent heterosporia, you can spray the bushes with fungicides. If, nevertheless, the disease has already appeared, then the diseased leaves are cut off and necessarily burned, and the bushes are treated with a solution at least once a week.

Sheet mosaic

Continuing to study the diseases of irises, it is worth talking about viral ones. These include the so-called sheet mosaic. This disease manifests itself in the form of yellowed leaves, which soon dry up. In order to detect the virus in time, you need to pay attention to the flower. As a rule, the color of a diseased plant changes greatly, for example, from light ones they can become dark matte. The characteristic spotting also appears.

Treatment of a flower infected with a virus is carried out by spraying with a solution of "Ridomil Gold" and copper oxychloride. The sheets are cut and burned. The whole garden tools subject to disinfection.


Not only fungus and viruses suffer from irises. Diseases and pests (photo is a vivid example of this) amaze root system, stems and leaves. Dangerous insects there are many that can harm the flower. These include thrips. Their most favorite place is the leaf axils. They feed on cell sap. As their number increases, the leaves of the flower turn brown, later completely dry out. Spots appear on the roots.

Pests: bronze beetle and nematodes

Bronzovik beetles appear on flower beds in late spring. They are quite large - about 2 cm. They have a characteristic green tint... You can protect irises from them with Kinmiksom. Diluted as follows: in one liter of water 2.5 g of the drug. For the prevention of these beetles, you can use an ash solution.

Iris diseases are also caused by nematodes. These worms feed on cell sap. Do not die even in severe frost... The leaf at the puncture site first begins to turn brown, then dies off. There are several ways to infect the soil with nematodes:

  • through weeds and inventory;
  • through rainwater.

Bears and scoops

Medvedki can cause a lot of trouble for gardeners. They live in the soil. Moving, with their powerful jaws, they damage the roots and stems of plants. To combat these pests, bait must be used. A mixture consisting of karbofos, grain and oil is added to the ground.

The scoops also do a lot of harm. These caterpillars, falling into the stem, eat everything from the inside. A large accumulation of them can be found in wet areas of the ground. For prevention purposes, it is recommended not to allow weeds to overgrow the flower beds, and also to regularly loosen the ground between the rows. This should be done especially carefully during the egg-laying period. It is very good for iris disease caused by butterfly caterpillars to use Bordeaux liquid. A solution is made from milk of lime and copper sulfate. Plants can be sprayed only before the beginning of the flowering period. This will help avoid pest problems. However, if the moment is already missed, then it is recommended to process irises with Lobel's hellebore.

Irises are among the most resistant to diseases and pests. ornamental plants... These flowers are a favorite selection object of many summer residents (here is an article about them), in the process of breeding new varieties of which it was discovered that the most exquisite irises are most susceptible to various diseases and pests. At the same time, there is a clear delineation of the incidence of diseases in flowers, depending on the climatic zone. So in the north-west of Russia, irises are most often affected by soft rot (bacteriosis), and in the south-west - by rust.

Irises affected by viral diseases do not respond to treatment. They must be dug up and burned. Special attention should pay attention to the safety of plant tubers, since they are often damaged by various diseases and a variety of gnawing insects. Compliance with all requirements of agricultural technology and the use of safe planting material allows you to minimize the risk of damage to summer flowers by diseases and pests.

The most dangerous diseases for these flowers are:


The leaves turn yellowish, and then acquire a brownish tint.

How and what to treat

Pour 0.2% Fundazol under the rhizomes of irises. Before planting young plants, the rhizomes are disinfected in this solution for 0.5 hour.


Spots of various shades appear on the leaves and stems of the iris.

Spray treatment

We spray the flowers with a 1% solution of Bordeaux liquid or 0.3% copper oxychloride.

Septoria / Heterosporia

On the leaves of the iris, yellowish spots of various sizes appear. Later they turn brown and merge. The leaves dry out, and the plants do not bloom well. The disease most often develops in damp weather, as well as with a deficiency of phosphorus and calcium in the soil.

At the first signs of illness, spray irises with 0.3% copper oxychloride; 0.4-0.5% colloidal sulfur.

Wet rot (bacteriosis)

The rhizome rots, the tops of the stems turn yellow and dry out. They show clear signs of decay. After a while, the affected parts of the plant die off.

How to treat

We dig up specimens affected by this disease and burn them. We disinfect the soil with formalin.

Description of signs of the main pests of irises, how to deal

The most common for this type of flowers:

Winter / Iris moth

Most often bearded and Siberian varieties... The disease progresses rapidly in hot weather. Insects gnaw at the base of the peduncles. Caterpillars of these pests gnaw rhizomes as well. Such insects increase the risk of bacterial rot damage to plants.

Means of struggle

At the beginning of the period of active growth, we process the flowers twice with 10% karbofos. The interval between sprays is 7 days.


The areas damaged by the bear are visible on the tubers. With large "wounds", the iris can dry out altogether.

Control measures

We fill the earth passages of this pest with soapy water, and after the bear crawls out of the hole, we destroy it. Next to the iris bushes, we embed bait pellets for these insects in the ground: Medvetox, Thunder, Grizzly. Medvedka eats soaked granules better, so we water the earth around the flowers.


These microscopic insects settle in the densely compressed leaf entrances of the plant. Irises damaged by pests are distinguished by brown leaves, which dry quickly and become covered with dark crusts. Thrips also damage buds, causing tissue discoloration and flower deformities. Most often, these pests appear in hot weather.

Control methods

We spray the bushes with 10% karbofos twice. The interval between sprays is 7 days.


These molluscs eat flowers, and sometimes damage the young leaves of the plant, leaving oblong holes on them. They reproduce especially strongly in wet weather.

Means of struggle

We collect slugs by hand and destroy them. We spray irises with tobacco infusion or superphosphate. We scatter metaldehyde (40 g / 10 sq.m.) on the ground, which is destructive for these pests.


These larvae of click beetles eat up passages in the rhizomes of flowers, thereby increasing the risk of their being affected by various diseases.

Control methods

We make deep podzimnyy digging of soil. We spray the bushes with infusions of red bitter pepper (we steam 100 g of chopped pods with 1 liter of boiling water, we cook the infusion for 1 hour, we insist it for two days). We also pollinate irises with Pyrethrum (200 g / bucket of water we insist for 10-12 hours and spray with a solution of the plant).


The larvae of this pest gnaw at the rhizomes, thereby inhibiting the growth and development of flowers.

How to fight

When digging the earth, we remove the larvae manually. Before planting rhizomes of irises, dip them in a mixture of liquid clay and Bazudin (100 ml per bucket of water).


Plant tissues damaged by the pest acquire a brown tint.

Control measures

We burn the damaged copies. We water the place where they grew with 10% formalin solution. Before planting the rhizomes, we warm them up in warm water(50 ° C) for half an hour.

Irises have become permanent inhabitants of our gardens for a long time. These handsome men are quite unpretentious, but nevertheless, from time to time, gardeners are upset with iris diseases and the fight against them takes a lot of time and effort.

The more refined a plant variety, the more it is susceptible to disease. The most common and widespread varieties are more immune. Below we will consider what diseases can be in irises, how to prevent them and what to do if the plant is still sick.

Iris diseases and their treatment

In comparison with others perennial plants, irises are less susceptible to various diseases, but still not 100% protected from them.

Fungal, viral and bacterial diseases. Experienced gardener must be able to distinguish between them and treat them.

As a preventive measure, spraying with Bordeaux mixture works great before and after flowering. .

For convenience, diseases are listed below in alphabetical order.


This virus is classified as fungal.

Signs: The edges of the leaves begin to turn black and die off.

What to do: unfortunately the plant will have to be removed. The virus spreads not only through contact, but also through soil. After the plant has been harvested, it is necessary to cultivate the soil.

Ascochitis or leaf spot

Also a fungal disease.

Signs: watery spots appear at the edges of the leaves Brown... The foliage begins to dry out.

What to do: preparations with copper content will help to overcome diseases. It should be noted that the disease remains both in the ground and in all parts of the plant. The method is suitable for any type of iris spotting.


The infection develops rapidly during rainy summers. Moisture and heat only contribute to the deterioration of the plant's condition.

Signs: starting from the bottom, the leaves begin to gradually die off. White-gray spots, which gradually increase in size, become a harbinger. The disease spreads to all leaves and eventually destroys the plant.

What to do: you need to constantly remove and dispose of the affected areas of the plant.

It is necessary to process irises with products containing zinc and copper.


Here, the ubiquitous aphid becomes a carrier.

Signs: small stripes and spots on the leaves.

What to do: No remedy has yet been found to cure this infection.

Here, attention should be paid to prevention. You need to tirelessly fight aphids and immediately remove infected plants.


Fungal disease, the spores of which remain and develop in leaves and soil.

Signs: leaves begin to dry gradually, curl. They acquire a brown color.

What to do: sulfur solution every 2 weeks.

To prevent it, you need to keep the irises in the same place for 3-4 years. Good drainage is also required.

Wet rot or bacteriosis

It still appears in early spring, refers to bacterial diseases.

Signs: brown spots on the tips of the leaves. Their subsequent drying. A rotten smell appears at the base.

What to do: Infected tissue should be cut off until healthy. Process with potassium permanganate.

Always remove affected foliage and plant debris in the fall.

Gray rot

Fungal disease, activated when high humidity.

Signs: stems and tips of leaves rot and become coated gray... The tubers of the plant are also affected.

What to do: do not flood the plants, even temporarily stop watering. Remove the infected parts of the irises, do not leave them on the site.

Dry rot or fusarium

: Infection starts from the rhizome and gradually clogs all the canals. The leaves wither quickly, the plant dies.

What to do: destroy or take out the dead plant. Treat neighboring plants with fungicides, and fill the place of growth of the deceased with copper oxychloride.

Do not spray during flowering!

The most important thing in the fight against disease is prevention and adherence to agricultural practices. We wish you beautiful and healthy plants!

Fighting bacterial rot on irises - video

Heterosporia , or leaf spot, the causative agent is a fungus Heterosporium gracile.

Signs of the disease. Elongated grayish-brown spots with a darker border appear on the leaves. At strong development disease leaves dry up. The disease does not spread to the rhizome.
Control measures. Destroy plant residues and dried leaves. Spraying with cuproxate is applied. Plants are treated with copper-containing preparations, for example, a suspension of copper oxide (0.3%) or Bordeaux liquid with the addition of adhesives. Bordeaux liquid (1-1.5% solution) can be prepared independently: 100 g of copper sulfate and 75 g of slaked lime per 10 liters of water. The soil around the plants is also spilled with a solution of copper-containing preparations. Spraying with fungicides is also effective. It must be remembered that you need to use only those drugs that have received permission for use in personal subsidiary plots. Combined treatment combines protection against heterosporia and harmful insects.
Prevention. To increase the resistance of irises to this disease, spring spraying leaves with a solution of calcium chloride or calcium nitrate. Calcium helps to increase the strength of the cell walls, and thus, plants become less susceptible to disease.
For protection against leaf spots, progressing in rainy weather, preparations are very effective new group strobilurins (synthetic analogs of the waste products of some fungi), such as strobe, which feature is that they are not washed off by rain for an extended period of up to two weeks. However, strobilurins should not be used more than twice a season and should be alternated with contact agents such as copper oxychloride. Strobilurins, like contact fungicides, have only a protective effect. They do not destroy pathogens, so they must be used before the spread of diseases.

Rust , the causative agent is a mushroom Puccinia iridis.
Signs of the disease... In late summer - early autumn, brown stripes appear on the leaves, which, when touched, leave rusty dust on the finger. Affected leaves dry out prematurely.
Control measures... Large plant residues are destroyed, small ones - they are embedded in the soil during its processing or the areas are mulched with peat, humus or sand with a layer of 2-3 cm.In this place, irises can be planted no earlier than after 3 years. Spraying with copper oxychloride, cuproxate (1%), colloidal sulfur with adhesives is used.
Prophylaxis... The resistance of plants to rust is increased by phosphorus-potassium dressings. The disease can be prevented by sprinkling the plants with Bordeaux liquid in the middle of summer.

Wet , or bacterial, rot, bacteriosis ; pathogens - bacteria Pectobacterium carotovorum, Erwinia aroidea, Pseudomonas iridis. This disease affects bearded irises and especially often develops when growing plants in conditions of high humidity, on heavy soils, with deep planting of plants and with freezing of rhizomes.

Photo by L. Treivas from the magazine "In the world of plants" - 2002 - №6

Signs of the disease... The leaves turn pale and then dry out and turn brown. A fan of leaves tilts and then falls to the ground. Rhizomes and leaf bases darken, decompose, turning into a mushy, unpleasantly smelling mass. Plants die.
Control measures... The plant is dug up, its aboveground part is destroyed, the soil around is loosened and treated with a solution of a permitted fungicide. The rhizomes are cleaned to healthy tissue, the sections are washed with a strong solution of potassium permanganate and covered with Novikov's liquid (brilliant green with glue) or sprinkled with crushed charcoal or ground sulfur. The causative agent of rot dies in direct sunlight, so the cut can be dried in the sun. Plants are transplanted to another site. When transplanting, the rhizomes are washed in a solution of formalin (1: 300) or quinosol (0.2%). Effective method fight against wet rot is also soaking the rhizomes in a 0.01% solution (1 tablet per 1 liter of water) of the antibiotic tetracycline for about 1 hour. Previously, the rhizomes need to be dried in the sun - then they absorb the drug better. Prevention. It is possible to prevent the occurrence of this disease by observing the rules of irises agricultural technology. The main thing is not to over-moisten the planting of irises and make required amount phosphoric and potash fertilizers... As a preventive measure, you can also spray on green foliage with a solution of urea with the addition of sulfur (12%), permitted fungicides or sodium thiosulfate solution (neutral photographic fixer), which decomposes in the soil to form sulfur.
Preventive measure, effective in years with wet summers, are watering the soil with solutions of antibiotics: tetracycline or streptomycin sulfate (agrimycin), which are prepared by diluting 30 g of the antibiotic in 10 liters of water. 60 liters of solution are poured onto 1 m2 if the soil is coarse-grained, and 80 liters if the soil is fine-grained. Watering is carried out every 10 days.

Gray rot, botrytis ; causative agent - mushroom Botrytis cinerea... The disease is caused by two types of fungus. The first affects the stems and ends of leaves at high humidity. The second type of fungus causes dry rot of rhizomes. The disease develops in conditions of high humidity, with an excess of nitrogen in the soil, with freezing of the rhizomes and the presence of mechanical damage.

Affected plant

Photo by L. Treivas from the magazine "In the world of plants" - 2002 - №6

Signs of the disease... Peduncles and leaf tips become discolored, and then turn brown, rot, become covered with a smoky gray coating of the fungus. On the affected rhizomes, black folded piles are formed, consisting of the sclerotia of the fungus. Rot can also spread to the base of the leaves, where a gray coating of fungal spores forms.
For prevention gray rot irises are recommended to be planted in well-drained, ventilated sunny areas. Avoid lack of phosphorus and calcium in the soil. Severely affected specimens are discarded. When symptoms of the disease appear, the plants are sprayed with fungicides. When planting, the rhizomes are etched, the affected areas are removed. It is necessary to disinfect contaminated soils.

Scorch , the causative agent is presumably mycoplasma.
Signs of the disease... The leaves turn brown in the middle of the growing season, their ends, drying out, bend, the roots die off, the rhizome hardens and dries up.
Control measures... Plants are usually dug up and destroyed, and the soil is treated with lime or formalin.
Prophylaxis... Sometimes the affected bushes are restored in the second or third year from dormant buds, but the main preventive measure of this disease is the early division (cutting) of the bushes into several unconnected parts. In this case, a transplant is not necessary. Scorch is not transmitted to neighboring, already isolated plants.

Ascochitosis leaves are caused by a fungus of the genus Ascohita. The spots are brown, without bordering, with numerous black punctate pycnidia.

Septoria leaves are caused by a fungus of the genus Septoria. The spots on the leaves are pale gray, with a brown border, small, rounded. Over time, black pycnidia appear on the surface.

Ramulariasis leaves are caused by a fungus of the genus ramularia. The disease manifests itself as brown or even black small, rounded spots, which fade over time in the center. A weak yellowish bloom of the mycelium appears on necrotic spots.

Mosaic - a viral disease. On the leaves, a pattern is formed in the form of a grid or yellow stripes, reminiscent of a mosaic. Plant growth slows down, shortened peduncles are formed, flowers are underdeveloped. The flower petals become variegated. The disease is spread by aphids.

Photo from the magazine "Floriculture" - 2001 - №3

If the irises are infected with viruses, they cannot be cured. Only preventive measures are taken. Good care helps to mask the symptoms of the disease, but the plants will be a source of infection for the healthy. Timely culling of diseased specimens is necessary, as well as the fight against insects - carriers of viruses (aphids). In the photo on the left there is a streaky mosaic on iris leaves.

Other related materials

Irises are quite unpretentious garden plants that do not make it difficult standard process cultivation and do not burden the grower, but some, especially refined, varieties can be so.

Basically, problems arise with the leaves of irises - they periodically turn yellow. Aside from the natural causes of wilting of iris leaves, it remains to consider the viral, bacterial, and fungal that can often occur in these flowers.

Causes of yellowing of leaves in irises and what needs to be done?

A bacterial infection manifests itself as bacteriosis- This is a characteristic rot on the rhizome of the iris. It softens the flower, because of which it begins to intensively lose useful material... The first alarm bell may be the appearance of a brown tint on the sheets, after which they begin to dry at the tips and turn completely yellow. From the rhizome, covered with rot, appears bad smell.

What to do in this case? Irises that cannot be saved should be thrown away, and those that are still possible should be transplanted. Before being placed in a fresh substrate, the rhizomes are processed, damaged areas are removed and covered with ash. If the affected area is extensive, it must be treated with a weak solution of potassium permanganate and a suspension of captan (0.5% each).

Often irises can be attacked fusarium - a special kind of rot. The reason for this is Fusarium fungi. The defeat begins with the roots, after which brown spots appear on the lower part of the stem, then they rise to the leaves, which turn yellow and die off - the iris slowly dies.

What to do in this case? Fusarium is removed using fungicides - these are the only drugs that can cope with this disease. Of course, the defeated areas of the rhizome are cut off, and flowers that can no longer be saved are removed. Rot remains in the soil for a long time, so you need to process it, and then take a break for a short time before the next planting in this area.

What to do in this case? You cannot get rid of the mosaic. This is a viral disease on this moment not fully understood and is extremely resistant to most drugs of broad and local action. It is recommended to carry out preventive measures, both from aphids and from this viral disease, in order to reduce the likelihood of infection. You also need to remove, uproot the affected plants, and transplant healthy ones to a new place so that they do not get infected.

Askohitiokh leaves in irises manifests itself in the form brown spots on a yellow background with numerous punctate pigmentation.

What to do in this case? The disease is curable only if irises are treated in time. Solutions such as 0.1% Bordeaux liquid, as well as 0.2% foundationol solution are suitable. Processing is carried out until the symptoms of the disease completely disappear.