Methods of energy harmonization in Manipura - chakra. How to develop the manipura chakra and restore its work

Manipura Chakra ensures the life of a person in society. It develops and accumulates energies that give a person the opportunity to coexist with other people in various areas of public life and business relations. The sphere of manifestation of the energies of Manipura is the world of actions, decisions, agreements, planning. At a certain stage in the development of the human essence (before the appearance of the heart chakra), it is this chakra that provides the possibility of existence and survival in society.

It is possible to fully develop the Manipura Chakra only when there is a holistic development of the chakra system, when a person gains experience in other areas of cognition of being - in the areas of heart states, creative searches, intuitive knowledge. Only with this experience is it possible to develop the full potential of Manipura. In the energy structure of the vast majority of human beings at the present level of human development, there are only three lower chakras. The rest, starting with Anahata, are in their infancy. Therefore, the Manipura of an ordinary person, as a rule, consists of two or three cones, and in some cases even one, although ideally it may have ten spiral components. All ten develop only if a person has developed Anahata and other hierarchically higher chakras.

The element of Fire is the element of the Manipura Chakra.

The dominant color of Manipura in most people is green with hints of yellow. In cases where all ten spirals are present and all contain updrafts, the color of the chakra becomes lemon yellow.

  • The energy of the first - external - cone of Manipura is responsible for performance. The reverse quality is the inability to take action.
  • The energy of the second cone is the ability to negotiate. The downstream is a scandal.
  • The third cone is the ability for constructive cooperation. The reverse quality is a tendency to compete.
  • The fourth cone is the ability to formulate for yourself and firmly defend your interests. The reverse quality is the tendency to go on about.
  • The fifth cone is a creative approach to solving any business issues and problems. The reverse quality is a tendency to use stereotypes.
  • The sixth cone is the ability to take responsibility and deal with it. The reverse quality is irresponsibility.
  • The seventh cone is the ability of clear planning. The reverse quality is vanity in business.
  • The eighth, ninth and tenth spirals are reserve and contain additional energy for developing the basic qualities of any other chakra spirals. The main task of the energy flows of these spirals is to be responsible for the accumulation of energy and the processing of experience gained as a result of activities in the social and business spheres.
  • The general "supporting" function of the eighth, ninth and tenth cones also corresponds to specific functional manifestations of their energy flows.
  • The eighth cone is the ability to pay attention to the opinions of others. The reverse quality is intolerance in communication.
  • The ninth cone is the ability to see the purpose of a particular process of activity, the ability to break work into expedient stages. The reverse quality is the habit of acting "anyway not to sit idly by", the tendency to mediocrely squander energy on empty, useless actions.
  • The tenth cone is the ability to make private compromises for the sake of realizing common ideas. The opposite property is short-sighted stubbornness.

The concept of "realized" Manipura Chakra applies when all the direct qualities are involved and active. Chakra cannot be viewed as a collection of separate energies. The above division is given only to better understand and realize the whole more deeply. Chakra is not a set, but a harmonious complex of flow structures.

Before the appearance of energies on the heart center, as a rule, on Manipur there is an elementary energy of working capacity, thanks to which a person can take care of obtaining “daily bread”, the energy of the ability to defend one’s interests and, perhaps, in its most rudimentary form, the energy of business cooperation.

person with limited two or three streams with the primitive complex of the Manipura Chakra can be quite prosperous in material terms. For those energies that he possesses, he can have a lot (large in volume, but primitively organized chakra). This allows him to show certain business qualities and develop a certain limited “business set”, consisting of highly professional skills and two or three business communication techniques. In most areas of activity, this is enough to be a good performer and provide yourself with a fairly decent level of material well-being.

Such qualities as the ability to creatively approach the solution of business problems, the ability to negotiate, to compromise, can develop only as energy accumulates on Anahata Chakra and Vishuddha Chakra. A person can fully negotiate with other people only by knowing the essence of acceptance, the essence of kindness, the essence of the unity of all things. He will be able to creatively organize his social life only by touching the mysteries of Creativity and Creation, the path to which lies through the throat center.

The development of higher energy centers is a necessary but not sufficient condition for the development of Manipura itself. The presence of energy on the heart, throat and other centers does not in itself mean that the navel center will automatically develop. It often happens that with a strong, energized heart and throat center, the organization of Manipura remains primitive. The energies of the higher centers provide only a potential opportunity for the development of the umbilical.

Manipura develops and is realized only as a result practical activities, in direct communication and cooperation with other people, when issues are raised and resolved using a wide range of contract forms. The work of the energies of the Manipura Chakra is not limited to business relationships. The qualities for which the flows of Manipura spirals are responsible are manifested in all aspects of social life: this is the ability to agree with a sexual partner on the conditions of communication, and the coordination of the distribution of roles in the family, and the ability of spouses to develop parity relations in the issue of conceiving and having children.

The whole variety of energies, and therefore the corresponding qualities and properties, developed and realized human being at a certain stage in the development of awareness, works not only in physical world, but also in the "subtle" plans. This manifests itself as the ability to cooperate and negotiate not only with people, but also with inorganic beings and entities of the non-material world.

Manipura is one of the places of manifestation energy of Will. The energy of Will is one, there are many spheres of manifestation and use of this energy. The navel center is one of the main places of manifestation of the Will. This does not mean that Manipura is the original receptacle of the Will, just the sphere of social activity is very often chosen by a person as an area for the manifestation and use of volitional energy.

Manipura is a chakra located in the area of ​​the solar plexus. Find out what it is responsible for and how harmony and imbalance in the yellow chakra manifests itself, as well as how to develop it and why it is necessary.

In the article:

Manipura - solar plexus chakra

Manipura chakra is located in the area of ​​the solar plexus. It looks like a circle surrounded by lotus petals. A stem emerges from its lower part, which reaches the spinal column. Each corresponds to one of the seven thin bodies person, which together form . In the case of Manipura, this is .

On the physical level, Manipura is responsible for the gastrointestinal tract, gallbladder, liver and pancreas. Like the Vishuddha chakra, it is also partly responsible for the lungs.

Manipura is the center of a person's inner personal power. It is to her that magicians turn when they perform rituals built on personal energy resources, without resorting to deities and the forces of egregors. Therefore, the development of Manipura is necessary for people who practice magic. The stronger this chakra, the greater the energy reserve of a person. With the help of it, energy is also charged from various sources. The desires of a person and the abilities that are needed to fulfill them also depend on the level of personal power. Through Manipura, a person realizes all the ideas that come to his head.

Ability to manage flows inner strength and personal energy, the ability to lead people and develop the intellect - all this depends on the state of Manipura. Through it, each person perceives the world, and the way he sees it depends again on the degree of development of the chakra.

At the level of human relations, Manipura is reflected no less noticeably than throat chakra. She is responsible for the human ego, as well as the subconscious choice of a line of behavior in various situations. The degree of harmony in relations with others is determined by the development of Manipura. It also depends on who a person becomes - a follower or a leader. The third chakra is responsible for the desire to stand out from the crowd and achieve a high position in society. With its help, people realize their place in society, analyze generally accepted norms, and accept the rules of behavior in society.

Manipura is also responsible for the formation of one's own opinion about both everyday issues and lofty matters. Vishuddha is responsible for the ability to express and defend one's point of view, but it originates precisely in Manipur. Its functions also include the processing of theoretical information and the acquisition of knowledge. Via yellow chakra a person accumulates life experience and is formed as a person.

Manipura has a very indirect relation to spirituality. The energy of strong desires is constantly produced in the lower chakras. Passing through the solar plexus chakra, they are cleansed of the material component, turning into the energy of creation. Later, this energy passes through the upper chakras, contributing to the spiritual development of a person. Energy structure human being is no less complex formation than the physical body. Its perfection determines the personality of a person.

How the developed yellow chakra manifests itself

Color representation of the chakras

The owner of a developed yellow chakra is happy with everything that happens in his life. He is satisfied and happy, looking to the future with optimism. Such a person is calm and rarely loses his temper - this requires really serious reasons. Emotions do not dominate the mind, while being harmoniously expressed or suppressed by the person himself.

The owner of the harmonious yellow chakra is in good relations with others and with your inner self. He accepts people for who they are, loves and respects himself and those around him. The attitude of such a person to humanity is generally positive, since he understands that he himself is a part of society. At the same time, she herself is independent of public opinion. Such people are used to demanding respect for themselves, and they themselves respect others.

When making a decision, a person with a harmonious yellow chakra thinks - will this decision harm other people? Given a choice, he would prefer to benefit society. It is rare that altruism, prosperity and the material side of life concern everyone. People with a developed yellow chakra rarely live in need, personal qualities, attitude and the ability to find contact with others help them find sources of income. They know how to negotiate instead of manipulating or making scandals.

Such people are not against healthy competition, but they do not bring things to open hostility. They know how to negotiate with their rivals and cooperate with them when it is necessary for both sides. Business problems are usually solved non-standard ways, without the usual patterns for most. People with a healthy yellow chakra are good at planning and managing the resources available.

People with a developed third chakra are active. Their horizons are wide, as is the list of interests and hobbies. Such a person is difficult to force to sit still. He is bold and overwhelmed with the desire to create, as if shining from within. This is a bright personality that cannot but draw attention to itself.

Symptoms of malfunctions of the 3 chakras of Manipura

On the physical level, such diseases as diabetes, gallstones, and allergies speak of Manipura disorders. Since it is responsible for the state of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, disturbances in their work should also be alarming. Violations in cardiovascular system also sometimes indicate a blockage or other problems with Manipura. However, they are more often referred to as symptoms of problems with the heart chakra.

Third chakra symbol

People with a blocked third chakra are focused only on the material components of life. They are concerned about everyday, work and material issues. The life of such individuals is boring and limited by money and things. Spirituality and feelings do not interest them. Such people are able to enjoy only material things. In especially difficult cases, they ridicule everything that is connected with spirituality or relationships between people that are not connected with money and power.

Manipura imbalance causes sadness, hopelessness and depression. The longer this imbalance continues, the more difficult it is to get rid of its consequences. The reason is that the feelings and emotions of a person are reflected in the Universe, as a result of which they seem to double. Anxiety and anxiety, especially in relation to material things, and not to people, are characteristic of the owners of problematic Manipura. Such people get used to suppressing true feelings and emotions so as not to interfere with concentrating on obtaining material wealth. This can lead to a nervous breakdown, coupled with a tendency to self-criticism.

The lack of balance in Manipur forces a person to control everything that he can reach. This tendency extends even to inner world. As a result, the tendency to control develops the desire to gain power - at work, in the family, in society. A person with an unbalanced Manipura wants to take a position as high as possible without a specific goal - power for the sake of power. At the same time, he will regularly remind everyone who is lower in the social or career ladder of their place. Such people make picky bosses who love to humiliate their subordinates. On the way to the desired power or a high position at work, such people are ready to step over even a loved one.

Self-awareness of his high position is not enough for the owner of a disturbed Manipura. He seeks to prove to society that he is able to obtain power and money or already possesses these benefits. V best case it spills over into workaholism designed to help earn more money to be proud of. At worst, a person is forced to prove his superiority in other ways, otherwise he will not feel worthy of his position in society.

Often there is nothing to brag about such personalities. Not always they are able to achieve the heights they dream of. Often we are talking about petty bosses in small offices who have little influence in the region, or people who work hard for a beggarly wage, hoping to save up for a personal island. Their personal qualities rarely allow them to achieve serious incomes, they are hasty and fussy, which does not benefit their financial situation.

Such people, as a rule, are not capable of creating a family and proper upbringing children. Their relationships with friends and relatives usually leave much to be desired. Such individuals hide their feelings or try to block them, considering them unworthy. Therefore, between them and their loved ones - a real emotional abyss.

Such people can start initially selfish relationships that fit into their worldview. But true feelings cause them bewilderment. People with disturbed Manipura tend to be as far away from relatives and friends as possible. In especially neglected cases, they can confront people who do not bring material benefits. In addition, such individuals are intolerant and dogmatic in communication, unable to compromise and take responsibility.

The need to demonstrate one's advantages, manipulation and selfishness significantly reduce the internal supply of personal energy. Each person has a certain reserve, and its capacity depends on the strength of Manipura. Sooner or later, the reserve of the owner of problems with this chakra will run out. At this moment, it is time for the various dependencies- cigarettes to calm the nerves, coffee to wake up in the morning, energetic drinks or drugs to improve well-being during the working day.

Chakra Manipura - how to open and develop it

The yellow chakra develops naturally aged 2 to 12 years. As in the case of other chakras, the degree of development of it in a child depends on how developed the Manipura of his parents is. They influence the child even on a subtle plane. At the age of development of this chakra, some additional techniques are optional, but can be very useful.

After 12 years, the natural development of the 3rd chakra of Manipura slows down, and later stops completely. In the future, it is almost impossible to achieve progress in a random way; directed work with the chakra is necessary. The development of Manipura should be an integral part of the life of an entrepreneur or a person who wants to achieve more, including in magic.

There is a simple test for the state of the chakra:

In the evening, plan the next day, considering all the things that you have to do. Do not forget about rest and activities that give you pleasure. If you are able to stick to the chosen regime, your Manipura is in order. People who are unable to plan are more likely to have problems in this area.

The mantra of Manipura is RAM. It has a beneficial effect on the development and condition of this chakra. Using the mantra is quite simple - you can listen to it if you don’t know how to sing mantras yet. Even mentally singing along to an audio recording with a mantra will be helpful. The sounds of Tibetan singing bowls, as well as outdoor meditation, will positively affect the development of Manipura.

Aromatherapy has long been considered helpful in working to open the chakras. How to open the Manipura chakra using this ancient method? Very simple. Use essential oils and incense frequently various forms by appointment. Manipura corresponds to the smells of juniper, vetiver, bergamot and rosemary. In addition, as in the case with , it helps essential oil lavender.

Activation of Manipura is also possible with the help of stones and minerals. It corresponds to topaz, peridot, tourmaline, citrine and amber, as well as all minerals. yellow color. Stones can be worn as talismans, or used in meditation and other magical or yogic practices. You can perform full yogic breathing with concentration on Manipura.

Extremely useful. There is a special complex of asanas called Surya Namaskar. The translation sounds like "salutation to the sun." This complex, simple and feasible for each person, energizes and increases the level of personal energy, having a beneficial effect on Manipura. However, there is a drawback - the complex is performed only at dawn. It is at this time that it is possible to greet the Sun rising over the world. On the other hand, the implementation of the entire complex does not take too much time. It is quite realistic to compare it with the usual morning exercises.

The complex of Nabhi-Kriya asanas activates the zone of the third chakra, while providing benefits for the human spine and muscles. There are many complexes of asanas and pranayamas, which are designed for different levels of human training. Yoga in general is good for the chakras, it develops them and removes stagnation. True, this only works if yogic principles are observed, including in relation to oneself.

Development of the manipura chakra– should be the main concern of businessmen, entrepreneurs and successful people. Exactly development of the manipura chakra is responsible for the formation of principles and beliefs for which a person is able to stand up.

Manipurachakra is associated with the intellect, thanks to which a person is able to make decisions and direct his will where he needs and discard everything that is not needed. The most important property of this chakra is to choose.

Self-discipline, self-control, self-confidence and a sense of duty are also associated with this chakra. The development of the manipura chakra gives a person the ability to subordinate his own actions and the actions of others to his own will. This energy center makes a person need to improve his skills in the sphere of his activity. At this level of consciousness, a person develops his own codec of honor, and also develops such qualities of character as will, courage, bravery, purposefulness.

Obviously, nothing just happens. At this level of development of consciousness, life constantly tests a person, sets tasks for him, as they are solved, manipura develops and the necessary qualities are acquired.

In general, the awakening of the manipura chakra gives a person a sense of his own strength, the strength of his own will, which belongs only to him, and which allows him to make decisions and carry them out.

A sign that the manipura chakra is underdeveloped or unbalanced is that various energy conflicts constantly arise around a person. The reason for this is lack of self-control. To resolve the issue, first of all, it is necessary to direct one's will to self-development, self-education and discipline, and only secondarily to external factors.

Moreover, this is the basis of any human achievement and its further development.

Features of the development of the manipura chakra

A feature of the development of the manipura chakra is that it needs its own energies - manipura. As already noted, the manipura chakra is responsible for self-control, self-government, self-development. The development of this chakra is also associated with: discipline, control, organization, order, ability to act and solve tasks.

Thanks to these qualities, the manipura chakra is a key one in the development of a person, his energy system. Using the energies of manipura, a person is able to develop both the previous levels of consciousness (the chakras of muladhara and svadhisthana) and the subsequent ones.

Note : the role of manipura is so significant and decisive that in qigong, for example, they generally begin with the development of this level of consciousness - the lower Dan Tian.

It is believed that about 80% of people do not have their own opinion. Accordingly, they can decide on nothing and cannot achieve anything. This is due to their underdevelopment. In this case, it is quite difficult to decide to change yourself and your lifestyle. And yet, even in this case, the situation is not hopeless.

While a person is alive, all, without exception, the chakras are at least to some extent open and active.

The question is to determine the initial state of manipura, its potential and, in the future, to use it correctly. The human energy system is able to develop quickly, much faster than the physical body. With some diligence, the results will not keep you waiting.

Methods for developing manipura chakra

It is quite easy to determine the general state of development of the manipura chakra by this parameter: whether you adhere to some kind of daily routine or not. To be more specific, do the following: in the evening, before going to bed, compose (be sure to write down) as many detailed plan tomorrow with the intention of fulfilling all the points without fail. The plan should be specific - what and when you will do. Of course, someone will write down a minute-by-minute plan, while for someone the time intervals can be half an hour, an hour or more, which is also significant.

The next day, try to stick to your plan. The extent to which this succeeds will be an indicator of the state of your manipura. For the further development of manipura, this indicator should also be taken into account. Let's say if you were able to stick to the plan for 25 minutes, then in the future start planning from 25 minutes. per day (no more), gradually increasing this figure. Of course, the plan must be strictly followed.

A good indicator would be if you plan and strictly follow your plan 50-70% of the time, and spend the rest as the Space suggests, better with pleasure.

When working with chakras, one should always remember that the balance of a chakra is more important than its strength.

Manipura is the chakra of strong, strong-willed people. A person with a developed manipura is in the appropriate, and attracts the same strong and strong-willed. Conflicts can arise easily and simply, in the order of the struggle of egos. The best way avoid conflicts and keep the balance of manipura - to give up the need prove your opinion. A person with a developed manipura necessarily has his own opinion, however, often, it is not at all necessary to prove it. It is better to use your will for your own good, and not to infringe on others.

Life at the level of the manipura chakra is filled with events and situations. Any situation must be analyzed from at least two points of view:

a) does it hurt your personal interests?;

b) does it threaten your personal security?.

If yes, then it is necessary to join the fight and strive to win, if not, then everything possible must be done to avoid conflict. In this way, you will learn to act effectively, imbued with self-respect and will not demand too much from others.

If your thoughts move in a vicious circle, returning to the same thing every time, you will need to use your will, the power of your intention, to direct your thoughts in a constructive direction, and not waste your energy and your time in vain.

If you have a lot of things to do at the same time (or you want a lot of things at once), you can find yourself in a situation where it’s not clear where to start, it seems that there is no way out, simply - hands down. This is a typical situation for practicing manipura chakra - manipura loves clarity, certainty, order. In this case, choose one thing according to any principle, bring it to the end (forget about all the others for a while), then take on another. Turn a bunch of cases into a sequence of separate cases - in this way you will unravel any tangle and strengthen your manipura chakra. At the same time, you will gain clarity and clarity of thinking, energy and self-confidence.

Manipura chakra is responsible for the ego of a person, his strength and ability for self-realization. It is here that his desires and personal energy are concentrated. The third chakra gives us self-control and a willingness to realize our intentions. It is also associated with wealth. In this article I will tell you how to develop the manipura chakra and restore its work.

This chakra is located in the solar plexus area, just above the navel. Imbalance, constant anxiety, neglect of feelings, an obsessive desire to get money or power testify to the incorrect functioning of the third chakra. In more detail, I have already talked about. If you haven't read this article yet, I highly recommend it.

The opening of the manipura is carried out in several ways, which together can achieve good results. This includes meditation, mantra chanting, and working with active points on the hands and feet.

The solar plexus chakra corresponds to special points on the arms and legs through which manipura is activated.

These points are marked in the figure - see photo.

Sit on a yoga mat or on the floor. It is advisable to sit with your back straight. Let's start with the right foot.

Lightly press on the active point, massage it clockwise in a circular motion. Continue for half a minute.

Then press on the active point, but without moving, visualize a yellow color - such as the petals of a narcissus. A beam of light passes along the thumb with which you press and enters the active point on the foot.

Continue the exercise for 2 minutes. Then do the same with the left foot. Then go to the active points on the hands. The exercise is similar.

Visualization and meditation on the chakra

Let's start meditation on manipura. Take any posture for meditation. For example, you can sit on the edge of a chair or in Turkish. The main thing is to keep your back straight.

  1. Breathe evenly, calmly. Concentrate on the tip of your nose. So you can prepare - relieve emotional fatigue.
  2. Visualize that you are now in nature, with a blue clear sky above you, and the rays of the sun gently warm your body and give you energy.
  3. Bring your attention to the solar plexus chakra. Imagine that a stream of sunlight enters you through this chakra.

The sun is an image higher power, and we should try to connect with it. When a person reaches enlightenment, he merges with this Cosmic force.

Visualize a golden ball solar energy in the area of ​​the manipura. Rays diverge from this ball on the sides and fill your whole body with energy.

If you feel pain anywhere, direct the healing light energy there.

At the end of the meditation on the manipura chakra, try to feel if your state has changed.

Correspondence of chakra and elements

The third chakra is associated with the element of fire. This element gives a person warmth and light. Fire is capable of destroying anything, and this property is used in different spheres of life.

Don't think that destruction is always bad. "Baptism of Fire" burns away problems and restores inner purity. Fire symbolizes birth and resurrection.

Different religions have similar interpretations of the element of Fire:

  • in Buddhism, it is wisdom that can burn ignorance;
  • in Hinduism, it is knowledge and light that are associated with the god Shiva - this god is endowed with the powers of destruction, rebirth and liberation;
  • in Christianity, "tongues of flame" indicate the voice of the Lord or Divine revelation.


Assume any meditation posture with a straight spine. Visualize that you are sitting near a large fire in the forest, a clear moonlit night has descended on Earth.

Listen to the silence of the night forest, to the crackle of logs in the fire, feel the warmth and light of Fire.

The glare of the fire is reflected in the trees in a bizarre way, and they seem to be dancing in the night to the accompaniment of flames.

Fire gives us the feeling of creating something new in life. It also helps to get rid of everything that can interfere with the path of spiritual development - this is purification by Fire.

Concentrate on your feelings. If you feel anger, resentment or pain, take an imaginary piece of paper and mentally write down on it about the negative feelings that prevent you from developing.

Think about what you would like to change. Maybe a place to live or a job? Keep writing down on a piece of paper everything that slows you down in life.

Read the list when you're done. Make sure you don't forget to write anything. Then throw this imaginary piece of paper into the fire. Let it burn to the ground. And your life will be cleansed of filth and negativity.

May your heart be filled with joy as all sorrows burn away. Working with the element of Fire will strengthen the manipura and restore its work.

Mantra for the third chakra

Before doing the exercise with the mantra, the manipura chakra should be cleansed of negative emotions such as anger, hatred, jealousy, anxiety, fear, anxiety, envy, despondency, delusion.

In the process of spiritual work, it is important to remain honest with yourself. No need to repress emotions or hide them from yourself. Repressed into the subconscious, negative feelings can slowly destroy you from the inside.

Analyze the emotions that really exist in your soul, recognize them. This can be annoying. You may feel guilty about your feelings or find it hard to think about them.

However, the negative will definitely break through so that the energy can pass through the chakra. Therefore, it is better to prevent the "explosion".

Breathing practice

Take a pose in Turkish or sitting on a chair. Straighten your back. Direct your attention to the solar plexus area.

We begin rhythmic breathing. Mentally count to 5 and then inhale, then again mentally count to 5 and exhale. Keep breathing for a count of 5.

After a couple of minutes, we will begin the exercise for cleaning the manipura. As you inhale, say aloud to all negative emotions, “Go away!” Be sincere, firm, and persuasive. Visualize all these emotions flying away as you exhale.

The exercise is repeated 10 times. After it, ask yourself, is all the negativity gone? If not, you can repeat the exercise. But don't overdo it. You may not achieve results on the first day of training.

Mantra Ram

The mantra of the manipura chakra is ram. It is assumed that the pronunciation of this sound causes a resonance in the solar plexus. There is another sound for the third chakra - "ooh." Maybe it's the one that suits you best.

While in the meditation posture, proceed to the exercise.

Take a deep breath. Then slowly exhale the air and begin to sing the sound "oh-oh-oh." Then another breath. With each breath, focus on the area where the manipura is located. Chant the mantra 10-15 times.

Try singing the martra on the note "mi". If you are not guided by musical tones, then this is optional.

  1. inhale deeply;
  2. as you exhale, open your mouth slightly and begin to sing the first part of the mantra: “ra-a-a-aaa ...”;
  3. close your lips and sing the ending into your nose: "mmmm";
  4. after the end of the exhalation, take a new breath and repeat the chanting of the mantra from the beginning.

It is important that you feel vibrations about the solar plexus chakra area. Send sound to this area. If singing on the note "E" does not cause any resonance, try other keys.

Mantras should be chanted for at least 5 minutes. This will help develop manipura. At the end of the exercise, listen to yourself - what has changed in your state?

Yantra for Manipura

Yantra is a unique mystical symbol used for meditation. Yantra manipura chakra can be presented in two versions:

  1. the swastika is a symbol of movement and life;
  2. red triangle pointing down.

For meditation, we will use the second option. The triangle is associated with the number 3, which symbolizes balance.

The trinity of gods is known in different religions:

  • in Christianity it is the Trinity - God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit;
  • in Hinduism - the creator god Brahma, the patron and protector of Vishnu and the destroyer Shiva.

Each person also absorbed the trinity of Spirit, soul and body.

The triangle is the symbol of Fire. If it is directed upwards, then it is identified with male energy and the Sun. If the top looks down, then this is a symbol female energy and the moon.

Fire is important to everyone. He gives us warmth and light. There are two types of Fire:

  1. The fire of the earth and our mundane desires, which enslave a person and turn into ashes what he touches. It is also the Fire of passions, bringing suffering.
  2. Heavenly solar Fire, representing the Divine love that purifies us.

Yantra Meditation

There are a variety of yantras and mandalas of the manipura chakra. We will work with the classic symbol - a red triangle pointing down.

Prepare a place for meditation in advance. Light a candle, place it in front of you - on a table or on the floor.

Place an image of a yantra near the candle. You can print it on a printer or draw it yourself.

Looking at the tongue of flame, think about the two types of Fire - earthly and heavenly.

Earth Fire is connected with the material world. It flares up when a person cognizes the earthly reality and seeks the purpose of his existence on our planet. If it is associated with egoistic desires, then such a fire should be transformed.

To do this, you will need to go through the purification of Divine Fire. It will burn negative qualities and selfishness. This is necessary in order to move on — to the opening of the next anahata chakra.

Look at the candle flame. Meditate on your inner Fire, which reflects your inner spiritual life. The strength of the flame shows how intense your spiritual growth is.

A person is given opportunities for growth for each incarnation, as well as free will to accept or reject them.

Then look at the yantra. Imagine that you are standing on outside circle. See how the triangle is surrounded by flames - this is a divine, purifying flame.

The tongues of orange, yellow and red are dancing around the triangle. They call you to go through them.

If you dare to do this, they will reveal the secret to you - what needs to be done and what to change in life in order to open the manipura chakra and move forward in your development.

It may not be easy for you to accept change, especially if it threatens your safety. Remind yourself that security can only come from within, not from outside.

The third center, or (translated from Sanskrit "city from precious stones»).

The solar plexus is our Sun, our center of power. Here we receive the energy of the Sun, which, among other things, nourishes our etheric body, thus giving vitality to our physical body and sustaining it. In the third chakra, we enter into an active relationship with the things of the world and other people. Our emotional energy also flows outward from this area. Relations with others, likes and dislikes, as well as the ability to enter into long-term emotional relationships, are largely controlled from this center.

After we have passed the levels of the unconscious and subconscious - and - our consciousness reaches the third level, the level of manipura - the chakra.

The Manipura Chakra is located in the middle of the abdomen, behind the navel, which is why it is also called the navel center. More precisely, its sphere of action extends approximately 7 cm above and below the navel.

The Manipura Chakra is the "city of gems" where you can find gems of clarity, wisdom, self-confidence and well-being. Their radiance extends down to the lower chakras, as well as up to heart center(anahata-chakra). The feeling of love and happiness that we feel in the heart actually originates in manipura and rises from there to anahata. The positive energy emanating from the manipura chakra also purifies svadhishthana and muladhara and their qualities.

Passion turns into pure, unselfish love; through the light of wisdom, prejudice and rejection is transformed into respect and understanding; and envy and insatiable greed become benevolence and healthy moderation. With gaining self-confidence and self-confidence, pride and jealousy turn into modesty and generosity, ignorance - into clear knowledge, and laziness - into a purposeful, consistent effort.

If at the same time as mooladhara or svadhishthana (eyebrow center) is activated, it helps a lot in spiritual development. The same is the case with Manipura. The beneficial qualities of the manipura chakra can reach their perfection only in merging with the ajna chakra. If you rely on the inspiring power of only one of them, you can easily fall into error.
Decisions made under the influence of only the manipura chakra, the so-called "instinctive feeling", are often intuitively correct, but under the influence of strong emotions, they can be distorted and become "irrational". And judgments based only on the intellect suffer from a lack of full and comprehensive vision. Therefore, both chakras are important for a clear awareness of the goal.

Mindfulness and self-confidence are the other two gems of the manipura chakra. Until we find these pearls in ourselves and bring them to light, we live in constant fear - the fear that we will not be loved, that we will fail, that we can get sick, die ... Many of our fears are generated by energy blockages in the manipura chakra .

Manipura is closely related to the psyche. Psychological problems often cause digestive problems. For example, in many people, as a reaction to fear or stressful situation there is abdominal pain or intestinal upset.

More than half of people have problems with the third chakra. Its energy strength is usually weakened in many, so today few have strong will energy. This is clearly seen in the diagnosis. Some may go a lifetime without experiencing an active impulse to act. They can be talented, even energetic people, but completely incapable of doing something decisive in their lives. And if a person meaningfully activates his volitional energy, then he can achieve a lot.
The relentless impulse to action allows such a person to literally move mountains. It is important that under this mountain there is his creative success, abundance, etc. Here it is important not to run into a blank wall. The energy of your will must be directed to the solution of conscious and demanded tasks. Thus, in addition to having the energy of the will, one must also learn how to manage it well.

The solar plexus chakra functions like a small inner sun. The tattva (element) of the manipura chakra is fire, and therefore this chakra is also called the solar or fire center. Fire means light, heat, energy and activity, and on a spiritual level also purification. In the body, the primary element of fire manifests itself as the heat of the body. Manipura Chakra is responsible for our energy balance and supplies energy to the digestive organs. By inflating and regulating the digestive fire, it makes an important contribution to keeping the body stable and healthy.

Under the influence of yellow energy, toxic substances are also removed from the body. This energy helps to get rid of decay products, not enough effective excretion which causes constipation from the body.
At the psychological level, insufficiently effective excretion from the body harmful substances pushes the consciousness of a person to immerse himself in his past, to the inability to free himself from it.

It is very important to remember that the yellow color of the third chakra is the brightest of all colors visible to the human eye. Yellow contains a huge amount of light energy. The flows of yellow energy, passing through the third chakra, complement the flows of energy in all other chakras.

Much depends to a large extent on how much light we allow into ourselves. We feel transparent and bright, joyful and internally satisfied if the third chakra is open, at the same time, our attitude will be unbalanced and gloomy if the chakra is blocked or its work is disturbed. We radiate these feelings every time to the outside world. The amount of light in us determines the clarity of our vision and the quality of what we see.

Through increasing integration and inner integrity, the yellow light of intellectual understanding in the third chakra gradually changes into the golden light of wisdom and completeness.

With the help of the solar plexus, we directly recognize the vibrations of people, and we react according to the quality of these vibrations. If we encounter negative vibrations, then very often we feel danger. We recognize this by the fact that the third chakra involuntarily contracts, which is a temporary defense mechanism.
However, later, when it becomes so strong in us that it is able to radiate outward, obscuring our body like protective armor, this contraction becomes unnecessary.

The Manipura chakra is also called the "cosmic door" because it opens the entrance to numerous astral forces. This is the center of Hara, the center of strength, or the "lion center", which gives us balance, constancy, strength and activity. It works as an energy transformer, transforming and supplying the body with cosmic energy (prana), which comes to us with food.

On a physical level, the function of this chakra can be compared to a furnace. When we put wood in it, the flame burns well; but if the wood is running out, the fire gradually dies. The "log" for our digestive fire is the food we eat. Cereals, nuts, fruits and vegetables are foods with a strong positive vibration. Just as bad wood doesn't make a good fire, inferior products give less energy and are bad for health; such "hot" reactions as rage, anger and aggression also waste the energy of manipura and eventually weaken it.
In a good stove, you do not need to put firewood all the time so that it warms well and for a long time; a poorly functioning furnace does not provide enough heat, and cools down as soon as the fuel comes to an end. When the energy of our food is not assimilated, processed and not properly distributed in the manipura chakra, we feel tired, weak and unwell, but with active manipura, the body is provided with enough energy, even if we did not manage to eat or sleep. That is why for good physical health the most important energy center is the manipura chakra.

Imbalance or blocks in manipura paralyze and destroy our energy and cause various physical and mental problems. If we are not able to think clearly, express our thoughts and feelings, or our mind is clouded, then this is often caused by disturbances in the manipura chakra. Cause of many health problems such as diabetes, skin disease, cardiovascular disease, gout, arthritis, rheumatism, different kinds migraines, allergies and others - lack of energy in manipura and poor functioning of the digestive system.

It is extremely important for both physical and mental health to consume healthy, energizing foods that have a pure, positive vibration. Before you start eating, you need to find out where it came from and what qualities it is endowed with. Important not only nutrients, but also subtle vibrations of foods that leave their mark on the body, mind and our spiritual energy. These vibrations can significantly change our physical well-being, our thoughts, feelings and stock. vitality. Main question, which you need to ask yourself: “Is the food we eat connected with the pain, suffering or death of living beings?”

In order to neutralize negative vibrations and influences, if we do not know where our food came from, it is recommended to say a prayer before eating. It transforms subtle vibrations and harmonizes the work of the manipura chakra.

The action of the manipura chakra is closely related to the pancreas. Displacement of the pancreas is a serious cause of imbalance in the work of manipura. If the gland is in its place, then a weak pulse is felt in the center of the navel; but sometimes this pulse shifts to the left or right, or is a little above or below the navel. Such a shift can lead to various disorders, such as headache, migraine, diarrhea, abdominal pain, fatigue, anxiety.

Symbols of the Manipura Chakra

The graphic symbol of manipura is a ten-petalled lotus flower. Petals are ten types of prana (currents and energy vibrations) that this chakra controls. Prana can mean two things. Firstly, it is the omnipresent energy that fills the entire Universe - the Cosmic Mother, which nourishes our soul. Pranic energy permeates all objects and living beings and is “colored” by their qualities. The second meaning of prana is "God" or "I".

The animal symbol of Manipura is the ram., quick-tempered and very energetic animal. This symbol indicates that at this stage of development we are still connected with nature. As can be seen from the development of the human embryo in the womb, we are genetically embedded with manifestations of plant life as well as animal life, and therefore we must constantly consider the corresponding qualities and aspects of consciousness that form the basis of our evolution.

Another symbol of the manipura chakra is the inverted triangle. This symbol has already met us in Muladhara. The top, facing down, symbolizes the origin, and the sides diverging from it upwards display growth and development. The triangle also symbolically displays the flame of the manipura chakra, which, flaring up, rises.

The deities living in the manipura chakra are Vishnu and Lakshmi. Lakshmi is the goddess of wealth, abundance and prosperity. This applies not only to the material, but, in more, spiritual well-being and health. Health and cheerfulness are a valuable asset that makes our life successful and happy. Lakshmi is the "heavenly counterbalance" of Maya. She bestows perfect and lasting happiness. Lakshmi personifies the ascent of spiritual energy, while Maya turns consciousness to the material world.
Vishnu here personifies the movement towards human consciousness, spiritual growth and creativity.

Petals of Manipura

Each petal of Manipura has a bija, which reflects the vibrations of the energy vortices of the chakra. Each petal is closely interconnected with one of the ten most important human energy channels and has its own vritti (qualities, functions, tendencies):

stone therapy

Tiger's Eye. The stone supports the outer and inner ability see. It sharpens the mind, helping you see your own mistakes and act accordingly.

Amber. Amber bestows warmth and trust. Its solar power leads you to greater joy and clearer light. It helps to look into yourself and shows you how you can realize yourself in life, also accompanying good luck in business.
At the physical level, amber cleanses the body, balancing digestive system and the system of endocrine glands. Cleanses and strengthens the intestines.

Noble topaz. Golden yellow, noble topaz fills you with a stream of power and the warm light of the sun. Gives you greater awareness, mindfulness, clarity, joy and vitality. In addition, it absorbs heavy feelings and dark thoughts - it helps with fears and depression. Strengthens and stimulates the whole body, supports spiritual and physical digestion.

Citrine. Feeling of good mood, warmth, vitality, security and trust. Helps with the processing of life experience and its integration into the personality, as well as in the transfer of intuitive feelings into ordinary life. Attracts inner and outer fullness, supporting you in achieving your goals. At the body level, it supports the elimination of toxins, helping with digestive difficulties and diabetes. In addition, it revitalizes the blood and the functioning of the nervous system.


Lavender. Lavender oil has a calming and relaxing effect on an overactive third chakra. Its refined, warm vibrations help to process frozen emotions and erase them.

Rosemary. Astringent rosemary oil is especially well suited for therapy with deficient solar plexus chakra function. Acts revitalizing and energizing, helping to overcome burdens and maintains readiness for action.

Bergamot: The vibrations of this oil carry a lot of light. Its fresh, lemon-like scent strengthens our vital energy. Gives confidence and empowers self-confidence.

Also, with the help of a candle, you can cleanse, activate, energize the manipura chakra. There are specially designed to correct problems with this chakra. Or for chakra meditations.

You can listen to meditations for harmonizing the chakras.