Mudras that restore the balance of life. Mudras for working with emotions, vishudha (throat chakra), creativity, flow state

I have already talked about the primary elements from which all living things are created. The following mudras will allow you to find their balance in yourself, which creates the foundation for strengthening your health. These mudras can be performed as a small complex in a weakened state or separately, depending on certain negative sensations.

First of all, let me remind you of the essence of the primary elements, with the exception of the ether, which contains the features of all four.

Air (in Sanskrit "vayu" - from "va", which means "to move") - wind, breath. This element symbolizes mobility, deployment. It, of course, cannot be equated with natural winds that bring us warmth or cold. We can feel this air, but not hear or see, which is quite understandable even when we are hiding from frost or heat.

Fire is an element given to us in two manifestations: light and heat. We really see him. There is no light - you cannot see the outlines of objects and people. Color is also associated with light. Who in physics lessons did not teach: "Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant is sitting" (the colors of the spectrum that together make up the light). You can recall how we observe with interest the color difference in parts of the flame.

The next element is water. It has its own characteristics, the main of which are density, heaviness, cold. (Heat is considered to be the property of fire.) Saliva is also water, which is why taste is associated with it.

Earth, unlike water, which has fluidity, is the densest and heaviest of the elements. The smell is considered as belonging to solid particles - being separated from the bodies, they are captured by the olfactory organ.

There are many mudras that allow you to restore the harmony of all elements and thereby the unity of the very existence of man.

Mudra of Heaven

Since the sky occupies an upper position in relation to the earth, then for a person this mudra is associated with his upper "component" - the head. It affects the subtle element - ether. Accordingly, the mudra of Heaven regulates the inner hearing of a person, and is also intended for those suffering from ear diseases or hearing impairments.

Execution technique. The middle finger is bent so that the pad touches the base of the thumb. The large one presses the bent middle one. The other fingers remain straight without tension.

The mudra of the wind

It affects the second of the above elements - air, which also determines the degree of adequate response of the nerve endings of the body. A violation of the proportion of this element makes it difficult for a person to move and makes sensations painfully sharp. The mudra of the Wind is also used for rheumatism, twitching of the neck and head. They alternate it with the wise Life.

Execution technique. You need to reach the base of your thumb with the pad of your index finger. The index finger sticks slightly with the thumb. The other fingers remain straight and relaxed.

The mudra of fire

Allows you to restore spiritual clarity, and, accordingly, the ability to see and visually perceive objects. In Buddhism, the light of fire is a symbol of wisdom. This is a mystical unity with God, the transformation of nature. Also, in different traditions, the test of human virtue is associated with fire.

Execution technique. The index and thumb must be connected in such a way that a ring is formed. Keep your other fingers extended.

Mudra of water

Life on Earth is impossible without water. Water is the basis of the human body. Therefore, it is quite understandable that this mudra is fixed for blood, as well as mucus. An excess of the latter leads to diseases of those organs where it accumulates. Mucus can appear as excess contents in the stomach, liver, and intestinal tract. It accumulates in pulmonary diseases, when phlegm is formed. According to all Eastern beliefs, an excess amount of fluid leads to an energetic blockage of the body.

Execution technique. With the little finger of the right hand, we touch the base of the thumb, with which the little finger is slightly pressed. The left hand clasps the right hand from below. The left thumb is located on the right thumb.

Mudra of the Earth

The earth, as the primary element from which our body is built, determines the type of personality and a person's susceptibility to certain diseases. Bones, muscles, organs of smell are formed from the elements of the earth. The strength of the spirit and its ability to maintain integrity are related to it. This mudra is aimed at strengthening the normal psychophysical state, counteracting mental weakness, stress. In addition, it also has a pronounced protective effect - protection from external energy influences.

Execution technique. The thumb and ring fingers touch the pads (with a light pressure). The rest of the fingers are straightened. It is performed in parallel with both hands.

Along with the listed mudras, which order the balance of the elements in a person, restoring the harmonious balance of the parties, there are several more that also directly relate to the most important energy exchanges in the body.

Energy Mudra

It helps to get rid of harmful substances, which block the paths of energy movement in the human body, while violating the polarity of energy exchange, the person loses the very source of strength. Therefore, this mudra provides an analgesic effect, helps to get rid of toxins, toxic compounds, at the same time affecting the improvement of the genitourinary system.

Execution technique. Connect the pads of the middle, ring and thumb. The other fingers remain free and extended.

The Mudra of Life

It allows you to balance the energy field, to accumulate the potential for the work of the whole organism. As the name suggests, the mudra of Life strengthens the general condition, filling it with life-giving forces. It affects the best way on performance, endurance, helps to avoid overwork, fatigue, exhaustion.

Execution technique. Connect the pads of the ring finger, little finger and thumb, all other fingers are straightened. It is done in parallel with both hands.

Mudra of Intuition

It concerns thought processes and mental organization. The mind should be kept clear and under control, but with the help of intuition, the vastness of other worlds opens up before a person. Therefore, intuition, as it were, stands above the listed five elements, drawing you to the center of the universe, the focus. Mudra is aimed at improving inner vision and insight.

Execution technique. The little finger and the thumb are connected into a ring. The other fingers remain extended.

The Mudra of Strength and Protection

It gives a person great strength, because it establishes channels of communication with the solar and lunar spheres. It also balances masculine and feminine, gives a sense of integrity.

Execution technique. The fingers of both hands are clenched into fists. Are crossed in front of the chest, turned outward. The thumb is inside the fist, it is protected from external influences.

Mudra Giving Self-Control

Mudra increases the ability to maintain self-control and presence of mind, due to which stressful situation you will be able to control yourself and save yourself from mistakes.

Execution technique. We straighten our arms to the sides and bend at the elbows at a right angle. The hands are at ear level with the palms facing forward. Press our fingers, with the exception of the thumbs, to the palms; extend the thumbs and point them to the temples (Fig. 35). Breathing is short and fast.

Wise for Success

Mudra removes the blockage of mental and emotional energy that has arisen in the past and now stands in your way.

Execution technique. We connect the index fingers of both hands so that the thumbs are hidden under the palms, which are facing down. For a second, press your index fingers firmly together. Then we turn our palms up - now our little fingers are connected. And again turn the hands with the palms down so that the index fingers join (Fig. 36). At the moment of changing the position of the hands, each time we say the mantra HAR. Breathing is quick and short.

Mudra that increases efficiency

This mudra affects all energy channels in the human body, balances the nervous and endocrine systems and promises you maximum concentration in any situation.

Execution technique. We bend our arms at the elbows and raise them to chest level, placing them about two centimeters from the body, inside palms - to the chest. The right hand is on top of the left. The fingers of both hands are extended, the tips of the thumbs are pressed together, the forearms are parallel to the floor (Fig. 37). Breathing: inhale slowly and deeply, hold the breath for 10 seconds, exhale extended for 10 seconds.

Mudra for Overcoming Fatigue

This mudra will help restore strength, heal you, invigorate and increase your intuition.

Execution technique. We bend the fingers into fists, with the exception of the index fingers - they are extended. The right fist is pointing down, the left fist up. We put the right index finger on the left index finger and connect them in the middle of the second phalanx so that the meridians passing here come into contact (Fig. 38). Breathing is a slow deep breath in through the nose and a slow tense exhalation through a closed mouth. We direct the stream of exhaled air to the tips of the index fingers.

Mudra, contributing to the renewal of forces

This mudra helps to accumulate energy in the body, which is necessary for renewing physical and mental strength, allows you to cope with everyday professional stress and various household chores.

Execution technique. We stretch our arms straight in front of us. Right hand we squeeze into a fist and grasp it with the palm of our left hand so that the bases of both palms touch, and the thumbs are closely pressed together and extended upward (Fig. 39). Breathing is even, slow and deep.

Mudra for gaining a strong character

This mudra will change the metabolic mechanism inherent in your brain, help to temper your will, make you a spiritually rich and strong person, capable of attracting the same strong people.

Execution technique. We raise our hands to the level of the head, clench our fingers into fists. Straighten the thumbs of both hands and extend both index fingers up. The left hand is at the level of the chin, the right hand is just above the face. The folded palms are facing each other (Fig. 40). Breathing is slow and deep.

Mudra for Maximum Concentration

This mudra will help you calm down, focus your attention. Thanks to her, you will be able to master the flow of thoughts and direct them in the right direction.

Execution technique. We fold the thumbs and forefingers of both hands into a ring; the rest of the fingers are directed up and stretched. We connect the hands above the navel so that the fingers of both hands extended upwards touch each other with their backs (Fig. 41). Breathing is slow and deep.

Mudra that develops mental acuity

This mudra affects the central regions of the brain and stimulates thought processes. Thanks to her, you will be able to make the right decision in the most difficult situations in life.

Execution technique. Left palm raise and open, take the elbow to the side. With the index and middle fingers of the right hand, slowly, with pressure, we pass along the center of the left palm, and then to the very tips of the middle finger and little finger. The fingers of the left hand move back under pressure. The movement is performed several times up and down (Fig. 42). Breathing is slow and deep.

Mudra for overcoming trials

This mudra will help in difficult life situations not to succumb to pessimism, to resist negative energy and attract the positive. Through it, you will learn self-control.

Execution technique. We clench both hands into fists - we put our thumbs out. Then we begin to raise and lower our arms through the sides, describing large circles (Fig. 43). Breathing is slow and deep.

Mudra for gaining self-confidence

This mudra increases the body's ability to generate positive energy, and also prevents thoughts and actions with which a person can harm himself.

Execution technique. We place our hands just below the heart, we spread our elbows to the sides. We connect the bent middle, ring fingers and little fingers of both hands with the second phalanges. The index fingers are extended forward and touching the pads. Pull the thumbs in the direction of the chest and also connect them with pads. Thumbs touch the body in the solar plexus area (Fig. 44). Breathing is slow and deep.

Mudra that helps relieve psychological stress

This mudra helps to relieve excessive mental stress, maintain balance and strengthen the nerves.

Execution technique. We bend our arms at the elbows and fold them under the chest, just above the navel. The palms are facing up backside the left palm rests on the right palm. The fingers are extended and closed (Fig. 45). Breathing is slow and deep.

Mudras for the development of speech and discussion

Dispute and exhortation

Execution technique. The middle and thumb of the right hand touch, the index finger should be kept straight up, the ring and little fingers bend. This is how we enlist the support of what we think about. This is especially important when you are in the mood to put forward arguments.


Execution technique. The tips of the large and forefinger barely touch, forming a circle. The rest of the fingers are extended upward. This gesture calls for patience and attention (Fig. 46).

"Wheel of the law"

Execution technique. The man is sitting. The index and thumb of the right hand are bent in a ring. At the same time, they come into contact with the middle finger of the left. Hands near the chest, the left covers the right. The law protects our thoughts from evil, adjusts to the rational and light.

Execution technique. The hands should be placed one on top of the other, palms up and placed on crossed feet. These are gestures of comprehension. They are commonly found in meditation practice. If you do this exercise, you will feel new horizons that you were afraid to approach before.

The sage Chuang Tzu said: “To know how to find the unknown is perfection. Who knows the inexplicable Path? He, if anyone can know, is the Heavenly Storeroom. Add to it - it will not overflow. Scoop it - it won't get smaller. It is a hidden light. "


It is also called the wise of the Hermit. The arm is directed downward, away from the body. This symbolizes the rejection of worldly pleasures, the ascetic path (Fig. 47).

This is a gesture of calmness and firmness of mind. It is important to learn this, finding grounds in your own soul, and show your firmness to others.


Execution technique. The arm is extended horizontally (there may be a vertical position). The palm turns forward. The thumb presses the middle and ring fingers, positioning itself on the last. The index and little fingers are extended along the arm (Fig. 48).

This is a gesture of aversion from the negative, invoking love as the basis of life. It is important to reproduce it if you want to “capture” the positive energy that would lead you to harmony in your relationships with other people.

"Worship and Prayer"

Execution technique. Two hands are placed opposite the chest, palm to palm, in a prayer position. This gesture, as in the case of reverence, is understandable to everyone.


Execution technique. The hand is outstretched, like a man is carrying a banner.


Execution technique. The index finger is directed to the intended object at the top (Fig. 49).

"Respect and reverence"

Hand (from hand to shoulder) at shoulder level, palm to chest, fingers slightly curved, tips slightly turned towards shoulders.


Execution technique. All fingers are intertwined, palms are connected, the tips of the thumbs and forefingers are pulled up together.

Two outstretched fingers resemble the world axis that holds the entire universe together.


Execution technique. The ends of the thumb and forefinger are connected in a ring, the rest remain open. The palms are facing up.

In this mudra, palms facing up are important. It is a sign that all channels in your body are open to knowledge. This mudra adjusts for the best comprehension of the very complex meaning and its assimilation.


Execution technique. The thumb and forefinger touch as if a seed were squeezed between the pads. The rest are free. The palm is turned downward. This is a symbol of spiritual comprehension, retention of the grain of truth.

Mudra that awakens tenderness

This mudra regulates the electromagnetic field of the brain, due to which peace and tenderness descend on you.

Execution technique. We clench our fists and bring them with the outer edge of our closed palm to our temples. Lightly press our fists to our temples and spread our fingers. Let's close our eyes. Then again we clench our palms into fists and squeeze them. outside to the temples (Fig. 50). Breathing is slow and deep.

Mudra for achieving a sense of contentment

This mudra will balance your energy, relieve the feeling of annoyance arising from various failures, and bring peace.

Execution technique. We connect the tips of the thumb and middle fingers on the right hand in a ring, as well as the tips of the thumb and little finger on the left. The rest of the fingers are relaxed. Hands are at a distance of several centimeters from one another at the level of the navel (Fig. 51). Breathing is slow and deep.

Mudra for Finding Love

This mudra activates the passage of energy that awakens the feeling of love.

Execution technique. We bend the middle and ring fingers of both hands and press them to the palms. Lift the little fingers, thumbs and forefingers up (fig. 52). Breathing: inhale slowly and exhale quickly.

Mudra for Finding Happiness

This mudra has a powerful effect on the state of mind and gives a feeling of happiness.

Execution technique. We bend the ring fingers and little fingers on both hands and gently but firmly press them with our thumbs to the palms. Pull the index and middle fingers up. Breathing is even, slow and deep.

Mudra for Maintaining Sexual Energy

This mudra keeps sexual energy in balance and helps control it by cleansing and repairing the glands that are responsible for the human genitals.

Execution technique. We fold our palms and intertwine our fingers. The left little finger is at the bottom. Squeeze your hands firmly (Fig. 53). Placing the right thumb over the left thumb increases our sexuality. Placing the left thumb over the right, we are overwhelmed with sensuality and tenderness. Breathing is vigorous inhalation and exhalation through the nose.

Mudra for Overcoming Anger and Preventing Headaches

This mudra will help to overcome negative emotions in yourself, direct the energy of anger in a constructive direction and find peace of mind... It is also effective in preventing and relieving headaches.

Execution technique. Raise your hands to your forehead. We squeeze the palms facing forward into fists and extend the thumbs of both hands towards each other. Press with thumbs on the eyebrows near the bridge of the nose and focus on the tip of the nose (Fig. 54). Breathing is slow and deep.

Longevity Mudra

This mudra affects the nerve of life along the spine, and contributes to the emergence of a new physical biorhythm, characteristic of centenarians.

Execution technique. Stretch your arms straight in front of you, without bending your elbows. We fold our palms with a ladle, as if we are catching a stream of water in them. Breathing is short and fast.

Mudra that promotes pacification

This mudra will help to control emotions and enter a state of complete peace of mind.

Execution technique. We raise left hand up to ear level, palm facing forward. We connect the thumb and middle fingers in a ring, the rest are extended. We bend the right hand at the elbow and place it at the level of the solar plexus; the thumb and little finger touch the tips, the rest of the fingers are extended, the palm is facing up (Fig. 55). Breathing - inhale at the count of "one, two, three, four" and exhale quickly energetically.

All of these gestures have their own special meaning. It only manifests itself when the fingers interact.

Above, I have already said what each finger means. In India, I was told about another of their meanings. The thumb is consciousness and infinity. Every time a particular mudra is chosen, the thumb turns you to infinity. You seem to be returned to the original state, when the harmony was not disturbed. The index finger is a sign of creation, the creation of man and the physical body. It means that the Creator's energy is manifested and realized in a specific person. When you connect your thumb and forefinger in a ring, you restore the gap between everything and your self. The middle finger means the separation of the personal "I", the emergence of a sense of separation and separation. Nameless - alienation, as well as a world of illusion. Finally, the little finger is the sum of all deeds, both good and bad. The secret of the fingers was revealed to me in Tibet. Looking at the Buddhist monk who was telling me about them, I thought that he probably knew where the path to the light runs, Especially after the Dalai Lama passed by ...

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Current page: 9 (total of the book has 20 pages) [available passage for reading: 14 pages]

Akash Dharana mudra: contemplation of the element of Ether

The middle finger corresponds to such a basic element as Akash (Ether), which personifies the exit from psychic darkness, curiosity, a tendency to introspection and deep thoughtfulness. Subtle perception of the Akash element occurs through touch. This element, glowing with pure color sea ​​wave, in the yoga tradition associated with Sada-Shiva, her bija "Ham". At a subtle level, mudra controls our communication and creativity.

Turn to face east. Sit on a comfortable (medium firm) rug. Get into a meditative pose. Cover your eyelids and look in front of you. Put your hands together - put the right hand with the back on the left, connect the thumbs, and point the middle finger of the left hand to the center of the right palm. Place your folded hands between the collarbones - this is how you concentrate on the Vishuddha chakra.

Breathe in through your nose, relaxing your stomach. Imagine how the stomach itself, without your participation, is filled with air and the forces of the etheric element. The balloon in your belly swells. When a full inhalation occurs, the diaphragm will completely drop, which means that the air has reached the lowest parts of the lungs, and the forces of the etheric element are concentrated in the hands.

Hand movements begin in the larynx and further up to the bridge of the nose. Fingers should be free, breathing even, calm.

Meditation on this mudra can tell you how to correctly solve the tasks before you. Focus on the life situation that you want to turn to a favorable coincidence for you. Feel that your spiritual capabilities are unobstructed. Imagine that you have brought to a logical conclusion what you are doing now: finished building a house, finished writing a book, transplanted it into a new flowerpot favorite plant... Imagine the result you are striving for. Turn to your inner self, to your inner wisdom. Trust that the initiative, which is symbolized by the middle finger, will push you to solve any problems, put the right plan of action in your hand. The forces are rapidly arriving, and you feel that you will spend them as intended.

Gradually, when you bring the performance of these mudras up to five, and then up to ten minutes, the channel of subtle sensory perception (tanmatra) will open, along which the energy, as if "along the steps" of the chakras, will begin to pulsate from the bottom up, a shine in the eyes will appear.

Hatha yoga: the creation of the soul and body

Each person is able to shape his life as he wishes and make it very meaningful and fruitful.

Man is, first of all, the creator of his soul and his body. Help yourself to gain confidence and self-control - and the perception of your own body will change. Hatha yoga practice will help you to feel your body better and achieve a more harmonious spiritual life through the physical plane. You will learn to master the body perfectly, get rid of stiffness and awkwardness - the movements will become more precise and coordinated. Peace and tranquility will descend on you, resistance to stress and a feeling of pristine harmony of spirit and body will appear.

Gestures that are described in ancient texts always carry a certain symbolism. Put semantic coloring in every movement, do not just mechanically repeat all the "wisdoms", but try to feel their energy. Maybe then you will feel that you have stopped one step away from wisdom?

Pose in harmony with breathing

Yoga begins with an inner attunement to health, harmony and empowerment. There are different ways for this, the simplest of which is the correct position of the body. Transfer the experience that you received while performing meditative asanas to performing vajarasana (Fig. 37) - postures when your body is in the "sitting on heels" position.

This asana symbolizes the inviolability of the Law (Dharma) of the Buddha. Vajrayana Buddha is a symbol of the purity of Enlightenment and the Law. He is depicted sitting in clothes white with a vajra in his right hand at the heart and with a bell in his left hand at the thigh.


Translated from Sanskrit, the name of this pose literally means "lightning", "diamond", "steel", since the vajra is an ancient weapon similar to a metal arrowhead. It was this weapon, according to legends, that the deity of rain and lightning Indra used. Lightning is considered to be the spark struck by Indra's arrow. This asana helps to understand and improve your psychic abilities.

Turn to face east. Sit on a comfortable (medium firm) rug. Get on your knees, heels together, big toes touching each other. Connect your knees and cross your feet:

For men: the right foot is on top.

For women: the left foot is on top.

Now lower yourself slowly onto your heels without separating them. Move your center of gravity to your knees and ankles. The back, neck and head are one straight. The muscles are not tense, the shoulder girdle is relaxed, the gaze is directed straight ahead - do not raise or lower your chin. Place your hands on your knees so that your pinky, ring, middle and index fingers are together, and your thumb is in an arbitrary position.

Be careful not to slouch. You should not have any tension or pain. The next day or a few days later, as you perform this pose, you will realize that you have made progress and can now begin to control your breathing. It should be calm and natural.

Breathe only through your nose, concentrating on the sound and sensations of the air entering your lungs. This will help you focus on the breathing process and stop the flow of obsessive thoughts.

The state of asana-jaya comes only when you achieve victory over the asana, that is, the meditative posture has been mastered so much that you will have a feeling of harmony, physical lightness and inner peace.

Prana filling

V Ancient India temple dancers were taught that prana is the true source of subtle energy, it cannot be divided into components or described in words.

Prana is filled with a ray of sun that has broken through the clouds, the aromas of prana are exuded by a blossoming bud on your window, prana flows from the gentle tongues of flame in the fireplace. Heaven, man, and earth have their own prana. It determines our capabilities, assumes this or that energy life alignment. It touches everyone and everyone, therefore it is not present at a specific point in space and in a relatively limited period of time, but spreads everywhere.

Prana infusion techniques with emphasis on the correct position of the hands will activate our physical body ideal for overcoming health problems, maintaining energy balance.

The mudra of "Life"

This is a very healthy position of the hands, it is desirable for everyone to master it. But we warn you right away: mudra is not as easy to perform as it might seem at first glance. And you will have to master it slowly until your fingers become more flexible. At first, you may even experience unpleasant painful sensations.

What do the index and middle fingers, remaining freely straightened, symbolize when the gesture of this mudra is formed? The index is associated with the Ajna chakra (the "third eye" located in the center of the forehead) and determines the spiritual values ​​of each of us. The middle finger is connected with the Vishuddha chakra, located at the level of the throat, and reflects the volitional manifestations and spiritual aspirations of a person.

If you are not on the road or in public place light a candle orange(its flame will keep you from losing your presence of mind) or fill the room with the scent of cedar, which creates the feeling of an invisible dome overhead.

Turn to face north. If your breathing is directed towards enlightenment, then you will be able to contain the overflowing energy. Then it will serve only for your benefit - it will create a barrier to ailments and bad thoughts.

Tune in to a feeling of detachment from something real and concrete - this sharpens the perception of the world, improves special bond between what is happening in your soul, those invisible energies that shape your inner path, and those higher spiritual spheres, the impulses of which you must be aware of.

Practice mudra with both hands at the same time. Place your hands at forehead level, palms facing your body. Put the pads of the little fingers of the ring and thumb of each hand together, and keep the rest freely straightened. Try to hold your hands arbitrarily, without tension. It is permissible to perform mudra with one hand (fig. 38).

On the subtle plane, the implementation of the mudra, which is otherwise called Pran mudra, harmonizes the work of the Muladhara chakra and Ajna chakra, on the physical plane it improves visual acuity, helps to heal eye diseases, reduces pain during exacerbations and various inflammations; on the emotional plane - sets up optimism and receptivity of the positive sides of life.

Performing this mudra is tantamount to a session of qualified bioenergetic massage: the border of the aura is leveled, a feeling of cheerfulness and a surge of vitality comes.

The mudra of the "Earth"

The main effect of this mudra is that you learn to first feel the body as a spring and then relax all the muscles. This will help you relieve fatigue and even replenish sleep if you slept poorly or a little.

According to the eastern tradition, the world was created by the fusion of five primary elements or elements: Air (Vayi), Fire (Agni), Water (Jala), Space (Akash) and Earth (Prithvi). Together, these five elements are called Panchamahabhuta in India. But the Earth is a special primary element, the personification of the feminine, maternal principle in the Universe. Doing mudra empowers you to accept correct decisions, in the right situation, showing willpower and positive attitude.

When you are not on the road or in a public place, light a red candle (to feel like an extraordinary person) or fill the room with the scent of lime (it helps to forget about bad experiences).

Turn to face east. Stretch your entire body several times and immediately relax your muscles. If you lack clarity and clarity in your thoughts, it is best to turn to the method of enlightening breathing. Take a normal, natural breath. Conduct your life energy mentally to the navel area. Hold your breath for a couple of seconds. Exhale - long and slow. While meditating on this mudra, you connect to energy field Earth and make a positive emotional and informational exchange between natural forces and the depths of your subconscious.

Practice mudra with both hands at the same time. Place your hands at chest level. Press the pads of the ring and thumbs together, the rest of the fingers are freely straightened and slightly apart. It is permissible to perform mudra with one hand (fig. 39).

On the subtle plane, performing the mudra enhances the vibration of the Manipura chakra, on the physical plane, the healing effect of the mudra is directed to the vegetative, endocrine and lymphatic systems; on the emotional plane, mudra relieves stress, restores physical and mental strength.

This mudra is used for concentration. vital energy in the area of ​​the solar plexus. Its implementation allows you to take a fresh look at your place in this world, to establish closer ties with others. Psychologically, mudra is suitable for purposeful people who are tuned in to career growth and are used to judging people objectively, based on facts.

Mudra "Wind"

This position of the hands regulates energy exchange well; it is not without reason that it is believed that it helps against thousands of diseases. For supporting normal level immunity, do it daily, for 5-10 minutes.

The wind in the East has always been a symbol of cosmic power, in which the spiritual principle is closely intertwined with the material. This is the personification of the living breath of the Universe, the strength of the spirit in maintaining life and the unification of all living things. The ring, formed from the middle and thumb, symbolizes the unity of the Bodily and Spiritual world, the harmony of the Earth and Heaven. It is no coincidence that the gesture of preaching (Vyakhyana mudra), in which the index and thumb are connected, is associated with the Buddha preaching the dharma (eternal moral law).

If you are not on the road or in a public place, light a candle. of blue color(its burning will give a feeling of lightness of being), and to put your feelings and emotions in order, fumigate the room with rosemary.

Turn to face north. A dialogue between consciousness and subconsciousness - the combination of Ani's energy and Prithvi's energy - will help to soar above the bustle in the stream of wisdom and to achieve concentration of thought.

Agni Tattva is in the navel, Prithvi Tattva is in the sacrum. Kindle the fire element in the Manipura chakra, direct the flow of Agni energy into the Muladhara chakra and connect with the earthly element. Hold your breath and focus on the union of Agni Tattva and Prithvi Tattva.

Take a deep breath through your nose. Hold your breath for a moment and begin to exhale. Then, rhythmically, with strong, but sharp exhalations, throw out the air. Do not drown out the voice of the soul, think well what you want to attract into your life.

Practice mudra with both hands at the same time. The hands are located at the level of the solar plexus. The index fingers should be bent so that their tips are pressed against the bases of the thumbs. That is, the index fingers are held slightly by the thumbs. The rest of the fingers are straight and relaxed. It is permissible to perform mudra with one hand (Fig. 40).

On the subtle plane, the implementation of the mudra, which is otherwise called Vayu mudra, enhances the vibration of the Muladhara chakra and Manipura chakra, on the physical one - helps to overcome rheumatism, osteochondrosis and sciatica; emotionally, the image of the wind will bring peace to the soul.

Of course, we all try not to make business decisions based on emotions. But it is not easy to insure against covert manipulation when someone tries to play your soul strings. Strengthen your business skills with the Wind mudra. Maximum effect is achieved when it is performed alternately with the wise "Life".

Mudra of "Self-control"

Quite often, when performing this mudra, they make a standard mistake: they hold their hand with their thumb down. It is absolutely impossible to do this. Mudra is irreplaceable in situations of concentration and concentration, it helps to plan your life and achieve tangible results without getting hung up on unresolved problems. When we straighten our thumb, we cause energy to rush up from the base chakra, increasing blood flow and energy supply to the brain.

In ancient Rome, the raised thumb gesture gave life to gladiators, and Indian tradition connects the thumb with "twice-born", that is, those who have found their purpose.

When you are not on the road or in a public place, light an emerald, peace-making candle or fill the room with the scent of lemon - the healer of the mind and soul.

Turn around to face southeast. First, exhale sharply and quickly through your nose. Now you are breathing out confusion and worries. After that - a full breath, just as fast and strong. No breath holding is required. The exhalation is done through the movement of the abdominal muscles and diaphragm. Concentrating on the position of your fingers and rethinking your behavior gives you spiritual strength, making you more thoughtful, forward-thinking and discerning.

Practice mudra with both hands at the same time. Spread your arms to the sides and bend at the elbows at a right angle so that the hands are at the level of the head, and the palms are facing away from you. Straighten your thumbs and point towards the temples, clench the rest of your fingers into fists. When squeezing your fingers, imagine that you are collecting fresh energy in them, which, through the channels of the thumbs, displaces from your subtle body any negative (fig. 41).

On the subtle plane, the implementation of the mudra harmonizes the work of the Vishuddha chakra and the Ajna chakra, on the physical plane it has a healing effect in diseases of the lymphatic system, and on the emotional plane it does not allow one to succumb to surging emotions and commit a rash act. Do the mudra and stay calm - remember that a business person, when making a decision, should not give in to feelings, no matter how strong they may be.

Links of Power: Mudras of Inner Protection

It is very important that the received energy is not wasted or become someone's prey. And for this you need to master the secrets psychological protection and have a strong attitude in life.

Often people perceive each other as energy level... If we regard mutual sympathy or antipathy as a natural phenomenon, then the palm should be considered as an external energy-informational layer, a kind of “body armor for the soul”. So how can you keep outsiders away from your energy and reflect possible attacks? There are a great many ways, some of them are well known to all.

Mudra "Ring attachment"

This is an option for creating an energy block that yogis use. Usually after the third time there is a feeling of increased air density, the head seems to be compressed. This means that the technique worked: you not only closed the biofield contour, but also made it several times denser. Mudra expresses restraint, independence, perseverance and endurance.

When you are not on the road or in a public place, light a red candle (symbol inner strength).

Your breathing is deep, even, silent. Make sure that neither the chest nor the abdomen rise. Your will is powerful, pure and unyielding. First, connect the thumb and forefinger of one hand to form a ring. Place this ring in the palm of your other hand. Then, with the thumb and forefinger of the second hand, form a ring and place it in the palm of the first hand. Repeat the cycle 3 times (fig. 42).

Mudra successfully affects the circulatory system, is useful for vascular pathologies, and on the emotional plane helps to concentrate vital forces, and thus replenish internal energy reserves, establish a strong connection with the outside world.

Mudra "Conquering stress"

When it is hard for you, it is bad, or you are afraid of something, and your thoughts are confused, quickly follow this mudra. If your palms are turned inward, you are holding the fear in yourself. By opening your palms to face danger, you overcome fear.

Mudra symbolizes the idea of ​​defeating evil with the help of inner strength. According to one of the legends, when Devadanita (the bearer of evil) released a maddened elephant on the Buddha, the Enlightened One raised his right hand and turned his palm towards the angry animal. And from his fingers five multi-colored rays flashed, which instantly tamed the elephant. The narrower meaning of the gesture of rotation with the right palm facing outward (Tyrodana mudra) is the elimination of negativity.

If it is difficult for you to understand the essence of the internal conflict and it begins to seem that you are completely confused, you do not see any way out of this situation, tune in to a feeling of love for all living things, allow your whole consciousness to be possessed by inner gratitude towards the world.

When you are not on the road or in a public place, light an orange candle (usually used for optimism).

Turn to face east. Practice mudra with both hands at the same time. Keep your open palms at eye level, straighten your fingers and spread them apart. Rotate your hands back and forth, while your elbows and wrists remain motionless.

On the subtle plane, performing the mudra enhances the vibrations of the Manipura chakra and Anahata chakra, on the physical it relieves muscle tension, makes it possible to concentrate; on the emotional plane, it helps to strengthen self-control, endurance and resilience against the blows of fate, supports in the event of prolonged stress and critical situations.

Phala mudra

The name of mudra is translated from Sanskrit as "the consequence of the result", "the result of the deed." Our life is, in general, a chain of questions and answers, a combination of steps, a series of causes and effects. But it is important to understand that the circumstances of life depend on you and me, they always allow us to make a reasonable choice.

Mudra concerns issues of control over the external situation. Helps to manage protective functions organism.

Place your left hand in front of your chest, palm out, and bend your fingers. Place your right hand towards your left, but with the rear outward. Now clasp your hands together, they should be at the level of your heart. Breathe slowly and calmly.

When you exhale, stretch your arms in different sides but do not disengage your fingers. How do you feel? The pectoral muscles and the muscles of the shoulder girdle are tense. Take a breath - you try to relax the muscles. Exhale - pull your arms out to the sides. Repeat several times (focus on internal sensations). Then press your hands to your chest, to your heart. Change the position of the hands: now the left hand is turned with the rear, and the right one with the palm outward. Take a few breaths in and out again. Lower your hands to your knees and sit quietly in silence, listening to your body (Fig. 43).

On the subtle plane, doing mudra harmonizes the work of the Sahasrara chakra, on the physical plane it is very useful for strengthening all systems of the body; on the emotional plane - it helps to maintain cheerfulness and optimism, a positive outlook on things and abandon the stereotype of seeing everything in gloomy tones.

Mudra is an ancient way to help yourself. This is a special position of the fingers in accordance with certain rules.

Where to study? - It is better to find a secluded place for practice, but this is not a prerequisite. Mudras are gestures, so you can perform them anytime, anywhere.

How to do it? - Mudras are best done while sitting. A prerequisite is that the back is straight. You should not experience any tension or pain.

When to study? -You can perform mudras at any time when you feel the need to replenish energy. But the most favorable time is morning or evening. You should not do mudras immediately after eating; you can start exercising no earlier than an hour later.

How often should mudras be done? - There are no restrictions on this issue, but the best option: do mudras twice a day.

How long does the mudra take? - As you master the practice, the duration of performing the mudra increases from three minutes at the beginning to thirty minutes when you get stable skills.

Most mudras have an immediate effect - you will immediately feel a surge of strength, clarity of mind, peace. If there are more serious problems then it will take discipline and perseverance. The mudras you have chosen will need to be performed for several weeks before you feel a deep change in yourself, which will eliminate the problem that torments you.

The mudra of the "Earth"

Execution technique.

The ring and thumb are connected by pads with slight pressure.

The remaining fingers are free.

Practical use.

Strengthens and harmonizes the influence of the earth element in the body.

The earth element mainly consists of bones, skin, hair, nails.

Improves the psychophysical state of the body, multiplies strength and endurance, relieves the feeling of mental weakness, stress.

Helps with osteoporosis, arthritis, diseases of the skin, teeth, hair.

Helps to overcome greed, lethargy, discouragement and gross sensuality.

Improves an objective assessment of one's own personality, increases self-confidence, and also protects against negative external energy influences.

The mudra of "Water"

Execution technique.

The little finger and thumb are connected by pads with slight pressure.

The remaining fingers are free.

It is performed with both hands at the same time.

Practical use.

Strengthens the water element in the body.

It is used in the treatment of cardiovascular and endocrine diseases, trauma, metabolic disorders, hypertension, diabetes.

It is beneficial for urolithiasis, cystitis, pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, prostatitis, prostate adenoma, bloating, distributes moisture, etc.

It is used for dysfunctions of the reproductive system. Helps to sublimate sexual energy.

Helps control feelings and harmonize desires, overcome anger, envy and irritability.

The mudra of "Fire"

Execution technique.

The middle and thumb are connected with pads with slight pressure.

The remaining fingers are free.

It is performed with both hands at the same time.

Practical use.

Increases the fire element in the body.

Warms up the body and clears the stomachs.

Relieves drowsiness, hypochondria, depression, cures diseases of the nasopharynx, colds.

Improves vision, helps to harmonize digestion, strengthen the immune system, improve memory.

It cleanses and rejuvenates all body tissues and prevents the formation of tumors, helps to normalize lipid metabolism, and increases sexual activity; protects against the damaging effects of toxins and premature aging.

Mudra "Air"

Execution technique.

The index and thumb are easily connected by pads; the remaining fingers are straight (not tense).

Combine with belly breathing.

Practical use.

Increases the air element in the body.

Helps in the treatment of respiratory diseases, insomnia, excessive sleepiness, high blood pressure.

Improves functioning critical systems organism: immunity, central nervous system, liver.

This mudra gives strength and revives us again.

Helps to overcome laziness, inertia, depression.

Enhances motivation and gives strength to intention.

In the practice of yoga, mudras occupy an important place. This is one of the tools for drawing attention inward. Does everyone know the concept of mudra? Mudra is a certain hand gesture that is used during meditation and directs energy in the right direction. In this article you will find out what are the most important and very powerful mudras.

The ancient sages discovered that the fingers embody 5 elements - fire, water, earth, air and ether. Therefore, with the help of mudras, you can control these elements.

The thumb is ether.
Index finger - air.
The middle finger is fire.
The ring finger is water.
The little finger is the earth.

Very strong mudras, top 10:

1. Jnana Mudra

The most famous mudra among meditation practitioners. Its purpose is to strengthen your concentration and improve your memory. This mudra is great if you want to get answers while meditating, as well as while studying.
Performing mudra: the thumb touches the index finger, the rest of the fingers are straightened.

2. Buddha (x) and

Mudra is used to purify consciousness. Do it when you need to understand the signals of your subconscious: dreams, meditation. It will also help improve your communication skills.
Fulfillment of the mudra: the little finger touches the thumb, the other fingers are straightened.
Elements involved: ether and earth.

3. Shuni or Shunya

Mudra is used for stronger intuition, sensitivity, sensing. It also makes thoughts and emotions clear.
Performing mudra: the tip of the middle finger touches the thumb, the rest of the fingers are relaxed and straight.
Elements involved: ether and fire.

4. Prana Mudra

The name speaks for itself. This gesture aims to activate the flow of energy in your body. Prana - vitality of all living beings.
Performing mudra: with your little finger and forefinger, touch the tip of your thumb, keep the remaining two fingers straight.

5. Dyana Mudra

One of my favorite mudras. It is used in many Western meditation traditions. Often, Buddha is depicted with this gesture. This gesture can immerse you in even greater concentration. And it also brings calmness and peace to your soul.
Performing mudra: Sit with palms raised to the top. Right palm open and lies la left palm. The right hand represents enlightenment and higher spiritual abilities. The left one is the illusion of this world, maya.
Elements involved: all.

6. Surya Mudra

Mudra strengthens the element of fire, solar energy in the body, which promotes metabolism and digestion. It also helps to get rid of heaviness in the body and warms, as it slightly raises the body temperature.
Performing mudra: the ring finger is under the thumb, so that the latter touches the first joint. Use the rest of your fingers and arm to jerk relaxed and straight.
Elements involved: ether and water.

7. Apana Mudra

The gesture is suitable for improving the absorption of food, both mental and physical, as well as for cleansing the body.
Performing mudra: touch your middle and ring fingers to the tip of your thumb.
Elements involved: ether, fire and water.

8. Ganesha

The mudra is widespread and named after the elephant-headed deity, Ganesha. It is believed to help overcome all kinds of obstacles. Therefore, this mudra will help in difficult times when you are stressed, stressed, or in a difficult situation. It will bring you back to a positive mood and give you relief.

Use this mudra for recovery. While doing this, concentrate on the heart chakra. Open your heart and breathe deeply as you meditate.
In addition to the fact that the gesture opens the fourth chakra, thanks to the tension during its execution, you also tone the heart and muscles around.
Performing mudra: place your left hand parallel to your chest, palm away from you, so that your thumb is pointing down. Place your right hand in front of your left, palm facing you. Squeeze your hands to form a lock.
While meditating, keep the lock as you inhale, tighten your arms a little while continuing to hold the mudra as you exhale. Do this about 6 times. Change hands, repeat. Be sure to do the same amount of breaths on both sides to achieve balance.
Elements involved: all.

9. Vayu Mudra

Effective when dealing with imbalance of the wind element (Ayurvedic - Vata dosha): indigestion, bloating, joint pain. Vayu mudra is also good for normalizing sleep. It will balance your wind element.

Performing mudra: the principle is the same as in jnana mudra, only the index finger is bent more under the thumb.
Elements involved: ether and air.

10. Rudra

Mudra is associated with Shiva, as it includes your inner possibilities for transformation. The gesture activates your center of power - your solar plexus. Rudra mudra is said to also enhance concentration and purify the mind. It is often attributed to dizziness, general malaise, and chronic tension in the body. This is the mudra of freedom.
Use Rudra Mudra to fill with energy, to unleash your potential and achieve goals

Performing mudra: touch the tip of your thumb with your index and ring fingers.
Elements involved: air, water and ether.

I hope these useful mudras will help you to improve your well-being and raise energy in your body. They can be used during yoga practice and separately. I offer you a small and effective morning hatha yoga complex.

Find a few wise ones that are most necessary for you and the results will not be long in coming!

Akash mudra increases the element of ether (space) in the body. She communicates a feeling of peace, kindness, love. Improves hearing and thyroid function. Your aura is filled with high vibrations of light, tenderness, harmony.

The sage Nisargadatta said: “Unshakable faith is stronger than fate. If you believe in God, cooperate with Him. If you do not believe, cognize your true Self. Either watch the world as a spectacle, or make it perfect with all your might. Or both at the same time. "

This mudra suppresses the positivity of thinking, destroys destructive programs in the subconscious. Promotes meditation, develops intuition, is favorable for the development of extrasensory abilities.

This mudra helps to detoxify the body, regulates cellular metabolism, and helps to overcome chronic fatigue syndrome.

Execution technique:

Connect the tips of your thumbs and middle fingers on both hands. The rest of the fingers are straightened. Hands rest freely on the knees, palms up.


Mantra "Hrim" - bija of the heart, space and prana; it projects the power of the sun. This mantra can be used to reveal, purify and strengthen any word. It fills with the strength of health, vitality and enlightenment.


Visualize blue at the throat chakra.

Practice the mudra for 10-20 minutes.