Chakras energy centers scheme description. What is the danger of blocking the forehead chakra? The seven main human chakras

7 chakras of a person are responsible for his life, which are located along the spine. Each of them has its own function. They are responsible for the physical, mental and mental health of a person.

Man is a rainbow, all its seven colors. This is its beauty, this is its problem. Man is multifaceted, multidimensional. It is not simple, it is infinitely complex. And from this complexity that harmony is born, which we call God - a divine melody.

Man is the bridge between the animal and the divine. Animals are infinitely happy, cares and neuroses are alien to them. God is infinitely happy and conscious. Man is just between them. Remaining in anticipation, he always hesitates - to be or not to be?


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Chakras are located in the subtle etheric body of a person. The chakra has the form of a cone with a diameter of up to 5 centimeters, which constantly rotates. These cones narrow as they enter the body and "connect" to the spine. The spine is the main energy pillar of a person.

Depending on the location, each chakra oversees the work of certain human organs and systems and nourishes them with energy. They have a special effect on the human endocrine system, which regulates all processes in the human body.

All seven chakras are constantly rotating and vibrating. Thanks to this, they attract the energy of the Universe and transmit it through all channels to the body. When rotated to the right, the chakra fills with male energy, which is responsible for willpower, aggression, thirst for power and vigorous activity. If to the left, it attracts feminine energy. If you engage in spiritual self-development, then you can learn to see the turns of the chakras and independently change the trajectory of their movement.

All energy from the Universe, surrounding people and objects enters the seven chakras, and then diverges throughout the body. Chakras are energy centers through which the energy-information exchange of the body with environment.

Through the chakras, the body is nourished with energy and the waste energy is released. Where does the spent human energy go? It is absorbed by vegetable and animal world, or another person.

The 7 main human chakras are located in the following areas:

  • the seventh crown (sahasrara) is located in the region of the crown;
  • the sixth chakra "third eye" (ajna) is located in the central part of the forehead;
  • the fifth throat chakra (vishuddha) is located in the throat area (thyroid gland);
  • fourth heart chakra (anahata);
  • the third solar plexus chakra (manipura) is located in the navel;
  • the second sexual, sacral chakra (svadhisthana) vibrates in the pubic area;
  • The first root chakra (muladhara) is located in the perineum.

How is energy transmitted in the body and what does it mean?

The manifestation of energy occurs through the root chakra, which operates at low frequencies and through the crown with the highest frequency. The human body is not able to receive frequencies directly, therefore it transforms them into sensations, thoughts and emotions.

Why do we so often say that we lack energy, feel exhausted and tired? Violation in the activities of the seven chakras of a person is mainly facilitated by the presence of a person in the stress of the past, "stuck" in the past or worry about the future. Such thoughts and experiences pump everything out of a person. vitality. That is why in all books on self-development, you will find the phrase that the most important thing is “here and now”. Of course, energy vampires also contribute to the disruption of the chakras - people who suck out the missing spectrum of energy from another person. This leads to disruption of the chakras and diseases.

Each chakra is associated in the human body with one of the endocrine glands. This forms a channel through which all energy is transferred from the chakras to the physical body. This energy is called the energy of life, as it helps a person to live and develop mentally and physically.

The meaning of the chakras

The meaning of the chakras lies in the fact that they receive higher energy and transform it into a lower frequency, which is transmitted to our body.

Highly spiritually developed people can take more energy, others less. The universal energy is so powerful that if it got into the body without transformation, then there would be a failure in all body systems. Chakras perform the function of transformers and converters of this energy into one that the human body can perceive and withstand.

Man consists of material, astral, mental and spiritual layers. Each layer operates at a specific frequency and wave. If you work on yourself, expand your consciousness, think positively, properly direct your imagination, meditate, you can get rid of negativity, improve your health and heal yourself of any disease.

The seven chakras of man

Concentrating on a particular chakra, you can cure any disease and improve the psychological state. Think about what worries you the most, what you obsess over the most and work through it. To know which of the seven chakras of a person you need to work with, let's figure out which chakra is responsible for what.

The first energy channel is the root chakra (muladhara)

Located in the crotch area, has shades of black, red and blue. It has a "lam" sound. She is responsible for stability, the instincts of self-preservation and security. Element - Earth. This chakra in the human body controls the work of the adrenal glands, intestines, prostate. Responsible for the human sexual sphere and affects the composition of the blood. Failure of Muladhara leads to constipation, unwillingness to develop, lethargy and depression. It is also responsible for diseases of the blood, back and skin.

This chakra creates the basis for the life of the human body. Muladhara develops the other six chakras.

Svadhisthana chakra

Located in the pubic area, painted in shades of orange, yellow and blue. Mantra is the sound of "you". Responsible for changes in life, sexuality, creativity, sensitivity and honesty. Has creative energy. Element - Water.

This chakra controls the functioning of the gonads, lymphatics, kidneys and genitals. When the chakra malfunctions, frequent muscle spasms, allergies, impotence and infertility, and depression occur.

All sexual energy is concentrated in the sacral center. Its main function is awareness and acceptance of another person. If Svadhisthana functions correctly, then a person will be attentive to people, able to respect the feelings of others. She is also responsible for reproductive functions.


This is the third solar plexus center, yellow or purple. The mantra is the sound of "ram". It is responsible for self-knowledge, goal setting and inner strength. Element - Fire.

It has a direct effect on the functioning of the lungs, gastrointestinal tract, pancreas, gallbladder and liver.
When there is a failure in Manipur, the formation of stones in gallbladder, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, ulcers and gastritis.

Through the center of the solar plexus is the perception of the world, the transfer of our energy to the Cosmos. Promotes mental and physical development, inner strength, ability to self-realization. Through it, it is determined whether a person will be a leader or a follower, whether he will be able to achieve his goals. A desire to achieve certain heights, power, a high position is born in it.

Anahata chakra

The third heart energy center. This is the center of love. Has shades of green, red and pink. The mantra is the sound of "yam". Element - Air.

Affects the work of the heart, blood vessels, lungs, skin condition. Failure of the chakra leads to frequent colds, heart pain, hypertension, constant tension, insomnia, and chronic fatigue.

This chakra connects the three lower and three upper chakras. Thus, the physical body and the emotional center get the opportunity to connect with the centers of the development of the spirit and mind.

It is a source of love for people, care and compassion. It helps to intuitively feel people, which makes it possible to establish contacts with others. Anahata allows us to feel the beauty and harmony of this world and is responsible for the manifestations of creativity.

All emotions, passing through Anahata, are purified and pass into the personal power of a person.

Vishuddha chakra

It is located in the throat area, has blue and red shades. She is responsible for responsibility and communication. The mantra is the sound "am". It has a relationship with the throat, thyroid gland, lungs, ears and muscular system.

Imbalance leads to difficult communication, slow speech, lung disease, migraine, muscle pain, low self-esteem, ear inflammation.

This chakra helps us express all that is within us. It helps to show our emotions, feelings, experiences and show creativity.

Ajna chakra - the third eye of a person

Located in the middle of the forehead, has shades of blue and purple. Responsible for inspiration, development of spirituality, awareness of the life path and intuition. The mantra is the sound "ham-shkam". Affects the functioning of the pineal gland and the functioning of the organs of vision, hearing, smell and brain. Violations in the functioning of the chakra lead to diseases of the ears, eyes, nose, lungs, and also contributes to the appearance of migraines and nightmares.

Thanks to Ajna, a person listens to intuition, to the subconscious. The ability to concentrate and the development of wisdom depend on her condition.

Central chakra

Sahasrara chakra - the seventh crown energy center, which is located in the crown area and has purple. Golden or silver color. The mantra is the sound "Om". She is responsible for spirituality and insight. Affects the functioning of the brain.

It is the center of perfection, the repository of knowledge. This chakra develops throughout life. The energy connection of the remaining six chakras with the divine passes through Sahashara.

In Sahashara unite all the energies coming from the lower chakras. It helps to realize that life is a manifestation of the spiritual in the physical body. It is from this chakra that we begin our conscious life.

Each of the 7 chakras in our body has its own meaning, has its own function. Each chakra is responsible for a certain state of the organs and systems of our physical body. It is very important to learn how to work with them and then we will be able to properly fill ourselves with vital energy.

The name of the throat chakra "Vishudha" in Sanskrit means "full of purity." It is located on the surface of the neck, in the throat area, its petals are located on the front side of the larynx, and the stem extends down from the back of the head.The throat chakra is the center responsible for communication, inspiration and expression of a person's personality. The chakra is connected with all aspects of communication - with one's own "I", with other people, with cosmic power (communication here is manifested in the form of faith). This chakra represents how we see ourselves and also creates an important connection between the lower chakras and the crown chakra. It is a bridge between our thoughts, feelings, impulses and reactions. At the same time, it transmits to the world and expresses the content of all other chakras. Through this chakra we express who we are.

Through the throat chakra we express our vitality, laughter, tears, our feelings of joy and love. This chakra gives us the ability to consciously and clearly express what is happening and existing within us.

The sexual chakra, which is specifically associated with Vishuddha, is responsible for our creative abilities. The throat chakra is a source of inspiration, it raises the creative principle to the level of creative expression, thanks to this chakra our Creative skills expressed in the creation of works of art - poetry and prose, music, paintings, dances, and so on.

The creative energy of the sexual chakra, as it passes through other chakras, becomes an energy that is mixed with the desire for self-expression and self-determination, the ability to experience and express feelings, and finally, the ability to express creativity in forms of art that affect not only those who create, but also on those who perceive.

This is an additional step towards the highest Divine inspiration, which is expressed in the third eye chakra and in the crown chakra: they allow you to put wisdom, knowledge and understanding of the world into a work of art, as well as receive inspiration from above.

The more developed the throat chakra, the more a person can learn, the more he is aware of what is happening inside him. He is able to recognize his inner impulses, needs and emotions and comprehend them with a little step back. As a result, a person acquires the ability to control all his internal movements and distinguish them.

Now he can decide which of them to send to the outside world, which to keep in himself, and which to get rid of. Thus, a person has the ability to think freely and objectively, his thoughts are not influenced by elementary needs or inappropriate impulses and feelings.

However, the throat chakra is important not only as a means of expression, it also allows you to listen. When a person is able to hear - both externally and internally - he can perceive profound knowledge from the universe. Listening develops serenity, calmness and confidence, and combined with the ability of objective judgment (which develops as a result of the work of the chakra), this allows a person to understand his inner world, as well as clearly and clearly understand what exactly is happening in the outer world. When the inner voice begins to speak, a new knowledge of one's "I" is born.

The throat chakra is responsible for how we present ourselves. If the solar plexus chakra expresses "what we are," then this chakra expresses "how we imagine ourselves." When the chakra is open and balanced, the person is self-confident, has a favorable and stable self-image that cannot be shaken. No matter what happens, he still remains the same person, so he is not afraid of mistakes or failures, and they do not affect the core of his "I". The work of the chakra gives rise to a sense of confidence and faith in guidance from above, stimulates a person’s desire to realize his universal destiny, which goes beyond the realization of personal aspirations. Thanks to Vishuddha, he strives for self-expression, which would reflect all levels of his being, and this expression is higher than the physical or material.

It can be said that the throat chakra works on two levels. On the lowest level she is like one of the five lower chakras and can be associated with the main element, sensations and with the age of development. At the highest level, it represents the first of the three higher chakras and therefore connects with the Superego, Soul and Spirit. When the three upper chakras are opened, a person feels a true need to serve people. He feels that his purpose and mission in the world is somehow related to bringing light to the world and humanity. This sense of destiny guides one's activities, in the same way that another person can build his life, guided by the need to achieve specific personal and material goals.

As a result of the work of the chakra on two levels, its activity can be interpreted in relation to both the lower and the higher layers.

The lowest layer expresses the desire to achieve satisfaction through the expression of talents, desires, feelings, opinions, and so on. A person feels the need to use his voice and be heard, to convey his messages to those who are close to him.

At the highest level, the expression is associated with the spirituality of man. It acts as a test of oneself and others; arises following the desire to ask new questions about oneself, other people and the world in order to gain a deeper understanding of things, and not to have a superficial understanding of them and not take them for granted.

The throat chakra also stimulates our sense of responsibility.. This is primarily expressed in the fact that we are responsible for ourselves, for our development, for our personal life. At the highest level, this responsibility takes on meaning in accordance with the idea of ​​responsibility for others. This does not mean that there is a need to intervene, control and direct someone else's life; rather, a person understands how his actions, his intentions, his thoughts affect the world as a whole. At this level, responsibility means responding to the needs of the universe and striving for a higher purpose. It expresses the ability to listen and hear the voice of the universe, which inspires a person to work for the benefit of mankind in accordance with his calling and destiny.
Communication, the most important function of the throat chakra, can also be expressed at the lower and higher levels. Communication is a vital need. It passes between our bodies: the physical body and the energy bodies. Understanding this communication expresses one of the highest functions of the throat chakra.

Communication also takes place in the body itself, which responds to external stimuli and internal processes. When a person is healthy, internal physical communication and communication between the physical body and energy bodies, which contain emotions and thoughts, occurs naturally. On the contrary, in cases where there is some kind of communication disorder, for example, a person does not listen to his body and pollutes it with unhealthy food or in any way depletes his strength, the body reacts with unambiguous messages to draw the person’s attention to the condition. disturbed balance.

Work with the throat chakra- its disclosure and balancing - leads to improved communication with the physical body, allows a person to hear his body. To the same extent, it allows a person to objectively look at what is happening in his mind and feelings (something can be destructive to his physical, mental and spiritual integrity), treat them accordingly and correct what needs to be corrected. .

This state gives rise to a higher degree of responsibility to the body and soul. A person can perceive what is happening in his body and soul as falling under his personal responsibility, and not explain physical and spiritual processes with various external reasons, for example, saying to himself: “This guy got me, and I got angry with him” or: “Now there is a flu epidemic, so everyone gets sick.” He begins to follow and ask questions why this is happening and for what exactly in this situation he is personally responsible and how he should act.

The source of all physical ailment is rooted in the imbalance in one or more chakras, as well as in the specific way of thinking and moods that allow the manifestation of a problem or disease. When we take personal responsibility for our lives and our physical and mental state, as a result of the work of the chakra, we can understand how our mental and sensual mood is shaped by various physical manifestations at the level of our world.

We can understand that we get angry when we choose to be angry, and we suffer from a state of physical disharmony when we choose to adopt some harmful, disturbing way of thinking and feeling. Often in cases where the throat chakra is closed or highly unbalanced, it is difficult for a person to understand and realize how his thoughts and feelings affect his body, as well as the physical reality in which he exists.

Sometimes his assumptions turn out to be completely wrong, he prefers to see the reason for his increased pressure in the fact that "he was tortured and got the boss," and it is difficult for him to explain the displacement of the vertebra other than "turned wrong." In a sense, this represents a resistance to taking personal responsibility for our lives and a lack of faith in our ability to create and influence our physical reality.

Communication promotes awareness. It clearly proves to us the power of the word and therefore helps to understand the power of thought. When communicating, we transmit messages and receive information. We can better understand the world and our actions, and clarify our judgments, ideas and desires.

The modern developed communication system helps to clearly understand that it is no longer possible to turn a blind eye to what is happening in the world. We are aware of almost everything that is happening almost anywhere in the world, sometimes we even follow the events in “real time” mode. The reaction time that we need in today's world has also decreased, and the messages that come from us reach the addressee at a tremendous speed. Our perception of the world must become broader. We are able to understand and assimilate what different people different type of thinking, that their way of life is different from ours.

How we direct our external communication makes the future reality real or unreal, and also determines the nature of its implementation. This is true for both external and internal communication. What we say about ourselves, our thoughts, which are realized in our mental aura, have the ability to create our physical reality. The saying: “Measure seven times, cut once” explains how our thoughts are realized in the surrounding reality. Our way of thinking, both conscious and unconscious, on the one hand, directs our behavior and actions, and on the other hand, determines how the Universe reacts to us, embodying what we think about. The more we realize the power of thought, the more we become convinced that thought is an effective tool for shaping reality. When we realize this, we try not to allow destructive, unfavorable thoughts (because they provoke the emergence of a similar reality), we begin to think constructively and positively in order to create just such a reality.

Awareness of the power of thought and understanding that thought is an active pure energy force brings us to the highest type of throat chakra communication. The highest communicative aspect of the throat chakra is the ability to recreate mental reality as an active, creative force, on the one hand, and, on the other hand, to pay attention to the laws of the universe, the superego, Divine messages. This higher ability connects the activity of the throat chakra with the work of the third eye chakra and the crown chakra.

In each of us lives the desire for truth, which at the lowest level of chakra activity manifests itself as law and order. Law and order create a certain truth for us, which allows us to evaluate certain actions, live by certain rules, develop certain criteria. By nature, man needs a sense of justice and conscience. Our individual senses of justice and conscience are strongly influenced by social norms, and when we and others behave in accordance with them, we think that "all is well."

However, these norms are mainly the result of human reflection. At the highest level of chakra work, we seek absolute truth. At this stage, social norms that define truth, law, and order may seem to us imperfect, and sometimes erroneous and insufficient. However, true wisdom allows us to discover and understand the laws of the universe and act in accordance with our inner truth, conscience and integrity, striving for the flawless laws of the universe without creating conflict between them and social laws and norms.

When the throat chakra is open and balanced, a person can express their emotions, thoughts, opinions and internal knowledge clearly, fearlessly and freely. When the chakra is balanced, a person experiences self-confidence, therefore, he is not afraid to reveal the weakness of his internal forces in front of other people. Self-confidence, inner integrity and honesty towards others are also signs of an open and balanced throat chakra.

When the chakra is open, a person can control his speech. He can remain silent and listen carefully to what other people are saying, he does not feel the need to raise his voice to make himself heard. Self-expression, which is determined by the degree of opening of the chakra, manifests itself in all areas of life. A person feels that he can express his individuality, his opinion, his faith, as well as his creative abilities in any area - in school, in society, at work, in the family circle. He feels a certain stability, and no manipulation can make him give up his opinions, beliefs, or turn off the path that he considers right.

On the other hand, he feels stable enough to listen and accept other people's opinions (which are acceptable to him); he is not afraid that this will somehow harm his individuality, nor does he feel the need to defend his opinion at all costs if there is no reasonable reason for this. He can clearly express his opinion in order to achieve the intended goal. He has a bright manner of speaking, a rich imagination, but at the same time he knows how to choose words in order to be understood by his interlocutor. Everything he says is simple and easy to understand. Inner integrity serves him as a good support, even in those cases when he encounters various difficulties or temptations that can lead him astray. He can keep himself in line, say<<нет>> when necessary - but can also be flexible in judgment and seek ways to reach a compromise.

When the throat chakra is open, a person feels free, independent and not dependent on others. He is decisive, has a correct idea of ​​himself, he can recognize both his weaknesses and his talents and good qualities.

Freedom from prejudice, the ability to easily express one's own judgments are also signs of an open throat chakra. Feelings, reason and thoughts are in unity, and a person is able to act at his own discretion, without fear of discord between feelings, reason and thoughts.

At the highest level, the throat chakra creates the ability to understand the power of thought, control thought, and also easily suppress it, in cases of need to enter states that require the absence of thought (for example, meditation). The connection with the superego becomes more pronounced, the ability to recognize the various messages sent by the universe is manifested. A person can use symbols and understand them, create and feel inspired, have a powerful imagination.

The ability to listen, characteristic of an open throat chakra, takes on a new meaning at the highest level. Human can<<слышать между строчками>>, to fully concentrate on what is said to him, and to discover in the speech of others a meaning that cannot be expressed in words. He can recognize the features of the voice and sounds that accompany the word and give it additional meaning. This ability is very important for healers, because during the conversation the patient often points to the source of his illness.<<случайно>> or alludes to it. In addition, you can learn a lot about problems and their causes by the way a person talks about them.

An open throat chakra allows a person to experience the joy of expression in all its forms. He is not afraid to say what he has to say from the point of view of his inner truth; he is not afraid that his opinion will be rejected by others, he is able to explain his opinion to other people and provide evidence in favor of his conclusions and beliefs.

The ability to express oneself creates a sense of freedom and the ability to understand the various actions of people, as well as to be tolerant of their opinions and feelings. It creates inner depth, a deep understanding of how the world works, gives a feeling of completeness, contentment and confidence in the universe and what is happening in it.

When the throat chakra is in a disharmonious state, a person has difficulty expressing himself, with how to express his<<я>> and its uniqueness at various levels. He is plagued by various problems in terms of communication, and two of them can cause serious conflicts and even a serious lack of harmony in all areas of his life.

The first is the problem of communication between the personality and the body, which can be inharmonious. A person does not hear his body, he cannot hear his natural needs and desires. This condition can be debilitating, without the person being aware of its nature, which makes him susceptible to many diseases.

Second communication problem lies in the inability to establish a harmonious relationship and unity between emotions, on the one hand, and thoughts and logic, on the other. In this state, a person may lose the ability to express his feelings, or his feelings will be illogical and unacceptable to him, prompting him to lock himself in a world of pure logic and reason, in which there is no place for emotions. This state can also occur when a person expresses his unresolved feelings in thought, but is unable to express them in practice or verbally. He is prone to daydreaming, conducts imaginary conversations with people about whom he wants to express feelings, but in fact is not able to express them to the subject of his feelings.

Disharmony in the throat chakra can also be expressed in low self-esteem, negative self-image and constant self-criticism. A person feels that in order to be understood by others, he needs to hold on, act and talk in such a way that it<<устраивало>> others. He is afraid to express his true opinions, which can be taken critically, which will destroy his already weak self-esteem.

Sometimes disharmony in this chakra can be accompanied by feelings of guilt or fear of expressing oneself or expressing one's individuality. It can lead a person to aspiration<<замаскировать>> his true opinions and desires in excessive talkativeness to hide what he really wants to say, while feeling baseless guilt.

Disturbances in communication caused by an imbalanced throat chakra can also be reflected in language and speech. A person may speak incoherently, feel that he cannot find clear and understandable words to express his thoughts. Sometimes disharmony can be expressed in very precise, concise statements that hide the fear of being verbose if some words turn out to be<<неподобающими>>. People whose throat chakras are out of balance tend to speak loudly, and in some cases begin to stutter and stutter.

When a chakra is out of balance, a person's need<<утаить>> his vulnerabilities, weakness and helplessness can encourage him to constantly demonstrate his strength. He can constantly push himself.

An imbalance in the throat chakra can also manifest as excessive talkativeness, a desire to talk just to get attention. There may be a tendency to gossip, which develops as a result of fear of<<нелепыми паузами>> and constant search for topics to keep the conversation going. A person may not be able to listen to others, or he may hear only what he wants to hear, or he may not really understand the meaning of what is being said.

When the throat chakra is blocked or out of balance, there is little chance that a person will get acquainted with the finer layers of the universe. A closed throat chakra leads to a lack of self-awareness, and this prevents the awareness of the universe. This does not mean that a person lacks knowledge or understanding, but that he is afraid to express this knowledge or has difficulty in expressing it.

Due to the difficulty in expressing emotions when the chakra is in an unbalanced state, a person may become edgy or lash out when repressed feelings erupt. At the same time, an imbalance in the chakra can lead to apathy and indifference as a result of the lack of communication skills that help a person understand others and feel love for them.

The throat chakra affects the following organs: throat, neck, vocal cords, thyroid, parathyroid, jaw, upper lungs, nerves, ears, muscles, and hands. An imbalance in the throat chakra is expressed in a tendency to frequent sore throats, infections and diseases of the larynx, thyroid dysfunction (hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism), lung diseases, hearing problems, ear diseases and infections, speech disorders, stuttering, lung infections, seizures, pain in the neck, tension in the muscles of the neck, problems with the hands and various nervous diseases.

Fear of expression usually gets stuck in the throat muscles. This causes a blockage of emotions, interrupts the natural flow of energy and defines limitations in natural expression. The throat is the organ through which we make our voice heard and express our thoughts, feelings and desires. We express our creativity, individuality, personal opinions and worldview through the throat. When there is a serious conflict between feeling and reason, or in cases where a person suppresses anger - with a suppressed desire to express something - the ability to express is damaged, and this can lead to diseases of the throat.

The throat is the center of our ability to change, and for this reason should express flexibility and the ability to explain our opinions and how they fit into our own lives. Inertness and stubbornness, unwillingness to change - even when the heart and mind suggest that it is necessary - can also be the causes of various diseases of the throat and neck.

This also happens when a person feels that he is not able to express his "I" and demand that his desires be fulfilled. This is the function of the throat - to give us the opportunity to express what is in our hearts, to speak out, to present our opinions, desires and thoughts. When a person does not allow himself to do this, fearing others and how his demands or opinions will be perceived, he undermines the original essential foundations of the activity of this body.

This condition may well cause a throat infection, especially repeated infections. In such cases, it is necessary to check whether a person feels and understands his natural (and vital) right to speak out and freely express his desires, feelings and opinions. This is often the reason chronic diseases throats in children whose parents seek to speak for them, make decisions for them, or silence them when the child expresses his desires and thoughts.

Another problem associated with the activity of the throat chakra is loss of voice. Like various diseases of the throat, it can occur due to long-term suppressed rage and anger, so strong that the vocal expression is suppressed for fear that if a person speaks, the suppressed feeling of anger will break out. This condition sometimes occurs in a person because of a deep-seated, instinctive fear of being heard, or because of the trauma that gave rise to this fear. Absent-mindedness and inability to concentrate can lead a person to lose his voice due to the fact that he does not know in which direction he should direct his voice in order to achieve a certain goal and express a certain desire.

Like the throat, the neck also symbolizes flexibility, as it allows us to look ahead, to the sides, and look back. When a person has serious problems with the neck, its mobility is limited or muscle cramps appear (and this cannot be explained by prolonged physical activity on the throat), it is necessary to check and find out if there are any things that a person cannot see, or if excessive stubbornness is an obstacle to his development.

The emotional layer that reflects problems with the jaw can also be affected by extreme suppression of self-expression. A person feels that he wants to say a lot, but he grits his teeth and with great difficulty holds back this storm of feelings that threaten to break out. Thus, feelings seem to fall into a narrow bottleneck, and he bears a heavy burden of emotions, which are the result of unresolved conflicts between him and those persons who play important role in his life. Thoughts related to the desire for revenge, indignation and anger can also cause various jaw diseases. Sometimes they manifest as clenching of teeth during sleep.

Bad breath, in the absence of an obvious physiological cause (such as rotten teeth or digestive problems), may well be related to the functioning of the throat chakra along with disharmony in the work of the heart chakra. This state can become an expression of impure thoughts, malice, habitual and frequent use of the mouth to throw out mental "trash", for example, evil gossip or offensive evil words.

Oral problems can be associated with the condition of the throat chakra. The mouth represents the opening through which we take food - physical, emotional and spiritual - and also expresses the ability to absorb new ideas. Diseases of the oral cavity can be a reflection of narrow-mindedness, immunity to new ideas, stagnation of thoughts.

In cases of severe disruption of the throat chakra, a problem such as stuttering can be observed - sometimes this is accompanied by serious violations of the heart, sexual or solar plexus chakras, as well as all three together. In general, stuttering can express a severe lack of self-confidence, a fear of expressing one's own opinion, or an inability to express deep feelings. In the latter case, stuttering may appear when a person tries to express his feelings towards a particular person or object.

Thyroid in turn is also associated with the throat chakra. The hormones it produces are important for maintaining the metabolic rate at the proper level and determining the degree of activity of the body. What's more, these hormones increase oxygen uptake and protein production. Thyroid disease is often associated with a feeling of humiliation - the feeling that a person is "last in line" for the fulfillment of desires, a constant need to take into account the desires and needs of others due to low self-esteem, which encourages a person to attract situations that "get in the way" of him meet your needs.

Hypothyroidism is a disease in which the thyroid gland does not work actively enough, and the metabolism - the personification of our vital ability to receive and give evenly - becomes very slow (this happens mainly in women). This disease personifies the refusal of self-expression, the inability to defend one's own opinion and fulfill one's natural desires and needs.

Hyperthyroidism, a disease in which the gland, on the contrary, works too actively and causes an acceleration of metabolism. Which reflects a kind of internal resistance to feelings of humiliation or oppression, a war that is being fought but does not resolve the main reasons why it was started. A person feels that he must fight because he has no more hopes left, because he wants to be "first in any queue", from position in the family to position in the service, because he wants to get his "here and now," as well as gaining the ability to express themselves.

Goiter, another disease of the thyroid gland, expresses the extreme degree of a person's feeling of humiliation or ignorance of his desires by others - a feeling that he is being exploited. A person feels that he has to fulfill the desires of anyone but himself, to do everything for others, and at the same time no one takes into account his desires and does not want to "do something for him." Of course, such a situation reflects the unconscious perception of the laws of energy exchange between people - a state when a person constantly figures out “what he did for me and what I did for him”, which also causes metabolic disorders in the body. In the case of goiter, the feeling of oppression and exploitation can turn into an almost physical expression of hatred towards the "exploiter" or "oppressor". Moreover, goiter, which occurs as a result of a lack of thyroid iron iodine, can be an expression of a feeling of dissatisfaction with life. What a person receives from life is not enough for a complete, balanced existence. The disease can manifest itself as a "rebellion" against the oppression of self-expression.

Deafness and hearing problems are also associated with an imbalance in the throat chakra. Deafness expresses the refusal of the desire to listen, the desire to withdraw into oneself, to isolate oneself from the world. It is possible that in the past a person had to deal with many "painful" auditory stimuli, for example, he heard quarrels of parents, overheard family secrets that should not be revealed to anyone, verbal abuse, witnessed humiliation with a word, and so on. Such experiences cause the feeling that "it would be better if I did not hear all this."

This can manifest itself at different levels of auditory impairment, depending on the degree of depression and content that is difficult to digest emotionally, as well as the level of sensitivity of the person (or the child, as he was when he witnessed these traumatic events).

Sometimes hearing problems express a feeling of excessive exhausting external influences: endless parental teachings that did not allow the child to focus on himself, do's and don'ts, related to everything in the world, and so on. Sometimes these things cause ear infections in young children who are actually asking to be left alone and to be quiet.

The hands are connected to the throat chakra. They express our ability to absorb life experience in order to draw conclusions from it (and not treat it as an obstacle or a painful event). Blockage and the feeling that a difficult life experience is a burden, as well as a desire to “fold hands” and withdraw from everything that happens, can manifest in various hand diseases.

Many respiratory diseases are associated with the activity of the throat chakra and at the same time with the state of imbalance of the heart chakra. Breathing expresses our ability to experience life in its entirety.

Aching muscles can often be the result of rigid and inflexible thinking. Muscle atrophy is also, at certain levels, related to throat chakra activity. It can be caused by a loss of confidence in life, a severe lack of self-confidence, pessimistic, sad thoughts that kill any desire to take another step, a rejection of the joy of life that makes the muscles mobile. This condition can also arise as a result of a tremendous need to "control" oneself and is also associated with a strong imbalance in the solar plexus chakra.

The nerves, a number of functions associated with the throat chakra, represent communication and the desire to absorb. Nerve disorders can have an emotional cause, a lack of communication, or feelings of guilt and remorse that lead to impaired communication. In the emotional layer, a nervous breakdown can correspond to a blockage of communication channels, an unwillingness to communicate with the outside world, or an exaggerated focus on oneself.

In addition, there is a connection between sexual problems and throat chakra activity. Often, an imbalance in the sex chakra is accompanied by an imbalance in the throat chakra. Both chakras activate expression and creativity at different complementary levels, so when treating sexual problems in men and women, it is necessary to examine the sexual chakra as well as the interaction between the two chakras. The throat chakra plays a very important role in shaping the self-image and some female or male sexual problems are associated with this layer of the human soul.

The hormonal glands associated with the throat chakra are the thyroid and parathyroid.

The thyroid gland is located in the front of the neck and consists of two lobes joined together. It is formed in the oral cavity and goes down until it is located on the neck. The gland contains follicles filled with a substance containing large reserves of the thyroid hormones triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4).

The thyroid gland is the only gland in the body that contains a large supply of these hormones. The amount stored in the gland is enough to meet the needs of the body for three months. To produce hormones, the gland needs two substances: thyroid-stimulating thyroid-stimulating hormone, which is produced by the pituitary gland, and iodine, which the body absorbs from food only thanks to the thyroid gland, because it is the only gland that needs it.

Inside the thyroid gland, iodine synthesizes two hormones, T3 and T4. Hormones are very important for brain and bone development in young children. Lack of any thyroid hormone in a newborn causes mental retardation and anomalies in skeletal development. In an adult, the hormone determines<<скорость работы>>. At the cellular level, the hormone increases oxygen uptake and protein production. The role of these hormones in maintaining the correct metabolic rate is extremely important.

The parathyroid gland is located on the thyroid gland itself and produces a hormone that is responsible for the level of calcium in the blood. The content of calcium in the blood plasma affects the activity of all muscles of the body, including the heart muscle.

Thyroxine affects all aspects of the body's metabolism, body temperature, and various growth factors. When the level of this hormone in the body is too high, as in hyperthyroidism, the body often gets stressed and works with a load, which can be expressed in excitement, hair loss, increased appetite, accompanied by weight loss, diarrhea, hand tremors, almost constant sweating, heat intolerance , high heart rate and bulging eyes (bulging eyes).

Too little thyroxin causes the whole body to slow down, including metabolism. In this state, there is a depressing feeling of extreme fatigue, lack of appetite when gaining weight, hair loss, baldness, swelling, slow speech, coarsening of the voice, constipation, menstrual irregularities, sensitivity to cold, significant susceptibility to viral infections. (Note that any viral disease is a deadly threat to the patient, as his immune system does not work properly.) This disease is more common in women.

Figure 1. Human chakras, their meaning, opening, purification and location

Have you thought about what human chakras are, why they are needed, where they are located and how to cleanse them? Let's figure it out plain language.

I think that the article should begin with the question of whether there are human chakras? After all, we do not see them and most people do not feel them. So, is there any reason to believe that they do not exist?

Definitely not. There are a lot of things in the world that a person, unfortunately (although no, it’s more suitable here, fortunately) does not see and does not feel. These include not only some mystical things, but even simple radio waves, the existence of which no one denies today.

If you go back 500 years and talk about today's technologies, then this would most likely shock people. Someone would call you crazy, someone would simply not believe it. For example, let's take a phone. Today we can talk on the phone and do not even think about how this happens. But before it was something impossible. How? How can two tubes carry on a dialogue at any distance?

For some people, the human chakras represent something like a telephone for our distant ancestors. I hope that the time will come and people will realize that chakras really exist. Even though we don't see them, that doesn't mean they don't exist.

Each of us has our own energy. And no one knows your energy better than yourself. We cannot unequivocally say: "chakras really exist", however, this term defines the inner feelings of many people who were engaged in spiritual development. They have chakras. Why common man, not engaged in spiritual growth, to deny their existence?

What are chakras?

Chakras are the psycho-energetic centers of a person, which are the intersection of the channels through which the vital energy of a person flows. They are also called the rotating whirlpools of energies that run along our spine.

As you should already know from the article about human energy, in order to exist and interact with the outside world, we need energy. As stated in the above article, one of them is food. It helps us to renew tissues and "build" our body. But this is clearly not enough for us. There is an opinion that we get only 20% of the energy for existence from food. Where to get the remaining 80%?

We will discard some others and immediately say that it is the chakras that help a person to absorb the energy necessary for the body from the outside world.

Chakras can remind us of the receiver and transmitter of the energy that surrounds us. They work with the electromagnetic field and turn it into energy that fills us with vitality.

We are surrounded by chaos of various energies. Thanks to the chakras, a person receives from this chaos what he needs. How open these chakras are, how much energy you can receive. In addition to how to receive, the chakras are also designed to give energy to the energy world around us.

In simpler terms, with the help of chakras, a person “eats” energy from the environment and gets rid of unnecessary energy. Unnecessary human energy can be used for other purposes. For example, it is absorbed by animals, plants and objects that have an extremely low coefficient of vitality (surrounding objects). In addition, the energy that comes out of the chakras of one person can be transferred to another.

Understanding how the chakras work can be an indispensable tool for you in knowing your inner peace. By becoming aware of the chakra system, you will be able to easily deal with the problems that arise in your life.

Human chakras their meaning

Do we need them at all? What is the meaning of the human chakras? Let's start with the fact that if a person's chakras stopped working at the same time, he would die. After all, human chakras are energy centers, and their significance is quite obvious. Man cannot live without energy.

When one or more chakras work poorly, a person feels a lack of something in his life (later on we will consider what each of the chakras is responsible for).

Full and harmonious work of all chakras brings a person great pleasure in life. Life becomes full, rich and joyful.

Chakras on the human body

Some of you may be wondering, "Does my body have chakras?" or "Do I have all the chakras?". Definitely - YES. Chakras on the human body are present in absolutely everyone. The only difference is how they function. Even for a specific person, they can work in different ways, depending on the period of life.

Some people are lucky to see chakras (or this happened due to long training). They describe them as shining whirlwinds in the form of circles that are concentrated at a point on the human body. The faster this vortex works, the more energy it can "process".

How Chakras Work

There are seven chakras in total. Each of the chakras works in its own frequency range.

Figure 2. Frequency spectrum. As you can see, the colors of the spectrum correspond to the colors of the chakras.

We will not delve into how a person transmits energy and information with the help of chakras, but only say that this happens with the help of electromagnetic waves. For a more detailed consideration of this issue, you need to refer to one of the sections of physics, namely, electromagnetic fields and waves.

As we have already said, chakras can carry both energy and information. The lower chakras (1-3) work mainly with energy, while the upper ones (6 and 7) work more with information. The middle chakras are a kind of balance between energy and information.

As you already know, chakras are designed to both absorb and expel energy. From this it follows that they can be in one of these states, but not simultaneously, but alternating.

What are chakras responsible for?

Each chakra is responsible for a different aspect of life. In one book, I came across a good example of this. Imagine that our spine is an elevator, and the chakras on our body are floors. As we rise from the lowest chakra upward, we can observe life in a more beautiful way. Agree that the view from the first floor is more boring than from the seventh.

Chakras are responsible for ensuring that your life is filled with energy. And this, in turn, determines that joy, health and well-being in life.

When the work of one of the chakras is limited, you may feel a painful condition, a breakdown, a feeling of discomfort. If all the chakras are blocked, physical death can occur.

First chakra Muladhara (root chakra)

Figure 3. The first chakra Muladhara.

Color: red. Crystals: ruby, garnet, obsidian. Location: base of spine.

The first chakra is called Muladhara (sometimes also called the root chakra or the lower chakra). It connects the human body with the Earth. The Muladhara chakra is responsible for what a person needs in the first place to survive: food, water, warmth, shelter, protection, clothing. Procreation also applies here.

In order for this chakra to be in a healthy state, you need to find a place in nature where you would feel good. Some people like mountains, others blooming gardens, someone likes big canyons, and someone likes a lake and a forest. There are people who feel good only in the city. In a word, you need to communicate with nature, which you like.

If a person cannot provide himself with basic necessities (food, water, shelter, clothing, etc.), then he will immediately feel the influence of the Muladhara chakra. This person simply will not be able to concentrate on anything else anymore. Including he will not be able to deal with other chakras. The solution to this problem is obvious: you need to balance this desire for survival.

Second chakra Svadhisthana (sex chakra/sacral chakra/genital chakra)

Figure 4. The second chakra of Svadhisthana.

Color: orange Crystal: carnelian, amber Location: pelvic area

The Svadhisthana chakra is responsible for how satisfied you are in life. If the first chakra is limited to survival, then here you must enjoy some process.

Svadhisthana craves as much pleasure and enjoyment as possible. You can easily get used to this lifestyle: drugs, alcohol, tobacco, sex, etc. But you must not let your second chakra absorb all your energy.

The problem is that at the moment of enjoyment you "lose your head." All you have to do is to be aware of every moment of pleasure. If you notice that you are not doing well with the second chakra, but at the same time you will not do anything, then the search for pleasure in life will never end and will not lead to anything.

There is an easy way to know that the Svadhisthana chakra is out of balance. Pay attention to your attractiveness. If you consider yourself naturally attractive and you do not need other methods to improve your appearance, then most likely you are fine with the second chakra. Also pay attention not to feelings of jealousy and envy. They are signals to the incorrect operation of Svadhisthana, and if at the same time the first chakra does not work well for you, then these feelings will intensify.

Third chakra Manipura (solar plexus)

Figure 5. The third chakra of Manipura.

Color: yellow Crystal: amber, yellow tourmaline, citrine and topaz. Location: solar plexus

The Manipura chakra is responsible for strength and self-confidence, for self-control and self-discipline. One of the most important properties of this chakra is the ability to choose. It helps you say “yes” when you agree and “no” when you disagree with something.

Thanks to the good work of this chakra, you will be able not to be influenced by other people and act on your own, which gives us an important thing in life - freedom.

When we talked about the previous two chakras, we found out that for the first it will be enough just to survive in this world, for the second - to enjoy, for the third it is important that a person constantly develops his discipline and self-control.

If a person’s third chakra Manipura is not balanced, then energy conflicts can often occur in his life, in which he allegedly receives some part of vital energy. Such a person can be called an energy vampire. On the contrary, when we see that a person knows how to concentrate and achieve the desired goal, and then take a break and enjoy the result, this indicates a developed 3rd chakra.

If a person does not do what he likes in life, then most likely you can notice how the Manipura chakra does not work properly for this person. After all, he obeys the will of another person and does not do what his own heart requires.

Fourth chakra Anahata (heart chakra)

Figure 6. Fourth chakra Anahata.

Green color. Crystal: aventurine, rose quartz. Location: heart

The fourth Anahata chakra is responsible for having Love in your life. Awakening love in your heart is one of the most important goals in human life.

The Anahata chakra is the middle chakra on the human body, which separates the three lower chakras from the three upper ones. This is the first energy center of a person, which is not aimed at personal energy, but at an attempt to erase the line between people in the world and feel the unity of nature.

The heart is the place that connects your ego and your spiritual life. In addition, according to some assumptions, this is also the place where the human soul lives.

Are you ready to take care of other people without demanding anything from them in return? If yes, then most likely you understand what love is.

If you sometimes have moments when you, feeling complete harmony, begin to do good deeds, then this can be called the first awakening of the fourth chakra of love.

Causing in yourself a state of harmony, joy, love for others, you thereby attract more and more people in whom you cause similar states.

If the fourth chakra is unbalanced, then it will be difficult for you to refuse another person and you will begin to indulge the requirements of others, which will not always be best for you. You may be haunted by feelings of guilt and shame that cannot be attributed to positive feelings.

To move up a level from the third to the fourth chakra, you will need a lot of time and effort. You will have to develop a love for life and realize that the world is tripled as one.

Fifth chakra Vishuddha (throat chakra)

Figure 7. The fifth chakra Vishuddha.

Color: sky blue Crystal: celestine, aquamarine, chrysoprase Location: neck

The fifth chakra, Vishuddha, is responsible for your creative abilities. Each person has a certain creative gift, talent. However, not all people discover it for themselves and, accordingly, do not use it to the fullest.

A developed and balanced Vishuddha chakra allows a person to be creative. Music, drawing, dancing becomes available thanks to this particular energy center. Performing creative work, a person feels inspiration and joy from his work.

In addition, a person uses his fifth chakra at the time of solving any problems. Sometimes a decision comes to your mind spontaneously. Such moments are called moments of insight.

If the opening and normal functioning of the fifth center indicates that a person has realized his uniqueness and originality, comprehended his knowledge about the world around him and brought them into his truth, then there is the other side. The imbalance of the center can be seen when a person deliberately tries to resist the opinions of others. If someone expresses his opinion on certain things, then such a person will definitely say: "No, you are wrong. I am right."

Also, a situation in which a person cannot express his opinion, because he believes that it is not correct or that no one is interested, can indicate a violation of the work of the Vishuddha chakra.

Sixth chakra Ajna (third eye chakra)

Figure 8. The sixth chakra Ajna.

Colour: blue Crystals: fluorite, indigo tourmaline Location: forehead, point above the bridge of the nose

The sixth chakra Ajna is responsible for your fantasies and imaginary world. Its awakening occurs when you seek to understand the mysteries of the world and the meaning of life. The Ajna chakra is responsible for ensuring that inspiration and grace are present in your life, which will allow you to escape from the reality of everyday life.

In order to tidy up the sixth chakra, you will need creative discipline and spiritual maturity.

The correct work of the Ajna chakra brings harmony and pleasure to your life. In addition, this chakra affects a person's intuition. By trusting her, you will notice that you no longer need to make efforts in order to carry out something planned in life. It may seem to you that all situations adjust to you and you appear at the right time in the right place. To do this, you will have to go through a difficult and painstaking path of work on yourself.

If you have lost or still have not found the meaning of life, then you should concentrate on the sixth chakra of Ajdna. You can use runes or tarot cards to get answers. In life, you will be given enough opportunities. The main thing is that you yourself want to use them.

The effect of the "third eye" or the distortion of reality can be obtained with the help of alcohol and drugs. But this feeling will be false. However, these states show how the sixth chakra works.

Seventh Chakra Sahasrara (crown chakra)

Figure 9. The seventh chakra Sahasrara.

Color: purple or white Crystal: clear quartz Location: top of the head

The seventh chakra Sahasrara is responsible for connections with the Divine, the disclosure of spiritual potential, insight. The author of one of the books on human chakras suggested that people who are now in psychiatric hospital(not all, of course). But they are not connected to the lower chakras, so they can live in their own reality, which is different from ours.

People who have completely passed the path of development from the lower chakras to the upper Sahasrara chakra begin to live under the guidance of God, while drawing energy from an infinite source.

It is not possible for people to fully achieve the level of balance of the sixth chakra. And if it is given, then only a few. However, sometimes a person can feel a short-term effect of this chakra. After such an influence, priorities and outlooks on life change.

To live, realize and work on the 7th chakra means to live with faith and serve God. For most people, giving up the security and the most precious thing in life is a huge sacrifice. But this is only at first glance so. When you reach the higher chakra consciousness, you will get much more in life than you had before.

The location of the chakras on the human body

Figure 10. The location of the chakras on the example of a skeleton

Each chakra is a small rotating cone (about 3-5 centimeters in diameter)

Figure 11. The chakra looks like a rotating cone

Chakra colors

All 7 chakras have a different color that corresponds to the colors of the rainbow (red orange yellow green blue blue violet).

Figure 12 Chakra Meditation

Chakra work can be done through meditation. The main thing to understand here is that a person can experience for a moment the work of any of the seven chakras. But without meditation, you will not be able to hold this moment for a long time. You need to find a strong connection between all the chakras, and this can be helped by working with the chakras in the form of meditation. Remember that just knowing about the chakras is not enough, they need to be experienced and felt.

The first thing you have to do when working with the chakras is to develop the ability to feel them and realize the impact on your life.

To work with the chakras you need peace of mind. Perhaps this is the most important requirement in order to begin to be aware and move through the chakra system.


Chakras are human energy centers in the form of small cones that supply energy to a person and get rid of unnecessary ones. Chakras are extremely important for a person, because it is through them that we receive the main amount of energy, which in turn we need for existence.

Poor functioning of one of the chakras can lead to diseases and undesirable consequences for a person. Since energy is primary, and the physical body is built in the likeness of the energy body, various diseases can be treated with the help of chakra restoration.

The description and name of the chakras is information that is useful to people who want to learn more about themselves, their body and its capabilities. There are only seven main energy centers. It is to them that the greatest importance is attributed. In this article you can read about where they are, what they are, what they serve for.

What it is?

Before talking about what the name of the energy centers is and what they are for, it is necessary to understand what it is. The term "chakra" is translated from Sanskrit as "circle", "wheel". Accordingly, the energy centers are depicted as a circle. What are the chakras in the human body? They can be described as spheres spreading petals - this is the name of the sections of the channels located near them. Seven energy "wheels" rotate in the human body, moving along its middle line, starting from the base of the spine and ending at the crown of the head.

Seven major chakras

This article will help readers to know the purpose and name of the chakras, which are considered the main ones. There are seven in total. All of them have their own color, have a special arrangement. The meaning of the chakras is different. However, they are all interconnected. The blockage of one center leads to a violation of the circulation of all energy. This negatively affects the life and well-being of a person. The photo below allows you to find out the location of the seven main "wheels", painted in different colors of the rainbow. In addition, further in the article the names of the chakras in Slavic and Sanskrit, their detailed description are given. So, where are and what are the energy "circles"?

Name of the chakras: Muldahara

Muldahara is the first main chakra located at the base of the spine. She is dyed red. It is with her that one should begin, listing the name of the chakras. Source - so it is called in the Slavic language. It is believed that this "wheel" establishes a connection between man and the Earth.

Muldahara is the chakra that is the support that all people need. It is she who is responsible for the feeling of security, defines a person as a person. It also helps to survive in this world, gives If the chakra is in a balanced state, the individual feels confident, calm. He has no doubt that he is safe.

Blocking leads to the appearance of fears and anxiety in a person. Physical problems are also very likely, such as pain in the kidneys, in the lower back. To get rid of this negativity allows its discovery. To do this, a person will have to overcome the feeling of loneliness, to realize that he has everything that is necessary for a happy life.

Chakra Swadhisthana

Svadhisthana is the next "wheel" that needs to be told about, listing the name of the human chakras. Zarod - this is its name in the Slavic language. It is located between the upper edge and the navel. The sphere is orange. The second main chakra is responsible for the ability to experience pleasure. It is she who encourages people to strive for fun, entertainment.

If Svadhisthana is in a balanced state, a person is able to enjoy his actions, and not perform them solely for the sake of achieving a result. Blocking leads to the fact that the individual exists in an eternal state of dissatisfaction, engaged in fruitless searches for sources of pleasure. Physical manifestations are also possible, for example, pain in the lower abdomen, diseases affecting the genitals.

Lost balance can be restored by those who learn to enjoy the process, and not strive only for the result. Be sure to set aside time for activities that bring joy, have hobbies.

Chakra Manipura

Those who are interested in the name of the human chakras and their purpose should also learn about Manipur. It is located in the area has a yellow color. Belly - so this "wheel" is called in Slavic. Manipura is the source of confidence. It is she who allows the representatives of the human race to realize their strength, gives the opportunity to manage their own lives, and not follow the will of others.

The name of the chakras in Slavic allows you to guess about their purpose. Manipura is responsible for the life position of its owner, the beliefs that he is guided by, the choice that he makes. If it is in a balanced state, a person knows exactly what he wants. He knows how to define his goals and focus on achieving them.

What else should those who are interested in the location and purpose of which is considered in this article know? Blocking Manipura leads to the fact that people constantly get involved in conflicts, suffer from feelings of guilt, take on impossible tasks. They may also live in the role of eternal victim, feeling unable to change something. Raising self-esteem is the only way out of this situation. It is extremely important to develop self-confidence, to abandon false stereotypes, beliefs imposed by others.

Chakra Anahata

Anahata is the next "circle", which should be known to those who are curious about the human chakras. Its location is not a secret. It is located in the middle of the sternum, painted in green color. Percy - such a Slavic name bears the heart is responsible for the connection of the ego and the soul of a person. Her awakening creates a sense of unity with the universe. People who have it in balance love themselves. They are also capable of experiencing feelings for others, prone to compassion. They experience the joy of unity with the world, the presence of loved ones and relatives in their lives. Those who are interested in the name of the chakras and their meaning should be aware of its importance.

What happens if Anahata is blocked? In this case, the person becomes overly whiny and sentimental. He can become dependent on other people. Also, the individual is not able to love himself, to take care of his needs. It is highly likely that the unfortunate will encounter unrequited passion. He is threatened by diseases of the heart, lungs, as well as problems with the circulatory system, immunity. There is only one way out of this situation - you need to learn to love yourself, be proud of yourself, your achievements.

Chakra Vishuddha

Continuing to list the names of the chakras with an indication of their location, one cannot fail to mention this “wheel”. Vishuddha is a pale blue sphere located in the throat area. Mouth - so it is called in the Slavic language. It is she who makes people strive for self-development, is responsible for creative abilities. "Door of Freedom" - this is its unofficial name. If Vishuddha is in a state of balance, a person understands his own uniqueness, makes friends with his real self, does not deceive himself. He has a desire to create and create. He strives for self-realization, is engaged in self-development.

Blocking Vishuddhi deprives people of all this, which should not be forgotten by those who are interested in the name of the chakras and their meaning. They lose the ability to express themselves, begin to lie to themselves and the people around them. They are characterized by fruitless attempts to defend their independence. Such people constantly get involved in conflicts, defending their point of view. Honesty is the best way to achieve balance. A person must realize that someone else's path does not suit him, no matter how attractive it may seem. He needs to get on his own path. You need to find a way to express yourself.

Chakra Ajna

Ajna is the next "wheel" that those who are occupied with the name of the human chakras and their meaning should learn about. Chelo (Slavic name) is located in the middle of the forehead, radiates blue color. Its activation allows you to receive information from the Universe, not to be limited by the ordinary. A person has developed intuition, the “third eye” opens.

What happens if Ajna is blocked? People begin to experience a false sense of superiority over others. They are developing. They are not able to soberly assess their capabilities, have a false idea of ​​themselves. Such individuals can become addicted to addictions, for example, it can be alcohol, narcotic substances. To activate it, you must first say goodbye to bad habits that have a detrimental effect on the body.

Chakra Sahasrara

Sahasrara is the last "circle" that those who wish to distinguish chakras by colors and names should learn about. The spring (Slavic name) has a purple hue, is located in the parietal region. It is known that this chakra is responsible for enlightenment, insight. It allows a person to get acquainted with the wisdom of the Universe, to establish a connection with the Divine. If Sahasrara is blocked, people are unable to achieve enlightenment. They may suffer from headaches, they develop mental illness. Also, malignant tumors should not be ruled out.


Above is the name of the chakras and their location. It is generally accepted that all diseases that people suffer from are somehow caused by a violation in the energy centers. It is curious that even the blockage of one "wheel" becomes a source of imbalance in the rest. Therefore, it is necessary to establish which particular sphere suffered, what caused it.

What else should be remembered by those who are interested in the name of the chakras, the description of their purpose? For the most part, the person himself, and not one of the people around him, becomes the culprit for the damage to energy centers. This happens during quarrels, uttering curses against someone, wishing harm to someone, inflicting damage on others. Therefore, people must control not only their words, but also their thoughts in order to prevent blocking of their own energy centers. After all, this will negatively affect their health and life.

Do you want to finally understand what a person's chakras are and what their meaning is - to understand what the chakras are responsible for?
In this article, we will try to give you a complete and detailed answer to this question.
Here you will find the most detailed description of the human chakras and their meaning. In a simple and understandable language with pictures, photos and examples!

So let's go!

Rice. 1. Human chakras and their meaning. What are chakras responsible for?

What are chakras?
Why does a person need chakras?
Who even said that a person has chakras?
Well, an arm, a leg, a head, a silicone chest - of course. They are visible to the naked eye and, if desired, they can always be measured with a caliper.
What to do with chakras?
Who saw them, who measured them?
Who felt them?
What device?
And how to confirm these measurements?
Who can give a detailed description of the chakras, reliably tell about the human chakras and their meaning, as well as about the peculiarities of the location of the chakras on the human body?
And most importantly: how to apply this information in practice?

What kind of animal is this incomprehensible to science - chakras - and what do they eat with?
Or maybe it's just an invention of an inflamed imagination, or some kind of heresy in general?
Chakras-chakras... Are they real at all? They exist?
After all, most people, having heard the word “chakras”, begin to look at the one who had the imprudence to mention this word in their presence, with some unkind and wary look, twist at the temple and persistently wonder if he fell into a sect?

Well, let's figure out what a person's chakras really are, and what they are responsible for!

Fig.2. The most common reaction to the word "chakras"

What are human chakras. Myth or reality?

Take a break, please, for a few seconds from reading this article.
Take a look around you!
Watch very carefully!
What do you see?
Do you notice anything unusual around you?
Well, apart from the table, chairs, walls, ceiling...?
Not...? Can't you see anything? Can't you hear? Do you feel anything special?

Meanwhile, right now, several tens or even hundreds of radio waves are passing through your body and brain. different frequency from mobile phone antennas, wifi routers from neighboring apartments and offices, as well as waves of music and news FM radio stations.
But you can't see or hear them, right?
So maybe they don't exist, maybe it's all fiction, heresy, fantasy...?

A hundred years ago, this is exactly what it would have looked like.
But now you can easily open your laptop, connect without physical wires to the Internet via wi-fi, catch your favorite radio station in your radio and at the same time call your friend on her mobile phone to ask her if she believes in chakras and if she has them :-)

Rice. 3. Analogy between wi-fi connections and human chakras

So, as you can see, not everything that really exists in this world is in the visible spectrum of human perception. But the fact that we do not see it does not make it any less real.

The same applies to human chakras.
Simply, in order for them to become visible, real and tangible, they must be measured with special instruments.

The meaning of the chakras. Where does a person get energy for his life? What are chakras responsible for?

Chakras are special energy centers in the human energy structure that are responsible for absorbing the spectrum of energy and information necessary for the body from the surrounding space, as well as for removing (releasing) energy and information from the human body.

That is, through the human chakras there is an energy-information bilateral exchange with the environment.

The chakras filter and supply the body from the surrounding energy chaos with the necessary amounts of energy in their frequency spectra (each chakra operates in its own frequency range and in its own individual encoding), and also remove excess, spent or information-encoded energy from the human body (for communication with others). ) energy.

Let's explain in a simpler "human" language.

Where does a person get energy for his existence...?

Yes, that's right - partly from food!

But do you think this food eaten covers our energy needs completely?

What is the maximum amount a person can eat per day?

Well, 2-3 kg - no more. So it is known that a person covers only 10-15, maximum 20% of the needs for the so-called chemical energy due to the food consumed! From food, the body also receives the building blocks for the regeneration of all organs.

Where does the rest of the energy come from?

If all energy came to us from food, we would have to eat up to 40 kg of food per day!
In fact, almost 80% of the energy comes to a person from the outside, through the so-called energy centers - chakras. Without such energy exchange with the environment, carried out through the chakras, a person could not exist physically!

Fig.4. Human chakras and their meaning: 20% of the energy for the functioning of organs and systems is extracted from the material world by chemical means: from the food consumed. The other part of the energy (80%) is supplied to the human body through the energy-informational way through energy centers - chakras.

Remember the Pareto 20/80 principle?
Energy extraction from food and from human chakras obeys precisely this natural ratio: a person receives 20% of energy from food (chemically), 80% - through chakras (energy-informational way).
This explains the phenomenon of solstice: sun-eaters are able to exist for a long time without food due to a special energy restructuring of their body at the level of chakras and recharge from solar energy (although it should not be forgotten here that the body receives not only chemical energy from food, but also building elements for the regeneration of all organs and systems of the physical body).
Raw food and vegetarianism - here.

But about food - a separate conversation.
We are now talking about human chakras!
And, as you can see, their importance in the general system of human life cannot be underestimated.

Rice. 5. The value of the chakras in the overall human energy system (chemical + energy-informational) in accordance with the Pareto principle

Chakras. Description of operating principles

So, understanding the issues of describing the chakras and their significance for a person, we found out that the chakras are energy centers that carry out the energy-information exchange of the body and the energy system of a person with the surrounding space.

Figuratively speaking, through the chakras, a person “eats” the energy necessary for the body, and also releases (“defecates”) spent or unnecessary energy, which is then absorbed either by the plant or animal world, or by inanimate systems (systems with a low coefficient of vitality / vitality: stones, minerals). The recipient of energy (and information) coming from the chakras of one person can also be another person.

That is, detailing the description of the chakras, we can say that the chakra is a kind of local energy-informational gastrointestinal tract of the body.

There are 7 chakras in total. Each of them works in its energy-information spectrum of frequencies.

Rice. 6. Description of the chakras in accordance with the model of the energy-information spectrum of frequencies

To make the description of the chakras more understandable, we can say that the human chakras receive and radiate not only energy, but also information. That is why we are talking about the energy-information exchange through the chakras.

Remember for a while a school or institute course in physics, namely the section on electromagnetic fields and waves.

How is information transmitted? In coded form: an information component is superimposed on the carrier energy wave using modulation. In the same way, information is received and transmitted in the human chakras. That is, an energy wave can be modulated by information.

Rice. 7. Chakras: description of the principle of receiving and transmitting information (modulation)

The lower chakras of a person (1,2,3) are distinguished by the predominance of energy over information, the upper ones (6.7) - by the predominance of information over energy. Middle chakras (4, 5) - adapt the energy and information of the lower group of chakras to the upper ones and vice versa.

Any human chakra can be in 2 states:

  • in the phase of absorption of energy and information from the surrounding space
  • in the phase of radiation (release, removal) of energy and information from the body.

These phases alternate.

Rice. 8. The location of the chakras on the human body

The location of the chakras on the human body

Human chakras are located in the following areas:

Structurally, each chakra is a rotating cone about 3-5 cm in diameter. These cones narrow as they enter the human body and then "connect" to the main energy column - the spine (system bus - in terms of computer analogies).

Rice. 9. Chakra Cone

Chakras, in accordance with their location on the human body, supervise certain organs and systems, supplying them with energy (and information) from the outside and bringing out the spent energy (and information) of these organs.

As with breathing: inhale-exhale, oxygen - inward, carbon dioxide - outward. Thus, the energy balance (homeostasis) in the body is maintained.

Therefore, by the quality of the energy mixture “exhaled” by the chakra and the frequency of “breathing” of each human chakra, one can judge the processes that occur in the organs and systems of the physical body.

A forced (or vice versa, slowed down) energy mode of operation of any human chakra - an energy center - indicates the trouble of the internal organs associated with it.

Rice. 10. The location of the chakras on the "system highway". Connecting the energy inputs of the chakras to the main energy channel of a person - the spine. Analogy with connecting peripherals to the system bus in computer architecture

Rice. 11. Chakras: location on the body and correspondence to the "supervised" organs, connection with the human endocrine and nervous systems

Rice. 12. Correspondence of the location of the human chakras and the glands of the endocrine system. Thus, energy-informational influences on the chakras affect the somatics of the body through the endocrine glands.

Human chakras. The difference between the polarization of the chakras in men and women

Chakras have differences in polarization depending on the gender of a person, which determines the different perception of the surrounding reality by men and women. Learn more about it in this video: