The earth has its own energy field. N. Koltovoy "The structure of the energy fields of the Earth and their impact on humans" - Earth before the flood: disappeared continents and civilizations

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Clairvoyance development.
An article from an online course on clairvoyance.

It has been known since ancient times that there is a certain field in which all thought forms ever created are located. Now this field is called the energy-informational field of the Earth. This is a bottomless ocean of knowledge from which you can draw any information.

Academician Vernadsky believed that the energy-informational field is located in the noosphere of the Earth.
If you remember from the school course, the Earth has six shells. I will only remind you of three.
Biosphere - inhabited by living organisms, i.e. is the global ecosystem of the Earth.

Stratosphere - the ozone layer is located in it. Most of the short waves of ultraviolet radiation are trapped in the stratosphere and their energy is transformed. Under the influence of these rays, magnetic fields change, molecules disintegrate, and ionization occurs. Gases and others are formed chemical compounds as a result, we have the opportunity to observe some of these processes in the form of lightning, aurora borealis and other glow.

And finally, the noosphere, which in translation from Greek sounds like the sphere of the mind. This is the sphere of interaction between society and nature, where the main determining factor is intelligent human activity. According to Vernadsky: “In the biosphere there is a great geological, perhaps cosmic force, the planetary action of which is usually not taken into account in the concept of space. This force is the mind of man, his striving and organized will, as a social being ”.

The energy-informational field of the Earth is located in the noosphere, containing all the information that has ever existed on the planet, in its bowels and around it.

I will give an interesting example from life, how the influence of the general energy-informational field is manifested.

In Europe, at the beginning of the century, milkmen went around the house in the morning and left bottles of milk at the doorstep. In the English city of Southampton, tits have the smart idea to peck the caps on bottles to feast on milk. After a while, tits hundreds of kilometers from this city began to "create" the same thing. By the forties, all birds in Europe also began to bite the caps on milk bottles. Then, the war with Germany began, and the tradition of delivering milk to homes ended. There was hunger. For both humans and birds. But eight years after the end of the war, milkmen resumed the tradition of milk delivery. And ... the tits began to peck at the caps on the bottles again! Tits live on average three years. That is, it was already a completely new generation of birds. How did they learn about the "science" of their ancestors? On their genetics, i.e. the transfer of skills by inheritance, knowledge of ancestors, for such a short period, could hardly be reflected.

Rupert Sheldrake, a world-renowned biologist, conducted a series of experiments that prove the existence of a common field of images, one for all. He noticed that a person assimilates knowledge the better than more people know it.

One day, he invited a group of English college students to memorize three Japanese quatrains. None of the students knew Japanese, so it was supposed to just memorize words and phrases, without understanding the meaning. One quatrain was just a set of hieroglyphs, the second was a work of an unknown poet, and the third was a classic example of Japanese poetry, known in Japan, as well as in Russia the most popular poems of A. Pushkin. This is what the students learned best! But let me remind you once again that none of them knew Japanese and even the culture of Japan, and had no idea which of the poems was just nonsense, which of an unknown author, and which of the classics.

Such an experiment was carried out several times, after which Sheldrake suggested the existence of a certain field of images that can be expressed in any form: information, emotions, feelings, behavior patterns. The scientist called this field morphogenic, i.e. influencing the structure and form of things.

So, clairvoyance (clairvoyance, etc.) is one of the forms of entry into the energy-informational field of the Earth. The main key to enter this field is the question. It is necessary to learn how to correctly formulate questions. They should be specific, clear and unambiguous.

When you enter the energy-informational field, you ask a question and your energy is directed to give an impulse. The more you are interested in getting an answer, the energetically stronger your impulse. In fact, the more attention you pay to yourself or to other people for whom you want to know something, the better your question is.

All human phenomena are based on an attentive (conscious) attitude towards people, yourself, and the world!

Having asked a question, you need to stop the flow of your thoughts (create the effect of an "empty head") for 5-20 seconds. At the same time, breathing is also involuntarily suspended.

I'll tell you an example from my own practice of how it might look in practice.

Once my eldest son could not find his passport. And I have such a habit, if I notice an important thing "lying around", that is, not in the place designated for it, I can automatically take it and "tidy up" it where necessary. I helped my son in search of a passport. But I didn't remember at all whether I cleaned it up or not. We searched wherever possible. I was worried, because this is a document! Then, I got tired of looking. She sat down in a chair and asked her subconscious: "Where is the passport?" She relaxed and concentrated her attention on the point between her eyebrows. I didn’t think about anything, I didn’t expect anything. I just stared at the point for a few seconds. Then, I got up and went where I wanted to go. She went to the bookcase and began to sort through them, looking for a passport between them. Inadvertently, my elbow touched a large thick book and it fell. I picked it up and put it in place. And again she began to sort through the books. And then, this book again falls to the floor with a crash. I looked at its name and thought that I hadn’t read this book for sure, and therefore there could not be a passport in it. And put it in its place. When I went through two shelves of books and was about to throw this "unlucky" business, like that same book, I don’t know how, fell again, but now it was right on my foot! I picked it up, taking it by the hardcover cover, and then ... the passport fell out of it! How he ended up here, I could not imagine.

Such funny stories can happen when you interact with the energy-informational field. I asked the question to my subconscious, but it is with its help that we "get" into the general field. And if you try to be accurate at all, then the subconscious is the energy-informational field, much more global than the energy-informational field of the Earth and containing, among other things, it. But in order to have access to the energy-informational field of the Earth, it is enough to know that it is through the subconscious that this is happening.

So, you asked a question, stopped the thought process for a few seconds, having previously relaxed the body as much as possible, and you get an answer.

The energy-informational field is a cellular structure. By sending your energy (attention) with information in the form of a question, you give this energy a certain quality (vibration) that is different from others. According to the law “Like attracts like”, the question is attracted exactly to that cell, which contains the answer, with a vibration of the same quality. Surely you have already heard this expression: "Each question already contains an answer." That is why the vibration of your impulse-question corresponds to the vibration of the received answer. If a failure occurs, then the question is not formulated correctly or has an emotionally inappropriate characterization. For example, you feel in danger. You “scream” inside yourself, being very emotionally agitated, asking the question: “What should I do? How to avoid danger? " But the feeling of danger is your subjective assessment of the event and it is quite possible that it does not correspond to the real state of affairs and is overstated. Accordingly, the vibration of your message to the energy-informational field will not be correct. Your subconscious mind knows that the assessment of the event is incorrect and the danger, in general, is not, as such, and therefore you can get the same answer - not correct and not answering specifically to your question. Only in a calm, unemotional state can you count on the answer you need.

If there really is a danger, then it may happen that your subconscious mind will assess the situation faster than your consciousness and will react on its own, finding the right answer (way out) from the situation. This happens, for example, when something happens to a person, and he is miraculously saved, without even having time to realize the whole danger of the situation, which means that he was in an unemotional state. In such cases, they usually say "the person was born in a shirt."

If, during a conscious exit into the information field of the Earth, you enter a state where you cease to feel your body, time, lose orientation in space, this indicates a good concentration that allows you to receive information in full.

You know, of course, that there are scattered people. They are immersed in themselves and there is an intense dialogue in their heads, in fact, this internal conversation is built in the form of questions and answers. They ask, preoccupied with something, and get answers. This, in general, is also an exit into the energy-informational field. So, be careful when plunging into such states. It is better to do this at home, sitting, relaxed, not in a hurry. And it will turn out, as I once did. I very often found myself in such states, because by the nature of my work, I had to take huge amounts of information. And this could happen throughout the day and even the day. This means that not only when I was at home, sitting or lying, but also on the road somewhere. And it happened that I either got into my own transport and left for an unknown destination, then I passed my stop, and what is even funnier, I could just walk past my house, not even realizing that I was going. Therefore, "taught" by experience, I highly recommend that you be aware when performing any actions. And passive when you receive information. With time and practice, you will learn to combine both.

The human energy field is an integral part of the energy fields of the cosmos

The energy fields of living beings (biofields) have complex composition... Almost all forms of energy known to physics are found in them.

The presence of energy fields around living organisms has been known since ancient times. The priests of various religions, fakirs, shamans, and also yogis used the influence of these energy fields. Researchers of the Ancient East not only created the first harmonious theories of bioenergetics, but also substantiated them with the practical application of such systems as acupuncture, field types of karate, kung fu and others. At present, Soviet scientists (V.P. Kaznacheev, E.E. Godik, Yu.V. Gulyaev) have made a worthy contribution to substantiating the existence of energy fields around living organisms.

The energy field of a living organism is not an isolated phenomenon inherent only to a living being, but a component of the energy field of the Earth and, naturally, the energy fields of the Universe. Every living being is born not just at any point on the Earth, but is born in the Cosmos filled with fields that have not yet been studied. We are all closely connected with them and initially have the gift to manipulate, to control these cosmic energies to one degree or another.

The structure of the human biofield. Aura colors and their meaning

According to the yogic concept, a person consists of several bodies, enclosed in one another. The main bodies are physical, etheric, astral, mental. Each of them has an energy field that occupies the space of the body and is expressed in the form of lines of force and radiation. That part of the energy field that protrudes beyond physical body is called an aura. The energy field of a person is a collection of energy fields of all his bodies; accordingly, a person's aura is the totality of the auras of all his bodies.

A person who, with the help of his energy field, can act on animate and inanimate objects (transmission of energy, transmission and reading of information), is called a psychic, or sensitive. Some psychics see the aura of living and inanimate objects, and high-level psychics distinguish the auras of various human bodies. Ordinary people can see a person's aura with the help of EBL-photo (EBL-electrobioluminescent glow).

The physical and etheric bodies have one energy field. The physical body is the body visible and felt by all physical senses.

The etheric body is an exact copy of the physical, but consists of more subtle matter. For this reason, it is sometimes called the "etheric double". The main purpose of the etheric body is to maintain the shape of the physical body; the main shade of the color of its radiations is lilac-gray.

The astral body consists of a finer matter than the etheric; the main background of its radiation is bluish-gray. Coloration astral body changes according to the experiences of a person (this yoga body is called the "body of emotions"). The astral body during life can be separated from the physical in a state of trance or sleep.

The mental body has an ovoid shape, consists of even more subtle matter than the astral body, and forms a bright sparkling aura. Depending on the quality of thoughts, the aura of the mental body changes colors.

The magnitude of the aura is not the same for different people, but on average (for people who do not practice yoga or special exercises to increase the aura) it spreads beyond the physical shell at a distance of 70 to 100 cm.

The quality of the aura is visually determined by its density and color, or rather, the color of the general background and various color shades against this background. It depends on the temperament, state of mind, as well as the degree of spiritual development of a person. The auras of a believer and an atheist differ significantly. In addition, the aura reflects changes in mood, inclinations of a person, his joy and sorrow.

For people who are calm, thoughtful, balanced, the aura in certain places is permeated by streams of green color (or rather, its shades). In the unrestrained and restless, the aura is permeated with red-yellow streams. In people of low intelligence, most of the aura is permeated with red-yellow streams. As intelligence increases in color streams, the concentration of green increases. For selfless natures, blue tones appear against the general background of the aura; similar shades of aura are inherent in people with a developed sense of compassion for their neighbor.

Color streams and shades have a specific shape. Low, animal passions are expressed in the aura in the form of irregular clouds that pass through it, and lofty feelings and thoughts - in the form of rays spreading from within. A fit of fear penetrates the aura from top to bottom in the form of wavy blue stripes with a reddish tint. In persons tensely awaiting an event, you can see red-blue stripes in the form of radii extending from the inside out. In the aura of people who experience intense excitement about every essential external influence, small orange-yellow dots periodically flash. Absent-mindedness manifests itself in the form of bluish spots of variable shape.

High-level psychics are able to see individual auras in the general aura of a person. Such a separate vision of auras allows the psychic to judge the degree of spiritual development of the observed person. If the observed person completely surrenders to base passions and impulses, then in the first aura (the aura of the physical and etheric body), sharp, screaming tones are observed; in the second (the aura of the astral body) - meager colorful formations, and in the third (the aura of the mental body) sparkling sparks barely perceptible appear and disappear (the presence of these sparks indicates that his eternal “I” exists in a person). A person who knows how to suppress his animal passions has a developed second aura, and a highly spiritual person has a shining, sparkling third aura.

In the first aura of man low level development can be observed in all shades from red to blue; these shades have a muddy, dirty color. Obsessive red shades indicate sensual desires, a thirst for pleasure of the body and stomach, green - a fear of efforts to satisfy sensual desires, brownish green and yellowish green - a lack of skills in achieving desired base goals. Feelings of base selfishness are expressed in dull yellow and brownish shades, and cowardice and fear - in brownish-blue, gray-blue colors.

In the second aura, brownish and orange tones indicate a strong developed feeling selfishness, pride and ambition. Curiosity is accentuated by red and yellow spots. Light yellow reflects clear thinking and intelligence, while green-yellow reflects good memory. Blue is a sign of piety; if piety approaches deep religiosity, then the blue shades turn into purple.

In the third aura, the main shades are yellow, green and blue. Yellow reflects thinking filled with lofty universal human ideas; if thinking is cleansed of sensory ideas, then this yellow color has a greenish tint. Green reflects love for all living things. Through the blue color, the readiness for sacrificial self-denial in the name of other living beings is expressed; if this capacity for self-sacrifice is enhanced by social activities for the sake of peace on Earth, the blue color turns into light purple.

The relationship between the physical body and its energetic counterpart

“Seeing” psychics perceive the energy field of the physical body as a tissue of light vibrations in constant motion. The energy field permeates the physical body and goes 3-5 cm beyond it. Inside the energy field, chakras are vortexes of force, which look like spiral cones. They differ in the number of smaller energy cones, whose vertices coincide with the apex of the main cone.

Energy in the form of vibrating streams moves to the main cones (vortices) of energy - chakras. Muladharachakra is a cone of energy with four small cones (yogis depict this chakra as a lotus flower with four petals). Svadhishthanachakra is a cone of energy with six small cones (the image of the chakra is a lotus with six petals). Manipurachakra is a cone of energy with ten small cones of energy (the image of a chakra is a lotus with ten petals). Anahatachakra is a cone of energy with twelve small cones (the image of a chakra is a lotus with twelve petals). Vishudhachakra is a cone of energy with sixteen small cones (lotus with sixteen petals). Ajnachakra is a cone of energy with two small cones (lotus with two petals). Sahasrarachakra is a cone of energy with a thousand small cones (a lotus with a thousand petals). Thus, the main flows of energy in the energy field, forming a chain of vortices, are grouped along the line of the spine (Muladharachakra is located in the spine, in the coccyx region; Svadhishthanachakra - in the spine, in the genital area; Manipurachakra - in the spine, in the solar plexus region; Anahatachakra - in the spine, in the region of the heart; Vishudhachakra - in the region of the thyroid gland; Ajnachakra - in the center of the brain; Sahasrarachakra - in the region of the crown). Associated with this chain of vortices is a large vortex (also in the form of a cone) located on the left side, in the region of the spleen and pancreas. Another vortex of energy, somewhat smaller than those described above, is located at the back of the head, near the longitudinal brain.

The state of the energy field is closely related to the state of the physical body of a person: according to the state of the energy field, it is possible to determine the pathological or functional disorder of the organs of the physical body. Moreover, the disorder of the physical body is anticipated (as if reflected in advance) in its energetic counterpart. Therefore, according to the state of the energy field, it is possible not only to determine, but also to predict subsequent (after a certain time) disorders of the physical body.

The main criterion of the state of the energy field (and, consequently, of the physical body) is the state of the above-described nine large vortices (cones) of energy. These vortexes reflect the present and future (within several years ahead) the state of the adjacent areas of the physical body. Irregularity of movement (rotation) of the cones indicates a functional disorder of the organs of the physical body. Energy flow at a central point (where the tops of small cones converge) or field dimness (instead of shiny shades), up to gray, indicates serious pathological changes in the organs of the physical body, and the emerging ruptures in the tissues of macrovortexes indicate future physical disorders. The interval of time after which a physical disorder occurs is determined by the state of the impending gap.

An additional indicator of a disorder of the physical body is also a disturbance in the tissue (not in the macro-vortex) of the energy field: confusion in lines of force, tiny eddies of energy cut off from the normal flow, energy leakage. In this case, the place of the disorder of the field corresponds to the place of the disorder of the physical body.

Human soul and its energy field

Radiating energy, the absolute power of which can vary depending on the state of health, emotional state, spiritual development. The aura and its radiation bear the imprint of the personality of the individual, a certain informational load. In the aura is deposited (in the form of certain rhythms of vibration, field density, color shades) everything that a person does in this life, did and will do in his other incarnations. Therefore, the aura is the energetic expression of a person's karma.

At the same time, the energy field is an energetic expression of the human soul: according to the yogic definition, the human soul is a combination of four components - three types of mind (instinctive - subconsciousness, intellectual - consciousness, spiritual - overconsciousness) and one's own "I". In the total energy field of a person, these components are expressed through the fifth, sixth and seventh bodies and their corresponding energy fields. The first four human bodies (physical, etheric, astral and mental) exist during one incarnation. They decompose after the physical death of a person (the etheric body decomposes on the 9th day, and the astral - on the 40th day after the termination of the functioning of the physical body), and, accordingly, their energy fields disintegrate. The rest of the bodies (and their corresponding fields) pass through all the incarnations of a person, fixing all his deeds and actions in the energy fields.

1950s MDManfred Curry(Kurri), who headed the Biomedical Institute in Bavaria, also came to the conclusion thatthe important role of geopathogenic zones in the occurrence of cancer in humans... In his opinion, the factor that provokes cancer is "telluric radiation" associated not only with groundwater, but with a special earth's energy grid, later called the "diagonal Kurri grid". Manfred Curry, MD, wrote in an article that cancer patients should sleep in a radiation-free area after surgery.

1960s Doctor Dieter Aschoff systematically warned his patients to check the places where they spend most of their time with the help of biolocation specialists for the presence of the negative influence of the earth. Dieter Aschoff wrote in an article entitled "What Questions Are There About Cancer and Hazardous Areas?" Despite years of research by scientists, science is still unable to determine the cause of cancer, other than cancer from ionizing radiation such as X-rays, radium radiation, or other cancers caused by rays. However, the number of cases of cancer that can be attributed to the above causes is actually relatively small, and scientists are still arguing about the causes of cancer. But terrestrial rays are also ionizing rays, and scientists should consider them as causes of crustacean formation.».

At a lecture in Dortmund on May 15, 1976, Dr. Aschoff reported that he had measured the sleeping places of 30 patients with an ultrashort wave device and did not note a single case where measurable areas were not involved. He further said: “ In 1934, Dr. Rambo, President of the Medical Society in Marburg, published the results of the measurements he carried out with the instruments, and concluded that in All cancer patients he examined slept over measurable disadvantage areas. In those houses where no such radiation was found, people did not complain about their health. ».

1984-th Bahler Kate,(Bachler Kaethe) Austrian researcher, Institute for Geopathology, a renowned scientist in the field of bioenergy, for more than 20 years of her intensive work, has traveled 14 countries, in which she studied the influence of geopathogenic zones on humans. One of the most popular books on the problem of geopathogenic zones is her monograph “The Experience of a Dowser,” which was published in Austria in 1984 in the ninth edition. The book contains the results of examinations of 11 thousand people (more than 3 thousand residential places) who were in geopathogenic zones. Among the surveyed persons there were 6.5 thousand adults, 3 thousand adolescents and 1.5 thousand infants and toddlers. According to her, only 5% of the surveyed, who were in geopathogenic zones, were not susceptible to diseases. The pathology in people living for a long time in geopathogenic zones is very diverse: from lungs mental disorders before cancer, heart attacks, strokes, multiple sclerosis, etc.... On the basis of many years of work, it was shown that cancer, mental and various chronic diseases in children and adults are due to the fact that people's sleeping places were in a geopathogenic zone, which weakened the body's defenses. Recently, K. Bahler's book was published in English in Manchester, which is undoubted recognition of K. Bahler's merits in studying this complex problem and saving thousands of people from death. She leads a number of signs that a person's bed is in a geopathogenic zone: "antipathy to one's sleeping place, falling asleep for a long time (for hours), bad dream, anxiety, tiredness and fatigue in the morning after waking up, gloom, nervousness and depression, heart palpitations and leg cramps. In children, a feeling of fear, screams, gritting teeth, chilliness in bed, a desire to leave bed, loss of appetite are added to this. "

She found that the intersection of lines, stripes, zones according to the degree of their pathogenicity are distributed as follows: 1. K x K x B (69), 2. B x K (39), 3. K x K (13), 4. B (0), 5. K (0), 6. B x B (12), 7. B x B x K (10), 8. B x B x K x K (7) Legend: K-line of the Curry grid , B-water vein, K x K-intersection of Kurri grid lines, B x B-intersection of water veins. The numbers in brackets show the number of cases of cancer identified in the work of K. Bahler. It can be seen from the data presented that the intersections formed by the Kurri grid lines and underground water streams (water veins) are the most dangerous for human health.

Materials on these issues and detailed description results available in e-book 6 part 8-5 Geopathogenic zones. The book is on the website at

Chapter " Energy zones and fields of the Earth"

© N.A. Koltova, 2017 [email protected]

Read another work

article one

Greetings, I am Kryon.

What do I want to tell you now? I'm going to cover a topic that has already been raised in part by Lee Carroll, and also by the other channelers who speak to me. However, this topic was not fully disclosed, since earlier I touched on it only in order to explain some of the events taking place on Earth. It is about the energy fields of the Earth, including the magnetic field of your planet, on which I have been working especially actively for several decades. I want to tell in detail not only about the earth's magnetic field, but also about all other physical and energy fields, building a story about them in the form of an integral system. All these fields add up to a single whole, and each of them manifests the information field of the Earth in its own way.

The information field consists of a whole system of fields, each of which performs a specific role. If we clarify the principle of operation of each of them, then an understanding of how the information field is arranged and how it is possible to interact with it will open. Therefore, we together, having consistently considered each of them, each time we will come closer to understanding in what form information is stored in the field of the planet, and how you can learn to receive it. I will try to make sure that each article contains not only theoretical considerations, but also practical foundations so that each person can feel the connection with one or another field and learn to use it for their development.

I want to make this article introductory and tell in general about the structure of earthly fields and how they are related to human consciousness. It will lay the foundation for the system of fields that I'm going to talk about next.

It is no coincidence that in my past messages I paid such great attention to the Earth's magnetic field. The magnetic field manifests in itself many other fields, it can be compared to a screen on which changes occurring in all energy layers of the Earth are visible. This field is most tangible for human perception, and modern scientists can easily register its subtlest fluctuations. Calling myself the coordinator of the magnetic service on Earth, I somewhat simplified my role for the perception of people, and spoke specifically about the electromagnetic field of the Earth, which can be very easily studied with the help of physical instruments. At the same time, I myself and my assistants do not contact directly with the electromagnetic field, because we are not materially manifested, and the electromagnetic field is part of the physical processes on your planet. We carry out work at a more subtle level, and then the fruits of our labors are manifested at the level electromagnetic waves... These fields, in which we make changes, can be called informational. There are no physical waves at this level, but it is here that any information about how this or that physical process works.

When the Archangels and angels told you about the structure of the Universe, we were talking about prototypic matter located in six-dimensional space. This substance is not a substance in the usual sense in which you are accustomed to perceive it. It does not consist of elementary particles, which means it is not matter at all, but it is potential energy for the birth of any elementary particle. In physics, it is believed that new elementary particles appear as if from a vacuum due to nuclear reactions, or as a result of nuclear transformations of one particle into another. All these reactions are exchange reactions, when the energy of some particles is transferred to others, and thanks to this, the particles have the ability to make changes over themselves. But where did the primordial energy come from that supports any quantum transformation in the entire universe? Many scientists believe that the main source of this energy is the Big Bang, which gave birth to the entire material universe that a person can contemplate around him. This giant burst of energy created the first, largest accumulations of matter that became galaxies, and the transformation of matter inside them became the force that gives rise to all elementary particles inside many stars, which are thermonuclear reactors. All this is certainly true, and the Big Bang launched all global processes that create the material appearance of your universe. This powerful impulse, unparalleled in strength, was launched by the Archangels and was also created on the basis of proto-substance. And I myself, as one of the Archangels of the Milky Way Galaxy, participated in this magnificent project to launch the materialization of all galaxies in your universe.

However, only part of the proto-substance was spent on the launch of all these universal processes, while the other part is used in order to maintain the work of this entire energetic mechanism. Our entire universe can be imagined as a huge furnace in which new portions of matter are constantly being melted. The Big Bang was the energy that ignited the fire in the furnace, while the rest of the prototype is the wood needed to maintain the heat due to which all processes take place.

The energy structure of our universe is supported by many Archangels and angels who create new processes, as well as bring those physical phenomena which have already started. The substance they possess is that gunpowder, thanks to which they can create more and more outbursts of activity in different material worlds. Thanks to one of these impulses, which occurred after the Big Bang, and Solar system... It was formed later than most of the other material worlds of our universe, it was a separate project that was implemented by some Archangels and angels, who later became the closest support of the Gods of the Earth, who created a plan for the development of your planet.

At the time when the Earth was forming, I myself, as one of the Archangels who created her material shells, came to the field of the planet, and since then most of my consciousness has been connected with it. My work on Earth began from the moment it began to emerge, and when the planet was physically created, I was out of the game for billions of years and my attention was devoted to the creation of other material worlds. But a few decades ago, when the time for the energetic transition began to approach, I again actively engaged in earthly processes in order to prepare the necessary changes. This activity is still in progress, and while the basic training has been successful, there is still much to be done. The processes were carried out primarily on the subtle plane, but the main thing remains - to launch the processes so that people can receive the support of the Earth's energy field, the same as they felt in a fabulous time.

Now people exist in their own space, and the energy field is separate from them, and this is the result of the upheavals that occurred at the end of the fabulous time on the planet. People weakened their abilities that helped them to contact the earth's fields, and this was done on purpose, since an energy storm was taking place around them at the energy level, the surrounding vibrations were very low and destructive. Now this storm has subsided, but during this time the perception of people turned out to be associated with the vibrations of the social system, which replaced those natural energy fields in which people previously existed. Currently, my efforts and the efforts of my assistants are aimed at ensuring that people who want to re-establish a connection with the thin fields of the Earth in which their ancient ancestors lived, could do this.

My article series aims to explain the difference between different kinds fields, and so that those who wish could establish contact with those vibrations that they need in each specific case. This article will focus on the differences characteristic of the two main types of energy fields - natural and social, their characteristics of interaction with human consciousness.

All earthly fields can be divided into two types - natural and social. By their physical nature, these fields are almost identical, and many of their components are superimposed on each other. Both society and nature are manifested at the level of electromagnetic waves, while their oscillations add up. The electromagnetic field of the Earth that scientists study is the result of the superposition of natural and social fields, and at first glance it is impossible to separate them. For example, the structure of the electromagnetic field reflects the seismic activity of the Earth, and this is known to scientists who study earthquakes. Likewise, these waves are superimposed on the electromagnetic noise of large cities, which is the result of the operation of many electrical appliances. When signals are recorded near the epicenter of an earthquake, it is possible to exclude the influence of social fields on those vibrations that are created by a natural phenomenon. And vice versa - in a megalopolis, the influence of natural energy fields is negligible, and being in a production room, engineers observe only the operation of their devices, not thinking about how natural processes will reject their readings. But any person living on the surface of the Earth is in an intermediate position, at different moments of life he is influenced by both sources - natural and social, they overlap and it is even impossible to distinguish the vibrations that emanate from each of them.

Do people need to be able to distinguish between vibrations coming from nature or society? Currently, most people do not know what is the effect of the electromagnetic field on their body, and therefore it is difficult to imagine what the interaction with each of these energy sources leads to. In subsequent articles I will touch upon both social and natural processes presented in different energy fields, and then it will become clear how each source affects human consciousness.

Any electromagnetic fields, as the most manifested and tangible of all the subtle energy fields, affect the nervous activity of every living creature living on the surface of the planet. It is known from biology that any nerve impulse arising in neurons is an electromagnetic signal, the strength of which can be measured using instruments. Each such impulse can be influenced by external fields, and each of them has an insignificant effect, but adding together, they leave their imprint on any signal that one nerve cell transmits to another. The influence of external fields is realized in a change in the intensity of the electromagnetic impulse of neurons, these fields create the finest vibrations in the nerve cells, which through these vibrations transmit the necessary information to the rest of the neurons. The messages that a magnetic field transmits to a person are similar to Morse code signals that neuronal cells sense and are able to decode.

Each person exists simultaneously in a thousand different electromagnetic fields that are created by all electrical appliances, other people, living organisms and natural phenomena. Every second, in his nervous system, all signals that are transmitted by each of these fields separately are decoded, and usually those signals that have the greatest intensity receive the greatest value.

For example, if a person is near a computer, then those subtle signals that are created by this device will have the greatest influence on his consciousness. If a person sits near a waterfall and his whole being is in contact with streams of water falling down, then his consciousness is especially strongly connected with those electromagnetic oscillations that are created by moving water.

What matters is not only those fields that appear especially intensively next to a person. An even greater role is played by a person's attention, which is an instrument of attunement to a particular external field. When you connect with your senses with this or that external object, then it is its energy field that has the greatest influence on the subtle vibrations occurring in your nerve cells. If a person is compared to a radio receiver that receives external signals, then attention is a relay that switches perception to certain vibrations.

Moreover, if in an ordinary radio receiver the tuning takes place to a specific radio frequency, then attention acts more flexibly, it moves after the images that a person perceives.

There is no specific button in your body that allows you to tune from one frequency to another and instantly raise your vibration frequency. But you are able to select from the sea a multitude of signals exactly those that you need, tuning in to this or that phenomenon.

This attunement can occur physically when a person observes or senses an object, for example, contemplating a waterfall or listening to the fall of its water. In the same way, he can tune in to its electromagnetic vibrations at a distance, imagining the waterfall that he observed recently, and so the energetic connection with his field will be restored again. But there are also subtleties that the Goddess Hecate has already touched upon when talking about astral realities. At that moment, when a person imagines something, but does not physically feel, he creates astral realities, or connects to those that already existed before. Astral reality is a product of a social system, not a natural phenomenon.

If a person sets a goal for himself to get in touch with natural vibrations, then you need to be attentive to the sensations at the moment of using your imagination, when you connect to some external field at a distance.

How this can be done without hindrance will be discussed in my subsequent articles, and will also be discussed by other spiritual entities.

The main purpose for which I am talking about earthly fields is to keep people in contact with more subtle information structures, which are usually not attuned to their perception. I would like to help those who wish to find a tool in order to harmoniously interact with natural fields and weed out the unwanted influence of social fields. Social vibrations, as a rule, turn out to be more intense and coarse than natural ones, and therefore are easily able to clog those signals that come to people from nature.

For example, if a person is standing next to a beautiful waterfall and has a camera in his hands, then the first thought that often arises is to photograph this spectacle, and only then there is a desire to simply admire this natural phenomenon, immersed in his feelings. This habit is a program which at first glance is insignificant, but there are many programs of this kind in the minds of people, and all of them are expressed in the fact that priority is given to human social needs, which prevail over natural, deeper ones.

All deep feelings and desires of a person are not directly related to society, and originate from a fabulous time, when the consciousness of people was not included in social phenomena. Although inside everyone there are controlling programs coming from society, it is possible to weaken their influence, allowing deeper feelings to be embodied in consciousness. All this can be done at the expense of attention, having learned to tune it to those subtle processes that are happening around. At the same time, the sensitivity of both social and natural phenomena will be aggravated, and then it is possible to choose the source of those signals that act on your consciousness and affect your mood and emotions.

Any human emotion is embodied by a set of nerve impulses. In this case, usually an emotional experience, unlike simple impulses, is not a separate signal, but turns out to be a whole spectrum of the smallest electromagnetic oscillations that affect almost the entire branched network of neurons. This is the difference between a simple information signal and an emotional experience felt by a person - the information impulse is very concentrated and affects only one chain of neurons, personifying a specific task. For example, a nerve impulse sends a signal to the leg and sets it in motion, or the vocal cords are instructed to make the sound "a". Emotional experience does not lead to specific actions, but is capable of nourishing them, being their cause, when a person only makes a decision about an action. Emotional experiences can be created by both social and natural fields, but they are different. Social phenomena usually affect a person's consciousness in a more directional and pointwise manner, and those emotions that can arise in the human body due to the imposition of external social fields appear as if from nowhere, they can be strong enough and then disappear after they have led to actions. So often the influence on a person of some kind of social egregor can be realized, when a spontaneous desire suddenly appears fed by an unexpected emotion, and from the outside it may seem strange and incomprehensible. But the person himself, feeling a strong experience inside himself, is often provoked by such an emotion created from the outside, and can do what he really does not want.

After the action is completed, the emotion disappears and the person wonders why a minute ago he did this, because it goes against his usual desires and values. This is often felt by women who spontaneously react to the events of their lives, for example, they are able to get irritated over trifles or do things that are unexpected for themselves. Women are more emotional than men, they have a lower threshold of sensitivity, and when a new emotion arises, they are not used to waiting and considering a new signal, it is easier for them to immediately start acting. Therefore, they more often than men commit acts that are paradoxical for themselves, many of which turn out to be valuable for them if they proceed from their deepest feelings and allow them to overcome the influence of social programs. But if the emotion is created from the outside by some social phenomenon, then a woman with special sensitivity and susceptibility may begin to act unconsciously, and then become upset because of her hasty actions. Therefore, the special sensitivity that women have, on the one hand, is of great benefit to them, and they are even more ready than men to tune in to subtle electromagnetic fields. But at the same time, it is important to be able to distinguish between those emotional signals that are created artificially, by external social fields, and those that resonate with more subtle vibrations in the human nervous system and support his deepest desires.

A person's true feelings that follow from his inner desires can also arise spontaneously and unexpectedly. For a long time, such a desire can be in the subconscious, and manifest in life when a convenient opportunity presents itself. This emotion seems to float from the deep layers of the subconscious and is in the field of human attention. However, such emotions are not completely new and unexplored, they usually have their own background. A person at any moment in his life feels his subconscious, but usually his attention is concentrated on the fleeting events of life and therefore this contact occurs only with the edge of attention. Nevertheless, deep emotions are always felt by his perception and he is well aware of their vibrations. For example, such a desire may be an old dream that came in early childhood and which was forgotten for many years. Then, when the opportunity arises for its implementation, these vibrations again emerge from the bottom of the subconscious and are embodied in the signals of many neurons.

The entire human nervous system is a huge ramified network of billions of axons - processes of neurons. At every moment of life, these axons are capable of manifesting different human emotions, including the deep ones contained in the subconscious.

At the moment when such a true emotion intensifies in the consciousness of a person, its intensity increases and more and more axons begin to vibrate, as if echoing the music that has already sounded earlier and making it louder. Such a feeling arising from the depths of a person's consciousness is very rich and is not a monosyllabic command transmitted for the sake of a specific action, and thanks to this it can be distinguished from external influences.

In addition, such an emotion is usually felt as something familiar and dear, and although it can recall itself quite suddenly, in the past a person has most likely had times when he felt the coming of this experience. Such a rich feeling is a deep motivation for the embodiment of something in life, which is realized as inspiration that nourishes those actions that lead a person to the goal.

At the same time, such an emotion usually does not overwhelm a person with a wave, leading to rash actions, the emotional energy of this desire flows more calmly and allows him to think over his decision. Therefore, if a person tunes in precisely to such waves existing in his consciousness, then he gains the opportunity to act more consciously and at the same time his actions will lead to greater satisfaction, since they will support his true needs.

External social fields that provoke a person to a specific task are also capable of supporting his true desires, but are usually very inconsistent, since social system does not take into account the individual needs of everyone. It is easier for her to create an impulse for the benefit of the implementation of her tasks, to which many people react. For some of these people, these external signals are favorable and, as a result of their actions, they carry out something valuable for themselves. Nevertheless, most of the people participating in a particular social process are used up and their energy goes to the needs of the system, and their true needs are unfulfilled.

If each person learns to respond precisely to those impulses that are useful to him, then he can become picky about external fields and reduce the adverse effect. The most favorable are those energy fields that resonate with the deepest feelings of a person. It is not at all necessary that their source should be natural phenomena, they can also be those social processes that are really capable of supporting human intentions.

But vibrations natural phenomena thinner and richer rather than a set of those waves that are generated by electrical appliances, and therefore they are in to a greater extent correspond to the deepest experiences of a person.

Natural energy fields can activate these deep feelings, so often in nature, valuable realizations come to a person that can affect his entire worldview. The energy background of natural phenomena, to a greater extent corresponds to the deep layers of human consciousness and enhances them, and all superficial thoughts and emotions related to Everyday life calm down for a while.

This is felt by many people while in meditation, practicing in nature when sensory perception is in contact with natural fields. Meditation can also be effective within the city, when a person with his attention weeds out all unnecessary and for a while plunges into the deeper layers of his consciousness. This is especially successful for those people whose attention is already trained, it is capable of not responding to a significant part of the information noise created by society.

In further articles of this series, I will talk about how it is possible to use your attention to tune in to your deepest emotions that are connected with your true needs. These emotions have a connection with the natural fields of the Earth, when sensually attuned to these fields, they begin to nourish a person's consciousness, supporting the possibility of realizing his purest and most desirable intentions.

Today we examined how the Earth's electromagnetic field is connected with human consciousness, what is the physical nature of the influence of external fields on his actions. In future articles, I will continue the story about the difference between social and natural fields, with specific examples I will tell you how you can tune in to them or, on the contrary, get out of their influence. Also, together we will consider more subtle energy processes, at the level of which I myself have the ability to maintain electromagnetic processes on Earth. And then it will become clearer how the energetic contact of a person's consciousness with spiritual entities located in the field of the Earth occurs. It will also help those who wish to establish a connection with subtle realities on Earth, such as the fabulous and divine layers of the information field, located deep in our planet, on which fabulous creatures and Gods of the Earth exist.

With respect and love,

Kryon about the information field of the Earth

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Our ancestors loved the planet Earth, called it mother. People felt the breath of the planet, its pulse and took care of it. Each person is connected by an invisible energy cord with the Earth, because we are part of it. Our world is an interweaving of energies, and if you find harmony with it, you can qualitatively improve your life. Terrestrial radiation - connection with the Cosmos. Using them, you can achieve harmony with the Universe. In his new book V. Kivrin - a follower of Kirlian - explores the energy of geographic areas, cities, our houses and apartments. He tells what geopathogenic and anomalous zones are, how they affect a person, how to choose the right place of residence. You will learn: that the Earth is permeated by streams of cosmic energy; that it is the geopathogenic zones that are to blame for many accidents and disasters; how to find "good" and "bad" plots in your garden and vegetable garden; how to reduce the influence of hazardous areas and protect yourself from radiation; what needs to be done so that your apartment "protects" you.

A series: Energy. Invisible world

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Energy of the Earth

Energy essence of the planet

When people develop the ability to see energy, a majestic spectacle will appear before them - the entire surface of the earth is covered with luminous energy lines that make up an energy network iridescent in different colors. From the nodes formed by the intersections of the lines, the energy pillars are directed upwards, connecting our planet with the Cosmos. The exchange of energy between the Earth and the Cosmos takes place along these pillars. The earth will appear before man in the radiance of all the colors of the universe. But at this stage of human development, all we can do is just allow ourselves to believe and know that in addition to the visible Earth there is also the energetic essence of the planet, which directly affects all living and nonliving in our world.

Our ancient ancestors knew that the Earth is permeated by streams of energy from the Cosmos, and skillfully used cosmic and terrestrial energies to solve their own problems. Humanity in its development has left the ancient knowledge about the Earth, it is like a child who decided to become independent and refused the support of the mother. But it is so difficult for yourself to follow the road, which turned out to be treacherous and uneven! There are more falls than successful steps ... But you still have to learn to walk. We need to learn to use natural energies and live in harmony with nature.

Previously, man was closer to nature, spent more time outdoors, possessed many of the now lost abilities necessary for survival at that time. A century ago, the art of predicting what the weather would be like in winter was vital in order to stock up on the right amount of fuel and food; and the harvest and further well-being of a person depended on knowing what the weather would be like in spring. Nowadays, the warmth of the house depends more on the CHP than on our ability to predict the weather in winter. So we are slowly losing the ability to feel changes in the weather, to anticipate lean years and, as a result, we are losing the ability to survive in adverse natural conditions. Man created an artificial habitat for himself, but is it so good, did we foresee everything, did we do everything to make our life comfortable and carefree?

One of the main factors affecting human life is the energy of the earth. It directly affects both the human body and its environment. Perhaps the ability to feel the energy of the Earth has not atrophied in all people, perhaps for many it simply sleeps, not awakened in childhood. Some people feel a change in energy and unconsciously use it. Such people live in harmony with nature, they are more "lucky", nature gives them strength. People who go against the laws of nature, nature tries to change or destroy - after all, no one will like a foreign body in his eye. A harmonious person is uncomfortable in places where energy is disturbed, and therefore he will not live in an apartment above the break, no matter how comfortable and spacious it is, no matter in what prestigious area it is located. A person is born for joy, he must live a long, active and happy life, and only the inability to understand natural rhythms and our place in the world, to feel the breath of the Universe and to merge with it brings dissatisfaction, irritation and sadness into our life.

A person instinctively avoids places with damaged energy, strives to live where it is pleasant and convenient. Sometimes - the soul does not "lie" to the house, one does not feel comfort and peace in it, on the contrary - it pulls coldly and sleeps badly, fatigue overcomes. But we persuade ourselves: we have been waiting for an apartment for so many years, do not refuse! It is convenient to commute to work ... And the fact that, having moved to this apartment, they began to get sick often - again, this can be justified: tired after moving, age, drafts ... So health is lost. And it used to be like this: young old people will not listen, they will build a hut in a "bad" place, and then they will be convinced that they were wrong. There were always people who remembered events. Thus, knowledge has gradually accumulated about bad places, where people get sick, livestock get sick and die, where harvests are bad. Information about bad or bad places was passed on from generation to generation; public buildings, stables and cowsheds were not built in such places, they tried to bypass them. A city built on an unsuitable site degrades the energy state of the environment, negatively affects the health (mental and physical) not only of its residents, but also the health of residents of the district, region and even the country (depending on the size of the city or its energy).

It is sometimes considered economically viable to build cities or satellite towns in place of deserted or extinct villages, as less money is invested in construction. But who can calculate what losses will result in construction on the site of a lost village or settlement (and if it is also next to the city)? I'm not talking about people who will lose their health and will have to pay disability pensions, I'm not talking about the fact that a person's life will become much shorter, that children will be ill ...

And who will take into account the costs, even if they can be calculated directly - constantly bursting pipes, rapidly aging buildings, additional funds for the repair of engineering systems, problems with electricity supply, the cost of repairing the road network, etc.?

In Norway, I saw a house built in 1400 some year (I don't remember the exact date of construction, it seems to be 1475). It is still in excellent condition, it has never required repairs. Floors, ceiling and even kitchen furniture preserved as new - and people have always lived in the house! That's what it means to choose the right place!

My friend was constantly sick with pneumonia, but left to live in wooden house at st. Mshinskaya (Leningrad region) and stopped hurting, the lungs became healthy. It is said that before the war there was a sanatorium where tuberculosis was treated, and the results were very good. The air there is wonderful due to the large number of swamps and a special anomaly - the sun shines there for many days, clouds scatter over Mshinskaya, although nearby, in neighboring villages, the cloud layer remains intact. There is a special energy, you can breathe easily and freely. Sometimes people leave city apartments to live on Mshinskaya for several years, recharge their health.

There are many such places both in the region and in the country, and we can choose the most suitable one for ourselves and live there for a couple of weeks in order to give the body a chance to rest. It is not necessary to go to the beaches of the distant southern seas; rest in good places will bring benefits no less, and maybe even more. A trip to another country can be stressful for the body, and statistics say that most centenarians rarely left their homes.

It is not for nothing that in Russian epics, heroic strength is always associated with the native land. The energy of the earth forms the nations, the characters of the people; leaving our native land, we change ourselves, become other people. Perhaps the boundaries of states correspond to the boundaries of the Earth's energy fields.

For many thousands of years, mankind, consciously or unconsciously, has been using the energy of the Earth for its own purposes. Cities were built at the intersections of the lines of force, fed by the energy of the Earth and the Cosmos, they quickly grew and developed. Strong energy attracts people, they strive for it, like moths to light, sometimes they die, sometimes they fly up to unprecedented heights, but they never remain the same. Cultural centers are located at the intersections of the lines of force, in them religions are born, crafts are most easily developed, in the nodes there is a rich flora and fauna, mineral deposits "gravitate" towards them, UFOs and AYs (anomalous phenomena) are more often observed there. The favorable energy of the Earth was used for treatment (in such places a person recovers faster), churches were built in such places, and earlier good places were chosen for pagan temples, for building houses and growing gardens.

For example, on Voronya Gora (in the village of Mozhaisky, St. Petersburg), nuts and other plants grow and bear fruit beautifully, the distribution border of which runs 200 km to the south.

It is believed that in order to fully comply with the energy of the Earth, at least three generations of people must live in a certain place.

Lines of force and nodes form the main energy network on the surface of the Earth.

Rice. 1. Energy lines of the Earth. Icosahedral-dodecahedral power frame of the Earth

Weaker energy flows also form networks, but with smaller cells, the so-called Hartmann and Kurri networks. These networks interest us more, because the pitch of these networks is much smaller and almost all people are affected by them.

The nodes of the intersection of the network pose some danger to humans, since the active energy of the node can damage health if the body is weakened.

The Hartman network is formed from strips of increased energy about 10 centimeters wide, the cell pitch is 2.5 × 2 m. networks can develop chronic diseases. The Kurri nets act on a person in the same way - their cells are larger: 5 × 6 m, 16 × 16 m.

Geopathogenic zones

Translated from Greek, geopathogen is the land that brings suffering and gives birth to disease (Geo - land, pato (patos) - suffering, disease, gene (genes) - giving birth).

There are many definitions of geopathogenic zones, but I have compiled, as it seems to me, the most concise and informative:

A geopathogenic zone is a section of the earth's surface that negatively affects people, plants, animals or other living organisms, as well as buildings or other inanimate objects. In this case, the impact can be selective: for example, one area of ​​the earth's surface negatively affects only people, and the second area negatively affects people, plants and animals.

This definition seems to me to be more precise and does not take into account yet open views impacts on the human body, but already having a negative impact on health.

Geopathogenic zones are formed over tectonically active zones of the planet, over faults in the earth's crust, over deposits of ores, radioactive elements and other minerals, over underground voids, underground rivers and lakes, watered with cracks in the earth's crust, zones of active karst formation, etc.

The terrestrial radiation coming from the surface area of ​​the geopathogenic zone spreads strictly vertically upward (tens of kilometers), without natural dispersion, therefore it penetrates without attenuation through multi-storey ceilings to the upper floors of buildings of almost any height. I am not aware of materials capable of completely screening geopathogenic effects. It is possible to weaken the effect of geopathogenic radiation on the human body, but its harmful effect can be completely eliminated only in one way - to move to a place where there is no effect of the geopathogenic zone.

More recently, it was believed that geopathogenic zones are fairly stable formations, but recent studies have shown that this is not the case. The characteristics of geopathogenic zones vary in time and space. These zones change their size and activity (power) depending on the time of day, phase of the moon, solar activity, time of year, on the state of the environment, depending on the weather (or the weather changes depending on the state of the local energy - there is also such an opinion) and many other parameters. The activity of a geopathogenic zone may depend on one or several parameters - for example, a geopathogenic zone is located above a river flowing underground. The activity of this zone will be determined by the parameters of the river, but on the new moon and full moon this geopathogenic zone will be additionally influenced by the Moon - it will slightly reduce the activity of the zone on the new moon and increase it on the full moon. There are point geopathogenic zones that may not manifest themselves for a long time, and then appear, actively influence the world and again deactivate, plunge into hibernation. Such zones are identified either with sufficiently long-term observations of the terrain, or by the nature of their impact on humans and the environment.

Ring and cyclical zones also may not be detected immediately, since their influence on the terrain is not constant. To get the most complete picture of the energy of a place, it is advisable to collect as much information as possible regarding the history of this place. Did they build residential houses and other buildings on it before, what happened to these buildings, how people felt when they spent a lot of time (sleep, rest, work) at this place. It is very important what plants grow in this place, how they develop, whether they bloom and bear fruit. How domestic (and wild, if there is an opportunity to observe) animals feel in this place. It is very important to record your own feelings, and it is advisable to record them or dictate them to a dictaphone. Over time, memories that do not have a strong emotional coloring fade, so it becomes difficult to clarify details.

When a person is in a geopathogenic zone, the normal functioning of the body is disrupted, I will tell you more about this in the chapter “The influence of the GPZ on a person”.

Normal parameters change in geopathogenic zones: energy, gravity, radioactive background, soil conductivity, etc.

Geopathogenic zones can have a different appearance:

1. Wide stripes. In most cases, such zones are located above paleo-channels of rivers, underground water flows, tectonic faults, and other linear objects.

2. Shimmering zones. Doctors of geological and mineralogical sciences V. Vartanyan and G. Kulikov discovered "flickering" zones appearing as a result of periodic (in intervals from hours to several years) compression or extension of rocks. The energy of such zones can negatively affect living organisms and plants, cause a slowdown in human reactions, which can lead to an increase in accidents and an increase in accidents.

3. Point zones. They range in size from a few millimeters to several meters. In most cases, the effect of such zones is not constant over time. I also refer to them the nodes of energy grids (Kurri, Hartman, Wittmann) with dimensions of 15 × 15 cm, these nodes have a strong energy, sufficiently constant in time, and can severely damage the health of a person who is under their influence for more than six hours in a row for several years (there are known cases of negative influence for several days - it all depends on the individual characteristics of the organism).

4. Cyclic zones. Cyclic zones are zones of active energy of the Earth, changing their properties according to a certain rhythm from a geopathogenic zone to a zone that positively affects a person. The cyclic zone can change its properties from several hours (rarely) to several days (most often) and even several years.

5. Ring zones. These are zones that change their size over time. With an increase in size, a non-pathogenic zone appears inside and an annular zone is formed. Most often, the size of such a zone is several tens of meters, but there are others - up to several tens of centimeters or more. They can form above the burial sites of chemical waste, when the integrity of the earth's surface is violated, at the points of exit of energy channels coming from the depths of the Earth (possibly from the earth's core).

6. Contour zones. Geopathogenic zones repeating on the Earth's surface the contours of underground processes or conditions that cause disruption of normal energy. Contour zones appear above underground voids that radiate negative energies, etc.

In addition to geopathogenic zones, a person and the surrounding space are affected by:

1. Technopathogenic zones. They are located above underground passages, metro tunnels, mines, water pipelines, pipelines, cable networks, filled with water bodies (lakes, ravines, rivers), underground technical structures, landfills, etc. They can also be located next to railways and highways, high-voltage power lines, antenna fields, working household appliances, etc.

2. Biopathogenic zones. Occur over dumps of spoiled food and waste of biological origin, over cemeteries, near hospitals, etc.

3. Informational pathogenic zones. They are created by: objects of art that carry negative information, inharmonious music, negative emotions, improperly selected or poorly sewn clothes, inharmonious architecture (five-story "Khrushchevs"), etc.

Most often, people are faced with the radiation of the Earth in the form of nets (Kurri, Hartmann, Wittmann), for a healthy person it is practically not dangerous, with the exception of getting a mesh node on a bed or a favorite sofa, on workplace... It is much more serious if the node of the energy grid coincides with a geopathogen from a fault or groundwater.

Austrian researcher K. Bachler cites statistics:

For a long time, a person was exposed to the Curri mesh knot and underground water flow - 69 cancer patients.

A person was exposed to the Kurri grid line and underground water flow for a long time - 39 cancer patients.

A person was exposed to the Kurri mesh node for a long time - 13 cancer patients.

The person has been exposed to the water flow for a long time - no cancer patients have been identified.

The person has been exposed to the Curri grid line for a long time - no cancer patients have been identified.

A person was exposed to the intersection of water veins for a long time - 12 cancer patients.

A person was exposed to the intersection of water veins and the Kurri grid line for a long time - 10 cancer patients.

A person was exposed for a long time to the intersection of water veins and the Curri mesh node - 7 cancer patients.

Wide strips of geopathogenic zones "breathe" in width, in most cases they expand at night. Figure 2 shows the location of the geopathogenic zone in a room during the day, and Figure 3 - at night. The bed in this case is poorly located.

Rice. 2. Location of the geopathogenic zone in the room during the day

Rice. 3. Location of the geopathogenic zone in the room at night

Geopathogenic zones in the form of wide stripes, according to my observations, are the most common.

Point zones

This includes the nodes of the Kurri, Hartman, Wittmann grids. I also refer to point geopathogenic zones as point sources of a geopathogen that do not change in time (most often from a few millimeters to tens of centimeters), which have a sufficiently high power, which can severely damage a person's energy, causing serious diseases.

There are point zones of periodic activity. Such zones are especially dangerous due to the difficulty of detecting them - for example, the zone is activated only at night from 2 am to 4 am, and once or twice a month. But during these two hours, a point source can cause significant harm to the body, and it is difficult to establish the cause of the defeat later. In addition, point zones can appear in neutral zones even more often than in geopathogenic ones. The reason for the occurrence of pinpoint zones on this moment I do not know. There are many hypotheses: from the vertical channel of the earth's energy output to messages to Space from an alien robot located in the center of the Earth to monitor the earth's civilization and, possibly, to correct it.

There are dot zones that increase and decrease their size while keeping the center unchanged.

Rice. 4. A dotted zone that increases and decreases in size while keeping the center unchanged

Cyclic zones

Cyclic zones are zones of active energy of the Earth, changing their properties according to a certain rhythm from a geopathogenic zone to a zone that positively affects a person.

In such zones, the sense of time and space is disturbed, the clock fails, incorrect compass readings, loss of orientation in space are possible. If the zone changes slowly, then the person can feel the danger and leave such a place. There are very unstable places where the transition from one state to another occurs abruptly, having a strong adverse effect on the physical and mental health of a person, up to a persistent health disorder or even a reduction in life expectancy.

With a positively active zone, it is possible to acquire or enhance additional human abilities (telepathy, clairvoyance, farsightedness, reading past events from objects, etc.). An unprepared psyche can suffer in such cases, since a person may not be ready to use new abilities and they will not be able to bring anything but trouble. For example, not every person can withstand the knowledge of his future. Sometimes women dream of knowing every thought of their beloved and have no idea what kind of hell the fulfillment of such a desire can turn life into. When thoughts of another person settle in my head and it is impossible to get rid of them (and I know people who have achieved such a result, and now dream of returning everything back) - this is unpleasant. It may be interesting at first, but a person may have diarrhea, his boss may scold him, and thoughts about his beloved woman do not occupy his head one hundred percent.

You should not strive to visit cyclical zones in order to discover new abilities. You need to learn to use the existing ones, and there are a lot of them, people just do not know how to use them. They will open only when a person is ready for this. You should not change from a bicycle to a modern fighter jet, you can lose control.

If the zone changes rapidly, then a person can lose consciousness and recover only when the zone is in a neutral state.

The rhythm of a person's life changes - in a cyclical zone, a person can age more slowly, or, conversely, grow old in a few days in the zone, as in a month of ordinary life or more. Cases are described when entire villages found themselves in such zones. The activity of people in such cases depends on the activity of the zone, people are mostly immersed in themselves, and it is difficult to leave - it is difficult for a human body who has lived or was born in such a zone to adapt to other conditions.

In the average person, the cyclical zone can cause increased aggression, hallucinations and inappropriate behavior.

To some extent, the negative impact of such a zone can reduce the bread with salt and garlic eaten before entering the zone. It is advisable to take bread, salt and garlic with you in order to refresh the body periodically.

If possible, you should be in the cyclic zone for a minimum time or not go into it at all. When planning to go on a hiking trip, try to interview the locals about the lost places, mark them on the map and try to get around. "Bad places" is not superstition or fiction, it is a folk experience that has been stored for a long time. The payment for it is very expensive - health and life. I know places where a dog, even with its owner, will not go, only by direct order, and even then it will resist. And people walk, and then they are surprised - how did it happen? Apparently, the old people were telling the truth - a lost place!

In places of a sharp activation of the geopathogenic zone, a short-term loss of consciousness among drivers and the loss of the ability to drive a vehicle are possible. Experienced drivers know the location of constant accidents and try to avoid dangerous areas or drive carefully.

Ring zones

Ring zones behave very interestingly, in their development they go through several phases:

● first phase - geopathogenic zone is a circle;

● the second phase - the geopathogenic zone tends to take the shape of an ellipse;

● third phase - a gap appears inside the ellipse, which is a small ellipse of the neutral zone;

● the fourth phase - the ellipse of the geopathogenic zone begins to shrink, turning into a circle, the neutral zone inside disappears.

Rice. 5. Development phases of the annular geopathogenic zone

Often the ring zones are the same size as the house under which they are located. This may indicate the emergence of a geopathogenic zone as a result of the construction of the building. Excavation of the ground for the foundation causes a violation of the Earth's energy, the force of the change depends on the specific location. Energy of the Earth, disrupted by construction or earthworks, recovers within six years.

Contour Zones

Usually they arise over some underground voids, karsts, underground lakes, mineral deposits, etc. As a rule, the contours of a geopathogenic zone repeat the contours of the underground anomaly and change their size little. In most cases, the contour zones affect certain chakras, for example, only the mooladhara.

It cannot be said that a geopathogenic zone has only a negative impact on a person. Most of the zones have heightened energy, and those who can assimilate it without harm to themselves, gains the benefit: health, activity, unprecedented abilities. But many people cannot assimilate increased energy (the body is "polluted", "traffic jams" interfere with the free flow of energy, etc.), therefore, an excess of energy causes damage to the body and disease. Any excess is harmful: eating a spoonful of caviar is good, pleasant, healthy. And if you eat two hundred grams at once, you can get protein poisoning. Once, in the old days, when there were interruptions with food, relatives sent our employee a three-liter jar of raw black caviar. She was blissful and ate it a teaspoon at a time, but soon the caviar began to deteriorate and the employee urgently ate half a can at once, as a result of which she was taken away in an ambulance and in the hospital the doctors barely saved her life.

The same thing happens with cities. Their development and well-being largely depend on the energy of the place where the city is built.

Cities located in geopathogenic zones have a powerful supply of earthly energy, therefore they are actively developing and prospering.

The largest northern city of St. Petersburg is located at the junction of the Baltic shield with the Russian plate; four tectonic faults pass through the city. The northern coast of the Gulf of Finland rises at a rate of 1–1.5 mm per year, and the southern coast of the Gulf of Finland sinks at a rate of 1 mm per year, some parts of the bay rise up to 40 cm in a hundred years, this is a fairly high rate of ascent. Powerful geopathogenic zones are formed above the faults; natural gases: radon, helium, etc. Gases change the composition of the atmosphere, if safety measures are not followed, they can adversely affect humans and the environment. Once I myself observed how the haze glowed, enveloping the Murinsky stream on Grazhdanka. One tenth of the city is located directly above the faults, which leads to damage to engineering networks (breaks and ruptures of water and sewer pipes, etc.), causes accelerated aging of buildings and even damage to them (the appearance of cracks on some houses in Krasnoe Selo, on Leninsky Prospekt , on Grazhdanka, etc. That is, in the region of geopathogenic zones above tectonic faults).

Scientists have collected information on 20 earthquakes of magnitude 5 to 7 on the Richter scale that have occurred in the Eastern Baltic over the past 700 years. It is assumed that once every three thousand years, an earthquake of more than 7 points occurs. The tension of the earth's interior creates increased energy, and, as a consequence, geopathogenic zones on the surface.

For a more accurate determination of the location of all faults and their nature, a deep geological study of the area is necessary, which is still considered unnecessary for determining urban planning policy and health care.

Now you can order a passport for a land plot in specialized firms that are engaged in the study of geopathogenic zones.


The village of Gromovo (Leningrad Region) - according to the Cosmopoisk data, it is located at the intersection of tectonic faults.

Settlement Nagorny (former state farm Nagorny), Lomonosov region. The southern coast of the Gulf of Finland - there is a tectonic fault (Cosmopoisk).

At the bottom Baltic Sea revealed a new tectonic zone "Ostrovsky zone", which is considered to be a place of increased seismic activity. On December 18, 2002, an earthquake of 3.6 magnitude was recorded with an epicenter 180 kilometers west of the coast of Lithuania and 130 kilometers south of the island of Gotland. Burials are still found at the bottom of the Baltic Sea chemical weapons The First and Second World Wars, therefore, any tectonic activity can worsen the ecology of the Baltic.

Hot springs have appeared in the Kaliningrad region, hot water with a temperature of up to 45 degrees Celsius appears in the wells of villagers, often containing iodine, phosphorus, forms of nitrogen compounds, carbon monoxide and - sulfuric acid, which can be a harbinger of a volcanic eruption (Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, Professor of the Russian Ecological Academy Klara Pityeva).


All this changes the distribution of geopathogenic zones and can serve as a harbinger of earthquakes and even volcanic eruptions. The earthly firmament is very mobile and conceals in itself a lot of unknowns. Recently, Japanese scientists have discovered a new type of ultra-low frequency earthquake. "The tremors will be so slow that the person simply will not feel them," said one of the authors of the discovery, Yoshihiro Ito. Such earthquakes also activate the impact of geopathogenic zones on the human body. The study of slow earthquakes will make it possible to better study the processes that take place in tectonic faults, their impact on human health and performance, and ways to protect against impacts.

Why are earthquakes dangerous for humans, apart from direct destruction?

Earthquakes are vibrations of the earth's surface during the passage of waves (seismic) from underground source energy. There are three types of seismic waves: longitudinal, shear and surface. Longitudinal seismic waves are perceived by animals and people.

Seismic waves, even from distant earthquakes, activate geopathogenic zones. This is especially true for people suffering from diseases. of cardio-vascular system: pulse rate may increase, blood pressure may rise, fatigue increases, headache appears, vision and hearing deteriorate. People with good ear for music and dancers feel such changes. The natural rhythm is disturbed, and they feel it. Bad mood, melancholy - all these feelings can appear in a person due to a distant earthquake, the echoes of which are almost imperceptible.

I dwell on earthquakes in such detail because earthquake foci, long before activation, begin to emit energy that has a harmful effect on a person. The static charge of aerosol particles of air changes, anomalies of the gravitational field appear, ultrasound and infrasound are emitted, and possibly an increase in the release of gases from the soil. All this can cause an exacerbation of chronic human diseases, weakening of health, mental disturbances and disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system. Treatment in this case is practically useless - it will relieve the symptoms of the disease for a while, but the cause will remain and continue its destructive effect. Living in a seismically active area can cause changes (mutations) at the cellular level of an adult's body, but children are especially susceptible to this effect. If the treatment of the disease for several months does not work, you can try to change your place of residence. If you go to your relatives or to a sanatorium, it may happen that the disease will go away on its own or medications will work - and the body will return to normal quickly enough.

Those living on the first and second floors need to ensure good ventilation of the apartment or frequent ventilation of the premises in order to avoid the accumulation of harmful earth gases (including radon).

Dragon Lines - Lei

Previously, people were more sensitive to the energy of the Earth, they felt where the lines of power run underground, and successfully used them for their own purposes. The energy lines of power were called: "old straight paths", "leis", "dragon lines". Lei carry energy that is useful for people, animals and plants. Aerial photography shows how fields and forests are crossed by rather long straight lines, where plants develop most vigorously - these are the lines of the dragon, lei. If you collect seeds from plants that have grown on dragon lines, then more powerful and durable plants will grow from these seeds, more resistant to adverse environmental conditions.

Some researchers believe that temples, sanctuaries, wells and houses in Britain in ancient times were placed according to an elaborate plan, which was based on the passage of invisible energy lines - lei. The points at which two or more leis (dragon lines) intersect are called nodes, they create an amazing harmony of the Earth and the Cosmos, bring beneficial energies to the location of the node. Churches that stand on such knots contain powerful spiritual and vitality, which they generously share with their parishioners. The trade routes laid next to the lei were considered safe. The settlements established at the intersection of the lei have long existed and flourished. The energy of the dragon's lines has a beneficial effect on a person, harmonizes the body, allows you to reveal the abilities inherent in a person, promotes spiritual development, and prolongs life.

People who have a subtle sense of energy come to lei or nodes in order to strengthen their energy, make the right decision, understand the past and look into the future. You should not approach the lei at the time of the full moon or new moon, during the lunar and solar eclipses- it can be dangerous for the mental and physical health of a person.

Trees growing on dragon lines live longer, thrive better, and support favorable energies around them. These trees can be successfully used to heal and strengthen your energy and vitality.

There is a theory that the nodes where the leis converge are peculiar energy centers, which redistribute the energy of the area, sucking energy from excess places and adding to those places where there is not enough energy. In the old days, there were specially trained people, now they would be called the keepers of the dragon lines. The keepers observed the correct operation of the dragon's lines, maintained them in working order, and, if necessary, created new nodes and lines themselves (if those were not in the right place). Some researchers note that stones were used to create the knot, charged in a special way with the help of blows. Some stones were charged so strongly that it was necessary to neutralize some of the excess energy. Sometimes it was necessary to hide the strength of the stones, and then one or more elm trees were planted near the nodes or along the highly charged ley.

Iron, quartz crystals, amethyst, jasper, silicon and salt also have the ability to mask the location of the dragon's power nodes and lines - lei.

The ancient Celts believed that lei were the lines of energy exchange between the Earth and the Cosmos. The Earth gives its energy through the lei to the surrounding space for its harmonization, and the Cosmos sends harmonizing energy to the Earth, absorbed by the lei and evenly distributed over the surface of the earth. Ancient dragons were the guardians of all life on Earth and balanced earthly and heavenly forces for the common good. The Celts revered dragons as gods and believed that dragons guarded the gates connecting the Earth with Heaven and the Underworld. While dragons are on guard, energy harmful to people will not penetrate into our world.

In England, there are legends about the creation of a protective energy barrier around the settlements. For this, the priest and the singing boys walked around the parish and beat the ground with rods. It was necessary to clearly follow a certain rhythm and strength of blows. After such a ceremony, the settlement received energy protection and life in it became more prosperous and calm.

In Russia, there were also similar rituals (and still exist!), But, as a rule, only women participate in such rituals, passing on the rules for their conduct from mother to daughter. Unfortunately, I do not know the details, but I saw protected areas of land - really reliably protected from all kinds of troubles.

Influence of geopathogenic zones and good places on plants

Most gardeners receive a plot of land and happily begin planning it. Apple trees are planted in even rows, currants - along the edges, even strawberry beds are pleasing to the eye for the time being. Then it turns out that the harvest is not at all happy and the efforts expended do not justify themselves. Then the second stage usually begins - various fertilizers are applied to the ground, the cultivation technologies are changed, but the harvest is not happy. And the neighbor's everything is growing, and the neighbor puts labor into his plot with a gulkin's nose.

At first glance, it seems that the earth is the same, but it is not. Each piece of land has its own energy, and if the energy has a beneficial effect on plants and trees, they grow and develop well, and if the energy of the land does not suit the plants, then they develop poorly and give a small harvest, and sometimes even die. I have a small bed in my garden, about two square meters, - any onion grows well on it, completely without any care. Plants are not damaged by pests, grow vigorous and early ripening, are well stored. If onion seeds are planted twenty centimeters further from this zone, then the onion grows weakly, it is overcome by pests.

How do you find favorable landing spots? Previously, they did this - they scattered seeds all over the garden (they rarely scattered them) and looked at where what would grow better, the next year they planted a full-fledged garden there.

Once they invited me to a very well-groomed area - a lawn, flowers, strawberries. They asked me to explain why bushes and trees do not grow on their site. After examining the site, it turned out that a geopathogenic zone passes under it, partly formed by an underground channel, partly by an excess of minerals in the subsoil layer. Old-timers said that before gardening was created on these lands, a wonderful forest grew here, but a strip of empty land passed through it, where only grass and flowers grew. Local residents said that trees did not grow in this place for three hundred years, as much as the village costs nearby. Nothing was built on the "bald" place, even if the log is forgotten there, it will quickly rot. Gardeners chose an empty area due to the fact that there is no need to uproot the forest - you can immediately dig the beds. Bushes and trees that were planted on the site did not grow and died for one to two years. Even the trees planted in tubs were drying up. I advised the owners not to plant trees and bushes, but to grow only what grows. It is almost impossible to fix such zones, it is better then to exchange part of your harvest for neighboring apples. Indeed, on each site there are plants that grow better.

For example, on my father's plot, apple trees, pears, plums grow wonderfully - he harvests more than a ton almost every year. But the potatoes never grew on his site, you have to exchange them. On its site, the earth is clay, it is located above an underground lake and a strip several meters wide runs along it - there the earth is several degrees colder, plants die from frost earlier than in other places. If you get up early and go out into the garden before sunrise, you can see how the geopathogen strip sparkles with frost - it is located above a small fault and goes several hundred meters to the left and to the right. Peking cabbage and lettuce grow well on such a strip, garlic fails on it. On the site there is a point pathogenic zone of unknown origin, about one and a half meters in diameter (it breathes during the day) - they planted apple trees and pears there, but the result is deplorable - they grow slowly and do not give any harvest (they experimented since 1954). The trees were fed, on the advice of the agronomist, mineral fertilizers were applied, manure - nothing helped. We made a table, benches in this place (the place is sunny), but it is impossible to sit at the table: the heart is not doing well, melancholy appears or a bad mood. We planted an apple tree, it grows, but does not give apples. We buried an ax under it ( old way make the tree bear fruit) - two apples grew. But the fern grows under the apple tree wonderful, meter height. Four meters to the right, an apple tree of the "white filling" variety grows and regularly gives a fairly large harvest almost every year without any additional fertilizing, but the "white filling" grows outside the point geopathogenic zone.

Plants - indicators of geopathogenic zones

How can you determine a geopathogenic zone in a vegetable garden or in a garden by indirect signs?

You need to carefully look at your piece of land and mark the places in the notebook:

● where the grass grows worse, is less powerful, develops more slowly, the root system is weaker. Sometimes, above the geopathogenic zone, the grass changes its color, becoming more yellow or acquiring a bluish tint;

● where frost falls earlier or plants are damaged by frost;

● where trees or shrubs deviate from vertical growth for no other reason (for example: a tree trunk bends under the influence of an obstacle - another trunk or fence). In a strong geopathogenic zone, it seems that the trees "want to escape" from this place, their trunks are bent in one direction;

● where plants are more often damaged by pests;

● where plants set seeds worse or give little yield (or do not bear fruit at all);

● where plants wither or fade faster;

● where the compost rots faster.

Birch, linden and most conifers in geopathogenic zones they develop worse, the shape of the trunk and crown is distorted, the tops and young growth may dry out, trees with bifurcated tops appear, and outgrowths may appear on them. An acquaintance told me that in the zone of increased radiation, he observed the trunks of spruce, coiled in a spiral along with the branches.

Plants will show an inquisitive person the location of groundwater on the ground:

“Thin reeds, willow trees, alder, vitex, reeds, ivy and others grow with the property that they cannot germinate without moisture ... where such plants are found, not planted, but self-originating, there you need to look for water.”

This is how the ancient Roman architect Vitruvius Pollio wrote about underground waters in his essay "Ten Books on Architecture".

Reeds and acacia often grow along the faults. If you stand on a high point on the ground, you can trace the lines formed by these plants. Sometimes the plants growing along the faults are two to three weeks behind their neighbors. Careful care and measures to build up the humus layer can reduce the adverse effect of the geopathogenic zone on plants.

Near my site there are thickets of reeds, and under them is an underground stream. A weak geopathogenic zone has formed there. There is a road along the reeds, the traffic on which is very weak. But this road is always in a "broken" state, cracks, potholes and bumps constantly appear on it.

A multi-stemmed tree grows at the edge of the reeds. One summer, in broad daylight, a pickup truck crashed into this tree. The driver could not understand anything - he was driving along the road at the speed of a pedestrian and suddenly saw a tree in front of him. For half a day they could not pull the car away, something was constantly interfering. From the side of the reeds, the fence constantly falls, the pillars quickly deteriorate. I planted an oak, a birch, a wild rose there - everything died.

On my site there used to be a lot of wormwood (and even now I left a little for the treatment of legs and repelling insects). Scientists have found that silver wormwood grows better above ancient karst sinkholes of the Quaternary period. I talked with a familiar geologist - indeed, our entire plateau is located above the karsts. Nature tells us everything, but we have not yet, unfortunately, learned to understand it well.

Even M.V. Lomonosov wrote that the plants above the ore veins differ from those around them:

On the mountains in which ores or minerals are born, growing trees are usually unhealthy, that is, their leaves are pale. And they themselves are low, crooked, knotty ... and before their perfect old age they dry up, and the grass growing above the veins is usually smaller and paler.

Dwarf nettle growing on the site - look for uranium underground. Above uranium deposits, many plants do not set seeds. If terry dandelions have bloomed, flowers, like balls, and fly-seeds are not given - under them there is a spot with increased radiation, or perhaps just a radioactive rain has passed. When normal dandelions begin to grow in this place, this is a sign that the danger has passed. Plum leaves show increased radioactivity - they become pale green with a yellowish-brown tint.

Wild honeysuckle grows best over deposits of gold and silver. The plantain is very sick and does not grow well over deposits containing copper, iron and arsenic salts. And the dog rose likes this "neighborhood", it develops better in these conditions.

Observations of thousands of fruit trees have revealed that growths appear on the trunks of apple trees growing in geopathogenic zones, the leaves turn yellow prematurely and fall off. Sometimes trees do not bear fruit at all. Plum and pear grow very poorly in such areas and often die. The currant grows stunted and poorly developed. Raspberries just move to a better place. Potatoes sharply (2-3 times) reduce the yield.

Growing plants taking into account all the requirements of agricultural technology of the variety and careful soil care (building up the humus layer and the absence of digging) reduces the impact of geopathogenic zones on plants.

Good places and plants

There are also good places, but there are fewer of them than geopathogenic zones. I know that Valaam Island, Mon Repos Park in Vyborg, Voronya Gora (Mozhaiskaya station, former Duderhof in the Leningrad Region) and Mshinskaya station are good places for plants (and for people too). Plants feel great there, even more southern species grow and more ancient, almost disappeared almost everywhere.

End of introductory snippet.

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The given introductory fragment of the book Energy of space. Energy messages of the earth (Vladimir Kivrin) provided by our book partner -