Types of demons. Demonology - types of demons from various sources

The deceit of a hypocritical demon will not be able to reach the goal if a person has a strong will and doubts his faith in God. However, everyone should understand the types of demons in order to understand how not to become a victim of evil spirits.

In the article:

Why demons are called evil

The deceit of a hypocritical demon is deceit. That is why representatives of evil spirits are called crafty- this quality is really inherent in them. All demons are cunning, unpredictable, they almost always want to deceive a person with insufficiently strong faith.

In prayers, people often ask for protection from the evil one. This refers to any unclean force, not just demons. Devils, demons, demons - prayer can protect from the craftiness of all these representatives of evil spirits.

Cunning, playfulness, pretense, deceit, cunning - all these qualities are from the devil. Many people possess them. They are believed to be under the influence of evil spirits. It is she who pushes them to deception, revenge, obtaining forbidden pleasures.

Luck is the name of the demon

Luck is the name of a demon that can bring luck, but the price of such a gift is the immortal soul of a person. Many would agree to exchange their souls for good luck, condemning themselves to a posthumous existence in hell, or even non-life in a role or a ghoul.

Everyone knows that in modern society it is customary to wish good luck. You should be more careful with such wishes, say Orthodox priests. Wishing good luck, you summon evil spirits for your loved one. Demon Luck is expecting only this. Its purpose is to push people to sin, and the good fortune given to them is a good gift for this opportunity.

Often, the commemoration notes include "On Luck". Most of the priests are outraged by this - it would seem that believers write the name of the demon in the memorials and still want to pray for him. There is an opinion that the real name of the demon Luck is. This is one of the greatest demons, responsible for the death of a large number of people.

Archimandrite Cleopa states that Luck was a Roman, Carthaginian and Sumerian deity of happiness. His statues were cast in silver or copper and mounted on two-wheeled carts. Behind the statue stood a wood-burning stove, into which the priests of Fortune tossed fuel. There was a frying pan in front, hot from the stove flame. The priests walked through the cities with carts with statues of Fortune installed, holding sharpened axes in their hands. They accepted sacrifices to the deity of happiness, clapping their hands, inviting those wishing to receive his protection:

Who wants good luck, make a sacrifice to good luck!

Luck accepted as a sacrifice only babies and only from the hands of mothers. Those who wanted to exchange a child for good luck of their own accord were always there. The mothers gave the children to the priests, who cut the babies into pieces that were placed on a hot frying pan. Archimandrite Cleopa claims that in one "successful" day, the demon could sacrifice up to fifty small children.

Midday demon is the culprit of laziness

The clergy associate the midday demon with the sin of despondency. Despondency in the Orthodox tradition is laziness, bodily and spiritual relaxation. The midday demon is one who tempts monks to favor afternoon naps over prayers. For a monk, noon is really half a day. In the old days in monasteries people got up even earlier, and there were two meals - lunch and dinner. After eating, the monk, tired even after half a day, wanted to sleep, and the demon took advantage of the desire of his body.

This is how he described the influence of the midday devil Saint Theophan:

The desire to stand in the church, and at home to pray to God, and read, and to correct the usual good deeds, disappears.

The main sign of the presence of a midday demon around a person is a crisis in spiritual life, a chill towards church and prayers, and laziness. Every believer has periods when prayers and going to church do not bring peace in the soul, there is no desire to go to church, or simply laziness.

How to get rid of the influence of the midday demon? Only self-control and willpower will help. In any business, a person can achieve a result if he forces himself to go towards the goal, performing certain daily actions for this. Is there something that makes you go to work every weekday morning? There is a word known to every person - "it is necessary". Use it to guide you every time you are overcome by a midday demon.

Demon of fornication and lust

It is easy to guess that the demon of fornication is an unclean force that tempts a person with carnal pleasures. What is fornication? This is debauchery, adultery, immorality, lascivious thoughts and conversations, licentiousness, as well as fornication. The latter is called behavior that attracts the attention of the opposite sex, similar clothing preferences, love of flirting.

In general, most modern people fall under this definition, because fornication is making love for the sake of pleasure, and not the conception of children, as well as sexual relations between people who are not related to marriage. Almost all modern clothing is aimed at attracting the opposite sex. We can say that in our time, the casting out of the demon of fornication is not very relevant.

However, the demon of lust can tempt a weak person with will and faith to sexual crimes, various perversions, child molestation and other things that are not very pleasant and little discussed in a decent society. An impure force can take possession of a person at the same time he commits any sin - from a smoked cigarette to a feeling of envy. Children of sinful parents are automatically considered to be deprived of divine help, and this is the main cause of fornication in children.

He and his assistants tempt people with pure souls, turning them into hardened sinners. Even after the demons are driven out, they remain close to the person, constantly trying to get to him. Erotic dreams and fantasies are considered the first signs of their attempts to infiltrate a person. Asmodeus is opposed by John the Baptist. Prayers addressed to this saint will help you get rid of the prodigal thoughts that frighten you.

In addition, evil spirits are called the demon of fornication, which leads travelers off the road - from the word "get lost." Its impact is described as the impossibility of recognizing familiar places, navigating the terrain, even despite the fact that the territory in which a person was not lucky to get lost is negligible. If you believe the legends, under the influence of such an unclean force, a person can wander all night, only recognizing a familiar area at dawn. Sometimes she tries to lead into a swamp, push off a cliff or destroy in other ways.

Anomalous zones are known in which many such representatives of evil spirits are found. People are often lost there, or even disappear without a trace. Sometimes fornication is called a pledged deceased - an executed criminal who has not found peace or a suicide who wishes harm to all living things. This is due to the fact that they often appear at places of death. In the old days, the graves of suicides were far from human habitation, but close to roads. Passing them, they used to try to throw a handful of earth on such a grave in order to participate in the funeral rite, which the suicide was deprived of. So you can appease him so that the spirit who has not found peace does not lead him into a swamp or thick thicket.

The sign of the cross or a prayer, for example, "Our Father" or a road guardian prayer, can save you from fornication:

I'm not going myself. Jesus Christ is in front, the Mother of God is behind, I am in the middle. What is to them - so to me.

In order to protect from the evil spirit on the road, in the old days they carried garlic and four-leaf clover with them. Sometimes old people advised to lie down and fall asleep if they could not find a way. In the morning, the evil spirit will lose its strength and will no longer "drive". In order for the relative who had been led away by the evil spirits to return, prayers were ordered for him, his name was shouted into the chimney, candles were lit for health in the church.

The demon of drunkenness is the culprit of drunken alcoholism

Priest Dmitry Fetisov claims that the deplorable situation with a large percentage of alcoholics in the CIS countries is associated with demons. Day of veneration of St. Boniface, who is customary to pray for alcohol and drug addiction. According to the new style, it falls on January 1 - the day when most people are busy with the completely opposite, namely the use of alcoholic beverages.

This attitude to the holidays is exactly what a drunken demon needs. It is believed that such an evil spirit accompanies every drunken alcoholic. When a person commits a sin, the devil of drunkenness gets the opportunity to get to him. Drunkenness is one of the most serious problems of our time, and judging by its size, it can be said that most people do not have enough willpower to resist evil spirits.

The demon of drunkenness is an unclean force voluntarily invoked by every second person. The Church considers people who drink alcohol at least once every twenty days to be alcoholics. The overwhelming majority of the inhabitants of Russia falls under this definition. You can get rid of the influence of the demon of drunkenness with the help of fasting and prayer.

What other demons and demons are there?

Demons and demons have been repeatedly tried to classify back in the Middle Ages. In the majority and of a religious nature, you can find information about what kind of demons and demons are, as well as other evil spirits. Demons, devils and demons are at different levels of the hierarchy. Some demonologists believe that their strength depends on the number of souls destroyed. In other words, evil spirits are capable of moving up the “career ladder”.

The information below is not scientifically substantiated.

Demon(Greek δαiμων, "deity, spirit, genius") - in ancient Greek mythology: a supernatural being, a deity usually of a lower order, a spirit that can possess both positive and negative properties.

In the Christian tradition, it denoted a demon, an evil spirit. Among the apologists of the 2nd century, the theory of the origin of demons from the mixing of the sons of God, identified with angels, with the sons of men (taken from the Jewish apocryphal traditions) was widespread; but according to the established point of view in the Church, demons (demons) are fallen angels.

The word "demon" was introduced into popular beliefs by Christianity and sacred books (New Testament, Old Testament). In popular beliefs, demons are seen only as a harmful force. Being invisible and inaccessible to observation, these spirits make themselves known, however, not in the action itself, but in the aftermath of it, when, for example, an unaccountable evil lying in the air damages woody and field plants in their very color ... the same mysterious breath of demons and angels produces various diseases of the spirit by means of insanity, shameful and terrible wishes.

Occultists believe that demons (demons) are made of narrow matter, invisible to humans, although their presence near oneself can be felt by an unexpected, alert feeling (there is someone nearby), and this feeling is oppressive, alarming. They can seep through all obstacles (wall, door), because they can "seep" through them. It is believed that demons are very fond of the air element, but they live in the seas, and in rivers, and in the mountains, and in ravines.

“They resembled people, but indescribably, terribly old. Their bodies withered and curled up. Eerie holes shone somewhere, where flesh had decayed and crumbled into remains. The grayish, faded skin wrinkled and torn with every movement. However, the worst of all was their faces. The lips were gone, and the unveiled skulls showed long, dark teeth in a nasty grin. Blood ran in a narrow trickle from dirty yellow eyes, dripping from putrid fangs onto the skin that was covered with more and more cracks. They were Brimstone imps, humanoid creatures, neither alive nor dead.

Imp: “Black wings. A milky white face and carnivorous writhing hands, and healthy fangs sparkled from a twisted mouth. He had dark eyes with reddish pupils. " (M. Uspensky. Trilogy about Zhikhar).

Demons, stamping their feet, can fall into the dungeon, where they love to roam very much. All European and Arab demons possess a similar property. They love to eat human flesh and drink ichor, and the wings must be dark.

In Orthodox beliefs, it is believed that free demons cannot seep into a consecrated room. This room is "marked" for the Lord, and in that case there are actions that are pleasing to him, prayers are performed, then he sends his Graceful protection to this place. The grace of God covering such places scorches demons, they cannot overcome it. In that case, there is no God's protection on a person, then demons can freely seep into his body energy. Demons live where they have a place. Man, sinning, prepares such a place for them. Where there is sin, there they are. By their own nature, demons (demons) are very malicious, insidious, deceitful creatures with a disgusting appearance. They hate righteousness and virtue, they hate everything that is connected with the Lord. They strive with all their might to get a person, to persuade him to sin, and then cultivate, build up this sin in him, until the person becomes their “slave”. Demons feed on the energies of a person when he indulges in vicious pursuits (for example, the energies of anger, lust, hatred). Also, demons love to inhale incense from various incense, demons really like it when a person consumes meat, separately with blood, or indulges in lustful passion (with all this, the partner's energy is "sucked" by the demon). In that case, the demon is in a person who has come to a consecrated place (an Orthodox church), then from the grace of God he becomes ill, and the person is inclined to leave this room as there is a faster opportunity, by mentally inspiring the demon so that the person even did not suspect (for example, under any pretext). Or the demon, who was previously quietly in it, suddenly manifests itself sharply, and is.

Types of demons

It is quite difficult to systematize demons, since often the abilities and nature of various spirits are intertwined and turn out to be interrelated. But the Dutch doctor and occultist Johann Weier, in his own book "Pseudomonarchia Daemonum" (1588), gives a detailed systematization of demons and annotations for those wishing to invoke them.

In general, there are few main groups:

  • Geniuses- guardian demons assigned to a person, object or area. This can include various characters of folklore such as goblin, water, brownie, house spirits, witches (familiars), nymphs and dryads, keepers of the palaces of ancient cultures like the shedu, and the guardians of the person himself like the guardian angel.
  • Spirits not tied to a certain place, like elemental spirits: gnomes, elves, mermaids, satyrs, etc.
  • Archons- demons, acting as the personification of the forces of nature and space, which maintain a constant order of natural things or serve as immortal models for all creatures on earth (which makes them related to the concept of archetype and thoughts in philosophy). Deans from hermetic writings can be classified as such creatures.
  • In science, a "demon" is often called an invented creature that appears in mental experience. For example, Maxwell's devil, Laplace's devil and others.

    Primary sources:

  • bogistina.info - who are demons and their impact on people;
  • otvety.google.ru - who are the demons, how many there are and what types are there;
  • angel-demon.ru - demons;
  • inomir.ru - who are the demons;
  • liveinternet.ru - who are demons and how they look;
  • ru.wikipedia.org - imp (Wikipedia).
  • The Catholic Church under the new Pope began to actively support exorcists, that is, priests specially trained to cast out demons. Even Pope Francis himself helps them in this difficult task. Once, during a tour of the flock, he had to exorcise four demons from a possessed Mexican. The paralyzed sufferer was brought in by the chief exorcist of the Vatican, Father Amorth. Alone, he could not cope with the wicked spirits. This suggests that in our time the forces of Darkness are especially active and each person should figure out which types of demons exists.

    Casting out demons

    What are the wicked spirits? These are evil entities summoned by the prince of Darkness to pervert human souls. And getting into the body is the best way for this. Abroad, as already mentioned, the rite of exorcism is used. Not every clergyman has the right to perform this ritual. This requires special qualifications.

    In the Orthodox tradition, exorcism corresponds to a lecture. The priest reads prayers in an imperious voice, frightening the demon who has settled in the person. This practice has been known in Russia since the XIV century. And in 1646, the Kiev metropolitan Petro Mohyla compiled a missal containing a list of prayers necessary for Orthodox recitation.

    Types of demons by the way they influence a person

    Prince of Darkness

    The foremost among the demons is Satan. The fallen angel turned his back on the Lord and was followed by entities of different levels. Satan's main task was to fight against God and to turn people away from the righteous path. He knows God's laws best and knows how to find loopholes in them. It is Satan who directs demons to take over human bodies.


    One of the main assistants and secretary of the Devil. Waalberith rules the demons, persuading people to commit suicide. In addition, he and his henchmen cause unreasonable quarrels. Gossip, wickedness, and blasphemy are also consequences of the actions of these types of demons.


    He is also a demon of the highest level, subordinate directly to Satan. The types of demons under his control incline people to sins that run counter to faith in the Lord.

    Everything related to the thirst for a luxurious life is sent by the demons of Asmodeus. He seduces a person by showing him visions of wealth. It makes you envious of those who have a lot of money.

    If a person is prone to laziness and does not like righteous work, then there is a high probability of the influence of the demons of Astaroth. They make people spend their days idle. Of course, the first task of demons is to turn man away from God. After all, spending whole days on the sofa in front of the TV, a person does not find the strength even to pray to the Almighty.

    Demons obeying the demon Verenus are at the origin of human intolerance. They rejoice when people quarrel on the basis of nationality or religion. Unwillingness to help others and contempt for those in need is the act of the demon Verenus.

    A man becomes sloppy because of the intrigues of Gressil. Insidious spirits turn a person away from hygiene, wanting to turn him into a semblance of an animal. Often they are among those who take possession of the human body.


    With his servants, Sonnelon annoys the Lord, causing a person to passionate hatred for other people. After all, if the creatures of the Creator are disunited, it will be easier for Satan to conquer them one by one.

    Confronting different types of demons

    Whatever demon tries to tempt a person, there is one most important way to resist him. Keep your thoughts clean. If you think badly of people, come to your senses and ask for forgiveness in prayer. The Lord always gives strength to resist evil. Any types of demons a priest with high spirituality will be frightened, so go to church more often for services.

    Every person, every day creates in his head various thoughts, from everyday to high. Absolutely all thoughts fall on the subtle plane, acquire form, color and content, and begin to live their own life. Thoughts need nourishment, and therefore, if a person plays it again in his head, it receives energy and becomes stronger. "Weak" thought forms are not capable of resistance, if a person stops, for some reason, to think about them, then they die. The strong attract, according to the law of attraction, thoughts of other people that are similar in meaning. Thus, a very powerful thought form is created, which forms the beliefs and worldview of a person.

    What are the thought forms

    There are negative (low vibration) and light (high frequency) thought forms.

    High-frequency thought forms are colored in light colors. They are filled with positive, kindness, love for everything around, compassion. Light thoughts have a beneficial effect on thinking, purify consciousness, improve energy flow, restore the aura, open a true view of things and bring positive changes to the physical reality of a person.

    Negative thought forms are dark in color and often have an ugly shape. They oppress consciousness, distort reality, destroy the energy field (aura), and also negative changes occur in the physical world, manifested in the form of problems, addictions, diseases. The negative influence of entities destroys the protective shell of a person. "Holes" appear in the energy field, creating funnels through which more serious entities, the so-called Demons, enter. Demons, in turn, make a person possessed. The concept of possession does not mean that a person will be, foam will come from the mouth, and he will speak in the voice of a Demon. No. A person possessed by a demon has an obsessive desire to take revenge, cause physical harm, and many other terrifying acts.

    How to expel demons from your life

    In order for demons to leave your life, you must:

    1. Stop and calm down. Our lifestyle today is an eternal race. People improve their bodies, forgetting about the spirit, they want to be better than everyone else, more successful, more beautiful, richer. Many people fail to achieve imposed ideals, hence such feelings as envy, anger towards themselves and the whole world appear. Think about whether you really want to be the most successful, richer. Will you cope with such a burden of responsibility. Do you want to be more beautiful, for whom? You need to analyze your life, reconsider your ideals and beliefs.

    2. Control your thoughts. When a person generates negative thoughts around him, they change his consciousness, which subsequently attracts failure into life. If thoughts are directed at other people, then anger and aggression are sent to them. However, if the addressee does not live with anger and he has positive thinking, the thought-form cannot cling to the person, and it returns back to the sender, in the form of the same problems and diseases.

    3. Avoid negative information feed as much as possible. That is, you need to exclude from your life cruel films and computer games, daily viewing of the news, communication with aggressive-minded people. Walk more, help your loved ones, do good deeds for free, do your favorite business.

    Create your own life. You are a person and everything has already been given to you from above, you just need to take what you really need.