Manipura is the chakra of energy and personal strength, the development of the third yellow chakra. Manipura chakra development

Manipura Chakra ensures the vital activity of a person in society. It accumulates and accumulates energies that give a person the opportunity to coexist with other people in various spheres of social life and business relations. The sphere of manifestation of the energies of Manipura is the world of actions, decisions, contracts, planning. At a certain stage in the development of the human essence (before the appearance of the heart chakra), it is this chakra that provides the possibility of existence and survival in society.

It is possible to fully develop the Manipura chakra only when the chakra system develops in a holistic manner, when a person gains experience in other spheres of cognition of being - in the spheres of heart states, creative quests, intuitive knowledge. Only with this experience is it possible to develop the full potential of Manipura. In the energy structure of the overwhelming majority of human beings at the present level of human development, there are only three lower chakras. The rest, starting with Anahata, are in their infancy. Therefore, the Manipura of an ordinary person, as a rule, consists of two or three cones, and in some cases even one, although ideally it can have ten spiral components. All ten develop only if a person has developed in himself Anahata and other hierarchically higher chakras.

Fire Release - Manipura Chakra Release.

The dominant color of Manipura for most people is green with shades of yellow. When all ten spirals are represented, and they all contain upward currents, the chakra color becomes lemon yellow.

  • The energy of the first - outer - cone of Manipura is responsible for performance. The opposite quality is the inability to take action.
  • The energy of the second cone is the ability to negotiate. The downdraft is scandalous.
  • The third cone is the capacity for constructive collaboration. The opposite quality is the tendency to be competitive.
  • The fourth cone is the ability to formulate for oneself and firmly defend one's interests. The opposite quality is the tendency to follow the lead.
  • The fifth cone is a creative approach to solving any business issues and problems. The opposite quality is the tendency to use stereotypes.
  • The sixth cone is the ability to take responsibility and deal with it. The opposite quality is irresponsibility.
  • The seventh cone is the ability to plan well. The opposite quality is vanity in business.
  • The eighth, ninth and tenth spirals are reserve and contain additional energy for the development of the basic qualities of any other chakra spirals. The main task of the energy flows of these spirals is to be responsible for the accumulation of energy and the processing of experience gained as a result of activities in the social and business spheres.
  • Specific functional manifestations of their energy flows correspond to the general "supporting" function of the eighth, ninth and tenth cones.
  • The eighth cone is the ability to pay attention to other people's opinions. The opposite quality is intolerance in communication.
  • The ninth cone is the ability to see the purpose of a specific activity process, the ability to break down work into appropriate stages. The opposite quality is the habit of acting "anyhow, do not sit idly by," the tendency to waste energy ineptly on empty, unnecessary actions.
  • The tenth cone is the ability to make private compromises in order to realize common ideas. The opposite property is short-sighted stubbornness.

The concept of "realized" Manipura chakra applies when all direct qualities are involved and active. Chakra cannot be viewed as a collection of separate energies. The division given above is given only in order to better understand and deeper realize the whole. Chakra is not a set, but a harmonious complex of streaming structures.

Before the energies begin to appear on heart center As a rule, Manipur has an elementary energy of working capacity, thanks to which a person can take care of getting his "daily bread", the energy of the ability to defend one's interests and, perhaps, in its most rudimentary form, the energy of business cooperation.

Disabled person two or three streams of the primitive complex of the Manipura-chakra can be quite prosperous in material terms. For the energies that he possesses, he can have a lot (large in volume, but primitively organized chakra). This allows him to show certain business qualities and to develop a certain limited "business set", consisting of narrow professional skills and two or three methods of business communication. In most spheres of activity, this is enough to be a good performer and provide yourself with a fairly decent level of material well-being.

Qualities such as the ability to be creative in solving business problems, the ability to negotiate, to make compromises, can develop only as energy accumulates on the Anahata chakra and Vishuddha chakra. A person will be able to fully negotiate with other people only by knowing the essence of acceptance, the essence of kindness, the essence of the unity of all things. He can creatively organize his social life only by touching the mysteries of Creativity and Creation, the path to which lies through the throat center.

The development of higher energy centers is a necessary but not sufficient condition for the development of Manipura proper. The presence of energy on the heart, throat and other centers does not in itself mean that the navel center will automatically develop. It often happens that when the heart and throat centers are puffed up, filled with energy, the organization of Manipura remains primitive. The energies of the higher centers provide only a potential opportunity for the development of the navel.

Manipura develops and is realized only as a result practical activities, in direct communication and cooperation with other people, when questions are raised and resolved using a wide range of contract forms. The work of the energies of the Manipura Chakra is not limited only to business relationships. The qualities for which the flows of the Manipura spirals are responsible are manifested in all aspects of social life: this is the ability to agree with the sexual partner about the conditions of communication, and the coordination of the distribution of roles in the family, and the ability of spouses to develop parity relations in the matter of conceiving and having children.

All the variety of energies, and hence the corresponding qualities and properties, accumulated and realized by a human being at a certain stage of the development of awareness, works not only in physical world, but also in "thin" plans. This is manifested as the ability to cooperate and negotiate not only with people, but also with inorganic beings and entities of the non-material world.

Manipura is one of the places of manifestation energy of Will... The energy of Will is one, there are many spheres of manifestation and use of this energy. The navel center is one of the main places of manifestation of Will. This does not mean that Manipura is the original repository of Will, it is just that the sphere of social activity is very often chosen by a person as the area of ​​manifestation and use of volitional energy.

Physically, the third chakra Manipura located in the solar plexus area. And the navel is often called the projection point of Manipura. In terms of energy, Manipura is the main accumulator of energy for all our structures. This is the energy of activity, activity, will. A person with the active energy of the Manipura Chakra strives to achieve success in society, in business. He has a strong will, the ability to convince and influence people. Some eastern systems Philosophy believe that the true path of self-improvement begins when a person's self-awareness reaches the level of the Manipura chakra.

Energy of will, power and cash flow

The Manipura Chakra is a very important center of energy. All our activity in the external world in one way or another depends on the energy of Manipura. The health of the physical body is greatly improved when the energy in this center is balanced.

Many sources associate Manipura with success in society - financial well-being, career success. In order to become a good executive director, it is a good idea to have a powerful Manipura chakra.

Manipura, "worked out" by yoga techniques, also affects financial well-being. Several sources associate Manipura with the energy of cash flow.

In general, the energy of Manipura is will human being... Where we apply it, there we will get the result. In yoga, it is believed that potentially we have unlimited willpower. We just need to learn how to use it. And "working through" the Manipura chakra directly helps in this.

It is also believed that modern world to a greater extent lives precisely "at the level" of Manipura.

Awakening methods

Many yoga exercises target the Manipura Chakra. V physical body this affects all organs of the abdominal cavity, improving blood circulation in them and significantly strengthening their condition. In terms of energy, additional energy is actively supplied to this center, which has a positive effect on the state of the whole organism.

Asanas that affect Manipura are, first of all, Mayurasana (peacock pose - the elbows rest on the stomach and on them the straight body is kept parallel to the floor), Pashimottanasana (from a prone position, lower your head on the knees of straightened legs), Yoga Mudra (in a meditative pose lower your forehead to the floor). Generally speaking, all asanas in one way or another affect the navel center.

Almost all pranayamas energize the Manipura chakra. Bhastrika (intensive inhalation and exhalation) and Kapalabhati pranayama (sharp exhalation) are especially powerful.


The Manipura Chakra is described as a yellow ten-petalled lotus with an inscribed red inverted triangle.

The bija mantra of this chakra is RAM.

For any of the described practices, you can use a yoga pose for meditation (for example, Siddhasana or Vajrasana). This will allow you to be more aware. By themselves, these postures contribute to the harmonization of energy flows in our body.

Meditation can also be done while sitting in a chair or lying down. In this case, you need to make more efforts to stay awake.

Before starting any meditation technique recommend to relax the muscles of the body. This can be achieved by taking a few deep breaths.

Visualization. The visualization method involves the use of an image of a chakra (yantra).

To begin with, the image is viewed with the eyes. The gaze slides from detail to detail - along the petals, along the triangle. For some time, the image is viewed as a whole, with motionless eyes. When the eyes get tired, they are closed, and the yantra is seen as a visualized picture in front of closed eyes. Just like the external image, the internal mental image is now being considered. To enhance the effect, the imaginary yantra is best placed in the area of ​​the navel - the solar plexus.

Repetition of the bija mantra.

The point of projection of the Manipura Chakra is the navel. If, in preparation for meditation, we pay attention to this area, we will notice that the stomach moves in sync with inhalation and exhalation. Repetition of the bija mantra is a very powerful technique that vibrates the energy in the chakra. If this technique is combined with the natural rhythm of breathing, the effect of the practice is greatly enhanced.

At the peak of inhalation, mentally pronounce RAM. At the peak of exhalation, we again mentally pronounce PAM. Breathing is natural. We are not trying to control it. We only contemplate the breath and do not forget about the bija mantra. We try to be constantly aware of the sensation in the navel area.

Integral meditation technique.

The best method of meditative influence on energy in the Manipura Chakra is a combination of yantra visualization, awareness of the chakra point-projection (navel) and repetition of the bija mantra (RAM).

The minimum time to practice meditation is 10 minutes. The best effect will be if we meditate for 20 to 30 minutes.

Manipura chakra development- should be the main concern of businessmen, entrepreneurs and successful people... Exactly Manipura chakra development responsible for the formation of principles and beliefs for which a person is able to stand up.

Manipurachakra is associated with the intellect, thanks to which a person is able to make decisions and direct his will to where he needs to and to discard everything that is not needed. The most important property of this chakra is to choose.

Self-discipline, self-control, self-confidence and a sense of duty are also associated with this chakra. The development of the manipura chakra gives a person the ability to subordinate his own actions and those of others to his own will. This energy center causes a person to need to improve their skills in the sphere of their activities. At this level of consciousness, a person develops his own code of honor, and also develops such qualities of character as will, courage, courage, and determination.

Obviously, nothing appears just like that. At this level of development of consciousness, life constantly tests a person, sets tasks for him, as the solution to which manipura develops and the necessary qualities are acquired.

In general, the awakening of the manipura chakra gives a person a sense of his own strength, the power of his own will, which belongs only to him, and which allows him to make decisions and carry them out.

A sign that chakra manipura is underdeveloped or out of balance is that various energy conflicts constantly arise around a person. The reason for this is lack of self-control. To resolve the issue, first of all, you need to direct your will to self-development, self-education and discipline, and only secondarily to external factors.

Moreover, this is the basis of any achievements of a person and his further development.

Features of the development of the manipura chakra

A feature of the development of the manipura chakra is that it requires its own energies - manipura. As already noted, the manipura chakra is responsible for self-control, self-management, and self-development. The development of this chakra is also associated with: discipline, control, organization, order, the ability to act and solve tasks.

Thanks to these qualities, the manipura chakra is key in the development of a person, his energy system. Using the energies of manipura, a person is able to develop both the previous levels of consciousness (the muladhara and svadhisthana chakras) and subsequent ones.

Note : the role of manipura is so essential and decisive that in qigong, for example, they generally begin with the development of this level of consciousness - the lower Dantian.

It is believed that about 80% of people do not have their own opinion. Accordingly, they can decide on anything and cannot achieve anything. This is due to their underdevelopment. In this case, it is quite difficult to decide to change yourself and your lifestyle. And yet the situation, even in this case, is not hopeless.

While a person is alive, all, without exception, the chakras are at least to some extent open and active.

The question is to determine the initial state of manipura, its potential and, in the future, to use it correctly. The human energy system is capable of developing rapidly, much faster than the physical body. With some diligence, the results will not be long in coming.

Manipura chakra development methods

It is quite easy to determine the general state of development of the manipura chakra by this parameter: whether you adhere to a certain daily routine or not. To determine more specifically, do the following: in the evening, before going to bed, make up (be sure to write down) as much as possible detailed plan of tomorrow with the intention to certainly fulfill all the points. The plan should be specific - what and when you will do it. Of course, someone will write down a per-minute plan, while for someone the time intervals may be half an hour, an hour or more, which is also significant.

The next day, try to stick to your plan; to what extent you succeed will be an indicator of the state of your manipura. For the further development of manipura, this indicator should also be taken into account. For example, if you were able to stick to the plan for 25 minutes, then in the future, start planning with 25 minutes. per day (no more), gradually increasing this indicator. Of course, the plan must be strictly followed.

A good indicator will be if you plan and strictly implement your plan 50 -70% of the time, and spend the rest as the Space suggests, better with pleasure.

When working with chakras, you should always remember that the balance of the chakra is more important than its strength.

Manipura is the chakra of strong, strong-willed people. A person with a developed manipura is in the appropriate, and attracts the same strong and strong-willed. Conflicts can arise easily and simply as a struggle of self-esteem. The best way avoid conflicts and maintain the balance of manipura - give up the need for prove your opinion. A person with a developed manipura necessarily has his own opinion, however, often, it is not at all necessary to prove it. It is better to use your will for your own good, and not to infringe on others.

Life at the manipura chakra level is filled with events and situations. Any situation must be analyzed from at least two points of view:

a) does it hurt your personal interests ?;

b) does it threaten your personal security ?.

If - yes, then it is necessary to enter into a struggle and strive to win, if - no, then we must do everything possible to avoid conflict. In this way, you will learn to act effectively, imbued with self-respect and will not demand too much from others.

If your thoughts move in a vicious circle, each time returning to the same thing, you will need to use your will, the power of your intention, to direct thoughts in a constructive direction, and not waste your energy and your time in vain.

If a bunch of things to do at the same time falls on you (or you want a lot of everything at once), you may find yourself in a situation where it is not clear where to start, it seems that there is no way out, you simply lost heart. This is a typical situation for practicing the manipura chakra - manipura loves clarity, certainty, order. In this case, choose one thing according to any principle, bring it to the end (forget about all the others for a while), then take on another. Turn a bunch of tasks into a sequence of separate tasks - this way you will unravel any tangle and strengthen your manipura chakra. At the same time, you will gain clarity and clarity of thought, energy and self-confidence.

The name translates as "diamond place". It is the center of Will and the source of personal power, it is the "instrument" for astral influence. Location: 4 fingers above the navel, in the solar plexus region, between the 3rd and 5th vertebra. Color: yellow (magenta, red). Octave sound: Mi. Mantra: Ram. The planet Mars. Element - Fire. Minerals: topaz, amber, tiger's eye, jasper, carnelian, calcite, pyrite, fluorite, chrysolite, tourmaline. This article is devoted to the development of Manipura, as well as strengthening and harmonizing the solar plexus chakra.

Sun center in different traditions

The Slavs call Manipura Belly. In mystical bondage, this is the Sephiroth Tipheret. Siberian shamans associate the solar plexus chakra with the Ox. Manipura is included in the Taoist Lower Dantian (Tanden). In all traditions, the belly was considered the place of connection between the universe and man (before birth, the child is connected with the mother and the world through the navel; after birth, the physical connection with the mother is lost, but the energetic connection with the universe remains). The exit from the body through the navel is used for astral travel.

Since ancient times, the Manipura chakra has been the most important center for warriors. Martial arts practice (especially in the Eastern tradition) strengthens and balances the work of the Belly. The development and harmonization of the work of the solar plexus chakra allows you to effectively accumulate and apply personal Power, strengthens the Will, improves coordination of movement, and clarifies the mind.

In some traditions, the navel center is rightly called the "sensory mind." Once on a mountain pass, the founder of aikido, Morihei Ueshiba, was ambushed and surrounded on all sides. The founder decided that death was inevitable and prepared for the end. Nevertheless, he survived and after the battle said:

I could not leave the place where I stood. Therefore, when the bullets began to fly towards me, I simply twisted the body and turned my head. Soon, having concentrated my perception, I could intuitively tell from where the enemies would shoot - whether the shot would be directed to the right or to the left. I could see flashes of white light in front of the bullets. I dodged them, twisting and turning the body, and they passed me. This went on continuously, leaving almost no time for breathing, but suddenly I felt that I had penetrated into the essence of budo. I clearly saw that living movements in martial arts are obtained when Ki (prana, qi) is concentrated in the center of the body and mind, and the more calm I became, the clearer my mind became. I could intuitively understand the thoughts, including the urge to violence, of the opponent.

In the military tradition, the state of awareness of imminent and inevitable death is cultivated specifically in order to use the previously inaccessible emanations of the cocoon. Be as perfect as possible (not to be confused with perfectionism), practical, vigilant, ready to act effectively at any moment.

Insufficiency and consequences

If the solar plexus is blocked, there is a lack of personal strength, which is expressed in a lack of confidence, anxiety of the mind, problems of distinguishing between their emotions and the emotions of other people may arise, such people unconsciously float through life without real orientation or direction, are often prone to depressive syndrome, are in destructive states of the psyche.

You can also receive a charge of destructive energy from other people or from environment... Sometimes you can observe someone in an argument or any other social situation with arms crossed, this is a subconscious tendency to block receptivity from the astral influences of another person or the environment.

In childhood, the solar plexus is blocked when the child is limited in the rules and imposed patterns of behavior, receives a lot of negative feedback, does not develop based on his own abilities, when the child feels powerless and is constantly monitored by his parents.

All these problems are associated with a lack of will, which is the main attribute of this chakra. if you have Creative skills(balanced and throat chakra, but there is not enough willpower from the solar plexus, you are unlikely to succeed in your intentions.

Effect on physical organs

In the physical body, the solar plexus chakra refers to the stomach, liver, gallbladder, spleen, small intestine, pancreas.

Muladhara is depicted as an inverted triangle in a circle with ten petals, each of which has a meaning:

  • Ladies- yellow, small intestine meridian (vritti: ignorance)
  • Dham- yellow color, spleen meridian (vritti: melancholy, languor)
  • US- red, stomach meridian (vritti: jealousy)
  • There- red, lung meridian (vritti: treason, betrayal)
  • Tham- red, colon meridian (vritti: shame or disgrace)
  • Ladies- red, kidney meridian (vritti: fear and fear)
  • Dham- red, bladder meridian (vritti: disgust)
  • Mom- yellow color, liver meridian (vritti: deception, illusion)
  • PamWhite color, the meridian of the gallbladder (vritti: stupidity)
  • Pham- red color, meridian of the heart (vritti: sorrow, sadness)

Mantra Ram

Bija sounds of petals: Dam, Dham, Nam, Tam, Tham, Dam, Dham, Mam, Pam, Pham

Manipura Chakra Meditation

This meditation will help you develop and balance the work of the Manipura chakra: fill it with the energy of the Earth and Space, improve overall health, give the ability to clearly express your thoughts and effectively interact with other people. Sit comfortably, straighten your back, put your feet on the floor, put your hands on your knees, palms up, take a few deep breaths and relax, stop internal dialogue... Breathe deeply and evenly. Focus your attention in the area of ​​the spine behind the solar plexus. Feel warm there. Feel your third chakra.

Take a deep breath and feel the Earth's ascending current enter the body through the root chakra and fill the solar plexus center with warmth. Breathe deeply and feel the flow increase with each breath. Feel the third chakra filling with energy with each deep breath. Exhale deeply. Feel how with each exhalation the downward flow of cosmic energy enters through the crown chakra and fills Manipura with the purest energy. Breathe deeply and feel how with each exhalation the chakra is filled with the energy of Heaven more and more. Now feel both flows of energy at the same time: ascending and descending. Feel how these currents flow and blow through your body. With each cycle of breathing, these currents accelerate and intensify, and the third chakra begins to glow brighter and brighter. Remember this state.

Feel your fill vitality... Feel how the purest light fills your belly: heals the stomach, liver and pancreas. Each of your cells begins to bathe in the flow of the Earth and Space. Your chakra starts to glow brighter and radiates a pleasant warmth. The chakra becomes clear, light and radiant. Feel the energy of health and understanding that overwhelms you. Fill with feeling vitality and good health. In this state, you get rid of diseases and gain longevity. In this state, your ability to control people with clear words increases. In this state, your understanding of the World grows. In this state, you accumulate personal strength. Become aware of the growing warmth in the spine behind the solar plexus. Remember this state.

Development exercises

Asanas for Manipura: Mayurasana (peacock pose)

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The solar plexus chakra is called manipura. This is the third chakra (of the seven main), located in the sternum, respectively, where the solar plexus is.

The color of manipura is considered to be yellow. And the symbol is the circle. It is usually depicted as a circle with lotus petals. Inside the circle is a triangle with letters. The stem is also depicted - a symbol of the connection between the main one with the spine and other important human organs.
The manipura plays the PAM sound.



It has been known since ancient times that the person who has discovered the manipura chakra in himself will forever be able to get rid of all diseases, achieve harmony, and also find treasures. Manipura's element is fire, so a person with it is not afraid of this phenomenon.

Many people refer to manipura as the center of fear. It is she who is responsible for fear, which can once settle in a person, and then grow and develop.

Thus, manipura is a dual chakra. On the one hand, it gives confidence and success, and on the other, because of fears, a person will constantly prove something to himself and to others, doubts will appear and appear.

The manipura chakra is also responsible for emotional stress and shock. All the various competitions in the field of emotions that have been throughout a person's life are centered here in the manipura chakra. Competitions in intimate life, in sexual life. Also, all competitions for success, even with school years, fears of teachers and mentors.

What is responsible for?

Manipura is responsible for many processes and phenomena in the body and human life.

First, manipura distributes all energy throughout the human body. Manipura accumulates, assimilates, transfers energy.

A feeling like intuition also finds its meaning here in the manipura chakra. And the more a person opens and develops this chakra, the stronger his intuition, heightened all the senses. He can already more correctly assess some situations, draw the right conclusions, make decisions. And he will feel all this not with his mind, with his brain, but with his body and feelings.

The manipura chakra is also responsible for the manifestation of such a feeling as the will of a person. Forming in other, upper chakras, the energy ball of will passes through the third chakra - manipura. And then it manifests itself.

When people sufficiently open this unique manipura chakra in themselves, they begin to feel with their body. Make decisions also by listening to your body. Because from here, from this center, energy is directed to everything that a person has planned.

There is a conclusion that manipura is a comparison with a bank, that is, here - as an energy center that balances and stabilizes all human energy.

If a person has developed manipura in himself, then he will have good health, long life. Inside he will have a kind of fire that always warms.

Anahata manipura

The next chakra after manipura is the fourth chakra - anahata. It is already located at the heart.

Anahata chakra is also associated with energy centers person. This center processes the incoming information, receives it.

A person who has opened the anahata chakra in himself and develops it is distinguished by special kindness. He has developed self-control, love, a person commits selfless acts.

Anahata chakra acts correctly and effectively if the rest of the chakras in a person are in a harmonious state.

Mantra of Manipura

Manipura mantra is obligatory and traditionally it is in Sanskrit language. It sounds like this - "RAM".

Sometimes you can still drag on the sound “O-O-O…” for a long time.

According to the teachings of the mantras, pronouncing the long sound O or the combination Ram opens the sun inside a person, because manipura is solar energy.

How to read the Manipura mantra correctly. First you need to sit in a comfortable position. Calm your breath, take a deep breath. Then start saying “Oh-oh-oh…”. Read on exhalation. The sound must match your thoughts, so it may not be right away. When you have already decided on the correct pronunciation, you need to repeat the mantra up to fifteen times. Then also repeat, but this time the sound of PAM. Manipura is also recited up to fifteen times. In this moment and in singing, you also need to be sure to catch the sound that suits you.


Manipura chakra symbol - these are shades yellow color... Therefore, in order to start activating the energy in this manipura chakra, you need to be filled with solar, yellow energy.

The following exercise can be done. Sit back, relax. Imagine yourself in nature, where there is a blue sky and sun. You need to feel how the energy of the sun comes to you. Then imagine the solar plexus, how this energy goes exactly there, into the manipura chakra. Imagine that this clot of energy in the center is like a sun with rays, and the energy is dispersed throughout the body. In case of pain, you can direct a ray of energy to the diseased area, heal it.

This exercise lasts up to fifteen minutes, at the end of the palms fold in the center, gratitude is required. The exercise is considered complete.

It is worth recalling that for complete harmony you need to develop all the chakras in yourself.