Peonies are my love. When and in what season does a peony bloom

What associations do you have with the word "peony"? Summer, heat, sun, holidays, school, last call... If not for everyone, then for many, when thinking about these flowers, these images arise, and not by chance. Their flowering season falls just at the beginning of May - the end of June, depending on the variety.

When does the peony season start in Russia?

Thanks to different terms flowering, we can enjoy spherical lush inflorescences for several months.

    Most early varieties bloom in mid May and bloom until about the fifth June- Maryin root, thin-leaved and milky-flowered peony. Unfortunately, these are not garden varieties. We can meet them in the wild: in forests, mountains and along river mouths.

    Early garden peonies begin to bloom during from the twentieth of May to the tenth of June. These include, for example, cupped Athena, cream Moon Road, red-purple Ophelia.

    Average flowering period - until the twentieth of June- in coral (Coral Fay, Coral Sunset) and red (Red Grace, Russia) peonies, snow-white Iceberg and terry Maxim Festival.

    Late Middle Period lasts until the thirtieth of June. Here you can name the most common varieties: beloved by the Russians, Sarah Bernhardt, pale pink Dr. Gee, lilac-pink neon, lush goblet Kansas and Carl Clem.

    To early July bloom late peonies. For example, creamy Gladys Hodson, snow-white Elsa Sass and Ann Cousins.

Peony season in Russia

Do not think that bouquets of peonies can be presented only during their flowering. The sales season starts much earlier. A well-established system of flower deliveries, primarily from Holland, allows us to significantly expand the sales season and not tie it to the period of peonies blooming in Russia.

As a rule, already in late March in major flower shops you can see lush terry buds in refrigerators. And you will not say goodbye to them in the first days of July. In the online store Semitsvetik you can buy peonies in August and even in the first months of autumn.

Our grandmothers, growing strawberries, or strawberries, as we used to call them, were not particularly worried about mulching. But today this agricultural practice has become fundamental in achieving High Quality berries and reduce crop losses. Some might say it's troublesome. But practice shows that labor costs in this case pay off handsomely. In this article, we invite you to get acquainted with the nine the best materials for mulching garden strawberries.

Succulents are very versatile. Despite the fact that “kids” have always been considered more fashionable, the assortment of succulents with which you can decorate modern interior, it is worth taking a closer look. After all, colors, sizes, patterns, degree of pricklyness, influence on the interior are just a few of the parameters by which you can choose them. In this article, we will talk about the five most fashionable succulents that surprisingly transform modern interiors.

Mint was used by the Egyptians as far back as 1.5 thousand years BC. It has a strong aroma due to the high content of various essential oils with high volatility. Today, mint is used in medicine, perfumery, cosmetology, winemaking, cooking, ornamental gardening, and the confectionery industry. In this article, we will consider the most interesting varieties of mint, and also talk about the features of growing this plant in open ground.

People began to grow crocuses 500 years before the advent of our era. Although the presence of these flowers in the garden is fleeting, we always look forward to the return of the heralds of spring next year. Crocuses - one of the earliest primroses, whose flowering begins as soon as the snow melts. However, the timing of flowering may vary depending on the species and varieties. This article focuses on the earliest varieties of crocuses that bloom in late March and early April.

Shchi from early young cabbage in beef broth is hearty, fragrant and easy to prepare. In this recipe, you will learn how to cook delicious beef broth and cook light cabbage soup with this broth. Early cabbage cooks quickly, so it is placed in the pan at the same time as the rest of the vegetables, unlike autumn cabbage, which takes a little longer to cook. Ready cabbage soup can be stored in the refrigerator for several days. Real cabbage soup is tastier than freshly cooked.

Looking at the variety of varieties of tomatoes, it is difficult not to get confused - the choice is very wide today. He sometimes confuses even experienced gardeners! However, it is not so difficult to understand the basics of selecting varieties “for yourself”. The main thing is to understand the peculiarities of culture and start experimenting. One of the easiest tomato groups to grow are varieties and hybrids with limited growth. They have always been appreciated by those gardeners who do not have much time and energy to care for the beds.

Once very popular under the name of room nettle, and then forgotten by everyone, coleuses today are one of the brightest garden and indoor plants. They are not in vain considered stars of the first magnitude for those who are looking primarily for non-standard colors. Easy to grow, but not so undemanding as to suit everyone, coleus require constant supervision. But if you take care of them, bushes of velvety unique leaves will easily outshine any competitor.

Salmon backbone baked in Provence herbs is a “supplier” of delicious pieces of fish pulp for a light salad with fresh wild garlic leaves. Mushrooms are lightly fried in olive oil, and then poured with apple cider vinegar. Such mushrooms are tastier than ordinary pickled ones, and they are better suited for baked fish. Ramson and fresh dill coexist perfectly in one salad, emphasizing the flavor of each other. Garlic sharpness of wild garlic will saturate both salmon flesh and mushroom pieces.

Conifer tree or a shrub on the site is always great, and a lot of conifers is even better. Emerald needles of various shades decorate the garden at any time of the year, and phytoncides and essential oils, secreted by plants, not only flavor, but also make the air cleaner. Generally, most zoned adults coniferous plants, are considered very unpretentious trees and shrubs. But young seedlings are much more capricious and require competent care and attention.

Sakura is most often associated with Japan and its culture. Picnics in the shade flowering trees have long been an integral attribute of the meeting of spring in the Land of the Rising Sun. The financial and academic year here begins on April 1, when magnificent cherry blossoms bloom. Therefore, many significant moments in the life of the Japanese pass under the sign of their flowering. But sakura also grows well in cooler regions - certain types can be successfully grown even in Siberia.

It is very interesting for me to analyze how people's tastes and preferences for certain foods have changed over the centuries. What was once considered tasty and traded lost its value over time and, conversely, new fruit crops conquered their markets. Quince has been cultivated for more than 4 thousand years! And even in the 1st century BC. e. about 6 varieties of quince were known and even then the methods of its reproduction and cultivation were described.

Make your family happy and make themed Easter egg-shaped cottage cheese cookies! Your children will be happy to take part in the process - they will sift the flour, combine all the necessary ingredients, knead the dough and cut out intricate figures. Then they will watch with admiration as the pieces of dough turn into real ones. Easter eggs, and then with the same enthusiasm they will eat them with milk or tea. How to make such original cookies for Easter, read in our step by step recipe!

There are not so many decorative and deciduous favorites among tuberous crops. And the caladium is a true star among the variegated inhabitants of the interiors. Not everyone can decide to start a Caladium. This plant is demanding, and first of all - to care. But still, the rumors about the unusual capriciousness of the Caladium never justify. Attention and care allow you to avoid any difficulties when growing caladiums. And a plant can almost always forgive small mistakes.

We have prepared a hearty, incredibly appetizing and simply elementary dish for you today. This gravy is one hundred percent universal, as it will suit every side dish: vegetables, pasta, and anything. Gravy with chicken and mushrooms will save you in moments when there is no time or you don’t want to think too much about what to cook. Grab your favorite side dish (you can make this ahead of time to keep it hot), add gravy and dinner is ready! A real lifesaver.

Among the many different varieties of these most popular vegetables, we will talk about three that are distinguished by excellent taste and relatively unpretentious growing conditions. Characteristics of eggplant varieties "Diamond", "Black Handsome" and "Valentina". All eggplants have a medium density pulp. In "Almaz" it is greenish, and in the other two it is yellowish-white. They are united good germination and excellent yield, but at different times. Everyone's skin color and shape is different.

Peonies are beautiful perennial flowers that will undoubtedly decorate your garden. No wonder peony flowers are very popular with gardeners, because they are unpretentious in care and cultivation, and with their beautiful flowers they will delight you for 15-20 years. Peonies grow in one place for many years and do not require a transplant.

The way we care for peonies directly affects their flowering, lifespan and decorative effect. Peony care includes weeding, loosening the earth and regular watering. Peony grows well on loamy, loose soil. Heavy land requires deep processing (50-60 cm), followed by the addition of sand, compost, peat and humus. Peonies need light partial shade, but in general the site should be sunny, without waterlogged soil - excessive moisture is detrimental to the peony.

Peonies are propagated mainly by seedlings of a certain variety. They should immediately be identified in some place, since the plant does not like transplants very much - it can stop blooming for several years. Flower transplantation involves the division of the rhizome, but not earlier than after 10-15 years. Peony is a very fragile plant, so all processes are done as carefully as possible.

Planting or transplanting peonies is necessary only in the fall. Planting is best done at the end of August or the beginning of September, so that the plant has time to take root in the cold. Sometimes planting is done in the spring. And only after 5 years you can divide the bushes.

The planting hole for the flower should be about 80 cm deep (no more than a meter), and about 70 cm wide, since the peony with its roots penetrates quite deeply into the ground and they spread quite quickly. Fulfillment of such requirements ensures the growth of the plant over a long period. In the case of planting several bushes on the site, the gap between each should be about 1 meter. The prepared pit is filled with compost - no more than 3 buckets of pus, wood ash and superphosphate - 500 gr, lime - up to 100 gr. The mixture mixes well with the earth from the hole. The buds, after planting, should be at the level of the soil.

Manure is laid at the bottom of the pit, its dense ball is 10 cm. Then everything is covered with a 20 cm layer of earth, followed by the compaction stage. Then you need to pour out the prepared soil with a mound and carefully pour it with water so that everything is well compacted. A bush is placed in the middle of the mound so that the kidneys are flush with the edge of the pit. The roots should be covered with soil, filling the entire void. The flower must be watered after planting.

If the peony bush has fallen and the buds are below the level of the hole, then it is necessary to carefully pull the plant up, sprinkling it with earth. A small mound is made above the base of the plant. It is important that the buds be deepened by no more than 2.5 cm, because if planted too deep, the peonies will not be able to bloom for a long time, and it happens that they will not bloom at all. In winter, when the soil freezes, planted peonies should be covered with dry leaves. In the spring, dry leaves and branches are carefully removed so as not to damage the young shoots.

Peony care: growing, pruning

In the first summer, immediately after planting, buds are cut off from peonies so that flowering does not weaken the still weak bushes. In the second year, the flowers are also partially removed. To make the flower large, cut off the buds located on the sides as early as possible. When cutting flowers, shoots with 4 leaves are left, otherwise the peony bloom next year will be much weaker.

important in summer period keep the ground in moderate moisture, especially in the first year after transplanting. Fertilizer is applied only 2 years after planting. Autumn or early spring is suitable for sprinkling bushes with a bucket of compost. During the growing season, it is advised to use a full range of mineral fertilizers (100 g per square meter).

Reproduction of peonies

Peonies can be quickly propagated not only by dividing seedlings, but also by other methods. In the spring, after the snow has melted, renewal buds are used for reproduction, they are located directly near the root. It is necessary to separate the buds from the ground, cut them off along with young adventitious roots and part of the stem. Only half of all kidneys are cut off. Cut buds are planted in the prepared mixture - sand, humus, soddy soil. The upper part of the kidneys should be at ground level.

Mode of rooting bushes: air humidity - 80-90%, temperature - 18-20 degrees. Rooting is completed in about 40 days. Bud cuttings are also well rooted, which are cut at the very end of July - beginning of August. The kidneys are cut with a small part of the root (from 3 to 5 cm). Then the base of the bush is covered with new soil. Complete flowering bush peony is formed over 3-4 years.

If reproduction is done by layering, then the grown stems are treated with a solution that includes peat, hardwood and sand. The mound should be 30-35 cm high. This procedure is done in the spring. You can put a box without a bottom on a peony bush, the dimensions of which are 50x50x35 cm. When the stem begins to grow, it must be filled with the mixture as it grows. It should always be slightly damp. At the end of autumn, the fortified stems are cut near the ground and planted separately.

Stem cuttings are also used. They should be prepared before the start of the flowering period (late May - early June). They are used from the middle region of the sprout so that each cutting has two internodes. The leaves of the upper internodes are cut off by a third of the length, and the lower leaves are cut off completely. The cuttings are planted in a box that is filled with pre-washed sand. Planting depth - from 2.5 to 3.5 cm. For 14 days, the cuttings should be in the shade, ventilated and kept in conditions of high moisture. As a rule, only half of the cuttings are strengthened.

When dividing large bushes, there will always be broken rhizomes without visible buds. But there are also dormant buds, so broken roots do not need to be thrown away. Damaged areas are trimmed with a sharp knife, the roots are cut into pieces, each about 6-7 cm long. The cut parts are powdered with charcoal, dried and planted at a shallow depth. Land when planting should be moist. Some roots will sprout in their second year.

Peonies can also be propagated by seeds. Sowing is usually done in early autumn. For these purposes, use a room or a box of sand located in the greenhouse. Temperature regime for maintenance - + 15-20 degrees. After 35-40 days, when the first roots appear, the container with the sown seeds should be transferred to a place where there is no more than 1-5 degrees of heat. More roots can be buried directly in the snow, and after 2 weeks they are again placed in greenhouse conditions, where the first shoots will soon appear. Sand must be kept in a state of constant moisture. You can sow directly in open ground immediately after seed maturation. The plant emerges in May. This method has low seed germination, in contrast to the first option. Peonies bloom only in the fourth or even in the fifth year after planting.

Diseases and pests of peonies

Many flower growers very often have a question: why don't peonies bloom? The reasons are very different: old bush, the flower is planted too deeply, the need for a transplant, a young bush and it is too early to bloom, too acidic or overfertilized soil, dry soil, the buds froze in winter, the flower suffered during spring frosts the plant is sick.

The most common flower disease is. It is promoted by rain, wind, warm damp weather, ants in buds. The first sign of the disease is the sudden wilting of the stems. With a strong defeat of gray rot, the bushes simply disintegrate. To avoid problems, you need to adhere to the correct agricultural technology. Diseased flowers should be watered in the spring, and sprayed with organic fungicides during the growing season. It is also recommended to sprinkle wood ash around the peonies, about 200 grams per square meter.

After the peonies bloom, they bloom for almost half a year and proudly flaunt their bright beautiful heads. In addition, they are fragrant with a magnificent aroma, because the plant is very popular in many gardens and flower beds. What are the known varieties of peonies and what are their features? How to properly care for them? When do they bloom? When and how to plant? These and other questions will be discussed in detail below.

Varieties and features of peonies

Flowers have their distinctive features:

  • large size of flowers, their usual diameter is on average from 14-26 centimeters;
  • has a variety of forms (single-row protozoa, densely double and many others);
  • apical and solitary (by finding flowers on the stem) or one large leader bud framed by small accompanying ones located on the sides (grow on one stem, lateral flowering begins when the central leader flower finishes blooming).

The timing of the flowering of these flowers depends on the weather in a particular year, and may slightly shift in one direction or another. The average duration of flowering is from seven to twenty-eight days ( various varieties have their own deadlines).

The color of the peony heads is from snow-white to bright burgundy. Flower shapes determine classification by appearance:

When do peonies bloom in our country?

It is impossible to answer the question “when the peony blooms” in one word or sentence. The fact is that in Russia, due to climatic features, they distinguish several flowering periods:

  • early (flowering occurs before the fifth, maximum tenth of June);
  • medium (flowering occurs by the sixteenth - twentieth of June);
  • later (the dates for the appearance of flowers come from the twenty-first - thirtieth of June).

Immediately after the peonies have landed, do not expect lush flowering. Moreover, it is not recommended to allow new buds to appear in the first 24 months of the plant's life.

Too early flowering contributes to a delay in the formation and development of the root system, weakens the flowers. In this regard, the buds that appeared at this time necessary delete. It is possible to make an unmistakable opinion about the color and shape of the newly acquired variety only in the fourth or fifth year after the first planting.

After the end of flowering, the peony season begins laying and formation of renewal buds. Nutrients that are produced by the leaves of flowering shoots ensure their growth. The size of the renewal buds depends on the number of healthy leaves on the plant during the flowering period. And from this - an abundance of flowers for at least the next two years.

By the end of October, in some of the buds, the formation of the rudiment of the stem begins, in others, which are larger in size, future buds.

Some of the kidneys continue to remain dormant and awaken in the following seasons. The roots contain many buds of the same age.

The transfer is made exactly at the time when it begins formation kidney renewal.

The landing process is very responsible occupation to which it is impractical to approach without special preliminary preparation.

You will need to get acquainted with the theoretical part so that the practice is quick and easy. The following are recommendations experienced flower growers, which will help prevent common mistakes associated with planting and breeding this plant.

They will help make everything necessary actions so that the popular problems with the development of the peony do not arise.

A well-executed boarding process is the key to further successful growth and flowering of peonies, therefore, it is she who needs to devote a significant share of her attention.

Classification of peonies according to the structure of the flower

Terry, semi-double non-double. Stems are tree-like, herbaceous. The color of the buds is pink, white, red. By the time of flowering late and early. According to the method of use - universal, cut, park.

Planting peonies in autumn gardeners unanimously express their opinion regarding the time of growing peonies. They recommend doing this early autumn. It is permissible in some cases to do this at the end of the August days, however, for a better end result, it is still advisable to wait until the middle or at least the first days of October. This period is interesting in that the renewal buds are already fully formed by that time.

In parallel with this, the part of the bush growing above the ground finishes its growth. At the beginning of autumn days, the process of formation of small roots has not yet begun, and therefore plants can be sent by mail and not worry about the complete preservation of its integrity. There is no particular difference for growing certain varieties of peonies. In other words, the planting process for each of the varieties and species is the same.

Planting process

The beginning of landing, continuation and completion involves several stages:

The flower should be planted in such a way that there is a gap of 36 cm at the top. If the buds are at a depth that is below 20 cm, then even if you provide your color best care, the purest water and excellent fertilizers, peonies in the coming years, however, may not bloom. After planting, the pit from above is generously watered and mulched. Both earth covered with spruce branches and compost will do.

Spring planting peonies in the ground

Often the seeds are sold in specialized stores all year round. So what if the flower was purchased at the beginning of spring or at the end of winter? Do I have to wait a few months before planting a plant in my area? In this matter, especially beginner gardeners, the following tips may come in handy.

It is permissible to plant peonies in March and early April. However, it is necessary to adequately assess the situation, and if there is still a layer of snow on the site, then it would be advisable to wait a bit.

It is advisable to first plant peonies in vessels. If it is still cold outside, then it would be better to pre-prepare the plant for field conditions by planting them first in a room with a temperature of about +2 degrees. Glazed balcony will be for this optimal solution. When the temperature outside approaches comfortable, then it will be possible to transplant the peonies directly into the ground.

The appearance of the first shoots. When will they appear first green holes, then this will be a signal that the pions are developing successfully. Now they can be moved to a more spacious vessel and placed in a warmer room. When caring for plants during this period, it is especially necessary to monitor regular watering and a sufficient level of lighting.

Planting peonies in open ground. When the air temperature is at a stable level of + 5 degrees, the peony can be planted outside. Preparatory activities to improve the soil mixture, as well as the allocation of locations, identical to the conditions that are observed during the planting of peonies in the fall.

The roots of the plant are planted in a pre-selected and prepared place. Then we deepen the rhizome of each bush to a depth of at least 5 cm. The hole for planting is prepared in about 10-14 days. The depth of the hole can be about half a meter, you can not dig too deep. Inside we add nutritional base for plants, consisting of:

  • 100 g of superphosphate,
  • 400 g bone meal
  • 400 g wood ash.

All components must be thoroughly mixed.

peonies care

Well, finally, the plant got used to, took root, took root, which means that the planting was crowned success. At the same time, in order for the flower to remain healthy and flourish, it is necessary to carry out proper care for it.


It should not be done too often. The volume of liquid poured should not exceed 3 buckets for each adult bush. It is important that the water reaches the depth where the roots of the plant are located. Of particular importance is season for watering: in spring time in peonies, the formation of buds is laid, and this is the future lush flowering. Accordingly, systematic watering will be necessary in August, when flower buds appear.

Land cultivation

The ideal soil for peonies, as already mentioned, is loam, however, the soil must be well dug up. The soil should not be too wet or waterlogged. After every watering necessary be sure to loosen it.

This event is necessary in order to retain moisture in the soil, to improve aeration i.e. an increase in oxygen levels. It also slows down the growth of weeds. This will help save for the desired plants maximum amount useful nutrients and protect peonies from the development of various diseases.

Peony, by its nature, is not very susceptible to the negative effects of diseases and pests. In this regard, the cultivation of these flowers is quite simple, especially since the beauty of their future inflorescences more than compensates for all labor costs and investments. And the divine aroma will add pleasantness to this process.

Flower peony (lat. Paeonia)- a monotypic genus of herbaceous perennials, the only one in the Peony family. Types of peonies are herbaceous, there are tree-like peonies, as well as those species in which the properties of both tree-like and herbaceous peonies- only about forty species. In nature, peony flowers grow in the temperate and subtropical zones of North America and Eurasia. Cultivation of peonies began in China in the Han era, more than two thousand years ago. The peony flower is named after the legendary healer Pean, who saved both gods and people from mortal wounds received in battles. In our gardens, mainly herbaceous peony is grown, highly valued by gardeners for the beautiful fragrant buds that adorn the flower bed since May for a month and a half. These peonies will be our story.

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Planting and caring for peonies (in brief)

  • Landing: late August or early September.
  • Bloom: May.
  • Lighting: bright sunlight in the first half of the day, then bright diffused light or light partial shade.
  • The soil: slightly acidic loam.
  • Watering: infrequent, but plentiful: 2-3 buckets of water for each adult bush.
  • Top dressing: the first feeding is carried out in early spring, and from the second week of May, peonies are treated every month on the leaves with a solution of mineral or organic fertilizer.
  • Reproduction: root cuttings and seeds (rare).
  • Pests: bronze beetles, soddy ants, root-knot nematodes.
  • Diseases: gray rot, rust, brown spotting, septoria, root rot, viral mosaic.

Read more about growing peonies below.

Peony flowers - description

Peonies - herbaceous, semi-shrub (tree peonies) or shrub plants, reaching a height of 1 m. The rhizome is large, the roots are cone-shaped, powerful. There are several stems, trifoliate or unpaired pinnate leaves of all shades of green, gray or dark purple, arranged alternately along the stems. Peony flowers are solitary, fragrant, reaching 15-20 cm in diameter, they are good both on the bush and in the cut. Peony is unpretentious, its agricultural technology is not difficult, so it has always been appreciated by flower growers: even when the flowers fade, peony bushes with openwork lush foliage remain attractive until autumn.

Peonies are long-lived, in one place they can grow for more than a dozen years.

Breeders also showed interest in this garden plant, and to date, more than five thousand varieties of peonies have been registered, bred mainly with the participation of such species as the milky-flowered peony and the medicinal peony. Varieties of peonies differ in the color of the flowers, their size, flowering time, shape and height of the bush.

Planting peonies

How to plant peonies

Growing peonies does not require a lot of time or excessive effort from you. The most important - choose the right site for peonies, because they will grow on it for many years. root system in adult plants it reaches a depth of 70-90 cm, so transplanting a bush that has reached 4-5 years of age is not an easy task. Peonies prefer to grow in well-lit areas, highly desirable solar lighting for 5-6 hours in the morning. But peonies are afraid of drafts, so it would be nice if they were protected by tall bushes or trees.

Do not plant peonies in the lowlands: the rhizomes can rot from stagnant water.

In the photo: Growing peonies in a flower bed

As for the choice of soil, loam with an acidity of 6-6.6 pH is best suited for peonies. In too clay soil you will need to make humus, sand and peat. In sandy - peat, clay and humus. Sand, wood ash and organic matter are added to peat soils.

Planting peonies in autumn

And they plant and transplant peonies in late August - early September. A week before planting peonies, pits 60x60x60 cm in size are dug at a distance of 70-100 m from each other, a drainage layer of 20-25 cm from coarse-grained sand, broken brick or crushed stone must be laid at the bottom of the pits. Then a top dressing layer is poured, consisting of compost, humus, 100 g of lime, 200 g of superphosphate, 100 g of potassium sulfate, 300 g of wood ash - a layer of 20-30 cm. Then the pits are filled to the top with earth mixed with compost. A week later, by the time the peonies are planted, the soil in the pit will sag, which will make it possible to place the rhizome of the peony in the hole, sprinkle it with garden soil and lightly tamp the soil.

Keep in mind that peonies do not tolerate deep planting: as a result, you will get a dense green bush without flowers.

If you want to wait for lush flowering from peonies, deepen the rhizome so that the upper bud is no deeper than 3-4 cm underground. In addition, in the first year after planting or transplanting, peonies do not bloom and look lethargic. It happens that next year the peonies will not bloom, but it's not scary if the bush looks healthy - it's just that the peony bush has not yet reached maturity.

In the photo: Peony bud

Planting peonies in spring

In fact, peonies are not planted in the spring. But it happens that it was in the spring that you got planting material, which you dreamed of ... and what to do? In this case, experts suggest planting peonies in a 2-3-liter pot and keeping them until planting in the ground in a cool, dark room - a basement or cellar, keeping the soil moist. To do this, put snow or pieces of ice on top of the ground, which, when melted, will moisten the soil in the pot. At the end of April or May, the peony is taken out into the garden and buried in the ground right with the pot, where it will be until autumn transplant into a prepared pit, carried out by the transshipment method, that is, together with an earthen clod in which the rhizome was located.

peonies care

Autumn peonies care

In autumn, as already mentioned, it is time to plant and transplant peonies. Planting peonies is not carried out every year, and if you do not have plans to breed them this year, caring for peonies in autumn time comes down to pruning withered stems and leaves, which then need to be burned to destroy viruses, bacteria and pests that may have settled in them. The remains of the stems on the bushes should be sprinkled with ash at the rate of 2-3 handfuls per bush. That's all there is to do in the fall. Now we will tell you how to care for peonies in the spring.

In the photo: Blooming pink and white peonies

Peony care in spring

Watering peonies requires infrequent, but plentiful - 2-3 buckets for each adult bush, so that the soil gets wet to the depth of the roots. Plants especially need moisture in early spring, during the period of growth, as well as during the period of budding and flowering, and in August-September, when new buds are laid in peonies. After watering, be sure to loosen the soil around bushes and remove weeds, if any. Make sure that when watering, water gets under the bush, and not on the leaves.

Peony feeding

As soon as the snow melts, the ground around the bushes is watered with a solution of potassium permanganate at the rate of 2-3 g per 10 liters of water per two peony bushes. When the shoots begin to grow, you need to feed the plants with ammonium nitrate at the rate of 15 g of nitrate per 10 liters of water. Starting from the second week of May, young plants are watered once a month over the leaves from a watering can with a sieve with a solution of complete mineral fertilizer at the recommended concentration. Add washing powder to the solution at the rate of 1 tablespoon per 10 liters of water - this will prevent the solution from simply draining over the leaves into the ground. Top dressing is done in the evening or on a cloudy day.

Reproduction of peonies by root cuttings

This is the most reliable way pion breeding. A small piece of rhizome with a dormant bud is separated from the bush in July, planted, and by September it is already taking root. True, for those who are in a hurry, this method is not suitable: such shoots develop slowly and will be able to bloom for the first time in five years.

peonies after flowering

Peonies have faded - what to do?

Peonies bloom in late May or early June. Remove all wilted flowers, after two weeks, carry out the third dressing with phosphorus and potash fertilizers and continue to water the plants regularly. In August, watering should become more abundant, since the period of laying replacement buds begins, and the plant will need moisture.