The name of the peak of the Ural mountains. Ural Mountains: general information

The Ural Mountains are a mountain system located between the West Siberian and East European plains, and represent a kind of border separating Europe from Asia. They were formed by the collision of the African and Eurasian lithospheric plates, as a result of which one of them literally crushed the other under itself. From the point of view of geologists, these mountains arose in a complicated way, as they consist of rocks different ages and type.

With a length of more than 2000 km, the Ural Mountains form the Southern, Northern, Subpolar, Polar and Middle Ural. Because of this length, they were called the Earth Belt in the first mentions of the 11th century. Everywhere you can see crystal clear mountain streams and rivers, which then pour into larger reservoirs. From big rivers the following flow there: Kama, Ural, Belaya, Chusovaya and Pechora.

The height of the Ural Mountains does not exceed 1895 meters. So, it is average in level (600-800 m) and the narrowest in width of the ridge. This part is characterized by peaked and sharp forms with steep slopes and deep valleys. The highest rise (1500 m) has the top of Pai-Er.

The subpolar zone expands slightly and is considered the highest part of the ridge. The following peaks are located here: Mount Narodnaya (1894 m), which is the highest, Karpinsky (1795 m), Saber (1425 m) and many other Ural Mountains, the average rise of which ranges from 1300 to 1400 meters.

They are also characterized by sharp landforms and large valleys. This part is also notable for the fact that there are several glaciers here, the largest of them stretches for almost 1 km in length.

In the northern part, the Ural Mountains, whose height does not exceed 600 meters, are characterized by smoothed and rounded shapes. Some of them, made of crystalline rocks, take on funny shapes under the influence of rain and wind. Closer to the south, they become even lower, and in the middle part they take the form of a gentle arc, where the Kachkanar peak occupies the most significant mark (886 m). The relief here is smoothed and more flat.

In the southern zone, the Ural Mountains rise noticeably, forming many parallel ridges. Of the highest points, one can note (1638 m) Yamantau and (1586 m) Iremel, the rest are a little lower (Big Sholom, Nurgush, etc.).

In the Urals, in addition to beautiful mountains and caves, there is a very picturesque, diverse nature, as well as many other attractions. And that is why it is so attractive to many tourists. Here you can choose routes for people different levels training - both for beginners and for lovers of extreme travel. In addition to all other advantages, the Ural Mountains are a storehouse of minerals, which include the following: ores of copper, chromium, nickel, titanium; placers of gold, platinum, silver; deposits of coal, gas, oil; precious malachite, diamonds, yam, crystal, amethyst, etc.).

As they say, only mountains can be better than mountains. And this is true, because their indescribable atmosphere, beauty, harmony, grandeur and clean air inspire and charge with positive, energy and vivid impressions for a long time.

The Ural Mountains are a mountain range on the border of Europe and Asia, stretching from north to south. In geography, the division of these mountains according to the nature of the relief is accepted, natural conditions and other features in Pai-Khoi, Polar Urals, Subpolar, Northern, Middle, Southern Urals and Mugodzhary. It is necessary to distinguish between the concepts of the Ural Mountains and the Urals: in a broader sense, the territory of the Urals includes the regions adjacent to the mountain system - the Urals, Cis-Urals and Trans-Urals.
The relief of the Ural Mountains is the main watershed range and several side ranges separated by wide depressions. In the Far North - glaciers and snowfields, in the middle part - mountains with smoothed peaks, the Ural Mountains are old, they are about 300 million years old, they are noticeably eroded. The highest peak - Mount Narodnaya - is about two kilometers high.
The watershed of large rivers runs along the mountain range: the Ural rivers belong mainly to the basin of the Caspian Sea (Kama with Chusovaya and Belaya, Ural). Pechora, Tobol and others belong to the system of one of the largest rivers in Siberia - the Ob. There are many lakes on the eastern slope of the Urals.
The landscapes of the Ural Mountains are predominantly forested, there is a noticeable difference in the nature of vegetation in different sides mountains: on the western slope - mainly dark coniferous, spruce-fir forests (in the Southern Urals - mixed and broad-leaved forests in places), on the eastern slope - light coniferous pine-larch forests. In the south - forest-steppe and steppe (mostly plowed).
The Ural Mountains have long been of interest to geographers, including from the point of view of their unique location. In the era of Ancient Rome, these mountains seemed to scientists so far away that they were seriously called Riphean, or Ripean: literally translated from Latin - “coastal”, and in an expanded sense - “mountains on the edge of the earth”. They received the name Hyperborean (from the Greek "extreme northern") on behalf of the mythical country of Hyperborea, it was used for a thousand years, until in 1459 the Fra Mauro world map appeared, on which the "edge of the world" was shifted beyond the Urals.
It is believed that the mountains were discovered by the Novgorodians in 1096, during one of the campaigns to Pechora and Yugra by a squad of Novgorod ushkuiniki, who were engaged in fur trade, trade and collection of yasak. At that time, the mountains did not receive any name. At the beginning of the XV century. Russian settlements appear on the upper Kama - Anfalovsky town and Sol-Kamskaya.
First famous name these mountains are contained in the documents of the turn of the XV-XVI centuries, where they are called Stone: so in Ancient Russia called any large rock or cliff. On the "Big Drawing" - the first map of the Russian state, compiled in the second half of the 16th century. - Ural is designated as Big Stone. In the XVI-XVIII centuries. the name Belt appears, reflecting geographical position mountains between two plains. There are such variants of names as Big Stone, Big Belt, Stone Belt, Big Belt Stone.
The name "Ural" was originally used only for the territory of the Southern Urals and was taken from the Bashkir language, which meant "height" or "hill". By the middle of the XVIII century. the name "Ural Mountains" is already applied to the entire mountain system.
The Ural Mountains are a ridge on the border of Europe and Asia, as well as a natural border within Russia, to the east of which are Siberia and the Far East, and to the west is the European part of the country.
Such a figurative expression is resorted to whenever it is required to give a short and colorful description of the natural resources of the Ural Mountains.
The antiquity of the Ural Mountains created unique conditions for the development of minerals: as a result of prolonged destruction by erosion, the deposits literally came to the surface. The combination of energy sources and raw materials predetermined the development of the Urals as a mining region.
Iron, copper, chromium and nickel ores, potash salts, asbestos, coal, precious and semi-precious stones - Ural gems have been mined here since ancient times. Since the middle of the XX century. oil and gas fields are being developed.
Russia has long been developing the lands adjacent to the Ural Mountains, occupying the Komi-Permyak towns, annexing the Udmurt and Bashkir territories: in the middle of the 16th century. after the defeat of the Kazan Khanate, most of Bashkiria and the Kama part of Udmurtia voluntarily became part of Russia. A special role in securing Russia in the Urals was played by the Ural Cossacks, who received the highest permission to engage in free arable farming here. The merchants Stroganovs laid the foundation for the purposeful development of the wealth of the Ural Mountains, having received from Tsar Ivan IV a charter on the Ural lands "and what lies in them."
At the beginning of the XVIII century. large-scale factory construction began in the Urals, caused by the needs of both economic development country, and the needs of the military departments. Under Peter I, copper-smelting and iron foundries were built here, and subsequently large industrial centers were formed around them: Yekaterinburg, Chelyabinsk, Perm, Nizhny Tagil, Zlatoust. Gradually, the Ural Mountains found themselves in the center of the largest mining region in Russia, along with Moscow and St. Petersburg.
In the era of the USSR, the Urals became one of the industrial centers of the country, the most famous enterprises are the Ural Heavy Machine Building Plant (Uralmash), the Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant (ChTZ), the Magnitogorsk Metallurgical Plant (Magnitogorsk), during the years of the Great Patriotic War industrial production was exported to the Urals from the territories of the USSR occupied by the Germans.
In recent decades, the industrial significance of the Ural Mountains has noticeably decreased: many deposits are almost exhausted, the level of environmental pollution is quite high.
The bulk of the local population lives on the territory of the Ural economic region and in the Republic of Bashkortostan. In the more northern regions, belonging to the Northwestern and Western Siberian economic regions, the population is extremely rare.
During the industrial development of the Ural Mountains, as well as the plowing of the surrounding lands, hunting and deforestation, the habitats of many animals were destroyed, and many species of animals and birds disappeared, among them - a wild horse, saiga, bustard, little bustard. Herds of deer, which used to graze throughout the Urals, now migrated deep into the tundra. However, the measures taken to protect and reproduce the fauna of the Urals managed to preserve in the reserves brown bear, wolf, wolverine, fox, sable, ermine, lynx. Where it has not yet been possible to restore populations of local species, acclimatization of imported individuals is being successfully carried out: for example, in the Ilmensky Reserve - sika deer, beaver, maral, raccoon dog, American mink.

general information

Location: between East European and West Siberian Plains.

Geographic division: Pai-Khoi Ridge, Polar Urals (from Konstantinov Kamen to the upper reaches of the Khulga River), Subpolar Urals (the section between the Khulga and Shchugor rivers), Northern Urals (Voy) (from the Shchugor River to Kosvinsky Kamen and Mount Oslyanka), Middle Urals (Shor ) (from Mount Oslyanka to the Ufa River) and the Southern Urals (the southern part of the mountains below the city of Orsk), Mugodzhary (Kazakhstan).

Economic regions: Ural, Volga, Northwestern, West Siberian.
Administrative affiliation: Russian Federation(Perm, Sverdlovsk, Chelyabinsk, Kurgan, Orenburg, Arkhangelsk and Tyumen regions, Udmurt Republic, Republic of Bashkortostan, Republic of Komi), Kazakhstan (Aktobe region).

Large cities: - 1,428,262 people (2015), - 1,182,221 people (2015), Ufa - 1,096,702 people. (2014), - 1,036,476 people (2015), Izhevsk - 642,024 people. (2015), Orenburg - 561,279 people. (2015), Magnitogorsk - 417,057 people. (2015), Nizhny Tagil - 356,744 people. (2015), Kurgan - 326,405 people. (2015).

Languages: Russian, Bashkir, Udmurt, Komi-Permyak, Kazakh.
Ethnic composition: Russians, Bashkirs, Udmurts, Komi, Kazakhs.
Religions: Orthodoxy, Islam, traditional beliefs.

Currency unit: ruble, tenge.
Rivers: the Caspian Sea basin (Kama with Chusovaya and Belaya, Ural), the Arctic Ocean basin (Pechora with Usoy; Tobol, Iset, Tura belong to the Ob system).

Lakes: Tavatui, Argazi, Uvildy, Turgoyak, Big Pike.


Length: more than 2600 km from north to south (with Pai-Khoi and Mugodzhary).

Width: from 40 to 150 km.

Geological age: 250 to 350 Ma.
highest point: Mount Narodnaya (1895 m).
Other peaks: Karpinsky (1878 m), Yamantau (1638 m), Manaraga (1662 m), Telposiz (1617 m), Konzhakovsky Kamen (1569 m), Payer (1499 m), Oslyanka (1119 m), Middle Baseg (994 m).

Climate and weather

January average temperature: from -20°С (Polar Urals) to -15°С (Southern Urals).

July average temperature: from +9°С (Polar Urals) to +20°С (Southern Urals).

Average annual rainfall: Subpolar and Northern Urals - 1000 mm, Southern Urals - 650-750 mm.

Relative humidity: 60-70%.


Minerals: iron, copper, chromium, nickel, potassium salts, asbestos, coal, oil.
Industry: mining, ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, heavy engineering, chemical and petrochemical, fertilizers, electrical engineering.

hydroelectric power: Pavlovskaya, Yumaguzinskaya, Shirokovskaya, Iriklinskaya hydroelectric power stations.

Agriculture: crop production (wheat, rye, horticultural crops), animal husbandry (cattle, pig breeding).
traditional crafts: artistic processing Ural gems, knitting Orenburg downy shawls.

Service sector: tourism, transport, trade.


Natural: Pechoro-Ilychsky, "Basegi", "Shulgan-Tash", steppe, Bashkir reserves, mineralogical reserve, caves Divya, Arakaevskaya, Sugomakskaya, Kungurskaya ice and Kapova, rocky outcrops of the Seven Brothers, Chertovo Gorodishe and Stone Tent, Bashkirsky national park, Yugyd Va National Park (Komi Republic), Hoffman Glacier (Saber Ridge), Azov Mountain, Alikaev Kamen, Deer Streams Natural Park, Blue Mountains Pass, Revun Rapid (Iset River), Zhigalansky Waterfalls (Zhigalan River), Aleksandrovskaya Sopka, Taganay National Park, Ustinovsky Canyon, Gumerovskoye Gorge, Red Key Spring, Sterlitamak Shikhans, Krasnaya Krucha.

Curious facts

■ The peoples of the Urals still use the names of the Urals in their languages: Mansi - Ner, Khanty - Kev, Komi - Iz, Nenets - Pe or Igarka Pe. In all languages ​​it means the same thing - "stone". Among the Russians who have long lived in the north of the Urals, a tradition has also been preserved to call these mountains Kamen.
■ The bowls of the St. Petersburg Hermitage were made from Ural malachite and jasper, as well as interior decoration and the altar of the St. Petersburg Church of the Savior on Blood.
■ Scientists have not yet found an explanation for the mysterious natural phenomenon: the Ural lakes Uvildy, Bolshoi Kisegach and Turgoyak have unusually clear water. In neighboring lakes, it is completely muddy.
■ The top of Mount Kachkanar is a collection of bizarrely shaped scapes, many of which have their own names. The most famous of them is Camel Rock.
■ In the past, the richest deposits of high-quality iron ore in the Magnitnaya, Vysoka and Blagodat mountains, known throughout the world and listed in all textbooks on geology, are now either hidden or turned into quarries hundreds of meters deep.
■ The ethnographic appearance of the Urals was created by three streams of settlers: Russian Old Believers who fled here in the 17th-18th centuries, peasants transferred to the Ural factories from the European part of Russia (mainly from the modern Tula and Ryazan regions) and Ukrainians who were attracted as an additional labor force at the beginning 19th century
■ In 1996, the Yugyd Va National Park, together with the Pechoro-Ilychsky Reserve, with which the park borders in the south, was included in the list of UNESCO World Natural Heritage Sites under the name “Virgin Komi Forests”.
■ Alikaev Stone - a 50-meter rock on the Ufa River. The second name of the rock is Maryin cliff. Here they filmed the TV movie "Shadows disappear at noon" - about life in the Ural outback. It was from the Alikaev stone, according to the plot of the film, that the Menshikov brothers threw off the chairman of the collective farm, Marya Krasnaya. Since then, the stone has a second name - Maryin cliff.
■ The Zhigalan waterfalls on the Zhigalan River, on the eastern slope of the Kvarkush ridge, form a 550 m long cascade. With a river length of about 8 km, the elevation difference from source to mouth is almost 630 m.
■ Sugomak cave is the only cave in the Ural Mountains, 123 m long, formed in marble rock. There are only a few such caves on the territory of Russia.
■ The Krasny Klyuch spring is the most powerful water source in Russia and the second largest in the world after the Fontaine de Vaucluse spring in France. The water consumption of the Red Key spring is 14.88 m3/sec. Landmark of Bashkiria in the status of a hydrological monument of nature of federal significance.


Mount Narodnaya is the highest point of the Ural Mountains. Its height is 1895 meters. This geographical fact was established relatively recently. Due to the inaccessibility of the Subpolar region, few scientific expeditions were made to Mount Narodnaya.

At different times, the highest peaks of the Stone Belt of Eurasia were called the mountains: Saber (1497 meters), Telpos-Iz (1617 meters), Manaraga (1660 meters). In 1924-1928, the North Urals Complex Expedition worked here under the leadership of B.N. Gorodkov. One of her detachments, led by A.N. Alyoshkov, in 1927 for the first time passed to the headwaters of the Národa River. Having studied the height of the mountain using the scientific methods already available at that time, they determined its height at 1870 meters (at present it is measured more precisely - 1895 meters).

It was Alyoshkov who gave it its name, but on which syllable the stress should fall in it, he did not document anywhere. Disputes over stress continued until the publication of a textbook for pedagogical universities by F.N. Malkova and N.A. Gvozdetsky in 1963, in which the emphasis was on the first syllable. Since then, this option has been considered correct, formed from the name of the river, starting at the foot of the peak. Although, according to Gorodkov, who spoke after the death of Alyoshkov, she was named after the Russian people, as was customary at that time.

The Ural ranges were formed in the Paleozoic era during the Hercynian folding, later they underwent renewal, and their crystalline rocks came to the surface. They are composed of metamorphic, sedimentary and volcanic rocks, very rich in various minerals and rocks. They form flat-topped ridges with gentle stepped western and steep steep eastern slopes.

Narodnaya (Mansiysk "People-Iz") on the map of the Urals is part of the Research Ridge of the Subpolar Urals, on the border of the Khanty-Mansiysk autonomous region and the Komi Republic, its coordinates are 65° N, 60° E. e. It consists of metamorphic schists and ancient quartzites. Its peak is rounded and double-headed, and the slopes of the mountain are covered with natural depressions - karami filled with water, glaciers, snowfields, rocky remains, mountain tundra, stone ruins.

Since Narodnaya became a place of pilgrimage for tourists, objects like “Vasya was here” have appeared here - a bust of Lenin, tablets, memorial signs, a pyramid in which visitors leave their notes, a worship cross with the words “Save and save” written on it. installed on a saddle between two mountain peaks in 1998. The eastern slope of the summit, like the entire Urals, is steep and impassable for tourists. The ascent is carried out along the western slope, which is complicated by carts, and along the more convenient northern one.

The peaks offer a view of the surrounding highest peaks of the Subpolar Urals - Sablya, Manaraga, etc. vegetable world. Here you can find coniferous and mixed forests, subalpine and alpine meadows, alpine and arctic tundra. AT warm time years, numerous mosquitoes, gadflies, horseflies and smaller blood-sucking insects- midges, midges.

Dwarf birches, blueberries, wild rosemary, blueberries, short larch are replaced by herbs in the growth of a person, occasionally found with pink radiola. Of the animals, there are many inhabitants of the tundra - arctic foxes, deer, partridges, wolves. There are badgers, bears, chipmunks. Only two species of grayling are found in mountain rivers. In the lower reaches of the mountains, river fish are somewhat larger.

Mount Narodnaya [VIDEO]

Ural mountains known throughout the world as one of the oldest mountains on our blue planet. This circumstance became the defining indicators of height. They are not as high as the Andes or Tibet. Scientists determine the age of the Ural mountain range as more than 600 million years. This solid figure explains, although slow, but tangible destruction of mountain peaks and slopes, which occurred under the influence of hurricane winds, heavy rains and various landslides. The statement that the Ural mountains are very rich in mineral resources has become an indisputable truth. Indeed, the region is famous for its deposits of copper, titanium, magnesium, coal, granite, asbestos, marble, oil, bauxite, etc. In total, the developers of the bowels of the Ural mountain range have about six dozen of the most important minerals and metal-rich ores for the country's population.

It is known from an encyclopedia article that the Ural Mountains are a great mountain strip between two plains: East European and West Siberian. Its length is more than two thousand kilometers. If we add to this array the Pai-Khoi ridge, which is from the northern part, and the Mugodzhara ridge from the south, then the length will be more than two and a half thousand kilometers. The width of the mountain system is gaining from 45 to 200 kilometers.

The problem of ecology in the Urals is significantly aggravated. The Ural Mountains have long served as rich storerooms and pantries for Russia. Heavy industry was founded and developed here in the Urals, and this often exerted anthropogenic pressure on environment. Today, one of the most acute problems has become deforestation, the consequences of mining wealth from the bowels of the earth are worrying. The situation is complicated by dams (hydroelectric power stations) erected on the rivers, emissions of harmful chemical and other wastes carried out in the pulp and metallurgical industries. In fairness, it should be noted that an offensive struggle is being waged against negative phenomena that aggravate the ecological state of the region.

Already now in the zone of the Ural mountain range there are a large number of reserves, reserves and parks. The most significant of them are: the Vishera Reserve, the Denezhkin Stone Reserve, the Yugyd Vai National Park. Constant monitoring and accounting of changes in the ecological component of the area is carried out. A household dosimeter, which is easy to buy along with others, can help make sure that the edge is environmentally stable. necessary accessories for hiking, fishing or sports tourism. The Ural region is attractive for the tourism business. Private fishing zones, recreation centers and recreational tourist routes are being developed here. Taken together, these circumstances allow us to hope that the ecological safety of the Urals will remain untouched, and this will allow everyone to enjoy the beauty of landscapes and clean mountain air. a large number tourists and vacationers, improve and strengthen their health in the Urals.

You need to pay attention to the famous Ural peaks - this is Mount Narodnaya, reaching a height of 1894.5 meters. In addition to the named one, there are several more significant peaks known to us. These are the Yamantau mountains (its height is 1640 m), then Big Iremel (its height is 1582 m), the peak of Big Shelom (1427 m high), then Nurgush (1406 m high) and Mount Kruglitsa (gaining 1168 m) are interesting. You can complete this row with the Otkliknaya Ridge (1155 m). A few words should be devoted to Mount Manarage, which means "Bear's Paw" in translation. Title eloquently confirmed appearance the mountains. It is also a symbol of the local regions - the pristine northern taiga, swift, clean and fishy rivers, mountain paths to the peaks not traveled by the townsfolk. Grottoes and caves, descents and ascents, river rafting, relaxation in comfortable houses and by the fire, the beauty and charm of the Urals await their guests.

Mountain system in the Urals, located between the East European and West Siberian plains. The Ural Mountains are located on the territory of Russia and Kazakhstan and are unique geographical feature dividing the mainland of Eurasia into two parts.

In ancient sources, the Ural Mountains were called Riphean or Hyperborean. Russian pioneers called them "Stone". The toponym "Ural" is most likely taken from the Bashkir language and means "stone belt".

The length is more than 2000 km, the width is from 40 to 150 km.
Altitude above sea level: 1,895 m.
Area: 781,100 km2

The formation of the Ural mountain system began about 350 million years ago and ended about 200 million years ago.

The mountains originate from the shores of the Arctic Ocean and end in the hot deserts of Kazakhstan.

Minerals of the Ural Mountains
In the bowels of the Urals are hidden untold riches known to the whole world. This is the famous malachite, and gemstones colorfully described by Bazhov in his fairy tales, asbestos, platinum, gold and other minerals. Of the 55 types of the most important minerals that were developed in the USSR, 48 are represented in the Urals.

Nature of the Ural Mountains

This region is famous for its incredible beauty of nature. People come here to look at the amazing mountains, plunge into clear waters numerous lakes, descend into caves or raft stormy rivers Ural mountains.
The beauty of these mountains is best seen in natural parks and reserves. Once in Sverdlovsk region, you should definitely visit Deer Streams. Tourists come here to see the drawings on the surface of the rock. ancient man. In the cave of Kapova, scientists discovered rock paintings that are more than 14 thousand years old. In total, about 200 works of ancient artists were found in its open spaces. In addition, you can visit numerous halls, grottoes and galleries located on three levels, admire the underground lakes.

Fauna of the Ural Mountains

Not less diverse is the animal world"Earth Belt". The predominant position in the local fauna is occupied by forest animals, the habitat of which is coniferous, broad-leaved or mixed forests. So, squirrels live in coniferous forests, the basis of their diet is spruce seeds, and in winter these pretty animals with a fluffy tail feed on pre-stocked pine nuts and dried mushrooms. Wide use in the local forests there is a marten, the existence of which is difficult to imagine without the already mentioned squirrel, for which this predator hunts.
But the real wealth of these places is the fur trade animal, the fame of which extends far beyond the region, for example, the sable that lives in the forests of the Northern Urals. True, it differs from the dark Siberian sable in a less beautiful reddish skin. Uncontrolled hunting for a valuable furry animal is prohibited at the legislative level. Without this ban, it would certainly have been completely destroyed by now.
The taiga forests of the Ural Mountains are also inhabited by the traditional Russian wolf, bear and elk. Roe deer are found in mixed forests. On the plains adjacent to the mountain ranges, the hare and the fox feel at ease. We did not make a reservation: they live precisely on the flat terrain, and the forest for them is just a shelter. And, of course, the crowns of trees are well inhabited by many species of birds.