How to open a sig document from Rosreestr. What are XML files used for? Video - What is file extension and how to open any file

The Rosreestr website has a special service for opening statements (link below). Using the example of a statement for an apartment, I have written detailed instructions, so repeat after me. Also at the end of the article there is a small additional instruction if.

  1. Place all files from the archive with the extract into a separate folder so that they are all in one place. You do not need to rename files, i.e. what files were in the archive, let them remain so. From the archive to a separate folder, I transferred a statement for the apartment in .xml format, a unique digital signature in .sig format and a folder (1), which contained a graphic plan of the apartment on the floor. Usually, the graphic plan is inside the statement itself, but I received it with the statement separately (you can see it in the picture). Having opened the file with the graphic plan, you can view it.
  2. Follow this link - This page was created by Rosreestr to open xml files of statements.
  3. On the page click on the "Select file" button in the "Electronic document (xml file):".
  4. Go to the created folder and double-click on the file in .xml format(this is our extract).
  5. Click on "Select file" in the "Digital signature (sig file):" field and double-click on the file in.sig format, which is located next to the statement.
  6. Click on "Check".
  7. A message should appear that the XML file (the statement itself) is certified with an electronic digital signature. Click on "Show in human format".
  8. An electronic statement will appear in a new browser window, in which all information about the property is now visible. The statement file was created in .html format, which can be opened by any browser.
  9. To save the statement in .html format and open it in the future on any browser, click on the button "Save"... To print the statement click on "Type"... It happens that these buttons are missing, therefore, to save the statement on the keyboard, press CTRL + C, to print - CTRL + P.

Now electronic documents are widely used to obtain information from Rosreestr. This allows users to quickly get the information they are interested in and significantly reduces the burden on government agencies. Let's figure out what difficulties may arise when opening the electronic format of statements, and how to solve them on our own.

What is the difficulty

More recently, the information of Rosreestr was divided into:

  1. Unified State Register of Rights(USRR) - contained information on property rights to real estate.
  2. State cadastre of real estate- had information about real estate objects.

Since 2019, all this information has been merged into the Unified State Register of Real Estate ( USRN), which began to represent a unified database of real estate objects.

USRN systematized the following data:

  • information on objects, drawings and georeferencing;
  • cadastral numbers;
  • land area, boundaries, type of possible use;
  • floor plans, design features, type of use (residential, commercial, etc.);
  • information about;
  • date of registration;
  • all information related to the rights to real estate, including all owners, and the grounds on which this or that person owns the object (sale and purchase agreements, and other options);
  • information about available.

Currently, the ownership of the object is confirmed by an extract from the USRN. This document replaces the title deed for real estate objects. The extracts are prepared at the request of the applicants and may reflect various information.

For example, in some cases it may be necessary to confirm that the object is not pledged in the bank and has no other encumbrances, or information about the previous owners is required. All this information can be obtained at the request of state, credit organizations or when citizens apply.

Thanks to the creation of the USRN, the process of concluding real estate transactions has been greatly simplified. In addition, the possibility of fraudulent actions was practically excluded, for example, when an object with encumbrances is being implemented.

It is possible both in a standard paper version and in electronic form. Electronic statements can be obtained through:

  • official website of Rosreestr;
  • public services portal;
  • alternative services on the Internet, for example

When making an application in the above ways, the user is required to know the real estate. If it is unknown, you can use the appropriate ones, which allow you to find the desired object on the cadastral grid and inquire about its characteristics.

As a rule, extracts are ordered in the following cases:

  • when purchasing real estate;
  • in disputes about the boundaries of land plots;
  • for litigation, the subject of which is a property;
  • for registration of mortgage loans and loans secured by real estate;
  • when searching for the debtor's property (, etc.);
  • to deregister the former owners of real estate.

Received the online help is a file with the xml extension... This format is inconvenient for viewing, which causes difficulties for many users who ordered and downloaded such a certificate.

How to open an xml file of a USRN statement from Rosreestr

So, since the registration of an application for an extract from Rosreestr is a simple procedure, there should be no problems with obtaining a document. Difficulties begin after the downloaded files are not opened, and the user cannot familiarize himself with the data presented in it.

In order to solve this problem, you must adhere to the following actions:

  1. First of all, you need to create a new folder and unpack the archive received from Rosreestr into it.
  2. As a result, three files should be located in the hotel folder:
    • statement in xml format;
    • file;
    • folder with graphic plan(in some cases, the plan of the object may be in the extract itself).
  3. Next, the user must find a service on the Rosreestr website that allows you to view statements, or simply click on the following link.
  4. On the page that opens, the user will be prompted to download the statement file. To do this, you must specify the path to the previously created folder.
  5. After that, in the same way, you must select the EDS file and click "Verify".
  6. Checking the compliance of the statement and the electronic signature should end with the button becoming active on the screen "Show in human format".
  7. Pressing the button will lead to the fact that a new window will open in the browser, in which the information of interest will be displayed. Thus, xml format will be converted to html format, which can be opened by any program for surfing the Internet.
  8. After viewing the statement, you can either save it for future use, or print it. To do this, there are corresponding buttons in the window that opens.

What to do if the graphical plan is not displayed

When converting the statement file into a readable format, some users are faced with the fact that the site plan is not displayed. In this case, an error is displayed in the window "Plan file is missing".

The method to fix this error is as follows:

  1. It is necessary to download the converted html document file and move it to the created folder, where the extract archive was previously unpacked.
  2. However, it is very important not to rename files and folders. This is necessary because the files are linked to each other, and the linking is carried out, including by name.
  3. After the done manipulations, you need to open the html extract from the created folder. In this case, the plan will be found and displayed correctly.

Browser method

There are also alternative methods for opening xml files, which are carried out through browsers. To do this, you need to make some settings. Here is the procedure for the example of a common program Internet Explorer:

  1. After opening the browser, you need to go to the menu "Service" and select item Compatibility Mode Options.
  2. On an open tab, check the box next to the inscription "Display sites in compatibility mode".
  3. After that in the menu "Service" you must select an item "Browser properties", and go to the tab "Security"Reliable sites ""Sites".
  4. Opposite the inscription "Server check is required for all nodes" there should not be a tick. In addition, you must select the lowest level of security.
  5. In the window with reliable sites, you need to drive in the resources that you should trust:
    • https: //*;
    • http: //*
  6. Then in the same panel - in "Browser options"- you need to go to the tab "Additionally".
  7. Here you need to put a checkmark in front of all the places where it is indicated "Allow"... Uncheck the boxes where there is a prohibition on any actions.

Today, all information about real estate must be entered into a unified register (USRN). If there is a need to find out such information, then a corresponding request is made to Rosreestr. It is very convenient to receive an answer in electronic form, but since 2013, it has become difficult to read documents coming from Rosreestr. This is due to the format of the documents provided. We will tell you how to translate documents from Rosreestr into human-readable format below.

Under what circumstances may you need information from the Unified State Register of Real Estate? Photo # 1

As you know, the information contained in the unified register is accessible and open (with some exceptions). This information may be needed when receiving, concluding real estate transactions, in other cases. You can get them in several ways.

  1. On request, a paper version of the document can be sent by regular mail. It is prepared for shipment in five days, further delivery speed depends on the work of the postal workers.
  2. Quite quickly (within a day) you can get it in electronic form. However, such an extract is only for informational purposes and does not contain the signature of the issuer or the seal of the organization.
  3. Within five days, you can receive an electronic certified document. But it is provided only in certain formats (XML file, sig file). It is quite difficult for an ordinary user to understand them right away.

Why did it become necessary to transform the Rosreestr format?

Until recently, there were no problems with obtaining extracts from the register. But, after 2013, reading the documents coming from Rosreestr began to cause difficulties. This is due to the format of the documents themselves. The fact is that since the indicated time, the rules for providing information contained in the State Property Committee have changed.

Thanks to Order No. 75 adopted by the RF Ministry of Economic Development on February 27, 2010, all electronic documents are sent to applicants in the form of XML-files, sig-files. This is due to the fact that the new AIS introduced into use for employees can generate files in the specified formats.

It is normal to read such documents, to make a readable printout without additional manipulations with them will not work. Therefore, applicants have to look for ways to transform them, otherwise the whole point of presenting these documents is lost.

In what format is the file sent from Rosreestr?

If you need to get a certified extract from the register quickly enough, then you should not order it in paper form. She will have to wait for more than five days for sure. Another faster option is to receive an electronic statement five days in advance.

However, such extracts come in the form of archives that contain XML files (the document itself with information from the register) and sig files (digital signature file of a Rosreestr employee). In fact, they are documents with a set of symbols that are incomprehensible to a common user.

It is not possible to understand their content in this form. But more often than not, extracts must not only be read, but also saved, and also printed out for submission to various official authorities. Therefore, the question of converting the received extracts into a normal form accessible for understanding and reading is very relevant.

How do I convert it for viewing and printing?

To view and further work with files in the form of XML, you need to transform them. This can be done in a few fairly simple ones. Let's dwell on each of them in more detail.

Through the Rosreestr service

It is worth noting that the Rosreestr website itself offers a special service that helps to read, save and even print such a file. It is called "Electronic Document Verification". This service provides an opportunity to get a readable printed version of the statement, as well as verify the authenticity of the digital signature on this document.

So, to translate a file into a readable format, proceed as follows.

  • select the specified service on the Rosreestr website;
  • in the window that appears, press the file selection button and load the resulting document;
  • when the documents are uploaded, you need to check them by clicking the appropriate button;
  • a new button with the name "show in human readable format" will appear in the updated window;
  • after clicking it, the document will open in its normal form;
  • then it can be saved and printed.

Via browser

Another option for reading the resulting file can be to use the browsers Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Opera, Mozilla Firefox. To do this, right-click on the file and select the line "open with" in the window that appears.

If this browser is new, then you will have to do the following:

  • you need to go to the "Service" menu bar in the upper right corner;
  • select "Developer Tools" or press the key on the keyboard F12;
  • then select the document mode;
  • then switch to "Standard Internet Explorer 7".

After all these steps, the document should open normally. However, its individual elements, for example, graphic images, can be blocked. Then you need to click a button to allow the blocked content.

Other ways

Ordinary text editors, for example, Word or NotePad, can also help to open the encoded file in its normal form. To use them, you also need to right-click and select the line "open with".

The text should appear on the screen in a readable form. Microsoft Word Excel can be used for the same purpose. You need to open it and select the file you need to convert. All data will be displayed in a table. However, this may not always be convenient. Especially if the file is large and contains many different attachments.

There are also special ones that allow you to read such files. Their installation is advisable when you need to constantly read a large number of documents in the form of XML. Among them is XML Explorer. XML Pad, Oxygen XML Editor. In such programs, files can not only be read, but also modified.

If you look at it, then documents in the form of XML files, sig files, are not so difficult to read. The website of Rosreestr, which provides these files, has a special service for viewing them. There are other ways to make the file readable and understandable. But, if time is not running out, and you do not need certified information from the register, then you can order them by mail or in the usual electronic form.

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23 Dec 2017 41

There are many file formats out there, not just txt or something similar. So, the most basic users do not know the bin, sig and many others extensions. But there comes a time when it is necessary to open and read a document of a previously unknown format. We will now look at the sig format.

Signature File (abbreviated as SIG) is a file that has a small amount of text. Its unique feature is to automatically attach itself to the end of emails. This file is needed for someone who often sends information by e-mail, so that every time at the end he does not enter his contacts or other useful information. Most often it is used by legal entities or others.

Of course, you can put any information in this file that you want to communicate to your addressees. Nowadays, this type of file is very popular, since an electronic signature is nothing more than an indicator of your politeness and respectability.

To edit the information for an electronic signature, you must open this document and make the appropriate changes.

Opening the document

First you need to try to open the file by double-clicking, perhaps the system itself will find the necessary program to open, if this does not happen, then we will consider the 3 most basic and not very complicated options.

Let's use Notepad

On a note! You can just right-click on the document and go to "Open With" and then find in this list. The result will be the same.

We open through applications

So, there are several programs that allow you to open (and edit) this format:

  1. Microsoft Outlook (there is also Express) - this program should have been installed along with office applications if you installed the full package. If this is not found, then it can be downloaded and installed separately.
  2. Crypto Pro is an auxiliary program that can be downloaded in the same way on the Internet.
  3. QUALCOMM Eudora is a software used for Mac OC.

Important! It is best to use Outlook for editing, but registration is required, unlike Notepad.

To use any of these programs:

We use Internet resources

To open, you can use the site "Rosreestr". But you won't be able to edit the document, you can only read it.

  1. We follow the link, scroll it to the end and see "Electronic services and services" from below.

  2. Now on the right in the menu, open "Services".

  3. And go to the section "Electronic document verification".

  4. In the window that opens, there are two buttons for downloading the file (they are for different formats), we need the second one. Click and select the required file on your computer.

  5. Next, click "Check".

  6. As soon as the page is refreshed, next to the "Electronic Document" you can see the blue button "Show in human readable format". You must click to open the file.

  7. After these steps, a window will open in which you can read your document.

Important! should work fine for this option.

Possible problems

  1. The user cannot open the file - this happens quite often, it is just that your system has configured the wrong program to open. To fix this problem, you need to right-click on the file and in the "Open with" section, select the desired program and check the "Remember" box. After that, your system will immediately apply this method.
  2. File corruption - also you will not be able to open the document if it is damaged. If you find yourself in such a situation, you need to try to find the same file, but on another site (if you downloaded it from the web). Also, it could be damaged during sending by mail, then ask to repeat sending.

Video - What is file extension and how to open any file

In fact, they are documents with a set of symbols that are incomprehensible to a common user. It is not possible to understand their content in this form. But more often than not, extracts must not only be read, but also saved, and also printed out for submission to various official authorities. Therefore, the question of converting the received extracts into a normal form accessible for understanding and reading is very relevant. How do I convert it for viewing and printing? To view and further work with files in the form of XML, you need to transform them. This can be done in several fairly simple ways. Let's dwell on each of them in more detail. Through the Rosreestr service It is worth noting that the Rosreestr website itself offers a special service that helps to read, save and even print such a file. It is called "Electronic Document Verification".

Open the xml file of the ugrn statement from the rosregister and get it in its normal form

In the top panel, open the "Tools" tab "Compatibility View Options";

  • in the opened box, check the item "Display all websites with compatibility mode";
  • press alt, in the opened menu open "Tools", "Internet Options". On the "Security" tab, select "Trusted sites";
  • then click "https servers must be checked for all nodes in the zone".

In the form that opens, using the "Add" button, enter the addresses: https: //* and http: //*;
  • without leaving this window, you need to switch the "Advanced" mode. Select "Allow" in all lines.
  • The checkboxes from the enabled protected mode are removed.
    An alternative to receiving a statement immediately in html mode, which does not need to be opened using software, is to order a document on the commercial site

    How to view the xml file of the ugrn statement from the rosreestr


    For some time now, documents received on the Rosreestr portal began to be sent in an inhuman XML format, although earlier there was also a regular PDF in the archive. All this is due to clause 37 of the Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation of February 27, 2010 No. 75 "On Establishing the Procedure for Submitting Information Introduced to the State Real Estate Cadastre" and requests are submitted in electronic form, sent in the form of files in XML format ”.


    This is how Nabiullina E.S. (the then minister) decided to "help" the citizens in getting information from the government. But enough of the lyrics ... The incomparable Internet Explorer will help us, God forgive me, to take a human-readable form for XML documents.

    On the XML file, right-click - Open with - Internet Explorer.

    How to open the rosreestr xml file?

    It is very convenient to order cadastral information via the Internet on the Rosreestr website. But from July 1, 2013, cadastral information prepared in electronic form no longer contains a * pdf document.
    This is due to the fact that the new version of the automated information system of the state real estate cadastre (AIS GKN) does not provide for the formation of a PDF document. The current legislation also does not provide for attaching a document in * pdf format.
    The cadastral registration authority sends cadastral extracts, cadastral passports and cadastral plans of the territory in the form of two files: * xml and * xml.sig (* xml file signed with the electronic digital signature of a specialist of the cadastral registration authority). These files are not readable by ordinary computer programs.

    You cannot print a full statement or other document in these formats.

    An easy way to open the xml file of the rosregister statement

    But what if you need to open an extract from Rosreestr XML and print it? Then you will need the following method of launching documents from the federal service. Otherwise, you will simply be left alone with a bunch of codes and databases.

    But don't be scared, everything is not so scary: the following actions are very easy, so you will achieve your goal in just a few clicks. XML and SIG: how to open Rosreestr?

    1. Now we will try to read the Rosreestr XML file in normal format.

      First, you need to make sure that you own two documents: the XML file itself and its SIG digital signature. Without the latter, you will not be able to view the information you need.

    How to read a cadastral extract received in electronic form?

    If you have two versions of IE (64 and 32 bit) installed, it doesn't matter which one you open. If you have an ancient version of Explorer, then the document will be displayed immediately in the desired form, as we are used to seeing it in PDF format, otherwise we do this: Menu Tools - Developer Tools (or press F12) - Document Mode - Standard IE7 Now the document should be displayed as it should be.
    However, if the document contains all sorts of tricky things like a plot of land, downloaded from a remote server, smart IE will block them. In order for them to be displayed, it is necessary to enable the blocked in the issued warning: Now everything should work and be shown. If it did not work out that way, we will again use the Rosreestr portal and select the link "Checking an electronic document" on the document receipt page: Next, select the downloaded file and click "Show in human-readable format".

    How to translate documents from the Russian registry into a human-readable format?

    So, to translate a file into a readable format, proceed as follows.

    • select the specified service on the Rosreestr website;
    • in the window that appears, press the file selection button and load the resulting document;
    • when the documents are uploaded, you need to check them by clicking the appropriate button;
    • a new button with the name "show in human readable format" will appear in the updated window;
    • after clicking it, the document will open in its normal form;
    • then it can be saved and printed.